Malé capital Maldives مالي عاصمة المالديف
Malé capital Maldives مالي عاصمة المالديف.
Malé City, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Malé kotě spalo v botě...♥♥♥(Kety)♥♥♥
Hoši a děvčata pěstujte koťata ...Země je kulatá a místa je tu dost **** :o))
Maldives 2013 - flight Malé - Kuredu Island
Velká sázka o malé pivo
ahoj lidi mám tu pro vás nový film
Jiří Suchý - Malé kotě
Slavný televizní klip, který Československá televize musela na přání diváků neustále opakovat. Zpívá autor textu Jiří Suchý, hudba Jiří Šlitr, 1962. Více o S...
Taky někdy malinko zalžete, abyste tomu druhému neublížili upřímnou pravdou? Zde je pár příkladů malých lží.
►TRIČKA - SNAP ZDE:►http://bit.ly/madbrosSWAG
►Já Jůtuber FB:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberFB
►Já Jůtuber křest:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberKrestKnihy
►VladaVideos : ► https://www.youtube.com/user/VladaVideos
MadBros :
► Herní kanál :
► Premiho K
Květiny malé Idy
Herdyn - malé koníky ľúbi boh
Herdyn zpívá jak pán! Artixovi se to moc nelíbí:D
Pro více takových videí přihlaš odběr dej lajk nebo sdílej:)
Malé zrnko písku Hana a Petr Ulrychovi
Jdou nohy cestou jdou
už dávno by pouť skončily
ale přestat nemůžou
malá zrnka písku v dlaních nesená
jsou nadějí jsou vírou co sílu hory má
a každý z těch co nesou
v dlani malý kamínek
věř vírou která měří čas na stovky let
Malé zrnko písku do dlaně si dát
a do světa jít s vírou
že se horou může stát
malé zrnko písku do dlaně si vzít
a věřit že se horou stane
když jen budu chtít
Jít s vírou s to
Malé kotě, spalo v botě
malé gymnastky 1.část.mpg
malé gymnastky 2.část.mpg
Potočáci z malé říčky
Jarní chytání pstruhů a sivenů na malé říčce.
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy (1969)
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy 1969 Czech Music.
Vizážistka Markéta radí - jak líčit malé oči?
Oficiální Avon vizážistka Markéta Feigel v instruktážním videu poradí, jak si poradit s líčením malých očí?
Malé speváčky | Česko Slovensko má talent 2011
www.csmatalent.tv - sleduj videá, informácie a všetky novinky.
Male koniky lubi Boh...
hoc su len zvieratka...:)
Epizoda 48: Podivné malé šaty
Když si Teresa vypůjčí Raquelliny šaty, začne se podivuhodně chovat jako Raquelle!
Cleaning a 50Kg tuna at the fish market in Malé, The Maldives
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Here's how to clean a huge (50 Kilogram or about 110 pounds) tuna fish by an expert inside Male's (the capital of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean) active fish market. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
Rieka Života - Moje malé svetielko
Moje malé svetielko chcem, aby svietilo, hej, hej, hej,
moje malé svetielko, chcem aby svietilo, svietilo, svietilo.
Ježiš mi ho zapálil, chcem, aby svietilo...
Nikto mi ho nesfúkne, chcem, aby svietilo...
Jedno malé sídlisko 01 Bicykel
Seriál natočený v ulicích Úprkova,Spáčilova,Denkova ....
Pamätáte si ešte hru DAMNED? Ktorú sme spolu so Selassiem hrali naposledy pred 2 rokmi a máme z nej dokonca animované top momenty. Jeden je vždy nevinný charakter, ktorý sa snaží uniknúť a ten druhý je krvilačné monštrum s nadprirodzenými silami, ktoré využíva k tomu aby ho zabil! Dúfam, že sa pobavíte ako my pri hraní tejto hry, každý LIKE a KOMENTÁR si cením! :)
► Damned link - http://goo.gl/Ft
Malé City, Maldives by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf......
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
wn.com/Malé City, Maldives By Asiatravel.Com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
Malé kotě spalo v botě...♥♥♥(Kety)♥♥♥
Hoši a děvčata pěstujte koťata ...Země je kulatá a místa je tu dost **** :o))...
Hoši a děvčata pěstujte koťata ...Země je kulatá a místa je tu dost **** :o))
wn.com/Malé Kotě Spalo V Botě...♥♥♥(Kety)♥♥♥
Hoši a děvčata pěstujte koťata ...Země je kulatá a místa je tu dost **** :o))
- published: 20 Mar 2010
- views: 1018712
author: TheSorbonka
Velká sázka o malé pivo
ahoj lidi mám tu pro vás nový film...
ahoj lidi mám tu pro vás nový film
wn.com/Velká Sázka O Malé Pivo
ahoj lidi mám tu pro vás nový film
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 94
Jiří Suchý - Malé kotě
Slavný televizní klip, který Československá televize musela na přání diváků neustále opakovat. Zpívá autor textu Jiří Suchý, hudba Jiří Šlitr, 1962. Více o S......
Slavný televizní klip, který Československá televize musela na přání diváků neustále opakovat. Zpívá autor textu Jiří Suchý, hudba Jiří Šlitr, 1962. Více o S...
wn.com/Jiří Suchý Malé Kotě
Slavný televizní klip, který Československá televize musela na přání diváků neustále opakovat. Zpívá autor textu Jiří Suchý, hudba Jiří Šlitr, 1962. Více o S...
- published: 03 Jan 2009
- views: 214297
author: semaforcz
Taky někdy malinko zalžete, abyste tomu druhému neublížili upřímnou pravdou? Zde je pár příkladů malých lží.
►TRIČKA - SNAP ZDE:►http://bit.ly/madbrosSWAG
►Já ...
Taky někdy malinko zalžete, abyste tomu druhému neublížili upřímnou pravdou? Zde je pár příkladů malých lží.
