Every journey starts with a first step...

At InvestSMART we believe there's nothing more important than you taking control of your financial destiny, and it shouldn't be hard or expensive. So to help you do this, we provide financial tools and services that are simple and accessible. We put you in control.

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Why over 200,000 Australians love InvestSMART

and it's all for Free!

Easy to Use

A simple to use portfolio manager that is designed to help everyday Australians track all their financial assets in one location.

News & Research

Access to news and research to keep you informed on the latest developments that affect your financial holdings and decisions.

Track Performance

Ensure your investments are on track to achieve your financial goals. Monitor the performance of your investments with our price updates.

Dividends & Fund Distributions

Track dividends or distributions you receive from your investments, making it easy to track your income from your holdings.

Asset Allocation

Get a clear picture of your portfolio and your level of diversification across different asset classes and geographies.

Alerts Daily, Weekly

The ability to set daily or weekly email alerts so you can stay keep up to date on the performance of your investments.

A message from our Chairman - Paul Clitheroe AM

"The two most common questions I get from people is "how do I get ahead?" and "who do I trust?". Good questions!

I took over as Chairman of InvestSMART as I felt its services answered those two questions. At InvestSMART we believe there's nothing more important than you taking control of your financial destiny, and it shouldn't be hard or expensive. So to help you do this, we provide financial tools and services that are simple and accessible. We put you in control.

We have what you need to help you on your journey to financial independence: a free Portfolio Manager, Research & Analysis and Robo Advice. Try our Financial Health Check, look at our Model Portfolios and our new Investment Solutions. These are all designed to help Australians create long-term wealth.

If you like, sign up for our newsletter, where I will provide regular updates. I won't bore you with things you know, or with mundane issues. But when something in the world of money gets my attention, I'll let you know."

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