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Australia And Britain: 'The Best Intelligence Relationship In The World'?

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The Attorneys General Australia's George Brandis QC, right, and Britain's Dominic Grieve QC. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham) | ASSOCIATED PRESS

British intelligence officials rank Australia as their best international security partner, Attorney-General George Brandis says.

Speaking in London, Senator Brandis said British Home Secretary Theresa May -- head of MI6 and deputy director-general of MI5 -- claimed Australian security officials collaborated better than any partner in the world.

"I said to them is there any respect in which the level of cooperation that Australia gives you could be improved and they said, 'no, we think this is frankly our best intelligence relationship in the entire world'.

"The level of co-operation between ASIO, MI5 and MI6 and our respective national police forces as well is in very, very good shape.

"The British know that Australia has been a very strong partner in the war against terrorism.

"The determination and commitment of the Turnbull government to be an active and effective participant in that battle hasn't changed one iota from the days of Mr Abbott."

Mr Brandis believes it is essential Australia recognises Islamic State presented a threat on the streets of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, not just in the Middle East.

Mr Brandis has been Britain to discuss counter-terrorism co-operation before flying to the Middle East on Saturday to hold meetings with Israeli and Jordanian ministers and officials to talk about terror threats.