►TRIČKA - SNAP ZDE:►http://bit.ly/madbrosSWAG
►Já Jůtuber FB:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberFB
►Já Jůtuber křest:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberKrestKnihy
►VladaVideos : ► https://www.youtube.com/user/VladaVideos
MadBros :
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► Premiho Kanál :
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wn.com/Malé Lži, Které Říká Každý
Taky někdy malinko zalžete, abyste tomu druhému neublížili upřímnou pravdou? Zde je pár příkladů malých lží.
►TRIČKA - SNAP ZDE:►http://bit.ly/madbrosSWAG
►Já Jůtuber FB:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberFB
►Já Jůtuber křest:► http://bit.ly/JaJutuberKrestKnihy
►VladaVideos : ► https://www.youtube.com/user/VladaVideos
MadBros :
► Herní kanál :
► Premiho Kanál :
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- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 83072
Herdyn - malé koníky ľúbi boh
Herdyn zpívá jak pán! Artixovi se to moc nelíbí:D
Pro více takových videí přihlaš odběr dej lajk nebo sdílej:)...
Herdyn zpívá jak pán! Artixovi se to moc nelíbí:D
Pro více takových videí přihlaš odběr dej lajk nebo sdílej:)
wn.com/Herdyn Malé Koníky Ľúbi Boh
Herdyn zpívá jak pán! Artixovi se to moc nelíbí:D
Pro více takových videí přihlaš odběr dej lajk nebo sdílej:)
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 891
Malé zrnko písku Hana a Petr Ulrychovi
Jdou nohy cestou jdou
už dávno by pouť skončily
ale přestat nemůžou
malá zrnka písku v dlaních nesená
jsou nadějí jsou vírou co sílu hory má
a každý z těch co n...
Jdou nohy cestou jdou
už dávno by pouť skončily
ale přestat nemůžou
malá zrnka písku v dlaních nesená
jsou nadějí jsou vírou co sílu hory má
a každý z těch co nesou
v dlani malý kamínek
věř vírou která měří čas na stovky let
Malé zrnko písku do dlaně si dát
a do světa jít s vírou
že se horou může stát
malé zrnko písku do dlaně si vzít
a věřit že se horou stane
když jen budu chtít
Jít s vírou s tou vírou co hory přenáší
pak malé zrnko písku
v dlani mít postačí
Malá zrnka písku i vánek rozfouká
ale to co pevně svírám v dlani
velkou sílu má
je nadějí že večer zase
vyjde hvězda hvězd
je jistotou co zůstává až
splynou s prachem cest
Má sílu má sílu co hory přenáší
to malé zrnko písku
v dlani mít mi postačí
autor hudby: židovská lidová
autor textu: P. Ulrych
vyšlo na:
Malé zrnko písku - (1999)
wn.com/Malé Zrnko Písku Hana A Petr Ulrychovi
Jdou nohy cestou jdou
už dávno by pouť skončily
ale přestat nemůžou
malá zrnka písku v dlaních nesená
jsou nadějí jsou vírou co sílu hory má
a každý z těch co nesou
v dlani malý kamínek
věř vírou která měří čas na stovky let
Malé zrnko písku do dlaně si dát
a do světa jít s vírou
že se horou může stát
malé zrnko písku do dlaně si vzít
a věřit že se horou stane
když jen budu chtít
Jít s vírou s tou vírou co hory přenáší
pak malé zrnko písku
v dlani mít postačí
Malá zrnka písku i vánek rozfouká
ale to co pevně svírám v dlani
velkou sílu má
je nadějí že večer zase
vyjde hvězda hvězd
je jistotou co zůstává až
splynou s prachem cest
Má sílu má sílu co hory přenáší
to malé zrnko písku
v dlani mít mi postačí
autor hudby: židovská lidová
autor textu: P. Ulrych
vyšlo na:
Malé zrnko písku - (1999)
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 29
Potočáci z malé říčky
Jarní chytání pstruhů a sivenů na malé říčce....
Jarní chytání pstruhů a sivenů na malé říčce.
wn.com/Potočáci Z Malé Říčky
Jarní chytání pstruhů a sivenů na malé říčce.
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 12984
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy (1969)
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy 1969 Czech Music....
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy 1969 Czech Music.
wn.com/Josef Laufer Malé Šípy (1969)
Josef Laufer - Malé šípy 1969 Czech Music.
Vizážistka Markéta radí - jak líčit malé oči?
Oficiální Avon vizážistka Markéta Feigel v instruktážním videu poradí, jak si poradit s líčením malých očí?...
Oficiální Avon vizážistka Markéta Feigel v instruktážním videu poradí, jak si poradit s líčením malých očí?
wn.com/Vizážistka Markéta Radí Jak Líčit Malé Oči
Oficiální Avon vizážistka Markéta Feigel v instruktážním videu poradí, jak si poradit s líčením malých očí?
- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 200
Malé speváčky | Česko Slovensko má talent 2011
www.csmatalent.tv - sleduj videá, informácie a všetky novinky....
www.csmatalent.tv - sleduj videá, informácie a všetky novinky.
wn.com/Malé Speváčky | Česko Slovensko Má Talent 2011
www.csmatalent.tv - sleduj videá, informácie a všetky novinky.
Epizoda 48: Podivné malé šaty
Když si Teresa vypůjčí Raquelliny šaty, začne se podivuhodně chovat jako Raquelle!...
Když si Teresa vypůjčí Raquelliny šaty, začne se podivuhodně chovat jako Raquelle!
wn.com/Epizoda 48 Podivné Malé Šaty
Když si Teresa vypůjčí Raquelliny šaty, začne se podivuhodně chovat jako Raquelle!
- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 1466
Cleaning a 50Kg tuna at the fish market in Malé, The Maldives
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Here's how to clean a huge (50 Kilogram or about 110 pounds) tuna fish by an expert inside Male's (the capital of the Maldives in the Indian O...
