10 Famous Muslim-Americans You Didn’t Know Were Muslim
Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind ourselves of the famous and great Muslim-Americans who have changed the United States for the better.
Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really h
Islam in America: Documentary, Facts, History, Religion, Beliefs, Muslims
Islam is the third-largest faith in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism. It is followed by 0.6% of the population.
American Muslims come from various backgrounds, and are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States according to a 2009 Gallup poll. Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim popu
PBS America at a Crossroads: The Muslim Americans
THE MUSLIM AMERICANS explores the diversity of Muslims in America today, focusing on communities' experience after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims her...
Armed americans hold anti muslim protest next to mosque in Phoenix
Video from the draw Muhammad day and anti muslim rally that saw clashes between protesters and counter protesters. This rally was held in Phoenix, Arizona next to the mosque two alleged terrorists had attended. The event had received bomb threats online but it went ahead anyway do the dismay of many people in the community..
Survey Results: How much Americans know about Islam, Muslim women, Jesus? Answers may surprise you!
877-Why-Islam presents a video which asked following questions to fellow Americans: - Do Muslims eat meat? - Is Jesus part of Islam? - What is Ramadan? - Doe...
Protesters to Muslims in Texas: ‘You are not Americans, don't fly your flags'
WATCH: Protesters surround conference put on by Texas Muslims: ‘You are not Americans’. Thousands Protest Muslim Conference in Garland
(NBC5) Thousands of protesters and counter-protesters held American flags and signs outside of a Muslim conference in Garland, Texas, on Saturday night.
"We're here to stand up for the American way of life from a faction of people who are trying to destroy us," a m
American Muslims: Facts vs. Fiction
This short-film provides answers backed by scientific research to the most frequent questions Americans ask about their Muslim neighbors. Visit www.americanmuslimfacts.com for more videos and to organize a screening.
Luby Ismail- Founder, Connecting Cultures, LLC
Aisha Rahman- Executive Director, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
Saafir Rabb II- CEO, Interculture
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
Muslim Americans top three vote getters in Hamtramck election
Three Muslim American candidates are the top three vote getters in the Hamtramck election.
WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for breaking news, weather warnings, award-winning investigative reports, sports and entertainment.
WXYZ 7 Action News is Detroit's breaking news and weather leader. Channel 7 - on-air, online at WXYZ.com and always Taking Action for You.
Minnesota Streets: Filmmaker discovers many Muslim Americans favor sharia law
If you're living in the US - would you prefer to live under US law - or sharia law? You'd think the answer was obvious - but that's not what one filmmaker discovered on the streets of Minnesota.
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How Much Do Americans "Disapprove" Of Arab-Americans & Muslim-Americans?
"Public opinion in the U.S. of Arabs and Muslims has steadily deteriorated over the past five years, with a growing number of Americans saying they now hold ...
RWW News: Wiles: Muslim-Americans Will Kill Us All, Spying On Churches
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rick Wiles claims Muslim "spies" have infiltrated every single church in America as part of a plan to kill Americans.
What if he were muslim? Colin Powell on Muslim Americans.
Colin Powell on Meet the Press, Sunday October 19, 2008. After making an endorsement for democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Former Secretary of ...
Lindsey Graham: 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To American Muslims!' FULL Interview
On Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47%
insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a Muslim should not be president of the Untied States.
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up
How New YorK reacts to a muslim , Amazing Reactions
When Karim go to ask non-muslims about Muslims in new york. Just see that !!!
Muslim Goes Nuts Attacking Americans in Florida
The ever changing landscape in America. The First Amendment rights to assemble and freedom of speech - some people were doing street evangelism and a muslim ...
LEAKED: NSA Spied on Muslim Americans
Documents newly released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals the United States spied on Muslims in the country, not suspecte in crimes. The agency sp...
Muslim Americans Serving in the U.S. Government
The United States government reflects the rich diversity of the American population. Meet three Muslim Americans who freely retain and express their own fait...
Muslims Want Sharia Law in Non-Muslim Countries Robert Spencer
Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries
Muslim Americans to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.|latest news.
For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines
SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCBreakingNews500
Muslim Americans will gather Friday to celebrate Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of the month-long Ramadan.Since June 17, Muslims marking Ramadan observed the holy month of fasting in the Islamic calendar. Eid celebrations break the fast, and begin the 10th month on the Islamic lunar calendar at
Georg Simmel's "The Stranger" - Muslim Americans
Georgetown University Social Theory Course Spring 2013.
Muslim Americans Are Our Friends
Take the pledge now at http://www.myfellowamerican.us/ America is still the reigning melting pot. However, as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches recent ...
10 Famous Muslim-Americans You Didn’t Know Were Muslim
Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind...
Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind ourselves of the famous and great Muslim-Americans who have changed the United States for the better.
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wn.com/10 Famous Muslim Americans You Didn’T Know Were Muslim
Islamaphobes can forget how much Muslim-Americans have contributed to our country. And while we don’t condone intolerance of any religion, it is nice to remind ourselves of the famous and great Muslim-Americans who have changed the United States for the better.
Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see us discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :)
Every day ThinkTank challenges preconceptions, exposes amazing new facts and discoveries, explores different perspectives, and inspires you to learn more about the world and the people around you. Feed your brain with new videos every day at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific!
SUBSCRIBE or you'll miss out! http://tinyurl.com/9o8kpf4
Keep up to date with John Iadarola, Hannah Cranston, and Lisa Ferguson
ON FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/thinktankfeed
ON TWITTER: http://twitter.com/thinktankfeed
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HANNAH: http://twitter.com/HannahCranston_
LISA: http://twitter.com/lisa_ferg
ON INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/thinktankfeed
JOHN: http://instagram.com/johniadarola
HANNAH: http://instagram.com/run_hmc
ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/johniadarola https://www.youtube.com/user/lisafergusontv
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 9216
Islam in America: Documentary, Facts, History, Religion, Beliefs, Muslims
Islam is the third-largest faith in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism. It is followed by 0.6% of the population.
American Muslims come from var...
Islam is the third-largest faith in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism. It is followed by 0.6% of the population.
American Muslims come from various backgrounds, and are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States according to a 2009 Gallup poll. Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population. Many of these have converted to Islam during the last seventy years. Conversion to Islam in large urban areas has also contributed to its growth over the years.
While an estimated 20–30 percent of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa arrived as Muslims, Islam was stringently suppressed on plantations. Prior to the late 19th century, most documented non-enslaved Muslims in North America were merchants, travelers, and sailors.
From the 1880s to 1914, several thousand Muslims immigrated to the United States from the former territories of the Ottoman Empire and the former Mughal Empire. The Muslim population of the U.S. increased dramatically in the 20th century, with much of the growth driven by a comparatively high birth rate and immigrant communities of mainly Arab and South Asian descent. About 72% of American Muslims are immigrants or "second generation".
In 2005, more people from Islamic countries became legal permanent United States residents — nearly 96,000 — than in any year in the previous two decades. In 2009, more than 115,000 Muslims became legal residents of the United States.
One of the largest Islamic organizations is the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) which says that 27% of mosques in U.S. are associated with it.[131] ISNA is an association of immigrant Muslim organizations and individuals that provides a common platform for presenting Islam. It is composed mostly of immigrants. Its membership may have recently exceeded ASM, as many independent mosques throughout the United States are choosing to affiliate with it. ISNA's annual convention is the largest gathering of Muslims in the United States.[132]
The second largest is the community under the leadership of W.Deen Mohammed or the American Society of Muslims with 19% of mosques, mostly African-Americans having an affiliation with it.[131] It was the successor organization to the Nation of Islam, once better-known as the Black Muslims. The association recognizes the leadership of Warith Deen Mohammed. This group evolved from the Black separatist Nation of Islam (1930–1975). The majority of its members are African Americans. This has been a 23-year process of religious reorientation and organizational decentralization, in the course of which the group was known by other names, such as the American Muslim Mission, W.Deen Mohammed guided its members to the practice of mainstream Islam such as salat or fasting, and teaching the basic creed of Islam the shahadah.
The third largest group is the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). ICNA describes itself as a non-ethnic, open to all, independent, North America-wide, grass-roots organization. It is composed mostly of immigrants and the children of immigrants. It is growing as various independent mosques throughout the United States join and also may be larger than ASM at the present moment. Its youth division is Young Muslims.[133] Why Islam? is a community outreach project of ICNA;[134][135] it seeks to provide accurate information about Islam[136] while debunking popular stereotypes and common misconceptions through various services and outreach activities.[137][138]
The Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA) is a small organization representing Sufi teachings, which, according to adherents, is the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. The ISCA's stated aims include providing practical solutions for American Muslims, based on the traditional Islamic legal rulings of an international advisory board, many of whom are recognized as the highest ranking Islamic scholars in the world. ISCA strives to integrate traditional scholarship in resolving contemporary issues affecting the maintenance of Islamic beliefs in a modern, secular society.[78] It has been linked to neoconservative thought.
The Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA) is a leading Muslim organization in the United States. According to its website, among the goals of IANA is to "unify and coordinate the efforts of the different dawah oriented organizations in North America and guide or direct the Muslims of this land to adhere to the proper Islamic methodology." In order to achieve its goals, IANA uses a number of means and methods including conventions, general meetings, dawah-oriented institutions and academies, etc.[139] IANA folded in the aftermath of the attack of September 11, 2001 and they have reorganized under various banners such as Texas Dawah and the Almaghrib Institute.
wn.com/Islam In America Documentary, Facts, History, Religion, Beliefs, Muslims
Islam is the third-largest faith in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism. It is followed by 0.6% of the population.
American Muslims come from various backgrounds, and are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States according to a 2009 Gallup poll. Native-born American Muslims are mainly African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population. Many of these have converted to Islam during the last seventy years. Conversion to Islam in large urban areas has also contributed to its growth over the years.
While an estimated 20–30 percent of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa arrived as Muslims, Islam was stringently suppressed on plantations. Prior to the late 19th century, most documented non-enslaved Muslims in North America were merchants, travelers, and sailors.
From the 1880s to 1914, several thousand Muslims immigrated to the United States from the former territories of the Ottoman Empire and the former Mughal Empire. The Muslim population of the U.S. increased dramatically in the 20th century, with much of the growth driven by a comparatively high birth rate and immigrant communities of mainly Arab and South Asian descent. About 72% of American Muslims are immigrants or "second generation".
In 2005, more people from Islamic countries became legal permanent United States residents — nearly 96,000 — than in any year in the previous two decades. In 2009, more than 115,000 Muslims became legal residents of the United States.
One of the largest Islamic organizations is the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) which says that 27% of mosques in U.S. are associated with it.[131] ISNA is an association of immigrant Muslim organizations and individuals that provides a common platform for presenting Islam. It is composed mostly of immigrants. Its membership may have recently exceeded ASM, as many independent mosques throughout the United States are choosing to affiliate with it. ISNA's annual convention is the largest gathering of Muslims in the United States.[132]
The second largest is the community under the leadership of W.Deen Mohammed or the American Society of Muslims with 19% of mosques, mostly African-Americans having an affiliation with it.[131] It was the successor organization to the Nation of Islam, once better-known as the Black Muslims. The association recognizes the leadership of Warith Deen Mohammed. This group evolved from the Black separatist Nation of Islam (1930–1975). The majority of its members are African Americans. This has been a 23-year process of religious reorientation and organizational decentralization, in the course of which the group was known by other names, such as the American Muslim Mission, W.Deen Mohammed guided its members to the practice of mainstream Islam such as salat or fasting, and teaching the basic creed of Islam the shahadah.
The third largest group is the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). ICNA describes itself as a non-ethnic, open to all, independent, North America-wide, grass-roots organization. It is composed mostly of immigrants and the children of immigrants. It is growing as various independent mosques throughout the United States join and also may be larger than ASM at the present moment. Its youth division is Young Muslims.[133] Why Islam? is a community outreach project of ICNA;[134][135] it seeks to provide accurate information about Islam[136] while debunking popular stereotypes and common misconceptions through various services and outreach activities.[137][138]
The Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA) is a small organization representing Sufi teachings, which, according to adherents, is the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. The ISCA's stated aims include providing practical solutions for American Muslims, based on the traditional Islamic legal rulings of an international advisory board, many of whom are recognized as the highest ranking Islamic scholars in the world. ISCA strives to integrate traditional scholarship in resolving contemporary issues affecting the maintenance of Islamic beliefs in a modern, secular society.[78] It has been linked to neoconservative thought.
The Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA) is a leading Muslim organization in the United States. According to its website, among the goals of IANA is to "unify and coordinate the efforts of the different dawah oriented organizations in North America and guide or direct the Muslims of this land to adhere to the proper Islamic methodology." In order to achieve its goals, IANA uses a number of means and methods including conventions, general meetings, dawah-oriented institutions and academies, etc.[139] IANA folded in the aftermath of the attack of September 11, 2001 and they have reorganized under various banners such as Texas Dawah and the Almaghrib Institute.
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 25
PBS America at a Crossroads: The Muslim Americans
THE MUSLIM AMERICANS explores the diversity of Muslims in America today, focusing on communities' experience after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims her......
THE MUSLIM AMERICANS explores the diversity of Muslims in America today, focusing on communities' experience after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims her...
wn.com/Pbs America At A Crossroads The Muslim Americans
THE MUSLIM AMERICANS explores the diversity of Muslims in America today, focusing on communities' experience after 9/11, and contrasting life for Muslims her...
Armed americans hold anti muslim protest next to mosque in Phoenix
Video from the draw Muhammad day and anti muslim rally that saw clashes between protesters and counter protesters. This rally was held in Phoenix, Arizona next ...
Video from the draw Muhammad day and anti muslim rally that saw clashes between protesters and counter protesters. This rally was held in Phoenix, Arizona next to the mosque two alleged terrorists had attended. The event had received bomb threats online but it went ahead anyway do the dismay of many people in the community..
wn.com/Armed Americans Hold Anti Muslim Protest Next To Mosque In Phoenix
Video from the draw Muhammad day and anti muslim rally that saw clashes between protesters and counter protesters. This rally was held in Phoenix, Arizona next to the mosque two alleged terrorists had attended. The event had received bomb threats online but it went ahead anyway do the dismay of many people in the community..
- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 28
Survey Results: How much Americans know about Islam, Muslim women, Jesus? Answers may surprise you!
877-Why-Islam presents a video which asked following questions to fellow Americans: - Do Muslims eat meat? - Is Jesus part of Islam? - What is Ramadan? - Doe......
877-Why-Islam presents a video which asked following questions to fellow Americans: - Do Muslims eat meat? - Is Jesus part of Islam? - What is Ramadan? - Doe...
wn.com/Survey Results How Much Americans Know About Islam, Muslim Women, Jesus Answers May Surprise You
877-Why-Islam presents a video which asked following questions to fellow Americans: - Do Muslims eat meat? - Is Jesus part of Islam? - What is Ramadan? - Doe...
Protesters to Muslims in Texas: ‘You are not Americans, don't fly your flags'
WATCH: Protesters surround conference put on by Texas Muslims: ‘You are not Americans’. Thousands Protest Muslim Conference in Garland
(NBC5) Thousands of prote...
WATCH: Protesters surround conference put on by Texas Muslims: ‘You are not Americans’. Thousands Protest Muslim Conference in Garland
(NBC5) Thousands of protesters and counter-protesters held American flags and signs outside of a Muslim conference in Garland, Texas, on Saturday night.
"We're here to stand up for the American way of life from a faction of people who are trying to destroy us," a man protesting the conference said.
•Muslim Event Prompts Protests, Security Concerns
The demonstrations began hours before the start of the program at the Curtis Culwell Center, which is operated by the Garland Independent School District.
The conference is titled “Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate” and bills itself as a fundraiser to build a center dedicated to teaching Muslims how to combat negative depictions of their faith.
"They want for people to see that we are kind, peaceful people," a Muslim woman at the conference said. "We're not here to fight, we're not here to argue. We're just here to show that we're Americans too."
Because of safety and protest concerns, the organizers asked for extra security.
•JK Rowling Slams Murdoch's Anti-Muslim Tweets
“This is one of several cultural and religious-based groups and events that we have there at the center,” Chris Moore, Garland ISD spokesperson told NBC DFW on Friday. “And we’re going to keep that open to them. This is a non-discriminatory facility.”
The conference and protests come a little over a week after Islamic militants stormed the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people, including the magazine's top editor.
video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam
wn.com/Protesters To Muslims In Texas ‘You Are Not Americans, Don't Fly Your Flags'
WATCH: Protesters surround conference put on by Texas Muslims: ‘You are not Americans’. Thousands Protest Muslim Conference in Garland
(NBC5) Thousands of protesters and counter-protesters held American flags and signs outside of a Muslim conference in Garland, Texas, on Saturday night.
"We're here to stand up for the American way of life from a faction of people who are trying to destroy us," a man protesting the conference said.
•Muslim Event Prompts Protests, Security Concerns
The demonstrations began hours before the start of the program at the Curtis Culwell Center, which is operated by the Garland Independent School District.
The conference is titled “Stand With the Prophet Against Terror and Hate” and bills itself as a fundraiser to build a center dedicated to teaching Muslims how to combat negative depictions of their faith.
"They want for people to see that we are kind, peaceful people," a Muslim woman at the conference said. "We're not here to fight, we're not here to argue. We're just here to show that we're Americans too."
Because of safety and protest concerns, the organizers asked for extra security.
•JK Rowling Slams Murdoch's Anti-Muslim Tweets
“This is one of several cultural and religious-based groups and events that we have there at the center,” Chris Moore, Garland ISD spokesperson told NBC DFW on Friday. “And we’re going to keep that open to them. This is a non-discriminatory facility.”
