Battle Angel Alita, known in Japan as Gunnm (銃夢, Ganmu, literally "gun dream"), is a manga series created by Yukito Kishiro in 1990 and originally published in Shueisha's Business Jump magazine. Two of the nine-volume comics were adapted into two anime original video animation episodes titled Battle Angel for North American release by ADV Films and the UK and Australian release by Manga Entertainment. Manga Entertainment also dubbed Battle Angel Alita into English.
The series is set in the post-apocalyptic future and focuses on Alita, a cyborg who has lost all memories and is found in a garbage heap by a cybernetics doctor who rebuilds and takes care of her. She discovers that there is one thing she remembers, the legendary cyborg martial art Panzer Kunst, which leads to her becoming a Hunter Warrior or bounty hunter. The story traces Alita's attempts to rediscover her past and the characters whose lives she impacts on her journey. The manga series is continued in Battle Angel Alita: Last Order and Gunnm: Mars Chronicle.
Joseph "Joey" Muñoz (born January 20, 1979) is an American professional wrestler better known by his ring name Kaos (sometimes spelled as KAOS or kAos). He is best known for his work in Xtreme Pro Wrestling, Combat Zone Wrestling, Wrestling Society X and NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.
Joey Munoz, known as Kid Kaos, started training at age 14 in 1994.
Muñoz debuted in Xtreme Pro Wrestling on July 31, 1999, using the ring name Kid Kaos, and the nickname "The Rock Superstar". He was trained by his uncle, fellow XPW star Supreme. On August 27, 2001, he won the Television Champion would go on to become the longest reigning champion, holding the title for 18 months.
In addition to teaming with Supreme, Muñoz formed the Fighting Santino Brothers tag team with longtime friend and training partner El Mongol which sees both men wear black masks as well be accompanied by their manager Jezebel. Muñoz also wrestles as a singles wrestler under his real name or by the ring name Kaos.
The Discworld gods are the fictional deities from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of fantasy novels. The Discworld, being a flat disc supported on the backs of four elephants on top of a giant flying turtle, exists in a region of the universe where reality is somewhat less consistent than it appears in our own, more mundane corner of existence. Because reality on the Disc is so fragile and malleable, belief has a tendency to take on a life of its own, and gods are far more obvious to the people of the Disc than they appear to us.
Gods are everywhere on the Discworld, a crucial element of the world's peculiar ecology that gives power to belief and demands resolution to any and all narratives. Gods exist in potentia in numbers uncountable, but the moment an event of any note occurs — say, two snails happening to cross at a single point — a god becomes tied to it and begins to manifest in the physical world. Most gods remain small and unknown, but a very few come to the notice of humanity, whose belief then shapes and strengthens them until they gather enough power to join the Disc's vast, unwieldy pantheon.
Frontline are a New Zealand hip hop music group formed in 2001.
The New Zealand hip hop group known as 'Frontline' is a two man hip hop team: Samoan-European MC David Dallas (also known as Con Psy) and producer and DJ Nick Maclaren DJ 41:30. Con Psy won the 2003 Auckland MC Battle For Supremacy and 41 has won the 2000 Auckland ITF Championships.
After meeting in 2001 in Auckland, the pair formed some tracks together & released a mixtape What You Expect?. During this time Maclaren produced tracks for the likes of the Deceptikonz, Mareko and more while Dallas completed a BSc in computing. Without any formal broadcasting or distribution, it sold over 1000 copies.
The duo hooked up with premier New Zealand DJ P Money (also known as Peter Wadams).He signed Frontline to his co-owned record label Dirty Records. He then offered Dallas' skills to Scribe's multi#1 single "Not Many-The Remix!" featured on Scribe's five times platinum album The Crusader.
In 2004, P-Money's second album Magic City saw three appearances by Dallas; "Get Up Slow", "Get Back" (also featuring Dirty Records labelmate PNC) & "321 Remix" (also featuring Skillz & PNC). He also appears on the Breakin Wreckwordz mixtapes Breakin Wreckwordz Vol 1. & Fuck Music, Sirvere's Major Flavours collective & Breakinwreck artist Louie Knuxx's album Wasted Youth. 41 produced PNC's mixtape Ohhhhh On The PNC Tip.
Frontline is a public affairs television program that produces and broadcasts in-depth documentaries about various subjects. Produced at WGBH-TV in Boston, Massachusetts and distributed through the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States, the program has been critically acclaimed and received numerous awards. Some programs are made by independent filmmakers and broadcast as part of the Frontline series. Since the series debut, there have been more than 500 films broadcast. Although primarily seen through television, the program shows a large portion of their shows in interactive webcasts on their main website.
The program debuted in 1983, with NBC anchorwoman Jessica Savitch as its host, but Savitch died later in the first season. NewsHour's Judy Woodruff took over as anchor in 1984, and hosted the program for five years. In 1990, the show did away with the anchor position, and left the narrator to introduce each report.
Since 1988, Frontline has also aired "The Choice"—a series of special editions aired during the lead-up to presidential elections, focusing on the two candidates in the running to become President of the United States. The most recent of these aired on October 9, 2012, and featured a dual biography tracing the lives and careers of incumbent President Barack Obama and his challenger, Mitt Romney. The previous installment aired on October 14, 2008, using the same dual-biography format for Obama and John McCain. The 2008 documentary, produced by Michael Kirk, generated favorable reviews from The New York Times, which stated that the program helped viewers "gain perspective" about the "idea-oriented campaign," and The Los Angeles Times, which labeled it "refreshingly clear" and "informative".
This is a list of the 13 episodes of series two of Frontline, which first aired in 1995. In series 2, Frontline (the fictional show-within-the-show) struggles with ratings, and the network's varying attempts to heighten the ratings. The series is shot in mockumentary style. All of the show's episodes were written and directed by Rob Sitch (Mike Moore), Jane Kennedy (Brooke Vandenberg), Santo Cilauro (Geoffrey Salter) – who also did most of the camera work – and Tom Gleisner.