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Train derailment causes WA Christmas delivery chaos

An aerial photo of the train derailment.

An aerial photo of the train derailment.

Perth families and businesses have been left with a Christmas logistical nightmare after a train derailment continues to block the only track into WA.

The freight train split in two after 39 of its 59 wagons derailed near Rawlinna, 350 kilometres east of Kalgoorlie on Friday.

A train derailment east of Kalgoorlie has blocked deliveries in and out of WA since Friday.

A train derailment east of Kalgoorlie has blocked deliveries in and out of WA since Friday. Photo: Facebook

It is understood that up to 13 freight trains have been directly affected by the incident while others have cancelled their journeys, including the Indian Pacific passenger service.

In a statement on Tuesday, Australia Post said it was sending trucks to try and collect parcels and letters stranded on the train.

"Letters and parcels sent to Perth from the eastern states from Tuesday December 1 have been impacted, as have letters and parcels sent from Perth to the eastern states from Thursday, December 3," the statement read.

"Express Post items will be sent by air and delivered on time."

A number of WA logistics companies have also been impacted.

WAtoday understands customers, including businesses planning to stock their shelves for Christmas, are waiting on items ranging from parcels to entire pallets.

The derailing is also delaying the delivery of a large quantity of back-to-school products, prompting the Department of Education to email parents warning them of a potential supply shortage. 

The track reopened at midday on Thursday, but it is unclear how long it will take for the trains to begin arriving in Perth.

The seven-day backlog is expected to cause havoc for logistical companies and Australia Post, already under pressure from the surge in deliveries before Christmas.



10 comments so far

  • Well given the current efficiency of Australia Post, I can't see it making much difference. Definitely a second rate service at the best of times.

    Baldivis WA
    Date and time
    December 09, 2015, 11:26PM
    • Well they are delivering to a second rate state o_O

      Date and time
      December 10, 2015, 4:22PM
    • A parcel from Melbourne to Perth took 3 weeks by Toll couriers, a parcel from the UK delivered in 4 days ???? do we still have horse and carts across the Nullabor

      Date and time
      December 10, 2015, 7:41PM
  • Good grief, what a stupid world we live in.
    Besides Santa comes via courtesy of Rudolf and my fellow reindeer's from the North pole, not from across the Nulli on a freight train.

    Date and time
    December 10, 2015, 2:23AM
    • Stuff happens.

      Date and time
      December 10, 2015, 7:14AM
      • Well it worries me, we have a car heading over and as of tomorrow all of our household gear. Don't mind if its late just want it to get there safely.

        Date and time
        December 10, 2015, 10:14AM
        • Why can't it be sent by plane in the first place?
          Surely it can't cost any more for a plane than train. And 5 hours is much more efficient than 3 to 4 days by train to be receiving your goods, especially where a business is concerned. Or maybe it's time to lay another track, to have two trains operating from east to West.

          Date and time
          December 10, 2015, 10:57AM
          • Why has it taken so long to report this to people.
            Cant believe the delay, no wonder my parcels are not here yet

            Date and time
            December 10, 2015, 11:49AM
            • Australia Post has missed a Public Relations opportunity from an Instance of not their making. Train derailments on the Nullarbor just before Christmas are regular due to temperature of the rails, the wear and tear of the metal and minimal maintenance budget for that stretch of the major rail length across Australia. Australia Post could have their special Santa and the AP Sleigh to the rescue. And for customers tracking their parcels, AP could have put an explanation on the tracking application. AP has lost the respect of its customers compared to similar services, which are much more customer friendlier.

              Date and time
              December 11, 2015, 9:33AM
              • Totally agree with you KB, cheers

                Date and time
                December 11, 2015, 12:51PM

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