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Markets Live: ASX back above 5000 in pre-Fed bounce


Patrick Commins and Jens Meyer

Shares follow Wall St and enjoy a healthy pre-Fed rally, with healthcare the notable exception as government cuts continue to weigh on the sector.

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  • History repeats?

    October 87 crash was the failure of hi yield bonds and the trigger was raising of interest rates.

    Deja vu?

    Date and time
    December 16, 2015, 4:35PM
    • AJX still @.81c. Went as far as 84.5 today but just can't seem to get a steady go on despite all the good news.

      Date and time
      December 16, 2015, 4:19PM
      • I seem to have missed the change in economic fundamentals since Monday morning! Must be the sick ASX's last gasp before it rolls over permanently.

        Date and time
        December 16, 2015, 4:19PM
        • I'm not sure if that degree of negativity is high enough - please go away and reconsider, surely you can exhibit and increased level of psychotic depression - but perhaps it may be better if you cam get your self a life!

          kane tode
          tode hall
          Date and time
          December 16, 2015, 4:50PM
      • I'm sure volumes of books have been written about the psychology that dictates that traders dump shares at a loss for whatever they can get over a series of days then try to buy them all back in one go and pay much more than they sold those same stocks for. But still the logic escapes me.

        mitch of ACT
        Date and time
        December 16, 2015, 4:15PM
        • RHC and HSO held up ok after the Govt bombshell on healthcare, CAJ blasted. COH evens and REG, FPH surged like nothings happened, broad exposure seems to insulate...a bit.

          risk on
          Date and time
          December 16, 2015, 4:13PM
          • Another excellent rain event in NSW.
            Good news for agricultural stocks.
            Thanks El Nino.

            Date and time
            December 16, 2015, 4:11PM
            • I hope they all have their crops in by now o/wise they're cactus. Rain & grain do not mix.

              mitch of ACT
              Date and time
              December 16, 2015, 4:45PM
          • Sold my NXT secured in the cap raising for 2.25 at 2.45 today, first really easy dollars I have made for a while.

            old bloke
            summer bay
            Date and time
            December 16, 2015, 3:59PM
            • Churner !

              risk on
              Date and time
              December 16, 2015, 4:08PM
            • Should have topped up on BHP yesterday instead of being greedy.

              Old Balls
              Date and time
              December 16, 2015, 4:45PM
          • ARI on the come back trail up 7% today. This could be the greatest comeback since PJ last joined us.

            Date and time
            December 16, 2015, 3:44PM
            • It only needs to go up another 2000% to get back to where it was a couple of years ago!

              Date and time
              December 16, 2015, 3:55PM
          • Whitehaven--"almost doubling of EBITDA performance" ----
            back to you at the studio Allan.

            Date and time
            December 16, 2015, 3:42PM
            • Glad I picked up some more TFC a few days back @1.48. :)

              Date and time
              December 16, 2015, 3:35PM
                • well done Dave, I had to settle for $1.52

                  old bloke
                  summer bay
                  Date and time
                  December 16, 2015, 3:53PM
                • Yes nice lil bounce but don't get any ideas until those UBS biatches get off the books again....and again...and you know.

                  risk on
                  Date and time
                  December 16, 2015, 4:00PM
                • Haha. Yeah. My first entry a while back was @1.55. But I looked back at the past shorting efforts and they seem short it around $1.8 to end around $1.45, so I thought it was a good entry point for a company I like. Might take some profits around $1.8.

                  Date and time
                  December 16, 2015, 4:09PM
                • You know the drill BSB, roll with the UBS punches, buy low, sell high, stay calm. You have done your homework on the company, the risk is manageable, or tolerable, whatever you want to call it. At least you don't have the time and leverage pressures of the short sellers.

                  old bloke
                  summer bay
                  Date and time
                  December 16, 2015, 4:22PM
              • BKL touched 200 biguns again. I seriously wonder how it can get this high. If I had the cahoonas I'd short but I ain't got em like some do. 5300 by chrissy. Anyway, as you were.

                Al Bundy
                Date and time
                December 16, 2015, 3:34PM
                • Be careful.
                  There's a bear in there.
                  open wide, come inside,
                  it's playschool.

                  Date and time
                  December 16, 2015, 3:26PM
                  • Looks like all the bears have run for cover after ASX up by 2%. More to come after Fed decision. BHP will be $20 by the end of next week. Still 20% to be made.

                    Date and time
                    December 16, 2015, 3:22PM
                    • Anyone here fancies WHC after the return to profit announcement? Currently at 66c.

                      Date and time
                      December 16, 2015, 3:08PM
                      • The green left think coal is dead.
                        What a joke.

                        Date and time
                        December 16, 2015, 3:50PM
                      • Those horrible green left banks of ours putting tight restrictions on lending for coal. Don't they know "coal is good for humanity" choke, choke, choke. How's Beijing's "red alert" for smog going. But invest in coal all you like. At least you'll have the pension to fall back on, unless the likes of Mojo manage to obliterate it.

                        mitch of ACT
                        Date and time
                        December 16, 2015, 4:35PM
                      • @Cassandra - whoo hoo - WHC @.66cents down from a high $7.20 a few years ago - a 91% decline - what a great stock to own !!!! - coal is a dead dead duck - sure it may take a while but it will be nothing but steady decline or Paris must have been a mirage..........

                        Central Vic
                        Date and time
                        December 16, 2015, 4:40PM
                    • Austan Goolsbee, Professor of Economics at Chicago University, former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers appeared on CNBC last night our time for an interview. He said "Australia's economy is in the tank."

                      w ch
                      Date and time
                      December 16, 2015, 2:51PM
                      • Or is it a case of did they not learn their lesson the first time.

                        Did TLS not have a failed Asian venture several years ago?

                        Date and time
                        December 16, 2015, 2:46PM
                        • Nope. None of the OZ companies learnt from their past mistakes. It was a case of one management screwed up then the next one came in did the same thing, screwed up even more. Poor OZ shareholders. Not only TLS, I can name a few others too. Remember NAB, ABC Learning and most recently Slater and Gordon. The list will be endless. That says a lot about Australian management. Clueless but never admit that they are clueless.

                          Date and time
                          December 16, 2015, 3:33PM
                      • re Bill Ackman - he has not lost a cent, its all clients money.Just another grubby money manager.

                        Drowning not Waving
                        Date and time
                        December 16, 2015, 2:42PM
                        • Investors are raving about how well DMP (Dominos Pizza) is doing. They forget that TWE (Treasury Wine's) is doing verywell too.

                          Until today, Booze and Pizza is about all that has been holding up this stock exchange - what a great combination!

                          Date and time
                          December 16, 2015, 2:40PM
                          • not to mention honey and baby formula.

                            no banks .. no party!
                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 2:43PM
                          • When those babies are weened off honey and baby formula they'll move on to booze and pizza. It's what made Australia what it is today.

                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 3:22PM
                          • Vitamins...

                            Short Shorts..
                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 3:25PM
                        • so evan lucas reckons we are in for a better run going forward , so what happens if the US drops by 10 to 20% , guess what we follow

                          Date and time
                          December 16, 2015, 2:36PM
                          • Yes, and we would follow with a lot of enthusiasm!

                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 3:44PM
                          • wow, i read that as Euthanasia,

                            completely different meaning

                            Its the vibe..
                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 4:25PM
                        • "Men involved in Australia's biggest ever home loan fraud have avoided jail."

                          Why would they go to jail? Companies like CBA get caught defrauding people all the time and the CBA staff members who perpetrated the frauds don't go to jail.

                          No Confidence
                          in the Injustice System
                          Date and time
                          December 16, 2015, 2:31PM
                          • CBA has been cleared of allegations made by a parliamentary committee.
                            It was labelled a huge waste of time and taxpayers money and it inflicted unwarranted brand damage and risks encouraging reckless lending practices.

                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 3:29PM
                        • Reports filtering out from the North Pole suggest that the elves have hidden Santa's rum stash and are trying to sober the big guy up.
                          The reindeer are being fed high energy green fodder. The sleighs are chock full of green and coal. Yet the obstinate old bugger insists on waiting for Janet's verdict.
                          There is a risk that the sleigh with all the green will be unhitched and he will only bring lumps of coal.
                          Go forth now you old sot, do not unhitch the green as the world's bulls are starving.

                          Date and time
                          December 16, 2015, 2:27PM
                          • Fed rate increase tomorrow. ASX down by 200 points? 4500 BY xmas?

                            Date and time
                            December 16, 2015, 2:24PM
                            • Looks like a bet on Packer is paying off.

                              enough is enough
                              Date and time
                              December 16, 2015, 2:21PM
                              • Mr Santa Clause has truly arrived. He carries with him a bag full of super funds money waiting to be distributed to the ASX. The bears can keep growling and howling. 5500 is in sight.

                                Date and time
                                December 16, 2015, 2:17PM
                                • After reading Mitch's posts regarding charts, I've now made up my mind on what I'm going to do tomorrow. Or should I say, what I have to do?

                                  Ms Yellen
                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 2:16PM
                                  • Be prepared for a lot of yellen(g) and screaming if she acts in an unexpected way. I think she'll take the opportunity that the cut is expected and wanted, and cut. The market will then spend months agonising and drifting over the timing and size of the next cut. Tonight will solve nothing.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:53PM
                                  • I'm afraid you're mistaken young dear. I'm not cutting. I'm raising. Poor dear is confused.