The conference and protests come a little over a week after Islamic militants stormed the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people, including the magazine's top editor.
video footage caught on tape cellphone camera surveillance raw dash cam
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 1040
American Muslims: Facts vs. Fiction
This short-film provides answers backed by scientific research to the most frequent questions Americans ask about their Muslim neighbors. Visit www.americanmusl...
This short-film provides answers backed by scientific research to the most frequent questions Americans ask about their Muslim neighbors. Visit www.americanmuslimfacts.com for more videos and to organize a screening.
Luby Ismail- Founder, Connecting Cultures, LLC
Aisha Rahman- Executive Director, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
Saafir Rabb II- CEO, Interculture
Dalia Mogahed- Director of Research, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Mark Sageman – Author, Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the 21st Century
Eli Clifton - Co–Author, Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America
Erin Miller – Program Manager, Global Terrorism Database
Tarek Elghwary – CEO, Coexist Foundation
Imam Mohammad Magid – Imam, ADAMS Center
Tarek El-Messidi – Founder, Celebrate Mercy
Director- Alex Kronemer
Executive Producers- Alex Kronemer, Michael Wolfe
Producer - Daniel Tutt
Production Coordinator - Faiza El-Hibri
UPM – Jeremy Morrison
Director of Photography – Nick Gardner, Jeremy Hall
Gaffer – Steve Scott
1st AC – Jason Remeikis, Sunil Davadanam
2nd AC – Matthew MacIntyre
Grip – Danny Balsamo, Ashley Bensel
Sound Recordist - Alex Jennings
Makeup – Jessie, D’Angelo, Christine Wasilewski
Special Thanks to our Generous Sponsor:
Foundation for Intelligent Giving (FIG)
Photography Credits:
Inner-City Muslim Action Network
Jessica Censotti - Censotti Communications
Islamic Medical Association of North America
Nadia’s Ramadan
Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story
Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World
My Fellow American
Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think
Allah Made Me Funny
On a Wing And a Prayer
Talking Through Walls
Prince Among Slaves
Cities of Light: The Rise And Fall of Islamic Spain
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
wn.com/American Muslims Facts Vs. Fiction
This short-film provides answers backed by scientific research to the most frequent questions Americans ask about their Muslim neighbors. Visit www.americanmuslimfacts.com for more videos and to organize a screening.
Luby Ismail- Founder, Connecting Cultures, LLC
Aisha Rahman- Executive Director, Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
Saafir Rabb II- CEO, Interculture
Dalia Mogahed- Director of Research, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Mark Sageman – Author, Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the 21st Century
Eli Clifton - Co–Author, Fear Inc: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America
Erin Miller – Program Manager, Global Terrorism Database
Tarek Elghwary – CEO, Coexist Foundation
Imam Mohammad Magid – Imam, ADAMS Center
Tarek El-Messidi – Founder, Celebrate Mercy
Director- Alex Kronemer
Executive Producers- Alex Kronemer, Michael Wolfe
Producer - Daniel Tutt
Production Coordinator - Faiza El-Hibri
UPM – Jeremy Morrison
Director of Photography – Nick Gardner, Jeremy Hall
Gaffer – Steve Scott
1st AC – Jason Remeikis, Sunil Davadanam
2nd AC – Matthew MacIntyre
Grip – Danny Balsamo, Ashley Bensel
Sound Recordist - Alex Jennings
Makeup – Jessie, D’Angelo, Christine Wasilewski
Special Thanks to our Generous Sponsor:
Foundation for Intelligent Giving (FIG)
Photography Credits:
Inner-City Muslim Action Network
Jessica Censotti - Censotti Communications
Islamic Medical Association of North America
Nadia’s Ramadan
Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story
Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World
My Fellow American
Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think
Allah Made Me Funny
On a Wing And a Prayer
Talking Through Walls
Prince Among Slaves
Cities of Light: The Rise And Fall of Islamic Spain
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 11648
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Ca...
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
wn.com/Muslim Americans And Ben Carson
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 370
Muslim Americans top three vote getters in Hamtramck election
Three Muslim American candidates are the top three vote getters in the Hamtramck election.
WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for break...
Three Muslim American candidates are the top three vote getters in the Hamtramck election.
WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for breaking news, weather warnings, award-winning investigative reports, sports and entertainment.
WXYZ 7 Action News is Detroit's breaking news and weather leader. Channel 7 - on-air, online at WXYZ.com and always Taking Action for You.
For more download the WXYZ mobile app:
iPhone: http://bit.ly/iOS-wxyz
Android: http://bit.ly/wxyzplay
wn.com/Muslim Americans Top Three Vote Getters In Hamtramck Election
Three Muslim American candidates are the top three vote getters in the Hamtramck election.
WXYZ 7 Action News is metro Detroit's leading source for breaking news, weather warnings, award-winning investigative reports, sports and entertainment.
WXYZ 7 Action News is Detroit's breaking news and weather leader. Channel 7 - on-air, online at WXYZ.com and always Taking Action for You.
For more download the WXYZ mobile app:
iPhone: http://bit.ly/iOS-wxyz
Android: http://bit.ly/wxyzplay
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 1231
Minnesota Streets: Filmmaker discovers many Muslim Americans favor sharia law
If you're living in the US - would you prefer to live under US law - or sharia law? You'd think the answer was obvious - but that's not what one filmmaker disco...
If you're living in the US - would you prefer to live under US law - or sharia law? You'd think the answer was obvious - but that's not what one filmmaker discovered on the streets of Minnesota.
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wn.com/Minnesota Streets Filmmaker Discovers Many Muslim Americans Favor Sharia Law
If you're living in the US - would you prefer to live under US law - or sharia law? You'd think the answer was obvious - but that's not what one filmmaker discovered on the streets of Minnesota.
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 4234
How Much Do Americans "Disapprove" Of Arab-Americans & Muslim-Americans?
"Public opinion in the U.S. of Arabs and Muslims has steadily deteriorated over the past five years, with a growing number of Americans saying they now hold ......
"Public opinion in the U.S. of Arabs and Muslims has steadily deteriorated over the past five years, with a growing number of Americans saying they now hold ...
wn.com/How Much Do Americans Disapprove Of Arab Americans Muslim Americans
"Public opinion in the U.S. of Arabs and Muslims has steadily deteriorated over the past five years, with a growing number of Americans saying they now hold ...
RWW News: Wiles: Muslim-Americans Will Kill Us All, Spying On Churches
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities...
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rick Wiles claims Muslim "spies" have infiltrated every single church in America as part of a plan to kill Americans.
wn.com/Rww News Wiles Muslim Americans Will Kill US All, Spying On Churches
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Rick Wiles claims Muslim "spies" have infiltrated every single church in America as part of a plan to kill Americans.
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 1001
What if he were muslim? Colin Powell on Muslim Americans.
Colin Powell on Meet the Press, Sunday October 19, 2008. After making an endorsement for democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Former Secretary of ......
Colin Powell on Meet the Press, Sunday October 19, 2008. After making an endorsement for democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Former Secretary of ...
wn.com/What If He Were Muslim Colin Powell On Muslim Americans.
Colin Powell on Meet the Press, Sunday October 19, 2008. After making an endorsement for democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Former Secretary of ...
- published: 21 Oct 2008
- views: 121217
author: choowee
Lindsey Graham: 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To American Muslims!' FULL Interview
On Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47%
insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a Muslim shoul...
On Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47%
insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a Muslim should not be president of the Untied States.
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so proud of what happened in Afghanistan. He was proud to wear the uniform. I had a cup of coffee with him, and, yes, one day, I hope that young man could grow up to be president of the United States.”
He continued, “America is an idea not owned by a particular religion, race or anything else. Out of many comes one. I think Dr. Carson needs to apologize to this young man and every other Muslim serving their country and to the American Muslim community. And if he understood the world and how dangerous it is he would not say things like this. We have to partner with people in the faith to destroy radical Islam. And most Muslims throughout the world reject what radical Islam is trying to do to the world and their faith. This is an example to me that Mr. Carson may be a good doctor, but he is not ready to lead a great nation.”
He continued, “what would he say to the young man I met in Kabul who left Afghanistan, became an American citizen, joined the United States army? What would he say to the approximately 3,500 American Muslims who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our freedom, risking their lives. What he should say is thank you for serving our great nation. We’re all in this together.”
wn.com/Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To American Muslims ' Full Interview
On Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47%
insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a Muslim should not be president of the Untied States.
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so proud of what happened in Afghanistan. He was proud to wear the uniform. I had a cup of coffee with him, and, yes, one day, I hope that young man could grow up to be president of the United States.”
He continued, “America is an idea not owned by a particular religion, race or anything else. Out of many comes one. I think Dr. Carson needs to apologize to this young man and every other Muslim serving their country and to the American Muslim community. And if he understood the world and how dangerous it is he would not say things like this. We have to partner with people in the faith to destroy radical Islam. And most Muslims throughout the world reject what radical Islam is trying to do to the world and their faith. This is an example to me that Mr. Carson may be a good doctor, but he is not ready to lead a great nation.”
