Asturias - Isaac Albeniz
Asturias(Leyenda) - Isaac Albeniz played by John Williams
Isaac Albeniz, Asturias
Tal Hurwitz plays Isaac Albeniz, Asturias. Mozarteum, Salzburg . 25/09/2011 Audio: Ronny Wiesauer Cameras and video editing: Itay Goldstein Cameras: Ovidiu G...
Sharon Isbin - Asturias
Music video by Sharon Isbin performing Asturias. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment.
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz. Visit us: http://www.siccasguitars.com
Andrés Segovia - Asturias
Ana Vidovic
Ana Vidovic performing Isaac Albeniz's Asturias at the New York Guitar Festival's third biennial Guitar Marathon at the 92nd Street Y's Kaufman Auditorium.
Asturias - Issac Albeniz (MichaelLucarelli, guitar)
Michael Lucarelli plays "Asturias" by Issac Albeniz
from CD 'CHOICES' available: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaellucarelli3
Website: http://www.michaellucarelli.com
SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE Channel here:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...
Visit my channel for more videos:
Follow Michael Lucarelli:
Facebook: http://
Asturias el principado de Asturias
Asturias El Principado de Asturias
Asturias tiene la fortuna de contar con dos ámbitos extremos, el mar y la alta montaña, ambos, además, muy próximos, como en pocos lugares del mundo. Entre los dos se extiende una superficie muy accidentada, modelada por el agua, y adornada, además, por una suntuosa envoltura vegetal, a la que la mano del hombre ha añadido en muchos lugares un toque magistral, q
ISAAC ALBÉNIZ- ASTURIAS Luis Fernando Pérez, piano
HYPNOTIC - Asturias (Official video) 2012
Музиката на "Asturias" е на испанския композитор и пианист Исак Албениц. Настоящата интерпретация на известната композиция е създадена специално за "Хипнотик...
Asturias Víctor Manuel
pa que queremos más alrededor!!!!con Asturias ya nos sobra todo!!! PUXA ASTURIAS!!!
Vídeo Oficial "Asturias viaja dentro de ti" en HD
Asturias, 1000 y 1 rincones por descubrir. Nunca dejes de soñar, Asturias viaja dentro de ti!! English subtitles available. Producción: Distrito Federal Musi...
Asturias (Leyenda) Isaac Albeniz
KUPINSKI GUITAR DUO: Ewa Jablczynska & Dariusz Kupinski,
Guitars:Philip Woodfield http://www.woodfieldguitars.com
Recording by MovieArtStudio http://www.movieartstudio.pl/
arr. Dariusz Kupinski
Please visit http://www.kupinskiguitarduo.com/
Asturias - Un país para comerselo
Visita a Asturias, con parada en Cudillero, de Juan Echanove e Inmanol Arias, durante la realización del capítulo dedicado a estas tierras en el programa de ...
Documental que recorre algunas de las localidades más emblemáticas del Principado de Asturias y sus monumentos más emblemáticos, así como sus paisajes natura...
John Williams - Isaac Albeniz - Asturias (Leyenda) (1975)
John Williams plays Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz, on solo classical guitar. From a 1975 TV series about Spanish guitar music with Williams. This episo...
Asturias - Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar)
Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar) Info: http://www.acg-musik.com/
Asturias Isaac Albeniz Classical Guitar Lesson with Tab.Guitar Tutorial for Intermediate
Tab Here https://stephentafra.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/asturias-tab.pdf
Isaac Albeniz - Asturias played by Wiktoria Szubelak
Isaac Albeniz "Asturias" played by Wiktoria Szubelak, live 06.2010
Con H de Asturias - El Documental Completo
Con H de Asturias, el documental sobre la escena Hip-Hop en Asturias. Estrenado el 27 de Octubre de 2012.
Rally Princesa de Asturias 2015 HD| Crash & Show | CMSVideo
-Subscribe to our Rally Channel // Suscribete a nuestro canal.
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-Like in Twitter: @CMSVideo1
Asturias ....como ye ho?
Un recorrido con espectaculares imágenes de Asturias #locosporasturias
Cudillero, Villaviciosa, Llanera, Gijón, Piloña, Nava, Oviedo, Soto del Barco, Pravia, Muros de Nalón, Gozón, Riosa, Siero, Candás, Castrillón y Villanueva de Oscos.
Síguenos en http://videosdron.com, http://fotosdron.com y http://locosporasturias.com
En http://facebook.com/locosporasturias
También en https://twitter.com/r
Andres Segovia - Asturias
Andres Segovia playing Asturias, awesome vid.
Asturias - Isaac Albeniz
Asturias(Leyenda) - Isaac Albeniz played by John Williams...
Asturias(Leyenda) - Isaac Albeniz played by John Williams
wn.com/Asturias Isaac Albeniz
Asturias(Leyenda) - Isaac Albeniz played by John Williams
- published: 04 Mar 2007
- views: 7974884
Isaac Albeniz, Asturias
Tal Hurwitz plays Isaac Albeniz, Asturias. Mozarteum, Salzburg . 25/09/2011 Audio: Ronny Wiesauer Cameras and video editing: Itay Goldstein Cameras: Ovidiu G......
