GERMAN NEWS ALIENS! (DW Deutsche Welle 5-2013)
English language German news, (MHz Networks, World Channel, Journal News, DW (Deutsche Welle)) (low def) shows clear shapeshifting including extending extrem...
News@10: Channels TV Partners With Deutsche Welle Television 17/07/15 Prt.2
For more information log on to http://www.channelstv.com
The case against the Prophet | DW News
In his latest book, The Case against Mohammed, Hamed Abdel-Samad presents a fierce assessment of the influence of Mohammed. He portrays the Prophet as an ambivalent personality, with the negatives outweighing the positives. In our DW Interview, Abdel-Samad – himself the son of an Imam – describes why he no longer believes that Islam can be reformed. For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/
Rama intervistë për “Deutsche Welle” - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Ne Shqipëri nuk ka liderë te mafias, ata gjenden ne Europe. Kjo ishte përgjigjja qe kryeministri Edi Rama i dha gazetarit te Deutsche Welle, i cili e intervistoi ne emisionin “Conflict Zone”. Ndërsa foli per betejën e qeverise me drogën dhe krimin e organizuar, Rama edhe debatoi me gazetarin.“Jo, jo jo, ju
Hungary closes last loophole | DW News
A new Hungarian law will make illegal border crossing a criminal act subject to prison time. Hungary is sending thousands of soldiers to patrol its southern frontier even as work continues to close the last section of fence along the Serbian border.
DW News. Merkel Allows All Syrian Refugees Into Germany. Refugees Rarely Go Home!
Merkel acts as a German dictator proclaiming all Syrian refugees can enter Germany. This will allow Syrians and others to move into Europe and be certified, with Germany being a proxy.
Why Isn't Israel taking refugees? The Syrians are real refugees, but the problem was caused by support to topple the Government, from Zionists.
Why didn't Germany set up a special refugee camp in Syrian region?
Deutsche Welle вывела Порошенко на чистую воду
WORLD NEWS Мировые Новости https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAnTbobB6f_m9QwJHX2TyA
Ռ. Քոչարյանի հարցազրույցը Deutsche Welle մեդիաընկերությանը
Ձեր ուշադրությանն ենք ներկայացնում ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի՝ գերմանական Դոյչե Վելլե (Deutsche Welle, DW) մեդիաընկերությանը տված հարցազրույցի ամբողջական տեսագրությունը: 14.11.2015
Հարցազրույցը վարում է DW–ի ռուսական ծառայության լրագրող, երևանյան սեփական թղթակից Աշոտ Գազազյանը:
Հայերեն թարգմանությունը այստեղ` http://www.2rd.am/hy/robert-qocharyani-dw-tvac-harcazruyc
Интервью Роберта К
Deutsche Welle Polen
Switch Original, 1. Staffel, Folgen 1, 2, 5 und 6 Hier ist Deutsches Welle Polen, mit Übertragung in Farbe UND BUNT!! Einige Folgen dieser verrückten Sendung...
DW Europe | Weather + Promos + DW News (2015).
DW News started airing on June 22nd 2015.
00:30 Closing Discover Germany
01:02 Weather
02:07 Filler info
02:22 Highlight July
03:23 Promos
03:50 Menu schedule
04:10 Promo DW News promo
04:30 DW News 'Made for minds'.
04:59 Events
05:44 Countdown + DW News with Christopher Springate (28.06 1200 GMT).
07:25 News in brief with Sarah Harman (30.06 2215 GMT)
08:13 Closing with Amrita Cheema (30.06 151
Religious tensions high before Myanmar vote | DW News
This weekend’s historic election is looking like a showdown between the military-backed ruling party and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Meanwhile, the campaign has seen growing friction between Muslims and Buddhists.
More news: http://www.dw.com/english
Нашумевшее интервью Порошенко - в переводе на русский
Это интервью Петра Порошенко вызвало огромный резонанс. Журналист DW Тим Себастиан перебивал украинского президента, задавал провокационные вопросы. По просьбам пользователей интервью переведено с английского на русский.
Интервью на английском языке смотрите на сайте DW: https://youtu.be/cuKCusm-iOs
Другие видео DW на сайте http://dw.com/russian или на канале DW (на русском) в YouTube: http://www.
