

Welcome! Visit the new Advertising Help Center!

The information below will be preserved in this wiki, but new information will be updated in the above help center (June 2015)

How does this work?

Our self-serve ads show up in the “sponsored headline” window at the top of each page. We offer both text and link based ads, with room for a 70x70 thumbnail.

There are three ways to reach your audience through the self serve ad platform.

1) Interest Group Targeting

2) Subreddit Targeting

3) Location Based Targeting

How much does it cost?

Self-serve ads are sold on a CPM basis. This means that you are charged a flat fee for every 1,000 impressions.

Our rates are below.

  • Interest Group Targeting - Starts at $1.50 CPM

  • Subreddit Targeting - Starts at $1.50 CPM

  • Country Targeting - Starts at $1.50 CPM

  • U.S. City Targeting - Starts at $5.00 CPM

  • The minimum spend per target is $20, and the maximum per target is $9,999.

How do I create a promotion?

Log in to your reddit account or create one by clicking here.

Then visit this link to begin building your ad. You'll need:

  • Headline Copy

  • A functional URL

  • Optional 70x70 thumbnail

  • Valid Credit Card

Why do I have to validate my email address?

All correspondence about the status of your sponsored link is handled via email. Since your dollars are involved, we want to make sure to keep you as up to date as possible on progress. We want to make sure that we are dealing with a real person, or at least a reasonable facsimile of one. We also need a way to reach you in case there's any issue with the ad, as not to delay launch if avoidable.

How do I validate my email address?

Simply fill out the form and click submit. We'll send you an email within a few minutes with a link in it that verifies you are in fact you.

We ask you for your current password to make sure that someone isn't nefariously trying to change your email address (as it is the only way to get a password reset email).

I haven't gotten my validation email!

It may take a few minutes for your email to be delivered. If you check your spam box and it isn't there, please drop us an email at and please include your username and a link to your campaign as it'll prevent us from having to email you back asking for it.

What's an interdomain redirect?

By "disallowing interdomain redirects" we mean that the top-level domain of the URL you submit should be the same as the final destination of the site. We don't mind intermediate redirects for tracking purposes; we just want to make sure the domain of the link matches the domain of the actual page.

Why don't you allow interdomain redirects?

It makes our users sad (they feel like they are being lied to) and they will probably take it out on your ad.

Where can I upload an image?

Before you upload an image, you have to submit your title and url and click "next" on the create promotion screen. You'll see the option available on the subsequent "edit" screen, scroll down and look for the "look and feel" section. Click "browse", choose the file, and click "upload". Then all the way at the bottom, click "save" and you should see your thumbnail to the left of the title.

How big of an image can I upload?

The thumbnail next to the sponsored link can be as large as 70x70 pixels. Anything larger than 70 x 70 pixels will be automatically resized to fit in that area. PNG format images are preferred. JPG format images are also allowed.

Creating a campaign

What's a campaign?

A campaign is the smallest unit of displaying a promotion. It provides the start date, stop date, your subreddit or country/city target, and the total budget. The minimum budget required is $20 per campaign, and the maximum is $9,999. Each campaign can only target one subreddit.

Can I run multiple campaigns?

Of course you can! That's what the "+add new" button is for. There are no restrictions from one campaign to the next, and they can overlap and be a mix of targeted/untargeted. The copy and thumbnail will remain the same, and the vote count and comment section will be centralized into the one promotion.

What if I want to run an ad for a website that hasn't gone live yet?

Sorry, unless your website is up and running, we cannot approve it.

What is the soonest I can create a campaign?

When you create a new campaign, we require 1 business day grace period before launch.

1 day!? isn't that a long time?

Yes it is, but it is only for your protection. All ads are currently approved by hand, by real human people, and we'd hate to have you bank on a date and not get it. So for new ads, we ask that you schedule a day in advance.

Once the link is approved, if you need it to run earlier than scheduled, send us an email with a link to your ad to We can try and get your ad live as quickly as we can.

Can I target my ad by location?

Yes. You can target users in the frontpage interest group by country and U.S. city. Additionally, there is often a subreddit for cities, states, and countries. For example /r/colorado, /r/NYC, and /r/canada.

How can I reach the audience I'm looking for?

You can use one of our nine curated interest group categories. For more information on these, take a look at the wiki here!.

If you are targeting by location, you can location target countries and U.S. cities using frontpage ads. You can also target one of the many active city subreddits like /r/NYC, /r/Orlando, or /r/SanFrancisco.

Otherwise, take advantage of subreddit targeting. Are you promoting a video game? Try /r/gaming, /r/games, etc. An e-book? /r/Books and /r/writingprompts might be a couple you should look. There are tens of thousands of subreddits, get creative and reach the folks who are going to want to see your product!

You can also use reddit’s search tool to find relevant subreddits to target. Type in a keyword in the search bar, and a list of subreddits will appear at the top of the results page. These subreddits are ordered by the most number of posts created including that keyword. Another tip is to go to a subreddit that you know you want to target, and look at the sidebar to see if the moderators have added suggestions for similar subreddits.

