People Get Earwax Extractions For The First Time
“I’m gonna move to a larger suction.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos!
Twists and Turns
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
[Dr. Kian Karimi]
Bug Buried in Guy’s Ear
CAUTION: Prepare for the heebie jeebies! Not safe for children's ears. Hit the mute button! This huge friggin' guy had a bug fly in his ear. We thought it was a little white moth, but what came out is unbelievable!
"To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email: licensing@storyful.com"
1 HOUR 3Dio ASMR: Ear Cleaning w/ Qtip, Ear Touching, Ear Cupping & Ear to Ear Whispering
Hey poopsies! This is one hour of the 3dio mic with some ear cleaning using qtips, ear touching, ear cupping, and ear to ear whispering! I was hoping to make this one longer since the mic test seemed kind of short and too simple to me. But I still hope you’re satisfied! I really loved this video, because I really took the time to slow it down and try to lull you into sleep. This has to be one of m
Tickly ear - Big Bug removed from a Ear!!
A man had a tickle in his ear so he want to the doctor. HOLY CRAP!
Anatomy of the Human Ear
This is the full anatomy of our ear......
How the ear works
You may license this video royalty free by contacting us at http://www.javitz3d.com Many of us take for granted a very extraordinary ogan... our ears. To und...
ASMR *.* So Much Crinkles *.* & Ear~Ear Whispers Q&A; by FairyChar
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you are...
Other than helping people relax, I love to draw and ma
Man has 26 cockroaches in his ear: REMOVING LIVE VIDEO
A MAN was left horrified after a visit to the doctor to check up on an earache led to the discovery of an entire family of cockroaches crawling inside his ear.
A factory worker of China’s Guangdong province, understood to be named Mr Li, woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable itch in his ear, which only grew increasingly painful, the People’s Daily reports.
The 19-year-old desperate
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericdress! ASMR Soft Spoken Ear to Ear Binaural Sounds
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
Ericdress Homepage : http://goo.gl/lSaIeZ Dress Links Below!
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericdress! ASMR Soft Spoken Ear to Ear Binaural Sounds
Enjoy the sounds and sights of beautiful dresses from Ericdress.com. Walking sounds and fabric sounds of the clothes while being worn. All with a QVC style and gentle soft spoken narration
Removing impacted ear wax
Giant Blackhead, Dilated Pore of Winer, behind the ear extracted
This is a patient of my husband's who recently had a skin exam, and he noticed a big blackhead behind this patient's ear.
This is called a Dilated Pore of Winer, a giant superficial open comedone which is benign, but can be bothersome to a patient. In this case, she can't see it, so she wondered what this bump was.
It was easily removed, placing a little local anesthesia in the area first.
I al
The Worlds Biggest ear wax removal ever!!!!
Multi Award Winning Audiologist Nick Chitty removes a massive amount of wax from a ladies ear, this procedure took 40 mins. Nick needed a lie down after this one enjoy everyone
No talking ASMR 나무 귀이개 귀청소 Wood ear pick Ear cleaning
매주 금요일 10시 게임방송과 ASMR http://afreeca.com/monaca89
뽀모 ASMR All Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VC0kzXo0BJ7k83Zl8H-Rtjw
PPOMO Korean ASMR English or English Sub Playlist LINK HERE!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VArXwL0QBG388IT8HSEWE2X
안녕하세요 :) 노토킹 시리즈의 두번째 나무 귀이개 귀청소예요~
저번 스텐이어클리닝이 음향의 기술적인 면(?) 때문에 볼륨을 많이 키울 수가 없었는데 이번건 꼼수를 써서(??) 볼륨을 많이 키웠어요! 대신 민감도는
ear cleaning picking wax removal - AMAZING! RELAXING!
Ear picking and ear cleaning in Saigon. The ear wax is so big. These barber shops exist all around Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. I will try to upload these types of vids at least once a month. Stay tuned!!!
Come on let's get those paypal donations coming for the Nha Trang trip!!!
Send me a mssg or comment here on videos that you guys want and request. Accepting donations if you guys want me to fly
☆ ASMR Sweet and (S)low Ear (Cleaning) Groomers & Spa ♡
Hello friends~! I wanted to recreate this video in ALL whispering, as many of you have asked for a full whispering video while my 3Dio was out of commission. I’m happy to say that I figured out the issue and will be coming out with another 3Dio video without the thumping ☺ I hope you enjoy this longer and slowing video with my Dobby uniform! I loved making it so much regardless of how some of you
Pus In Ear Part 2
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
This video educates about an abscess in the ear. This abscess is present near the tragus of the ear. When patient came his external auditory canal was filled with pus. When the pus was cleaned, and the area was squeezed out, a lot of pus drained out. canal and abscess cavity were cleaned with normal saline,
Cyst at the base of the Ear, Dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel On 98Rock Morning Show
This cyst removal is dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel, the hosts of the 98Rock Morning Show, in Baltimore. Especially Scott, who I hear is a very dedicated fan! ;) You can hear my interview with them about the Dr Pimple Popper phenomenon this morning at 98online.com
This is a wonderful patient who drove from a distance to have me remove this cyst in front of his ear. I feel pretty honored,
[한국어 ASMR , ASMR Korean] ear cleaning 귀파기, 귀청소
안녕하세요 이라잉입니다.
요즘 학교 기말 준비로 많이 바쁜데 ㅠㅠ
과제하기가 너무 싫어서 영상 찍고 놀았어요 ㅎㅎ...
애증의 귀파기를 들고와봤는데
언제쯤 귀파기를 잘 할 수 있을까요? 뭐.. 계속 하면 늘겠쥬?(뻔뻔)
귀파기 고수가 될 때까지 도전합니다 쭈욱....!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럼 다음에 또 만나요
굿밤 꿀잠하세요!
Blog : http://blog.naver.com/era1ng
Instagram : http://instagram.com/era1ng
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Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Eraing-ASMR-...
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이라잉이랑 (
Earwax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects and water.
Very Easy, Fast way to unblock your ears or clean
Hi Guys Sin here. This is basicly what they do at the docs to unblock your ears. Step one: Get a bottle you can squezz with a lid, a plastic pen you can brea...
People Get Earwax Extractions For The First Time
“I’m gonna move to a larger suction.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos!
Twists and Turns
Licensed via Warner Cha...
“I’m gonna move to a larger suction.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos!
Twists and Turns
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
[Dr. Kian Karimi]
Bite-size knowledge for a big world from the BuzzFeed crew. New facts, hacks, and how-to videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedBlue today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1
wn.com/People Get Earwax Extractions For The First Time
“I’m gonna move to a larger suction.”
Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos!
Twists and Turns
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam
[Dr. Kian Karimi]
Bite-size knowledge for a big world from the BuzzFeed crew. New facts, hacks, and how-to videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedBlue today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedblue1
- published: 11 Nov 2015
- views: 120140
Bug Buried in Guy’s Ear
CAUTION: Prepare for the heebie jeebies! Not safe for children's ears. Hit the mute button! This huge friggin' guy had a bug fly in his ear. We thought it was ...
CAUTION: Prepare for the heebie jeebies! Not safe for children's ears. Hit the mute button! This huge friggin' guy had a bug fly in his ear. We thought it was a little white moth, but what came out is unbelievable!
"To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email: licensing@storyful.com"
wn.com/Bug Buried In Guy’S Ear
CAUTION: Prepare for the heebie jeebies! Not safe for children's ears. Hit the mute button! This huge friggin' guy had a bug fly in his ear. We thought it was a little white moth, but what came out is unbelievable!
"To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email: licensing@storyful.com"
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 25017702
1 HOUR 3Dio ASMR: Ear Cleaning w/ Qtip, Ear Touching, Ear Cupping & Ear to Ear Whispering
Hey poopsies! This is one hour of the 3dio mic with some ear cleaning using qtips, ear touching, ear cupping, and ear to ear whispering! I was hoping to make th...
Hey poopsies! This is one hour of the 3dio mic with some ear cleaning using qtips, ear touching, ear cupping, and ear to ear whispering! I was hoping to make this one longer since the mic test seemed kind of short and too simple to me. But I still hope you’re satisfied! I really loved this video, because I really took the time to slow it down and try to lull you into sleep. This has to be one of my new favorites that I filmed, and I tried editing the background not to be too bright and bring upon that nice effect and blend well with me. I have so many more ideas up and coming for using this new mic and I hope you enjoy the sounds of my fingers tapping against the silicone ears. I am in love you guys…
Background image used in this video: https://goo.gl/uJ7Bb0
Check it out I’m on
Instagram: http://instagram.com/asmrer
Facebook: http://facebook.com/asmrer
Twitter: http://twitter.com/asmrer
Google+: http://google.com/+asmrer
wn.com/1 Hour 3Dio Asmr Ear Cleaning W Qtip, Ear Touching, Ear Cupping Ear To Ear Whispering
Hey poopsies! This is one hour of the 3dio mic with some ear cleaning using qtips, ear touching, ear cupping, and ear to ear whispering! I was hoping to make this one longer since the mic test seemed kind of short and too simple to me. But I still hope you’re satisfied! I really loved this video, because I really took the time to slow it down and try to lull you into sleep. This has to be one of my new favorites that I filmed, and I tried editing the background not to be too bright and bring upon that nice effect and blend well with me. I have so many more ideas up and coming for using this new mic and I hope you enjoy the sounds of my fingers tapping against the silicone ears. I am in love you guys…
Background image used in this video: https://goo.gl/uJ7Bb0
Check it out I’m on
Instagram: http://instagram.com/asmrer
Facebook: http://facebook.com/asmrer
Twitter: http://twitter.com/asmrer
Google+: http://google.com/+asmrer
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 4603
Tickly ear - Big Bug removed from a Ear!!
A man had a tickle in his ear so he want to the doctor. HOLY CRAP!...
A man had a tickle in his ear so he want to the doctor. HOLY CRAP!
wn.com/Tickly Ear Big Bug Removed From A Ear
A man had a tickle in his ear so he want to the doctor. HOLY CRAP!
- published: 04 Oct 2014
- views: 617979
Anatomy of the Human Ear
This is the full anatomy of our ear.........
This is the full anatomy of our ear......
wn.com/Anatomy Of The Human Ear
This is the full anatomy of our ear......
How the ear works
You may license this video royalty free by contacting us at http://www.javitz3d.com Many of us take for granted a very extraordinary ogan... our ears. To und......
You may license this video royalty free by contacting us at http://www.javitz3d.com Many of us take for granted a very extraordinary ogan... our ears. To und...
wn.com/How The Ear Works
You may license this video royalty free by contacting us at http://www.javitz3d.com Many of us take for granted a very extraordinary ogan... our ears. To und...
ASMR *.* So Much Crinkles *.* & Ear~Ear Whispers Q&A; by FairyChar
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you a...
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you are...
Other than helping people relax, I love to draw and make jewelry. You can find my creations and tingle bracelets here:
If you'd like to support these videos with personalized audio and mp3 rewards, you can visit:
After many of you have asked for a place where you can support my audio like itunes/bandcamp/soundcloud, I am finally able (with some help) to give them away as rewards on my Patreon! Thank you for your suggestions!
Type in the comment box "CrinkleASMR" if you read all the way down this description ^^
For ASMR Virtual Tours:
ASMR Cooking for any time of the day:
For Meditation and Healing ASMR:
For Vlogs/ Updates
Thank you to my patrons: Bob, Mike, Marc, William, Christopher, DK, Kevin, Joakim, Patch, Daniel, Michael, The Cat Mafia, Tarjei, Jacob, Matthew, Daniel, Ed, Michael, The Scent of Indigo, Jeff, Roel, Teejay, Jonathan, Robynne, Tony, Danny, Ray, Chris, Reyn, Jenny, Rebekah, Christopher, Matthew, Will, Samir, Rafael, Meghan, Adam, David, Ben, Elisabeth, Matthew S., Matthew, Liam, Jason, Ian, Jon, Joe, Amazonite, Meisterolsen, Aden, Lukas, Din, Seri, Caleb, Bill, No thankyou, Curt, MrEta, Samuel, Nick, Ayano, Josh, Alex, Allan, Korvin, Jake, Jess, and Asa, Kimika, Alex, Marc, Shawn, Nanna, Frederika, Steven, Bill, Joel, Brian, Isaiah and Roy for your support this month~!
wn.com/Asmr . So Much Crinkles . Ear~Ear Whispers Q A By Fairychar
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you are...
Other than helping people relax, I love to draw and make jewelry. You can find my creations and tingle bracelets here:
If you'd like to support these videos with personalized audio and mp3 rewards, you can visit:
After many of you have asked for a place where you can support my audio like itunes/bandcamp/soundcloud, I am finally able (with some help) to give them away as rewards on my Patreon! Thank you for your suggestions!
Type in the comment box "CrinkleASMR" if you read all the way down this description ^^
For ASMR Virtual Tours:
ASMR Cooking for any time of the day:
For Meditation and Healing ASMR:
For Vlogs/ Updates
Thank you to my patrons: Bob, Mike, Marc, William, Christopher, DK, Kevin, Joakim, Patch, Daniel, Michael, The Cat Mafia, Tarjei, Jacob, Matthew, Daniel, Ed, Michael, The Scent of Indigo, Jeff, Roel, Teejay, Jonathan, Robynne, Tony, Danny, Ray, Chris, Reyn, Jenny, Rebekah, Christopher, Matthew, Will, Samir, Rafael, Meghan, Adam, David, Ben, Elisabeth, Matthew S., Matthew, Liam, Jason, Ian, Jon, Joe, Amazonite, Meisterolsen, Aden, Lukas, Din, Seri, Caleb, Bill, No thankyou, Curt, MrEta, Samuel, Nick, Ayano, Josh, Alex, Allan, Korvin, Jake, Jess, and Asa, Kimika, Alex, Marc, Shawn, Nanna, Frederika, Steven, Bill, Joel, Brian, Isaiah and Roy for your support this month~!
- published: 26 Nov 2015
- views: 2072
Man has 26 cockroaches in his ear: REMOVING LIVE VIDEO
A MAN was left horrified after a visit to the doctor to check up on an earache led to the discovery of an entire family of cockroaches crawling inside his ear.
A MAN was left horrified after a visit to the doctor to check up on an earache led to the discovery of an entire family of cockroaches crawling inside his ear.
A factory worker of China’s Guangdong province, understood to be named Mr Li, woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable itch in his ear, which only grew increasingly painful, the People’s Daily reports.
The 19-year-old desperately stuck a finger in his ear and felt a sensation of tiny insects deep inside, but when his roommate shone a torch, he found no trace of anything unusual.
The next morning, he rushed to hospital where medics performed an endoscopy and found his ear was teeming with cockroaches.
A female cockroach had taken up residence weeks earlier in Mr Li’s ear canal where she laid eggs, hatching 25 baby roaches — which at the time were only about the size of small mosquitoes.
After the pesky insects were removed using a special liquid, Mr Li was told by doctors his ear could have been “wrecked” had he not rushed to hospital.
Yang Jing, a doctor from Chang’an Xiaobian Hospital in Dongguan, told TVS: “We saw an insect-shaped object blocking his ear canal completely,” according to aMailOnline report.
wn.com/Man Has 26 Cockroaches In His Ear Removing Live Video
A MAN was left horrified after a visit to the doctor to check up on an earache led to the discovery of an entire family of cockroaches crawling inside his ear.
A factory worker of China’s Guangdong province, understood to be named Mr Li, woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable itch in his ear, which only grew increasingly painful, the People’s Daily reports.
The 19-year-old desperately stuck a finger in his ear and felt a sensation of tiny insects deep inside, but when his roommate shone a torch, he found no trace of anything unusual.