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Here's how to clean a huge (50 Kilogram or about 110 pounds) tuna fish by an expert inside Male's (the capital of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean) active fish market. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
wn.com/Cleaning A 50Kg Tuna At The Fish Market In Malé, The Maldives
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Here's how to clean a huge (50 Kilogram or about 110 pounds) tuna fish by an expert inside Male's (the capital of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean) active fish market. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com
- published: 07 Feb 2015
- views: 2
Rieka Života - Moje malé svetielko
Moje malé svetielko chcem, aby svietilo, hej, hej, hej,
moje malé svetielko, chcem aby svietilo, svietilo, svietilo.
Ježiš mi ho zapálil, chcem, aby svietilo...
Moje malé svetielko chcem, aby svietilo, hej, hej, hej,
moje malé svetielko, chcem aby svietilo, svietilo, svietilo.
Ježiš mi ho zapálil, chcem, aby svietilo...
Nikto mi ho nesfúkne, chcem, aby svietilo...
wn.com/Rieka Života Moje Malé Svetielko
Moje malé svetielko chcem, aby svietilo, hej, hej, hej,
moje malé svetielko, chcem aby svietilo, svietilo, svietilo.
Ježiš mi ho zapálil, chcem, aby svietilo...
Nikto mi ho nesfúkne, chcem, aby svietilo...
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 5
Jedno malé sídlisko 01 Bicykel
Seriál natočený v ulicích Úprkova,Spáčilova,Denkova .......
Seriál natočený v ulicích Úprkova,Spáčilova,Denkova ....
wn.com/Jedno Malé Sídlisko 01 Bicykel
Seriál natočený v ulicích Úprkova,Spáčilova,Denkova ....
- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 180
Pamätáte si ešte hru DAMNED? Ktorú sme spolu so Selassiem hrali naposledy pred 2 rokmi a máme z nej dokonca animované top momenty. Jeden je vždy nevinný charakt...
Pamätáte si ešte hru DAMNED? Ktorú sme spolu so Selassiem hrali naposledy pred 2 rokmi a máme z nej dokonca animované top momenty. Jeden je vždy nevinný charakter, ktorý sa snaží uniknúť a ten druhý je krvilačné monštrum s nadprirodzenými silami, ktoré využíva k tomu aby ho zabil! Dúfam, že sa pobavíte ako my pri hraní tejto hry, každý LIKE a KOMENTÁR si cením! :)
► Damned link - http://goo.gl/FtSDol
→ Selassieho WEEK - https://www.youtube.com/menameselassie
♫ Hudba použitá vo videu ♫
YouTube Partner Gallery - https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Incompetech Royalty Free Music - http://incompetech.com/
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wn.com/Ja Som Len Malé Dievčatko Damned│ Horror Week │ Deň 3 W Selassie
Pamätáte si ešte hru DAMNED? Ktorú sme spolu so Selassiem hrali naposledy pred 2 rokmi a máme z nej dokonca animované top momenty. Jeden je vždy nevinný charakter, ktorý sa snaží uniknúť a ten druhý je krvilačné monštrum s nadprirodzenými silami, ktoré využíva k tomu aby ho zabil! Dúfam, že sa pobavíte ako my pri hraní tejto hry, každý LIKE a KOMENTÁR si cením! :)
► Damned link - http://goo.gl/FtSDol
→ Selassieho WEEK - https://www.youtube.com/menameselassie
♫ Hudba použitá vo videu ♫
YouTube Partner Gallery - https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Incompetech Royalty Free Music - http://incompetech.com/
→ Nový SHOP - http://www.gogoman.tv ←
»Facebook - http://goo.gl/1ZG6ii
»Instagram - http://goo.gl/QuAjxa
»Twitter - http://goo.gl/Gwq806
»Twitch - http://goo.gl/oQIkvs
»Denné Vlogy - http://goo.gl/jF2SNs
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 31617
A Tourist's guide to Male, Maldives
Instead staying in one of the island resorts, I stay near the capital, Male and see how the real people live and work.
If you like my videos then maybe you'll like one of my travel books. Visit www.theredquest.com for more information.
Travel Guide to Maldives
http://bestflights.co.za/asia/maldives - Visit for more information on Maldives The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting of approximately 1190...
Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives,[nb 1] is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island (the southernmost part of Lakshadweep, India) and the Chagos Archipelago. The chains stand in the Laccadive Sea, and the cap
Maldives Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Maldives? Check out our Maldives Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Maldives.
Top Places to visit in Maldives:
Maldives Victory North Male Atoll, Alimatha Island Vaavu Atoll, Grand Friday Mosque Male, Hulhumale, Mulee-aage Palace, Sun Island Beach, Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque, Male Fish Market, Hithadhoo Island, Villingili Island, Maradhoo Island, Hulhumeedhoo
Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives - Hotel Video Guide
Our video guide to Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives. Visit http://www.hotelvideoguide.com for more hotel videos. BOOK ONLINE: http://goo.gl/NhtE...
【K】Maldives Travel-Male[몰디브 여행-말레]뮬리아제 궁&미스키 사원/Muliaage/Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque/Palace/Temple
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Maldives (South-Asia) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
This is the Maldives a country that is made up of over 1,100 coral islands that have formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls and is spread over 90,000 square kilometers. Most of this country comprises of ocean and this ocean attracts millions of people every year. Within this ocean also swim exotic marine creatures like Matarays, dolphins, turtles and Whale Sharks but what would happen to the to
Kurumba Maldives Resort, Male City, Maldives - Best Travel Destination
On a tropical private island in North Male Atoll, Kurumba Maldives features beautiful white sand beaches and scenic coconut trees. The colorful coral reefs can be admired during unique guided snorkeling tours on the vibrant house reef, arranged by the resort. The resort has 2 outdoor freshwater pools, 3 tennis courts and a fitness center. Offering a wide range of treatments, the spa also has a yog
Las Vegas, Male Transformation TV Commercial - Unravel Travel TV
Las Vegas launches the latest “What Happens Here, Stays Here” commercial (8 December 2014), titled “Transformation.” The 30-second spot makes its debut, along with a series of digital and social extensions. For more than 10 years, the iconic campaign has celebrated adult freedom, and “Transformation” illustrates the clandestine freedom people experience in Las Vegas while instilling the destinatio
7 Things to do in Male city Year 2015
Male city Excursions , and Free things to do in Male City
for Scuba diving, City excursions, Submarine dive, Dolphine tour please visit us at
XP Guide Male
The hustle bustle of metropolitans, the lush beauty of the countryside and the solitude of divine destinations with this shopping markets, street food, frien...