Tal Hurwitz plays Isaac Albeniz, Asturias. Mozarteum, Salzburg . 25/09/2011 Audio: Ronny Wiesauer Cameras and video editing: Itay Goldstein Cameras: Ovidiu G...
wn.com/Isaac Albeniz, Asturias
Tal Hurwitz plays Isaac Albeniz, Asturias. Mozarteum, Salzburg . 25/09/2011 Audio: Ronny Wiesauer Cameras and video editing: Itay Goldstein Cameras: Ovidiu G...
- published: 05 Jan 2012
- views: 21497
author: Tal Hurwitz
Sharon Isbin - Asturias
Music video by Sharon Isbin performing Asturias. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment....
Music video by Sharon Isbin performing Asturias. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment.
wn.com/Sharon Isbin Asturias
Music video by Sharon Isbin performing Asturias. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment.
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz. Visit us: http://www.siccasguitars.com...
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz. Visit us: http://www.siccasguitars.com
wn.com/Ana Vidovic Plays Asturias By Isaac Albéniz
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz. Visit us: http://www.siccasguitars.com
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 1078
Ana Vidovic
Ana Vidovic performing Isaac Albeniz's Asturias at the New York Guitar Festival's third biennial Guitar Marathon at the 92nd Street Y's Kaufman Auditorium....
Ana Vidovic performing Isaac Albeniz's Asturias at the New York Guitar Festival's third biennial Guitar Marathon at the 92nd Street Y's Kaufman Auditorium.
wn.com/Ana Vidovic
Ana Vidovic performing Isaac Albeniz's Asturias at the New York Guitar Festival's third biennial Guitar Marathon at the 92nd Street Y's Kaufman Auditorium.
Asturias - Issac Albeniz (MichaelLucarelli, guitar)
Michael Lucarelli plays "Asturias" by Issac Albeniz
from CD 'CHOICES' available: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaellucarelli3
Website: http://www.michaellucarelli...
Michael Lucarelli plays "Asturias" by Issac Albeniz
from CD 'CHOICES' available: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaellucarelli3
Website: http://www.michaellucarelli.com
SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE Channel here:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...
Visit my channel for more videos:
Follow Michael Lucarelli:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lucarelliart
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lucarelliguitar
Guitar : "Loriente" "Clarita" cedar top
Inquiries visit:
Thank you so much for Listening/watching :)
wn.com/Asturias Issac Albeniz (Michaellucarelli, Guitar)
Michael Lucarelli plays "Asturias" by Issac Albeniz
from CD 'CHOICES' available: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaellucarelli3
Website: http://www.michaellucarelli.com
SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE Channel here:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...
Visit my channel for more videos:
Follow Michael Lucarelli:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lucarelliart
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lucarelliguitar
Guitar : "Loriente" "Clarita" cedar top
Inquiries visit:
Thank you so much for Listening/watching :)
- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 326418
Asturias el principado de Asturias
Asturias El Principado de Asturias
Asturias tiene la fortuna de contar con dos ámbitos extremos, el mar y la alta montaña, ambos, además, muy próximos, como en...
Asturias El Principado de Asturias
Asturias tiene la fortuna de contar con dos ámbitos extremos, el mar y la alta montaña, ambos, además, muy próximos, como en pocos lugares del mundo. Entre los dos se extiende una superficie muy accidentada, modelada por el agua, y adornada, además, por una suntuosa envoltura vegetal, a la que la mano del hombre ha añadido en muchos lugares un toque magistral, que es todo un signo de identidad.
Salvaje o humanizado, bravo o dulce, el paisaje asturiano ofrece una interminable gama de sensaciones y un sinfín de perspectivas. Asturias, la mirada del viento añade una posibilidad más, hasta ahora vedada a la inmensa mayoría: la contemplación de toda esa belleza desde el aire, como si el espectador estuviera suspendido en él y pudiera demorarse sin vértigo alguno en captarlo todo.
Este video se acerca a varios de los lugares más característicos del Principado.
wn.com/Asturias El Principado De Asturias
Asturias El Principado de Asturias
Asturias tiene la fortuna de contar con dos ámbitos extremos, el mar y la alta montaña, ambos, además, muy próximos, como en pocos lugares del mundo. Entre los dos se extiende una superficie muy accidentada, modelada por el agua, y adornada, además, por una suntuosa envoltura vegetal, a la que la mano del hombre ha añadido en muchos lugares un toque magistral, que es todo un signo de identidad.
Salvaje o humanizado, bravo o dulce, el paisaje asturiano ofrece una interminable gama de sensaciones y un sinfín de perspectivas. Asturias, la mirada del viento añade una posibilidad más, hasta ahora vedada a la inmensa mayoría: la contemplación de toda esa belleza desde el aire, como si el espectador estuviera suspendido en él y pudiera demorarse sin vértigo alguno en captarlo todo.