Paying for your campaign

How do I pay for my campaign?

Once you've set up your campaign, click on the "create campaign" button. You'll notice that there is now a "pay" button next to the budget you specified. Clicking this will bring you to a page on our secure webserver for entering your credit card details. All credit card processing is done by (we don't store your credit card numbers). We accept all major credit cards.

Sit back and relax. We'll have a look at your link and make sure that everything is in order. If it is, you'll get an email saying that your ad has been approved and we'll keep you posted as it gets charged and later runs live.

Can I change my link?

Of course you can (provided it isn't currently running live). Just be aware that when you change it, it'll have to be reapproved. If it is near midnight and it is about to go live imminently, we can't necessarily guarantee we'll get to it in time and you might lose time, so beware.

Live links

We start ads at midnight EST.

Why do we do it this way? We want to guarantee everyone gets their 24 hours without having to deal with time-changing funny-business.

We will send you an email when we charge your credit card (usually 12-24 hours before the link is to go live), when the link is live, and when it is finished.

Editing a link at any time dequeues the link and leads to the need for reapproval. Since we don't have an easy way to comp lost time, and can't guarantee that we are available to reapprove your ad as soon as you've changed it, we've disabled edits as long as the link is live.

That said, if you really need to change something once the link is live, feel free to email us at and we'll make the edit for you.

What Happens if I cancel my live ad? Can I pause a live ad?

At the moment, we have no easy way to pro-rate ads if they are paused or canceled mid day. You can email with takedown or pause requests, and we will do our best to work with you on a fix.

How is my ad performing?

Within a couple hours of your ad going live, the "traffic" link on each ad creative will populate with impression and click metrics by the hour. If you have multiple subreddit targets, you'll be able to see aggregate performance by target. The average CTR on promoted posts for reddit is 0.2% but can vary widely.

My ad is doing really well! How can I extend it?

You can't edit a campaign once it is running, but you can add new campaigns. If you'd like to extend a running ad, just create a campaign that starts immediately after the current one ends and it will run uninterrupted. To do this, visit your campaigns dashboard (the "edit" link under the ads' title), and click the "+ add new" button.

If you'd like to increase traffic to a running ad, just add an overlapping campaign (with the restriction that the new campaign start no sooner than tomorrow).

Why did my ad get rejected?

We have strict criteria that we use to accept or reject ads. The main reasons for rejected ads are URL redirects/shorteners, links that don't work, links that can't be navigated away from in one click, and sites under maintenance. As with all content on reddit, falsifying votes or comments is grounds for immediate rejection. We also reserve the right to reject any link we feel is inappropriate or falls into unapproved categories, for instance (but not limited to), gambling services, stalker services, “spam,” insincere, trickery, or misleading statements/claims about product/service, cash-for-click sites, etc. Adult content must be targeted to 18+ subreddits. We do not allow unlicensed use of the reddit alien logo in thumbnails or on websites, outside of widgets. We also reserve the right to not allow advertisements for services that violate the code of conduct or terms of service of another company, school, or service. In order to protect the /r/gonewild communities from over exploitation, the only type of adult content we refrain from allowing to advertise there are ads that actively are attempting to recruit the men and women who post here to monetize their posts elsewhere.

brandiquette — reddiquette for brands!

Please Do:

  • Respond to Comments

    The comment section is your voice! Use it to answer questions, respond to feedback, and interact with the reddit community. reddit is full of human people, and it’s your chance to remind them that you, too, are a human person.

  • Keep it real!

    Trying to be too stiff and market-y can be a turn off. Be casual - show redditors that there are faces and real people behind your company.

  • Include a thumbnail

    Choosing a relevant, clear thumbnail is eye catching and interest grabbing — which can help lead to a higher ad click-through rate. Images are optional, but definitely recommended.

  • Promo codes or special deals for redditors

    If at all possible, give reddit users a special discount. It’s a nice gesture and adds an incentive to try your promotion. Also, It also gives you another nice, neat point of data to track.

  • Customize a splash page

    Greeting redditors with a customized landing page communicates that you care where your viewers come from. Also added bonus, it could lower your bounce rate!

  • Research your brand on reddit

    reddit has a search feature — use it! Find out what people are saying about your brand before you advertise, what resonates and what doesn’t, and which communities are talking about you. A great way to start would be searching for keywords & your brand name, and also reviewing your domain page for organic reddit posts that re-direct to your brand page (

  • Avoid ad fatigue

    Have a long-term campaign? Remember to change up your creative every week or so. Keeping it fresh keeps people interested and prevents people from simply getting bored with your ad and ignoring it.

  • Share your promotion

    Extending the reach of your ad by sharing it in your social media accounts is a great way to build awareness for your reddit promotion. You can do this by linking to the “comments” link of your ad (especially great for timely and short-lived ads).

  • Have fun!

    Remember: it’s reddit! If you’re not enjoying your campaign, chances are redditors aren’t either.

