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Budget update: Iron ore retreat, flat wages to deepen deficit

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Australia's economic transition

The national account figures paint the picture of an economy in transition with broader based growth says Treasurer Scott Morrison.

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Steeply falling iron ore prices, flat real wages and below-trend economic growth have ripped a hole of up to $5 billion a year in an already deficit-strewn budget, figures to be unveiled on Tuesday are expected to show.

Treasurer Scott Morrison and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann will reveal the damage in Mr Morrison's first Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook statement, which is tipped to take this year's deficit beyond $38 billion, pushing a surplus even further away.

Scott Morrison and Mathias Cormann say the budget update is more realistic.

Scott Morrison and Mathias Cormann say the budget update is more realistic. Photo: Phillip Gostelow

The iron ore price has slipped from $US60 a tonne at the time of the May budget to $US37, a mere fraction of its peak of US$180 a tonne in 2011.

The mid-financial year budget statement will provide a snapshot of the economy and of the government's accounts - the crucial conditions in which the May 2016-17 pre-election budget will be drafted.

The May 2015 budget assumed an average iron ore price of $US48 throughout 2015-16. Research by the ANZ bank says halfway through the year the price has averaged $US42 and will probably average only $US40 by the time the year has ended. If maintained, it would add $1 to $2 billion to this year's deficit and $5 to $6 billion to the deficit by 2018-19.

"We don't expect the government to offset these revenue downgrades," said ANZ co-head of Australian economics Cherelle Murphy. "However, new policies introduced by the government will be fully offset with expenditure cuts elsewhere. These include higher refugee intake, increased spending on roads and the national innovation and science agenda."

Calculations by Labor treasury spokesman Chris Bowen put the four-year cost of new measures announced since the May budget at $6.5 billion.

"The Treasurer has pledged to fully offset this spending with matching cuts," he said. "Labor will not provide a leave pass or rubber stamp for the Abbott-Turnbull government to continue with cuts to basic services that hurt low and middle-income earners the hardest."

The statement is understood to include no measures other than those needed to offset the new spending, meaning the weaker than expected revenues will blow out the bottom line.

"It's absolutely right not to chase the revenue down the rabbit nasthole," said Deloitte Access partner Chris Richardson. "It would be impossible to do anyway, and the numbers are so big that you would run the risk of hurting the economy in the short term.

"But the problem is that is the same message we got under Wayne Swan and Joe Hockey and now Scott Morrison. At some stage, somebody has to do something."

"At some stage we will need to either lift taxes, cut tax breaks or cut government spending. We think more should be done on spending than tax just because over the past decade spending increases have outpaced tax cuts four to one."

Industry Super chief economist Stephen Anthony said that by 2018-19 the budget would be about $25 billion worse off than expected at budget time. If Mr Morrison used the statement to acknowledge that most of the $7 billion of budget measures held up in the Senate were unlikely to see the light of day, the blowout would exceed $30 billion.

The update is likely to downgrade the outlook for income tax, noting that wage growth has fallen to a record low of 2.3 per cent. That is barely above the rate of inflation, limiting the potential for pay rises to push workers into higher tax brackets, generating revenue by bracket creep.

The May budget had forecast a rise in wage growth to 2.75 per cent by 2016-17.

While Mr Morrison will own the budget proper next year, his decision to travel to Perth for the mid-year snap-shot suggests he still has the training wheels on and is keen to share the limelight with the much more experienced Senator Cormann, who is lining up for his third budget season.

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