The next morning, he rushed to hospital where medics performed an endoscopy and found his ear was teeming with cockroaches.
A female cockroach had taken up residence weeks earlier in Mr Li’s ear canal where she laid eggs, hatching 25 baby roaches — which at the time were only about the size of small mosquitoes.
After the pesky insects were removed using a special liquid, Mr Li was told by doctors his ear could have been “wrecked” had he not rushed to hospital.
Yang Jing, a doctor from Chang’an Xiaobian Hospital in Dongguan, told TVS: “We saw an insect-shaped object blocking his ear canal completely,” according to aMailOnline report.
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 122
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericdress! ASMR Soft Spoken Ear to Ear Binaural Sounds
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
Ericdress Homepage : http://goo.gl/lSaIeZ Dress Links Below!
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericd...
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
Ericdress Homepage : http://goo.gl/lSaIeZ Dress Links Below!
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericdress! ASMR Soft Spoken Ear to Ear Binaural Sounds
Enjoy the sounds and sights of beautiful dresses from Ericdress.com. Walking sounds and fabric sounds of the clothes while being worn. All with a QVC style and gentle soft spoken narration.
Featuring Corrina Rachel
Related Videos:
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 9- Dressgal | Fabric Sounds, Zipper, Brushing
ASMR Fashion Haul 7 CNDirect.com, So Many Sounds + Whisper Ear to Ear, Fabric
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 6 Cheap Dresses by DressLily.com Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 5 Cheap Dresses by NewDress Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 3, Dresses by Dressin, Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural Soft Spoken
Fashion from this video:
Red A-line Casual Dress : http://goo.gl/tk5Hsd
Sky Blue Floral Casual Dress : http://goo.gl/TrP8Sn
Black Sheath Dress : http://goo.gl/oGk2lK
White Hair Clips : http://goo.gl/GVLX47
Blue Decorated Earrings : http://goo.gl/HcBi2P
2015 Ericdress New Autumn & Winter Fashion Online:
Trends 2016 & Stock Clearance : http://goo.gl/GuutV3
Outwear / Coat-New 2015 : http://goo.gl/m0A3EC
Autumn & Winter Dress : http://goo.gl/kjx35c
Tops/Knitwear/T-shirt/Blouse : http://goo.gl/RvCAHI
Winter Boots & Shoes : http://goo.gl/tX6gqe
Women handbags : http://goo.gl/CZO4H8
Women's Jewelry Fun : http://goo.gl/B90ywO
wn.com/Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On By Ericdress Asmr Soft Spoken Ear To Ear Binaural Sounds
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
Ericdress Homepage : http://goo.gl/lSaIeZ Dress Links Below!
Black Friday Fashion Haul Try On by Ericdress! ASMR Soft Spoken Ear to Ear Binaural Sounds
Enjoy the sounds and sights of beautiful dresses from Ericdress.com. Walking sounds and fabric sounds of the clothes while being worn. All with a QVC style and gentle soft spoken narration.
Featuring Corrina Rachel
Related Videos:
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 9- Dressgal | Fabric Sounds, Zipper, Brushing
ASMR Fashion Haul 7 CNDirect.com, So Many Sounds + Whisper Ear to Ear, Fabric
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 6 Cheap Dresses by DressLily.com Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 5 Cheap Dresses by NewDress Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 3, Dresses by Dressin, Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural Soft Spoken
Fashion from this video:
Red A-line Casual Dress : http://goo.gl/tk5Hsd
Sky Blue Floral Casual Dress : http://goo.gl/TrP8Sn
Black Sheath Dress : http://goo.gl/oGk2lK
White Hair Clips : http://goo.gl/GVLX47
Blue Decorated Earrings : http://goo.gl/HcBi2P
2015 Ericdress New Autumn & Winter Fashion Online:
Trends 2016 & Stock Clearance : http://goo.gl/GuutV3
Outwear / Coat-New 2015 : http://goo.gl/m0A3EC
Autumn & Winter Dress : http://goo.gl/kjx35c
Tops/Knitwear/T-shirt/Blouse : http://goo.gl/RvCAHI
Winter Boots & Shoes : http://goo.gl/tX6gqe
Women handbags : http://goo.gl/CZO4H8
Women's Jewelry Fun : http://goo.gl/B90ywO
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 5065
Giant Blackhead, Dilated Pore of Winer, behind the ear extracted
This is a patient of my husband's who recently had a skin exam, and he noticed a big blackhead behind this patient's ear.
This is called a Dilated Pore of Win...
This is a patient of my husband's who recently had a skin exam, and he noticed a big blackhead behind this patient's ear.
This is called a Dilated Pore of Winer, a giant superficial open comedone which is benign, but can be bothersome to a patient. In this case, she can't see it, so she wondered what this bump was.
It was easily removed, placing a little local anesthesia in the area first.
I also noticed she had some blackheads and whiteheads, which she allowed me to extract and film for you.
Thank you for watching!!
@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops
Facebook: Dr Sandra Lee
Twitter: @SandraLeeMD
Snapchat: drpimplepopper
Periscope: Dr. Sandra Lee
wn.com/Giant Blackhead, Dilated Pore Of Winer, Behind The Ear Extracted
This is a patient of my husband's who recently had a skin exam, and he noticed a big blackhead behind this patient's ear.
This is called a Dilated Pore of Winer, a giant superficial open comedone which is benign, but can be bothersome to a patient. In this case, she can't see it, so she wondered what this bump was.
It was easily removed, placing a little local anesthesia in the area first.
I also noticed she had some blackheads and whiteheads, which she allowed me to extract and film for you.
Thank you for watching!!
@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops
Facebook: Dr Sandra Lee
Twitter: @SandraLeeMD
Snapchat: drpimplepopper
Periscope: Dr. Sandra Lee
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 43961
The Worlds Biggest ear wax removal ever!!!!
Multi Award Winning Audiologist Nick Chitty removes a massive amount of wax from a ladies ear, this procedure took 40 mins. Nick needed a lie down after this on...
Multi Award Winning Audiologist Nick Chitty removes a massive amount of wax from a ladies ear, this procedure took 40 mins. Nick needed a lie down after this one enjoy everyone
wn.com/The Worlds Biggest Ear Wax Removal Ever
Multi Award Winning Audiologist Nick Chitty removes a massive amount of wax from a ladies ear, this procedure took 40 mins. Nick needed a lie down after this one enjoy everyone
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 5
No talking ASMR 나무 귀이개 귀청소 Wood ear pick Ear cleaning
매주 금요일 10시 게임방송과 ASMR http://afreeca.com/monaca89
뽀모 ASMR All Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VC0kzXo0BJ7k83Zl8H-Rtjw
PPOMO Korean A...
매주 금요일 10시 게임방송과 ASMR http://afreeca.com/monaca89
뽀모 ASMR All Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VC0kzXo0BJ7k83Zl8H-Rtjw
PPOMO Korean ASMR English or English Sub Playlist LINK HERE!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VArXwL0QBG388IT8HSEWE2X
안녕하세요 :) 노토킹 시리즈의 두번째 나무 귀이개 귀청소예요~
저번 스텐이어클리닝이 음향의 기술적인 면(?) 때문에 볼륨을 많이 키울 수가 없었는데 이번건 꼼수를 써서(??) 볼륨을 많이 키웠어요! 대신 민감도는 약간 떨어졌을것 같아 걱정이드네요.. :)
볼륨이 작아 아쉬웠던 스텐 귀이개도 중간에 조금씩 넣었어요 X) 부디 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠어요
오늘도 어제도 내일도 감사합니다~ 갸아악! XD
Hello everyone!
My dear subscribers from all over the world! Nice to meet you!
I am Korean ASMR Youtube uploader PPOMO :)
This is No Talking Wood, Stainless Ear cleaning ASMR Video! :)
Thank you for your watching and love :D!
wn.com/No Talking Asmr 나무 귀이개 귀청소 Wood Ear Pick Ear Cleaning
매주 금요일 10시 게임방송과 ASMR http://afreeca.com/monaca89
뽀모 ASMR All Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VC0kzXo0BJ7k83Zl8H-Rtjw
PPOMO Korean ASMR English or English Sub Playlist LINK HERE!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVj73insf4VArXwL0QBG388IT8HSEWE2X
안녕하세요 :) 노토킹 시리즈의 두번째 나무 귀이개 귀청소예요~
저번 스텐이어클리닝이 음향의 기술적인 면(?) 때문에 볼륨을 많이 키울 수가 없었는데 이번건 꼼수를 써서(??) 볼륨을 많이 키웠어요! 대신 민감도는 약간 떨어졌을것 같아 걱정이드네요.. :)
볼륨이 작아 아쉬웠던 스텐 귀이개도 중간에 조금씩 넣었어요 X) 부디 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠어요
오늘도 어제도 내일도 감사합니다~ 갸아악! XD
Hello everyone!
My dear subscribers from all over the world! Nice to meet you!
I am Korean ASMR Youtube uploader PPOMO :)
This is No Talking Wood, Stainless Ear cleaning ASMR Video! :)
Thank you for your watching and love :D!
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 9024
ear cleaning picking wax removal - AMAZING! RELAXING!
Ear picking and ear cleaning in Saigon. The ear wax is so big. These barber shops exist all around Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. I will try to upload these types of...
Ear picking and ear cleaning in Saigon. The ear wax is so big. These barber shops exist all around Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. I will try to upload these types of vids at least once a month. Stay tuned!!!
Come on let's get those paypal donations coming for the Nha Trang trip!!!
Send me a mssg or comment here on videos that you guys want and request. Accepting donations if you guys want me to fly out and shoot something away from Saigon. I will take donations if you guys want me to film parts of Vietnam that require me to fly.
Support me on Patreon. Donate some money guys. Please!!!!
THANK YOU L TRAN FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATION! without you, the Nha Trang trip would not be possible!!!
Subscribe Now.
Watch more of me here on Kylele.net and also subscribe to Kylele.net
Like me on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yevato101
add me on instagram. yevato101.
Also read about my life through my blog.
Check out my twitter @yevatokim
music by Ben Sound.
wn.com/Ear Cleaning Picking Wax Removal Amazing Relaxing
Ear picking and ear cleaning in Saigon. The ear wax is so big. These barber shops exist all around Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam. I will try to upload these types of vids at least once a month. Stay tuned!!!
Come on let's get those paypal donations coming for the Nha Trang trip!!!
Send me a mssg or comment here on videos that you guys want and request. Accepting donations if you guys want me to fly out and shoot something away from Saigon. I will take donations if you guys want me to film parts of Vietnam that require me to fly.
Support me on Patreon. Donate some money guys. Please!!!!
THANK YOU L TRAN FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATION! without you, the Nha Trang trip would not be possible!!!
Subscribe Now.
Watch more of me here on Kylele.net and also subscribe to Kylele.net
Like me on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/yevato101
add me on instagram. yevato101.
Also read about my life through my blog.
Check out my twitter @yevatokim
music by Ben Sound.
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 1245
☆ ASMR Sweet and (S)low Ear (Cleaning) Groomers & Spa ♡
Hello friends~! I wanted to recreate this video in ALL whispering, as many of you have asked for a full whispering video while my 3Dio was out of commission. I’...
Hello friends~! I wanted to recreate this video in ALL whispering, as many of you have asked for a full whispering video while my 3Dio was out of commission. I’m happy to say that I figured out the issue and will be coming out with another 3Dio video without the thumping ☺ I hope you enjoy this longer and slowing video with my Dobby uniform! I loved making it so much regardless of how some of you think I am crazy for filming so early. I hope you like it as much as I did making it! Here are some triggers:
1:25 Pencil and paper
2:11 Rubbing your ears
3:29 Light shining and reflections
6:38 Hand Rubbing & Aromatherapy Breathing and Ear Rubbing
8:27 Scarf Removal & Warm Towel Rubbing
10:13 Hearing Test with Tingle Bracelets & Hearing Test with Crystals
13:20 Placing Your Bib- Paper & Bib Chain Sounds
16:30 Ear Hair Trimming Sounds with Ear Blowing
19:45 Glasses / Gloves / PPE Time
21:08 Dry skin brushing time with with Ear Blowing
25:30 Brushing the outer ear canal
28:38 Checking your ears with light
31:04 Tweezing excess hair
33:37 Wax extraction
36:00 Ear Irrigation
38:00 Water Swishing and Wiping
39:30 Hearing Test
41:00 Relaxing Dry Brushing Till you Fall Asleep!
Thank you everyone for waiting for my etsy shop. It is now open and more tingle bracelets are now available!
A big thumbs up goes to the viewer that guesses the correct number of tummy growls in this video XD
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you are...
Other than helping people relax, I love to draw and make jewelry. You can find my creations and tingle bracelets here:
If you'd like to support these videos with personalized audio and mp3 rewards, you can visit:
After many of you have asked for a place where you can support my audio like itunes/bandcamp/soundcloud, I am finally able (with some help) to give them away as rewards on my Patreon! Thank you for your suggestions!
Type in the comment box "HealingASMR" if you read all the way down this description ^^
For ASMR Virtual Tours:
ASMR Cooking for any time of the day:
For Meditation and Healing ASMR:
For Vlogs/ Updates
Thank you to my patrons: Bob, Mike, Marc, William, Christopher, DK, Kevin, Joakim, Patch, Daniel, Michael, The Cat Mafia, Tarjei, Jacob, Matthew, Daniel, Ed, Michael, The Scent of Indigo, Jeff, Roel, Teejay, Jonathan, Robynne, Tony, Danny, Ray, Chris, Reyn, Jenny, Rebekah, Christopher, Matthew, Will, Samir, Rafael, Meghan, Adam, David, Ben, Elisabeth, Matthew S., Matthew, Liam, Jason, Ian, Jon, Joe, Amazonite, Meisterolsen, Aden, Lukas, Din, Seri, Caleb, Bill, No thankyou, Curt, MrEta, Samuel, Nick, Ayano, Josh, Alex, Allan, Korvin, Jake, Jess, and Asa, Kimika, Alex, Marc, Shawn, Nanna, Frederika and Steven for your support this month~!
wn.com/☆ Asmr Sweet And (S)Low Ear (Cleaning) Groomers Spa ♡
Hello friends~! I wanted to recreate this video in ALL whispering, as many of you have asked for a full whispering video while my 3Dio was out of commission. I’m happy to say that I figured out the issue and will be coming out with another 3Dio video without the thumping ☺ I hope you enjoy this longer and slowing video with my Dobby uniform! I loved making it so much regardless of how some of you think I am crazy for filming so early. I hope you like it as much as I did making it! Here are some triggers:
1:25 Pencil and paper
2:11 Rubbing your ears
3:29 Light shining and reflections
6:38 Hand Rubbing & Aromatherapy Breathing and Ear Rubbing
8:27 Scarf Removal & Warm Towel Rubbing
10:13 Hearing Test with Tingle Bracelets & Hearing Test with Crystals
13:20 Placing Your Bib- Paper & Bib Chain Sounds
16:30 Ear Hair Trimming Sounds with Ear Blowing
19:45 Glasses / Gloves / PPE Time
21:08 Dry skin brushing time with with Ear Blowing
25:30 Brushing the outer ear canal
28:38 Checking your ears with light
31:04 Tweezing excess hair
33:37 Wax extraction
36:00 Ear Irrigation
38:00 Water Swishing and Wiping
39:30 Hearing Test
41:00 Relaxing Dry Brushing Till you Fall Asleep!
Thank you everyone for waiting for my etsy shop. It is now open and more tingle bracelets are now available!