He continued, “what would he say to the young man I met in Kabul who left Afghanistan, became an American citizen, joined the United States army? What would he say to the approximately 3,500 American Muslims who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our freedom, risking their lives. What he should say is thank you for serving our great nation. We’re all in this together.”
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 47
How New YorK reacts to a muslim , Amazing Reactions
When Karim go to ask non-muslims about Muslims in new york. Just see that !!!...
When Karim go to ask non-muslims about Muslims in new york. Just see that !!!
wn.com/How New York Reacts To A Muslim , Amazing Reactions
When Karim go to ask non-muslims about Muslims in new york. Just see that !!!
Muslim Goes Nuts Attacking Americans in Florida
The ever changing landscape in America. The First Amendment rights to assemble and freedom of speech - some people were doing street evangelism and a muslim ......
The ever changing landscape in America. The First Amendment rights to assemble and freedom of speech - some people were doing street evangelism and a muslim ...
wn.com/Muslim Goes Nuts Attacking Americans In Florida
The ever changing landscape in America. The First Amendment rights to assemble and freedom of speech - some people were doing street evangelism and a muslim ...
LEAKED: NSA Spied on Muslim Americans
Documents newly released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals the United States spied on Muslims in the country, not suspecte in crimes. The agency sp......
Documents newly released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals the United States spied on Muslims in the country, not suspecte in crimes. The agency sp...
wn.com/Leaked Nsa Spied On Muslim Americans
Documents newly released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals the United States spied on Muslims in the country, not suspecte in crimes. The agency sp...
Muslim Americans Serving in the U.S. Government
The United States government reflects the rich diversity of the American population. Meet three Muslim Americans who freely retain and express their own fait......
The United States government reflects the rich diversity of the American population. Meet three Muslim Americans who freely retain and express their own fait...
wn.com/Muslim Americans Serving In The U.S. Government
The United States government reflects the rich diversity of the American population. Meet three Muslim Americans who freely retain and express their own fait...
Muslims Want Sharia Law in Non-Muslim Countries Robert Spencer
Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries...
Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries
wn.com/Muslims Want Sharia Law In Non Muslim Countries Robert Spencer
Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries
- published: 05 Jun 2015
- views: 6
Muslim Americans to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.|latest news.
For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines
SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCBreakingNews500
Muslim Americans will gather Friday to celebrate Eid ...
For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines
SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCBreakingNews500
Muslim Americans will gather Friday to celebrate Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of the month-long Ramadan.Since June 17, Muslims marking Ramadan observed the holy month of fasting in the Islamic calendar. Eid celebrations break the fast, and begin the 10th month on the Islamic lunar calendar at the sight of the new moon.American Muslims, along with Muslims in several other countries, will recognize this holiday Friday because of astronomical estimates from the Fiqh Council of North America that predict when the new moon will be visible.On Eid, or the Feast of Breaking the Fast, Muslims pray early in the morning, exchange gifts and celebrate and eat with family throughout the day. The joyous celebration lasts three days.President Obama brings attention to Ramadan each year with an annual Iftar dinner — the evening meal after sunset that concludes fasting for each day — at the White House. In June, Obama invited members of the White House staff, elected officials and young leaders and women in the Muslim community to celebrate.The president will likely release a statement Friday to recognize the Eid celebration.For some American Muslims, the joyous day may be hard to celebrate. Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told USA TODAY anti-Muslim hate crimes across the U.S. make it difficult to relax and enjoy the holiday.
wn.com/Muslim Americans To Celebrate Eid Al Fitr.|Latest News.
For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines
SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCBreakingNews500
Muslim Americans will gather Friday to celebrate Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of the month-long Ramadan.Since June 17, Muslims marking Ramadan observed the holy month of fasting in the Islamic calendar. Eid celebrations break the fast, and begin the 10th month on the Islamic lunar calendar at the sight of the new moon.American Muslims, along with Muslims in several other countries, will recognize this holiday Friday because of astronomical estimates from the Fiqh Council of North America that predict when the new moon will be visible.On Eid, or the Feast of Breaking the Fast, Muslims pray early in the morning, exchange gifts and celebrate and eat with family throughout the day. The joyous celebration lasts three days.President Obama brings attention to Ramadan each year with an annual Iftar dinner — the evening meal after sunset that concludes fasting for each day — at the White House. In June, Obama invited members of the White House staff, elected officials and young leaders and women in the Muslim community to celebrate.The president will likely release a statement Friday to recognize the Eid celebration.For some American Muslims, the joyous day may be hard to celebrate. Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told USA TODAY anti-Muslim hate crimes across the U.S. make it difficult to relax and enjoy the holiday.
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 18
Georg Simmel's "The Stranger" - Muslim Americans
Georgetown University Social Theory Course Spring 2013....
Georgetown University Social Theory Course Spring 2013.
wn.com/Georg Simmel's The Stranger Muslim Americans
Georgetown University Social Theory Course Spring 2013.
- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 102
author: Kate Scott
Muslim Americans Are Our Friends
Take the pledge now at http://www.myfellowamerican.us/ America is still the reigning melting pot. However, as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches recent ......
Take the pledge now at http://www.myfellowamerican.us/ America is still the reigning melting pot. However, as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches recent ...
wn.com/Muslim Americans Are Our Friends
Take the pledge now at http://www.myfellowamerican.us/ America is still the reigning melting pot. However, as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches recent ...
Lindsey Graham: 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' FULL Interview
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a .
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a.
Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' FULL Interview Lindsey Graham 'Be
After 9/11 American Converts to Muslim
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson
Source: Fox News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
10 Famous Muslim Americans You Didn’t Know Were Muslim YouTube
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so
Muslims given chance to sue NYPD for spying on them
An appeals court in the US has given Muslim Americans another chance to sue the New York Police Department for spying on them. Kristen Saloomey reports.
سؤال للامريكيين - هل باراك اوباما مسلم؟ مترجم - ?a question to americans, is obama a muslim
ادعموني بالنشر والمفضلة والاشتراك
Anti-Muslim protests and Nation of Islam Masjid Muhammad - Ibrahim Mumin
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Ty
Anti-Muslim protests and Nation of Islam Masjid Muhammad - Imam Boyd
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Ty
Americans - What To Expect From Muslim Immigrants
We will take a look at France to show what a heavy influx of Muslim immigrates into the United States can lead to.
A surprising number of Americans wouldn't vote for a Muslim to be president
Just exactly who can be president?
Republican contender Ben Carson sparked that debate when he said on NBC’s Meet the Press that he “absolutely would not agree” with electing a Muslim as president.
On that question, Americans are divided.
In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, most of those surveyed don’t think it’s a realistic possibility, at least at the moment. By 53%-39%, they say a Mu
caméra caché - how Americans look for Muslim // كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
قام ممثلين اثنين بتقمص دور مشتري امريكي و الاخر بائع مسلم مقيم في امريكا ...وتابعو ردة فعل بقية المشترين المريكان ...مذهل الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
Muslim-Americans Less Diverse Than Seventh Day Adventists (According to Pew Poll)
I talk about some of the confounds in a Pew Research poll of the racial breakdown of Muslim Americans
Video: Ben Carson Smears Islam, Laughs at Poll Saying Americans Would Not Support Muslim President
CAIR Announces Quran Giveaway in Response to Ben Carson’s Anti-Muslim Remarks
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Lindsey Graham: 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' FULL Interview
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a .
On Fox News...
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a .
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a.
Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' FULL Interview Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim .
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity .
wn.com/Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans ' Full Interview
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a .
On Fox News Channel's “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)47% insisted Dr. Ben Carson apologize for saying a.
Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' FULL Interview Lindsey Graham 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim .
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!' Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity .
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 15
After 9/11 American Converts to Muslim
11th September 2011: USA, Mission Viejo California ''THE 9/11 DECADE AMERICAN MUSLIM CONVERTS FACE HOSTILITY'' Shot listing:- INT of Mosque / People performing ...
