CTU Out@Work Network
The CTU Out@Work network was set up in 2000 as the Council of Trade Union's network for lesbian, gay, takataapui, bisexual, intersex, transgender and fa'afafine union members.
Out at Work meets four times a year either by video conference or by a face to face meeting in Wellington, and comprises formal representatives from affiliated unions. Any interested union members and/or delegates are welcome to attend.
Each affiliated union to the NZCTU can appoint a representative to the Out@Work Council although a number choose not to. Each union is responsible for its own selection process and they then notify the Council who their person is. Nominations are for a two-year period and usually occur after the bi-ennial Out@Work Kamp. Our Biennial Kamp helps set the workplan for the two-years until the next Kamp.
We also have a presence on Facebook.