A big thumbs up goes to the viewer that guesses the correct number of tummy growls in this video XD
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe for more content and
thank you for letting me be a part of your relaxation xo
Sending you lots of love wherever you are...
Other than helping people relax, I love to draw and make jewelry. You can find my creations and tingle bracelets here:
If you'd like to support these videos with personalized audio and mp3 rewards, you can visit:
After many of you have asked for a place where you can support my audio like itunes/bandcamp/soundcloud, I am finally able (with some help) to give them away as rewards on my Patreon! Thank you for your suggestions!
Type in the comment box "HealingASMR" if you read all the way down this description ^^
For ASMR Virtual Tours:
ASMR Cooking for any time of the day:
For Meditation and Healing ASMR:
For Vlogs/ Updates
Thank you to my patrons: Bob, Mike, Marc, William, Christopher, DK, Kevin, Joakim, Patch, Daniel, Michael, The Cat Mafia, Tarjei, Jacob, Matthew, Daniel, Ed, Michael, The Scent of Indigo, Jeff, Roel, Teejay, Jonathan, Robynne, Tony, Danny, Ray, Chris, Reyn, Jenny, Rebekah, Christopher, Matthew, Will, Samir, Rafael, Meghan, Adam, David, Ben, Elisabeth, Matthew S., Matthew, Liam, Jason, Ian, Jon, Joe, Amazonite, Meisterolsen, Aden, Lukas, Din, Seri, Caleb, Bill, No thankyou, Curt, MrEta, Samuel, Nick, Ayano, Josh, Alex, Allan, Korvin, Jake, Jess, and Asa, Kimika, Alex, Marc, Shawn, Nanna, Frederika and Steven for your support this month~!
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 2737
Pus In Ear Part 2
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
This video educates about an abscess in the ear. This abscess is pres...
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
This video educates about an abscess in the ear. This abscess is present near the tragus of the ear. When patient came his external auditory canal was filled with pus. When the pus was cleaned, and the area was squeezed out, a lot of pus drained out. canal and abscess cavity were cleaned with normal saline, and povidine iodine solution was applied.
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
wn.com/Pus In Ear Part 2
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
This video educates about an abscess in the ear. This abscess is present near the tragus of the ear. When patient came his external auditory canal was filled with pus. When the pus was cleaned, and the area was squeezed out, a lot of pus drained out. canal and abscess cavity were cleaned with normal saline, and povidine iodine solution was applied.
Pus in Ear Part 1 https://youtu.be/7A7N83G93gc
Maggots In Ear https://youtu.be/6tDHz_12dII
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 301
Cyst at the base of the Ear, Dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel On 98Rock Morning Show
This cyst removal is dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel, the hosts of the 98Rock Morning Show, in Baltimore. Especially Scott, who I hear is a very dedicated...
This cyst removal is dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel, the hosts of the 98Rock Morning Show, in Baltimore. Especially Scott, who I hear is a very dedicated fan! ;) You can hear my interview with them about the Dr Pimple Popper phenomenon this morning at 98online.com
This is a wonderful patient who drove from a distance to have me remove this cyst in front of his ear. I feel pretty honored, actually, because he trusted me to do this surgery after watching many of my videos on this youtube channel. Great guy with a wonderful son who accompanied him. Also, quite an amazing epidermoid cyst, that has never been squeezed, so it came out quite easily "without a fight".
As you know, epidermoid cysts are benign growths, a growth under the skin that contains macerated keratin (skin cells). The best way to definitively remove such a growth (although it is not medically necessary to remove them), is to excise them, removing the entire cyst including the entire sac wall, to avoid reoccurrence. Most people decide to remove these because they become cosmetically unacceptable, or they are prone to inflammation and/or infection.
Thank you for watching, and thank you to 98online.com for the interview this morning!
@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops
Facebook: Dr Sandra Lee
Twitter: @SandraLeeMD
Snapchat: drpimplepopper
Periscope: Dr. Sandra Lee
This video may contain dermatologic surgical and/or procedural content. The content seen in this video is provided only for medical education purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
wn.com/Cyst At The Base Of The Ear, Dedicated To Justin, Scott, Spiegel On 98Rock Morning Show
This cyst removal is dedicated to Justin, Scott, & Spiegel, the hosts of the 98Rock Morning Show, in Baltimore. Especially Scott, who I hear is a very dedicated fan! ;) You can hear my interview with them about the Dr Pimple Popper phenomenon this morning at 98online.com
This is a wonderful patient who drove from a distance to have me remove this cyst in front of his ear. I feel pretty honored, actually, because he trusted me to do this surgery after watching many of my videos on this youtube channel. Great guy with a wonderful son who accompanied him. Also, quite an amazing epidermoid cyst, that has never been squeezed, so it came out quite easily "without a fight".
As you know, epidermoid cysts are benign growths, a growth under the skin that contains macerated keratin (skin cells). The best way to definitively remove such a growth (although it is not medically necessary to remove them), is to excise them, removing the entire cyst including the entire sac wall, to avoid reoccurrence. Most people decide to remove these because they become cosmetically unacceptable, or they are prone to inflammation and/or infection.
Thank you for watching, and thank you to 98online.com for the interview this morning!
@DrPimplePopper for 24/7 pops
@DrSandraLee for my work, my life, my pops
Facebook: Dr Sandra Lee
Twitter: @SandraLeeMD
Snapchat: drpimplepopper
Periscope: Dr. Sandra Lee
This video may contain dermatologic surgical and/or procedural content. The content seen in this video is provided only for medical education purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 2432
[한국어 ASMR , ASMR Korean] ear cleaning 귀파기, 귀청소
안녕하세요 이라잉입니다.
요즘 학교 기말 준비로 많이 바쁜데 ㅠㅠ
과제하기가 너무 싫어서 영상 찍고 놀았어요 ㅎㅎ...
애증의 귀파기를 들고와봤는데
언제쯤 귀파기를 잘 할 수 있을까요? 뭐.. 계속 하면 늘겠쥬?(뻔뻔)
귀파기 고수가 될 때까지 도전합니다 쭈욱....!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
안녕하세요 이라잉입니다.
요즘 학교 기말 준비로 많이 바쁜데 ㅠㅠ
과제하기가 너무 싫어서 영상 찍고 놀았어요 ㅎㅎ...
애증의 귀파기를 들고와봤는데
언제쯤 귀파기를 잘 할 수 있을까요? 뭐.. 계속 하면 늘겠쥬?(뻔뻔)
귀파기 고수가 될 때까지 도전합니다 쭈욱....!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럼 다음에 또 만나요
굿밤 꿀잠하세요!
Blog : http://blog.naver.com/era1ng
Instagram : http://instagram.com/era1ng
Twitter : https://twitter.com/era1ng
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Eraing-ASMR-...
My other youtube :
이라잉이랑 (With Eraing)
Name : Earang Kim
Nickname : Eraing (Ea-Raing)
Age : 22
Camera : Sony Alpha A5100
Voice Recoder : Zoom h1
wn.com/한국어 Asmr , Asmr Korean Ear Cleaning 귀파기, 귀청소
안녕하세요 이라잉입니다.
요즘 학교 기말 준비로 많이 바쁜데 ㅠㅠ
과제하기가 너무 싫어서 영상 찍고 놀았어요 ㅎㅎ...
애증의 귀파기를 들고와봤는데
언제쯤 귀파기를 잘 할 수 있을까요? 뭐.. 계속 하면 늘겠쥬?(뻔뻔)
귀파기 고수가 될 때까지 도전합니다 쭈욱....!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럼 다음에 또 만나요
굿밤 꿀잠하세요!
Blog : http://blog.naver.com/era1ng
Instagram : http://instagram.com/era1ng
Twitter : https://twitter.com/era1ng
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Eraing-ASMR-...
My other youtube :
이라잉이랑 (With Eraing)
Name : Earang Kim
Nickname : Eraing (Ea-Raing)
Age : 22
Camera : Sony Alpha A5100
Voice Recoder : Zoom h1
- published: 22 Nov 2015
- views: 19565
Earwax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the...
Earwax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects and water.
wn.com/Ear Wax Removal The Best Compilation
Earwax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from bacteria, fungi, insects and water.
- published: 06 Feb 2015
- views: 63
Very Easy, Fast way to unblock your ears or clean
Hi Guys Sin here. This is basicly what they do at the docs to unblock your ears. Step one: Get a bottle you can squezz with a lid, a plastic pen you can brea......
Hi Guys Sin here. This is basicly what they do at the docs to unblock your ears. Step one: Get a bottle you can squezz with a lid, a plastic pen you can brea...
wn.com/Very Easy, Fast Way To Unblock Your Ears Or Clean
Hi Guys Sin here. This is basicly what they do at the docs to unblock your ears. Step one: Get a bottle you can squezz with a lid, a plastic pen you can brea...
- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 62506
author: XLordSinX
Ear Pus Cleaning
samadcheatcyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,
Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear
A viral video has surfaced of a spider being lured out of a man's ear using ear drops.
Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear -
Professional Toy Tester Retires At 14 -
Website: http:/
SONY Walkman NW A20 Casque h ear MDR 100AAP
SONY au Festival SON & IMAGE
Disney Frozen Games - Elsa Ear Doctor - Disney Game Movie
Elsa will be needing your help in this Frozen Doctor game because her ear seems to hurt her a bit and she wants it checked out. You will need to follow the .
Disney Frozen Games - Elsa Ear Doctor - Disney Game Movie Play Elsa Ear Doctor: Elsa Ear Doctor By Gamesforgirlz Free Online Cartoon .
Frozen Princess Elsa is afraid that she might lose her hearing and right she is at the doctors lab. S
Ear Explosion Torture
Ear Explosion Torture - View all Primextreme69's Rockstar Editor videos at http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Primextreme69
Disney Frozen Games - Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids
Anna has an ear infection from all the cold weather, be her doctor in a new and exciting emergency game! Get rid of all the infections, injuries and germs .
Disney Frozen Games - Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids Please subscribe .
Princess Anna Ear Injury Disney Princess FROZEN Princess Elsa and Anna FROZEN Games for girls - PlayRosy AgnesGames.com Top Baby Gam
Ear pulling entertainment
Ear pulling entertainment
Terintino Ear
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DIY Turning A DVD Holder Into Ear Ring Holder
Heyy sweetie pies !! welcome to my channel !! Feel free to hit the like button if you enjoy any of my videos! Also feel free to share your opinions in the comments down below! And if you feel like staying for a while with us hit the subscribe button!! :)
Thank you
God Bless
Love Ashley AKA Jeanette Shadows
Follow me @ Jeanette Shadows https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=945543385468604&ref;=bo
Ear Force Tm1 Tournament Mixer
This video presents some features of the Ear Force Tm1 and hopefully provides to you some overview of it.
You can get it on аmаzоп-usa : http://xfy.camiba.info/onsoft/2/com/B0099R6GU8/ondigital4-20/94hfv.htm
ear wax surgery at hospital YouTube
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Cyst Pimple Popping On Ear | Best Cyst Popping YouTube
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[Dubstep] Vyill - Ear Candy feat. Script
Welcome to JustDubstepMusic, leave a like and subscribe!
Put Like on my Facebook Page (https://facebook.com/JustDubMusic/) because now you can receive real-time notifications of new video uploads. Furthermore you can know me better, see funny videos and discover new things about music!
Vyill - Ear Candy feat. Script
♫ Downlaod For Free: https://soundcl
Popping a gross pimple On Ear kopia
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,cystoscopy procedure,cystogastrostomy,
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Click Here To Subscribe For More ►https://www.youtube.com/user/stomedy?sub_confirmation=1
This is my reaction to impacted ear wax removal video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga54lTAu9Fw
Connect With Me On:
facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/stevestomedy
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Here are some other gross 3 videos that i watched
Little Girl plays difficult piano piece by ear
Rapunzel Ear Doctor - Best Baby Games For Kids
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Disney Princess Games - Rapunzel Ear Doctor – Best Disney Princess Games
Leopard Cat Ear Stud available at www.spartnonline.com
Order at http://spartnonline.com/products/leopard-earring
Kitten sucking my ear
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
If you like videos consisting of blackheads, zits, cyst, boil, then
SUBSCRRIBE : https://goo.gl/mjQhTj
This VIDEO IS most TERRIBLE Video you'll ever watch in your life, PLZ calm down AND WATCH IT :))
Thanks for watching! Warning: This video is shocking for someone. You should not do this at home!
Tosty Ear Piercing(2)
At Bokaro by Krishna jiii
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
FunOnlineKidsGames: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FunOnlineKidsGames
Play the game: http://www.agnesgames.com/game/minion-ear-doctor.html
Ear Pus Cleaning
samadcheatcyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,...
samadcheatcyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,
wn.com/Ear Pus Cleaning
samadcheatcyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear
A viral video has surfaced of a spider being lured out of a man's ear using ear drops.
A viral video has surfaced of a spider being lured out of a man's ear using ear drops.
Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear -
Professional Toy Tester Retires At 14 -
Website: http://www.informoverload.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/informoverload
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InformOverload
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InformOverload
Sasha Wood: http://instagram.com/sasha.a.wood
Danny Burke: https://instagram.com/_BURKISHDELIGHT_
Sasha Wood: http://instagram.com/sasha.a.wood
wn.com/Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear
A viral video has surfaced of a spider being lured out of a man's ear using ear drops.
Spider Crawls Into Man's Ear -
Professional Toy Tester Retires At 14 -
Website: http://www.informoverload.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/informoverload
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InformOverload
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InformOverload
Sasha Wood: http://instagram.com/sasha.a.wood
Danny Burke: https://instagram.com/_BURKISHDELIGHT_
Sasha Wood: http://instagram.com/sasha.a.wood
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Disney Frozen Games - Elsa Ear Doctor - Disney Game Movie
Elsa will be needing your help in this Frozen Doctor game because her ear seems to hurt her a bit and she wants it checked out. You will need to follow the .
Elsa will be needing your help in this Frozen Doctor game because her ear seems to hurt her a bit and she wants it checked out. You will need to follow the .
Disney Frozen Games - Elsa Ear Doctor - Disney Game Movie Play Elsa Ear Doctor: Elsa Ear Doctor By Gamesforgirlz Free Online Cartoon .
Frozen Princess Elsa is afraid that she might lose her hearing and right she is at the doctors lab. She feels a terrible ear ache for a few days, so are you willing to .
Disney Frozen Game: Princess Elsa Ear Emergency Game! Baby Games: The Best Online Games to Play! Subscribe our Channel .
wn.com/Disney Frozen Games Elsa Ear Doctor Disney Game Movie
Elsa will be needing your help in this Frozen Doctor game because her ear seems to hurt her a bit and she wants it checked out. You will need to follow the .
Disney Frozen Games - Elsa Ear Doctor - Disney Game Movie Play Elsa Ear Doctor: Elsa Ear Doctor By Gamesforgirlz Free Online Cartoon .
Frozen Princess Elsa is afraid that she might lose her hearing and right she is at the doctors lab. She feels a terrible ear ache for a few days, so are you willing to .
Disney Frozen Game: Princess Elsa Ear Emergency Game! Baby Games: The Best Online Games to Play! Subscribe our Channel .
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Ear Explosion Torture
Ear Explosion Torture - View all Primextreme69's Rockstar Editor videos at http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Primextreme69...
Ear Explosion Torture - View all Primextreme69's Rockstar Editor videos at http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Primextreme69
wn.com/Ear Explosion Torture
Ear Explosion Torture - View all Primextreme69's Rockstar Editor videos at http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Primextreme69
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Disney Frozen Games - Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids
Anna has an ear infection from all the cold weather, be her doctor in a new and exciting emergency game! Get rid of all the infections, injuries and germs .
