
SMS, email or call us

If you've got newsworthy, interesting or funny photos, videos or tips - let us know!

You can do this by SMS, email or calling us.

Here's how:

mob2.jpg SMS - 0406 THE AGE (0406 843 243)


Put the number into your phone memory and send us pictures and video you've taken.

Be sure to let us know who you are and where you're sending your video or photos from.

email2.jpg Email scoop@theage.com.au

Attach your photos, videos and commentary to an email and send it through to us. Unfortunately we can't get back to every email but we appreciate your time and hopefully you'll see your picture or video on teh site or in print.

Please include a descriptive subject line and let us know who you are and where you're emailing from.

call2.jpg Call (03) 9601 2250

Do you have a sensitive news tip off? Do you need to remain anonymous? Call our news hotline.

We're pretty busy though so please ONLY call this number for news tip offs, for all other inquiries please call our switchboard who will put you in touch with the right people - (03) 9601 2000.

When news happens:
send photos, videos & tip-offs to 0406 THE AGE (0406 843 243), or us.

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