                                    Mr Excuses
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:09PM
                                  • Quite right, silly me, but if she cuts instead there will be a lot of yellen(g) and screaming. Or was my slip a premonition. I often get those.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:17PM
                                • CAJ holders learn the hard way just how dangerous it is to invest in a Welfare State Command Economy run by United Nations approved administrators.

                                  Sovereign Risk Welfare State Australia
                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:58PM
                                  • When do you think there will be a crackdown on the welfare for high income earners that is salary sacrifice, super concessions, negative gearing etc but as the main beneficiaries are high income earners, probably wont happen.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:08PM
                                  • Labor was in power for six depressing years and did nothing about this apparent problem.
                                    More confected outrage.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:15PM
                                  • Why wouldn't we take it back of those that took advantage of it in the first place too?

                                    And Mitch it has already happened, reducing assets and income test...

                                    Cleaning the windows.
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:16PM
                                  • mitch, hard workers get rewarded. Non workers shouldn't complain. Get a job.

                                    enough is enough
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:22PM
                                  • oh come on - happens all the time and all over the place just depending on what the govt policy/regulatory changes are - I'm not too happy with my bank shares after new regulations came in for example - government decisions change business outcomes hence the extreme relevance of discussion re govt policy and performance on this blog

                                    Central Vic
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:24PM
                                  • The wealthiest 7 families in Australia have as much wealth as the poorest 20 per cent of households. That is not the definition of a command economy. Stay out of the sun, it gets very strong at this time of year.

                                    w ch
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:26PM
                                  • @eie, with 1 job for every 8 workers, can I share yours in the LNP Media Unit.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:42PM
                                  • Thought it might be CAJ as the subject? but alas hijacked by politics....again.
                                    But not much cheer for CAJ holders this year,down a whooping 60%....jingo.

                                    risk on
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:33PM
                                • RE: Bill Ackman

                                  Bill is a big boy I'm sure he will be fine. He was doing the best last year but has obviously had a bad year this year. I think it's funny how he tried to destroy Herbalife using some very questionable tactics and then it's like he's got karma with his Valeant debacle.

                                  I backed Uncle Carl over him in their feud and went long Herbalife around $35 before selling out around $55. That was a very entertaining trade.

                                  I will never forget being on stocktwits the day he gave his presentation on Herbalife that was live streamed trying to destroy it. He billed it as "the biggest moment in his career". It was the most pathetically embarrassing presentation I have ever seen in my life. While he embarrassed himself Herbalife had its best ever day in history spiking 25%. Reading/exchanging comments on stocktwits that day was hilarious. From random internet trolls to major fund managers the comments had me crying with laughter.

                                  Hedge Fund Watcher
                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:50PM
                                  • Yes because major fund managers spend their time on unknown internet forums.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:36PM
                                  • Aren't there all kinds of question marks around Hebalife's business model, likened to a pyramid-selling scheme, a scam, do their products even work.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:45PM
                                  • @sigh

                                    Yes normal people have no problem using the internet/news sites/social media. Even guys with US$20 billion+ in their 80s like Carl Icahn use twitter and other social media. Stocktwits is a business/finance focused social media platform as you could work out with Google in 0.53 seconds according to Google search results.

                                    On Stocktwits there's lots of people that don't have inferiority complex social disorders like you.

                                    Hedge Fund Watcher
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:02PM
                                  • @mitch

                                    Well it was US$53.67 with a market cap of US$4.97 billion at the close on the NYSE.

                                    Maybe you could take a brief break from sorting out Australian politics and duck over to the US and sort them out too?

                                    Hedge Fund Watcher
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:19PM
                                  • @Hedge, tell me again about Enron.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:30PM
                                • We know taxes and welfare destroy economies so what does the government do?

                                  No country ever taxed it's way to prosperity ever
                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:47PM
                                  • Well this gov't seems intent on making sure that its rich mates pay as little tax as possible, leaving more room to pay "donations" and making it ever harder to get the measly welfare benefits they so begrudgingly make available. I see Centrelink online has been down since Friday. Mojo will be pleased.

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:01PM
                                  • Well, if countries with non-existent or non-functional tax systems and zip-welfare are your thing, Mojo, nobody is stopping you from moving to one of those places.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:02PM
                                  • What, that is about the silliest comment ever. Even worse the Johns 150% tax

                                    Taxes provide income for community services

                                    And welfare is a safety net for the less fortunate.

                                    It gets better everyday
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 2:08PM
                                  • I think Mojo needs to experience his very own personal welfare crisis. It can happen to anyone, anytime, illness, accident, loss of job etc. He then goes along to apply for welfare, as he would be entitled to do, and is told, "Sorry, we can't pay welfare because no-one has paid any tax".

                                    mitch of ACT
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:11PM
                                • Why is CWN soaring? No announcements?

                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:40PM
                                  • James Packer potentially moving to take 'some' of Crown assets to private equity.


                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 1:49PM
                                • yesterday arvo I placed a BHP buy at $16.01, hoping for one more down day. Although I have about $15,000 reasons to be happy today missing out on BHP bugs me. I am worried that if it gets caught up in the santa rally instead of falling further as it should on the new Henry Hub lows that I will miss my chance. If so, it was not meant to be, and the compensation elsewhere should be good. TNE is looking like a $5 stock! In my view the poster who took Trevor Sykes advice on buying BHP only made one mistake, when he sold.

                                  old bloke
                                  summer bay
                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:40PM
                                  • All talk no action

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:01PM
                                  • Dear Mr Sucker, this appears to be either your first post or your umpteenth identity change, and my feeble mind fails to see any connection between my post and your eloquent repost. Was the barb perhaps aimed elsewhere, or is this just another case of random biliousness?

                                    old bloke
                                    summer bay
                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:16PM
                                  • Just buy it. It's up from here. Don't be a sucker and believe all the $10 targets.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 3:28PM
                                  • @OB

                                    They call me Ern.

                                    Maybe I will regret selling. Maybe you will regret not selling.

                                    Maybe Mr Pierpont will be proven correct BUT his timing was woeful.

                                    US allows export of crude oil today and oil is down. Copper falls near 3% last night and IO is flat. BHP up near 6%.

                                    Hi yield bonds failing and US about to raise interest rates which reminds me of Oct87.

                                    The next week will be ... hmmm ... interesting. See how we go.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 4:43PM
                                • "Analyses" like these are so incredibly daft. Costs could run into billions if "construction is hit by cost overruns and delays". Well duh, isn't it true that every project could cost a lot of money if it costs a lot of money (cost overruns) or costs a lot of time (delays). This is undergraduate opinion dressed up as an "analysis". We assess risk not just by the impact but by the probability of it happening. You know what else would be disastrous for shareholders, if our government was overrun by a military dictatorship and they decided to nationalise Telstra. That would be disastrous, but it's very unlikely to happen. I make no comment on how likely these events are for this scenario, but let's stop publishing this kind of crap from 'independent analysis firms'.

                                  Date and time
                                  December 16, 2015, 1:34PM
                                    • They were just probably hoping to panic some TLS holders to sell out cheap.

                                      mitch of ACT
                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 2:04PM
                                    • Share price leading up to Feb div is all that matters. Closer to $6 than $5

                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 2:19PM
                                  • Sonic being oversold.
                                    Pathology has not been banned.
                                    Much income from overseas anyway.
                                    Get ready to buy.

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 1:25PM
                                    • I agree, will be looking for a long term entry point soon...

                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 1:52PM
                                    • Gut feeling is that with a gov't so desperate to cut spending there will be more cuts to the private health providers. They get away with one, along comes the next one and the one after that. Death by a thousand spending cuts.

                                      mitch of ACT
                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 2:49PM
                                    • Bert, I have long been an admirer of Dr Goldschmidt and looked for opportunities to buy this stock at the right price. Unfortunately I still can't see $17.50 as reasonable value. I still get $12 - 13 based on the June 2016 results.

                                      old bloke
                                      summer bay
                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 3:45PM
                                  • 1:20. Is interesting seeing a Hedge Fund Manager performing so poorly. They have obviously been shorting US stocks, which have been performing quite well this year.

                                    Anyone feel much sympathy for Mr Ackman and his fund?

                                    Date and time
                                    December 16, 2015, 1:25PM
                                    • Pawing over the chicken giblets at this time of the year can be both tasty and entertaining.
                                      A few discoveries are leaping up from the cold slab on which they lay.
                                      Firstly will Janet please give us a rate rise and get it over with.
                                      Then let us hope that Vlad agrees to divide Syria into two new nations. The world needs to accept that the 2 sects will never get on together.
                                      Finally, among many others, let us hope that ScoMo can rise to the point where Joe is but a distant bad memory.

                                      Date and time
                                      December 16, 2015, 1:21PM
                                      • @12.19pm. Well,well,what a surprise!
                                        Sue Mitchell writes a negative article about Woolworths.
                                        Does she not have any other arrows in her quiver?

                                        Date and time
                                        December 16, 2015, 1:19PM
                                        • @mitch... the chart indicators have started. I missed today, will start slowly tomorrow after gauging reaction to the feds actions, or lack of it. Then the fundies/big boys/botts and their controllers will all kick hard during the santa rally. I look at the markets charts from a different perspective ( daily super returns), but they are based on the same animal, the ASX. Hope you make a few bucks over the next week

                                          Date and time
                                          December 16, 2015, 1:19PM
                                          • MYEFO's tax rises will crush the economy as money is stolen from productive workers and given free of obligation to welfare enjoyers.