Anna has an ear infection from all the cold weather, be her doctor in a new and exciting emergency game! Get rid of all the infections, injuries and germs .
Disney Frozen Games - Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids Please subscribe .
Princess Anna Ear Injury Disney Princess FROZEN Princess Elsa and Anna FROZEN Games for girls - PlayRosy AgnesGames.com Top Baby Games Baby .
Watch and Learn Health Care with Princess Anna Ear Injury Gameplay for Boys and Girls-Disney Frozen Inspired Games Online Kids, I have bad news for you, .
wn.com/Disney Frozen Games Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids
Anna has an ear infection from all the cold weather, be her doctor in a new and exciting emergency game! Get rid of all the infections, injuries and germs .
Disney Frozen Games - Anna Ear Injury – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls And Kids Please subscribe .
Princess Anna Ear Injury Disney Princess FROZEN Princess Elsa and Anna FROZEN Games for girls - PlayRosy AgnesGames.com Top Baby Games Baby .
Watch and Learn Health Care with Princess Anna Ear Injury Gameplay for Boys and Girls-Disney Frozen Inspired Games Online Kids, I have bad news for you, .
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Ear pulling entertainment
Ear pulling entertainment...
Ear pulling entertainment
wn.com/Ear Pulling Entertainment
Ear pulling entertainment
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Terintino Ear
SUBSCRIBE to this Channel for more original Trap material, music video premieres, and more
We will be posting weekly or daily. hope this helped you Turn up or ...
SUBSCRIBE to this Channel for more original Trap material, music video premieres, and more
We will be posting weekly or daily. hope this helped you Turn up or entertained you... like and subscribe for more Music
See other music video here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoxJP3ejZedVPmcWhpjx56A/videos
More :
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoxJP3ejZedVPmcWhpjx56A/videos
Website: https://www.facebook.com/worldbossforme
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldbossforme
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wn.com/Terintino Ear
SUBSCRIBE to this Channel for more original Trap material, music video premieres, and more
We will be posting weekly or daily. hope this helped you Turn up or entertained you... like and subscribe for more Music
See other music video here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoxJP3ejZedVPmcWhpjx56A/videos
More :
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoxJP3ejZedVPmcWhpjx56A/videos
Website: https://www.facebook.com/worldbossforme
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldbossforme
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
DIY Turning A DVD Holder Into Ear Ring Holder
Heyy sweetie pies !! welcome to my channel !! Feel free to hit the like button if you enjoy any of my videos! Also feel free to share your opinions in the comme...
Heyy sweetie pies !! welcome to my channel !! Feel free to hit the like button if you enjoy any of my videos! Also feel free to share your opinions in the comments down below! And if you feel like staying for a while with us hit the subscribe button!! :)
Thank you
God Bless
Love Ashley AKA Jeanette Shadows
Follow me @ Jeanette Shadows https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=945543385468604&ref;=bookmarks that's on Facebook .com
also Follow me @ Instagram .com Jeanette_Shadows
Email for Business purposes jeanette.shadows@yahoo.com
Snap Chat
Thank you , and God Bless Xoxoxox Jeanette Shadows
wn.com/Diy Turning A Dvd Holder Into Ear Ring Holder
Heyy sweetie pies !! welcome to my channel !! Feel free to hit the like button if you enjoy any of my videos! Also feel free to share your opinions in the comments down below! And if you feel like staying for a while with us hit the subscribe button!! :)
Thank you
God Bless
Love Ashley AKA Jeanette Shadows
Follow me @ Jeanette Shadows https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=945543385468604&ref;=bookmarks that's on Facebook .com
also Follow me @ Instagram .com Jeanette_Shadows
Email for Business purposes jeanette.shadows@yahoo.com
Snap Chat
Thank you , and God Bless Xoxoxox Jeanette Shadows
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Ear Force Tm1 Tournament Mixer
This video presents some features of the Ear Force Tm1 and hopefully provides to you some overview of it.
You can get it on аmаzоп-usa : http://xfy.camiba.info/...
This video presents some features of the Ear Force Tm1 and hopefully provides to you some overview of it.
You can get it on аmаzоп-usa : http://xfy.camiba.info/onsoft/2/com/B0099R6GU8/ondigital4-20/94hfv.htm
wn.com/Ear Force Tm1 Tournament Mixer
This video presents some features of the Ear Force Tm1 and hopefully provides to you some overview of it.
You can get it on аmаzоп-usa : http://xfy.camiba.info/onsoft/2/com/B0099R6GU8/ondigital4-20/94hfv.htm
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
ear wax surgery at hospital YouTube
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,...
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,
wn.com/Ear Wax Surgery At Hospital Youtube
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 1
Cyst Pimple Popping On Ear | Best Cyst Popping YouTube
cyst acne removal,cyst animal,cyst acne treatment,cyst and pus with a surprise twist,cyst and abscess,cyst albania,cyst and pimples,cyst burst,cyst big,cyst big...
cyst acne removal,cyst animal,cyst acne treatment,cyst and pus with a surprise twist,cyst and abscess,cyst albania,cyst and pimples,cyst burst,cyst big,cyst bigger than someone's knee,cyst behind knee,cyst bottle,
wn.com/Cyst Pimple Popping On Ear | Best Cyst Popping Youtube
cyst acne removal,cyst animal,cyst acne treatment,cyst and pus with a surprise twist,cyst and abscess,cyst albania,cyst and pimples,cyst burst,cyst big,cyst bigger than someone's knee,cyst behind knee,cyst bottle,
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
[Dubstep] Vyill - Ear Candy feat. Script
Welcome to JustDubstepMusic, leave a like and subscribe!
Put Like on my Facebook Page (https://facebook.com/JustDubMusic/) because now you can receive real-time...
Welcome to JustDubstepMusic, leave a like and subscribe!
Put Like on my Facebook Page (https://facebook.com/JustDubMusic/) because now you can receive real-time notifications of new video uploads. Furthermore you can know me better, see funny videos and discover new things about music!
Vyill - Ear Candy feat. Script
♫ Downlaod For Free: https://soundcloud.com/vyillmusic/ear-candy
►Wallpaper Download: https://goo.gl/BxN7u9
►Follow and Support Vyill:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vyillmusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vyillmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vyillonatari
►Follow and Support Script:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/iamscript
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scriptmusicc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamscript
►Follow and Support JustDubstepMusic:
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*If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (justdubstepmusic@gmail.com) with me and I will delete it immediately.
wn.com/Dubstep Vyill Ear Candy Feat. Script
Welcome to JustDubstepMusic, leave a like and subscribe!
Put Like on my Facebook Page (https://facebook.com/JustDubMusic/) because now you can receive real-time notifications of new video uploads. Furthermore you can know me better, see funny videos and discover new things about music!
Vyill - Ear Candy feat. Script
♫ Downlaod For Free: https://soundcloud.com/vyillmusic/ear-candy
►Wallpaper Download: https://goo.gl/BxN7u9
►Follow and Support Vyill:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vyillmusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vyillmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vyillonatari
►Follow and Support Script:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/iamscript
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scriptmusicc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamscript
►Follow and Support JustDubstepMusic:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JustDubMusic
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Send Your Track Here: justdubstepmusic@gmail.com
Download Our Free Windows Phone App: https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/justdubstepmusic/7c9b066c-0007-4dcc-8861-2bb2c496a3b2
*If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact (justdubstepmusic@gmail.com) with me and I will delete it immediately.
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 6
Popping a gross pimple On Ear kopia
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,cystoscopy procedure,c...
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,cystoscopy procedure,cystogastrostomy,
wn.com/Popping A Gross Pimple On Ear Kopia
cyst in ovary,cyst removal from foot,cysts extractions,cystic acne,cystoscopy video,cysteine hair treatment,cystic hygroma,cyst in uterus,cystoscopy procedure,cystogastrostomy,
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Наушники Sony линейки h.ear on
Накладные наушники Sony линейки h.ear on, сочетая яркий дизайн и великолепное звучание, подчеркнут вашу индивидуальность и отличный вкус.
Скоро в продаже в фир...
Накладные наушники Sony линейки h.ear on, сочетая яркий дизайн и великолепное звучание, подчеркнут вашу индивидуальность и отличный вкус.
Скоро в продаже в фирменном интернет-магазине Sony Store Online - https://goo.gl/hLXKu7
wn.com/Наушники Sony Линейки H.Ear On
Накладные наушники Sony линейки h.ear on, сочетая яркий дизайн и великолепное звучание, подчеркнут вашу индивидуальность и отличный вкус.
Скоро в продаже в фирменном интернет-магазине Sony Store Online - https://goo.gl/hLXKu7
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 38
Click Here To Subscribe For More ►https://www.youtube.com/user/stomedy?sub_confirmation=1
This is my reaction to impacted ear wax removal video: https://www.yo...
Click Here To Subscribe For More ►https://www.youtube.com/user/stomedy?sub_confirmation=1
This is my reaction to impacted ear wax removal video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga54lTAu9Fw
Connect With Me On:
facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/stevestomedy
Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/stevestomedy
Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/stomedy
Here are some other gross 3 videos that i watched today:
1) Insane Giant Ear Wax Removal
2) The Worlds Biggest ear wax removal ever
3) MASSIVE EARWAX REMOVAL! | Dr. Paul (feat. Maiya "My Wife")
wn.com/Impacted Ear Wax Removal Reaction
Click Here To Subscribe For More ►https://www.youtube.com/user/stomedy?sub_confirmation=1
This is my reaction to impacted ear wax removal video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga54lTAu9Fw
Connect With Me On:
facebook ► http://www.facebook.com/stevestomedy
Twitter ► http://www.twitter.com/stevestomedy
Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/stomedy
Here are some other gross 3 videos that i watched today:
1) Insane Giant Ear Wax Removal
2) The Worlds Biggest ear wax removal ever
3) MASSIVE EARWAX REMOVAL! | Dr. Paul (feat. Maiya "My Wife")
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 170
Rapunzel Ear Doctor - Best Baby Games For Kids
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this ....
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Disney Princess Games - Rapunzel Ear Doctor – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls Please subscribe .
Disney Princess Game - Princess Rapunzel Ear Doctor Baby Videos Games For Kids Baby Games: The Best Online Game to Play! ▻ Like video, Make .
wn.com/Rapunzel Ear Doctor Best Baby Games For Kids
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Rapunzel feels awful for a few days because she has an infected ear. She might lose her hearing forever, but fortunately for her, the help has come. Play this .
Disney Princess Games - Rapunzel Ear Doctor – Best Disney Princess Games For Girls Please subscribe .
Disney Princess Game - Princess Rapunzel Ear Doctor Baby Videos Games For Kids Baby Games: The Best Online Game to Play! ▻ Like video, Make .
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Leopard Cat Ear Stud available at www.spartnonline.com
Order at http://spartnonline.com/products/leopard-earring...
Order at http://spartnonline.com/products/leopard-earring
wn.com/Leopard Cat Ear Stud Available At Www.Spartnonline.Com
Order at http://spartnonline.com/products/leopard-earring
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
If you like videos consisting of blackheads, zits, cyst, boil, then
SUBSCRRIBE : https://goo.gl/mjQhTj
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
If you like videos consisting of blackheads, zits, cyst, boil, then
SUBSCRRIBE : https://goo.gl/mjQhTj
This VIDEO IS most TERRIBLE Video you'll ever watch in your life, PLZ calm down AND WATCH IT :))
Thanks for watching! Warning: This video is shocking for someone. You should not do this at home! please see your doctor. General hospital. If
If you are uncomfortable about this, please let me know. Please don't flagged my channel. Thanks you for watching.
wn.com/Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
Tini Hard Cyst Squeeze On Ear | Cyst Extractions
If you like videos consisting of blackheads, zits, cyst, boil, then
SUBSCRRIBE : https://goo.gl/mjQhTj
This VIDEO IS most TERRIBLE Video you'll ever watch in your life, PLZ calm down AND WATCH IT :))
Thanks for watching! Warning: This video is shocking for someone. You should not do this at home! please see your doctor. General hospital. If
If you are uncomfortable about this, please let me know. Please don't flagged my channel. Thanks you for watching.
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 4
Tosty Ear Piercing(2)
At Bokaro by Krishna jiii...
At Bokaro by Krishna jiii
wn.com/Tosty Ear Piercing(2)
At Bokaro by Krishna jiii
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 3
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
FunOnlineKidsGames: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FunOnlineKidsGames
Play the game: ...
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
FunOnlineKidsGames: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FunOnlineKidsGames
Play the game: http://www.agnesgames.com/game/minion-ear-doctor.html
wn.com/Minion Ear Doctor Minion Games Doctor Care Game
Minion Ear Doctor - Minion Games - Doctor Care Game
FunOnlineKidsGames: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FunOnlineKidsGames
Play the game: http://www.agnesgames.com/game/minion-ear-doctor.html
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 2
ASMRniversary Spa Day Treatment 1 - Relaxing Scalp & Ear Massage (ASMR, Personal Attention)
Welcome to the ASMRniversary Day Spa experience! As I mentioned in yesterday's video, today marks the third anniversary of my channel! To celebrate, you will be getting THREE roleplays in one day. Your first "service" at the ASMRniversary Day Spa today will be a relaxing scalp and ear massage. Your second and third services will begin later today. Enjoy! :)
I hope you enjoy, and remember to look
ASMR Ear Cleaning and Hearing Test *Dr.Asmr*
This is an ASMR video intended for relaxation and entertainment purposes. In this video the viewer will receive a virtual ear cleaning and hearing test. You can expect various binaural sounds such as up close whispering, ear massage, q-tips, gentle scraping, and soft tones.
~My twitter:https://twitter.com/RhosgobelASMR
~My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
3Dio korean 한국어 ASMR/간질간질 부드러운 귀마사지/soft Ear massage RP/Binaural
(Autonomous sensory meridian response)
- 자율감각쾌감반응의 약자
예를들어 누군가 머리를 빗겨주거나 귓속말을해올때
혹은 어떠한 반복적인 소리 등 다양한 자극에의해 느껴지는 기분좋은느낌
부드러운 귀마사지 롤플레이 영상입니다~
로션없는 귀마사지 영상을 원하시는분들이 계셔서 로션을 최대한 조금사용했어요 ( 보여드릴때는 많이짜지만..)
다음에는 로션 하나도 안쓰고 건조한(?)귀마사지영상도 찍을게요!
감사합니다 오늘도 안녕히주무세요 ~ ♥
MY BLOG : http://blog.naver.com/ymjymj3
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/miniyua
ASMR Binaural Magic 8 Ball: Let Me Tell Your Fortune With Tingles
Hello everyone! This ASMR video features the soothing sounds of the Magic 8 Ball, soft speaking, counting, tapping, and ear to ear whispering. If you are wondering why you have seen my hat so much lately, it's because I shut off everything when I film (in order to get you the best sound quality possible)including the heat. Happy Viewing!
PS. Shout out to Ardra Neala who has been helping me wit
≈ Worm Infection Ear Exam & Cleaning ≈ ASMR | Multi-layered | Whispering | Personal attention
Uh oh, you got a worm infection! You can hear those little, creepy crawlers making strange noises in your ears so you come for help. This is an ear examination and cleaning video.
Dr. Andrew Michaels - https://www.youtube.com/user/TirarADeguello
Reference to this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7pz0f2IdU
Playlist of both videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rZYcdkWaMV98A6K
ASMR Ear Massage with Clothes! Scratching the 3Dio, Ear to Ear Whisper | Fashion Haul #18 SheIn.com
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
↓ Links to Fashions Below ↓
Up close and personal with the 3Dio microphone, scratching on the top and massaging your ears with fabrics! These sounds are more intense than a regular Fashion Haul, for more TINGLES!!