Cruise Line ships pouring tourists to Maldives, Capital Male' City
This could be such an good way to Improve Tourism sector and opportunities to youth, who are willing to become a professional tour guides.
Exploring the Maldives: Hulhumalé, Malé and Villimalé
A short video with highlights from our day exploring the Maldives. We decided to stay on the island of Hulhumalé rather than one of the resort islands. Hulhumalé is a reclamation project that was purpose built to provide housing for Maldivian people. There is ferry system that takes locals to the various islands so that is what we decided to explore. We took the ferry from Hulhumalé to Malé and th
Мальдивы, Мале (Maldives, Malé) [отдых и туризм]
Мальдивская республика расположена в экваториальных водах Индийского океана примерно в 700 км к юго-западу от Шри-Ланки. Узнать подробнее о мальдивах Вы може...
Maldives-Male' Tour
See Maldives from different aspects! Grab a "Catch a glimpse of the Maldives" Series. It contains comprehensive coverage of famous spots in Male' to Maldivia...
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
Maldives Islands, Male City, Bikini Beach, Stingray Beach, Fish market
Travel Video with Male Voice Over
This video was created by Video Creations. You may purchase a custom video for only $5 at http://fiverr.com/video_creations/create-you-a-professionally-designed-custom-video-with-background-music
Seaplane flight over Maldivian Atolls from Sun Island Resort to Male
Seaplane trip over Maldives. Not a great quality, but I hope you'll like it. Music: Zero 7 - Morning song Zero 7 - Destiny.
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD)
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD) - Maldives tourism, Maldives trip, Maldives vacations
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Maldives are an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls (200 inhabited islands, plus 80 islands with tourist resorts) in the Indian Ocean. They lie south-southwest of India and are
Maldives - A trip to Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
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Travel Series - Malediven
Turquoise, crystal-clear water, powdery-soft white sand, coconut palms swaying gently in the wind and an unrivalled under water world thats the Maldives. Apa...
A Tourist's guide to Male, Maldives
Instead staying in one of the island resorts, I stay near the capital, Male and see how the real people live and work.
If you like my videos then maybe you'll...
Instead staying in one of the island resorts, I stay near the capital, Male and see how the real people live and work.
If you like my videos then maybe you'll like one of my travel books. Visit www.theredquest.com for more information.
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Male, Maldives
Instead staying in one of the island resorts, I stay near the capital, Male and see how the real people live and work.
If you like my videos then maybe you'll like one of my travel books. Visit www.theredquest.com for more information.
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 38
Travel Guide to Maldives
http://bestflights.co.za/asia/maldives - Visit for more information on Maldives The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting of approximately 1190......
http://bestflights.co.za/asia/maldives - Visit for more information on Maldives The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting of approximately 1190...
wn.com/Travel Guide To Maldives
http://bestflights.co.za/asia/maldives - Visit for more information on Maldives The Republic of Maldives is an island nation consisting of approximately 1190...
Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives,[nb 1] is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian...
Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives,[nb 1] is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island (the southernmost part of Lakshadweep, India) and the Chagos Archipelago. The chains stand in the Laccadive Sea, and the capital, Malé, is about 600 kilometres (370 mi) south-west of India and 750 kilometres (470 mi) south-west of Sri Lanka.
From the mid-sixteenth century, the Maldives was dominated by colonial powers: Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain. The islands gained independence from the British Empire in 1965, and in 1968 became a republic ruled by a president and an authoritarian government.
The archipelago is located atop the Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive Ridge, a vast submarine mountain range in the Indian Ocean, which also forms a terrestrial ecoregion together with the Chagos and the Lakshadweep. Their atolls encompass a territory spread over roughly 90,000 square kilometres (35,000 sq mi), making the country one of the world's most geographically dispersed. Its population of 328,536 (2012) inhabits 192 of its 1,192 islands. In 2006 the capital and largest city Malé, located at the southern edge of North Malé Atoll, had a population of 103,693. Malé is one of the Maldives' administrative divisions and, traditionally, it was the "King's Island" where the ancient royal dynasties were enthroned. It is the smallest Asian country in both population and land area. With an average ground level elevation of 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, it is the planet's lowest country.[17] It is also the country with the lowest natural highest point in the world, at 2.4 metres (7 ft 10 in). Future inundation of the Maldives due to rising sea levels is of great concern to its people, motivating the government to pledge becoming a carbon-neutral country by 2019
wn.com/The Maldives World Travel Guide Discovery Tourism Vacation
Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives,[nb 1] is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island (the southernmost part of Lakshadweep, India) and the Chagos Archipelago. The chains stand in the Laccadive Sea, and the capital, Malé, is about 600 kilometres (370 mi) south-west of India and 750 kilometres (470 mi) south-west of Sri Lanka.
From the mid-sixteenth century, the Maldives was dominated by colonial powers: Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain. The islands gained independence from the British Empire in 1965, and in 1968 became a republic ruled by a president and an authoritarian government.