Please Don't:

  • Promote outside of ad space

    A little bit of self-promotion is typically okay, but reddit is not inherently a promotional tool. Using it organically to push your product or brand can backfire, anger the community, and possibly result in a ban on your account. Utilizing the ad space for self-promotion ensures that you’re committed to keeping in line with site rules and not trying to be slick. This makes redditors happy, and more reciprocal to your brand.

  • Ignore the value of criticism

    redditors are known to be outspoken. Don’t take criticism the wrong way! It can go a long way in helping you see things from new eyes, and feedback, even negative, is still someone who cared enough to stop by and comment.

  • Be rude

    The community is made up of all types. Some types are rude. Don’t let these people get to you! Remember: you are the face of your brand, and have a reputation to maintain.

  • Falsify votes, cheat, or shill

    Seriously, this is against the rules, and can be painfully transparent to the community. They’re smarter than you think, they can and will call you out, and make you and your brand look bad. Also, this is another thing that could result in a ban on your account. Let votes and comments happen organically, trying to cheat the system means you lose both face, and points of data that help you judge your ads performance.

Online Self Serve Advertising Rules


By participating in this self serve advertising program you (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “Advertiser”) acknowledge that you have read, understand and accept these rules. reserves the right to update and change these rules from time to time. makes no representations or warranties and there are no conditions of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to this self serve advertising program or the advertising offered through this self serve advertising program, including without limitation:

  • implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement;

  • any implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage of trade;

  • any obligation, liability, right, claim or remedy in tort, whether or not arising from the negligence of

This self serve advertising program is open to any person who has reached the age of majority.

You are prohibited from using any method, mechanism, device or software to affect the proper functioning of this self serve advertising program or website. may, at its sole discretion and without notice, terminate the right of any participant in this self serve advertising program or user of the website to participate in this self serve advertising program or use the website.

This self serve advertising program is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New York. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations regarding participation in this self serve advertising program and use of the website.

You and each have the right to terminate each advertising campaign (regarding your advertising) for any or no reason at any time during this self serve advertising program process or during the advertising campaign. To the extent such termination is made by without cause, will provide the Advertiser with a pro-rata refund of pre-paid fees. However, Advertiser will not be entitled to a refund if Advertiser terminates Advertiser’s ad campaign under this self serve advertising program.

For any service or technical issues in connection with this self serve advertising program, please contact at the following email address:

Please also remember to not include personal information like phone numbers in your ad copy. You can link to a page with that information, if you wish.

More on How the Platform Works

Advertisers may pay for inventory available advertising space to be displayed on The size and placement of the advertisements shall be offered and determined by on a case by case basis. Transactions must range between a minimum of $20.00 and a maximum of $9,999.99.

Advertisers shall send all advertising copy to be displayed on to at the time of placing a payment for its prior approval at least two (2) business days before the requested display date. will either approve or reject such advertisement within two (2) business days after receipt of such advertisement. may, at its sole discretion, extend the timeframe of this approval process to the extent it is working with Advertisers to obtain acceptable advertisements. reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without notice, to extend, terminate or modify this self serve advertising program at its sole discretion, including but not limited to in the event of unforeseen technical difficulties that alter the proper functioning of the self serve advertising program.

Payment may be placed online 24 hours per day on (with the exception of technical difficulties, regularly scheduled maintenance and/or force majuere events). All decisions by are final and binding.

It is your responsibility to monitor the outcome and status of your ad on is not responsible for any payments that are lost, misdirected, incomplete or illegible, or for failed, partial or garbled computer transmissions, or for technical failures of any kind including, but not limited to, malfunctioning of any network, hardware or software, which may limit a bidder's ability to participate in this self serve advertising program. Proof of sending will not be proof of receipt by is not responsible for any online, long distance telephone, or other charges you may incur in connection with participating in this self serve advertising program.

During and after this self serve advertising program, you may receive emails or other messages confirming payments you place. These communications are for informational purposes only. Their transmission or omission do not constitute any change in the status of your bid or those of other bidders. Only the record of bids on constitutes the true bid record.

Payment Rules

Each final transaction accepted by pursuant to this self serve advertising program shall be payable to via credit card payment (i.e., American Express, VISA or MasterCard) at the time of’s acceptance of your final bid. Other forms of payment are unacceptable. NON-US based people/organizations purchasing advertising may receive some form or foreign-currency surcharge by their Bank or Building Society.

If you fail to comply with these rules, including the obligation to make full payment of the total purchase price within the time limits and terms set out herein, in addition to other remedies available to, you not only will remain obligated for your bid amount, you also will be obligated to pay all attorney's fees and costs incurred to enforce payment of these amounts.


All information collected in connection with this self serve advertising program shall be subject to the Privacy Policy set forth on and incorporated herein.

All advertising shall be subject to the non-conflicting provisions of’s Advertising Terms and Conditions and Prohibited Advertisements incorporated herein.

The User Agreement set forth on is incorporated herein.

revision by hellohobbit— view source