                                            Are you happy that your taxes are set to go up over the next three years by about $1,500 per taxpayer?


                                            United Nations Province of Australia
                                            Date and time
                                            December 16, 2015, 1:08PM
                                            • @Mojo, so for the fourth time without any response from you yet, how would you ensure that those, who through no fault of their own, have to rely on welfare payments to survive will be catered for. Many new recipients will be victims of gov't ideology that makes no economic sense, e.g. closure of local car manufacturing.

                                              mitch of ACT
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 1:26PM
                                            • I wonder what tomorrow's tax transparency report will show. Wouldn't be at all surprised o see a massive undercontribution to tax revenue from Mojo's mates.

                                              mitch of ACT
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 1:40PM
                                            • The closure of unprofitable businesses makes perfect sense.
                                              I suppose you wish they were still making typewriters.
                                              Time move on with the times.

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 2:01PM
                                            • @Val, the Australian business landscape would be decimated if those business that received gov't subsidies were closed, e.g. healthcare, training colleges, mining of all kinds, universities, schools, hospitals public and private, factories, manufacturers. Check out the daily disclosures on the ASX of companies receiving R&D tax refunds. With the car industry paying an annual subsidy of $500m makes far better sense than paying $2bn to $3bn in welfare to the hordes of newly unemployed. Then there's the lost taxes from car industry wages and the spending from those wages. But that's Liberal ideology, what more could you expect.

                                              mitch of ACT
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 2:37PM
                                            • @Mitch, have you considered that removing neg gearing might do the same to the building industry as what has happened to the car industry?

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 2:57PM
                                            • @MJ, no. Negative gearing is loved by investors who predominantly buy established houses rather than new ones. They do buy new apartments as well but we are approaching a glut of those, many of which are empty. So I don't see home building being hurt much by a clamp-down on NG at all. Some states (SA) even give an incentive if an investor builds a new home to add to the stock of low-income housing.

                                              mitch of ACT
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 3:56PM
                                            • @ Mitch, I thought investors bought mainly new builds as the depreciation was higher to help them get the negative in NG.
                                              Who cares if they are empty? It gave all the tradies a job.
                                              Just like having a lot full of Commos nobody wants.
                                              Maybe limit NG to new builds only?

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 4:11PM
                                            • @MJ, no rent or attempt to rent and the ATO will knock back your NG deductions. Yes the depreciation on new builds helps investors but with a new house build there are so many things to do to the property before it can be rented, e.g. fitting out, carpeting, landscaping etc. You don't have to do that with established housing. Not so much pre-rental work for apartments.

                                              mitch of ACT
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 4:44PM
                                          • Good luck in Germany Dominos.
                                            The Krauts won't eat your stuff. There are too many authentic Italian restaurants in Germany that offer authentic pizzas for the same price as your Yankee stuff.

                                            Date and time
                                            December 16, 2015, 12:58PM
                                            • but you have never been to Germany

                                              Delusional Man
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 1:09PM
                                            • Haha true, don't they make some low amount like $100 per week for each store?

                                              Wwwish Lion
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 1:10PM
                                            • Delusional Man
                                              yea never been to Germany except that I was living there for several years and speak fluent German

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 1:22PM
                                            • Next DMP will be into the Italian market!

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 3:53PM
                                          • 5000 by Christmas?

                                            Alan Shortt
                                            Date and time
                                            December 16, 2015, 12:57PM
                                            • Just tallying where I'm at calandar years end.

                                              I've made a whole lot of money this year. I hope even one good person listened and researched what I said throughout the year and has done equally well.

                                              I want to thank my clear unbiased thinking process and the clever people I pay to give me great ideas and advice.

                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 12:55PM
                                              • up 73% I presume

                                                bean conter
                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:05PM
                                              • Well done John. Unfortunately for me the only advise I took from you was long on Oil and Russia so I'm the creek without the proverbial but glad to hear you're doing well mate.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:12PM
                                              • Oh and sold my house in Sydney for 30% less than what I'd get now. But glad to hear you've done well mate.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:13PM
                                              • I'd like to thank myself for being so amazing. Hahaha. Bet no-one ever puts you in charge of award nights, John.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:15PM
                                              • @BillyJ. Sorry you missed the day I said to hedge.

                                                @doglover. True. No they wouldn't.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:27PM
                                              • Hi John, what is best way to have off line chat with you, Drop me a line on pls.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:30PM
                                              • Oh no, i thought you were talking about gardening. egg on my face. hedge, he says, hedge.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 1:47PM
                                              • I invested in Gas Masks, Foil, Black Paint, second hand school Buses( great apocalypse car), tinned goods.

                                                And anti depressants

                                                The demand from BB alone has driven these through the roof..

                                                No hedge needed. 100% Doomer.

                                                Cleaning the windows.
                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 2:18PM
                                              • @BillyJ,

                                                What you absolutely fail to consider is getting a bettter return than your 30%!

                                                The time is coming where the strength of property will become a weakness for the economy.

                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 3:17PM
                                            • The worlds largest miner $17
                                              Pile of Junk Food $54
                                              the market see's value in cheese crust but not in solid steel.

                                              risk on
                                              Date and time
                                              December 16, 2015, 12:47PM
                                              • I knew a Phillipine contractor who worked on Telco towers some time ago...the corruption is mind blowing, they all carried guns, hence the costs blowout not to mention "corporate governance" when it comes to paying off the officials to install your tower ect.... DSTC has "short" position on Telstra. It will be a disaster whichever way you look at it.

                                                Dorrigo NSW
                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 12:36PM
                                                • This may be very true about corruption, but San Mig is controlled by the Cojuangco family, or more specifically the current presidents uncle. Think that might help in some ways

                                                  Wwwish Lion
                                                  Date and time
                                                  December 16, 2015, 1:13PM
                                              • Just take a look at that LNG share price lmao! I guess highest project cost in the world + record low prices and falling is not the recipe for share price appreciation in these Australian Natural Gas pretenders!

                                                Look out below!

                                                Justin Pugh
                                                Date and time
                                                December 16, 2015, 12:31PM
                                                • Ok I'll stick my neck out and make a few predictions for the year ahead globally:

                                                  The Syrian government backed by Russia will retake full control of the city of Aleppo. This will be a major positive turning point in the conflict.

                                                  A major miner - not necessarily Australian - will go belly up. This will cause shockwaves in the short term but will trigger a rally in commodities.

                                                  Coal will continue to be more and more buggered, while on the other hand the takeup of battery storage will quicken pace, as will the sale of electric cars around the world.

                                                  GDY will become the biggest company in the world, making Fred Australia's richest man in the process.

                                                  Date and time
                                                  December 16, 2015, 12:23PM
                                                  • Honk Honk ! or should it be Oh Oh !




                                                    Black Swan
                                                    Events Manager
                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:39PM
                                                  • "The Syrian government backed by Russia will retake full control of the city of Aleppo. This will be a major positive turning point in the conflict."

                                                    Surely the large sunni majority have a right to self-determination?

                                                    The Jokeman
                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:51PM
                                                  • a. Russia will blame Daesh for attacking oil wells/refinerys but will be the ones destroying them, in order to drive up the price of oil. Scary.

                                                    b. Glencore's Glasenberg will be saved by the white knights of the European capitalists royalty

                                                    c. I hope so (I loved ORE's response to ASX price query)

                                                    d. No chance

                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:54PM
                                                  • "Coal will continue to be more and more buggered, while on the other hand the takeup of battery storage will quicken pace, as will the sale of electric cars around the world."

                                                    Fred only the less well off who need coal will be "buggered" while the electric car driving leftist elite will become even richer with their taxpayer funded renewable energy lifestyle.

                                                    United Nations Province of Australia
                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:11PM
                                                  • @Ern, thanks I missed that release :) very well played

                                                    Wwwish Lion
                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:31PM
                                                  • Mojo they won't be richer when the value of their used electric cars in need of new batteries fall like a lump of lead.

                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 2:11PM
                                                • Games being played with GXL but that's nothing unusual, watched the ledger load up this morning on the sell side as the token parcels drew the price down, surely ASIC see's something there. Isn't it illegal to make the market? but nah if its the Credit Suisse boys all ok.
                                                  Advise to holders don't SELL! to these pirates.
                                                  ok ok i'll chill now.

                                                  risk on
                                                  Date and time
                                                  December 16, 2015, 12:22PM
                                                  • “12:03pm: Read for some worst-case scenarios for the year ahead? OK, strap yourself in...
                                                    On a clear March night in Iraq, the desert plain of the Faw peninsula and a Kurdish village near Syria and Turkey go up in flames. The next morning, Islamic State claims responsibility for the destruction of the country's major oil pipelines”

                                                    Great story but IS would do so at their own peril. Releasing all those hydrocarbons in the air will result in an immediate response from the climate change brigade, and the lefties and luvies of the press, notably the ABC. IS can expect to be beaten with a wet bus ticket till the flagellators are exhausted and have to return to Paris for R&R.

                                                    Drowning not Waving
                                                    Date and time
                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:13PM
                                                    • @12:03pm, the election of Trump as POTAS put forward as a worst-case. Unlikely but can't be entirely discounted. After all, look at what we lumbered ourselves with in Sept 2013. Thankfully even his own party could only take so much. Very similar aggressive personalities. Not suited for leading a nation.