The archipelago is located atop the Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive Ridge, a vast submarine mountain range in the Indian Ocean, which also forms a terrestrial ecoregion together with the Chagos and the Lakshadweep. Their atolls encompass a territory spread over roughly 90,000 square kilometres (35,000 sq mi), making the country one of the world's most geographically dispersed. Its population of 328,536 (2012) inhabits 192 of its 1,192 islands. In 2006 the capital and largest city Malé, located at the southern edge of North Malé Atoll, had a population of 103,693. Malé is one of the Maldives' administrative divisions and, traditionally, it was the "King's Island" where the ancient royal dynasties were enthroned. It is the smallest Asian country in both population and land area. With an average ground level elevation of 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, it is the planet's lowest country.[17] It is also the country with the lowest natural highest point in the world, at 2.4 metres (7 ft 10 in). Future inundation of the Maldives due to rising sea levels is of great concern to its people, motivating the government to pledge becoming a carbon-neutral country by 2019
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 0
Maldives Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Maldives? Check out our Maldives Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Maldives.
Top Places to visit in Maldives:
Planning to visit Maldives? Check out our Maldives Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Maldives.
Top Places to visit in Maldives:
Maldives Victory North Male Atoll, Alimatha Island Vaavu Atoll, Grand Friday Mosque Male, Hulhumale, Mulee-aage Palace, Sun Island Beach, Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque, Male Fish Market, Hithadhoo Island, Villingili Island, Maradhoo Island, Hulhumeedhoo Island, Jumhooree Maidan, Munnaaru, Sultan Park,
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wn.com/Maldives Tourist Attractions 15 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Maldives? Check out our Maldives Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Maldives.
Top Places to visit in Maldives:
Maldives Victory North Male Atoll, Alimatha Island Vaavu Atoll, Grand Friday Mosque Male, Hulhumale, Mulee-aage Palace, Sun Island Beach, Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque, Male Fish Market, Hithadhoo Island, Villingili Island, Maradhoo Island, Hulhumeedhoo Island, Jumhooree Maidan, Munnaaru, Sultan Park,
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This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Rights Reserved. For Travel & Tourism Industry Online Services Contact Social Bubble Today.
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives - Hotel Video Guide
Our video guide to Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives. Visit http://www.hotelvideoguide.com for more hotel videos. BOOK ONLINE: http://goo.gl/NhtE......
Our video guide to Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives. Visit http://www.hotelvideoguide.com for more hotel videos. BOOK ONLINE: http://goo.gl/NhtE...
wn.com/Hulhule Island Hotel Male Airport, Maldives Hotel Video Guide
Our video guide to Hulhule Island Hotel - Male Airport, Maldives. Visit http://www.hotelvideoguide.com for more hotel videos. BOOK ONLINE: http://goo.gl/NhtE...
【K】Maldives Travel-Male[몰디브 여행-말레]뮬리아제 궁&미스키 사원/Muliaage/Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque/Palace/Temple
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
시내 중심가에는 옛 몰디브의 왕궁이 남아있다. 1906년 술탄 샴수딘 3세가 지은 이곳에서 몰디브의 왕조는 1968년까지 몰디브를 지배했다고 한다. 그리고 이곳에는 이슬람을 전파한 모로코 선교사의 무덤이 안치되어 있다. 뮬리아제 건너편에 위치한 미스키 사원은 산호 사원으로 유명하다사원의 외벽이 모두 산호로 만들어졌기 때문이다. 외벽을 만져보면 아주 정교하고 섬세하게 조각된 모습을 확인 할 수 있었다. 바닷속 깊은 곳의 단단한 산호만을 골라 벽돌처럼 가공해서 사원을 지었다고 한다. 과거 왕족의 무덤들도 모두다 산호로 만들어졌다. 벽돌을 만들 기술이 없었고 흙이 귀한 몰디브에서는 건축물을 지을 때 산호를 가공하는 방법이 가장 효율적이었을 것이다.
[English: Google Translator]
The largest mosque in the Maldives will be two or three times a day for prayer. And prayer time, shops are closed all the doors. Also Friday, a holiday in accordance with Islamic law, Saturdays and Sundays are living like weekdays. All citizens about 900 years ago from now, the Maldives is a Buddhist country but the king converted to Islam while in the Maldives are said to have converted to Islam together.
■클립명: 아시아024-몰디브01-03 옛 왕궁 뮬리아제와 미스키 사원/Muliaage and Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque/Palace/Coral Temple/Male
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 4월 April
아시아,Asia,아시아,몰디브,Maldives,Maldives,,하창민,2014,4월 April,말레,Male,Male
wn.com/【K】Maldives Travel Male 몰디브 여행 말레 뮬리아제 궁 미스키 사원 Muliaage Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque Palace Temple
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
시내 중심가에는 옛 몰디브의 왕궁이 남아있다. 1906년 술탄 샴수딘 3세가 지은 이곳에서 몰디브의 왕조는 1968년까지 몰디브를 지배했다고 한다. 그리고 이곳에는 이슬람을 전파한 모로코 선교사의 무덤이 안치되어 있다. 뮬리아제 건너편에 위치한 미스키 사원은 산호 사원으로 유명하다사원의 외벽이 모두 산호로 만들어졌기 때문이다. 외벽을 만져보면 아주 정교하고 섬세하게 조각된 모습을 확인 할 수 있었다. 바닷속 깊은 곳의 단단한 산호만을 골라 벽돌처럼 가공해서 사원을 지었다고 한다. 과거 왕족의 무덤들도 모두다 산호로 만들어졌다. 벽돌을 만들 기술이 없었고 흙이 귀한 몰디브에서는 건축물을 지을 때 산호를 가공하는 방법이 가장 효율적이었을 것이다.
[English: Google Translator]
The largest mosque in the Maldives will be two or three times a day for prayer. And prayer time, shops are closed all the doors. Also Friday, a holiday in accordance with Islamic law, Saturdays and Sundays are living like weekdays. All citizens about 900 years ago from now, the Maldives is a Buddhist country but the king converted to Islam while in the Maldives are said to have converted to Islam together.
