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CJ Petronella

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Check out the unmasked KKK members. Quite a remarkable list.
Ryan Cardenas's profile photoClint Mathis's profile photo
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CJ Petronella

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Great article explaining the reoccurring theme of the latest False Flag attempt by the government to divide our country with fear.
Chummy Fleming's profile photo
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Do you want to spend your previous life just using google+ or want a chance to change the world.
Contact at 9459627845 or at my e-mail address💻💻💻💻💻
anshul's profile photoPhilip Andrew's profile photo
After i contact you are you going to tell me how i have won some amount of money and i need to pay shipping and handling to get my money from african banks? 
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French Protesters Try to Derail Beach Takeover by Saudi King and His Massive Entourage

By Tessa Stuart
July 26, 2015 | 12:05 am

Protesters greeted King Salman of Saudi Arabia when he arrived in the French Riviera city of Nice on Saturday. Some locals are upset that the king has fenced off a beach for the exclusive use of his 1,000-member entourage. By law, all French beaches are open to the public.

More than 100,000 residents have signed their names to a petition against closure of this particular stretch of sand halfway between Cannes and Antibes, Reuters reports.

Salman, who ascended to the throne in January, has plans to remain in the Cote d'Azur city of Vallauris for three weeks. The royal family's villa there, purchased by the late King Fahd in 1979, has previously played host to celebrities and dignitaries such as Rita Hayworth and Prince Aly Khan, who celebrated their wedding there, as well as Winston Churchill and Elizabeth Taylor.

Besides closing a tunnel that allows access to the beach, protesters object to the fact that workers at the villa have poured a slab of concrete in the sand and plan to install an elevator from the estate to the beach.

Related: Saudi Arabia Has Been Going on a Nuclear Shopping Spree

Blandine Ackermann, president of the Association for the Defence of the Environment and the quality of life of Golfe-Juan Vallauris, has said the group will pursue legal action against King Salman if the closure goes forward.

Saudi representatives are reportedly working to reach an agreement French authorities, but one local politician has already taken her concerns to the highest level. Michelle Salucki, the mayor of Vallauris, appealed to President Francois Hollande for help with the matter.

"We understand the security reasons and the nation's greater interest. But nobody can exonerate himself from the laws of the land," Salucki wrote. On Wednesday morning, Salucki told the French newspaper Metro News she asked local police to prevent a gate from being erected.

The king's entourage numbers about 1,000, with 300 expected to stay at the estate itself and the rest at local hotels.

Serge Reinhard, director of Hotel Montaigne in Cannes where many Saudis will be staying during the trip, told Reuters that he and others in the tourism industry are welcoming the influx of cash that will accompany the royal family.

"The economic impact for us, but also restaurants, chauffeurs, and all those who worked at his villa is real," Reinhard said.
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Thomas Baylss

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I miss my ex girlfriend I loved her so much I want her back in my life
Mark Pollard's profile photoPhilip Andrew's profile photo
Your x is a whore in the bedroom and asked me to tell you to get over it faggot 
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CJ Petronella

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If we have a real vote in the US, I say let's vote ourself back into being a republic and away from democracy. If you don't know the difference read this. 
Philip Andrew's profile photoRyan Lewis's profile photoPaul Maceachern's profile photo
De moc rat ic
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CJ Petronella

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With Obama's quick hand to politicize the mass shooting in Oregon it makes you wonder if this letter written to VP Biden in 2013 criticizing gun control policies  had anything to do with the tragic events that unfolded today. False Flag anyone?!!?
Geoff “DefGeoff” Nahashon's profile photoPhilip Andrew's profile photo
Gun control is bullshit. 
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Three members of a border militia group are behind bars, charged with conspiracy to sell cocaine. They were caught in an FBI sting operation, involving an undercover agent, a plot to steal drugs an...
Gregory Gilbert's profile photo
Or how many Latinos have they murdered and left in the desert?
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Mark Pollard

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Enjoy watching the show but it seems as if every episode can't go by without them being in India and I'm sick of watching about India's water crisis, baby selling, selling of organs. A tip for vice. Start taking India and their problems out of almost every single episode,or change the title of show to India and Bangladesh.
Mark Pollard's profile photo
Cause that's all I'm ever watching now are India's and Bangladesh's problem's. I enjoy my news to be broader than being focused on 2 countries almost every single episode.
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michael wheeler

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Madonna has given an interview to MOJO magazine. She talks about drugs and how they make her feel terrible for days and days after taking them.
Ruby Cuevas's profile photo
These would make some sick posters 
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