Comment & Analysis


Less interest in politics since Turnbull took over

Malcolm Maiden

Malcolm Maiden 6:23 PM   Malcolm Turnbull's success in getting politics off the front page could give him more leeway for reform.

Comments 11

The corporate lie: tax transparency 'misleading'

Nassim Khadem

Nassim Khadem 6:09 PM   The list of tax paid by Australia's biggest companies may have raised more questions than it answered. Nevertheless, we needed it.

Comments 19

Talk, sure, but try listening this Christmas

Harold Mitchell.

Harold Mitchell 5:43 PM   Good communication is the key to the stability we need in politics, in business and in our personal lives.

More than a few bad apples at CBA

Adele Ferguson - dinkus - thumbnail - dink

Adele Ferguson 7:12 AM   After wading through more than 68 pages of a heavily jargoned review into CBA's financial planning business, two things stand out.

Comments 28

The end of an aberration

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden   This is a time of risk for markets but it is also positive that the world's biggest economy is lifting.

ScoMo wedges himself in tax reform

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   In all the analysis of the MYEFO budget update and the myriad suggestions for how to fix the tax take, one thing has largely been missed.

Domino's taking a bigger slice

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Addictive fast food and easy-to use ordering tech is the perfect profit mix.

Small banks gouge customers too

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Small banks were presented with a choice. No prizes for guessing which option they chose.


Will this US credit fund pop the post-GFC asset bubble?

Is this the long-dreaded popper?

Jeremy Warner   The low interest rate environment has sucked investors into all manner of high risk assets. Is this the long-dreaded popper?

Comments 2

You can bank on it: forecasts are always wrong

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, business, Malcolm Maiden,

Malcolm Maiden   The budget forecasts were wrong, but who is surprised? It's a rule: forecasts are always wrong.

Treasury calls it: housing boom over

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Without strong home building, what's supposed to lift economic growth?

Why on earth does Australia still have tariffs?

Leon Berkelmans dinkus

Leon Berkelmans   We don't have to do deals, this nation can cut its own path on trade.

Michael Pascoe

Real innovation doesn't need the IT crowd

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   If you really want innovation, you don't need IT millionaires and a billion-dollar government package.

Comments 5

Suncorp gets cold shoulder from investors

Elizabeth Knight

Elizabeth Knight   With climate change and global gas emissions taking the main stage as a central policy issue for governments around the world it was curious that one of Australia's largest general insurers Suncorp was silent on the ramifications of climate related weather events on the day it was forced to downgrade its profit forecast.

Climate denial is some people's religion

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   With divine licence to subdue the earth and do what you like with every living thing, climate change couldn't be a human problem, right?

Turnbull's tax reform striptease has started

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   It's time to start ruling out some of the options even if business doesn't like it.

Awards for a year of missteps

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, business, Michael West

Michael West   From Slater & Gordon to Dick Smith, Chevron to Macquarie, Michael West hands out gongs for 2015.

"I'm too nervous to go anywhere.''

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, business, Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   How a man too ill to drive was sold a car and then taken for a ride over junk insurance.

Mark Hawthorne

In Woolworths' year of living dangerously, they are famous for all the wrong reasons

Mark Hawthorne The Hawk Column Dinkus for THE AGE

Mark Hawthorne, Senior Editor   Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration for our retailers. The spending will top $45 billion this holiday season, but for the majority of Australia's retailers, they are just waiting for the annus horribilis to come to an end.

It's doggie death row

The NSW RSPCA has by far the highest kill rates of its state peers.

Michael West   One state is killing more puppies and kittens, but why?

Was there a profit hole inside Woolies last year?

Malcolm Maiden

Malcolm Maiden   It looks like it will be up to the Federal Court to decide whether the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is right that Woolworths gouged suppliers a year ago in an attempt to fill a hole in its earnings. What can be said, however, is that the claim intersects in interesting ways with what Woolies was saying at the time.

Innovation needs to be in your face

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   What can governments do to encourage innovation? Well, as we learnt this week, Malcolm Turnbull can think of $1.1 billion-worth of things to do.

Comments 23

Palmer battling hard to save empire

Clive Palmer might be looking at the end of his business empire.

Elizabeth Knight   Gumtree post, January 2016: For sale – one (barely used) dinosaur theme park, five corporate jets, a set of plans for a replica of the Titanic, an abandoned former luxury resort on prime Queensland acreage,  a handful of golf courses and numerous residential properties. Items can be bid for individually. Contact Clive Palmer - Coolum, Queensland.

Michael Pascoe

Jobs boom is a Sydney story

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   There is an extraordinary wall of negativity in the economic commentariat about the much-better-than-expected employment statistics.

Comments 4

Disruption in Australia is not a new innovation

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, business, Harold Mitchell

Harold Mitchell   We've a long history of challenging accepted business wisdom.

Atlassian is worth as much as Qantas now

Atlassian founders Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes watch as shares in their company begin trading in New York.

John McDuling   It's only been a day, but life as a listed company has been kind to the Australian tech darling.

Comments 14

Reform brawling should force states' land tax hand

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   How brawling, blaming and buck passing might end up driving decent tax reform.

Comments 8

Karaoke sex slave raids a stain on Australia

Raids have taken place after allegations of sexual slavery of female hosts at the karaoke bars.

Adele Ferguson   Sexual servitude is arguably the most egregious worker violation of foreign workers in this country.

East West report shows how not to do a deal

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden   The report is a reminder however that in public-private project debacles the public service also plays a part. Advice to the former state government was not "full and frank", it says, in a finding key state public servants reject.

Companies can't cut out the clever

Innovation Minister Christopher Pyne and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull release the government's National Innovation and Science Agenda at the CSIRO Discovery Centre in Canberra.

John Pollaers   Boards must follow Malcolm Turnbull's lead and not rein back spending on innovation.