■클립명: 아시아024-몰디브01-03 옛 왕궁 뮬리아제와 미스키 사원/Muliaage and Hukuru Miskiiy Mosque/Palace/Coral Temple/Male
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 4월 April
아시아,Asia,아시아,몰디브,Maldives,Maldives,,하창민,2014,4월 April,말레,Male,Male
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 16
Maldives (South-Asia) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
This is the Maldives a country that is made up of over 1,100 coral islands that have formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls and is spread over 90,000 square ...
This is the Maldives a country that is made up of over 1,100 coral islands that have formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls and is spread over 90,000 square kilometers. Most of this country comprises of ocean and this ocean attracts millions of people every year. Within this ocean also swim exotic marine creatures like Matarays, dolphins, turtles and Whale Sharks but what would happen to the tourism here if these animals were to disappear from our seas.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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wn.com/Maldives (South Asia) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
This is the Maldives a country that is made up of over 1,100 coral islands that have formed around 26 natural ring-like atolls and is spread over 90,000 square kilometers. Most of this country comprises of ocean and this ocean attracts millions of people every year. Within this ocean also swim exotic marine creatures like Matarays, dolphins, turtles and Whale Sharks but what would happen to the tourism here if these animals were to disappear from our seas.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 199
Kurumba Maldives Resort, Male City, Maldives - Best Travel Destination
On a tropical private island in North Male Atoll, Kurumba Maldives features beautiful white sand beaches and scenic coconut trees. The colorful coral reefs can ...
On a tropical private island in North Male Atoll, Kurumba Maldives features beautiful white sand beaches and scenic coconut trees. The colorful coral reefs can be admired during unique guided snorkeling tours on the vibrant house reef, arranged by the resort. The resort has 2 outdoor freshwater pools, 3 tennis courts and a fitness center. Offering a wide range of treatments, the spa also has a yoga pavilion and relaxation lounge. Island-hopping tours and fishing trips are available, as well as customized excursions. The luxurious rooms and villas feature private terraces with beach views. Each room has a cable/satellite TV, a safe and a work desk. A fridge and tea/coffee-making facilities are also provided. Private bathrooms come with a bathtub and shower. Kurumba Maldives is located a 10-minute speedboat ride from Male International Airport. The resort will arrange for a round trip transportation , extra costs apply. Kurumba’s restaurants boast an impressive variety of cuisines, including Italian, Japanese, Indian, and Lebanese choices. Kalhu features cocktails, karaoke and DJ facilities, and Kandu Bar offers live music. Private beach or in-villa dining can be arranged.
wn.com/Kurumba Maldives Resort, Male City, Maldives Best Travel Destination
On a tropical private island in North Male Atoll, Kurumba Maldives features beautiful white sand beaches and scenic coconut trees. The colorful coral reefs can be admired during unique guided snorkeling tours on the vibrant house reef, arranged by the resort. The resort has 2 outdoor freshwater pools, 3 tennis courts and a fitness center. Offering a wide range of treatments, the spa also has a yoga pavilion and relaxation lounge. Island-hopping tours and fishing trips are available, as well as customized excursions. The luxurious rooms and villas feature private terraces with beach views. Each room has a cable/satellite TV, a safe and a work desk. A fridge and tea/coffee-making facilities are also provided. Private bathrooms come with a bathtub and shower. Kurumba Maldives is located a 10-minute speedboat ride from Male International Airport. The resort will arrange for a round trip transportation , extra costs apply. Kurumba’s restaurants boast an impressive variety of cuisines, including Italian, Japanese, Indian, and Lebanese choices. Kalhu features cocktails, karaoke and DJ facilities, and Kandu Bar offers live music. Private beach or in-villa dining can be arranged.
- published: 02 Mar 2015
- views: 0
Las Vegas, Male Transformation TV Commercial - Unravel Travel TV
Las Vegas launches the latest “What Happens Here, Stays Here” commercial (8 December 2014), titled “Transformation.” The 30-second spot makes its debut, along w...
Las Vegas launches the latest “What Happens Here, Stays Here” commercial (8 December 2014), titled “Transformation.” The 30-second spot makes its debut, along with a series of digital and social extensions. For more than 10 years, the iconic campaign has celebrated adult freedom, and “Transformation” illustrates the clandestine freedom people experience in Las Vegas while instilling the destination’s message of: be yourself or anyone else.
The narrative follows the journey of lead male and female characters as they spend the day crossing paths with their appearances evolving at each location. The lead characters come together at the end of the commercial as Imagine Dragons performs their latest single, “I Bet My Life.” The destination was eager to work with the Las Vegas quartet on the pop-culture entrenched campaign as it continues to elevate Las Vegas as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.”
“We were incredibly excited to partner with Las Vegas on this campaign,” said Dan Reynolds, lead singer of Imagine Dragons. “Las Vegas is our home and our band will always be grateful for the support the city has given us over the years.”
In the current campaign, Las Vegas celebrates the over-the-top experiences and activities that can be found throughout the city, and make Las Vegas unlike any other destination in the world. “Transformation” was directed by Jamie Rafn, whose previous credits include work for Visa and T-Mobile.
“Transformation puts a spotlight on the autonomy Las Vegas offers visitors to be who they want to be,” said Cathy Tull, senior vice president of marketing for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA). “For Las Vegas, working with Imagine Dragons, a band our city has watched flourish, was an unforgettable experience.”
To extend the “Transformation” reach, Las Vegas partnered with content creator and digital influencer Meagan Cignoli to produce custom ‘transformation’ videos. Cignoli, an industry leader named as one of the “Top 10 Stop-Motion Artists on Vine” by Adweek, has also created content for brands including: Coca-Cola, Tiffany & Co., Mercedes Benz and Samsung. The videos will be shared on Las Vegas’ official Instagram, Vine, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
To further extend this effort, Las Vegas will partner with YouTube influencers to create tutorials for consumers to learn how to create their own ‘Transformation look,’ which will be shared out in the New Year. Pinterest will also be a key platform where Las Vegas will provide female consumers tips and tricks for trendy looks to allow them to experience the destination in style. The widely popular “What Happens Here, Stays Here” campaign embraces adult freedom and positions Las Vegas as an unassuming and welcoming destination. Every year, millions of visitors seek sanctuary in Las Vegas as the place where everyone is able to be who they want to be. In 2014, Las Vegas is expected to welcome more than 40 million visitors, a record high for the destination.