                                                      mitch of ACT
                                                      Date and time
                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:11PM
                                                      • Mitch it's easy to see why the left is running scared from Trump because they know he'll put an end to their business as usual, welfare, social engineering etc policies that have brought the West to it's knees.
                                                        The US has been severely damaged by it's affirmative action, social experiment president.

                                                        United Nations Province of Australia
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 1:17PM
                                                      • @Mojo, you're probably right. After all a country fighting WW3 started by its big mouth President, can't afford welfare payments.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 1:30PM
                                                    • 12:03pm: Read for some worst-case scenarios for the year ahead? OK, strap yourself in...

                                                      You can't be serious...

                                                      doomsday live
                                                      Date and time
                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:08PM
                                                      • yep, the Fairfax journos sure miss the real life soapy that was the new paradigm...

                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 12:35PM
                                                    • is Malcolm really just going to continue on with Abbots policies ? - no attempt at getting more revenue from obvious places like stopping tax free super for the uber wealthy ? - big mistake me thinks - same sh-t different shovel ? - wont go down well with the punters when they work it out......

                                                      Central Vic
                                                      Date and time
                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:59AM
                                                      • @Julia, an absolute gift to Labor though who are already making much of it. One of the spending cuts announced yesterday $704m from higher welfare payment compliance. However several times that $704m could be gained by cracking down on tax evasion/avoidance or collecting the ever-growing amount of unpaid tax owed to the ATO. Pity the ATO under Hockey sacked over 4000 ATO staff. The govt's short of revenue but decimates its revenue agency several times over. How crazy is that.

                                                        mitch of ACT
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 12:49PM
                                                      • @Julia and mitch.

                                                        Malcolm will do whatever he wants until Labor have a believable border policy and keep the extreme left Plibersek out of the media.

                                                        It's that simple.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 1:37PM
                                                      • MT is TA in sheep's clothing He will not do anything to stop welfare payments to rich by changing tax laws. The system is being ripped of by rich and multinationals. If we could collect fair tax from them we can have surplus. He will keep the price of his mansion and that of his rich mates at inflated levels by unfair tax laws and selling Australia to China. Life of ordinary Australians is irrelevant to him.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 2:04PM
                                                      • @Mitch - seems sort of insane doesn't it ? - no free blood tests - are you kidding - that's how Gp's do their basic job on a huge percentage of their patients - punters are going to notice that - and absolutely tax compliance I'm sure would bring in more than supposed welfare fraud - too much rubbish in the LNP to steer the middle road is what it looks like - @John BB I like Tania P - really is she considered extreme left ? - I must live in a different world

                                                        Central Vic
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 2:42PM
                                                      • @Julia

                                                        She would be PM if she were able to concentrate on anything but refugees.

                                                        She's blown her career IMO. Quite astounding to watch.

                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 3:24PM
                                                    • "Jingle bells, no more sells, Santas on the way, Janet lifts, stocks are gifts fat divvies in the sleigh- Ho, jingle bells, all is well, joe hockeys gone away, Now Mal's in charge Scomo is sarge and tonys on his way"

                                                      Ho Ho Ho
                                                      Date and time
                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:58AM
                                                        • Plenty of presents for ho ho ho. No coal for you.

                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 1:11PM
                                                      • The RBA has only one tool to impact the Australian economy, namely interest rates and it’s hand in hand partner talking the dollar down. As noted in the article at 11:07 today, Glen Stevens previously stated target (when the dollar was 82+ cents) of 75 cents has been broken; it is now at 72 cents. There is no appreciable difference in the economy, in fact it appears to be a little worse. Does this mean a new round of sabotaging the dollar from the RBA and a new target? Admittedly I have not read his full report but it seems that the emperor’s new clothes are starting to fray

                                                        Drowning not Waving
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 11:58AM
                                                        • I have and it only confirms the
                                                          RBA are still living in the fifties
                                                          Their irresponsible policies over the last four years have brought us close to recession, decimated retirees income and spending, created a housing bubble ,
                                                          destroyed business and consumer confidence. Ask yourself a simple question
                                                          Was Australia in a better position four years ago when the $A was parity and interest rates were 6%. These guys learn nothing from history eg
                                                          Japan, Europe, Ireland....

                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 2:27PM
                                                      • "Natural-gas prices dropped to the lowest level since 1999"

                                                        Must be time to buy more Santos!

                                                        Moron Portfolio Manager
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 11:54AM
                                                        • An oldie but a goodie.....


                                                          risk on
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 1:12PM
                                                        • It's hilarious. I mean what kind of idiot out of all the stocks in the world to choose from would pick stocks like BDR and BCI?

                                                          Moron Portfolio Manager
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 1:35PM
                                                        • Did you follow the link?

                                                          Spotting Muppets
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 2:46PM
                                                      • Never invest in airlines they say....

                                                        Alan Choice as bro
                                                        Date and time
                                                        December 16, 2015, 11:45AM
                                                        • afternoon sell down

                                                          The Jokeman
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:37AM
                                                          • or the afternoon take off!!! yeahaaaaa

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:56AM
                                                        • the ACCC thinks that we are taken for a rid on petrol prices, they must have been sniffing that staff to much in the last few months to get to this conclusion just now

                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:34AM
                                                          • The petrol resellers had better make the most of it. All their rip-off pricing strategy is doing is providing a great incentive for people to switch to electric vehicles and charge them at home from their roof-top solar.

                                                            mitch of ACT
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:58AM
                                                          • electric cars are as much reality as the ACCC does anything for the people of Australia

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 12:31PM
                                                          • Fuel retaillers will continue to rip off consumers until they are told off. It was always going to happen.

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 1:18PM
                                                          • Those in the business of selling petrol can decide what price they charge just like any other owner of something that someone else wants to buy.
                                                            Communist command economics are a proven failure.

                                                            Do forum rules allow Mitch to be contradicted?
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 1:19PM
                                                          • You are right Mitch. The fuel retaillers are shooting themselves in t he foot with their greed.

                                                            Greed has a lifespan.

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 1:23PM
                                                          • @Mojo, yes, sound economics. Look what rip-off electricity prices had as their natural outcome, 1.4m installations, and growing daily, of roof-top solar. The higher the price, the more substitution that occurs. Petrol will be no different.

                                                            mitch of ACT
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 1:34PM
                                                          • Petrol retailing doesnt follow normal retail practices. Where else in the world of retail is the price you pay totally divorced from the price paid for stock on hand? Irrespective of how much a retailer paid for his petrol you are paying for opportunity costs. So really capitalism comes in what ever flavour that favours the oil industry. Not hard to understand. The ACCC is just pure BS. It just cant see the wood from the trees. The feds can save a shit load by dumping these retards. Consumer protection is the name but no action is the game.

                                                            pascoe vale
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 4:34PM
                                                        • Bought 500 wbc at 30.997 using half my ANZ div payout
                                                          WBC payday 21st
                                                          And that's all I have to say about that

                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:29AM
                                                          • they went ex-div on 11/11

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:51AM
                                                          • worth $15-$20 each, don't hold them too long, their main market (WA) is crashing hard...

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:57AM
                                                          • @ Worried
                                                            Usually listen to you
                                                            However Goldman have a target of 34.50, so who do I listen to?
                                                            Well I would have never guessed, fancy that , I will just wait til 21st to collect

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 12:48PM
                                                          • I wouldn't listen to either of us to be honest, do your own calculations based on some assumptions :)

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 1:46PM
                                                        • ASX up 81 points. A lot of bears on here must be scratching their heads right now. Both PRY & LNG have rallied 15% since today's low. Not bad for a day work. Just to reiterate my call. Market will be up 2% today.

                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:24AM
                                                          • my friend, i am a bull .. but we have f-all to brag about this year...get real. It has been a massacre.

                                                            no banks .. no party!
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:47AM
                                                          • In footy the saying is "one win a season does not make".

                                                            Look at the 15 Year graph of the ASX then comment!

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 12:23PM
                                                          • Bears have nothing to complain about at all. They have been in charge for most of 2015, and should still have a spring in t heir step - even after today.

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 2:47PM
                                                        • @Alex, You should really have a word with ScoMo. I heard him use the allegedly non-existent word "transitioning" twice in the same breath yesterday.

                                                          mitch of ACT
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:22AM
                                                          • He must be a post Wyndham Scheme child.-----an inferior education.

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 12:22PM
                                                        • Where's squeezer. I want to ask him what he thinks of today's short squeeze. And Reality Check's MIA, just when I wanted to point out that the charts for the previous 2 years, at least, faithfully predicted the early to mid-Dec slump and hopefully foreshadow the coming Santa Rally. Past data is useful. You just have to know how to use it.

                                                          mitch of ACT
                                                          Date and time
                                                          December 16, 2015, 11:16AM
                                                            • Reality Check is cleaning windows. Usually Johns.

                                                              Arthur Daily
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:24AM
                                                            • No, he cleans the pool, i clean the windows.

                                                              There are a few other migrant guys but John wouldn't let them on his land, something about he thought they would try and steal it...

                                                              We all pile stones though, he uses a lot of them...

                                                              Cleaning the windows.
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:41AM
                                                            • Even a broken clock is right twice a day mitch, take a minute, digest that and wash it down with a freshly squeezed juice (Friday's will be off by now)

                                                              tea leaves & charts
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:43AM
                                                            • @tea, depends on the degree to which it is broken. If it is still running it may only be right once in an eternity but you are quite welcome to watch it until then to prove me wrong.