FIFA's executive committee met in Zurich | DW News
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
FIFA's top brass met in Zurich on Tuesday. The executive committee pledged to boost transparency, release more information about internal investigations -- and change their leadership structure.
Analiza , Azilkërkuesit, “Deutsche Welle”: Fajtor janë politikanët e Europës- Ora News
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Pothuajse gjysma e azilkërkuesve, që vijnë në Gjermani, janë nga Ballkani. Nisur nga numri gjithnjë e më i lartë i emigrantëve kryesisht nga ky rajon, televizioni publik gjerman “Deutsche Welle”, në një analizë të situatës, fajëson si përgjegjës, politikanët e Europës pasi kanë dështuar në vendosjen e stabilitetit në vendet e tyre.
Shqipëria, Ko
Ashraf Ghani: "This is part of our shame!" | Conflict Zone
See more: http://www.dw.com/en/program/conflict-zone/s-101431-9798
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says women’s rights are a priority commitment. But how is he planning on ensuring them and how will he fight corruption, security threats and human rights violations in his country?
Deutsche Welle - ParkourONE Berlin
ParkourONE Berlin für die Deutsche Welle (hier noch Link für die News rein)
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/parkourone
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=parkourone
Cem Özdemir: Merkel did the right thing | DW News
Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, talks to Deutsche Welle about the refugee crisis.
What to do with hundreds of thousands of refugees? Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, thinks Chancellor Merkel did the right thing when she opened Germany’s borders. And he agrees that other EU countries need to do their bit.
How is Europe coping with its refugees? | DW News Interview
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
Is Europe doing enough to help refugees? And what can Germany do to make sure a minority promoting hate and violence doesn't gain the upper hand? Deutsche Welle puts these questions to Stanislaw Tillich, Prime Minister of Saxony.
Deutsche Welle News About My YouTube Channel - (BULBUL Ki Pasand)
Amar You Tube Channel Niye Akti Protibedon..,, Deutsche Welle Germany te. "পুরো অনুষ্ঠানটি শুনতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন " http://www.bulbul.de/ THANX to Ashish Cha...
Deutsche Welle Journal Open 2007
Station ID followed by Journal News in English Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
Deutsche Welle Idents 2007
Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
Ayle Colliery, Northumberland (nr Alston). Deutsche Welle TV, 1992
Reporter Tim Moores goes underground at one of the last privately-owned drift mines in the UK. Ayle Colliery is situated 3km north of Alston on a minor road ...
My Life in Germany | In Focus
Arab students come from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to study at some of Germany's most renowned institutes of higher learning. This report follows three young Arabs from their German language courses to the universities and operating rooms. It shows how they overcome initial difficulties and religious and cultural differences to find a second home in Germany.
GERMAN NEWS ALIENS! (DW Deutsche Welle 5-2013)
English language German news, (MHz Networks, World Channel, Journal News, DW (Deutsche Welle)) (low def) shows clear shapeshifting including extending extrem......
English language German news, (MHz Networks, World Channel, Journal News, DW (Deutsche Welle)) (low def) shows clear shapeshifting including extending extrem...
wn.com/German News Aliens (Dw Deutsche Welle 5 2013)
English language German news, (MHz Networks, World Channel, Journal News, DW (Deutsche Welle)) (low def) shows clear shapeshifting including extending extrem...
The case against the Prophet | DW News
In his latest book, The Case against Mohammed, Hamed Abdel-Samad presents a fierce assessment of the influence of Mohammed. He portrays the Prophet as an ambiva...
In his latest book, The Case against Mohammed, Hamed Abdel-Samad presents a fierce assessment of the influence of Mohammed. He portrays the Prophet as an ambivalent personality, with the negatives outweighing the positives. In our DW Interview, Abdel-Samad – himself the son of an Imam – describes why he no longer believes that Islam can be reformed. For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097
wn.com/The Case Against The Prophet | Dw News
In his latest book, The Case against Mohammed, Hamed Abdel-Samad presents a fierce assessment of the influence of Mohammed. He portrays the Prophet as an ambivalent personality, with the negatives outweighing the positives. In our DW Interview, Abdel-Samad – himself the son of an Imam – describes why he no longer believes that Islam can be reformed. For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 58
Rama intervistë për “Deutsche Welle” - News, Lajme - Vizion Plus
Ne Shqipëri nuk ka liderë te mafias, ata gjenden ne Europe. Kjo isht...