11th September 2011: USA, Mission Viejo California ''THE 9/11 DECADE AMERICAN MUSLIM CONVERTS FACE HOSTILITY'' Shot listing:- INT of Mosque / People performing Eid prayer / TODD GALLINGER MUSLIM CONVERT performing prayer / SOT of TODD GALLINGER MUSLIM CONVERT / PTC of ROB REYNOLDS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA / CHANTELLE CUMMINGS MUSLIM CONVERT performing prayer at Home / SOT of CHANTELLE CUMMINGS MUSLIM CONVERT / INT of Mosque / People listening Imam / SOT of ROY BRADSHAW MUSLIM CONVERT / More of INT of Mosque/ Prayer Script: [MOSQUE, PEOPLE EID PRAYING ] Being Muslim in post 9-11 America isnt always easy. Its especially challenging for Americans who have converted to Islam. They face puzzled family and friends, and sometimes hostile responses from their communities. [TODD PRAYS] Todd Gallinger is a California attorney and recent convert.Family members accepted his choice, but his marriage broke up and friends stopped calling. SOT Todd Gallinger 23 35 59 “Yeah, Ive actually received death threats and had people call me a terrorist or a terrorist lawyer...” [CUTAWAY 2 shot] The harshest response came when he ran for local office. SOT TODD 23 36 28 “They actually... sent out a mailer with a picture of a Hamas rally on it, a guy in a kaffiyeh shooting an ak47 into the air, and associating that with me with my picture on it too.” [TODD'S MOSQUE BROLL] According to the Pew Research Center, 20 percent of Muslims in the US say they are converts. STANDUP Rob Reynolds Anaheim California “Its estimated that nationwide about 20 thousand Americans convert to Islam every year.” [CHANTELLE PRAYING] For Chantelle Cummings, Islam lay at the end of a long spiritual journey. [OFF CAMERA SOT FROM CHANTELLE 19 45 54] “I was agressively searching for something that made sense... [CHANTELLE ON CAMERA] ...that I felt could fit into how I live my life a taken at 2011-09-27T13:22:20Z
Producer Al Jazeera English
Published September 27, 2011
Usage http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/deed.en
wn.com/After 9 11 American Converts To Muslim
11th September 2011: USA, Mission Viejo California ''THE 9/11 DECADE AMERICAN MUSLIM CONVERTS FACE HOSTILITY'' Shot listing:- INT of Mosque / People performing Eid prayer / TODD GALLINGER MUSLIM CONVERT performing prayer / SOT of TODD GALLINGER MUSLIM CONVERT / PTC of ROB REYNOLDS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA / CHANTELLE CUMMINGS MUSLIM CONVERT performing prayer at Home / SOT of CHANTELLE CUMMINGS MUSLIM CONVERT / INT of Mosque / People listening Imam / SOT of ROY BRADSHAW MUSLIM CONVERT / More of INT of Mosque/ Prayer Script: [MOSQUE, PEOPLE EID PRAYING ] Being Muslim in post 9-11 America isnt always easy. Its especially challenging for Americans who have converted to Islam. They face puzzled family and friends, and sometimes hostile responses from their communities. [TODD PRAYS] Todd Gallinger is a California attorney and recent convert.Family members accepted his choice, but his marriage broke up and friends stopped calling. SOT Todd Gallinger 23 35 59 “Yeah, Ive actually received death threats and had people call me a terrorist or a terrorist lawyer...” [CUTAWAY 2 shot] The harshest response came when he ran for local office. SOT TODD 23 36 28 “They actually... sent out a mailer with a picture of a Hamas rally on it, a guy in a kaffiyeh shooting an ak47 into the air, and associating that with me with my picture on it too.” [TODD'S MOSQUE BROLL] According to the Pew Research Center, 20 percent of Muslims in the US say they are converts. STANDUP Rob Reynolds Anaheim California “Its estimated that nationwide about 20 thousand Americans convert to Islam every year.” [CHANTELLE PRAYING] For Chantelle Cummings, Islam lay at the end of a long spiritual journey. [OFF CAMERA SOT FROM CHANTELLE 19 45 54] “I was agressively searching for something that made sense... [CHANTELLE ON CAMERA] ...that I felt could fit into how I live my life a taken at 2011-09-27T13:22:20Z
Producer Al Jazeera English
Published September 27, 2011
Usage http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/deed.en
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 19
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson...
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
wn.com/Muslim Americans And Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
Muslim Americans and Ben Carson
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 2
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson
Source: Fox News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Ore...
Source: Fox News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
wn.com/Muslim Americans And Ben Carson
Source: Fox News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
Watch Bill Oreilly talk about Campaigning, Elections, Executive Branch, Islam, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Religion, Republicans, Scandals, and White House on Oreilly Factor.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 0
wn.com/The History, Community Life, And Diversities Of Muslim Americans In New England (10 28 15).
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 4
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to g...
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so proud of what happened in Afghanistan. He was proud to wear the uniform. I had a cup of coffee with him, and, yes, one day, I hope that young man could grow up to be president of the United States.”
He continued, “America is an idea not owned by a particular religion, race or anything else. Out of many comes one. I think Dr. Carson needs to apologize to this young man and every other Muslim serving their country and to the American Muslim community. And if he understood the world and how dangerous it is he would not say things like this. We have to partner with people in the faith to destroy radical Islam. And most Muslims throughout the world reject what radical Islam is trying to do to the world and their faith. This is an example to me that Mr. Carson may be a good doctor, but he is not ready to lead a great nation.”
He continued, “what would he say to the young man I met in Kabul who left Afghanistan, became an American citizen, joined the United States army? What would he say to the approximately 3,500 American Muslims who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our freedom, risking their lives. What he should say is thank you for serving our great nation. We’re all in this together.”
wn.com/Lindsey Graham Interview 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans '
Lindsey Graham Interview : 'Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!'
Graham said, “During the second election of Karzai, I had an opportunity to go to a polling station during the election with military members in charge of security. One was a young man who grew up in Kabul, went to this particular high school. He came to America. He was a member of the United States Army. He was so proud of what happened in Afghanistan. He was proud to wear the uniform. I had a cup of coffee with him, and, yes, one day, I hope that young man could grow up to be president of the United States.”
He continued, “America is an idea not owned by a particular religion, race or anything else. Out of many comes one. I think Dr. Carson needs to apologize to this young man and every other Muslim serving their country and to the American Muslim community. And if he understood the world and how dangerous it is he would not say things like this. We have to partner with people in the faith to destroy radical Islam. And most Muslims throughout the world reject what radical Islam is trying to do to the world and their faith. This is an example to me that Mr. Carson may be a good doctor, but he is not ready to lead a great nation.”
He continued, “what would he say to the young man I met in Kabul who left Afghanistan, became an American citizen, joined the United States army? What would he say to the approximately 3,500 American Muslims who have been to Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for our freedom, risking their lives. What he should say is thank you for serving our great nation. We’re all in this together.”
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 15
Muslims given chance to sue NYPD for spying on them
An appeals court in the US has given Muslim Americans another chance to sue the New York Police Department for spying on them. Kristen Saloomey reports....
An appeals court in the US has given Muslim Americans another chance to sue the New York Police Department for spying on them. Kristen Saloomey reports.
wn.com/Muslims Given Chance To Sue Nypd For Spying On Them
An appeals court in the US has given Muslim Americans another chance to sue the New York Police Department for spying on them. Kristen Saloomey reports.
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 1117
Anti-Muslim protests and Nation of Islam Masjid Muhammad - Ibrahim Mumin
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators wer...
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd and Ibrahim Mumin.
More about the situation:
1. Anti-Muslim protest can be a positive force to bring Americans together - http://theghousediary.blogspot.com/2015/10/anti-muslim-protests-can-be-positive.html
2. Recommended Muslim Response to Anti-Muslim Rallies
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a social scientist, thinker, writer and a speaker on Islam, Pluralism, Interfaith, politics, human rights, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com
wn.com/Anti Muslim Protests And Nation Of Islam Masjid Muhammad Ibrahim Mumin
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd and Ibrahim Mumin.
More about the situation:
1. Anti-Muslim protest can be a positive force to bring Americans together - http://theghousediary.blogspot.com/2015/10/anti-muslim-protests-can-be-positive.html
2. Recommended Muslim Response to Anti-Muslim Rallies
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a social scientist, thinker, writer and a speaker on Islam, Pluralism, Interfaith, politics, human rights, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 49
Anti-Muslim protests and Nation of Islam Masjid Muhammad - Imam Boyd
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators wer...
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd and Ibrahim Mumin.
More about the situation:
1. Anti-Muslim protest can be a positive force to bring Americans together - http://theghousediary.blogspot.com/2015/10/anti-muslim-protests-can-be-positive.html
2. Recommended Muslim Response to Anti-Muslim Rallies
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a social scientist, thinker, writer and a speaker on Islam, Pluralism, Interfaith, politics, human rights, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com
wn.com/Anti Muslim Protests And Nation Of Islam Masjid Muhammad Imam Boyd
Anti-Muslim protesters did not show up at Masjid Muhammad.
Washington, October 9, 2015 – Masjid Muhammad was one of the place the anti-Muslim demonstrators were to show up, they did not. But the folks at the Masjid were well prepared to greet the visitors with grace, respect and dignity.
Visited several members of the congregation after Jumah prayers and recorded two short messages from Imam Tyerre El-Amin Boyd and Ibrahim Mumin.
More about the situation:
1. Anti-Muslim protest can be a positive force to bring Americans together - http://theghousediary.blogspot.com/2015/10/anti-muslim-protests-can-be-positive.html
2. Recommended Muslim Response to Anti-Muslim Rallies
Dr. Mike Ghouse is a social scientist, thinker, writer and a speaker on Islam, Pluralism, Interfaith, politics, human rights, foreign policy and building cohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 63
Americans - What To Expect From Muslim Immigrants
We will take a look at France to show what a heavy influx of Muslim immigrates into the United States can lead to....
We will take a look at France to show what a heavy influx of Muslim immigrates into the United States can lead to.
wn.com/Americans What To Expect From Muslim Immigrants
We will take a look at France to show what a heavy influx of Muslim immigrates into the United States can lead to.
