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Dog traps likely to be set to catch cat-killing canines in Ballajura


Heather McNeill

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Three more cats attacked by rogue dogs in Ballajura

Ballajura resident Jason Harper was left devastated after the death of his cat, audio thanks to 6PR

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A Perth local council being plagued by a suspected pack of cat-killing dogs is considering laying traps and installing CCTV to catch the canine culprits.

The dogs are believed to be responsible for at least 30 cat deaths in the Ballajura area with 22 of the attacks reported to the City of Swan in the past three months.

Some of the pets that were fatally mauled by dogs in Ballajura.

Some of the pets that were fatally mauled by dogs in Ballajura.

On Friday, rangers seized three dogs suspected of being involved in the pet deaths but since then, five more attacks have occurred.

City of Swan chief executive Mike Foley said the council was concerned multiple dogs were intentionally being let out at night by their owners to hunt.

With community anger over the council's failure to catch the dogs growing, he revealed on Wednesday the City was consulting with residents to lay traps.

Jason Harper was left devastated after the death of his cat in Ballajura.

Jason Harper was left devastated after the death of his cat in Ballajura.

"These traps are set with a trip plate mechanism that closes the trap when the dog enters it," he said.

"Animal welfare considerations and schedules for regular monitoring of the traps are required before they can be set."

Mr Foley said the council was also extending ranger patrols and considering utilising mobile CCTV to try and identify the dogs.

Ballajura cat deaths

Ballajura cat deaths

If any dogs are caught by rangers, under the Dog Act 1976, the council would require a witness identification of the culprit before it could pursue fining the owner or having the dog destroyed.

"A description match is not considered sufficient evidence to hold a dog and owner accountable for an attack," he said.

"The City would require a witness identification of the dog involved in an attack before it could be pursued via a prosecution in the courts.

"A dog may only be put down at the request of the owner or if a Magistrate issues a destruction order on the dog as part of a prosecution."

On Monday, Ballajura resident Natalie Linton said she was forced to put her cat down on Friday after it was attacked by a pair of dogs on Thursday night. 

"They're coming up to people's properties, to their front door and they're that good they're sneaking without being heard," she said.

"It's not until you hear rustling in the bushes that you notice something going on and it's too late," she said.

"[My husband] saw the cat being flung around in their jaws."

Her story is similar to dozens of other cat owners in the area who claim their pets have been attacked or killed by a pack of dogs roaming the streets at night.


9 comments so far

  • There is an easy fix, keep your cats in at night as any responsible cat owner would and I guarantee that your cats will be safe.

    Date and time
    December 09, 2015, 7:35PM
    • Yes agreed, a cat owner should be responsible for their cat, but a dog roaming the street at anytime of day or night is a much greater risk than a cat will ever be. When was the last time a cat mauled someone. There are strict laws governing dogs too you know, all of which are being broken in this case by dog owners.
      Since Ballajura is in the City of Swan they have a cat catching process for nuisance cats that allows the property owner to trap a cat and hand it over to the council and the owner of the cat does not have to be notified, but will have to pay a fine on retrieval. This same process is used in Byford where we live as we have had to look into this since a neighbours cat keeps attacking our cat at early hours of the morning through our window.
      So there is no reason for any person to set dogs free to attack and kill the cats. Not that there was anyway!!!!!!!
      If one of these dogs ends up attacking an adult or a child I would bet all the opinions will quickly change.
      I have an even easier fix though - Keep your dog on a leash or behind a locked gate/fence as the laws state and I guarantee the cats will be safe too.

      Date and time
      December 10, 2015, 9:57AM
  • Walked along the South Perth Foreshore today, a lot of bird feathers and partly chewed birds,
    Cats or Dogs did it, my bet Cats.

    Date and time
    December 09, 2015, 7:53PM
    • While I am very sad for those who have lost their loved pets, keeping them inside your home/yard is responsible pet ownership - cats are hunters and kill plenty of native birds, reptiles and even small marsupials it's just that they are not 'owned' by anyone so they are not mourned in the same way - but it does not make their deaths any less significant than the death of the cats. Just as the owners of these dogs are acting irresponsibly by not having their dogs under suitable control so to are the cat owners and perhaps it is time to start trapping roaming cats to give our small native fauna a fair chance!

      Date and time
      December 09, 2015, 10:33PM
      • Is it possible the dogs are wild from the back bush areas of Ballajura ? Hepburn extension

        Date and time
        December 10, 2015, 1:11AM
        • the true horror is the mindset of the people who deliberately let their dogs out to hunt at night, just like the irresponsibility of cat owners that do the same

          Date and time
          December 10, 2015, 10:12AM
          • I keep my cat inside at night. He had been attacked by other cats that come into my yard so I make sure that he's in at night. In his salad days he was a very good ratter but now he's retired. He likes to go out for some sunbaking in the late morning but he'll defininately stay inside after dinner which he likes promptly at 5pm. Last night when I got home a rabbit bolted across my front yard. I have no idea where it came from, who owns it or where it thought it was going. Anyone missing a rabbit in the lake area?

            Date and time
            December 10, 2015, 11:13AM
            • Dont think that is the answer Zjonn. These dogs are really dangerous and will be attacking people before long

              Date and time
              December 10, 2015, 11:52AM
              • My heart goes out to the people who have lost their much loved family members, even more so when I see unfeeling comments from people completely without compassion or understanding of the events. The majority of cats and other small pets have been killed on their own properties, some at the doorstep or in the backyards, presumed safe behind fences or gates. It is not just cats being taken brutally from loving owners. To condone or excuse these brutal attacks in anyway is heartless. When the inevitable happens and a child is harmed will you blame the parents for allowing the child to play in it's own yard ? The attitude that brutallity and cruelty is acceptable to any living creature is contemptable, whether you love or hate any animal there is no excuse for perpetrating acts of cruelty and violence. If you dislike cats, don't keep one, you don't go out and kill other peoples pets to satisfy your own prejudices.

                Date and time
                December 10, 2015, 8:54PM

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