
What is Marxism? - New book by WellRed Books

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 02 September 2015

Optimized-WIMad3Wellred Books is proud to present a brand new edition of our basic introduction to Marxist theory: What Is Marxism? This edition includes The Ideas of Karl Marx by Alan Woods and new introductions to historical materialism and Marxist economics.


New eBook edition of Reason in Revolt out now!

Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 09 July 2015


It is twenty years almost to the month since Reason in Revolt by Alan Woods and Ted Grantwas first published by Wellred Books. Now an international bestseller, read and recommended by renowned scientists and former Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez alike, the dialectical materialist explanation this book offers for many of the advances made by modern science has proved extremely popular.


Marxist Books: No Christmas presents can match the best ideas in the world!

Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 11 December 2014

HAPPY MARXMAS! Wellred books is now offering Marxist classics at great prices! We've reduced the price of every book we publish ourselves by at least 20% for the holidays! Get your hands on classics and bestsellers including Reason in Revolt, Reformism or Revolution, Anti-Duhring, In the Cause of Labour, In Defence of Marxism and many more for a discount now at!


New Arabic editions of Marxist Classics

Written by In Defence of Marxism Wednesday, 25 June 2014

In Defence of Marxism is proud to announce the brand new publication of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ in Arabic, alongside the first ever Arab-language edition of ‘Lenin and Trotsky: What they really stood for’ by Alan Woods and Ted Grant.


A Review of Ted Grant: The Permanent Revolutionary

Written by Tom Trottier Monday, 22 April 2013

A Review of Ted Grant: The Permanent RevolutionaryI certainly think people should read more than one book a year, but if you read only one book this year, it should be Ted Grant: The Permanent Revolutionary, the new by Alan Woods. Who was Ted Grant and why is this book so important?


Book Review: Ted Grant - The Permanent Revolutionary

Written by Rob Sewell Friday, 05 April 2013

ted-grant-cover-thWe are pleased to announce the publication of the new biography of Ted Grant written by his friend and collaborator for more than 50 years, Alan Woods. Below we bring you a review of the book.


Introduction to Volume One of Ted Grant's Writings 1938-42

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Introduction to Volume One of Ted Grant's Writings 1938-42The first volume of Ted Grant's collected writings is at the printer's and will soon be available to order from Wellred Books. Here we provide the Introduction which gives an outline of the period, the development of the WIL in the early years of the Second World War and the role of Ted Grant as he emerged as the main theoretician of the Trotskyist movement in Britain. Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of Ted's death and we are commemorating it by making his works available to today's generation of revolutionary Marxists.


Introduction to the Second Edition of Marxism and the U.S.A.

Written by John Peterson Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Second Edition of Marxism and the U.S.A.The second edition of Marxism and the U.S.A. is now available from Wellred Books. The new edition is greatly expanded, including all new appendices and this new introduction by John Peterson, National Secretary of the Workers International League.


1st US Edition of Bolshevism

Written by Wellred USA Thursday, 07 May 2009

1st US Edition of BolshevismNew from Wellred USA! The first US edition of Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution by Alan Woods. This monumental 500+ page study of the history of growth and development of Bolshevism demolishes the myths of both Stalinist and pro-capitalist historians of the Russian Revolution. Order your copy online from Wellred USA now and save $4 off the cover price.


Pakistan's Other Story: The Revolution of 1968-69

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 16 April 2009

pakistans-other-story-european-thumb.pngThe Pakistan Revolution of 1968-69 was one of the greatest revolutionary movements of the 20th century. It is rich in lessons and Lal Khan's book is an outstanding summing up of these lessons. It deserves most careful study by every revolutionary.


The Crisis: Make the bosses pay! - Manifesto of the International Marxist Tendency

Written by International Marxist Tendency Tuesday, 04 November 2008

International Marxist TendencyThe crisis capitalism has entered globally is having a deep impact on the real living conditions of billions of workers all over the world. With this comes a growing consciousness among ordinary working people and youth that something is seriously wrong with this system, that this cannot be the way human beings have to live. Workers are looking for an explanation and proposals of how to get out of this mess. We have produced a Manifesto which outlines the causes and puts forward a programme of action for the international labour movement.


Reformism or revolution. Marxism and socialism of the 21st Century (Reply to Heinz Dieterich)

Written by Alan Woods Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Reformism or RevolutionThis book by Alan Woods is a polemic against a well-known (in Latin American terms) intellectual Heinz Dieterich. Dieterich claims to have invented a new "Socialism of the 21st Century" and much else into the bargain. He offers a great deal of advice to those involved in the Venezuelan Revolution dressed up in all manner of revolutionary rhetoric. However, when you clear away all the verbiage that surrounds his "new" socialist philosophy, there remains nothing new at all, simply a rehash of stale petty-bourgeois ideas of the past. The author of "Reformism or Revolution" seeks to answer Dieterich's extravagant claims and in doing so defends the real ideas of Marxism on a whole host of questions and in particular the way forward for the Venezuelan and world revolution.


Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

Saturday, 07 November 2015

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