Blijdorp Andrias davidianus
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Family: Cryptobranchidae,
Genus: Andrias,
Species: A. davidianus,
Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata,
Class: Amphibia,
Order: Caudata,
**The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander and largest amphibian in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (5.9 ft), although it rarely—if ever—reaches that size today.
Andrias davidianus feeding
Chinese Giant Salamander : Andrias davidianus : MonsterFishKeepers.com : HD Quality
http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242924 http://www.MonsterFishKeepers.com - The Fastest Growing, Largest, and Most Actively Visited ...
Yawning vertebrates (amphibia, caudata): Chinese giant salamander
Andrias davidianus
They never open their glottis during yawning.
CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - Andrias davidianus (London Zoo) 1
Well, well, well ... an old favourite of mine here and something I have not seen in a long time!
In fact the last one might have been Andrias japonicus which would make this the first time I have seen this species?
The friend I was with has a free pass to London Zoo, not been in there myself in twenty years I imagine, maybe longer. He is always looking at this one and said he only ever sees its
CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - Andrias davidianus (London Zoo) 2
After several exclamations about it walking straight up to the glass to face me I said that maybe we were two kindred spirits and it sensed that? LOL!
Fascinatingly beautiful.
Would like to have seen one at twice the size but it was a special moment all the same!
These London Zoo videos were filmed a couple of months back and I kept forgetting to upload them ...
I have something called Fibrofo
Andrias davidianus Supersuckers
Giant Salamanders Are Supersuckers http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/03/video-giant-salamanders-are-supe.html?ref=hp Reference Biomechanics and hydr...
Sell Ranaspinosa David/Andrias davidianus
Chinese giant salamander Artificial breeding.
Chinese Giant Salamande
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese giant salamander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chinese Giant Salamander - YouTube Chinese giant salamander - EDGE :: Amphibian Species Information Chinese giant salamander on leaves - ARKive Andrias davidianus (Chinese Giant Salamander) Will China's Super Rich Eat the Chinese Giant Salamander Into ... Chinese Giant Salamander - World'
Monstrous 100 Pound, 200-Year-Old Giant Salamander Found Alive In China Cave
Weighing in at a maximum of 110 pounds and reaching lengths of nearly 6 feet long, the Chinese giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian—and also one of the rarest. This week it was reported a living specimen of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus, was discovered outside of a cave in Chongqing.
Chinese Giant Salamander - Fauna Clips
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely - if ever - ...
Andrias high speed 3000Hz
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus recorded at 3000Hz
Bilateral loading of a Chinese giant salamander jaw
Bilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e01
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo | Top 10 de los animales mas grandes y peligrosos del mundo
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo. TE PRESENTAMOS esta lista con los 10 animales más grandes que viven en el planeta Tierra en sus diferentes categorías. Pasemos entonces a conocerlos.
10. El pez óseo más grande.
El pez luna (Tetrodon Mola).
El pez Mola , popularmente conocido como el pez luna, se han encontrado ejemplares de hasta 4,2 metros de largo y 3,1 de ancho con un peso de 2.268 kilo
http://samiesamie.ru/samoe-krupnoe-zemnovodnoe-v-mire/ Самое крупное земноводное в мире из ныне живущих, это Китайская исполинская саламандра (Andrias davidianus). По некоторым данным взрослая особь может достигать длины до 185 см, а массы до 72 кг. Передние конечности имеют по 3 пальца, задние по 5. Тело у Andrias davidianus широкое и плотное.
Обитает саламандра в восточном Китае, предпочитает
Descubren Una Salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad
En China han descubierto una salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad. El 'fósil viviente' fue hallado a principios de este mes en una cueva ubicada a las afueras del municipio de Chongqing por un vecino de la ciudad, .
Científicamente llamada 'Andrias davidianus' o 'Andrias scheuchzeri', está considerada en la actualidad el anfibio más grande del planeta, informa 'La Vanguardia'. Algunos ejemplare
Bilateral loading of Chinese Giant Salamander jaw
Bilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e01
Bizarro: A Maior Salamandra do Mundo! | Gigante !
A salamandra-gigante-da-china (Andrias davidianus) é, não só a maior salamandra, mas também a maior de todas as espécies de anfíbios existentes no mundo. Pode se notar que no vídeo a salamandra atinge 36 Kg que é um recorde!
A salamandra gigante da China (andrias davidianus) é o maior anfibio do mundo, atingindo um comprimento de 180 cm.
É endémicos de Rocky Mountain Lagos, córregos e na China. Isso também acontece em Taiwan.
Unilateral loading of Chinese giant salamander jaw
Unilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0
Unilateral loading of a Chinese giant salamander jaw
Unilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citations: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e
La Salamandra gigante cinese
Con una lunghezza media di 115 cm (ma può raggiungee i 140) e un peso medio superiore ai 30 kg, la salamandra gigante cinese (Andrias davidianus) è forse l'anfibio più grande al mondo. Questa grande salamandra, appartenente alla famiglia Cryptobranchidae, sopravvive solo in alcuni bacini fluviali dell'entroterra cinese. Una volta era molto comune, ma oggi è in paricolo critico di estinzione per ca
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Family: Cryptobranchidae,
Genus: Andrias,
Species: A. davidianus,
Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata,
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Family: Cryptobranchidae,
Genus: Andrias,
Species: A. davidianus,
Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata,
Class: Amphibia,
Order: Caudata,
**The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander and largest amphibian in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (5.9 ft), although it rarely—if ever—reaches that size today.