                                                              mitch of ACT
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:52AM
                                                          • 10.56; How come my local Domino's pizzas look nothing like this, just looking at it has made me hungry but not hungry enough to go buy one, half cold tasteless cardboard imitations where I am.

                                                            No market blog relevance
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:07AM
                                                            • That's Germany over dem dere hills ya hear. Aussie food is always inferior to other countries nabbit.

                                                              Dang Nabbit Cleetus
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:52AM
                                                          • JohnBB (I see you're around today). Yesterday we were having what seemed to be a reasonably respectful conversation about your objection to foreign land ownership. Its an enduring theme of your posts, so I wouldn't mind continuing it, despite the tone of your last post to what is a genuine attempt to understand your point of view.

                                                            On food imports: we don't need to be a net food importer to import some food. That we import some food doesn't mean we export no food, or that we are net food deficient in production for Australians. But as I said, I'm happy to accept your view that we are a net food importer for this purpose.

                                                            I read everything you wrote. What I don't understand is why you think foreign ownership of land equates to foreign control in any circumstance of the productive output of that land.

                                                            If it doesn't (and it doesn't), then I really don't understand the issue. If *ownership* of the land isn't closely related to control of the *output* of the land, then does it really matter what nationality is the owner? If so, why?

                                                            You said "are you serious?" to my question about why its our kids' risk (and not ours, or their kids). Yes, I am. We are presently alive, and need to make decisions to conduct our lives. Those decisions should take into account the effect on future generations, but can't be based on not doing anything ever. More than most things, since land is immovable, land sales are just financial transactions. They are reversible and impermanent. So why our kids risk?

                                                            And no, I'm not trying to discredit your logic. I'm trying to understand it. I'm comfortable (if worried!) if you're right, but I don't understand your view.

                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 11:04AM
                                                            • Your arguing with a person with a closed mind so your just wasting your time looking for any coherent discussion.The glass is empty with no likelihood of any refill according to JohnB.B....some people are happiest when everybody's miserable!

                                                              no new ideas.
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:35AM
                                                            • aaron, just accept in Johns eyes you are wrong, move on and be happy in the fact that you disagree with a selfish belligerent, uncompromising bitter old man.

                                                              Cleaning the windows.
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:42AM
                                                            • Hypothetical Farm has been owned by an Australian family for 100 years. It is an established, fully developed, efficiently functioning farm. Throughout that century, they were driven by twin aims - taking care of the land so that it could be passed on to the next generation, and of course making money, which adds to the Australian economy.

                                                              In 2015 it is purchased by a state owned enterprise from another country. From this point on the profits from that farm will go overseas.

                                                              Liberal/Labor praise this decision - "Australian agriculture depends on foreign investment!", they cry in unison.

                                                              Can you please explain how this is good for Australia?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:46AM
                                                            • Maybe you could address the issues I've raised @ozzie. Sounds like you have the answers.

                                                              @Aaron....."We are presently alive, and need to make decisions to conduct our lives"

                                                              I agree. WHILE considering what we are leaving for our kids. We are not doing that in any meaningful way whatsoever.

                                                              I'm not convinced you want to be convinced.

                                                              Here are the points I think you are still not considering.

                                                              1. global population is growing.

                                                              2. desertification, salinity soils, acid sulfate soils, erosion, pest species.

                                                              3. we are already net importers of food.

                                                              4. farm yields are declining over 2% a year (35 years they've halved).

                                                              5. The money received for it today is wasted on consumption and inflated housing (we won't even have the original sale price to buy it back with).

                                                              6. It's not our risk to take. It's our kids risk.

                                                              7. there's no way, our government would be able to tell China etal we're buying back for xyz. They can of course now say, you can't buy it.

                                                              8. we will not be able to afford the food coming out of Australian farms and there's not a thing our government could do about it.....I could go on all day I reckon about how short sighted and irresponsible it is.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:48AM
                                                            • ozzie_oz - I'm not arguing with JohnBB. I'm trying to get him to more fully explain his views so I can understand where his conclusions come from. I might not agree with them once I do (or equally, I might), but better to try to understand at least. .

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:50AM
                                                            • Cleaning the windows - but this is just the point, isn't it? I don't know JohnBB. Maybe he's as you describe, maybe he isn't.

                                                              What I know is that he posts things along the same lines here all the time, but the logic of it escapes me.

                                                              If he can explain it in such a way that even I can get it, then that might lift the tone of the conversation around here - at least we'd be talking about ideas for the future - which, when you get right down to it, is pretty relevant when you're thinking about where to stick your money in the long term.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:58AM
                                                            • Maybe you should ask anyone aged 20-30 that have been completely priced out of the property market whether they think foreign ownership is good for Australia? Sure, there are other factors, but foreign investment sure doesn't help.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:10PM
                                                            • @cleaning.

                                                              I'm selfish because I want to leave stuff for future generations? Wow.

                                                              It's not the first time you've said such things. I'd love you to clarify it.

                                                              As for old? I'm not so old.

                                                              uncompromising? After much reading, research and thought, I just believe what I believe, and no one, including you have given me anything to change my mind.

                                                              I'll tell you a positive trait I do have. I'll consider what you say, and if it challenges what I've said, I'll admit it and change my view. But so far @windows, you've got nothing. Absolutely nothing.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:19PM
                                                            • @Aaron,
                                                              I suspect your measured, logical post will receive zero reply from JohnBB, although I hope he does. It'll be great sport.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:23PM
                                                            • @Fred, the state-owned foreign corporation in your all-too-real hypothetical flogs the bejesus out of the land to maximise output, refusing to recognise that Australian soils are the oldest in the world and have to be treated with great care. Eventually they turn the fertile land into a dust bowl and sell it off for a pittance. 20 years later, after careful management by conservationists, the land is suitable for farming by an Australian family again.

                                                              mitch of ACT
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:38PM
                                                            • I think JohnBB has already explained this. It means you refuse to accept and understand the logic behind this. It is dumb argument that just because land or business is immovable then it is fine to allow foreign ownership. In that case let China allow foreign ownership of it's businesses and land. The issue is far more complex.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:54PM
                                                            • transfer of ownership to offshore SOE in existing assets is not investment.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 1:12PM
                                                            • BTW.

                                                              If you export 70% of your food but import 71%, you are a net importer of food.

                                                              When yields halve in 35 years and your population has doubled, you're what's called "doomed". When they halve again, I'm not sure what you call that.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 1:23PM
                                                            • Imagine this scenario. Chinese company buys large Australian food company. (probably not large by world standards).
                                                              Because it's a Chinese company it already has a leg into the Chinese market. Chinese company then targets a very select market within China (which is probably 5 times the size of the AU market) with high quality Australian produce (although they probably use Chinese labour to pack and ship it).
                                                              This ramps up the price of the Australian product. The entire quality product goes to china. We end up eating crap and paying a fortune for it. Tried buying some decent local fish lately?
                                                              If flogging off your land is such a great idea why isn't China etc. doing it?
                                                              Why bother doing anything ourselves lets just sell the whole continent and move back to where we came from with all that money.

                                                              It's finite
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 1:48PM
                                                            • Seems weird to me that the basic first response of anyone on this blog to a question is to resort to versions of "what are you, an idiot".

                                                              John, I don't want to be 'convinced'. I want to know why *you're* convinced. I didn't go through your list of points one by one because it didn't seem worthwhile. I want to understand the underlying logic. World population is growing ergo all land within the geographical boundaries of Australia must be owned by Australian citizen or its a calamity? How's that work?

                                                              Instead of answering the question with vague assertions of facts, why not just answer the question? Large tracts of Australian land in foreign ownership are bad for Australians why? The answer is not because the number of humans on the planet is increasing.

                                                              *********** not sure how house prices are directly related to a discussion on the possible risks of foreign acquisition of productive farm land, but thanks.

                                                              Fred: your argument is one against any foreign ownership of anything anywhere ever. What about this: 100 year old Australian farm requires capital injection. No Australian will stump up the money. Farm ceases to operate. How's that good?

                                                              Its' finite: you make the same assumption I think JohnBB makes. You equate ownership of land with control over the output from that land. Such a link is weak, at best. Chinese companies operating in Australia are subject to Australian law. Exports from Australia to China can be lcontrolled.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 2:36PM
                                                            • @Aaron.

                                                              I think I've comprehensively answered the questions. I do not understand why you think I haven't.

                                                              Sell the land, waste the proceeds.
                                                              All the issues over time will be very politically difficult to control is someone else owns the land.

                                                              It's clear to me, you don't want to understand what I've said.

                                                              If you want to ask some specific questions, I'll try and answer them.

                                                              Maybe you could anser some for me.

                                                              1. Why would we want to sell Australian land?

                                                              2. What is your interest in this. There is one isn't there?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 2:58PM
                                                            • I'm with you Aaron, it would be nice to understand a real reason.
                                                              Johns 8 points are an illogical ramble.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:14PM
                                                            • JohnBB - point is you haven't answered the question. You've asserted as fact that its bad because it is, accompanied by a list of things I don't see relate much. I just don't see the link between farm yields and the nationality of a farm's owners, for example.

                                                              To demonstrate what I mean by answering questions, try this:

                                                              1. Your question is actually why would Australians want to sell Australian land to someone who isn't Australian. The answer is: because the current owner doesn't want to own it any more and I can't see the slightest reason why we'd care very much who owns a particular piece of land. I care very much how that land is used, but couldn't care less who actually owns it (within some limits, none of which are related to nationality).

