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China lays out its vision of the internet: more control, more censorship


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Beijing: President Xi Jinping has defended his government's broad censorship of the internet, in a high-profile speech underscoring China's increasingly emphatic attempts to justify its strict online control.

Mr Xi said cyberspace was not a "place beyond the rule of law" and that countries must not interfere in the internal affairs of others, in remarks made to an international audience of world and business leaders at a technology conference in Wuzhen on Wednesday.

In a nod to China's argument that the US has too much influence on how the internet is run, Mr Xi said no country should dominate cyberspace. He called for greater co-operation on punishing cyber-attacks and fighting terrorism, while also urging other countries to follow China's lead in regulating online activity.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for governments to co-operate in regulating internet use, stepping up efforts to promote controls that activists complain stifle free expression.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for governments to co-operate in regulating internet use, stepping up efforts to promote controls that activists complain stifle free expression. Photo: AP

"We should respect the right of individual countries to independently choose their own path of cyber development and model of cyber regulation and participate in international cyberspace governance on an equal footing," he said.

"Cyberspace should not become a battlefield for countries to wrestle with one another, nor should it become a hotbed for crime."

China employs one of the world's most extensive internet censorship regimes – known derisively as "The Great Firewall" – to restrict what its 670 million online users can access to suppress dissent and in the name of maintaining stability and national security. China was ranked last among 65 countries in a recent Freedom House internet freedom survey behind Iran, Cuba and Myanmar. (North Korea was not included in the report.)

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the Second World Internet Conference in Wuzhen.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the Second World Internet Conference in Wuzhen. Photo: AP

The censorship is multi-pronged and has increased in intensity under Mr Xi's presidency. A litany of foreign news websites, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and Reuters are blocked, as are popular social media sites Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Google and its services like Gmail have also joined the list.

Chinese search engines provide results which are sanitised to ensure politically sensitive material do not turn up in user searches. Some politically taboo searches, such as for the Tiananmen Square crackdown, simply turn up no results at all.

Online posts, such as on the popular Twitter-like microblogging platform Weibo, are monitored by millions of internet police, and offending posts are often taken down within seconds.

The state is also known to pay armies of people, known colloquially as the "50 Cent Party", to post pro-government messages and drown out negative commentary on bulletin boards and in the comments sections of news articles. This tactic has increasingly been deployed on foreign language news websites in recent years.

China has also more frequently attacked the use of virtual proxy network (VPN) software, which is widely used by expatriates, foreign businesses, and many tech-savvy Chinese to circumvent the Great Firewall.

Mr Xi's remarks, which were broadcast live on national television, come amid an increasingly strident assertion of its right to censor the internet.

"Indeed, we do not welcome those that make money off China, occupy China's market, even as they slander China's people," Lu Wei, the head of the Cyberspace Administration of China, said last week.

"I, indeed, may choose who comes into my house. They can come if they are friends."

An editorial carried by the official Xinhua news agency said instead of bringing collapse as some predicted, the internet in China was "becoming more commercially robust and innovative despite regulation and oversight".

"After the [exposure] of the US National Security Agency's PRISM program, more countries have woken up to the fact that 'absolute Internet freedom' touted by the US will only end up as 'absolute security' in Washington and 'absolute insecurity' for the rest," it said.

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