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias Davidianus)
Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)
Family: Cryptobranchidae,
Genus: Andrias,
Species: A. davidianus,
Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata,
Class: Amphibia,
Order: Caudata,
**The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander and largest amphibian in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (5.9 ft), although it rarely—if ever—reaches that size today.
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 9
Chinese Giant Salamander : Andrias davidianus : MonsterFishKeepers.com : HD Quality
http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242924 http://www.MonsterFishKeepers.com - The Fastest Growing, Largest, and Most Actively Visited ......
http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242924 http://www.MonsterFishKeepers.com - The Fastest Growing, Largest, and Most Actively Visited ...
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias Davidianus Monsterfishkeepers.Com Hd Quality
http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242924 http://www.MonsterFishKeepers.com - The Fastest Growing, Largest, and Most Actively Visited ...
Yawning vertebrates (amphibia, caudata): Chinese giant salamander
Andrias davidianus
They never open their glottis during yawning....
Andrias davidianus
They never open their glottis during yawning.
wn.com/Yawning Vertebrates (Amphibia, Caudata) Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus
They never open their glottis during yawning.
- published: 18 Sep 2014
- views: 3
CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - Andrias davidianus (London Zoo) 1
Well, well, well ... an old favourite of mine here and something I have not seen in a long time!
In fact the last one might have been Andrias japonicus which w...
Well, well, well ... an old favourite of mine here and something I have not seen in a long time!
In fact the last one might have been Andrias japonicus which would make this the first time I have seen this species?
The friend I was with has a free pass to London Zoo, not been in there myself in twenty years I imagine, maybe longer. He is always looking at this one and said he only ever sees its back end and never its head.
I crouched down in my amazement and passion, pressed my head up to the glass and he or she backed out, turned around and came straight up to the glass to face me, lol.
Do not worry, I will hopefully return with a much better camera within 4 to 6 weeks? Fingers crosssed!
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias Davidianus (London Zoo) 1
Well, well, well ... an old favourite of mine here and something I have not seen in a long time!
In fact the last one might have been Andrias japonicus which would make this the first time I have seen this species?
The friend I was with has a free pass to London Zoo, not been in there myself in twenty years I imagine, maybe longer. He is always looking at this one and said he only ever sees its back end and never its head.
I crouched down in my amazement and passion, pressed my head up to the glass and he or she backed out, turned around and came straight up to the glass to face me, lol.
Do not worry, I will hopefully return with a much better camera within 4 to 6 weeks? Fingers crosssed!
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 6
CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - Andrias davidianus (London Zoo) 2
After several exclamations about it walking straight up to the glass to face me I said that maybe we were two kindred spirits and it sensed that? LOL!
After several exclamations about it walking straight up to the glass to face me I said that maybe we were two kindred spirits and it sensed that? LOL!
Fascinatingly beautiful.
Would like to have seen one at twice the size but it was a special moment all the same!
These London Zoo videos were filmed a couple of months back and I kept forgetting to upload them ...
I have something called Fibrofog from a condition called Fibromyalgia that causes a lot of pain along with embarrassing things too ... 120 odd all told.
Doesn't include my Oesophagitis, Hiatus Hernia, damaged right knee though.
The NHS wrongly diagnosed me and then kept the real diagnosis from me when they realised for what I thought was 13 years. I later realised it was closer to 20 years!
That along with something that courts, councils and others did that went back 20 years and then turned into a court case over 3 years was why I got involved in sniffing out corruption, recording it mostly by sound and some video and started up my corruption blog.
To my surprise the next thing I knew, well after several years of recording, the corruption and lies were everywhere and I haad over 100GB of collected data.
Could be more than 150GB now? Not counted it up in a fair old while.
WAs happy here as I thought my endeavours in this subject were about to take me away on a very long journey?
It has stalled! LOL ...groan! Likely stopped completely. Only time will tell.
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias Davidianus (London Zoo) 2
After several exclamations about it walking straight up to the glass to face me I said that maybe we were two kindred spirits and it sensed that? LOL!
Fascinatingly beautiful.
Would like to have seen one at twice the size but it was a special moment all the same!
These London Zoo videos were filmed a couple of months back and I kept forgetting to upload them ...
I have something called Fibrofog from a condition called Fibromyalgia that causes a lot of pain along with embarrassing things too ... 120 odd all told.
Doesn't include my Oesophagitis, Hiatus Hernia, damaged right knee though.
The NHS wrongly diagnosed me and then kept the real diagnosis from me when they realised for what I thought was 13 years. I later realised it was closer to 20 years!
That along with something that courts, councils and others did that went back 20 years and then turned into a court case over 3 years was why I got involved in sniffing out corruption, recording it mostly by sound and some video and started up my corruption blog.
To my surprise the next thing I knew, well after several years of recording, the corruption and lies were everywhere and I haad over 100GB of collected data.
Could be more than 150GB now? Not counted it up in a fair old while.