Fashions by www.SheIn.com
Ear Cleaning Appointment (Thorough ASMR Examination)
Hi poopsies! So I filmed an ear cleaning appointment which I have never done before, and I have been requested to do. I have done ear exam videos, but they were really bland and felt almost too short and pointless to me.
This was loads fun to create and I spent a whole day before filming the video, just planning alone. I took the time to write a bullet-ed script for what I was going to do, step by
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Soft Whispers】 【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ Use headphones for the best experience.
♥ Subscribe for more!
♥ This content is designed for relaxation & ASMR purposes and is not intended to be sexual in any way.
(|Intensely Binaural ASMR Deep Ear Cleaning|) 3D Ear to Ear Sounds
REUPLOAD!! Thank you to everyone for letting me know that the second half of the first upload was blurred! I'm so sorry I missed that in editing. There has...
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play - Ear Cleaning and Some Ear Massage to help you to recover. the keyboard used is a Corsair K70 with cherry red switches http://amzn.to/1DRHtH2 i purchased this keyboard sounds as it has been requested many times for mechanical keyboard sounds. I will be uploading a review/trigger video on just the keyboard, i will also combine a unboxing video of the keybo
ASMR ♥ Binaural Ear Cleaning #3
▬▬▬▬▬▬CLICK SHOW MORE▬▬▬▬▬▬
I think it's about time for another ear cleaning video, am I right? :D Sit back and relax!
If you made it to my new end screen, let me know what you think of it :)
My other ear cleaning role plays:
More medical role plays:
11/14來賓: 小小瑜、阿翔、董至成、小嫻、曾子余、陳艾琳、王宇婕
●更多天才衝衝衝- Ear傳耳ABC●
[Glitter ASMR] 촉촉한 오일 마사지 | ASMR Oil Ear Massage | 3dio Ear Massage No Talking
Please thumbs up if you liked this video and don't forget to subscribe!
오디오 드라마 말캉 http://www.malkang.com
아프리카tv 방송국 http://afreeca.com/candyglitter
레인보우 여왕의 블로그 http://candyglitter.blog.me
Instagram | Twitter @candyglitter91
Ask.fm @Glitter91
Movie Night and The Ear - Video Diary
Movie night! Also, I swear that has never happened to my ear before!!
Follow @HarleyPlays on instagram!
ASMR ❀ Mandarin Home Tutor Role-play ❀ [Soft Speaking] [Personal Attention] [Ear to Ear]
What?? Is this a new video from EarthlyASMR?
Yes, I am back after my extreme hiatus! I have been caught up with school; university applications, internships, catching up on work and trying to keep up with boarding school life...the usual antics. But, I am back with a role-play for you all, that I know you will love!
I thoroughly enjoyed filming this role-play not only because it was fun and rela
All Up In Your Ears 2 (Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper, Ear to Ear Soft Speaking)
Hello my wonderful friends and fellow Tingleheads :) This video is a follow up to my original "Raw Tingles: All Up In Your Ears" video. This one includes Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper sounds, and Ear to Ear soft speaking & whispering. I hope all of you are doing well and I hope you find this latest video relaxing. Enjoy :)
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is
ASMR Auriculotherapy Role Play ~ Ear Seeds/Ear Cleaning/Close Up/Binaural
Ear, Ear & Ear... Woohoo! Get ready for lots of close up binaural ASMR ear to ear attention. Welcome to ASMR Auriculotherapy aka Auricular Acupuncture (no needles) aka Ear Acupuncture/Acupressure/Ear Therapy. Here I will be using ear seeds to apply pressure to the most calming acupuncture points in your ear.
Triggers here include:
Soft speaking, Plastic, Pointing, Close up personal attention, Crin
ASMR Ear Exam and Ear Cleaning Role Play for Sleep Binaural
Here's a new ASMR medical role play: ear exam and ear cleaning. Triggers include close up soft speaking and whispering, ear cleaning with cotton swabs, ear touching, ear cupping and latex gloves sounds.
Disclaimer: I'm not a real doctor so this video may be highly inaccurate :) Thank you guys for all your support and I really hope you can relax with this one.
My Patreon page to help me keep work
{BINAURAL ASMR} Ear Cleaning & Ear Massage – Japanese Ear Pick, Tweezers, Q-Tip, Makeup Brushes
Hi friends! It's time for another ear cleaning (っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っc(◕︣◡◕᷅)ɔ I've noticed your ears have grown some hair, so it looks like I need to take the tweezers to them this time :)) The cleaning is followed by a relaxing ear massage. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
*Sounds Directory*
00:06 – 17:38 Left ear cleaning
17:39 – 38:43 Right ear cleaning
38:44 – End Ear massage
Link to my first
ASMR Sugar Skull Cookie Decorating, Tongue Click, Ear to Ear Whispering and Soft Speaking
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION for update on the next PO Box Holiday Project!
Look for me now on iTunes and Spotify!!! (And other media streaming sites) NEW ALBUMS and Singles added every 2 weeks!
If you'd like to see this video on iTunes please request it!
My Patreon page is now Live again! Become a Patron and see videos before they're live!: https://www.patreon.com/brittanyasmr
Donations welcome but no
The Adventure Of Tintin: The Broken Ear (Full Movie) English Version
Tintin investigates when a fetish created by the Arumbaya tribe of South America is stolen from Brussels' Museum of Ethnography, only to be returned the following day. Tintin realises that the replacement is a fake, and draws a connection with a local sculptor who has just been murdered, Jacob Balthazar. Balthazar's parrot—a witness to the murder—is obtained by two Hispanic men, Alonso Pérez and R
ASMRniversary Spa Day Treatment 1 - Relaxing Scalp & Ear Massage (ASMR, Personal Attention)
Welcome to the ASMRniversary Day Spa experience! As I mentioned in yesterday's video, today marks the third anniversary of my channel! To celebrate, you will be...
Welcome to the ASMRniversary Day Spa experience! As I mentioned in yesterday's video, today marks the third anniversary of my channel! To celebrate, you will be getting THREE roleplays in one day. Your first "service" at the ASMRniversary Day Spa today will be a relaxing scalp and ear massage. Your second and third services will begin later today. Enjoy! :)
I hope you enjoy, and remember to look out for your next two spa service videos later today!
Yesterday's Anniversary/Explanation Video: : https://goo.gl/dsMTgW
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/tznmOJ
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/tYa6WV
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/hazjFm
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: http://goo.gl/sTHsOG
Common triggers included: soft speaking/whisper, close-up, binaural, ear to ear
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
wn.com/Asmrniversary Spa Day Treatment 1 Relaxing Scalp Ear Massage (Asmr, Personal Attention)
Welcome to the ASMRniversary Day Spa experience! As I mentioned in yesterday's video, today marks the third anniversary of my channel! To celebrate, you will be getting THREE roleplays in one day. Your first "service" at the ASMRniversary Day Spa today will be a relaxing scalp and ear massage. Your second and third services will begin later today. Enjoy! :)
I hope you enjoy, and remember to look out for your next two spa service videos later today!
Yesterday's Anniversary/Explanation Video: : https://goo.gl/dsMTgW
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/tznmOJ
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/tYa6WV
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/hazjFm
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: http://goo.gl/sTHsOG
Common triggers included: soft speaking/whisper, close-up, binaural, ear to ear
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
- published: 19 Nov 2015
- views: 5864
ASMR Ear Cleaning and Hearing Test *Dr.Asmr*
This is an ASMR video intended for relaxation and entertainment purposes. In this video the viewer will receive a virtual ear cleaning and hearing test. You can...
This is an ASMR video intended for relaxation and entertainment purposes. In this video the viewer will receive a virtual ear cleaning and hearing test. You can expect various binaural sounds such as up close whispering, ear massage, q-tips, gentle scraping, and soft tones.
~My twitter:https://twitter.com/RhosgobelASMR
~My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mysilkysounds
~Me on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/rhosgobelrabbitasmr/
~for letters and such:
P.O. box 1324
Haines City, FL
Makeup worn:
face: iope air cushion cover, nars radiant creamy concealer under eyes, lorac velvet rope blush, becca shimmering skin perfecter in pearl as highlight eyes: anastasia blonde brow pencil, rimmel liquid liner, nars black liner in waterline, kat von d interstellar palette on lid and mac bitter on inner corner over the nyx white eyeshadow primer(to make it pop) lips: rimmel shimmering mauve and strawberry lip balm nails: gelish black, china glaze gel polish in celtic sun over gelish white, various nail art pieces and silver glitter from sallys
wn.com/Asmr Ear Cleaning And Hearing Test Dr.Asmr
This is an ASMR video intended for relaxation and entertainment purposes. In this video the viewer will receive a virtual ear cleaning and hearing test. You can expect various binaural sounds such as up close whispering, ear massage, q-tips, gentle scraping, and soft tones.
~My twitter:https://twitter.com/RhosgobelASMR
~My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mysilkysounds
~Me on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/rhosgobelrabbitasmr/
~for letters and such:
P.O. box 1324
Haines City, FL
Makeup worn:
face: iope air cushion cover, nars radiant creamy concealer under eyes, lorac velvet rope blush, becca shimmering skin perfecter in pearl as highlight eyes: anastasia blonde brow pencil, rimmel liquid liner, nars black liner in waterline, kat von d interstellar palette on lid and mac bitter on inner corner over the nyx white eyeshadow primer(to make it pop) lips: rimmel shimmering mauve and strawberry lip balm nails: gelish black, china glaze gel polish in celtic sun over gelish white, various nail art pieces and silver glitter from sallys
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 640
3Dio korean 한국어 ASMR/간질간질 부드러운 귀마사지/soft Ear massage RP/Binaural
(Autonomous sensory meridian response)
- 자율감각쾌감반응의 약자
예를들어 누군가 머리를 빗겨주거나 귓속말을해올때
혹은 어떠한 반복적인 소리 등 다양한 자극에의해 느껴지는 기분좋은느낌
(Autonomous sensory meridian response)
- 자율감각쾌감반응의 약자
예를들어 누군가 머리를 빗겨주거나 귓속말을해올때
혹은 어떠한 반복적인 소리 등 다양한 자극에의해 느껴지는 기분좋은느낌
부드러운 귀마사지 롤플레이 영상입니다~
로션없는 귀마사지 영상을 원하시는분들이 계셔서 로션을 최대한 조금사용했어요 ( 보여드릴때는 많이짜지만..)
다음에는 로션 하나도 안쓰고 건조한(?)귀마사지영상도 찍을게요!
감사합니다 오늘도 안녕히주무세요 ~ ♥
MY BLOG : http://blog.naver.com/ymjymj3
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/miniyuasmr
Instagram : http://instagram.com/miniyuasmr
Twitter : http://twitter.com/miniyuasmr
Email: yymjmj89@gmail.com
Paypal Donation : ymjymj3@naver.com
wn.com/3Dio Korean 한국어 Asmr 간질간질 부드러운 귀마사지 Soft Ear Massage Rp Binaural
(Autonomous sensory meridian response)
- 자율감각쾌감반응의 약자
예를들어 누군가 머리를 빗겨주거나 귓속말을해올때
혹은 어떠한 반복적인 소리 등 다양한 자극에의해 느껴지는 기분좋은느낌
부드러운 귀마사지 롤플레이 영상입니다~
로션없는 귀마사지 영상을 원하시는분들이 계셔서 로션을 최대한 조금사용했어요 ( 보여드릴때는 많이짜지만..)
다음에는 로션 하나도 안쓰고 건조한(?)귀마사지영상도 찍을게요!
감사합니다 오늘도 안녕히주무세요 ~ ♥
MY BLOG : http://blog.naver.com/ymjymj3
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/miniyuasmr
Instagram : http://instagram.com/miniyuasmr
Twitter : http://twitter.com/miniyuasmr
Email: yymjmj89@gmail.com
Paypal Donation : ymjymj3@naver.com
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 10953
ASMR Binaural Magic 8 Ball: Let Me Tell Your Fortune With Tingles
Hello everyone! This ASMR video features the soothing sounds of the Magic 8 Ball, soft speaking, counting, tapping, and ear to ear whispering. If you are wond...
Hello everyone! This ASMR video features the soothing sounds of the Magic 8 Ball, soft speaking, counting, tapping, and ear to ear whispering. If you are wondering why you have seen my hat so much lately, it's because I shut off everything when I film (in order to get you the best sound quality possible)including the heat. Happy Viewing!
PS. Shout out to Ardra Neala who has been helping me with color correction. She makes amazing videos, check her out! https://www.youtube.com/user/ardraneala
My Patreon page helps keep this channel going with supplies, props, software, equipment, and time. Every bit of support is extremely appreciated. Here is the link for those interested in helping me make the best/most effective content I can:
For those who need a quick fix:
0:00-9:04 Tapping and The Soft Spoken History Of The Magic 8 Ball
9:05-34:07 Shaking The 8 Ball, ear to ear counting
My other videos with the Magic 8 Ball:
You can find me elsewhere on the internet:
Blog: http://heatherfeatherasmr.blogspot.com/
Bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/user/FeatherBrainedASMR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeathFeathASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathfeathasmr
Instagram: http://instagram.com/heatherfeatherasmr
Paypal account: I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love---that said, any donations are greatly appreciated. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=PSRGCJDMQR88E
Microphone I used in this video: Free Space Pro II - Binaural Microphone
You'll find me at PixelWhipt soon!
wn.com/Asmr Binaural Magic 8 Ball Let Me Tell Your Fortune With Tingles
Hello everyone! This ASMR video features the soothing sounds of the Magic 8 Ball, soft speaking, counting, tapping, and ear to ear whispering. If you are wondering why you have seen my hat so much lately, it's because I shut off everything when I film (in order to get you the best sound quality possible)including the heat. Happy Viewing!
PS. Shout out to Ardra Neala who has been helping me with color correction. She makes amazing videos, check her out! https://www.youtube.com/user/ardraneala
My Patreon page helps keep this channel going with supplies, props, software, equipment, and time. Every bit of support is extremely appreciated. Here is the link for those interested in helping me make the best/most effective content I can:
For those who need a quick fix:
0:00-9:04 Tapping and The Soft Spoken History Of The Magic 8 Ball
9:05-34:07 Shaking The 8 Ball, ear to ear counting
My other videos with the Magic 8 Ball:
You can find me elsewhere on the internet:
Blog: http://heatherfeatherasmr.blogspot.com/
Bloopers: http://www.youtube.com/user/FeatherBrainedASMR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeathFeathASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathfeathasmr
Instagram: http://instagram.com/heatherfeatherasmr
Paypal account: I love making these videos, so regardless of donations, I will still be doing what I love---that said, any donations are greatly appreciated. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=PSRGCJDMQR88E
Microphone I used in this video: Free Space Pro II - Binaural Microphone
You'll find me at PixelWhipt soon!
- published: 20 Nov 2015
- views: 4110
≈ Worm Infection Ear Exam & Cleaning ≈ ASMR | Multi-layered | Whispering | Personal attention
Uh oh, you got a worm infection! You can hear those little, creepy crawlers making strange noises in your ears so you come for help. This is an ear examination...
Uh oh, you got a worm infection! You can hear those little, creepy crawlers making strange noises in your ears so you come for help. This is an ear examination and cleaning video.