Ne Shqipëri nuk ka liderë te mafias, ata gjenden ne Europe. Kjo ishte përgjigjja qe kryeministri Edi Rama i dha gazetarit te Deutsche Welle, i cili e intervistoi ne emisionin “Conflict Zone”. Ndërsa foli per betejën e qeverise me drogën dhe krimin e organizuar, Rama edhe debatoi me gazetarin.“Jo, jo jo, ju folët për liderë të mafias. Liderët e mafias janë në anën tjetër të Adriatikut. Ne kemi krimin e organizuar të lidhur me të dhe të mos flasim më për mafian kombëtare. Nuk ka mafie kombëtare. Nuk ka person të krimit të organizuar që kapet që të mos ketë, tre, katër ose pesë kode në telefonin e tij celular. Kështu ka një ndër-lidhje.”Reformimi i sistemit te drejtësisë ishte nje tjetër çështje e trajtuar gjate bisedës.“Nuk kemi vetëm gjykatës të korruptuar, ne kemi një drejtësi të tërë të korruptuar, që punon si korporatë, si një industri përfitimi. Dhe ne jemi duke e ndryshuar këtë, duke filluar me reformën që do të kalojë këtë vjeshtë. Drejtësia është çështja jonë ende e hapur. Dhe unë ua kam thënë gjithmonë bashkëqytetarëve të mi: Nëse ne nuk jemi në gjendje të kemi një drejtësi dinjitoze për vendin, nuk do të jemi kurrë në gjendje të bëhemi pjesë e Bashkimit Europian.’Rama foli edhe per nevojën e ecjes përpara te rajonit te Ballkanit, qe synon te behet pjese e BE.“Europa duhet të jetë strategjike në lidhje me Ballkanin, nuk është “business as usual“, është një hapësirë, që ju e dini shumë mirë, se ka qenë problem i madh me shekuj për njerëzit që jetonin në këtë hapësirë, por edhe për kontinentin. Tani është një hapësirë që ndodhet në një moment të ri fantastik të paqes dhe bashkëpunimit, por kjo paqe është shumë e madhe për supet tona.”Per kryeministrin shqiptar, fakti qe rajoni sot është nje histori e suksesshme paqeje lidhet me dëshirën e ballkanasve per t’iu bashkuar unionit.
wn.com/Rama Intervistë Për “Deutsche Welle” News, Lajme Vizion Plus
Ne Shqipëri nuk ka liderë te mafias, ata gjenden ne Europe. Kjo ishte përgjigjja qe kryeministri Edi Rama i dha gazetarit te Deutsche Welle, i cili e intervistoi ne emisionin “Conflict Zone”. Ndërsa foli per betejën e qeverise me drogën dhe krimin e organizuar, Rama edhe debatoi me gazetarin.“Jo, jo jo, ju folët për liderë të mafias. Liderët e mafias janë në anën tjetër të Adriatikut. Ne kemi krimin e organizuar të lidhur me të dhe të mos flasim më për mafian kombëtare. Nuk ka mafie kombëtare. Nuk ka person të krimit të organizuar që kapet që të mos ketë, tre, katër ose pesë kode në telefonin e tij celular. Kështu ka një ndër-lidhje.”Reformimi i sistemit te drejtësisë ishte nje tjetër çështje e trajtuar gjate bisedës.“Nuk kemi vetëm gjykatës të korruptuar, ne kemi një drejtësi të tërë të korruptuar, që punon si korporatë, si një industri përfitimi. Dhe ne jemi duke e ndryshuar këtë, duke filluar me reformën që do të kalojë këtë vjeshtë. Drejtësia është çështja jonë ende e hapur. Dhe unë ua kam thënë gjithmonë bashkëqytetarëve të mi: Nëse ne nuk jemi në gjendje të kemi një drejtësi dinjitoze për vendin, nuk do të jemi kurrë në gjendje të bëhemi pjesë e Bashkimit Europian.’Rama foli edhe per nevojën e ecjes përpara te rajonit te Ballkanit, qe synon te behet pjese e BE.“Europa duhet të jetë strategjike në lidhje me Ballkanin, nuk është “business as usual“, është një hapësirë, që ju e dini shumë mirë, se ka qenë problem i madh me shekuj për njerëzit që jetonin në këtë hapësirë, por edhe për kontinentin. Tani është një hapësirë që ndodhet në një moment të ri fantastik të paqes dhe bashkëpunimit, por kjo paqe është shumë e madhe për supet tona.”Per kryeministrin shqiptar, fakti qe rajoni sot është nje histori e suksesshme paqeje lidhet me dëshirën e ballkanasve per t’iu bashkuar unionit.
