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Last.fm Community Guidelines

Our goal is to create a connected environment that is fun, unique, enriching and safe by encouraging our users to conduct themselves with a high degree of integrity, decency and respect. These Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of Last.fm. Don't forget that your use of Last.fm is subject to these Community Guidelines and our Terms of Use.

Some things to remember while using Last.fm...

Play nice and respect the community

We're not asking you to be choir boys and girls, but please don't abuse the Last.fm site. We're a community of many types of people, who all have the right to feel safe and comfortable using the Last.fm website. So, be polite and respectful - we trust you to be responsible and expect everyone in the community to respect that trust.

Use common sense

  • Last.fm is not for pornographic or sexually explicit material.
  • Don't be a pirate - respect copyright. In other words, don't post copyrighted content (including links to third party websites) without permission from the owner.
  • Try to stay on topic. If you want to discuss a topic that is not related to the community area in which you are participating, try going to another topic area or create a new one.
  • Don't post commercial messages. Do not promote commercial activities, including related links.
  • Be respectful to each other. Do not vent your frustrations at other members, whether through your comments or material you post on the site. There is zero tolerance for predatory behaviour, disparaging or defamatory comments, threats, harassment, illegal activities, invading privacy, propaganda, racial hatred, offensive cultural behaviour, vulgar or obscene content, or other inappropriate behaviour or the revealing of other members' personal information.
  • Don't be a law-breaker. Make sure you comply with all applicable rules and laws. Do not promote information that you know or think is false or misleading or is criminal or illegal.

Last.fm reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in Last.fm's sole discretion, is in breach of these Community Guidelines, including without limitation, removing the offending content from the Last.fm site without notice and terminating the username of such users. Last.fm will determine in its sole discretion whether content and/or conduct is in breach of these Community Guidelines.

We will update these Community Guidelines from time to time, so please check this page regularly.

If you wish to flag inappropriate material to Last.fm, please see our Help pages for how you can do so.

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