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New year public transport ticket price hike for Canberra

Passengers face a new year public transport ticket price hike in Canberra.

Passengers face a new year public transport ticket price hike in Canberra. Photo: Jeffrey Chan

Ticket inspectors on Canberra's buses did not issue a single fine last financial year, despite travelling on more than 11,000 bus services.

A spokeswoman for ACTION buses said ticket inspectors travelled on 11,200 bus services in the 2014-15 financial year but did not issue a single fine for passengers without a ticket or misuse of concession entitlements.

Instead, 171 warnings were given to passengers in relation to fare related matters. None resulted in an infringement being issued.

Under provisions of the road transport public passenger services regulations, passengers face fines of $143 for most fare related infringements. The number of buses with inspectors is normally between 50 and 100 each day in Canberra.

"ACTION's transport officers have the authority under road transport legislation to request passengers show their ticket, provide evidence of concession entitlement, provide their name and address or direct a person to leave a bus," the spokeswoman said.

"Most passengers when questioned about a fare related matter agreed to pay a full fare or the difference between adult and concession."

Meanwhile, Canberra public transport passengers face a new year ticket price hike of 2.5 per cent, adding between 10 and 20¢ to bus fares.

From Saturday, January 2, a peak adult ticket using the MyWay smartcard will increase from $2.91 to $2.98. Off peak adult tickets will rise from $2.31 to $2.37.

From next month, cash fares for single trip adult tickets will rise from the current rate of $4.60 to $4.70, with cash daily fares rising from $8.80 to $9.00.

For passengers with concession status, MyWay fares will increase for peak use from $1.45 to $1.49 and for off peak use from $0.81 to $0.83. MyWay student fares for tertiary passengers will increase from $1.45 to $1.49 and school students travelling on school days will increase from $1.10 to $1.13.

Cash fares for adult single tickets will increase from $4.60 to $4.70, or for daily tickets from $8.80 to $9.00. Single concession cash tickets will stay at $2.30 and daily cash concessions will increase from $4.40 to $4.50.

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate public transport director Ian McGlinn said ACTION bus services continue to be a competitive alternative for passengers travelling to and from work.

"ACTION customers using MyWay to catch the bus to and from work during peak hour will continue to be almost $200 a month better off than those who choose to drive and pay for parking in the CBD," Mr McGlinn said.

Despite the increase, ACTION ticket prices remain among the cheapest in the country, he said.

"A trip from Gungahlin to the city during peak times is only $2.98 when paying with MyWay. A similar journey, over 12 kilometres, can cost between $3.50 and $4.50 in other jurisdictions."

The ACT government will create a new Transport Canberra agency from July 1, bringing together ACTION and the Capital Metro Agency, planning the city to Gungahlin light rail line.

This week it was reported police have requested MyWay users' travel history or contact details 24 times since July 2014, showing a rise in the frequency of requests compared with the first four years of MyWay's operation in Canberra.


  • ACTION's reluctance to impose fines may be something to do with its shaky position in relation to penalty fares for "no tag off" incidents. There are still bugs in the My Way system (and/or errors by drivers in initialising trips etc.) that often make it impossible for passengers to tag off, and there are drivers who do not know how to push two or three buttons to fix the problem on the spot (!!). If this happens, next time you get on a bus you are slugged a penalty fare with very inadequate notification from the system. All you get is a message on the little reader that only lasts for about a second - not long enough to read the notification. I have seen this happen to whole busloads of people at a time due to negligence and ignorance of the driver. An ACTION admin person has told me that this is a known problem that they "just can't fix", as if that is an acceptable way for a commercial operation to function and a proper attitude to have. From my own experience, the vast majority of my "no tag off" penalties have been ACTION's fault. I have brought this to the attention of the Canberra Times before and suggested that ACTION is on very shaky legal ground in charging ANY penalties while they have a problem that they know to be their own fault. Given the figures for penalty fares that have been quoted in the CT over the last few years, ACTION has clearly made hundreds of thousands of dollars out of their own stuffed-up system. They know perfectly well that even the people who do notice the penalty are unlikely to bother to write a complaint seeking the refund of a couple of dollars

    Mike Micanopy
    Date and time
    December 18, 2015, 9:47AM
    • It's not really a 'penalty', you make it sound like they are fining people.

      However, they aren't really clear on what you are being charged for not tagging off. The website says if you don't do it you are charged the 'default fare'. What's the default fare? Good question! If you click on the link in the FAQ section it takes you to the fares page. This page does not have the word 'default' anywhere on it! So are you charged the single trip cash fare? Or the max daily MyWay fare? Or something else? The terms 'default fare' are used all over the place in relation to use of the MyWay card but I can't find ANYTHING but gives a definition of what that actually is...

      Date and time
      December 18, 2015, 11:10AM
    • What is a no tag off penalty? I thought if you didn't tag off you got slugged a bigger fare, but I don't understand the concept of being fined for it.

      Date and time
      December 18, 2015, 12:38PM
  • So another price hike and no improvement in the system. Buses late, buses not turning up at all. Being double charged. Action is a joke!

    Date and time
    December 18, 2015, 10:20AM
    • Building the light rail should be conditional on having an effective and functional bus system. The light rail will become a bottomless financial drain for the ACT under the management of the Labor/Green cabal. Public monies for Union factions and bogus promises. This lot can't even run a bus service with integrity.

      Date and time
      December 18, 2015, 12:19PM
  • I have never seen any bus inspectors on any of my buses

    Date and time
    December 18, 2015, 10:48AM
    • Canberra wastage at it's finest. If someone doesn't have a ticket, you don't just let them "agree to pay a full fare" - you fine them - which helps to offset the wages of the inspectors. Might mean ticket prices (for those that actually buy them) don't have to rise by quite as much as well. Ridiculous

      Date and time
      December 18, 2015, 12:52PM
      • Yet another 6 monthly recurring hike in the cost of a ticket. It's almost expected now, Along with multiple Myway issues ripping the customer off when it goes offline (and takes at least 2-3 phone calls afterwards to "try" to get a refund - the bus driver can't help or assist), late buses, NO buses turning up at all occasionally....
        Yep, I can see the justification of jacking the price up again.

        As for Ian McGlinn saying that ACTION is a comparable alternative....Yep, we all work in the CBD, don't we? Not.

        Date and time
        December 18, 2015, 12:53PM
        • Can some one please explain how Action justify another price rise. there was two price hikes in 2015 already. And now another. As I said previously there is no improvement of the service provided so how the hell can they justify this??

          Date and time
          December 18, 2015, 1:47PM
      • I try to catch the scheduled bus during the off-peak period but as it is constantly late it arrives at my stop during peak-hour so I get charged a peak hour fare. I can't imagine any other business charging a customer more when the business itself is late in providing a service...

        Date and time
        December 18, 2015, 1:03PM

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