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 87
Hungary closes last loophole | DW News
A new Hungarian law will make illegal border crossing a criminal act subject to prison time. Hungary is sending thousands of soldiers to patrol its southern fro...
A new Hungarian law will make illegal border crossing a criminal act subject to prison time. Hungary is sending thousands of soldiers to patrol its southern frontier even as work continues to close the last section of fence along the Serbian border.
wn.com/Hungary Closes Last Loophole | Dw News
A new Hungarian law will make illegal border crossing a criminal act subject to prison time. Hungary is sending thousands of soldiers to patrol its southern frontier even as work continues to close the last section of fence along the Serbian border.
- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 171
DW News. Merkel Allows All Syrian Refugees Into Germany. Refugees Rarely Go Home!
Merkel acts as a German dictator proclaiming all Syrian refugees can enter Germany. This will allow Syrians and others to move into Europe and be certified, wi...
Merkel acts as a German dictator proclaiming all Syrian refugees can enter Germany. This will allow Syrians and others to move into Europe and be certified, with Germany being a proxy.
Why Isn't Israel taking refugees? The Syrians are real refugees, but the problem was caused by support to topple the Government, from Zionists.
Why didn't Germany set up a special refugee camp in Syrian region? This is an attack on European Nations. Refugees rarely are sent home once their nation becomes safe.
Should the EU be disbanded?
Deutsche Welle News. Merkel Allows All Syrian Refugees Into Germany. 20150901
wn.com/Dw News. Merkel Allows All Syrian Refugees Into Germany. Refugees Rarely Go Home
Merkel acts as a German dictator proclaiming all Syrian refugees can enter Germany. This will allow Syrians and others to move into Europe and be certified, with Germany being a proxy.
Why Isn't Israel taking refugees? The Syrians are real refugees, but the problem was caused by support to topple the Government, from Zionists.
Why didn't Germany set up a special refugee camp in Syrian region? This is an attack on European Nations. Refugees rarely are sent home once their nation becomes safe.
Should the EU be disbanded?
Deutsche Welle News. Merkel Allows All Syrian Refugees Into Germany. 20150901
- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 47792
Deutsche Welle вывела Порошенко на чистую воду
WORLD NEWS Мировые Новости https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAnTbobB6f_m9QwJHX2TyA
WORLD NEWS Мировые Новости https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAnTbobB6f_m9QwJHX2TyA
wn.com/Deutsche Welle Вывела Порошенко На Чистую Воду
WORLD NEWS Мировые Новости https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmAnTbobB6f_m9QwJHX2TyA
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 284
Ռ. Քոչարյանի հարցազրույցը Deutsche Welle մեդիաընկերությանը
Ձեր ուշադրությանն ենք ներկայացնում ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի՝ գերմանական Դոյչե Վելլե (Deutsche Welle, DW) մեդիաընկերությանը տված հարցազրույցի ամբողջա...