                                                              2. My interest is that my basic starting point is in fundamental disagreement with yours (see answer to question 1, above). Yours appears to assume that where a person is born is of overriding importance.

                                                              As a person of at least reasonable intelligence, I like to understand the viewpoints of people other than me. Yours I don't get, which is why I'm asking about it.

                                                              Now. How about you answer the same questions, without a list of unexplained factoids - I'm not interested in your views on farm yields really. What I'm interested in is why you think declining farm yields is at all related to ownership structure.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:26PM
                                                            • Just a quick one John,

                                                              When did YOU become the owner of Australia.

                                                              I think you'll find that Round Whitey stole it in the first place, now it is yours?

                                                              Please explain how land and business owned and operated by an individual legally are a states responsibility.

                                                              Your no government or better government thoughts seems at odds with your thoughts on asset sales and national income and growth.

                                                              It's the vibe
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:28PM
                                                            • xyz: I didn't include you in the omnibus answer, sorry.

                                                              As mentioned in responses to JohnBB, I don't think he's answered the question. If you think he has, feel free to jump in with a C&P as to where.

                                                              As for your comment: China doesn't control air pollution very well either. Should we stop bothering, based on the idea that if China doesn't do it, we shouldn't either?

                                                              What's wrong exactly with the argument that because land is fixed its sale to a foreigner isn't all that important? Calling it "a dumb argument" and saying the issues are more complex isn't a counterargument. Its just meaningless rudeness backed up with "I'm too smart to bother explaining it to you".

                                                              If the argument is dumb, explain why. If the issues are complex, explain them. If you can't, then thanks for your contribution but really, what was its point?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:33PM
                                                            • Oh, and John:

                                                              "Sell the land, waste the proceeds"

                                                              If the land is privately held, the proceeds from the sale go to any creditors and then the owners. They can then do whatever they want with the proceeds.

                                                              Perhaps they'll waste it. Perhaps they'll invest it in some new, highly productive endeavour. Who knows. Why though is "private citizen wastes own money" anyone's problem but their own?

                                                              Unless you are advocating for state ownership of land or some deeply weird state where private citizens are only permitted to spend their money on particular approved items, I'm really not sure what this point is about.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:46PM
                                                            • For a while I thought it was the duty of the Australian government to look after the Australian population as a whole. Not just one member of it that wants to flog off some property. To look at the long term and not some short term election cycle. If you want foreign investment what's the matter with a lease plenty of other businesses work with them.

                                                              It's finite
                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:52PM
                                                            • @It's the vibe

                                                              It's Australia's land. The farmer is the caretaker, until it's sold to foreigners.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 3:58PM
                                                            • "If the argument is dumb, explain why. If the issues are complex, explain them. If you can't"

                                                              It's all been explained. You don't want to understand it.

                                                              The land is collectively owned by Australia, the name on the deeds is the person that paid money to use it until they sell the right to use it to someone else. You even imply that when you naively suggest Australia will make the rules even when that user is foreign.

                                                              As I said, you don't want to consider the issues, you don't want to understand. Now I really want to know why?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 4:05PM
                                                            • "It's Australia's land. The farmer is the caretaker, until it's sold to foreigners"

                                                              At which point the farmer, who may well in fact be exactly the same person, is still the caretaker?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 4:18PM
                                                            • Give up Aaron, obviously John cannot engage in a rational debate.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 4:19PM
                                                            • MJ - I'm getting to that point. Sad really. I had high hopes this morning.

                                                              John - at the end of the day, you've finally started to at least answer the question.

                                                              No, you haven't answered it yet. No, its not because I don't want to understand. Its because you haven't answered this simple question:

                                                              Why is a piece of land in Australia being owned by someone other than an Australian national a bad thing?

                                                              "farm yields are declining" is not an answer.

                                                              I agree with you that the land is collectively 'owned', if you like, by Australia. Ownership of the land is actually ownership of the right to use the land, within the law.

                                                              Having agreed on that basic point, I come back to the question:

                                                              If the land is and remains Australian, owned collectively by Australians, what does it matter the nationality of the person who currently holds the right to use the land, within the law?

                                                              You ask why I care as if there's some giant conspiracy in trying to get you to answer a simple question.

                                                              YOU post it. Daily.
                                                              YOU hold the view.
                                                              YOU think facts and logic support your view.

                                                              All I want to know is why, because as far as I can tell, and nothing posted here has suggested otherwise, you're not actually right.

                                                              There's no deep nefarious plot.

                                                              My view: foreign ownership of [the right to use] land is of little importance because the land and its output is controlled by Australia.

                                                              Your view: foreign ownership is bad because it is, farm yields are falling, people will waste money and won't somebody please think of the children.

                                                              See the difference in our answers?

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 4:49PM
                                                          • short the big 4 at you own peril.

                                                            no banks .. no party!
                                                            Date and time
                                                            December 16, 2015, 10:59AM
                                                            • May be DSH should start selling baby formula in bulk. They will return to profit in no time and Shareholders will be happy.

                                                              Date and time
                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:54AM
                                                              • How putrid is the ASX?

                                                                Putrid Putin
                                                                Where's Santa?
                                                                Date and time
                                                                December 16, 2015, 10:53AM
                                                                • Dominoes leading the Santa Rally up 12%.
                                                                  Pity they are closed Christmas day
                                                                  otherwise I would have a Turkey Pizza

                                                                  Its Cheesy
                                                                  Date and time
                                                                  December 16, 2015, 10:53AM
                                                                  • surely no one eats this crap?

                                                                    Johnny Di Francesco
                                                                    Lygon Street
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:35AM
                                                                  • Yeah, but if you get the voucher for $8 for the chef's best and top of the range pizzas (yes, using the term loosely) then it's a pretty economical way to give the kids a good feed and beats cooking.

                                                                    Dang Nabbit Cleetus
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:41AM
                                                                  • Probably explains the weight issues with our kids today, lazy mum's getting el cheapo pizza's delivered because they have been too busy sipping on lattes while the old man is toiling away in 40+ degree heat caused by this climate change thingy.

                                                                    doomsday live
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:51AM
                                                                  • Nah Jonesy - I would like my kids to be more beefy. They tend to eat more rice kimchi and stuff like that during the week. Just good to get the pizza down the road on a Friday as gives mum a break from cooking as she works full time also. But thanks for the reply dang nabbit.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:20PM
                                                                  • ....the $8 deals are only for pick up only Jonesy. Delivered you pay full price.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:23PM
                                                                • PRY got HAMMERED this morning, bought 20k shares at $2.08.
                                                                  Fair value at least $2.50

                                                                  Date and time
                                                                  December 16, 2015, 10:51AM
                                                                  • Nice mate it's already back close to $2.50 now

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:10AM
                                                                  • I missed the bottom but spent 10k at $2.20. PRY depends somewhat on the government but a large chunk is not from the targeted cuts. Even a dip of 20% in their profit is not enough to justify such a fall over the last two days.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:22AM
                                                                  • How can you have bought any shares at $2.08 when PRY has never been that price? Why make stuff up?

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:27AM
                                                                  • Lost my nerve and sold out for $2.43.
                                                                    Still, made some easy money ;)

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:30AM
                                                                  • @sigh. Of course it was at that price. It's low was $2.06 this morning. Some people are sitting on a profit of 20% already since opening. am only sitting on 10%. One possible reason for that opening price, apart from those pestilent shorters is that one newsletter aimed at gullible retail investors sent a pre-market email today shifting it to Hold, when the same group had only last month recommended it an income buy near $4. Panic selling in a market set to rise.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:50AM
                                                                  • @worried33. A panic to take a ~20% profit in 90mins? I think that's smart. 4k profit.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 11:52AM
                                                                  • @sigh

                                                                    PRY today's low is $2.06. Make perfect sense if worried got it at $2.08. Why don't you educate yourself first before accusing other reader of making stuff up ?

                                                                    got brain
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:06PM
                                                                  • Would you like a copy of my confirmation?

                                                                    4,789 @ 2.090000
                                                                    15,001 @ 2.080000
                                                                    210 @ 2.070000

                                                                    I'm sorry, the price was actually 2.082 (CommSec shows it hit $2.06)

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:21PM
                                                                  • Buy stocks trading at 52 week lows at your peril. The reason they are trading at those levels is because the smart money has exited already. There's a laundry list of examples in recent months to demonstrate this point.

                                                                    Biggus Dickus
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 12:29PM
                                                                  • Maybe BD, but you've overlooked a number of factors. Shorters can push a price down beyond the market Buy/Sell dynamic and then you can have newsletters introduce panic selling pressure for smaller cap stocks (which is why I subscribe - to do the opposite of what they suggest as it creates short term known opportunities). Also, I bought PRY with a view that if it does get away from me (ie down), I'll happily transfer it to my Investment account from my trading account. I took the 1k profit from holding the stock for 1 hour. I also bought STO near its decade low yesterday, and picked up another 1k profit just then when I sold. Less than 24 hours later. STO has been amazing over the last few weeks. And again, I think STO has a bright future on a 3 year time frame so I am happy either way.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:22PM
                                                                  • @biggus - agreed. My largest client always trades the 52 week low or high for that matter - never wins.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:25PM
                                                                  • There is a huge short position in PRY, I think over 14% of stocks. Insiders know something that we average punters don't.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 1:39PM
                                                                • Santa Rally
                                                                  One of the 8 wonders of the world.
                                                                  Beautiful to behold.