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 26
A surprising number of Americans wouldn't vote for a Muslim to be president
Just exactly who can be president?
Republican contender Ben Carson sparked that debate when he said on NBC’s Meet the Press that he “absolutely would not agree...
Just exactly who can be president?
Republican contender Ben Carson sparked that debate when he said on NBC’s Meet the Press that he “absolutely would not agree” with electing a Muslim as president.
On that question, Americans are divided.
In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, most of those surveyed don’t think it’s a realistic possibility, at least at the moment. By 53%-39%, they say a Muslim couldn’t be elected.
wn.com/A Surprising Number Of Americans Wouldn't Vote For A Muslim To Be President
Just exactly who can be president?
Republican contender Ben Carson sparked that debate when he said on NBC’s Meet the Press that he “absolutely would not agree” with electing a Muslim as president.
On that question, Americans are divided.
In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, most of those surveyed don’t think it’s a realistic possibility, at least at the moment. By 53%-39%, they say a Muslim couldn’t be elected.
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 6
caméra caché - how Americans look for Muslim // كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
قام ممثلين اثنين بتقمص دور مشتري امريكي و الاخر بائع مسلم مقيم في امريكا ...وتابعو ردة فعل بقية المشترين المريكان ...م...
كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
قام ممثلين اثنين بتقمص دور مشتري امريكي و الاخر بائع مسلم مقيم في امريكا ...وتابعو ردة فعل بقية المشترين المريكان ...مذهل الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
wn.com/Caméra Caché How Americans Look For Muslim كاميرا مخفية كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
كاميرا مخفية -كيف ينضر الامريكان للمسلم
قام ممثلين اثنين بتقمص دور مشتري امريكي و الاخر بائع مسلم مقيم في امريكا ...وتابعو ردة فعل بقية المشترين المريكان ...مذهل الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 3
Muslim-Americans Less Diverse Than Seventh Day Adventists (According to Pew Poll)
I talk about some of the confounds in a Pew Research poll of the racial breakdown of Muslim Americans...
I talk about some of the confounds in a Pew Research poll of the racial breakdown of Muslim Americans
wn.com/Muslim Americans Less Diverse Than Seventh Day Adventists (According To Pew Poll)
I talk about some of the confounds in a Pew Research poll of the racial breakdown of Muslim Americans
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 16
Video: Ben Carson Smears Islam, Laughs at Poll Saying Americans Would Not Support Muslim President
CAIR Announces Quran Giveaway in Response to Ben Carson’s Anti-Muslim Remarks
CAIR Announces Quran Giveaway in Response to Ben Carson’s Anti-Muslim Remarks
wn.com/Video Ben Carson Smears Islam, Laughs At Poll Saying Americans Would Not Support Muslim President
CAIR Announces Quran Giveaway in Response to Ben Carson’s Anti-Muslim Remarks
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 1353
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw fro...
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
wn.com/Muslim Americans And Ben Carson Foxtv Political News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV Political News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 45
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw...
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
wn.com/Muslim Americans And Ben Carson Foxtv United States News
Muslim-Americans and Ben Carson - FoxTV United States News
'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates some Muslim-American clerics demanding the GOP candidate withdraw from the Presidential race
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 4
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear - Part 1
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear: In this video two journalists travel across America to see how Muslims are being treated ten years af...
8 Centuries of Muslims in America (Part 1) - Documentary Film
Muslim News Magazine presents the network premier of our award-winning documentary film "8 Centuries of Muslims in America". This critically acclaimed progra...
Full Show 7/9/14: NSA Spying on Muslim Americans
Thom discusses the spying of five politically active Muslim Americans by the NSA with Corey Saylor with the Council on American Islamic Relations and whether...
Islam & America: Through the Eyes of Imran Khan - Pakistan
Nov 2001 Why do so many Muslims hate the United States? What has America done to alienate so many people in the Muslim world? These are the questions that fo...
An American Soldier, who happens to be Muslim - The Documentary
Imran Siddiqui Urdu VOA, Fort Hood Texas - United States of America is a country where people of all faiths and traditions co-exist and the first amendment t...
Islam, Africa to America
This documentary once again confirms the EQUALITY and DIGINITY of man in Islam regardless of RACE, COLOR or Culture. Prophet Muhammad[peace be upon him] elim...
Muslim Americans:Enriching or Threatening American Democracy
Speaker: Amaney Jamal, an assistant professor of politics and the Harold Willis Dodds Presidential University Preceptor at Princeton University Location: Pri...
On Secret Tape, FBI Threatens American Muslim Refusing To Be Informant
New details have emerged about the FBI's efforts to turn Muslim Americans living abroad into government informants. An exposé in Mother Jones magazine chroni...
Islamophobia and the Targeting of Muslim Americans
Part III of a Panel Discussion "The US Constitution, Pre-emptive Prosecution, and Islamophobia". Other presenters were Bob Rosholt, Ph.D. who spoke about the...
Dalia Mogahed-Muslim Americans, An In-Depth Analysis Through Gallup Polling.mp4
On April 21 2009, during the Rumi Forum Luncheon Series, Dalia Mogahed, Senior Analyst and Executive Director at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, spoke ...
Panel: Islam Atheism (2015 National Convenstion)
Heina Dadabhoy, Sarah Haider, Muhammad Syed, and Kelly Damerow (moderator) speaking on a panel at the 2015 American Atheists National Convention in Memphis, TN
Heina Dadabhoy spent their childhood as a practicing Muslim who never in their right mind would have believed that they would grow up to be an atheist feminist secular humanist. Heina has been an active participant in atheist organizations
New Perspectives: Amaney Jamal, Muslim Americans, history and the post 9-11 world
Princeton University professor Amaney Jamal focuses her studies on understanding the Arab American and Muslim American experience. In this interview from Jan...
Sarah Haider: Islam and the Necessity of Liberal Critique (AHA Conference 2015)
Presented at the American Humanist Association 74th Annual Conference, May 7-10, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. #ahacon15
Reformists in Muslim countries are routinely silenced, through persecution or violence, which has been increasing over the last few decades as Islamism gains traction. Liberals are in a unique position to make a nuanced and compassionate critique of harmful conceptions of religion
Islam In America: The Christian Truth
Is Islam incompatible with democracy? Is Islam a violent religion? "Islam in America: The Christian Truth" tells the truth about American Muslims. Through in...
Facts reveal Islam and Muslims NOT biggest threat to America! FIND OUT WHO IS!
Amazing facts reveal(and these are not opinions) that Islam and Muslims are NOT the greatest threat to America. In this episode we'll be talking about the chattanooga and the charleston shootings along with some amazing facts that will blow your mind.
We'll also be revealing the facts so you can find out WHO IS the real threat to our country and peace.
Some points covered in this weeks episode:
Rageh Omaar - Islam in America part 1/2
Rageh Omaar's excellent 2 part documentary series for Al Jazeera about the history of Islam in America and what it's like to be an American Muslim
Part 2:
Should Americans Fear Islam
Christopher Hitchens , talking ,News,interview,Christopher, Hitchens ,Sam ,Harris, videos,Richard Dawkins ,Sam Harris,Lawrence Krauss,Bill Maher
Islam, Racism and Contemporary American Society - By Siraj Wahhaj
Download this lecture from iTunes: http://www.IslamOnDemand.com/364iod.html We are the original producer of this video. Your purchase supports the production...
American Atheist and his Family Converted to Islam after Reading the Quran
An interview with an African American converted to Islam then left it
Chelsea is an African American who was searching for truth and meaning for his life; he thought he found it in Islam, he converted to Islam and tried to live as a devout Muslim, when he got to know Islam deeply he started doubting it, then later on he left it to be a true Christian. Find out why he converted and why he left Islam and embraced Christianity.
Lessons from History for Muslim Americans By Mansour Ansari,
Khutbah at Dalton Islamic Center by Mansour Ansari.
December 6, 2013.
Edited by Deen Media Center 404.780.2650
9/11 colouring book & Muslim-American outlook
We look at a controversial 9/11 colouring book and why Muslim Americans have a more positive outlook.
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear - Part 1
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear: In this video two journalists travel across America to see how Muslims are being treated ten years af......
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear: In this video two journalists travel across America to see how Muslims are being treated ten years af...
wn.com/BBC Documentary American Muslim Freedom, Faith, Fear Part 1
BBC Documentary: American Muslim: Freedom, Faith, Fear: In this video two journalists travel across America to see how Muslims are being treated ten years af...
8 Centuries of Muslims in America (Part 1) - Documentary Film
Muslim News Magazine presents the network premier of our award-winning documentary film "8 Centuries of Muslims in America". This critically acclaimed progra......
Muslim News Magazine presents the network premier of our award-winning documentary film "8 Centuries of Muslims in America". This critically acclaimed progra...
wn.com/8 Centuries Of Muslims In America (Part 1) Documentary Film
Muslim News Magazine presents the network premier of our award-winning documentary film "8 Centuries of Muslims in America". This critically acclaimed progra...
- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 19673
author: baitcal
Full Show 7/9/14: NSA Spying on Muslim Americans
Thom discusses the spying of five politically active Muslim Americans by the NSA with Corey Saylor with the Council on American Islamic Relations and whether......
Thom discusses the spying of five politically active Muslim Americans by the NSA with Corey Saylor with the Council on American Islamic Relations and whether...
wn.com/Full Show 7 9 14 Nsa Spying On Muslim Americans
Thom discusses the spying of five politically active Muslim Americans by the NSA with Corey Saylor with the Council on American Islamic Relations and whether...
Islam & America: Through the Eyes of Imran Khan - Pakistan
Nov 2001 Why do so many Muslims hate the United States? What has America done to alienate so many people in the Muslim world? These are the questions that fo......
Nov 2001 Why do so many Muslims hate the United States? What has America done to alienate so many people in the Muslim world? These are the questions that fo...
wn.com/Islam America Through The Eyes Of Imran Khan Pakistan
Nov 2001 Why do so many Muslims hate the United States? What has America done to alienate so many people in the Muslim world? These are the questions that fo...
An American Soldier, who happens to be Muslim - The Documentary
Imran Siddiqui Urdu VOA, Fort Hood Texas - United States of America is a country where people of all faiths and traditions co-exist and the first amendment t......
Imran Siddiqui Urdu VOA, Fort Hood Texas - United States of America is a country where people of all faiths and traditions co-exist and the first amendment t...
wn.com/An American Soldier, Who Happens To Be Muslim The Documentary
Imran Siddiqui Urdu VOA, Fort Hood Texas - United States of America is a country where people of all faiths and traditions co-exist and the first amendment t...
Islam, Africa to America
This documentary once again confirms the EQUALITY and DIGINITY of man in Islam regardless of RACE, COLOR or Culture. Prophet Muhammad[peace be upon him] elim......
This documentary once again confirms the EQUALITY and DIGINITY of man in Islam regardless of RACE, COLOR or Culture. Prophet Muhammad[peace be upon him] elim...
wn.com/Islam, Africa To America
This documentary once again confirms the EQUALITY and DIGINITY of man in Islam regardless of RACE, COLOR or Culture. Prophet Muhammad[peace be upon him] elim...
Muslim Americans:Enriching or Threatening American Democracy
Speaker: Amaney Jamal, an assistant professor of politics and the Harold Willis Dodds Presidential University Preceptor at Princeton University Location: Pri......
Speaker: Amaney Jamal, an assistant professor of politics and the Harold Willis Dodds Presidential University Preceptor at Princeton University Location: Pri...
wn.com/Muslim Americans Enriching Or Threatening American Democracy
Speaker: Amaney Jamal, an assistant professor of politics and the Harold Willis Dodds Presidential University Preceptor at Princeton University Location: Pri...
- published: 27 May 2008
- views: 1214
author: UChannel
On Secret Tape, FBI Threatens American Muslim Refusing To Be Informant
New details have emerged about the FBI's efforts to turn Muslim Americans living abroad into government informants. An exposé in Mother Jones magazine chroni......
New details have emerged about the FBI's efforts to turn Muslim Americans living abroad into government informants. An exposé in Mother Jones magazine chroni...
wn.com/On Secret Tape, Fbi Threatens American Muslim Refusing To Be Informant
New details have emerged about the FBI's efforts to turn Muslim Americans living abroad into government informants. An exposé in Mother Jones magazine chroni...
Islamophobia and the Targeting of Muslim Americans
Part III of a Panel Discussion "The US Constitution, Pre-emptive Prosecution, and Islamophobia". Other presenters were Bob Rosholt, Ph.D. who spoke about the......
Part III of a Panel Discussion "The US Constitution, Pre-emptive Prosecution, and Islamophobia". Other presenters were Bob Rosholt, Ph.D. who spoke about the...
wn.com/Islamophobia And The Targeting Of Muslim Americans
Part III of a Panel Discussion "The US Constitution, Pre-emptive Prosecution, and Islamophobia". Other presenters were Bob Rosholt, Ph.D. who spoke about the...
Dalia Mogahed-Muslim Americans, An In-Depth Analysis Through Gallup Polling.mp4
On April 21 2009, during the Rumi Forum Luncheon Series, Dalia Mogahed, Senior Analyst and Executive Director at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, spoke ......
On April 21 2009, during the Rumi Forum Luncheon Series, Dalia Mogahed, Senior Analyst and Executive Director at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, spoke ...
wn.com/Dalia Mogahed Muslim Americans, An In Depth Analysis Through Gallup Polling.Mp4
On April 21 2009, during the Rumi Forum Luncheon Series, Dalia Mogahed, Senior Analyst and Executive Director at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, spoke ...
- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 1256
author: RumiForum
Panel: Islam Atheism (2015 National Convenstion)
Heina Dadabhoy, Sarah Haider, Muhammad Syed, and Kelly Damerow (moderator) speaking on a panel at the 2015 American Atheists National Convention in Memphis, TN
Heina Dadabhoy, Sarah Haider, Muhammad Syed, and Kelly Damerow (moderator) speaking on a panel at the 2015 American Atheists National Convention in Memphis, TN
Heina Dadabhoy spent their childhood as a practicing Muslim who never in their right mind would have believed that they would grow up to be an atheist feminist secular humanist. Heina has been an active participant in atheist organizations and events in and around Orange County, CA since 2007, and on the national stage since 2011. They blog at Heinous Dealing on the Freethought Blogs network and are the author of "A Skeptic's Guide to Islam".
Sarah Haider co-founded the Ex-Muslims of North America, where she currently works as Director of Development. Sarah also works to provide resources and guidance for Ex-Muslims to leave abusive situation and build a life post-Islam, with a particular focus on ex-Muslim women. Sarah graduated f rom the University of Texas at Austin, and resides in Washington, D.C.
Muhammad Syed is a co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America, where he currently serves as the Executive Director. He is a public speaker, writer, and community organizer. Muhammad has been a human rights activist for the past decade, and now focuses on promoting acceptance of secularism in Muslim communities as well as working on amplifying the voice of Ex-Muslims globally, as a conscientious voice for change.
wn.com/Panel Islam Atheism (2015 National Convenstion)
Heina Dadabhoy, Sarah Haider, Muhammad Syed, and Kelly Damerow (moderator) speaking on a panel at the 2015 American Atheists National Convention in Memphis, TN
Heina Dadabhoy spent their childhood as a practicing Muslim who never in their right mind would have believed that they would grow up to be an atheist feminist secular humanist. Heina has been an active participant in atheist organizations and events in and around Orange County, CA since 2007, and on the national stage since 2011. They blog at Heinous Dealing on the Freethought Blogs network and are the author of "A Skeptic's Guide to Islam".
Sarah Haider co-founded the Ex-Muslims of North America, where she currently works as Director of Development. Sarah also works to provide resources and guidance for Ex-Muslims to leave abusive situation and build a life post-Islam, with a particular focus on ex-Muslim women. Sarah graduated f rom the University of Texas at Austin, and resides in Washington, D.C.
Muhammad Syed is a co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America, where he currently serves as the Executive Director. He is a public speaker, writer, and community organizer. Muhammad has been a human rights activist for the past decade, and now focuses on promoting acceptance of secularism in Muslim communities as well as working on amplifying the voice of Ex-Muslims globally, as a conscientious voice for change.
- published: 29 Jun 2015
- views: 212
New Perspectives: Amaney Jamal, Muslim Americans, history and the post 9-11 world
Princeton University professor Amaney Jamal focuses her studies on understanding the Arab American and Muslim American experience. In this interview from Jan......
Princeton University professor Amaney Jamal focuses her studies on understanding the Arab American and Muslim American experience. In this interview from Jan...
wn.com/New Perspectives Amaney Jamal, Muslim Americans, History And The Post 9 11 World
Princeton University professor Amaney Jamal focuses her studies on understanding the Arab American and Muslim American experience. In this interview from Jan...
Sarah Haider: Islam and the Necessity of Liberal Critique (AHA Conference 2015)
Presented at the American Humanist Association 74th Annual Conference, May 7-10, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. #ahacon15
Reformists in Muslim countries are routin...
Presented at the American Humanist Association 74th Annual Conference, May 7-10, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. #ahacon15
Reformists in Muslim countries are routinely silenced, through persecution or violence, which has been increasing over the last few decades as Islamism gains traction. Liberals are in a unique position to make a nuanced and compassionate critique of harmful conceptions of religion- a position which we are ceding. As a result, the only visible voices are those of hate-mongers from the far-right, Islamists and outright apologists. It is of the highest priority that liberals exert pressure on both groups towards positive change.