Ձեր ուշադրությանն ենք ներկայացնում ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի՝ գերմանական Դոյչե Վելլե (Deutsche Welle, DW) մեդիաընկերությանը տված հարցազրույցի ամբողջական տեսագրությունը: 14.11.2015
Հարցազրույցը վարում է DW–ի ռուսական ծառայության լրագրող, երևանյան սեփական թղթակից Աշոտ Գազազյանը:
Հայերեն թարգմանությունը այստեղ` http://www.2rd.am/hy/robert-qocharyani-dw-tvac-harcazruyc
Интервью Роберта Кочаряна медиа компании DW
Представляем вашему вниманию полную видеоверсию интервью второго президента РА Роберта Кочаряна немецкой медиа компании Дойче Велле (Deutsche Welle, DW). Ведущий – журналист русской службы и собкор DW в Ереване Ашот Газазян. 14.11.2015
wn.com/Ռ. Քոչարյանի Հարցազրույցը Deutsche Welle Մեդիաընկերությանը
Ձեր ուշադրությանն ենք ներկայացնում ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի՝ գերմանական Դոյչե Վելլե (Deutsche Welle, DW) մեդիաընկերությանը տված հարցազրույցի ամբողջական տեսագրությունը: 14.11.2015
Հարցազրույցը վարում է DW–ի ռուսական ծառայության լրագրող, երևանյան սեփական թղթակից Աշոտ Գազազյանը:
Հայերեն թարգմանությունը այստեղ` http://www.2rd.am/hy/robert-qocharyani-dw-tvac-harcazruyc
Интервью Роберта Кочаряна медиа компании DW
Представляем вашему вниманию полную видеоверсию интервью второго президента РА Роберта Кочаряна немецкой медиа компании Дойче Велле (Deutsche Welle, DW). Ведущий – журналист русской службы и собкор DW в Ереване Ашот Газазян. 14.11.2015
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 1461
Deutsche Welle Polen
Switch Original, 1. Staffel, Folgen 1, 2, 5 und 6 Hier ist Deutsches Welle Polen, mit Übertragung in Farbe UND BUNT!! Einige Folgen dieser verrückten Sendung......
Switch Original, 1. Staffel, Folgen 1, 2, 5 und 6 Hier ist Deutsches Welle Polen, mit Übertragung in Farbe UND BUNT!! Einige Folgen dieser verrückten Sendung...
wn.com/Deutsche Welle Polen
Switch Original, 1. Staffel, Folgen 1, 2, 5 und 6 Hier ist Deutsches Welle Polen, mit Übertragung in Farbe UND BUNT!! Einige Folgen dieser verrückten Sendung...
DW Europe | Weather + Promos + DW News (2015).
DW News started airing on June 22nd 2015.
00:30 Closing Discover Germany
01:02 Weather
02:07 Filler info
02:22 Highlight July
03:23 Promos
03:50 Menu schedule
DW News started airing on June 22nd 2015.
00:30 Closing Discover Germany
01:02 Weather
02:07 Filler info
02:22 Highlight July
03:23 Promos
03:50 Menu schedule
04:10 Promo DW News promo
04:30 DW News 'Made for minds'.
04:59 Events
05:44 Countdown + DW News with Christopher Springate (28.06 1200 GMT).
07:25 News in brief with Sarah Harman (30.06 2215 GMT)
08:13 Closing with Amrita Cheema (30.06 1515 GMT) + Promo + Ident Close up programme.
wn.com/Dw Europe | Weather Promos Dw News (2015).
DW News started airing on June 22nd 2015.
00:30 Closing Discover Germany
01:02 Weather
02:07 Filler info
02:22 Highlight July
03:23 Promos
03:50 Menu schedule
04:10 Promo DW News promo
04:30 DW News 'Made for minds'.
04:59 Events
05:44 Countdown + DW News with Christopher Springate (28.06 1200 GMT).
07:25 News in brief with Sarah Harman (30.06 2215 GMT)
08:13 Closing with Amrita Cheema (30.06 1515 GMT) + Promo + Ident Close up programme.
- published: 23 Aug 2015
- views: 6
Religious tensions high before Myanmar vote | DW News
This weekend’s historic election is looking like a showdown between the military-backed ruling party and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Meanwhile, the camp...
This weekend’s historic election is looking like a showdown between the military-backed ruling party and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Meanwhile, the campaign has seen growing friction between Muslims and Buddhists.
More news: http://www.dw.com/english
wn.com/Religious Tensions High Before Myanmar Vote | Dw News
This weekend’s historic election is looking like a showdown between the military-backed ruling party and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Meanwhile, the campaign has seen growing friction between Muslims and Buddhists.
More news: http://www.dw.com/english
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 2055
Нашумевшее интервью Порошенко - в переводе на русский
Это интервью Петра Порошенко вызвало огромный резонанс. Журналист DW Тим Себастиан перебивал украинского президента, задавал провокационные вопросы. По просьбам...
Это интервью Петра Порошенко вызвало огромный резонанс. Журналист DW Тим Себастиан перебивал украинского президента, задавал провокационные вопросы. По просьбам пользователей интервью переведено с английского на русский.