Este video se acerca a varios de los lugares más característicos del Principado.
- published: 09 Aug 2014
- views: 4
ISAAC ALBÉNIZ- ASTURIAS Luis Fernando Pérez, piano
16TH OCTOBER 2013...
wn.com/Isaac Albéniz Asturias Luis Fernando Pérez, Piano
- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 67076
HYPNOTIC - Asturias (Official video) 2012
Музиката на "Asturias" е на испанския композитор и пианист Исак Албениц. Настоящата интерпретация на известната композиция е създадена специално за "Хипнотик......
Музиката на "Asturias" е на испанския композитор и пианист Исак Албениц. Настоящата интерпретация на известната композиция е създадена специално за "Хипнотик...
wn.com/Hypnotic Asturias (Official Video) 2012
Музиката на "Asturias" е на испанския композитор и пианист Исак Албениц. Настоящата интерпретация на известната композиция е създадена специално за "Хипнотик...
- published: 21 Feb 2012
- views: 86440
author: HYPNOTIC
Asturias Víctor Manuel
pa que queremos más alrededor!!!!con Asturias ya nos sobra todo!!! PUXA ASTURIAS!!!...
pa que queremos más alrededor!!!!con Asturias ya nos sobra todo!!! PUXA ASTURIAS!!!
wn.com/Asturias Víctor Manuel
pa que queremos más alrededor!!!!con Asturias ya nos sobra todo!!! PUXA ASTURIAS!!!
- published: 09 Aug 2010
- views: 197662
author: felinaf4
Vídeo Oficial "Asturias viaja dentro de ti" en HD
Asturias, 1000 y 1 rincones por descubrir. Nunca dejes de soñar, Asturias viaja dentro de ti!! English subtitles available. Producción: Distrito Federal Musi......
Asturias, 1000 y 1 rincones por descubrir. Nunca dejes de soñar, Asturias viaja dentro de ti!! English subtitles available. Producción: Distrito Federal Musi...
wn.com/Vídeo Oficial Asturias Viaja Dentro De Ti En Hd
Asturias, 1000 y 1 rincones por descubrir. Nunca dejes de soñar, Asturias viaja dentro de ti!! English subtitles available. Producción: Distrito Federal Musi...
Asturias (Leyenda) Isaac Albeniz
KUPINSKI GUITAR DUO: Ewa Jablczynska & Dariusz Kupinski,
Guitars:Philip Woodfield http://www.woodfieldguitars.com
Recording by MovieArtStudio http://www.moviea...
KUPINSKI GUITAR DUO: Ewa Jablczynska & Dariusz Kupinski,
Guitars:Philip Woodfield http://www.woodfieldguitars.com
Recording by MovieArtStudio http://www.movieartstudio.pl/
arr. Dariusz Kupinski
Please visit http://www.kupinskiguitarduo.com/
wn.com/Asturias (Leyenda) Isaac Albeniz
KUPINSKI GUITAR DUO: Ewa Jablczynska & Dariusz Kupinski,
Guitars:Philip Woodfield http://www.woodfieldguitars.com
Recording by MovieArtStudio http://www.movieartstudio.pl/
arr. Dariusz Kupinski
Please visit http://www.kupinskiguitarduo.com/
- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 256074
Asturias - Un país para comerselo
Visita a Asturias, con parada en Cudillero, de Juan Echanove e Inmanol Arias, durante la realización del capítulo dedicado a estas tierras en el programa de ......
Visita a Asturias, con parada en Cudillero, de Juan Echanove e Inmanol Arias, durante la realización del capítulo dedicado a estas tierras en el programa de ...
wn.com/Asturias Un País Para Comerselo
Visita a Asturias, con parada en Cudillero, de Juan Echanove e Inmanol Arias, durante la realización del capítulo dedicado a estas tierras en el programa de ...
Documental que recorre algunas de las localidades más emblemáticas del Principado de Asturias y sus monumentos más emblemáticos, así como sus paisajes natura......
Documental que recorre algunas de las localidades más emblemáticas del Principado de Asturias y sus monumentos más emblemáticos, así como sus paisajes natura...
wn.com/Un Paseo Por Asturias
Documental que recorre algunas de las localidades más emblemáticas del Principado de Asturias y sus monumentos más emblemáticos, así como sus paisajes natura...
John Williams - Isaac Albeniz - Asturias (Leyenda) (1975)
John Williams plays Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz, on solo classical guitar. From a 1975 TV series about Spanish guitar music with Williams. This episo......
John Williams plays Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz, on solo classical guitar. From a 1975 TV series about Spanish guitar music with Williams. This episo...
wn.com/John Williams Isaac Albeniz Asturias (Leyenda) (1975)
John Williams plays Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz, on solo classical guitar. From a 1975 TV series about Spanish guitar music with Williams. This episo...
- published: 03 Nov 2007
- views: 688893
author: DrMikero
Asturias - Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar)
Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar) Info: http://www.acg-musik.com/...
Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar) Info: http://www.acg-musik.com/
wn.com/Asturias Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar)
Alejandro Carrillo Gamboa (Guitar) Info: http://www.acg-musik.com/
Isaac Albeniz - Asturias played by Wiktoria Szubelak
Isaac Albeniz "Asturias" played by Wiktoria Szubelak, live 06.2010...
Isaac Albeniz "Asturias" played by Wiktoria Szubelak, live 06.2010
wn.com/Isaac Albeniz Asturias Played By Wiktoria Szubelak
Isaac Albeniz "Asturias" played by Wiktoria Szubelak, live 06.2010
- published: 11 Jul 2011
- views: 939244
Con H de Asturias - El Documental Completo
Con H de Asturias, el documental sobre la escena Hip-Hop en Asturias. Estrenado el 27 de Octubre de 2012....
Con H de Asturias, el documental sobre la escena Hip-Hop en Asturias. Estrenado el 27 de Octubre de 2012.
wn.com/Con H De Asturias El Documental Completo
Con H de Asturias, el documental sobre la escena Hip-Hop en Asturias. Estrenado el 27 de Octubre de 2012.
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 280
Rally Princesa de Asturias 2015 HD| Crash & Show | CMSVideo
-Subscribe to our Rally Channel // Suscribete a nuestro canal.
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-Subscribe to our Rally Channel // Suscribete a nuestro canal.
-Like in Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CMSVideo1
-Like in Twitter: @CMSVideo1
wn.com/Rally Princesa De Asturias 2015 Hd| Crash Show | Cmsvideo
-Subscribe to our Rally Channel // Suscribete a nuestro canal.
-Like in Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CMSVideo1
-Like in Twitter: @CMSVideo1
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 9433
Asturias ....como ye ho?
Un recorrido con espectaculares imágenes de Asturias #locosporasturias
Cudillero, Villaviciosa, Llanera, Gijón, Piloña, Nava, Oviedo, Soto del Barco, Pravia, M...
Un recorrido con espectaculares imágenes de Asturias #locosporasturias
Cudillero, Villaviciosa, Llanera, Gijón, Piloña, Nava, Oviedo, Soto del Barco, Pravia, Muros de Nalón, Gozón, Riosa, Siero, Candás, Castrillón y Villanueva de Oscos.
Síguenos en http://videosdron.com, http://fotosdron.com y http://locosporasturias.com
En http://facebook.com/locosporasturias
También en https://twitter.com/raposu y
wn.com/Asturias ....Como Ye Ho
Un recorrido con espectaculares imágenes de Asturias #locosporasturias
Cudillero, Villaviciosa, Llanera, Gijón, Piloña, Nava, Oviedo, Soto del Barco, Pravia, Muros de Nalón, Gozón, Riosa, Siero, Candás, Castrillón y Villanueva de Oscos.
Síguenos en http://videosdron.com, http://fotosdron.com y http://locosporasturias.com
En http://facebook.com/locosporasturias
También en https://twitter.com/raposu y
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 2727
Andres Segovia - Asturias
Andres Segovia playing Asturias, awesome vid....
Andres Segovia playing Asturias, awesome vid.
wn.com/Andres Segovia Asturias
Andres Segovia playing Asturias, awesome vid.
Oviedo - Asturia - Spain
Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city. The city lends its name to the sudarium of Oviedo a religious relic revered there since the 9th century.
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
Here is the related article: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/asturias-2010/spain-asturias-gijon/ After my brief early morning photo safar...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Sa
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Sa
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Sa
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Sa
All of Asturias in one contemporary minute
Travel Spain - Asturias: Asiegu, a Real Asturian Mountain Village
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa r...
Spain Travel - Asturias: Hiking to the La Molina River
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region in the northern Spanish province of Asturias. I was staying at the Hotel La Cepada whose elevated location on a hillside provides amazing views over the town below. The weather had cleared up since yesterday and fortunately the rain had
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrant
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrant
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this...
The Fishing Village of Luanco - Asturias, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David's Been Here is in Asturias, Spain's small fishing village of Luanco. Located 40 kilometers north of Oviedo and dating back t...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise. Arrival in Oviedo
Spain has long been one of my favourite travel destinations. Although I have already travelled in the south of Spain, around Barcelona and on several Spanish islands, I had long dreamed of visiting the lush green north of Spain, "España Verde", as they say. So on May 24, 2010 I arrived in Madrid and drove with my rental car through the province of Castile and Leon into the Principality of Asturias
Oviedo Cathedral - Oviedo, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ The Oviedo Cathedral in Oviedo was originally built in the 8th century but later finished in 1388. The cathedral is in the Asturia...
Travel Spain - Asturias: A Stroll through Cangas de Onis
My day began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region ...
Oviedo - Asturia - Spain
Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of ...
Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city. The city lends its name to the sudarium of Oviedo a religious relic revered there since the 9th century.
wn.com/Oviedo Asturia Spain
Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city. The city lends its name to the sudarium of Oviedo a religious relic revered there since the 9th century.
- published: 09 Apr 2014
- views: 0
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
Here is the related article: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/asturias-2010/spain-asturias-gijon/ After my brief early morning photo safar......
