
David Roberts and Elaine Kuok lived in different New York neighbourhood every month for a year.

Our year of living Airbnb

One couple’s experiment to move into a different neighbourhood every month for a year.

Move over, QVB Swarovski Christmas Tree. You have some competition.

Extravagant Christmas trees that are a work of art

Dragging a tree home maybe be a hassle, but it’s nothing compared to what’s gone into the construction of some of the most extravagant Christmas trees on the planet.

Don't let a few bad throw cushions spoil the bunch. Home staging, or real estate styling as it is known in Australia, can help increase your property's sale value.

Why you should have your home staged

Investing in home staging can be a bit of outlay that means a lot more profit, and contrary to popular opinion, it’s not just for luxury houses.

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