Интервью на английском языке смотрите на сайте DW: https://youtu.be/cuKCusm-iOs
Другие видео DW на сайте http://dw.com/russian или на канале DW (на русском) в YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/deutschewellerussian
wn.com/Нашумевшее Интервью Порошенко В Переводе На Русский
Это интервью Петра Порошенко вызвало огромный резонанс. Журналист DW Тим Себастиан перебивал украинского президента, задавал провокационные вопросы. По просьбам пользователей интервью переведено с английского на русский.
Интервью на английском языке смотрите на сайте DW: https://youtu.be/cuKCusm-iOs
Другие видео DW на сайте http://dw.com/russian или на канале DW (на русском) в YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/deutschewellerussian
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 247363
FIFA's executive committee met in Zurich | DW News
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
FIFA's top brass met in Zurich on Tuesday. The executive committee pledged to boost transparency, r...
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
FIFA's top brass met in Zurich on Tuesday. The executive committee pledged to boost transparency, release more information about internal investigations -- and change their leadership structure.
wn.com/Fifa's Executive Committee Met In Zurich | Dw News
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
FIFA's top brass met in Zurich on Tuesday. The executive committee pledged to boost transparency, release more information about internal investigations -- and change their leadership structure.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 144
Analiza , Azilkërkuesit, “Deutsche Welle”: Fajtor janë politikanët e Europës- Ora News
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Pothuajse gjysma e azilkërkuesve, që vijnë në Gjermani, janë nga Ballkani. Nisur nga numri gjithnjë e më i ...
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Pothuajse gjysma e azilkërkuesve, që vijnë në Gjermani, janë nga Ballkani. Nisur nga numri gjithnjë e më i lartë i emigrantëve kryesisht nga ky rajon, televizioni publik gjerman “Deutsche Welle”, në një analizë të situatës, fajëson si përgjegjës, politikanët e Europës pasi kanë dështuar në vendosjen e stabilitetit në vendet e tyre.
Shqipëria, Kosova, Serbia, Bosnja dhe as Maqedonia, sipas “Deutsche Welle” nuk janë në luftë. Në asnjë prej vendeve të ballkanit nuk ka uri apo tortura, përkundrazi, prej vitesh ata aspirojnë të bëhen pjesë e Bashkimit Europian.
Për më shumë klikoni në http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/azilkerkuesit-deutsche-welle-fajtor-jane-politikanet-e-europes/
wn.com/Analiza , Azilkërkuesit, “Deutsche Welle” Fajtor Janë Politikanët E Europës Ora News
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT
Pothuajse gjysma e azilkërkuesve, që vijnë në Gjermani, janë nga Ballkani. Nisur nga numri gjithnjë e më i lartë i emigrantëve kryesisht nga ky rajon, televizioni publik gjerman “Deutsche Welle”, në një analizë të situatës, fajëson si përgjegjës, politikanët e Europës pasi kanë dështuar në vendosjen e stabilitetit në vendet e tyre.
Shqipëria, Kosova, Serbia, Bosnja dhe as Maqedonia, sipas “Deutsche Welle” nuk janë në luftë. Në asnjë prej vendeve të ballkanit nuk ka uri apo tortura, përkundrazi, prej vitesh ata aspirojnë të bëhen pjesë e Bashkimit Europian.
Për më shumë klikoni në http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/azilkerkuesit-deutsche-welle-fajtor-jane-politikanet-e-europes/
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 280
Ashraf Ghani: "This is part of our shame!" | Conflict Zone
See more: http://www.dw.com/en/program/conflict-zone/s-101431-9798
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says women’s rights are a priority commitment. But how is he p...
See more: http://www.dw.com/en/program/conflict-zone/s-101431-9798
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says women’s rights are a priority commitment. But how is he planning on ensuring them and how will he fight corruption, security threats and human rights violations in his country?
wn.com/Ashraf Ghani This Is Part Of Our Shame | Conflict Zone
See more: http://www.dw.com/en/program/conflict-zone/s-101431-9798
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says women’s rights are a priority commitment. But how is he planning on ensuring them and how will he fight corruption, security threats and human rights violations in his country?
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 551
Deutsche Welle - ParkourONE Berlin
ParkourONE Berlin für die Deutsche Welle (hier noch Link für die News rein)
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/parkourone
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/su...