Dr. Andrew Michaels - https://www.youtube.com/user/TirarADeguello
Reference to this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7pz0f2IdU
Playlist of both videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rZYcdkWaMV98A6KRfybHW3ICuAq_hr6
Time Stamps
0:00-1:35 Intro
1:36-2:55 Putting on gloves
2:56-4:24 Examining and brushing ears
4:25-10:37 Removing worms from left ear
10:38-17:10 Removing worms from right ear
17:11-18:04 Re-examination
18:05-22:27 Cleaning ears with cotton ball
22:28-27:33 Cleaning ears with q-tip
If you're interested in supporting my future videos, consider purchasing my audio tracks (MP3, or FLAC) for offline listening! ~~ http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/Bluewhisper ~~
You can purchase the audio to this video here ~ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bluewhisper6
Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/bluewhisperasmr/
Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/bluewhisperasmr/
ASMR Role Plays - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rZYcdkWaMU4e6UDABIYCRYJqXc68XMM
(C) Bluewhisper ASMR
wn.com/≈ Worm Infection Ear Exam Cleaning ≈ Asmr | Multi Layered | Whispering | Personal Attention
Uh oh, you got a worm infection! You can hear those little, creepy crawlers making strange noises in your ears so you come for help. This is an ear examination and cleaning video.
Dr. Andrew Michaels - https://www.youtube.com/user/TirarADeguello
Reference to this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e7pz0f2IdU
Playlist of both videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rZYcdkWaMV98A6KRfybHW3ICuAq_hr6
Time Stamps
0:00-1:35 Intro
1:36-2:55 Putting on gloves
2:56-4:24 Examining and brushing ears
4:25-10:37 Removing worms from left ear
10:38-17:10 Removing worms from right ear
17:11-18:04 Re-examination
18:05-22:27 Cleaning ears with cotton ball
22:28-27:33 Cleaning ears with q-tip
If you're interested in supporting my future videos, consider purchasing my audio tracks (MP3, or FLAC) for offline listening! ~~ http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/Bluewhisper ~~
You can purchase the audio to this video here ~ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bluewhisper6
Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/bluewhisperasmr/
Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/bluewhisperasmr/
ASMR Role Plays - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rZYcdkWaMU4e6UDABIYCRYJqXc68XMM
(C) Bluewhisper ASMR
- published: 14 Nov 2015
- views: 11974
ASMR Ear Massage with Clothes! Scratching the 3Dio, Ear to Ear Whisper | Fashion Haul #18 SheIn.com
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
↓ Links to Fashions Below ↓
Up close and personal with the 3Dio microphone, scratching on the top and ...
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
↓ Links to Fashions Below ↓
Up close and personal with the 3Dio microphone, scratching on the top and massaging your ears with fabrics! These sounds are more intense than a regular Fashion Haul, for more TINGLES!!
Fashions by www.SheIn.com
Featuring Corrina Rachel
Related Videos:
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 9- Dressgal | Fabric Sounds, Zipper, Brushing
ASMR Fashion Haul 7 CNDirect.com, So Many Sounds + Whisper Ear to Ear, Fabric
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 6 Cheap Dresses by DressLily.com Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 5 Cheap Dresses by NewDress Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 3, Dresses by Dressin, Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural Soft Spoken
This video was produced by Psychetruth
Music By iChill Music Factory
Note: SheIn sent us these items for review. We did not receive any money for making the video nor do we receive any affiliate sales commission.
© Copyright 2015 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
wn.com/Asmr Ear Massage With Clothes Scratching The 3Dio, Ear To Ear Whisper | Fashion Haul 18 Shein.Com
Exclusive Content @ http://www.patreon.com/psychetruth
↓ Links to Fashions Below ↓
Up close and personal with the 3Dio microphone, scratching on the top and massaging your ears with fabrics! These sounds are more intense than a regular Fashion Haul, for more TINGLES!!
Fashions by www.SheIn.com
Featuring Corrina Rachel
Related Videos:
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 9- Dressgal | Fabric Sounds, Zipper, Brushing
ASMR Fashion Haul 7 CNDirect.com, So Many Sounds + Whisper Ear to Ear, Fabric
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 6 Cheap Dresses by DressLily.com Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 5 Cheap Dresses by NewDress Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural
ASMR Dress Up Fashion Show Haul 3, Dresses by Dressin, Whisper Ear to Ear Binaural Soft Spoken
This video was produced by Psychetruth
Music By iChill Music Factory
Note: SheIn sent us these items for review. We did not receive any money for making the video nor do we receive any affiliate sales commission.
© Copyright 2015 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 1160
Ear Cleaning Appointment (Thorough ASMR Examination)
Hi poopsies! So I filmed an ear cleaning appointment which I have never done before, and I have been requested to do. I have done ear exam videos, but they were...
Hi poopsies! So I filmed an ear cleaning appointment which I have never done before, and I have been requested to do. I have done ear exam videos, but they were really bland and felt almost too short and pointless to me.
This was loads fun to create and I spent a whole day before filming the video, just planning alone. I took the time to write a bullet-ed script for what I was going to do, step by step (it helps me think better) instead of improvising the whole video on the top of my head. I also hand crafted the ear wax remover (which isn’t real by the way) but I tried making it into a chic design which would fold and bend to fit inside the ear comfortably, and with no pain.
For the ear wax remover, I cut out two rectangular clear rubber/plastic pieces, and used a flame to melt the two together. I folded the two bits into two separate shaped funnels so that they would fit inside each other. I had to use fire to melt the plastic together to form one solid piece that wouldn’t break apart or move around while filming. Since there were a few burn spots, and I didn’t want you to see the fake wax inside the tube, I decided to paint it blue. I had no paint at home so I used some blue nail polish to paint it through. I only needed one coat since it is a very dark color.
For the lighter, there is a funny story behind it. I am using a green screen in this video, and the lighter was also the same lime green color, so I had to paint the lighter with a dark red nail polish. I had to use a double coat for it though since you could see chunks (it must have been a really old polish). But while filming I realized I needed to do the hydrogen peroxide portion with the cotton balls on a different angle, and I also needed to do the lighter part with the ‘ear candle’ at a similar angle as well. So I didn’t use a green screen for that different angle, thus, not needing to have painted the lighter at all! Oh well.
I have a video source for the hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls idea, which can be found here (if you don’t like swearing please don’t click): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M76BzyrDhTw
The olive oil recommendation in this video was because I have a foreign family and they know anything and everything about olive oil and its uses. Olive oil is basically good for everything.
Also, I know the olive oil bottle was green screened out a bit and partially blended in with the background worse than a chameleon can. I apologize. My contact lenses also did a bit of that too. If you look carefully, my left eye (on the right eye in video) looks like there are pixels running through it. I am not a robot with a robotic eye implanted, it is just the green screen doing its magic on my green lenses. Notice how that doesn’t happen when I turn away from the green screen in the middle of the video.
The reason why I know about all the parts of the ear and what they do? Because I took a course that covered this topic for a little while. It kinda sticks with you, kinda can’t forget these things. XD
I am still a believer of using Q-Tips. I have been using them ever since I can remember and I have never had any problems. You really only need to insert them in the external ear up to where the cotton portion can reach.
I cannot wait to move! Please don’t mind the car and traffic noise in the background, but for now, treat it like innocent white noise. The house I am going to be moving into soon, will have little to no car sounds. Especially where my room is going to be. Absolutely, dead, silent. I will have to experiment with what works best in that room, however, I am not only going to film in my room. I will have MUCH more options for filming in the new house, so let’s move onward and forward.
The Background image used for this video creation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nieve44/2647883117/in/photolist-edPRcx-edPRBg-edPRxx-edVxgu-edVxm1-edPRf4-edVxhq-edVxzL-edVxkm-tg2vD-gECwYE-6tk57h-gEC5p5-gECzVm-gEDdYM-gEC3LW-gEBZK5-gEBZX9-2Y7w5-jK1ve-52Z6pc-nvx1jd-NngKU-4WAgnF-VasdX-jYSrV-2Rmfgk-5hxShp-gEDdjk-9aUC2A-gECGjx-6VDgbD-9bHC5d-gEDdAc-gEDcNv-gEDamX-gECxTq-gEDbSc-gEC2dq-gEBZqC-kyRG9-6beVKG-fH6bbY-72mb32-5tdD33-7rnAW-nvx5xU-6ASeWK-7ZDdw-5LPSVE
GOOGLE+: http://google.com/+asmrer
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/asmrer
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/asmrer
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/asmrer
wn.com/Ear Cleaning Appointment (Thorough Asmr Examination)
Hi poopsies! So I filmed an ear cleaning appointment which I have never done before, and I have been requested to do. I have done ear exam videos, but they were really bland and felt almost too short and pointless to me.
This was loads fun to create and I spent a whole day before filming the video, just planning alone. I took the time to write a bullet-ed script for what I was going to do, step by step (it helps me think better) instead of improvising the whole video on the top of my head. I also hand crafted the ear wax remover (which isn’t real by the way) but I tried making it into a chic design which would fold and bend to fit inside the ear comfortably, and with no pain.
For the ear wax remover, I cut out two rectangular clear rubber/plastic pieces, and used a flame to melt the two together. I folded the two bits into two separate shaped funnels so that they would fit inside each other. I had to use fire to melt the plastic together to form one solid piece that wouldn’t break apart or move around while filming. Since there were a few burn spots, and I didn’t want you to see the fake wax inside the tube, I decided to paint it blue. I had no paint at home so I used some blue nail polish to paint it through. I only needed one coat since it is a very dark color.
For the lighter, there is a funny story behind it. I am using a green screen in this video, and the lighter was also the same lime green color, so I had to paint the lighter with a dark red nail polish. I had to use a double coat for it though since you could see chunks (it must have been a really old polish). But while filming I realized I needed to do the hydrogen peroxide portion with the cotton balls on a different angle, and I also needed to do the lighter part with the ‘ear candle’ at a similar angle as well. So I didn’t use a green screen for that different angle, thus, not needing to have painted the lighter at all! Oh well.
I have a video source for the hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls idea, which can be found here (if you don’t like swearing please don’t click): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M76BzyrDhTw
The olive oil recommendation in this video was because I have a foreign family and they know anything and everything about olive oil and its uses. Olive oil is basically good for everything.
Also, I know the olive oil bottle was green screened out a bit and partially blended in with the background worse than a chameleon can. I apologize. My contact lenses also did a bit of that too. If you look carefully, my left eye (on the right eye in video) looks like there are pixels running through it. I am not a robot with a robotic eye implanted, it is just the green screen doing its magic on my green lenses. Notice how that doesn’t happen when I turn away from the green screen in the middle of the video.
The reason why I know about all the parts of the ear and what they do? Because I took a course that covered this topic for a little while. It kinda sticks with you, kinda can’t forget these things. XD
I am still a believer of using Q-Tips. I have been using them ever since I can remember and I have never had any problems. You really only need to insert them in the external ear up to where the cotton portion can reach.
I cannot wait to move! Please don’t mind the car and traffic noise in the background, but for now, treat it like innocent white noise. The house I am going to be moving into soon, will have little to no car sounds. Especially where my room is going to be. Absolutely, dead, silent. I will have to experiment with what works best in that room, however, I am not only going to film in my room. I will have MUCH more options for filming in the new house, so let’s move onward and forward.
The Background image used for this video creation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nieve44/2647883117/in/photolist-edPRcx-edPRBg-edPRxx-edVxgu-edVxm1-edPRf4-edVxhq-edVxzL-edVxkm-tg2vD-gECwYE-6tk57h-gEC5p5-gECzVm-gEDdYM-gEC3LW-gEBZK5-gEBZX9-2Y7w5-jK1ve-52Z6pc-nvx1jd-NngKU-4WAgnF-VasdX-jYSrV-2Rmfgk-5hxShp-gEDdjk-9aUC2A-gECGjx-6VDgbD-9bHC5d-gEDdAc-gEDcNv-gEDamX-gECxTq-gEDbSc-gEC2dq-gEBZqC-kyRG9-6beVKG-fH6bbY-72mb32-5tdD33-7rnAW-nvx5xU-6ASeWK-7ZDdw-5LPSVE
GOOGLE+: http://google.com/+asmrer
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/asmrer
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/asmrer
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/asmrer
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 973
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Soft Whispers】 【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ Use headphones for the best experience.
♥ Su...
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Soft Whispers】 【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ Use headphones for the best experience.
♥ Subscribe for more!
♥ This content is designed for relaxation & ASMR purposes and is not intended to be sexual in any way.
wn.com/♥ Asmr — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ ASMR — Neko Girl 【Ear Cleaning】【Ear Licking】【Ear Blowing】【Soft Whispers】 【Breathing】【Mouth Sounds】【Sleeping】
♥ Use headphones for the best experience.
♥ Subscribe for more!
♥ This content is designed for relaxation & ASMR purposes and is not intended to be sexual in any way.
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 262
(|Intensely Binaural ASMR Deep Ear Cleaning|) 3D Ear to Ear Sounds
REUPLOAD!! Thank you to everyone for letting me know that the second half of the first upload was blurred! I'm so sorry I missed that in editing. There has......
REUPLOAD!! Thank you to everyone for letting me know that the second half of the first upload was blurred! I'm so sorry I missed that in editing. There has...
wn.com/(|Intensely Binaural Asmr Deep Ear Cleaning|) 3D Ear To Ear Sounds
REUPLOAD!! Thank you to everyone for letting me know that the second half of the first upload was blurred! I'm so sorry I missed that in editing. There has...
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play - Ear Cleaning and Some Ear Massage to help you to recover. the keyboard used is a Corsair K70 with cherry red switche...
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play - Ear Cleaning and Some Ear Massage to help you to recover. the keyboard used is a Corsair K70 with cherry red switches http://amzn.to/1DRHtH2 i purchased this keyboard sounds as it has been requested many times for mechanical keyboard sounds. I will be uploading a review/trigger video on just the keyboard, i will also combine a unboxing video of the keyboard.
Yes i completely forgot to put ear piece in for stethoscope.... thank you for noticing
For audio setup i used normal Rode NTG-3 in normal setup and tried to capture the shirt sounds with the rode NT1 on either side, it kind of worked.
Also the Dr Dmitri shirt suffered under my mold attack, i had to was and bleach it for the first time in its life ! (i can tell you it really needed it) so it has been bleached and washed, no starch has ever been used on the shirt. Over time i think the sound will soften up and return to normal, it is very close to normal now.
If you would like to help support you can in a number of ways:
Patreon a monthly amount suggested $1 http://www.patreon.com/massageasmr
Donation through Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=2GLQ475T9F8GU
I am an Amazon Associate, by clicking on links you will go to Amazon's website, if you purchase anything from amazon you will help support me.
Canon C100 MkII http://amzn.to/17PmifT
Canon 70D http://amzn.to/1w1cRFi
Old Camera Panasonic HMC-152EN http://amzn.to/1qzbzhO
Camera Lens
Canon EF-S 18-135mm STM Lens http://amzn.to/1AFQCAj
Canon EF-S 18-55mm 2.8 IS Lens http://amzn.to/1AFQPDx
Rokinon 35mm 1.5T Cine http://amzn.to/1AFR1CM
Rokinon 85mm 1.5T Cine http://amzn.to/1AFRaGc
Mic Preamp - Tascam Uh-7000 - http://amzn.to/VdJFJe
Old Recorder: Zoom H4N - http://amzn.to/1kbes5E
2 x Rode NTG-3 Microphone - http://amzn.to/1sOGxlL
2 x Rode NT1 http://amzn.to/1CtB6hL
2 x Rode NT5 http://amzn.to/1AFQfFF modified with
Microphone Cables - Neutrik Connectors with Mogami Cable - http://amzn.to/1sOIui0
Tama Microphone Stands - http://amzn.to/1qzbZEE
Sandisk Extreme Pro 32GB SD Card http://amzn.to/1EisklD
Manfrotto http://amzn.to/1EisEke
Manfrotto MVH500AH http://amzn.to/1ELGfBo
Corsair K70 with cherry red switches http://amzn.to/1DRHtH2
Purchase some of the prints in my videos http://massageasmr.storenvy.com/
I am starting to create T-Shirt but my design skill is terrible http://www.districtlines.com/massageasmr
Social Media Links
My Tech Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/DmitriTechMech
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/massageasmr
Website: http://www.massageasmr.com
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/massageasmr
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MassageASMR
Google Page: https://plus.google.com/+MassageASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/massageasmr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassageASMR
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response it is described as a pleasurable tingling sensation that can be felt most commonly in the back of the scalp and down the spine but not limited to these area's.