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide, and also with operating the Las Vegas Convention Center and Cashman Center. With more than 150,000 hotel rooms in Las Vegas alone and nearly 11 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space citywide, the LVCVA's mission centers on attracting ever-increasing numbers of leisure and business visitors to the area. For more information, go to http://www.lvcva.com or http://www.LasVegas.com.
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wn.com/Las Vegas, Male Transformation Tv Commercial Unravel Travel Tv
Las Vegas launches the latest “What Happens Here, Stays Here” commercial (8 December 2014), titled “Transformation.” The 30-second spot makes its debut, along with a series of digital and social extensions. For more than 10 years, the iconic campaign has celebrated adult freedom, and “Transformation” illustrates the clandestine freedom people experience in Las Vegas while instilling the destination’s message of: be yourself or anyone else.
The narrative follows the journey of lead male and female characters as they spend the day crossing paths with their appearances evolving at each location. The lead characters come together at the end of the commercial as Imagine Dragons performs their latest single, “I Bet My Life.” The destination was eager to work with the Las Vegas quartet on the pop-culture entrenched campaign as it continues to elevate Las Vegas as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.”
“We were incredibly excited to partner with Las Vegas on this campaign,” said Dan Reynolds, lead singer of Imagine Dragons. “Las Vegas is our home and our band will always be grateful for the support the city has given us over the years.”
In the current campaign, Las Vegas celebrates the over-the-top experiences and activities that can be found throughout the city, and make Las Vegas unlike any other destination in the world. “Transformation” was directed by Jamie Rafn, whose previous credits include work for Visa and T-Mobile.
“Transformation puts a spotlight on the autonomy Las Vegas offers visitors to be who they want to be,” said Cathy Tull, senior vice president of marketing for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA). “For Las Vegas, working with Imagine Dragons, a band our city has watched flourish, was an unforgettable experience.”
To extend the “Transformation” reach, Las Vegas partnered with content creator and digital influencer Meagan Cignoli to produce custom ‘transformation’ videos. Cignoli, an industry leader named as one of the “Top 10 Stop-Motion Artists on Vine” by Adweek, has also created content for brands including: Coca-Cola, Tiffany & Co., Mercedes Benz and Samsung. The videos will be shared on Las Vegas’ official Instagram, Vine, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
To further extend this effort, Las Vegas will partner with YouTube influencers to create tutorials for consumers to learn how to create their own ‘Transformation look,’ which will be shared out in the New Year. Pinterest will also be a key platform where Las Vegas will provide female consumers tips and tricks for trendy looks to allow them to experience the destination in style. The widely popular “What Happens Here, Stays Here” campaign embraces adult freedom and positions Las Vegas as an unassuming and welcoming destination. Every year, millions of visitors seek sanctuary in Las Vegas as the place where everyone is able to be who they want to be. In 2014, Las Vegas is expected to welcome more than 40 million visitors, a record high for the destination.
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide, and also with operating the Las Vegas Convention Center and Cashman Center. With more than 150,000 hotel rooms in Las Vegas alone and nearly 11 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space citywide, the LVCVA's mission centers on attracting ever-increasing numbers of leisure and business visitors to the area. For more information, go to http://www.lvcva.com or http://www.LasVegas.com.
Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltraveltv.com
Unravel Travel TV on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/UnravelTravelTV
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Unravel Travel TV Website http://www.unraveltravel.eu
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- published: 08 Dec 2014
- views: 21
7 Things to do in Male city Year 2015
Male city Excursions , and Free things to do in Male City
for Scuba diving, City excursions, Submarine dive, Dolphine tour please visit us at
Male city Excursions , and Free things to do in Male City
for Scuba diving, City excursions, Submarine dive, Dolphine tour please visit us at
wn.com/7 Things To Do In Male City Year 2015
Male city Excursions , and Free things to do in Male City
for Scuba diving, City excursions, Submarine dive, Dolphine tour please visit us at
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 33
XP Guide Male
The hustle bustle of metropolitans, the lush beauty of the countryside and the solitude of divine destinations with this shopping markets, street food, frien......
The hustle bustle of metropolitans, the lush beauty of the countryside and the solitude of divine destinations with this shopping markets, street food, frien...
wn.com/Xp Guide Male
The hustle bustle of metropolitans, the lush beauty of the countryside and the solitude of divine destinations with this shopping markets, street food, frien...
- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 184
author: travelxp
Cruise Line ships pouring tourists to Maldives, Capital Male' City
This could be such an good way to Improve Tourism sector and opportunities to youth, who are willing to become a professional tour guides....
This could be such an good way to Improve Tourism sector and opportunities to youth, who are willing to become a professional tour guides.
wn.com/Cruise Line Ships Pouring Tourists To Maldives, Capital Male' City
This could be such an good way to Improve Tourism sector and opportunities to youth, who are willing to become a professional tour guides.
- published: 03 Dec 2014
- views: 174
Exploring the Maldives: Hulhumalé, Malé and Villimalé
A short video with highlights from our day exploring the Maldives. We decided to stay on the island of Hulhumalé rather than one of the resort islands. Hulhumal...
