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Jobs and Wages

Wages are important factors to consider when taking a job or deciding on a career path. Money isn't everything of course. There are countless other benefits - both measurable and immeasurable - that should be considered when selecting a job or career. But then again, you also have to put food on the table. At face value, wages are the best way to decide on the jobs you should take or the career you should study for.

Wages are what you receive when you fulfill tasks that go with the job. Sometimes, the tasks aren't even part of your duties but you are given them anyway. And if you intend to earn your wages, you'd need to do them. And sometimes, you don't even do your job or the tasks assigned to you. You just sit in your office desk doing simple clerical tasks, probably whiling away some of the time cleaning up your work space and establishing a healthy working relationships with your colleagues. This way, you still earn wages.

More on Jobs and Wages

In any case, you should be conscious of the wages you take home. Not only should wages be enough to sustain your lifestyle, wages should also at least be commensurate to the experience, skills and training you bring into the job. Ideally, wages should also be commensurate to the tasks that you eventually do on the job.

Wages should be able to sustain your lifestyles. You work to support yourself in the first place. That is, you need to eat; you need a place to stay in; and if you have a family, you need to support them. Wages should be able to keep up with these needs.

Wages should be commensurate to the experience, skills and training that you bring to the job. You schooled yourself or took some training to get the job. This required an investment on your part. In a way, your wages should enable you to earn back what you invested.

At the same time, wages should be commensurate to the jobs you actually do. It's not right to do the job on an army of ten but be paid like you were a low ranking soldier. Wages should pay you what you deserve, especially if you do a lot for the business. Wages indicate how much the company values your work. If you already do a lot and still receive measly wages, it is time to rethink your stay in the company.