I try to describe ASMR experience to people using something common like visiting a hairdresser, do you find the experience of someone focusing on you, the gentle touching of your hair, the sound of the scissors moving around you relaxing?
That would be a relaxing experience, watching ASMR video is like recreating that type of experience.
I believe most people can experience ASMR, to experience ASMR you need to find you trigger, common triggers will often be related to one person focusing on you or another person and watching this person focus or give them attention will trigger it.
wn.com/Asmr Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play
ASMR Dr Dmitri Ear Examination Role Play - Ear Cleaning and Some Ear Massage to help you to recover. the keyboard used is a Corsair K70 with cherry red switches http://amzn.to/1DRHtH2 i purchased this keyboard sounds as it has been requested many times for mechanical keyboard sounds. I will be uploading a review/trigger video on just the keyboard, i will also combine a unboxing video of the keyboard.
Yes i completely forgot to put ear piece in for stethoscope.... thank you for noticing
For audio setup i used normal Rode NTG-3 in normal setup and tried to capture the shirt sounds with the rode NT1 on either side, it kind of worked.
Also the Dr Dmitri shirt suffered under my mold attack, i had to was and bleach it for the first time in its life ! (i can tell you it really needed it) so it has been bleached and washed, no starch has ever been used on the shirt. Over time i think the sound will soften up and return to normal, it is very close to normal now.
If you would like to help support you can in a number of ways:
Patreon a monthly amount suggested $1 http://www.patreon.com/massageasmr
Donation through Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=2GLQ475T9F8GU
I am an Amazon Associate, by clicking on links you will go to Amazon's website, if you purchase anything from amazon you will help support me.
Canon C100 MkII http://amzn.to/17PmifT
Canon 70D http://amzn.to/1w1cRFi
Old Camera Panasonic HMC-152EN http://amzn.to/1qzbzhO
Camera Lens
Canon EF-S 18-135mm STM Lens http://amzn.to/1AFQCAj
Canon EF-S 18-55mm 2.8 IS Lens http://amzn.to/1AFQPDx
Rokinon 35mm 1.5T Cine http://amzn.to/1AFR1CM
Rokinon 85mm 1.5T Cine http://amzn.to/1AFRaGc
Mic Preamp - Tascam Uh-7000 - http://amzn.to/VdJFJe
Old Recorder: Zoom H4N - http://amzn.to/1kbes5E
2 x Rode NTG-3 Microphone - http://amzn.to/1sOGxlL
2 x Rode NT1 http://amzn.to/1CtB6hL
2 x Rode NT5 http://amzn.to/1AFQfFF modified with
Microphone Cables - Neutrik Connectors with Mogami Cable - http://amzn.to/1sOIui0
Tama Microphone Stands - http://amzn.to/1qzbZEE
Sandisk Extreme Pro 32GB SD Card http://amzn.to/1EisklD
Manfrotto http://amzn.to/1EisEke
Manfrotto MVH500AH http://amzn.to/1ELGfBo
Corsair K70 with cherry red switches http://amzn.to/1DRHtH2
Purchase some of the prints in my videos http://massageasmr.storenvy.com/
I am starting to create T-Shirt but my design skill is terrible http://www.districtlines.com/massageasmr
Social Media Links
My Tech Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/DmitriTechMech
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/massageasmr
Website: http://www.massageasmr.com
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/massageasmr
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MassageASMR
Google Page: https://plus.google.com/+MassageASMR
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/massageasmr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassageASMR
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response it is described as a pleasurable tingling sensation that can be felt most commonly in the back of the scalp and down the spine but not limited to these area's.
I try to describe ASMR experience to people using something common like visiting a hairdresser, do you find the experience of someone focusing on you, the gentle touching of your hair, the sound of the scissors moving around you relaxing?
That would be a relaxing experience, watching ASMR video is like recreating that type of experience.
I believe most people can experience ASMR, to experience ASMR you need to find you trigger, common triggers will often be related to one person focusing on you or another person and watching this person focus or give them attention will trigger it.
- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 1995
ASMR ♥ Binaural Ear Cleaning #3
▬▬▬▬▬▬CLICK SHOW MORE▬▬▬▬▬▬
I think it's about time for another ear cleaning video, am I right? :D Sit back and relax!
If you made it to my new end screen, le...
▬▬▬▬▬▬CLICK SHOW MORE▬▬▬▬▬▬
I think it's about time for another ear cleaning video, am I right? :D Sit back and relax!
If you made it to my new end screen, let me know what you think of it :)
My other ear cleaning role plays:
More medical role plays:
▬▬▬▬▬▬✿Come say hi to me✿▬▬▬▬▬▬
✔︎all my videos:
wn.com/Asmr ♥ Binaural Ear Cleaning 3
▬▬▬▬▬▬CLICK SHOW MORE▬▬▬▬▬▬
I think it's about time for another ear cleaning video, am I right? :D Sit back and relax!
If you made it to my new end screen, let me know what you think of it :)
My other ear cleaning role plays:
More medical role plays:
▬▬▬▬▬▬✿Come say hi to me✿▬▬▬▬▬▬
✔︎all my videos:
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 301
11/14來賓: 小小瑜、阿翔、董至成、小嫻、曾子余、陳艾琳、王宇婕
11/14來賓: 小小瑜、阿翔、董至成、小嫻、曾子余、陳艾琳、王宇婕
●更多天才衝衝衝- Ear傳耳ABC●
wn.com/1114天才衝衝衝 Ear傳耳Abc
11/14來賓: 小小瑜、阿翔、董至成、小嫻、曾子余、陳艾琳、王宇婕
●更多天才衝衝衝- Ear傳耳ABC●
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 3369
[Glitter ASMR] 촉촉한 오일 마사지 | ASMR Oil Ear Massage | 3dio Ear Massage No Talking
Please thumbs up if you liked this video and don't forget to subscribe!
오디오 드라마 말캉 http://www.malkang.com
아프리카tv 방송국 http://afreeca.com/candyglitter
레인보우 여왕의 블...
Please thumbs up if you liked this video and don't forget to subscribe!
오디오 드라마 말캉 http://www.malkang.com
아프리카tv 방송국 http://afreeca.com/candyglitter
레인보우 여왕의 블로그 http://candyglitter.blog.me
Instagram | Twitter @candyglitter91
Ask.fm @Glitter91
wn.com/Glitter Asmr 촉촉한 오일 마사지 | Asmr Oil Ear Massage | 3Dio Ear Massage No Talking
Please thumbs up if you liked this video and don't forget to subscribe!
오디오 드라마 말캉 http://www.malkang.com
아프리카tv 방송국 http://afreeca.com/candyglitter
레인보우 여왕의 블로그 http://candyglitter.blog.me
Instagram | Twitter @candyglitter91
Ask.fm @Glitter91
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 6821
Movie Night and The Ear - Video Diary
Movie night! Also, I swear that has never happened to my ear before!!
Follow @HarleyPlays on instagram!...
Movie night! Also, I swear that has never happened to my ear before!!
Follow @HarleyPlays on instagram!
wn.com/Movie Night And The Ear Video Diary
Movie night! Also, I swear that has never happened to my ear before!!
Follow @HarleyPlays on instagram!
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 14242
ASMR ❀ Mandarin Home Tutor Role-play ❀ [Soft Speaking] [Personal Attention] [Ear to Ear]
What?? Is this a new video from EarthlyASMR?
Yes, I am back after my extreme hiatus! I have been caught up with school; university applications, internships, c...
What?? Is this a new video from EarthlyASMR?
Yes, I am back after my extreme hiatus! I have been caught up with school; university applications, internships, catching up on work and trying to keep up with boarding school life...the usual antics. But, I am back with a role-play for you all, that I know you will love!
I thoroughly enjoyed filming this role-play not only because it was fun and relaxing for me, but also because I hope it is interesting and educational for you all too...it sure was for me! (I had to revisit my Chinese haha)
I hope you all enjoy this role-play, and hopefully I will have two other videos coming out in the next few weeks! I did pre-film around 4 videos in October, but 1 of them was a fail, and I lost the audio for another. :( First world problems am I right?
I will be back home for Christmas break in a few weeks so I will be making many cozy and snuggly videos for you all! Thank you ever so much for those who stuck around, and understand my situation :)
See you all soon! Enjoy the tingles~
xoxo Leah
"Chineasy" learning site where this method is found: http://chineasy.org/
wn.com/Asmr ❀ Mandarin Home Tutor Role Play ❀ Soft Speaking Personal Attention Ear To Ear
What?? Is this a new video from EarthlyASMR?
Yes, I am back after my extreme hiatus! I have been caught up with school; university applications, internships, catching up on work and trying to keep up with boarding school life...the usual antics. But, I am back with a role-play for you all, that I know you will love!
I thoroughly enjoyed filming this role-play not only because it was fun and relaxing for me, but also because I hope it is interesting and educational for you all too...it sure was for me! (I had to revisit my Chinese haha)
I hope you all enjoy this role-play, and hopefully I will have two other videos coming out in the next few weeks! I did pre-film around 4 videos in October, but 1 of them was a fail, and I lost the audio for another. :( First world problems am I right?
I will be back home for Christmas break in a few weeks so I will be making many cozy and snuggly videos for you all! Thank you ever so much for those who stuck around, and understand my situation :)
See you all soon! Enjoy the tingles~
xoxo Leah
"Chineasy" learning site where this method is found: http://chineasy.org/
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 1510
All Up In Your Ears 2 (Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper, Ear to Ear Soft Speaking)
Hello my wonderful friends and fellow Tingleheads :) This video is a follow up to my original "Raw Tingles: All Up In Your Ears" video. This one includes Ear Br...
Hello my wonderful friends and fellow Tingleheads :) This video is a follow up to my original "Raw Tingles: All Up In Your Ears" video. This one includes Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper sounds, and Ear to Ear soft speaking & whispering. I hope all of you are doing well and I hope you find this latest video relaxing. Enjoy :)
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/5hIKql
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/YlLgNX
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/jgtgWw
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: http://goo.gl/NX2G22
Common triggers included: binaural ear to ear, soft speaking / spoken, water sounds
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
wn.com/All Up In Your Ears 2 (Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper, Ear To Ear Soft Speaking)
Hello my wonderful friends and fellow Tingleheads :) This video is a follow up to my original "Raw Tingles: All Up In Your Ears" video. This one includes Ear Brushing, Ear Cupping, Water Dropper sounds, and Ear to Ear soft speaking & whispering. I hope all of you are doing well and I hope you find this latest video relaxing. Enjoy :)
For those who are interested in donating to my channel, here is a link to my Patreon campaign: http://goo.gl/5hIKql
For anyone interested, here is a link to my Virtual Reality related channel: http://goo.gl/YlLgNX
You can also follow PixelWhipt on Twitter here: http://goo.gl/jgtgWw
I've had people ask about my binaural mic, so for those interested in knowing more about it, here's a link to the company's website: http://goo.gl/NX2G22
Common triggers included: binaural ear to ear, soft speaking / spoken, water sounds
Enjoy, like, subscribe, and leave your requests in the comments below!
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 5571
ASMR Auriculotherapy Role Play ~ Ear Seeds/Ear Cleaning/Close Up/Binaural
Ear, Ear & Ear... Woohoo! Get ready for lots of close up binaural ASMR ear to ear attention. Welcome to ASMR Auriculotherapy aka Auricular Acupuncture (no needl...
Ear, Ear & Ear... Woohoo! Get ready for lots of close up binaural ASMR ear to ear attention. Welcome to ASMR Auriculotherapy aka Auricular Acupuncture (no needles) aka Ear Acupuncture/Acupressure/Ear Therapy. Here I will be using ear seeds to apply pressure to the most calming acupuncture points in your ear.
Triggers here include:
Soft speaking, Plastic, Pointing, Close up personal attention, Crinkles, ear cleaning, sticky plasters, surgical gloves and more. I hope you enjoy it XX
NB - Please note, this video is for asmr tingles/relaxation/sleep purposes only. I am not trained in acupuncture and don't expect to be totally factually correct in this video. I do not endorse the procedure. If you have an interest in the treatment please research it for yourself before trying out and see a trained professional.
Another Ear Attention / Binaural Ear Cleaning Video on this channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPVuYgVEwt0
Please LIKE if you do and SUBSCRIBE if you'd like to! This makes sure that new videos show up in your feed.
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/110985788875579931488
Channel Page - https://www.youtube.com/user/WhispersRedASMR
Twitter - https://twitter.com/WhispersRedASMR
Instagram - Emma WhispersRedasmr
Vine - WhispersRedASMR - https://vine.co/u/1116182561018806272
Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/whispersredasmr
Blogspot - http://whispersredasmr.blogspot.co.uk/
Find me on facebook - Emma WhispersRed
Facebook Like Page - https://www.facebook.com/WhispersRedASMR
Email - emmawhispersred@gmail.com
PO Box - Emma WhispersRedASMR, Access House, Suite 106, Cray Avenue, Greater London, BR5 3QB, United Kingdom.
(This is not the area I live in, it is a professional mail forwarding service. Anything sent here will be forwarded to me safely)
If you would like to know more about Sleep Whispering, ASMR, Head Tingles and Relaxation Videos then here is a good place to start:
Ilse & Maria on ABC News -http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/sleep-whisperer-sleep-22674182
ASMR Reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/asmr/
The Binaural 3D Mic I use - 3Dio Free Space Pro - http://3diosound.com
To reach the UK ASMR Community!
Facebook Group - ASMR UK - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ASMRUK/
Facebook Page - ASMRtists UK - https://www.facebook.com/ASMRtistsUK
wn.com/Asmr Auriculotherapy Role Play ~ Ear Seeds Ear Cleaning Close Up Binaural
Ear, Ear & Ear... Woohoo! Get ready for lots of close up binaural ASMR ear to ear attention. Welcome to ASMR Auriculotherapy aka Auricular Acupuncture (no needles) aka Ear Acupuncture/Acupressure/Ear Therapy. Here I will be using ear seeds to apply pressure to the most calming acupuncture points in your ear.
Triggers here include:
Soft speaking, Plastic, Pointing, Close up personal attention, Crinkles, ear cleaning, sticky plasters, surgical gloves and more. I hope you enjoy it XX
NB - Please note, this video is for asmr tingles/relaxation/sleep purposes only. I am not trained in acupuncture and don't expect to be totally factually correct in this video. I do not endorse the procedure. If you have an interest in the treatment please research it for yourself before trying out and see a trained professional.
Another Ear Attention / Binaural Ear Cleaning Video on this channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPVuYgVEwt0
Please LIKE if you do and SUBSCRIBE if you'd like to! This makes sure that new videos show up in your feed.
