biztech blog

Thurston was great, but there are real heroes you have never heard of

Bill O'Chee   The only thing more inspirational than the Cowboys' thrilling win in the first all-Queensland NRL grand final was the sportsmanship of Johnathan Thurston after the game was decided. 

Comments 14

CityCats: The boats that really need to be stopped

CityCats and rowers are coming in to conflict on the Brisbane River.

Bill O'Chee   All too late, the CityCat skipper sees the lights of the rowing boat directly in front and smashes into it.

Comments 73

Bill O'Chee: Cargo Cult engulfing the CFMEU

Former CFMEU official David Hanna has been giving evidence to the Royal Commission in to Union Corruption.

Bill O'Chee   In the Highlands of PNG after World War II, cargo cults sprang up promising people that the great silver bird would come and drop food and other goodies from the sky

Comments 21

What does the future hold for our children?

In 20 years, robots could be doing half of our jobs, according to one study.

Bill O'Chee   In 20 years, robots could be doing half of our jobs.

Comments 12

Bill O'Chee: Disease, death and the chronically stupid

Around the world vaccination saves about 3 million children's lives each year.

Bill O'Chee   Every year the developed countries of the world spend around $1.435 trillion dollars on medical research.

For some dads, Father's Day is one of sadness and loss

Some fathers are not able to see their children on Father's Day.

Bill O'Chee   This weekend, as dads across the country enjoy an assortment of key rings, socks, fishing tackle and socket sets, we should spare a thought for those dads for whom Father's Day will not be so enjoyable.

Comments 17

Mel Gibson and the hate game

Mel Gibson. Photo: Ari Perilstein, Fairfax

Bill O'Chee   There's a new game in town, and it's called "Let's hate Mel Gibson". At least that's what some sections of the media would have us believe.

Case of whistleblower Qld cop screams police cover-up

Sgt Rick Flori's "crime" was to make public a video showing police officers bashing a man in the back of a police vehicle under the Surfers Paradise police station.

Bill O'Chee   The mistreatment of police Sergeant Rick Flori suggests the QPS is using its power to deter any other police officers from ever disclosing criminal behaviour by their colleagues.

Comments 22

If Winter comes, can the Ekka be far behind?

A day at the Ekka is full of surprises.

Bill O'Chee   The chill winds of late July and August have us diving into the cupboards, looking for that extra pullover.

Comments 1

Time for graffiti 'artists' to move their work online

There are so many walls online, so why spraypaint physical ones?

Bill O'Chee   There were angry people at my RSL on Monday when it was discovered some moron had graffitied the walls of the Sub-Branch, a First World War memorial building.

Comments 7

Child predator risk at government website

Among the "young teenagers" making contact on the Minus18 website were some men in their 30s.

Bill O'Chee   Children at risk of exposure to predators through government-run website.

Comments 3

Speed traps ignoring safety and filling government pockets

Are speed cameras being used for safety or revenue raising?

Bill O'Chee   Since when was the solution to the problem of signs that were too small and difficult to see, to replace them with no signs at all?

Comments 64

O'Chee: Ancient Greeks highlight gay marriage flaws

For ancient Greeks, same sex relationships were neither uncommon, nor frowned upon. Greek wrestling schools, as depicted on this vase, apparently were the gay bath houses of their time.

Bill O'Chee   Even in such a permissive society, unions were reserved for creating family.

Comments 161

Banks are making hidden profits from your credit card

Credit cards are costing us in more ways than one.

Bill O'Chee   If you think your credit card is an incendiary in your pocket, it is nothing less than a nuclear weapon in the hands of Australia's banks.

How can you condemn those who fight Islamic State?

Brisbane man Ashley Dyball, aka Mitchell Scott, is fighting against Islamic State.

Bill O'Chee   When I read last week that Albany Creek man Ashley Dyball had gone to fight with a Kurdish militia group, I asked myself "why would he do it?"

Comments 21

Labor and Greens on the climate policy Titanic

Labor and the greens might as well be on the Titanic when it comes to climate change policy.

Bill O'Chee   The leaders of the world's seven largest economies, the G7 nations, reached an agreement on Monday intended to shape a low carbon future.

Bill O'Chee: Property illusions could crash you back to Earth

What stocks might help investors to make the most of the housing and consumer theme?

Bill O'Chee   If you think you're a property millionaire, maybe you ought to think again.

Comments 33

Brisbane Times

Bill O'Chee: Labor's union push limits freedom of association

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says it will take Queenslanders time to assess her government.

Bill O'Chee   In "Lords of Discipline," a movie about about racism in an American military academy in the 1960s, the hero is told that the academy requires his "active participation" in acts against his conscience. 

Comments 31

Bill O'Chee: Chan and Sukumaran not heroes nor martyrs

Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

Bill O'Chee   There have been many things written about Andrew Chan and Muyran Sukumaran since their execution, and much is yet to be written.

Comments 66

Celebrities' Bali nine video a moral disgrace

Actor Brendan Cowell calls on the Prime Minister to "show some balls".

Bill O'Chee   There are some things that should be above politics. The plight of people condemned to death in another country is one of those things.

Comments 23

What does Anzac Day really mean?

Australian soldiers rest in a dugout at Gallipoli.

Bill O'Chee   Anzac Day is more than just the legacy of courage.

Comments 18

Feminists can't have it both ways

Regular beachgoers are dressing in similar fashion to the Gold Coast's iconic Meter Maids, according to Bill O'Chee.

Bill O'Chee   This week the Gold Coast's emblematic Meter Maids turned 50 - figuratively at least.

Comments 59

Why longer shopping hours won’t make you happier


Bill O'Chee   How good it is to have two days of holidays - real holidays - over the past four days. Here's what I mean by real holidays.

Comments 17

Palaszczuk should call an election

Former Labor MP Billy Gordon.

Bill O'Chee   Premier in moral whirlpool from which she can't escape.

Comments 74

Being drunk and alone is a toxic cocktail

Ashleigh Humphrys, 20, was killed in a hit and run in Toowong about 4am on Sunday March 22.

Bill O'Chee   Ashleigh Humphrys' death prompts questions and one key truth.

Comments 23

Privacy for sale to highest bidder

19112014. FEATURE. Photo: Google,  FFXtech
The Lollipop operating system. 
This is not a Fairfax copyright image. This image is for Editorial reuse only. Editorial use is permitted in a publicity context only

Bill O'Chee   Google knows more about you than ASIO would like to.

Comments 5

Does reality tv horror lie in the watching or the posing?

Reality TV participants are reduced to objects of viewer gratification, writes Bill O'Chee.

Bill O'Chee   It's hard to tell who in reality TV is worse - the viewers or the viewed.

Comments 11

Q&A; domestic violence program ignored male victims

The debate about domestic violence has descended morality play in which roles are assigned according to gender, writes Bill O'Chee.

Bill O'Chee   The sad fact is that much of the “debate” about domestic violencehas descended into a 21st century morality play in which roles are assigned according to gender.

Comments 66

We must value research more than football


Bill O'Chee   If you want to live to 100 you'll need more than just good living.

Comments 30

Bill O'Chee: I have no sympathy for death row drug traffickers

Sentenced to death: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

Bill O'Chee   There are few things I despise more than dealing drugs. It is a detestable trade that ranks alongside slavery; a trade that deals in misery and subjugation.  Yet for all of that, I despise the death penalty even more.

Comments 83