                                                                  It's All About Making Money
                                                                  Lennox Hd
                                                                  Date and time
                                                                  December 16, 2015, 10:48AM
                                                                  • Pascoe "No, the government really isn't in control of the economy, steering a straight passage by design. It's more a matter of hanging on to the tiller as the boat is tossed about by prevailing winds and tides and hoping to at least steer clear of the rocks"

                                                                    Yeah they're in control. They're the ones overseeing, in fact promoting, the sale of Australia. They're the ones that pushed growing welfare. The ones refusing to budge on NGing, capital gains tax, multimillionaire pensions and corporate mates paying no tax.

                                                                    They are in control and along with Labor will be held accountable.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:45AM
                                                                    • Mate, do you still not get the basic of most basic things about the Australian economy.

                                                                      We are a demand economy, all have been always will be.

                                                                      Our government and economic future is based on others demand.

                                                                      Cleaning the windows.
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:05AM
                                                                    • @Cleaning the windows.

                                                                      "We are a demand economy"

                                                                      We'd purposely put/ keep ourselves in that position would we?

                                                                      We have no contingency other than BS rhetoric like "smart economy" "innovation".

                                                                      Mind numbingly ridiculous and we will now get what we deserve. No more waiting, it's here.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:33AM
                                                                    • JohnBB

                                                                      As per previous communication, Inter-generational Theft is a fallacy.

                                                                      the only time it is true is if debt is used to fund a war and destroy infrastructure, then that debt is intergenerational theft because of the loss of assets as opposed to the gainging of wealth and assets


                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:58AM
                                                                    • We are a 70% PLUS Service Industry economy.

                                                                      This is why, as others - and the IMF put, wages growth needs to exceed the rate of inflation.

                                                                      Currently wages growth has gone from flat to negative.

                                                                      Therein lies the problem.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:27PM
                                                                    • As i said John, you don't even have a basic understanding of Demand and Supply or economics so your point is not even worth discussing as it is not a reality in an economy.

                                                                      You are just making stuff up or misquoting things so you have something to whine about..

                                                                      Cleaning the windows.
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 2:12PM
                                                                    • @cleaning. I really don't think you know what you're talking about.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 4:09PM
                                                                  • Nov 17, 2015 "Why is BHP a red hot buy?"

                                                                    How to lose money 101.

                                                                    Listen to MSM economists after a bull market.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:43AM
                                                                    • Economist?

                                                                      He would be a stock analyst or broker John.

                                                                      Cleaning the windows.
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:13AM
                                                                    • The quote is attributable to AFR's Trevor Sykes aka Pierpont.

                                                                      I took the bait and bought some at 19.77 before selling out at 18.15 on the OPEC announcement.

                                                                      Thanks Pierpont!

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:37AM
                                                                    • haha, sorry John, he wasn't an economist, a broker or an analyst.

                                                                      He was Journo from the AFR, that is even funnier...

                                                                      Why are you taking financial investment advice offf a journo.

                                                                      Does he know your goals, risk tolerance, expected return etc etc...

                                                                      Do you go to a vet to get your medical advice?

                                                                      Geez some people eh...

                                                                      CLEANING THE WINDOWS
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:01PM
                                                                    • An analyst view at the same time about John mates story...

                                                                      Motley Fool..

                                                                      Veteran mining reporter Trevor Sykes has now chimed into the debate, telling The Australian Financial Review that BHP is a “red hot buy” right now. He said: “If anyone out there has got spare cash BHP is a screaming buy at the moment.”

                                                                      It’s a big call, and one that defies the opinions of most analysts, but there are certainly some appealing aspects to an investment in BHP Billiton that have no doubt tempted most investors in recent weeks.

                                                                      150% Tax on Retiree muppets
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:04PM
                                                                    • "Cleaning the windows"

                                                                      No he wouldn't be.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:22PM
                                                                  • I think Telstra's decision to expand into the Philippines should be celebrated.

                                                                    Too often Aussie companies are too scared to expand outside the Australian market. You can only grow so much domestically.

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:41AM
                                                                    • A good internet connection in the Philippines with the top provider in PLDT, costs about $20 a month with no download limits and minimal ads on YouTube.

                                                                      The only thing Telstra would do is raise prices so the average filipino can't connect and change the system to maximum annoyance.

                                                                      No thanks Telstra.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:33AM
                                                                    • objectively, I agree. However, Australia has some numpty tax regualtions that punish shareholders for overseas expansion.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:34AM
                                                                    • They have picked the right partner in San Michelle as it will open all the right doors.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:47AM
                                                                    • no risk then no gain.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:25PM
                                                                    • If telstra want to keep their fat profits, stay out of asia. Here in Thailand, I can get fibre for $40-60 a month. Normal adsl +2 is a lowly 265b/ month unlimited download. ( $10). Then again, these greedy bastards need to be taught a lesson.

                                                                      pascoe vale
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 4:41PM
                                                                  • 2015 Markets Live Awards – AKA The Pseudonyms. Tough to judge, given the exceedingly rich aroma of baloney emanating from multiple orifices, simultaneously. Your humble correspondent was a small contributor.
                                                                    Modesty Award – Doglover
                                                                    Ego Award – most outrageous pseudonym – Reality Check (now apparently departed) – an alter ego for a person with hyperplastic egomania.
                                                                    Condescension Award – tough call between Allan of Balmoral and JohnBB. After careful consideration, the ease with which JohnBB slips into “you are not as smart as me so you don’t understand” as a “fact” which settles any matter under dispute was the decider.
                                                                    Optimist Award – must go to Stu, unfailingly happy about his trades
                                                                    Two Dicks Award – previously known only for his expertise in turning any phrase in English into a vote for the ALP, Mitch has this year added a charting string to his bow. Lovely.
                                                                    Time Machine Award – “I will be right eventually, you just can’t see it”. No contest, back up to the podium JBB. And a special “innovation” commendation for using an argument that cannot be proven wrong, unless you have a time machine.
                                                                    The Persistence Award – still “booming” after all these years – thank you for joining us tonight Allan.
                                                                    New Talent: Apocalypse Category – goes to Captain Jack, holed up in the hills behind Byron, and ready for anything (except sobriety it would seem). Onya skipper. Beat DM by a red nose.
                                                                    “The Meanie” (AKA The Meaningless Award) goes to cnsjw for his continuous loop “sick asx”.
                                                                    Trade of the year – goes to all those who got on BKL and BAL and stayed there – sadly this old bloke sold BKL at $23. Shit happens, then you die.

                                                                    old bloke
                                                                    summer bay
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:39AM
                                                                    • @old bloke, is that why the ladies fight over me. I always thought it was because of my rugged good looks. But don't you know that it's a little strange to go looking. And now thanks to the Libs cutting down on healthcare, the ALP would never do that, it will cost me more to go and get my strange condition but useful checked out.

                                                                      mitch of ACT
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:51AM
                                                                    • and for the most obsessed stalker award - Old Bloke

                                                                      Bert Newton
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:55AM
                                                                    • "After careful consideration, the ease with which JohnBB slips into “you are not as smart as me so you don’t understand” as a “fact” which settles any matter under dispute was the decider"

                                                                      Thanks old bloat

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:56AM
                                                                    • How about a "quote unquote" award
                                                                      but yeah he's already picked up a coupla gongs.
                                                                      And then " " you again OB

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:03AM
                                                                    • Hahaha thanks for the laugh. I'm honoured to be mentioned and accept my award with humble pride.
                                                                      In turn, I award Tootrue the "rock solid in the trenches" award and BSB must get the "good value" award.
                                                                      You get the "tell it like you see it, but don't let it get you down" award.
                                                                      Keep it coming!

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:03AM
                                                                    • And post of the year goes to the Old Bloke..

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:03AM
                                                                    • @doggie Ta,I'd rather be adding than subtracting to the content where possible.

                                                                      risk on
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:27AM
                                                                    • @doggie - well deserved and thanks for the mention. Just hope we get out of some of the trenches in 2016!

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:30AM
                                                                    • I think Aero should get the 'most balanced perspective' award.

                                                                      Bert Mutant
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 11:31AM
                                                                    • Several intended awards ended upon the cutting room floor as a result of the 300 word limit, so thanks to those who have added some well deserved accolades.

                                                                      old bloke
                                                                      summer bay
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:27PM
                                                                  • Sadly I was right for once re GEM about 6 weeks ago.
                                                                    They keep moving the goal posts.--

                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:32AM
                                                                    • it's ex-div. date today

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:39AM
                                                                    • @Alex, what else do you expect when a stock goes ex-div. But you should listen to us allegedly lefties. I said long ago that childcare would get it in the neck from a gov't intent on cutting spending with childcare as one of the targets. The gov't wants to get more women into work (for jobs that aren't there) and so seeks to provide for more "choice" for childcare options. "Choice" is a favourite Liberal word for "pay or go without". Nannies, the preserve of the well-off get the tick. You can see who they are looking after.

                                                                      mitch of ACT
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:43AM
                                                                    • Apologies,-- missed the ex-div.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:57AM
                                                                    • @Alex - Carton !

                                                                      Doomsday live
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 12:33PM
                                                                  • The market keeps finding new and inventive ways to kick me in the guts. A brief respite from the selloff of mining stocks. Yay! Healthcare stocks now getting smashed. Boo!