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/110985788875579931488
Channel Page - https://www.youtube.com/user/WhispersRedASMR
Twitter - https://twitter.com/WhispersRedASMR
Instagram - Emma WhispersRedasmr
Vine - WhispersRedASMR - https://vine.co/u/1116182561018806272
Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/whispersredasmr
Blogspot - http://whispersredasmr.blogspot.co.uk/
Find me on facebook - Emma WhispersRed
Facebook Like Page - https://www.facebook.com/WhispersRedASMR
Email - emmawhispersred@gmail.com
PO Box - Emma WhispersRedASMR, Access House, Suite 106, Cray Avenue, Greater London, BR5 3QB, United Kingdom.
(This is not the area I live in, it is a professional mail forwarding service. Anything sent here will be forwarded to me safely)
If you would like to know more about Sleep Whispering, ASMR, Head Tingles and Relaxation Videos then here is a good place to start:
Ilse & Maria on ABC News -http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/sleep-whisperer-sleep-22674182
ASMR Reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/asmr/
The Binaural 3D Mic I use - 3Dio Free Space Pro - http://3diosound.com
To reach the UK ASMR Community!
Facebook Group - ASMR UK - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ASMRUK/
Facebook Page - ASMRtists UK - https://www.facebook.com/ASMRtistsUK
- published: 19 Oct 2014
- views: 163426
ASMR Ear Exam and Ear Cleaning Role Play for Sleep Binaural
Here's a new ASMR medical role play: ear exam and ear cleaning. Triggers include close up soft speaking and whispering, ear cleaning with cotton swabs, ear touc...
Here's a new ASMR medical role play: ear exam and ear cleaning. Triggers include close up soft speaking and whispering, ear cleaning with cotton swabs, ear touching, ear cupping and latex gloves sounds.
Disclaimer: I'm not a real doctor so this video may be highly inaccurate :) Thank you guys for all your support and I really hope you can relax with this one.
My Patreon page to help me keep working and making more time for ASMR videos: http://www.patreon.com/delucaASMR
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/delucaASMR
Paypal account for donations or requests. Donations are highly appreciated but not necessary. You will keep seeing videos from me since this is what I love doing: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=delucarg%40live%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Deluca%20ASMR¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
wn.com/Asmr Ear Exam And Ear Cleaning Role Play For Sleep Binaural
Here's a new ASMR medical role play: ear exam and ear cleaning. Triggers include close up soft speaking and whispering, ear cleaning with cotton swabs, ear touching, ear cupping and latex gloves sounds.
Disclaimer: I'm not a real doctor so this video may be highly inaccurate :) Thank you guys for all your support and I really hope you can relax with this one.
My Patreon page to help me keep working and making more time for ASMR videos: http://www.patreon.com/delucaASMR
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/delucaASMR
Paypal account for donations or requests. Donations are highly appreciated but not necessary. You will keep seeing videos from me since this is what I love doing: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=delucarg%40live%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Deluca%20ASMR¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 4785
{BINAURAL ASMR} Ear Cleaning & Ear Massage – Japanese Ear Pick, Tweezers, Q-Tip, Makeup Brushes
Hi friends! It's time for another ear cleaning (っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っc(◕︣◡◕᷅)ɔ I've noticed your ears have grown some hair, so it looks like I need to take the tweezers to ...
Hi friends! It's time for another ear cleaning (っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っc(◕︣◡◕᷅)ɔ I've noticed your ears have grown some hair, so it looks like I need to take the tweezers to them this time :)) The cleaning is followed by a relaxing ear massage. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
*Sounds Directory*
00:06 – 17:38 Left ear cleaning
17:39 – 38:43 Right ear cleaning
38:44 – End Ear massage
Link to my first ear cleaning video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK3ZZems_KI
❥Audio Download:
❥I really enjoy making ASMR videos and will always continue to do so regardless of donations. That said, any donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you. PayPal:
❥Ask me a question:
wn.com/Binaural Asmr Ear Cleaning Ear Massage – Japanese Ear Pick, Tweezers, Q Tip, Makeup Brushes
Hi friends! It's time for another ear cleaning (っ◔︣◡◔᷅)っc(◕︣◡◕᷅)ɔ I've noticed your ears have grown some hair, so it looks like I need to take the tweezers to them this time :)) The cleaning is followed by a relaxing ear massage. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
*Sounds Directory*
00:06 – 17:38 Left ear cleaning
17:39 – 38:43 Right ear cleaning
38:44 – End Ear massage
Link to my first ear cleaning video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK3ZZems_KI
❥Audio Download:
❥I really enjoy making ASMR videos and will always continue to do so regardless of donations. That said, any donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you. PayPal:
❥Ask me a question:
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 1224
ASMR Sugar Skull Cookie Decorating, Tongue Click, Ear to Ear Whispering and Soft Speaking
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION for update on the next PO Box Holiday Project!
Look for me now on iTunes and Spotify!!! (And other media streaming sites) NEW ALBUMS and...
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION for update on the next PO Box Holiday Project!
Look for me now on iTunes and Spotify!!! (And other media streaming sites) NEW ALBUMS and Singles added every 2 weeks!
If you'd like to see this video on iTunes please request it!
My Patreon page is now Live again! Become a Patron and see videos before they're live!: https://www.patreon.com/brittanyasmr
Donations welcome but not required: the_fairest@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.brittanyasmr.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brittanyasmrtist
Email: brittanyasmr@gmail.com
Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/user/BrittanyWhispertruth/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brittanyasmr
Hey, everybody! I hope you are doing extremely well today! Today's video is a cookie decorating video from a Sugar Skull Decorating Kit I bought, and I decided to fully decorate two sugar cookies, yum! They smelled delicious and I had fun with this. This is a very basic video, with some talking but not too much, I was mostly focusing on trying to decorate. There are a few asmr trigger sounds here too, such as tapping and scratching and crinkles, the basics, paired with slow movements and soft speaking/whispers binaurally. I hope you'll enjoy it! I have a few more basic videos planned this month so I will see you in the next one! Thanks for watching.
For information on the next PO Box Holiday Project:
*This is the Stocking Stuffer project. This is basically the same deal as last year, but this time it isn't limited to ornaments (though ornaments are allowed!). To participate, you can send in anything that would fit into an average-sized holiday stocking. This can be something you've crafted, an ornament, a gag gift, a thrift store present, a piece of candy, seriously literally anything you can send as long as it is not huge, as it will need to fit into the stocking I will be placing on my mantle. I mentioned in the video that I don't want anyone to feel obligated to spend a lot of money on this, please don't! If you want to, you can, but I am asking that you do not worry, just please send whatever you would like to see in one of my videos. I loved my handcrafted ornaments last year, the care some of you take is extremely sweet and means the world to me. Everything I receive will have an equal place in my heart. It is the holidays, and a time for love and friendship and family.
*You will get a handwritten Thank You holiday greeting card from me in return. PLEASE add your FULL ADDRESS to your contribution so that I can get back to you; this was a problem for some people last year. Some people wished to remain anonymous, in that case, it is fine for you to leave out your address. If I can afford to send everyone a little something extra, I will do that. I am looking into my options there. I thought about making something for everyone, so we will see!
*To participate, please send your contribution to the following address:
Brittany ASMR
PO Box 24
Chuckey, Tennessee 37641
United States
*For international viewers, please send yours 15 days prior to the holidays in order to guarantee that it arrives in time for the video!
*My set film date will be December 20th, and the video will go live around the 23rd of that month. So I am notifying everyone well in advance of this date so that everyone has ample time to send things in.
*If you do not want to send a stocking-stuffer, PLEASE FEEL FREE to send a card!
*If you do not want your name shown in the video, please notate that so I know not to do that (in case I share names). I will not share last names of anyone for privacy purposes, but I may share initials.
*If you want to send anonymously, feel free to do so also.
*If you want to send something that you do NOT want shown in the video, for whatever reason, please also notify me of this and I will take care to oblige.
wn.com/Asmr Sugar Skull Cookie Decorating, Tongue Click, Ear To Ear Whispering And Soft Speaking
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION for update on the next PO Box Holiday Project!
Look for me now on iTunes and Spotify!!! (And other media streaming sites) NEW ALBUMS and Singles added every 2 weeks!
If you'd like to see this video on iTunes please request it!
My Patreon page is now Live again! Become a Patron and see videos before they're live!: https://www.patreon.com/brittanyasmr
Donations welcome but not required: the_fairest@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.brittanyasmr.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brittanyasmrtist
Email: brittanyasmr@gmail.com
Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/user/BrittanyWhispertruth/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brittanyasmr
Hey, everybody! I hope you are doing extremely well today! Today's video is a cookie decorating video from a Sugar Skull Decorating Kit I bought, and I decided to fully decorate two sugar cookies, yum! They smelled delicious and I had fun with this. This is a very basic video, with some talking but not too much, I was mostly focusing on trying to decorate. There are a few asmr trigger sounds here too, such as tapping and scratching and crinkles, the basics, paired with slow movements and soft speaking/whispers binaurally. I hope you'll enjoy it! I have a few more basic videos planned this month so I will see you in the next one! Thanks for watching.
For information on the next PO Box Holiday Project:
*This is the Stocking Stuffer project. This is basically the same deal as last year, but this time it isn't limited to ornaments (though ornaments are allowed!). To participate, you can send in anything that would fit into an average-sized holiday stocking. This can be something you've crafted, an ornament, a gag gift, a thrift store present, a piece of candy, seriously literally anything you can send as long as it is not huge, as it will need to fit into the stocking I will be placing on my mantle. I mentioned in the video that I don't want anyone to feel obligated to spend a lot of money on this, please don't! If you want to, you can, but I am asking that you do not worry, just please send whatever you would like to see in one of my videos. I loved my handcrafted ornaments last year, the care some of you take is extremely sweet and means the world to me. Everything I receive will have an equal place in my heart. It is the holidays, and a time for love and friendship and family.
*You will get a handwritten Thank You holiday greeting card from me in return. PLEASE add your FULL ADDRESS to your contribution so that I can get back to you; this was a problem for some people last year. Some people wished to remain anonymous, in that case, it is fine for you to leave out your address. If I can afford to send everyone a little something extra, I will do that. I am looking into my options there. I thought about making something for everyone, so we will see!
*To participate, please send your contribution to the following address:
Brittany ASMR
PO Box 24
Chuckey, Tennessee 37641
United States
*For international viewers, please send yours 15 days prior to the holidays in order to guarantee that it arrives in time for the video!
*My set film date will be December 20th, and the video will go live around the 23rd of that month. So I am notifying everyone well in advance of this date so that everyone has ample time to send things in.
*If you do not want to send a stocking-stuffer, PLEASE FEEL FREE to send a card!
*If you do not want your name shown in the video, please notate that so I know not to do that (in case I share names). I will not share last names of anyone for privacy purposes, but I may share initials.
*If you want to send anonymously, feel free to do so also.
*If you want to send something that you do NOT want shown in the video, for whatever reason, please also notify me of this and I will take care to oblige.
- published: 15 Nov 2015
- views: 962
The Adventure Of Tintin: The Broken Ear (Full Movie) English Version
Tintin investigates when a fetish created by the Arumbaya tribe of South America is stolen from Brussels' Museum of Ethnography, only to be returned the followi...
Tintin investigates when a fetish created by the Arumbaya tribe of South America is stolen from Brussels' Museum of Ethnography, only to be returned the following day. Tintin realises that the replacement is a fake, and draws a connection with a local sculptor who has just been murdered, Jacob Balthazar. Balthazar's parrot—a witness to the murder—is obtained by two Hispanic men, Alonso Pérez and Ramón Bada, who try to kill Tintin when he begins to investigate their connection to the crime. From the parrot, Alonso and Ramón discover that Balthazar was murdered by Rodrigo Tortilla, and they proceed to follow him aboard a ship bound for South America. There, they murder Tortilla, but find that he did not have the original fetish. Tintin however follows them, and arranges their arrest when the ship docks at Los Dopicas, capital of San Theodoros.[1]
In the city, Tintin is framed as a terrorist, arrested, and sentenced to death by firing squad. Tintin survives when a revolution topples the government, and the new leader, General Alcazar, appoints Tintin to be his aide-de-camp. Alonso and Ramón capture Tintin, and interrogate him in the hope of locating the missing fetish, but he escapes and apprehends them.[2]
As aide-de-camp, Tintin opposes Alcazar's decision to go to war with neighbouring Nuevo Rico over the oil rich Gran Chapo, and is framed as a traitor by warmongering oil and weapon companies. He nevertheless escapes imprisonment with the aid of his friend Pablo, fleeing to Nuevo Rico. Tintin decides to enter the forest and find the Arumbayas, hoping that they can explain to him why people wish to steal the fetish. Finding a British explorer, Ridgewell, living among the Arumbaya, Tintin learns that a diamond was stolen and hidden inside the statue.[3]
Returning to Belgium, Tintin discovers that Balthazar's brother has produced a range of replicas of the fetish, which he had discovered among his deceased brother's belongings. Tintin learns that the original has been purchased by a wealthy American, Mr. Goldbarr, aboard a ship to the United States. Catching up to the boat, Tintin finds that Alonso and Ramón are aboard, and they struggle for the possession of the fetish. It smashes on the deck, with the diamond falling into the sea. Tintin, Alonso and Ramón struggle, and fall overboard. Tintin is rescued, but Alonso and Ramón drown and are shown being taken to Hell. Goldbarr gives Tintin the fixed stolen fetish to return to the museum, where it is repaired and put back on display.
wn.com/The Adventure Of Tintin The Broken Ear (Full Movie) English Version
Tintin investigates when a fetish created by the Arumbaya tribe of South America is stolen from Brussels' Museum of Ethnography, only to be returned the following day. Tintin realises that the replacement is a fake, and draws a connection with a local sculptor who has just been murdered, Jacob Balthazar. Balthazar's parrot—a witness to the murder—is obtained by two Hispanic men, Alonso Pérez and Ramón Bada, who try to kill Tintin when he begins to investigate their connection to the crime. From the parrot, Alonso and Ramón discover that Balthazar was murdered by Rodrigo Tortilla, and they proceed to follow him aboard a ship bound for South America. There, they murder Tortilla, but find that he did not have the original fetish. Tintin however follows them, and arranges their arrest when the ship docks at Los Dopicas, capital of San Theodoros.[1]
In the city, Tintin is framed as a terrorist, arrested, and sentenced to death by firing squad. Tintin survives when a revolution topples the government, and the new leader, General Alcazar, appoints Tintin to be his aide-de-camp. Alonso and Ramón capture Tintin, and interrogate him in the hope of locating the missing fetish, but he escapes and apprehends them.[2]
As aide-de-camp, Tintin opposes Alcazar's decision to go to war with neighbouring Nuevo Rico over the oil rich Gran Chapo, and is framed as a traitor by warmongering oil and weapon companies. He nevertheless escapes imprisonment with the aid of his friend Pablo, fleeing to Nuevo Rico. Tintin decides to enter the forest and find the Arumbayas, hoping that they can explain to him why people wish to steal the fetish. Finding a British explorer, Ridgewell, living among the Arumbaya, Tintin learns that a diamond was stolen and hidden inside the statue.[3]
Returning to Belgium, Tintin discovers that Balthazar's brother has produced a range of replicas of the fetish, which he had discovered among his deceased brother's belongings. Tintin learns that the original has been purchased by a wealthy American, Mr. Goldbarr, aboard a ship to the United States. Catching up to the boat, Tintin finds that Alonso and Ramón are aboard, and they struggle for the possession of the fetish. It smashes on the deck, with the diamond falling into the sea. Tintin, Alonso and Ramón struggle, and fall overboard. Tintin is rescued, but Alonso and Ramón drown and are shown being taken to Hell. Goldbarr gives Tintin the fixed stolen fetish to return to the museum, where it is repaired and put back on display.
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 4