WAs happy here as I thought my endeavours in this subject were about to take me away on a very long journey?
It has stalled! LOL ...groan! Likely stopped completely. Only time will tell.
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 14
Andrias davidianus Supersuckers
Giant Salamanders Are Supersuckers http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/03/video-giant-salamanders-are-supe.html?ref=hp Reference Biomechanics and hydr......
Giant Salamanders Are Supersuckers http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/03/video-giant-salamanders-are-supe.html?ref=hp Reference Biomechanics and hydr...
wn.com/Andrias Davidianus Supersuckers
Giant Salamanders Are Supersuckers http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/03/video-giant-salamanders-are-supe.html?ref=hp Reference Biomechanics and hydr...
Sell Ranaspinosa David/Andrias davidianus
Chinese giant salamander Artificial breeding....
Chinese giant salamander Artificial breeding.
wn.com/Sell Ranaspinosa David Andrias Davidianus
Chinese giant salamander Artificial breeding.
- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 51
author: MrYuan95
Chinese Giant Salamande
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese giant salamander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chinese Giant Salamander - YouTube Chinese giant ...
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese giant salamander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chinese Giant Salamander - YouTube Chinese giant salamander - EDGE :: Amphibian Species Information Chinese giant salamander on leaves - ARKive Andrias davidianus (Chinese Giant Salamander) Will China's Super Rich Eat the Chinese Giant Salamander Into ... Chinese Giant Salamander - World's Largest Amphibian | Animal ... BBC Nature - Chinese giant salamander videos, news and facts Japanese Giant Salamander - National Zoo AmphibiaWeb - Andrias davidianus Giant Salamanders Helped to Spawn - National Geographic Chinese Giant Salamander Conservation Chinese giant salamander conservation | Zoological Society of ... The Animal Chinese Giant Salamander - CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - All About Wildlife Chinese Giant Salamander - Save Our Species Chinese giant salamander (amphibian) -- Encyclopedia Britannica Major biological activities of the skin secretion of the Chinese giant ... Where does the Chinese Giant Salamander live - Japanese Giant Salamander Pictures: Animal Planet Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese ... Godzilla vs. Godzilla—How the Chinese Giant Salamander is taking ... Chinese Giant Salamander | CITES Conservation Status of Chinese Giant Salamander [PDF] A sustainable future for Chinese giant salamanders | Facebook Andrias davidianus | Salamanders of China LifeDesk Chinese Giant Salamander - Rainforest Information for Kids Chinese Giant Salamander - Online Biology Dictionary What Is Unusual & Unique About the Chinese Giant Salamander ... Chinese Giant Salamander Conservation - The Memphis Zoo Chinese Giant Salamander - Become Ecologically Friendly: Chinese Giant Salamander Japanese Giant Salamander - Toledo Zoo Animal Fact Pages Chinese giant salamander : WTF - Reddit Virion-associated viral proteins of a Chinese giant salamander ... Endangered Species of the Week: Chinese giant salamander IN THE PINK WITH AMERICA'S GIANT CRYPTO-SALAMANDERS Absurd Creature of the Week: The Human-Sized Salamander - Wired Giant Salamander Protection International Website 15 endangered species that are still on the menu: Chinese giant ... Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens Salamander, Chinese Giant Chinese Giant Salamander - Ocean Park Hong Kong Chinese Giant Salamander by Michael Hearst on SoundCloud ... Giant Salamander Suction Compared to Jet Car Chinese Giant Salamander Videos Chinese Giant Salamander Skull BC-122 - Bone Clo
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamande
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese giant salamander - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chinese Giant Salamander - YouTube Chinese giant salamander - EDGE :: Amphibian Species Information Chinese giant salamander on leaves - ARKive Andrias davidianus (Chinese Giant Salamander) Will China's Super Rich Eat the Chinese Giant Salamander Into ... Chinese Giant Salamander - World's Largest Amphibian | Animal ... BBC Nature - Chinese giant salamander videos, news and facts Japanese Giant Salamander - National Zoo AmphibiaWeb - Andrias davidianus Giant Salamanders Helped to Spawn - National Geographic Chinese Giant Salamander Conservation Chinese giant salamander conservation | Zoological Society of ... The Animal Chinese Giant Salamander - CHINESE GIANT SALAMANDER - All About Wildlife Chinese Giant Salamander - Save Our Species Chinese giant salamander (amphibian) -- Encyclopedia Britannica Major biological activities of the skin secretion of the Chinese giant ... Where does the Chinese Giant Salamander live - Japanese Giant Salamander Pictures: Animal Planet Biomechanics and hydrodynamics of prey capture in the Chinese ... Godzilla vs. Godzilla—How the Chinese Giant Salamander is taking ... Chinese Giant Salamander | CITES Conservation Status of Chinese Giant Salamander [PDF] A sustainable future for Chinese giant salamanders | Facebook Andrias davidianus | Salamanders of China LifeDesk Chinese Giant Salamander - Rainforest Information for Kids Chinese Giant Salamander - Online Biology Dictionary What Is Unusual & Unique About the Chinese Giant Salamander ... Chinese Giant Salamander Conservation - The Memphis Zoo Chinese Giant Salamander - Become Ecologically Friendly: Chinese Giant Salamander Japanese Giant Salamander - Toledo Zoo Animal Fact Pages Chinese giant salamander : WTF - Reddit Virion-associated viral proteins of a Chinese giant salamander ... Endangered Species of the Week: Chinese giant salamander IN THE PINK WITH AMERICA'S GIANT CRYPTO-SALAMANDERS Absurd Creature of the Week: The Human-Sized Salamander - Wired Giant Salamander Protection International Website 15 endangered species that are still on the menu: Chinese giant ... Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens Salamander, Chinese Giant Chinese Giant Salamander - Ocean Park Hong Kong Chinese Giant Salamander by Michael Hearst on SoundCloud ... Giant Salamander Suction Compared to Jet Car Chinese Giant Salamander Videos Chinese Giant Salamander Skull BC-122 - Bone Clo
- published: 06 Sep 2014
- views: 2
Monstrous 100 Pound, 200-Year-Old Giant Salamander Found Alive In China Cave
Weighing in at a maximum of 110 pounds and reaching lengths of nearly 6 feet long, the Chinese giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian—and also one of...
