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Why understanding the history of Jim Crow is still essential

"Certainly President Obama has been a cottage industry for racist imagery and racist memorabilia. There was a time in my collecting career, two or three decades ago, when there was a definite dip, in the production, sale and purchase of these really harsh, nasty images. But that has returned. In the museum we have a section of new objects; some of them are made to look old.

I do believe that America is more democratic and egalitarian than it has been for most of its history. But race still matters in the U.S., and negative racial imagery is one way you can see that it matters. You cannot have a race-based incident in the U.S. and not within one week have material objects in the market being sold reflecting the incident."—David Pilgrim on

Speaking OUT! wins Rainbow award for BEST Bisexual, Transgender & LGBT Debut

Speaking OUT!
is also first runner up for the Rainbow award for Best LGBT Book and second runner up for Best LGBT Non Fiction, Poetry, Visual Arts / Photography.

“These are portraits of a revolution. Photographer Rachelle Lee Smith gives lesbian and gay youth an outlet to speak for themselves. Simple, yet powerful photos of queer youth speak reams.”—Advocate

“It's often said that our youth are our future. In the LGBT community, before they become the future we must help them survive today. This book showcases the diversity of creative imagination it takes to get us to tomorrow.”—Mark Segal, award-winning LGBT journalist

Buy Speaking OUT: Queer Youth in Focus

(Who's Afraid of the Black Blocs?)"... an impassioned cry to the dissident movements of today..."


To oft has the formation of the Black Bloc been considered as politically impoverished by the overassertive echelons of media and academia. Yet Dupuis-Déri’s defense of the strategy as a viable form of resistance is both convincing and eruditely researched, drawn from a capacious stock of first hand experiences. To advocate direct action in the form of property damage and vandalism is no easy feat in the age of a flaccid, pacifist neoliberal doctrine that secretes the social imperative to remain at all costs in control of one’s socio-judicial conduct, and Dupuis-Déri presents an impassioned cry to the dissident movements of today to consider applying the Black Bloc stratagem in seeking a viable and effective tactic against the citadels of corporate capital.—Sam Stolton, 3am magazine

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Buy Who's Afraid of the Black Blocs?: Anarchy in Action around the World

Ursula K. Le Guin... "Oh, she’ll show you poetry."—Book Riot

"Because she’s a goddess and she says brilliant things. You thought that “The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas” was poetry? Oh, she’ll show you poetry. These poems are reputed to be an ode to the everyday, as well as exercise in observing, exploring, and enlivening the world around us. LeGuin writes about nature and quotidian happenings, but she weaves magic in. Get excited. Be moved. Go Ursula."—Michelle Anne Schingler,  Book Riot

“She never loses touch with her reverence for the immense what is.”
—Margaret Atwood


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Buy Late in the Day: Poems 2010–2014

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