Here is the related article: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/asturias-2010/spain-asturias-gijon/ After my brief early morning photo safar...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
Here is the related article: http://www.travelandtransitions.com/our-travel-blog/asturias-2010/spain-asturias-gijon/ After my brief early morning photo safar...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to int...
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 589
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to int...
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
- published: 30 Jun 2010
- views: 246
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to int...
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
- published: 28 Jun 2010
- views: 428
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ......
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to ...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise: Oviedo and Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to int...
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise Oviedo And Gijon
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites.
Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. On our walk downtown we ran into the festivities of La Balesquida, also called "Martes del Campo" (Tuesday in the Country) and followed a series of musical groups from the cathedral to the Campo de San Francisco Park. I got introduced to Asturian bowling ("bolos" -- where the balls are through through air) and the famous spicy sausage rolls of Asturias and a "carbayon", Oviedo's typical almond pastry. The entire town was out celebrating on this special holiday.
In the afternoon Liliana met me in Gijon, a city of about 270,000 people that is located on the coastline of Asturias and less than half an hour from Oviedo. An important coastal city and the largest city in Asturias, it has been settled for many thousands of years and was an important regional city already during Roman times. Liliana took me to the Laboral City of Culture, located on the campus of the University Laboral of Gijon. This extensive university complex was built in the mid 20th century and inspired by historic architectural styles. We even went up the impressive La Laboral Tower which stands almost 130 metres high and offers amazing 360 degrees views of the area surrounding Oviedo. We capped off our visit with a stop at the historic Cimadevilla fishing village.
- published: 28 Jun 2010
- views: 119
All of Asturias in one contemporary minute...
All of Asturias in one contemporary minute
wn.com/One Minute Asturias Mini Travel Guide
All of Asturias in one contemporary minute
- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 74
Travel Spain - Asturias: Asiegu, a Real Asturian Mountain Village
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa r......
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa r...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Asiegu, A Real Asturian Mountain Village
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa r...
Spain Travel - Asturias: Hiking to the La Molina River
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa regi...
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region in the northern Spanish province of Asturias. I was staying at the Hotel La Cepada whose elevated location on a hillside provides amazing views over the town below. The weather had cleared up since yesterday and fortunately the rain had stopped.
Just after 9 am my local expert guide, Juan Feliz, came to pick me up. Juan runs a local outdoor adventure company called www.fronteraverde.com. Recommended by Turismo Asturias, he was the perfect guy to introduce me to the Picos de Europa, the limestone mountain chain that runs along northern Spain.
We began with a walk through the town of Cangas de Onís, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Asturias until 774 AD. In nearby Covadonga, Christian forces under Don Pelayo won a critical battle over the Moors, which triggered the start of the Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of Spain from its Muslim invaders. Our first major sight as we walked into town was the "Puente Romano", the Roman bridge over the Sella River, which actually was built during medieval times.
We had now reached the main square of Cangas which is anchored by an attractive church and a big statue of Don Pelayo, the local hero who defeated the Moors. Juan also took advantage of our walk to introduce me to some of the gastronomic specialties of Asturias. We walked into an attractive store called "La Barata" that carries a variety of typical Asturian food items.
After our explorations in Cangas Juan and I drove up into the mountains where we parked the vehicle and walked for about 20 minutes on a forested pathway to the La Molina River. This is the starting point for the canyoning experiences that Fronteraverde offers.
The sun was coming out nicely now as we drove on the narrow country roads of the Asturian mountains. We stopped in a pretty village called Asiegu which is a typical Asturian mountain village. We walked on narrow streets past a number of stone houses before we arrived at our destination: a cider house that was founded by brothers Manuel and Javier Niembro to introduce visitors to the typical gastronomy in an Asturian mountain village. Their company is called "Ruta'l Quesu y la Sidra" (the Cheese and Cider Route in the local Asturian dialect) and it provides a two hour tour of the village and well as a sit-down meal and locally produced cider.
Then - what a big surprise - Asturian television showed up to film me while I was interviewing Manuel. The arrival of a Toronto-based travel journalist was apparently big enough news to draw out the local television crew. This was a first for me, getting filmed while I was interviewing Manuel!
Juan packed me in his car and we drove down the mountain into the Cares River Valley. This valley cuts deeply into the surrounding mountains, and the Cares River Gorge is one of the most popular hiking routes in the Picos de Europa. After turning off the main road and ascending through a number of switchbacks, we stopped in Camarmeña, a picturesque high-altitude mountain village that features a gorgeous view towards the Naranjo de Bulnes, one of the highest mountains in the Picos de Europa mountain massif.
It was now late afternoon and my stomach was definitely growling. After we finished our shots with Televisión Asturias, we drove down the mountains into a village called Arenas where we stopped for a very late lunch in a rustic local restaurant.