Weighing in at a maximum of 110 pounds and reaching lengths of nearly 6 feet long, the Chinese giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian—and also one of the rarest. This week it was reported a living specimen of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus, was discovered outside of a cave in Chongqing.
wn.com/Monstrous 100 Pound, 200 Year Old Giant Salamander Found Alive In China Cave
Weighing in at a maximum of 110 pounds and reaching lengths of nearly 6 feet long, the Chinese giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian—and also one of the rarest. This week it was reported a living specimen of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus, was discovered outside of a cave in Chongqing.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 19
Chinese Giant Salamander - Fauna Clips
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely - if ever - ......
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely - if ever - ...
wn.com/Chinese Giant Salamander Fauna Clips
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely - if ever - ...
- published: 02 Jul 2008
- views: 119341
author: AnimalClips
Andrias high speed 3000Hz
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus recorded at 3000Hz...
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus recorded at 3000Hz
wn.com/Andrias High Speed 3000Hz
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus recorded at 3000Hz
- published: 12 Jun 2015
- views: 8
Bilateral loading of a Chinese giant salamander jaw
Bilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Bilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
wn.com/Bilateral Loading Of A Chinese Giant Salamander Jaw
Bilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 36
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo | Top 10 de los animales mas grandes y peligrosos del mundo
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo. TE PRESENTAMOS esta lista con los 10 animales más grandes que viven en el planeta Tierra en sus diferentes categorías. P...
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo. TE PRESENTAMOS esta lista con los 10 animales más grandes que viven en el planeta Tierra en sus diferentes categorías. Pasemos entonces a conocerlos.
10. El pez óseo más grande.
El pez luna (Tetrodon Mola).
El pez Mola , popularmente conocido como el pez luna, se han encontrado ejemplares de hasta 4,2 metros de largo y 3,1 de ancho con un peso de 2.268 kilogramos. Habitan diferentes zonas de los océanos templados y tropicales del mundo y llegan a vivir hasta 10 años.
9. El pájaro más pesado.
El pelícano ceñudo (Pelecanus, erythrorhynchos).
El pelícano . Con una medida estándar de entre 1,6 y 1,8 metros de largo desde el pico a las patas y de entre, 3,1 y 3,4 metros desde un ala, a la otra, el pelicano ceñudo (también conocido como pelícano dálmata) es el pelicano más grande del mundo. Su peso es de entre 11 y 15 kg.
8. El ave más grande del mundo.
El avestruz (Struthio camelus).
El avestruz tiene un peso de 180 kilogramos y una altura de más de 3 metros. Es un ave herbívoro, come vegetales, hierbas, flores y frutas, sin embargo, también se alimenta de artrópodos y animales muy pequeños.
7. El roedor más grande del mundo.
El carpincho o ponche (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).
La especie de los Capybara son originarios de sudamérica, donde habitan prácticamente en todo el continente y donde dependiendo del lugar, se los conoce como , carpinchos, capibara, Chigüiro, o ponche. Pueden alcanzar una longitud de 1,3 metros y que se alimentan sobre todo de hierbas y plantas acuáticas.
6. El anfibio más grande del mundo.
La salamandra gigante de China (Andrias davidianus).
La salamandra gigante de China pueden llegar a medir casi 2 metros de largo, vive en ríos y corrientes acuíferas de las zonas frías y montañosas de China, donde se alimenta de toda clase de insectos, peces y otros anfibios pequeños.
The 10 largest animals in the world.
INTRODUCING this list of the 10 largest animals living on Earth in different categories. Let's move on to know.
10. The largest bony fish.
Sunfish (Mola Tetrodon).
The Mola fish, popularly known as the sunfish, found copies of up to 4.2 meters long and 3.1 wide with a weight of 2,268 kilograms. They inhabit different areas of temperate and tropical oceans of the world and come to live up to 10 years.
9. The heaviest bird.
The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos).
The pelican. With a standard measure of between 1.6 and 1.8 meters long from beak to feet and between, 3.1 and 3.4 meters from one wing to the other, the Dalmatian Pelican (also known as Pelican Dalmatian) is the world's largest pelican. It weighs between 11 and 15 kg.