Sarah Haider is a co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America, a community building organization for Ex-Muslims across the non-theist spectrum, for which she currently works to reduce discrimination of those who left Islam.
wn.com/Sarah Haider Islam And The Necessity Of Liberal Critique (Aha Conference 2015)
Presented at the American Humanist Association 74th Annual Conference, May 7-10, 2015, in Denver, Colorado. #ahacon15
Reformists in Muslim countries are routinely silenced, through persecution or violence, which has been increasing over the last few decades as Islamism gains traction. Liberals are in a unique position to make a nuanced and compassionate critique of harmful conceptions of religion- a position which we are ceding. As a result, the only visible voices are those of hate-mongers from the far-right, Islamists and outright apologists. It is of the highest priority that liberals exert pressure on both groups towards positive change.
Sarah Haider is a co-founder of Ex-Muslims of North America, a community building organization for Ex-Muslims across the non-theist spectrum, for which she currently works to reduce discrimination of those who left Islam.
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 8
Islam In America: The Christian Truth
Is Islam incompatible with democracy? Is Islam a violent religion? "Islam in America: The Christian Truth" tells the truth about American Muslims. Through in......
Is Islam incompatible with democracy? Is Islam a violent religion? "Islam in America: The Christian Truth" tells the truth about American Muslims. Through in...
wn.com/Islam In America The Christian Truth
Is Islam incompatible with democracy? Is Islam a violent religion? "Islam in America: The Christian Truth" tells the truth about American Muslims. Through in...
Facts reveal Islam and Muslims NOT biggest threat to America! FIND OUT WHO IS!
Amazing facts reveal(and these are not opinions) that Islam and Muslims are NOT the greatest threat to America. In this episode we'll be talking about the chatt...
Amazing facts reveal(and these are not opinions) that Islam and Muslims are NOT the greatest threat to America. In this episode we'll be talking about the chattanooga and the charleston shootings along with some amazing facts that will blow your mind.
We'll also be revealing the facts so you can find out WHO IS the real threat to our country and peace.
Some points covered in this weeks episode:
1. Former Home land security Daryl Johnson gives the facts on who the real threat is.
2.The real Terror threat
3. How people like the racist kkk haven't gone away, many of them are in the Media and are the so called NON-MUSLIM "Experts of Islam"
4. Chattanooga and the Charleston shootings
5. Have you heard of the Christian Minister Robert Doggart who plotted to Massacre an entire Muslim community?
6. Why no 24/7 wall to wall media attention on these real terrorists?
7. They are eating humans have you heard of these terrorists ?
8. From Loan wolf, mentally ill, terrorists, why the disparity?
9. Muslims helping Christians working together for peace
10. Racism in the hearts
11. How do be part of the solution and not the problem
12. look for our number at the end of show, let's talk not yell, open up communication with your Muslim Neighbors.
Make sure to tune in to this weeks show and to share video with friends, leave positive peaceful comment below.
Make Donations for Dawah Here:
Please subscribe to my channel
Join me also on
Look into Islam it is Truly a way of life sent by the Creator as a Mercy for all of mankind. Start today by earnestly asking your Maker to guide your heart to the truth.
Look beyond the hype and the false stereotypes and lies you've been told about Islam. Judge for yourself tune into TheDeenShow to really learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. Have you ever wondered what's the Purpose of life ?
Islam means submission to the Creator alone. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means Thee only One God.
Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas.
Allah is the name of God in Arabic, Arab Christians use the word Allah.
Become a Muslim(Any Peaceful person who submits to the Creator alone) Now
If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim.
Help us get the word out about TheDeenShow
Take this video link and send it out to your Facebook,Twitter,Websites,Blogs,news-letters,emails, etc.. send it out to the world.
wn.com/Facts Reveal Islam And Muslims Not Biggest Threat To America Find Out Who Is
Amazing facts reveal(and these are not opinions) that Islam and Muslims are NOT the greatest threat to America. In this episode we'll be talking about the chattanooga and the charleston shootings along with some amazing facts that will blow your mind.
We'll also be revealing the facts so you can find out WHO IS the real threat to our country and peace.
Some points covered in this weeks episode:
1. Former Home land security Daryl Johnson gives the facts on who the real threat is.
2.The real Terror threat
3. How people like the racist kkk haven't gone away, many of them are in the Media and are the so called NON-MUSLIM "Experts of Islam"
4. Chattanooga and the Charleston shootings
5. Have you heard of the Christian Minister Robert Doggart who plotted to Massacre an entire Muslim community?
6. Why no 24/7 wall to wall media attention on these real terrorists?
7. They are eating humans have you heard of these terrorists ?
8. From Loan wolf, mentally ill, terrorists, why the disparity?
9. Muslims helping Christians working together for peace
10. Racism in the hearts
11. How do be part of the solution and not the problem
12. look for our number at the end of show, let's talk not yell, open up communication with your Muslim Neighbors.
Make sure to tune in to this weeks show and to share video with friends, leave positive peaceful comment below.
Make Donations for Dawah Here:
Please subscribe to my channel
Join me also on
Look into Islam it is Truly a way of life sent by the Creator as a Mercy for all of mankind. Start today by earnestly asking your Maker to guide your heart to the truth.
Look beyond the hype and the false stereotypes and lies you've been told about Islam. Judge for yourself tune into TheDeenShow to really learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. Have you ever wondered what's the Purpose of life ?
Islam means submission to the Creator alone. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means Thee only One God.
Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas.
Allah is the name of God in Arabic, Arab Christians use the word Allah.
Become a Muslim(Any Peaceful person who submits to the Creator alone) Now
If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim.
Help us get the word out about TheDeenShow
Take this video link and send it out to your Facebook,Twitter,Websites,Blogs,news-letters,emails, etc.. send it out to the world.
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 55
Rageh Omaar - Islam in America part 1/2
Rageh Omaar's excellent 2 part documentary series for Al Jazeera about the history of Islam in America and what it's like to be an American Muslim
Part 2:
Rageh Omaar's excellent 2 part documentary series for Al Jazeera about the history of Islam in America and what it's like to be an American Muslim
Part 2:
wn.com/Rageh Omaar Islam In America Part 1 2
Rageh Omaar's excellent 2 part documentary series for Al Jazeera about the history of Islam in America and what it's like to be an American Muslim
Part 2:
- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 129
Should Americans Fear Islam
Christopher Hitchens , talking ,News,interview,Christopher, Hitchens ,Sam ,Harris, videos,Richard Dawkins ,Sam Harris,Lawrence Krauss,Bill Maher...
Christopher Hitchens , talking ,News,interview,Christopher, Hitchens ,Sam ,Harris, videos,Richard Dawkins ,Sam Harris,Lawrence Krauss,Bill Maher
wn.com/Should Americans Fear Islam
Christopher Hitchens , talking ,News,interview,Christopher, Hitchens ,Sam ,Harris, videos,Richard Dawkins ,Sam Harris,Lawrence Krauss,Bill Maher
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 9
Islam, Racism and Contemporary American Society - By Siraj Wahhaj
Download this lecture from iTunes: http://www.IslamOnDemand.com/364iod.html We are the original producer of this video. Your purchase supports the production......
Download this lecture from iTunes: http://www.IslamOnDemand.com/364iod.html We are the original producer of this video. Your purchase supports the production...
wn.com/Islam, Racism And Contemporary American Society By Siraj Wahhaj
Download this lecture from iTunes: http://www.IslamOnDemand.com/364iod.html We are the original producer of this video. Your purchase supports the production...
An interview with an African American converted to Islam then left it
Chelsea is an African American who was searching for truth and meaning for his life; he thought he found it in Islam, he converted to Islam and tried to live as...
Chelsea is an African American who was searching for truth and meaning for his life; he thought he found it in Islam, he converted to Islam and tried to live as a devout Muslim, when he got to know Islam deeply he started doubting it, then later on he left it to be a true Christian. Find out why he converted and why he left Islam and embraced Christianity.
wn.com/An Interview With An African American Converted To Islam Then Left It
Chelsea is an African American who was searching for truth and meaning for his life; he thought he found it in Islam, he converted to Islam and tried to live as a devout Muslim, when he got to know Islam deeply he started doubting it, then later on he left it to be a true Christian. Find out why he converted and why he left Islam and embraced Christianity.
- published: 06 Apr 2015
- views: 7
Lessons from History for Muslim Americans By Mansour Ansari,
Khutbah at Dalton Islamic Center by Mansour Ansari.
December 6, 2013.
Edited by Deen Media Center 404.780.2650...
Khutbah at Dalton Islamic Center by Mansour Ansari.
December 6, 2013.
Edited by Deen Media Center 404.780.2650
wn.com/Lessons From History For Muslim Americans By Mansour Ansari,
Khutbah at Dalton Islamic Center by Mansour Ansari.
December 6, 2013.
Edited by Deen Media Center 404.780.2650
- published: 31 Oct 2014
- views: 3
9/11 colouring book & Muslim-American outlook
We look at a controversial 9/11 colouring book and why Muslim Americans have a more positive outlook....
We look at a controversial 9/11 colouring book and why Muslim Americans have a more positive outlook.
wn.com/9 11 Colouring Book Muslim American Outlook
We look at a controversial 9/11 colouring book and why Muslim Americans have a more positive outlook.