From here we made one more attempt to visit the glacial lakes Enol and Ercina, high above the pilgrimage village of Covadonga. But as yesterday, the fog had rolled in and the weather was getting worse by the second. So we drove down the mountain again and Juan dropped me off at my comfortable home for the night, the Hotel La Cepada, where I enjoyed a nice warm night inside, looking out the large picture windows at the lit-up town of Cangas in the rain.
wn.com/Spain Travel Asturias Hiking To The La Molina River
May 28, 2010 began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region in the northern Spanish province of Asturias. I was staying at the Hotel La Cepada whose elevated location on a hillside provides amazing views over the town below. The weather had cleared up since yesterday and fortunately the rain had stopped.
Just after 9 am my local expert guide, Juan Feliz, came to pick me up. Juan runs a local outdoor adventure company called www.fronteraverde.com. Recommended by Turismo Asturias, he was the perfect guy to introduce me to the Picos de Europa, the limestone mountain chain that runs along northern Spain.
We began with a walk through the town of Cangas de Onís, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Asturias until 774 AD. In nearby Covadonga, Christian forces under Don Pelayo won a critical battle over the Moors, which triggered the start of the Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of Spain from its Muslim invaders. Our first major sight as we walked into town was the "Puente Romano", the Roman bridge over the Sella River, which actually was built during medieval times.
We had now reached the main square of Cangas which is anchored by an attractive church and a big statue of Don Pelayo, the local hero who defeated the Moors. Juan also took advantage of our walk to introduce me to some of the gastronomic specialties of Asturias. We walked into an attractive store called "La Barata" that carries a variety of typical Asturian food items.
After our explorations in Cangas Juan and I drove up into the mountains where we parked the vehicle and walked for about 20 minutes on a forested pathway to the La Molina River. This is the starting point for the canyoning experiences that Fronteraverde offers.
The sun was coming out nicely now as we drove on the narrow country roads of the Asturian mountains. We stopped in a pretty village called Asiegu which is a typical Asturian mountain village. We walked on narrow streets past a number of stone houses before we arrived at our destination: a cider house that was founded by brothers Manuel and Javier Niembro to introduce visitors to the typical gastronomy in an Asturian mountain village. Their company is called "Ruta'l Quesu y la Sidra" (the Cheese and Cider Route in the local Asturian dialect) and it provides a two hour tour of the village and well as a sit-down meal and locally produced cider.
Then - what a big surprise - Asturian television showed up to film me while I was interviewing Manuel. The arrival of a Toronto-based travel journalist was apparently big enough news to draw out the local television crew. This was a first for me, getting filmed while I was interviewing Manuel!
Juan packed me in his car and we drove down the mountain into the Cares River Valley. This valley cuts deeply into the surrounding mountains, and the Cares River Gorge is one of the most popular hiking routes in the Picos de Europa. After turning off the main road and ascending through a number of switchbacks, we stopped in Camarmeña, a picturesque high-altitude mountain village that features a gorgeous view towards the Naranjo de Bulnes, one of the highest mountains in the Picos de Europa mountain massif.
It was now late afternoon and my stomach was definitely growling. After we finished our shots with Televisión Asturias, we drove down the mountains into a village called Arenas where we stopped for a very late lunch in a rustic local restaurant.
From here we made one more attempt to visit the glacial lakes Enol and Ercina, high above the pilgrimage village of Covadonga. But as yesterday, the fog had rolled in and the weather was getting worse by the second. So we drove down the mountain again and Juan dropped me off at my comfortable home for the night, the Hotel La Cepada, where I enjoyed a nice warm night inside, looking out the large picture windows at the lit-up town of Cangas in the rain.
- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 527
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this go...
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrante. which focuses on the phenomenon of Asturian emigration to countries such as Cuba, Mexico and Argentina.
During the second half of the 19th and early 20th century Asturias experienced a major wave of emigration, and many of these emigrants, particularly those that had found great fortunes abroad, the so-called "Indianos", returned and built various mansions and grand villas. Indeed, the Emigrant Museum in Colombres itself is housed in an opulent villa built by a local emigrant who had struck it rich in Mexico.
The entire town of Colombres is a showcase of architecture created by these Indianos. Altogether the town features 12 major buildings that were created by these successful emigrants, which include the church and the city hall. Indianos would also often invest in and improve the local city infrastructure, for example, they would install the town's electrical supply and sewer system. After a visit to the Museum of Emigration I went on a walking tour of Colombres and visited many of these impressive manor houses that are conveniently signposted through town.
Then I headed back to the coastal village of Pimiango where I tried to find the Cueva del Pindal, a prehistoric cave. I never found the entrance to the cave, but I stumbled across a beautiful sea-side park with gorgeous views over a shoreline of steeply dropping rocks.
To return back to Llanes, I headed back into the mountains, part of the northeastern Picos de Europa, and drove through a serene landscape of high limestone peaks, covered with green meadows full of grazing cows and sheep. I returned back to my hotel, the Posada de Babel, in the early evening after a drive through the scenic Cares Gorge. Reyes, the hotel's chef, prepared a delicious vegetarian meal for me, consisting of baby potatoes and freshly harvested green beans, followed by my favourite dessert- rice pudding. I was joined by another hotel guest, an older gentleman from Mexico with Asturian roots who had come to do some business here in the land of his ancestors. Asturias had shown itself from its best side and I was sad that I had to leave tomorrow.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrante. which focuses on the phenomenon of Asturian emigration to countries such as Cuba, Mexico and Argentina.
