Serbu Firearms is an American manufacturer of firearms based in Tampa, Florida. Founded by mechanical engineer Mark Serbu, the company is best known for producing the BFG-50, a .50 BMG caliber, single-shot rifle. The rifle is also available in .510 DTC EUROP caliber in some European countries, where .50BMG rifles are generally banned by law.
The company is currently shipping a semi-automatic .50 BMG rifle called the BFG-50A. Production startup had been slow; prototype photos of the BFG-50A were first shown in 2002, and orders were first taken at the 2008 SHOT show in Las Vegas. Deliveries finally started on 6/17/2011.
Serbu Firearms is also noted for its production of the Super-Shorty, a compact 12- or 20-gauge (on special order) shotgun with front and rear pistol grips which in the United States is regulated as what is called Any Other Weapon under the National Firearms Act. They have also appeared in several movies and video games.
Serbu has produced a variety of small-quantity firearms in the past, including a .22LR pen gun called the "Butt-master" and an integrally-suppressed Ruger MK II pistol called the "SIRIS". Serbu has also produced a .22LR muzzle suppressor called the "C-CAN" and an integrally suppressed Ruger 10/22 rifle called the "SIRIS 1022".