8. The world's largest bird.
The ostrich (Struthio camelus).
The ostrich has a weight of 180 kilograms and a height of over 3 meters. It is a herbivore bird, eat vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits, but also feeds on arthropods and very small animals.
7. The world's largest rodent.
The capybara or punch (Capybara).
The species of the Capybara are from South America, where they live almost everywhere in the continent and where depending on location, are known as capybaras, capybara, Chigüiro, or punch. They can reach a length of 1.3 meters and feed mainly on herbs and aquatic plants.
6. The world's largest amphibian.
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).
The Chinese giant salamander can grow to almost 2 meters long, lives in rivers and aquifers currents of cold and mountainous areas of China, where it feeds on all kinds of insects, fish and other small amphibians.
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo | Top 10 de los animales mas grandes y peligrosos del mundo.
Baqueadas relacionadas:
Los animales mas grandes del mundo.
Los animales mas grandes.
Los animales mas altos del mundo.
Los animales mas pesados del mundo.
Elefante africano.
El pez óseo más grande.
El pez luna (Tetrodon Mola).
El pájaro más pesado.
El pelícano ceñudo (Pelecanus, erythrorhynchos).
El ave más grande del mundo.
El avestruz (Struthio camelus).
El roedor más grande del mundo.
El carpincho o ponche (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).
El anfibio más grande del mundo.
La salamandra gigante de China (Andrias davidianus).
El reptil más grande del mundo.
El cocodrilo de agua salada (Crocodylus porosus).
El animal carnívoro terrestre más grande del mundo.
El oso gigante de Alaska y El oso polar (Ursus maritimus).
El animal carnívoro más grande del mundo.
El elefante marino del sur (Mirounga leonina).
El animal terrestre más grande.
El elefante africano de la sabana (Loxodonta africana).
El animal más grande del planeta.
La ballena azul (Balaenoptera musculus).
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wn.com/Los 10 Animales Más Grandes Del Mundo | Top 10 De Los Animales Mas Grandes Y Peligrosos Del Mundo
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo. TE PRESENTAMOS esta lista con los 10 animales más grandes que viven en el planeta Tierra en sus diferentes categorías. Pasemos entonces a conocerlos.
10. El pez óseo más grande.
El pez luna (Tetrodon Mola).
El pez Mola , popularmente conocido como el pez luna, se han encontrado ejemplares de hasta 4,2 metros de largo y 3,1 de ancho con un peso de 2.268 kilogramos. Habitan diferentes zonas de los océanos templados y tropicales del mundo y llegan a vivir hasta 10 años.
9. El pájaro más pesado.
El pelícano ceñudo (Pelecanus, erythrorhynchos).
El pelícano . Con una medida estándar de entre 1,6 y 1,8 metros de largo desde el pico a las patas y de entre, 3,1 y 3,4 metros desde un ala, a la otra, el pelicano ceñudo (también conocido como pelícano dálmata) es el pelicano más grande del mundo. Su peso es de entre 11 y 15 kg.
8. El ave más grande del mundo.
El avestruz (Struthio camelus).
El avestruz tiene un peso de 180 kilogramos y una altura de más de 3 metros. Es un ave herbívoro, come vegetales, hierbas, flores y frutas, sin embargo, también se alimenta de artrópodos y animales muy pequeños.
7. El roedor más grande del mundo.
El carpincho o ponche (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).
La especie de los Capybara son originarios de sudamérica, donde habitan prácticamente en todo el continente y donde dependiendo del lugar, se los conoce como , carpinchos, capibara, Chigüiro, o ponche. Pueden alcanzar una longitud de 1,3 metros y que se alimentan sobre todo de hierbas y plantas acuáticas.
6. El anfibio más grande del mundo.
La salamandra gigante de China (Andrias davidianus).
La salamandra gigante de China pueden llegar a medir casi 2 metros de largo, vive en ríos y corrientes acuíferas de las zonas frías y montañosas de China, donde se alimenta de toda clase de insectos, peces y otros anfibios pequeños.
The 10 largest animals in the world.
INTRODUCING this list of the 10 largest animals living on Earth in different categories. Let's move on to know.
10. The largest bony fish.
Sunfish (Mola Tetrodon).
The Mola fish, popularly known as the sunfish, found copies of up to 4.2 meters long and 3.1 wide with a weight of 2,268 kilograms. They inhabit different areas of temperate and tropical oceans of the world and come to live up to 10 years.
9. The heaviest bird.
The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos).
The pelican. With a standard measure of between 1.6 and 1.8 meters long from beak to feet and between, 3.1 and 3.4 meters from one wing to the other, the Dalmatian Pelican (also known as Pelican Dalmatian) is the world's largest pelican. It weighs between 11 and 15 kg.
8. The world's largest bird.
The ostrich (Struthio camelus).
The ostrich has a weight of 180 kilograms and a height of over 3 meters. It is a herbivore bird, eat vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits, but also feeds on arthropods and very small animals.
7. The world's largest rodent.
The capybara or punch (Capybara).
The species of the Capybara are from South America, where they live almost everywhere in the continent and where depending on location, are known as capybaras, capybara, Chigüiro, or punch. They can reach a length of 1.3 meters and feed mainly on herbs and aquatic plants.