During the second half of the 19th and early 20th century Asturias experienced a major wave of emigration, and many of these emigrants, particularly those that had found great fortunes abroad, the so-called "Indianos", returned and built various mansions and grand villas. Indeed, the Emigrant Museum in Colombres itself is housed in an opulent villa built by a local emigrant who had struck it rich in Mexico.
The entire town of Colombres is a showcase of architecture created by these Indianos. Altogether the town features 12 major buildings that were created by these successful emigrants, which include the church and the city hall. Indianos would also often invest in and improve the local city infrastructure, for example, they would install the town's electrical supply and sewer system. After a visit to the Museum of Emigration I went on a walking tour of Colombres and visited many of these impressive manor houses that are conveniently signposted through town.
Then I headed back to the coastal village of Pimiango where I tried to find the Cueva del Pindal, a prehistoric cave. I never found the entrance to the cave, but I stumbled across a beautiful sea-side park with gorgeous views over a shoreline of steeply dropping rocks.
To return back to Llanes, I headed back into the mountains, part of the northeastern Picos de Europa, and drove through a serene landscape of high limestone peaks, covered with green meadows full of grazing cows and sheep. I returned back to my hotel, the Posada de Babel, in the early evening after a drive through the scenic Cares Gorge. Reyes, the hotel's chef, prepared a delicious vegetarian meal for me, consisting of baby potatoes and freshly harvested green beans, followed by my favourite dessert- rice pudding. I was joined by another hotel guest, an older gentleman from Mexico with Asturian roots who had come to do some business here in the land of his ancestors. Asturias had shown itself from its best side and I was sad that I had to leave tomorrow.
- published: 21 Jul 2010
- views: 229
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this go...
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrante. which focuses on the phenomenon of Asturian emigration to countries such as Cuba, Mexico and Argentina.
During the second half of the 19th and early 20th century Asturias experienced a major wave of emigration, and many of these emigrants, particularly those that had found great fortunes abroad, the so-called "Indianos", returned and built various mansions and grand villas. Indeed, the Emigrant Museum in Colombres itself is housed in an opulent villa built by a local emigrant who had struck it rich in Mexico.
The entire town of Colombres is a showcase of architecture created by these Indianos. Altogether the town features 12 major buildings that were created by these successful emigrants, which include the church and the city hall. Indianos would also often invest in and improve the local city infrastructure, for example, they would install the town's electrical supply and sewer system. After a visit to the Museum of Emigration I went on a walking tour of Colombres and visited many of these impressive manor houses that are conveniently signposted through town.
Then I headed back to the coastal village of Pimiango where I tried to find the Cueva del Pindal, a prehistoric cave. I never found the entrance to the cave, but I stumbled across a beautiful sea-side park with gorgeous views over a shoreline of steeply dropping rocks.
To return back to Llanes, I headed back into the mountains, part of the northeastern Picos de Europa, and drove through a serene landscape of high limestone peaks, covered with green meadows full of grazing cows and sheep. I returned back to my hotel, the Posada de Babel, in the early evening after a drive through the scenic Cares Gorge. Reyes, the hotel's chef, prepared a delicious vegetarian meal for me, consisting of baby potatoes and freshly harvested green beans, followed by my favourite dessert- rice pudding. I was joined by another hotel guest, an older gentleman from Mexico with Asturian roots who had come to do some business here in the land of his ancestors. Asturias had shown itself from its best side and I was sad that I had to leave tomorrow.
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this gorgeous day. So I set off and went eastwards along the Asturian coastline, past the golf course of Llanes and various coastal lookout points to the mountain town of Colombres. This scenic town is the location of the famous Museo del Emigrante. which focuses on the phenomenon of Asturian emigration to countries such as Cuba, Mexico and Argentina.
During the second half of the 19th and early 20th century Asturias experienced a major wave of emigration, and many of these emigrants, particularly those that had found great fortunes abroad, the so-called "Indianos", returned and built various mansions and grand villas. Indeed, the Emigrant Museum in Colombres itself is housed in an opulent villa built by a local emigrant who had struck it rich in Mexico.
The entire town of Colombres is a showcase of architecture created by these Indianos. Altogether the town features 12 major buildings that were created by these successful emigrants, which include the church and the city hall. Indianos would also often invest in and improve the local city infrastructure, for example, they would install the town's electrical supply and sewer system. After a visit to the Museum of Emigration I went on a walking tour of Colombres and visited many of these impressive manor houses that are conveniently signposted through town.
Then I headed back to the coastal village of Pimiango where I tried to find the Cueva del Pindal, a prehistoric cave. I never found the entrance to the cave, but I stumbled across a beautiful sea-side park with gorgeous views over a shoreline of steeply dropping rocks.