ParkourONE Berlin für die Deutsche Welle (hier noch Link für die News rein)
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/parkourone
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=parkourone
wn.com/Deutsche Welle Parkourone Berlin
ParkourONE Berlin für die Deutsche Welle (hier noch Link für die News rein)
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/parkourone
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=parkourone
- published: 05 Nov 2009
- views: 4076
Cem Özdemir: Merkel did the right thing | DW News
Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, talks to Deutsche Welle about the refugee crisis.
What to do with hundreds of thousands of refugees? Cem Özdemir, lea...
Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, talks to Deutsche Welle about the refugee crisis.
What to do with hundreds of thousands of refugees? Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, thinks Chancellor Merkel did the right thing when she opened Germany’s borders. And he agrees that other EU countries need to do their bit.
wn.com/Cem Özdemir Merkel Did The Right Thing | Dw News
Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, talks to Deutsche Welle about the refugee crisis.
What to do with hundreds of thousands of refugees? Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Greens, thinks Chancellor Merkel did the right thing when she opened Germany’s borders. And he agrees that other EU countries need to do their bit.
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 209
How is Europe coping with its refugees? | DW News Interview
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
Is Europe doing enough to help refugees? And what can Germany do to make sure a minority promoting ...
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
Is Europe doing enough to help refugees? And what can Germany do to make sure a minority promoting hate and violence doesn't gain the upper hand? Deutsche Welle puts these questions to Stanislaw Tillich, Prime Minister of Saxony.
wn.com/How Is Europe Coping With Its Refugees | Dw News Interview
More News: http://www.dw.com/en/program/dw-news/s-3232-9798
Is Europe doing enough to help refugees? And what can Germany do to make sure a minority promoting hate and violence doesn't gain the upper hand? Deutsche Welle puts these questions to Stanislaw Tillich, Prime Minister of Saxony.
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 139
Deutsche Welle News About My YouTube Channel - (BULBUL Ki Pasand)
Amar You Tube Channel Niye Akti Protibedon..,, Deutsche Welle Germany te. "পুরো অনুষ্ঠানটি শুনতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন " http://www.bulbul.de/ THANX to Ashish Cha......
Amar You Tube Channel Niye Akti Protibedon..,, Deutsche Welle Germany te. "পুরো অনুষ্ঠানটি শুনতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন " http://www.bulbul.de/ THANX to Ashish Cha...
wn.com/Deutsche Welle News About My Youtube Channel (Bulbul Ki Pasand)
Amar You Tube Channel Niye Akti Protibedon..,, Deutsche Welle Germany te. "পুরো অনুষ্ঠানটি শুনতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন " http://www.bulbul.de/ THANX to Ashish Cha...
Deutsche Welle Journal Open 2007
Station ID followed by Journal News in English Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle....
Station ID followed by Journal News in English Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
wn.com/Deutsche Welle Journal Open 2007
Station ID followed by Journal News in English Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
- published: 11 Sep 2007
- views: 5137
author: Boulton26
Deutsche Welle Idents 2007
Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle....
Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
wn.com/Deutsche Welle Idents 2007
Copyright 2007 Deutsche Welle.
- published: 20 May 2008
- views: 15344
author: Boulton26
Ayle Colliery, Northumberland (nr Alston). Deutsche Welle TV, 1992
Reporter Tim Moores goes underground at one of the last privately-owned drift mines in the UK. Ayle Colliery is situated 3km north of Alston on a minor road ......
Reporter Tim Moores goes underground at one of the last privately-owned drift mines in the UK. Ayle Colliery is situated 3km north of Alston on a minor road ...
wn.com/Ayle Colliery, Northumberland (Nr Alston). Deutsche Welle Tv, 1992
Reporter Tim Moores goes underground at one of the last privately-owned drift mines in the UK. Ayle Colliery is situated 3km north of Alston on a minor road ...
My Life in Germany | In Focus
Arab students come from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to study at some of Germany's most renowned institutes of higher learning. This report...
Arab students come from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to study at some of Germany's most renowned institutes of higher learning. This report follows three young Arabs from their German language courses to the universities and operating rooms. It shows how they overcome initial difficulties and religious and cultural differences to find a second home in Germany.
wn.com/My Life In Germany | In Focus
Arab students come from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to study at some of Germany's most renowned institutes of higher learning. This report follows three young Arabs from their German language courses to the universities and operating rooms. It shows how they overcome initial difficulties and religious and cultural differences to find a second home in Germany.
- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 310052