6. The world's largest amphibian.
The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus).
The Chinese giant salamander can grow to almost 2 meters long, lives in rivers and aquifers currents of cold and mountainous areas of China, where it feeds on all kinds of insects, fish and other small amphibians.
Los 10 animales más grandes del mundo | Top 10 de los animales mas grandes y peligrosos del mundo.
Baqueadas relacionadas:
Los animales mas grandes del mundo.
Los animales mas grandes.
Los animales mas altos del mundo.
Los animales mas pesados del mundo.
Elefante africano.
El pez óseo más grande.
El pez luna (Tetrodon Mola).
El pájaro más pesado.
El pelícano ceñudo (Pelecanus, erythrorhynchos).
El ave más grande del mundo.
El avestruz (Struthio camelus).
El roedor más grande del mundo.
El carpincho o ponche (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris).
El anfibio más grande del mundo.
La salamandra gigante de China (Andrias davidianus).
El reptil más grande del mundo.
El cocodrilo de agua salada (Crocodylus porosus).
El animal carnívoro terrestre más grande del mundo.
El oso gigante de Alaska y El oso polar (Ursus maritimus).
El animal carnívoro más grande del mundo.
El elefante marino del sur (Mirounga leonina).
El animal terrestre más grande.
El elefante africano de la sabana (Loxodonta africana).
El animal más grande del planeta.
La ballena azul (Balaenoptera musculus).
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- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 315
http://samiesamie.ru/samoe-krupnoe-zemnovodnoe-v-mire/ Самое крупное земноводное в мире из ныне живущих, это Китайская исполинская саламандра (Andrias davidianu...
http://samiesamie.ru/samoe-krupnoe-zemnovodnoe-v-mire/ Самое крупное земноводное в мире из ныне живущих, это Китайская исполинская саламандра (Andrias davidianus). По некоторым данным взрослая особь может достигать длины до 185 см, а массы до 72 кг. Передние конечности имеют по 3 пальца, задние по 5. Тело у Andrias davidianus широкое и плотное.
Обитает саламандра в восточном Китае, предпочитает чистую холодную воду, водится в горных водоёмах. Ведут вторично-водный образ жизни, предки Andrias davidianus вышли на сушу, даже обзавелись конечностями, но по какой то причине снова вернулись к водной жизни.
Китайская исполинская саламандра питается другими земноводными (лягушки, тритоны), рыбой, мелкими млекопитающими, ракообразными и другими водными обитателями.
В настоящее время Китайскими властями предпринимаются усилия для сохранения данного вида в дикой природе. Основные причины снижения популяции, это: охота (их мясо считается деликатесом и ценится в традиционной китайской медицине ), сокращения мест обитания из-за строительства и развития сельского хозяйства, загрязнение окружающей среды.
wn.com/Самое Крупное Земноводное В Мире
http://samiesamie.ru/samoe-krupnoe-zemnovodnoe-v-mire/ Самое крупное земноводное в мире из ныне живущих, это Китайская исполинская саламандра (Andrias davidianus). По некоторым данным взрослая особь может достигать длины до 185 см, а массы до 72 кг. Передние конечности имеют по 3 пальца, задние по 5. Тело у Andrias davidianus широкое и плотное.
Обитает саламандра в восточном Китае, предпочитает чистую холодную воду, водится в горных водоёмах. Ведут вторично-водный образ жизни, предки Andrias davidianus вышли на сушу, даже обзавелись конечностями, но по какой то причине снова вернулись к водной жизни.
Китайская исполинская саламандра питается другими земноводными (лягушки, тритоны), рыбой, мелкими млекопитающими, ракообразными и другими водными обитателями.
В настоящее время Китайскими властями предпринимаются усилия для сохранения данного вида в дикой природе. Основные причины снижения популяции, это: охота (их мясо считается деликатесом и ценится в традиционной китайской медицине ), сокращения мест обитания из-за строительства и развития сельского хозяйства, загрязнение окружающей среды.
- published: 28 Mar 2015
- views: 12
Descubren Una Salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad
En China han descubierto una salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad. El 'fósil viviente' fue hallado a principios de este mes en una cueva ubicada a las afueras...
En China han descubierto una salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad. El 'fósil viviente' fue hallado a principios de este mes en una cueva ubicada a las afueras del municipio de Chongqing por un vecino de la ciudad, .
Científicamente llamada 'Andrias davidianus' o 'Andrias scheuchzeri', está considerada en la actualidad el anfibio más grande del planeta, informa 'La Vanguardia'. Algunos ejemplares descubiertos hace unas décadas alcanzaban los 1,80 metros.
Los científicos afirman que la salamandra puede tener más de dos siglos. Esto la convertiría en el animal más viejo en comparación con los demás miembros de su especie, que tienen una longevidad de 80 años en la naturaleza o 55 años en cautiverio. También se estaría entre los animales vivos más antiguos de la Tierra, según el medio.
wn.com/Descubren Una Salamandra Gigante De 200 Años De Edad
En China han descubierto una salamandra gigante de 200 años de edad. El 'fósil viviente' fue hallado a principios de este mes en una cueva ubicada a las afueras del municipio de Chongqing por un vecino de la ciudad, .