                                                                    in my jim jams
                                                                    Date and time
                                                                    December 16, 2015, 10:26AM
                                                                    • Will it be with a rebel yell that Janet Yellen announces a rate rise. If there is a rise then it will probably be a token one as more rises will harm Wall Street and Hillary.

                                                                      EDs: Outstanding Billy Idol reference, Wally!

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:23AM
                                                                      • yes Wally, outstanding...hehe

                                                                        doomsday live
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:37AM
                                                                      • Nice one Wally.

                                                                        Mr Idol
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 1:21PM
                                                                    • BKL nearing on $200, I'd hate to have a short 'position' from $102. Hurrah!

                                                                      Old Blane
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:10AM
                                                                      • Let it go. There was no short position - it was just a hoax.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:12AM

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:23AM
                                                                      • Yeah - I'm like a dog with a bone. Thanks for the advice. Back to the dog house for me.

                                                                        Old Blane
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:30AM
                                                                      • Don’t you like gifts? It is the season for it…

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:40AM
                                                                    • Santa rally has begun. Get in before it's too late. 20% rally in sight. Today the market will be up by 2% at least.

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 10:04AM
                                                                      • Yesterday you were promoting LNG which was a falling knife. This is nothing but a dead cat bounce. Probably market will be down by the end of the day. This is ASX.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:14AM
                                                                      • Or are the shorters setting it up again.
                                                                        I'm a cup 1/3 empty kind of guy.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:27AM
                                                                      • Already too late. Any rally on this sick ASX only lasts 10 minutes.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:46AM
                                                                    • Anon and DM - the usual suspects bleating under another pseudonym.

                                                                      Magnum PI
                                                                      Movember's gone
                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 9:59AM
                                                                      • Cool story bro

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:26AM
                                                                      • Yeah the 'hurrah', prose and click clack boom's a give away. Glad you like my work. Please do let Higgins know. I'm out for a while.

                                                                        Magnum PI
                                                                        Surf skiing at the beach in my budgies
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:37AM
                                                                      • Actually referring to statistics - RBA statistics.

                                                                        The commentary on the INCREASE in Government Debt from $37 BILLION in 2000 to $73 BILLION in 2010 was "as the Federal Government took on the job of keeping the Australian economy going through the crisis" (GFC).

                                                                        So the INCREASE in Government Debt was $36 BILLION over 10 Years.

                                                                        The Budget Deficit for this year alone is $37 BILLION.

                                                                        And we have a "spending problem".

                                                                        There is no reference to the under performance of the economy against the long term GDP (since inception of this measure in the early 1900's).

                                                                        Perhaps you could address the data.

                                                                        Further, that same data shows our PRIVATE Debt increased from $662 BILLION in 2000 to $1.923 TRILLION in 2010 - and our home mortgage lending increased from $355 BILLION to $1.226 TRILLION over the same period.

                                                                        Perhaps you may wish to comment on these movements - and why?

                                                                        The wages "growth" figures are in the public domain.

                                                                        What you are complaining about is the presentation of data - why, exactly

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:46AM
                                                                      • Short sellers will be bruised by the end of this week. There is so much money sitting on the sideline and it's just a matter of time before those money find somewhere to park. I mean your super money. ASX will be 6000 by the end of 2016. You heard here first.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 10:51AM
                                                                      • Now I understand how John and Billy felt when they were accused being the same person. awks

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 12:12PM
                                                                      • Oh well imitation is the greatest form of flattery as they say. Great ski. Out again now. Laters. Evs.

                                                                        Magnum PI
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 1:27PM
                                                                      • Not sure how Anon and I imitate each other.

                                                                        He tends to post some lengthy - for me too complicated - data while I am just trying to be a dick.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 2:31PM
                                                                      • You're doing a great job at it, keep up the great work.

                                                                        Magnum PI
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 2:59PM
                                                                      • Thank you thank you

                                                                        DM Anon
                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 3:36PM
                                                                    • "The Final Countdown"

                                                                      Please explain

                                                                      Date and time
                                                                      December 16, 2015, 9:50AM
                                                                      • "he also noted government trimming budget spending was stalling recovery"


                                                                        And negative wages growth, where wages growth needs to at least exceed inflation.

                                                                        Date and time
                                                                        December 16, 2015, 9:47AM
                                                                        • It will be nice to have a swing up.

                                                                          I don't know if it is the start of a Santa rally (as I am only half way into my ASX X'mas shopping) but I am sure most investors will welcome it.

                                                                          Date and time
                                                                          December 16, 2015, 9:45AM
                                                                          • From this level any Santa rally will only get us back to the range bound 5200 ceiling, so its an illusion after the last 2week's of back pedalling, most Blue chips I own are at/around 52 week lows so any upside in a Santa rally is only pause in the downtrend from August.
                                                                            Hoaxed rally if it comes at all.

                                                                            risk on
                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 10:06AM
                                                                          • Oh Yeah which sector has had a reasonable run while most have lagged in 2015, Well looks like Healthcare...ok lets pull the rug out there as well with a little help from a Govt struggling with expenditure....bang fixed it.
                                                                            #@$% ^&%%$ ASX.

                                                                            risk on
                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 10:35AM
                                                                          • My sympathies @ BSB

                                                                            I am pessimistic long term in Aussie stocks so have taken to ETFs on the ASX. Whatever I buy this week will probably be gone by early January.

                                                                            You can check with Mitch, but I think that there is mostly serious dips before the Santa rally.

                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 10:45AM
                                                                        • "The final countdown"?

                                                                          More like the last hurrah!

                                                                          Date and time
                                                                          December 16, 2015, 9:44AM
                                                                          • A rally?

                                                                            "ASX Futures point to a very modest recovery of the aggregated losses since April which have put the ASX firmly in "bear market"" territory".

                                                                            With negative wages growth (so why is "bracket creep" a problem and for who exactly?), the ASX firmly in "bear market" territory for the reasons it is (who would invest in our banks, miners, manufacturers or retailers, house prices faltering and interest rates on deposits at about 2%, where is the recovery of the Australian economy going to come from exactly and particularly as we are being cowered by talk of increasing and expanding the GST, the decimation of universal health cover and the decimation of universal superannuation?

                                                                            Remember that, when the GST was introduced, plunging GDP to a negative (9%?), to evade a recession the First Home Owner's Grant was introduced (non means tested, of course), replacing the Bunsen Burner under house prices (due to successive negative years on the ASX) with a raging bush fire and taking the amount we owe to out home mortgage lenders from $356 BILLION in 2000 to $1.226 TRILLION in 2010 (RBA 10 Year Data).

                                                                            So do they re-introduce the First Home Owner's Grant (non means tested) to re-boot the economy - again?

                                                                            But wait ..... !!!!!!!!

                                                                            Or perhaps those bankrupted will rise safe in the knowledge they are now our heroes for "having a go" and taking our money with them!!!!!

                                                                            The mind boggles

                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 9:42AM
                                                                            • Confiscate all politicians wealth.

                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:06AM
                                                                            • Why John they actually did something for the community.

                                                                              What have you done.

                                                                              Whining on here doesnt count.

                                                                              Cleaning the windows.
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 11:10AM
                                                                            • I'd rather pay their salary then pay for John BB to get a big tax deduction for his Salary Sacrifice..

                                                                              150% Tax on Retiree muppets
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 12:02PM
                                                                            • I agree with your analysis. We are screwed because the current PM is giving us more of the same.remember the definition of insanity.

                                                                              pascoe vale
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 4:43PM
                                                                          • As we have previously forecast Alexium International AJX today released price sensitive market guidance for increased revenue ye16 of baseline US18.5m to potential US44.7m from last apprx $500k. An increase of over 3600%or 8800% at full potential. AJX now price positive in earnings. Note potential other markets world wide not included. Alexium....think Allyssian only bigger.

                                                                            Dorrigo NSW
                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 9:34AM
                                                                            • That should read, Alexium...think Atlassian

                                                                              Dorrigo NSW
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:41AM
                                                                            • Atlassian...but anyways got the drift.

                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:42AM
                                                                          • Let's see what the sick ASX does today, will it be manipulated as usual and do stuff all as it has done since 2007.

                                                                            Date and time
                                                                            December 16, 2015, 9:23AM
                                                                            • my gut feeling is yes,f-all again today.
                                                                              financials heavily shorted and miners not worth a pinch of salt. oil? even worse.
                                                                              but - my gut has been wrong all who knows.

                                                                              no banks .. no party!
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:02AM
                                                                            • Down 2% i'd guess.

                                                                              How many more days of this 2% fall can it take till zero..

                                                                              You post your silly daily post and
                                                                              i will make fun of your maths skills daily. Deal?
                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:38AM
                                                                            • Since 2007, the ASX generally has been marching to its own drum beat, especially when Wall Street don't have a meaningful move.
                                                                              The fundies (ie. those international Big Boys), have a habit of wrong footing the general public. They off load or accumulate big chunks of stocks when liquidity is at the highest level, ie; when everyone else is buying or selling - during rallies and selloff.
                                                                              In the past two days, the "rallies" we saw on DOW or SP500 were nothing but short covering rallies. This happens when the markets has gone "too short" and hitting a major support/resistance level.
                                                                              It is NOT a "solid" rally as fin journos would like to describe it.

                                                                              Date and time
                                                                              December 16, 2015, 10:42AM

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