Let's shift to quality in cars

Clement Letters 20/12/15

It seems the days of Australia being a Mainstream car manufacturer are coming to an end as we can't compete against cheap production in Asian nations, but there could certainly be a long - term future if we become a producer of high quality premium cars for the world niche markets, like Germany, Sweden and Britain.

Clement Letters 20/12/15

Abatement schemes a lot of weird

The clean energy regulator proudly announced that some 45 million tonnes of carbon dioxide abatement was auctioned on 4 to 5 November at an average price of $12.25 per tonne. Over time, these sales of "contracted abatement" will make up a significant proportion of Australia's emissions reduction.

Rod Clement Letters used car imports December 18 2015

Used car imports hurt safety

The National Automotive Leasing & Salary Packaging Association (NALSPA) welcomes the Federal Government's recent response to the Harper Competition Policy Review as it relates to the issue of parallel imports of second-hand cars.

Clement Letters 16/12/15

Global warming heats up rent seeking

When political make-believe becomes scientific fake-belief, and is powered by a turbo-charged religious cargo cult paid for by the West's captive taxpayers, big business cannot afford to ignore the vast potential of such a ready-made source of rent-collecting ("Paris climate change deal first step on long road", AFR, December 14).

Clement Letters 15/12/15

No diversity in splashes of pink

Candidate pools that reflect a monoculture, especially in relation to gender, age and skin colour, are widely accepted as the norm. We need look no further than Tony Abbott's cabinet selection in September 2013 and his explanation that "many good women are knocking at the door".

New dangers in safe-harbour rules

The government's new approach to insolvency is long on rhetoric about "risk-taking" and the need to remove the "stigma" of business failure....

Crack union code for real change

I read with amusement that Labor and Bill Shorten are going to promise stiff penalties, greater scrutiny and enforcement and more power for ...

System needed to capture land value

Transport Minister Paul Fletcher's suggestion that transport projects financially supported by the taxpayer should be reimbursed with the in...