Científicamente llamada 'Andrias davidianus' o 'Andrias scheuchzeri', está considerada en la actualidad el anfibio más grande del planeta, informa 'La Vanguardia'. Algunos ejemplares descubiertos hace unas décadas alcanzaban los 1,80 metros.
Los científicos afirman que la salamandra puede tener más de dos siglos. Esto la convertiría en el animal más viejo en comparación con los demás miembros de su especie, que tienen una longevidad de 80 años en la naturaleza o 55 años en cautiverio. También se estaría entre los animales vivos más antiguos de la Tierra, según el medio.
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 13
Bilateral loading of Chinese Giant Salamander jaw
Bilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Bilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
wn.com/Bilateral Loading Of Chinese Giant Salamander Jaw
Bilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 16
Bizarro: A Maior Salamandra do Mundo! | Gigante !
A salamandra-gigante-da-china (Andrias davidianus) é, não só a maior salamandra, mas também a maior de todas as espécies de anfíbios existentes no mundo. Pode s...
A salamandra-gigante-da-china (Andrias davidianus) é, não só a maior salamandra, mas também a maior de todas as espécies de anfíbios existentes no mundo. Pode se notar que no vídeo a salamandra atinge 36 Kg que é um recorde!
wn.com/Bizarro A Maior Salamandra Do Mundo | Gigante
A salamandra-gigante-da-china (Andrias davidianus) é, não só a maior salamandra, mas também a maior de todas as espécies de anfíbios existentes no mundo. Pode se notar que no vídeo a salamandra atinge 36 Kg que é um recorde!
- published: 02 Dec 2014
- views: 3
A salamandra gigante da China (andrias davidianus) é o maior anfibio do mundo, atingindo um comprimento de 180 cm.
É endémicos de Rocky Mountain Lagos, córregos...
A salamandra gigante da China (andrias davidianus) é o maior anfibio do mundo, atingindo um comprimento de 180 cm.
É endémicos de Rocky Mountain Lagos, córregos e na China. Isso também acontece em Taiwan.
wn.com/Salamandra Gigante Da China
A salamandra gigante da China (andrias davidianus) é o maior anfibio do mundo, atingindo um comprimento de 180 cm.
É endémicos de Rocky Mountain Lagos, córregos e na China. Isso também acontece em Taiwan.
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 7
Unilateral loading of Chinese giant salamander jaw
Unilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Unilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
wn.com/Unilateral Loading Of Chinese Giant Salamander Jaw
Unilateral loading under a posterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citation: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 15
Unilateral loading of a Chinese giant salamander jaw
Unilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Unilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citations: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
wn.com/Unilateral Loading Of A Chinese Giant Salamander Jaw
Unilateral loading under an anterior prehension in the adult specimen of of the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Von Mises Stress results in MPa.
Citations: Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J, Heiss E,
Sanchez M, Gil L, Galobart À (2015) 3D Bite
Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest
Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander
Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). PLoS ONE
10(4): e0121885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
To read this full article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 16
La Salamandra gigante cinese
Con una lunghezza media di 115 cm (ma può raggiungee i 140) e un peso medio superiore ai 30 kg, la salamandra gigante cinese (Andrias davidianus) è forse l'anfi...
Con una lunghezza media di 115 cm (ma può raggiungee i 140) e un peso medio superiore ai 30 kg, la salamandra gigante cinese (Andrias davidianus) è forse l'anfibio più grande al mondo. Questa grande salamandra, appartenente alla famiglia Cryptobranchidae, sopravvive solo in alcuni bacini fluviali dell'entroterra cinese. Una volta era molto comune, ma oggi è in paricolo critico di estinzione per cause ovviamente antropiche, come il bracconaggio: la sua carne è ricercatissima nei ristoranti orientali, e i suoi organi sono richiesti dalla (stupida) medicina tradizionale cinese. Completano il quadro la continua distruzione degli habitat e l'inquinamento delle acque, poichè la salamandra per vivere necessita di fiumi limpidi e tranquilli. Questa salamandra continua ad essere allevata per la sua carne, ma bisogna assolutamente intervenire in natura per salvare questa preziosissima specie dall'estinzione!
wn.com/La Salamandra Gigante Cinese
Con una lunghezza media di 115 cm (ma può raggiungee i 140) e un peso medio superiore ai 30 kg, la salamandra gigante cinese (Andrias davidianus) è forse l'anfibio più grande al mondo. Questa grande salamandra, appartenente alla famiglia Cryptobranchidae, sopravvive solo in alcuni bacini fluviali dell'entroterra cinese. Una volta era molto comune, ma oggi è in paricolo critico di estinzione per cause ovviamente antropiche, come il bracconaggio: la sua carne è ricercatissima nei ristoranti orientali, e i suoi organi sono richiesti dalla (stupida) medicina tradizionale cinese. Completano il quadro la continua distruzione degli habitat e l'inquinamento delle acque, poichè la salamandra per vivere necessita di fiumi limpidi e tranquilli. Questa salamandra continua ad essere allevata per la sua carne, ma bisogna assolutamente intervenire in natura per salvare questa preziosissima specie dall'estinzione!
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 81
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander, CFD flow velocities
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). The magnitude of flow velocities is color-coded & the streamlines indicate the direction of the flow velocities.