To return back to Llanes, I headed back into the mountains, part of the northeastern Picos de Europa, and drove through a serene landscape of high limestone peaks, covered with green meadows full of grazing cows and sheep. I returned back to my hotel, the Posada de Babel, in the early evening after a drive through the scenic Cares Gorge. Reyes, the hotel's chef, prepared a delicious vegetarian meal for me, consisting of baby potatoes and freshly harvested green beans, followed by my favourite dessert- rice pudding. I was joined by another hotel guest, an older gentleman from Mexico with Asturian roots who had come to do some business here in the land of his ancestors. Asturias had shown itself from its best side and I was sad that I had to leave tomorrow.
- published: 19 Jul 2010
- views: 142
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this......
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise
May 30, 2010 greeted me again with brilliant sunshine. My host Lucas at the Posada de Babel, my rural hotel, had given me some tips as to where to go on this...
The Fishing Village of Luanco - Asturias, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David's Been Here is in Asturias, Spain's small fishing village of Luanco. Located 40 kilometers north of Oviedo and dating back t......
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David's Been Here is in Asturias, Spain's small fishing village of Luanco. Located 40 kilometers north of Oviedo and dating back t...
wn.com/The Fishing Village Of Luanco Asturias, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ David's Been Here is in Asturias, Spain's small fishing village of Luanco. Located 40 kilometers north of Oviedo and dating back t...
Travel Spain: Asturias -- Nature's Paradise. Arrival in Oviedo
Spain has long been one of my favourite travel destinations. Although I have already travelled in the south of Spain, around Barcelona and on several Spanish is...
Spain has long been one of my favourite travel destinations. Although I have already travelled in the south of Spain, around Barcelona and on several Spanish islands, I had long dreamed of visiting the lush green north of Spain, "España Verde", as they say. So on May 24, 2010 I arrived in Madrid and drove with my rental car through the province of Castile and Leon into the Principality of Asturias, my destination for the next 7 days.
I arrived in the evening and checked into my hotel, the centrally located 5-star Barcelo Oviedo Cervantes Hotel, and started to explore the city of Oviedo, capital of Asturias. The Oviedo area has been settled since Roman times and the city itself was founded in 761. In my brief walk in the city's centre I explored Oviedo's attractive downtown area and took in sights such as the Cathedral of San Salvador which dates from the 13th century. The old quarter is composed of a maze of narrow cobble-stoned streets with many shops, bars, restaurants and "sidrerias" (bars that sell Asturian cider, a local specialty).
The main shopping area is conveniently blocked to road traffic and allows pedestrians to enjoy a relaxed stroll. The attractive Campo de San Francisco park is located right in the heart of the city and surrounding it are many interesting statues and sculptures that the city has to erected in different corners of the downtown area. When it got dark and drizzly I retired back to my comfortable room to rest up for the next day when my explorations of Asturias would really begin
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias Nature's Paradise. Arrival In Oviedo
Spain has long been one of my favourite travel destinations. Although I have already travelled in the south of Spain, around Barcelona and on several Spanish islands, I had long dreamed of visiting the lush green north of Spain, "España Verde", as they say. So on May 24, 2010 I arrived in Madrid and drove with my rental car through the province of Castile and Leon into the Principality of Asturias, my destination for the next 7 days.
I arrived in the evening and checked into my hotel, the centrally located 5-star Barcelo Oviedo Cervantes Hotel, and started to explore the city of Oviedo, capital of Asturias. The Oviedo area has been settled since Roman times and the city itself was founded in 761. In my brief walk in the city's centre I explored Oviedo's attractive downtown area and took in sights such as the Cathedral of San Salvador which dates from the 13th century. The old quarter is composed of a maze of narrow cobble-stoned streets with many shops, bars, restaurants and "sidrerias" (bars that sell Asturian cider, a local specialty).
The main shopping area is conveniently blocked to road traffic and allows pedestrians to enjoy a relaxed stroll. The attractive Campo de San Francisco park is located right in the heart of the city and surrounding it are many interesting statues and sculptures that the city has to erected in different corners of the downtown area. When it got dark and drizzly I retired back to my comfortable room to rest up for the next day when my explorations of Asturias would really begin
- published: 21 Jun 2010
- views: 3556
Oviedo Cathedral - Oviedo, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ The Oviedo Cathedral in Oviedo was originally built in the 8th century but later finished in 1388. The cathedral is in the Asturia......
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ The Oviedo Cathedral in Oviedo was originally built in the 8th century but later finished in 1388. The cathedral is in the Asturia...
wn.com/Oviedo Cathedral Oviedo, Spain
http://davidsbeenhere.com/ The Oviedo Cathedral in Oviedo was originally built in the 8th century but later finished in 1388. The cathedral is in the Asturia...
Travel Spain - Asturias: A Stroll through Cangas de Onis
My day began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region ......
My day began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region ...
wn.com/Travel Spain Asturias A Stroll Through Cangas De Onis
My day began with a nice breakfast overlooking the town of Cangas de Onís, a pretty town of about 6700 people that is embedded in the Picos de Europa region ...