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant...
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). Josep Fortuny et al (2015), PLoS ONE http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
Biting is an integral feature of the feeding mechanism for aquatic and terrestrial salamanders to capture, fix or immobilize elusive or struggling prey. However, little inform
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 オオサンショウウオ Giant salamander
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 Aquarium Movies http://sasuaqu.blogspot.jp チュウゴクオオサンショウウオ Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus オオサンショウウオ Japanese gia...
Japanese Giant Salamander
Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is the second largest amphibian after its Chinese relative, (Andrias davidianus). It is endemic to Japan and no...
Dr. Davis PIT tags a Chinese giant salamander
In order to permanently identify adult Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus) at the Ningshan Andrias breeding farm in China, Dr. Jon Davis injects a...
Prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander, CFD flow velocities
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). The magnitude of flow velocities is color-co...
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). The magnitude of flow velocities is color-coded & the streamlines indicate the direction of the flow velocities.
wn.com/Prey Capture In The Chinese Giant Salamander, Cfd Flow Velocities
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of prey capture in the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). The magnitude of flow velocities is color-coded & the streamlines indicate the direction of the flow velocities.
- published: 12 Jun 2015
- views: 8
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant...
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). Josep Fortuny et al ...
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). Josep Fortuny et al (2015), PLoS ONE http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
Biting is an integral feature of the feeding mechanism for aquatic and terrestrial salamanders to capture, fix or immobilize elusive or struggling prey. However, little information is available on how it works and the functional implications of this biting system in amphibians although such approaches might be essential to understand feeding systems performed by early tetrapods. Herein, the skull biomechanics of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus is investigated using 3D finite element analysis. The results reveal that the prey contact position is crucial for the structural performance of the skull, which is probably related to the lack of a bony bridge between the posterior end of the maxilla and the anterior quadrato-squamosal region. Giant salamanders perform asymmetrical strikes. These strikes are unusual and specialized behavior but might indeed be beneficial in such sit-and-wait or ambush-predators to capture laterally approaching prey. However, once captured by an asymmetrical strike, large, elusive and struggling prey have to be brought to the anterior jaw region to be subdued by a strong bite. Given their basal position within extant salamanders and their “conservative” morphology, cryptobranchids may be useful models to reconstruct the feeding ecology and biomechanics of different members of early tetrapods and amphibians, with similar osteological and myological constraints.
wn.com/3D Bite Modeling And Feeding Mechanics Of The Largest Living Amphibian, The Chinese Giant...
3D Bite Modeling and Feeding Mechanics of the Largest Living Amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia:Urodela). Josep Fortuny et al (2015), PLoS ONE http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0121885
Biting is an integral feature of the feeding mechanism for aquatic and terrestrial salamanders to capture, fix or immobilize elusive or struggling prey. However, little information is available on how it works and the functional implications of this biting system in amphibians although such approaches might be essential to understand feeding systems performed by early tetrapods. Herein, the skull biomechanics of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus is investigated using 3D finite element analysis. The results reveal that the prey contact position is crucial for the structural performance of the skull, which is probably related to the lack of a bony bridge between the posterior end of the maxilla and the anterior quadrato-squamosal region. Giant salamanders perform asymmetrical strikes. These strikes are unusual and specialized behavior but might indeed be beneficial in such sit-and-wait or ambush-predators to capture laterally approaching prey. However, once captured by an asymmetrical strike, large, elusive and struggling prey have to be brought to the anterior jaw region to be subdued by a strong bite. Given their basal position within extant salamanders and their “conservative” morphology, cryptobranchids may be useful models to reconstruct the feeding ecology and biomechanics of different members of early tetrapods and amphibians, with similar osteological and myological constraints.
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 1
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 オオサンショウウオ Giant salamander
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 Aquarium Movies http://sasuaqu.blogspot.jp チュウゴクオオサンショウウオ Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus オオサンショウウオ Japanese gia......
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 Aquarium Movies http://sasuaqu.blogspot.jp チュウゴクオオサンショウウオ Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus オオサンショウウオ Japanese gia...
wn.com/Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 オオサンショウウオ Giant Salamander
Saitama(Public) Aquarium さいたま水族館 Aquarium Movies http://sasuaqu.blogspot.jp チュウゴクオオサンショウウオ Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus オオサンショウウオ Japanese gia...
Japanese Giant Salamander
Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is the second largest amphibian after its Chinese relative, (Andrias davidianus). It is endemic to Japan and no......
Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is the second largest amphibian after its Chinese relative, (Andrias davidianus). It is endemic to Japan and no...
wn.com/Japanese Giant Salamander
Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) is the second largest amphibian after its Chinese relative, (Andrias davidianus). It is endemic to Japan and no...
Dr. Davis PIT tags a Chinese giant salamander
In order to permanently identify adult Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus) at the Ningshan Andrias breeding farm in China, Dr. Jon Davis injects a......
In order to permanently identify adult Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus) at the Ningshan Andrias breeding farm in China, Dr. Jon Davis injects a...
wn.com/Dr. Davis Pit Tags A Chinese Giant Salamander
In order to permanently identify adult Chinese giant salamanders (Andrias davidianus) at the Ningshan Andrias breeding farm in China, Dr. Jon Davis injects a...