A short video with highlights from our day exploring the Maldives. We decided to stay on the island of Hulhumalé rather than one of the resort islands. Hulhumalé is a reclamation project that was purpose built to provide housing for Maldivian people. There is ferry system that takes locals to the various islands so that is what we decided to explore. We took the ferry from Hulhumalé to Malé and then to Villimalé. We tried to capture the "real" side of the Maldives, which is so different from the resort islands that have made the Maldives famous. Be kind with your comments as this was entirely shot, edited, and uploaded using my iPhone.
wn.com/Exploring The Maldives Hulhumalé, Malé And Villimalé
A short video with highlights from our day exploring the Maldives. We decided to stay on the island of Hulhumalé rather than one of the resort islands. Hulhumalé is a reclamation project that was purpose built to provide housing for Maldivian people. There is ferry system that takes locals to the various islands so that is what we decided to explore. We took the ferry from Hulhumalé to Malé and then to Villimalé. We tried to capture the "real" side of the Maldives, which is so different from the resort islands that have made the Maldives famous. Be kind with your comments as this was entirely shot, edited, and uploaded using my iPhone.
- published: 31 May 2015
- views: 35
Мальдивы, Мале (Maldives, Malé) [отдых и туризм]
Мальдивская республика расположена в экваториальных водах Индийского океана примерно в 700 км к юго-западу от Шри-Ланки. Узнать подробнее о мальдивах Вы може......
Мальдивская республика расположена в экваториальных водах Индийского океана примерно в 700 км к юго-западу от Шри-Ланки. Узнать подробнее о мальдивах Вы може...
wn.com/Мальдивы, Мале (Maldives, Malé) Отдых И Туризм
Мальдивская республика расположена в экваториальных водах Индийского океана примерно в 700 км к юго-западу от Шри-Ланки. Узнать подробнее о мальдивах Вы може...
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 714
author: DuetTravel
Maldives-Male' Tour
See Maldives from different aspects! Grab a "Catch a glimpse of the Maldives" Series. It contains comprehensive coverage of famous spots in Male' to Maldivia......
See Maldives from different aspects! Grab a "Catch a glimpse of the Maldives" Series. It contains comprehensive coverage of famous spots in Male' to Maldivia...
wn.com/Maldives Male' Tour
See Maldives from different aspects! Grab a "Catch a glimpse of the Maldives" Series. It contains comprehensive coverage of famous spots in Male' to Maldivia...
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
Maldives Islands, Male City, Bikini Beach, Stingray Beach, Fish market...
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
Maldives Islands, Male City, Bikini Beach, Stingray Beach, Fish market
wn.com/The Maafushi Experience Part1 (Maldives Male)
The MAAFUSHI EXPERIENCE part1 (Maldives - Male)
Maldives Islands, Male City, Bikini Beach, Stingray Beach, Fish market
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Travel Video with Male Voice Over
This video was created by Video Creations. You may purchase a custom video for only $5 at http://fiverr.com/video_creation...
This video was created by Video Creations. You may purchase a custom video for only $5 at http://fiverr.com/video_creations/create-you-a-professionally-designed-custom-video-with-background-music
wn.com/Travel Video With Male Voice Over
This video was created by Video Creations. You may purchase a custom video for only $5 at http://fiverr.com/video_creations/create-you-a-professionally-designed-custom-video-with-background-music
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 42
Seaplane flight over Maldivian Atolls from Sun Island Resort to Male
Seaplane trip over Maldives. Not a great quality, but I hope you'll like it. Music: Zero 7 - Morning song Zero 7 - Destiny....
Seaplane trip over Maldives. Not a great quality, but I hope you'll like it. Music: Zero 7 - Morning song Zero 7 - Destiny.
wn.com/Seaplane Flight Over Maldivian Atolls From Sun Island Resort To Male
Seaplane trip over Maldives. Not a great quality, but I hope you'll like it. Music: Zero 7 - Morning song Zero 7 - Destiny.
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD)
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD) - Maldives tourism, Maldives trip, Maldives vacations
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscrip...
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD) - Maldives tourism, Maldives trip, Maldives vacations
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Maldives are an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls (200 inhabited islands, plus 80 islands with tourist resorts) in the Indian Ocean. They lie south-southwest of India and are considered part of Southern Asia.
Maldives was for the most part unknown to tourists until the early 1970s. Just 185 of the islands are home to its 300,000 inhabitants. The other islands are used entirely for economic functions, of that tourism and agriculture are dominant. Tourism accounts for 28% of the GDP. Over 90% of the state government income comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes.
Do in Maldives
Diving and snorkelling
Aside from making the water bungalow rock on your honeymoon, the primary activity on the Maldives is scuba diving. The atolls are all coral reefs hundreds of kilometres away from any major landmass, meaning that water clarity is excellent and underwater life is abundant. Manta rays, sharks, even a few wrecks, you name it, you can find it in the Maldives.
While diving is very good by world standards even in the immediate vicinity of Male, visibility and the chance of encountering large pelagics increases as you head to the outer atolls. Many divers opt for liveaboards, which can actually work out much cheaper than paying high resort fees. Currents vary considerably, with generally little inside the atolls but some powerful streams to be found on the sides facing the open sea. Water in the Maldives is warm throughout the year and a 3mm shorty or Lycra diveskin is plenty. Diving is possible throughout the year, but rain, wind and waves are most common during the season of the southwest monsoon (June-August). The best time for scuba diving is from January to April, when the sea is calm, the sun is shining and the visibility can reach 30m. Decompression chambers can be found on Bandos in Kaafu (15min from Male), Kuredu in Lhaviyani Atoll and at Kuramathi on Alifu.
The one downside to diving in the Maldives is that it's quite expensive by Asian standards. Prices vary considerably from resort to resort, with specialist dive resorts offering better prices, but in general, you'll be looking at around US$50 for a single boat dive with your own gear and closer to USD75 without. Beware of surcharges: you may be charged extra for boat use, guided dives, larger tanks, etc. On the upside, safety standards are usually very high, with well-maintained gear and strict adherence to protocol (check dives, maximum depth, computer use, etc) being the rule rather than the exception.
Surfing in Maldives
The Maldives is becoming an increasingly popular surfing destination. Turquoise water and perfect waves makes it an ideal and uncrowded destination for surfers looking for smooth surfing conditions.
The best period for surfing in the Maldives is between March and October; the biggest waves occurring in June, July and August. This paradise is exposed to the same swells as Indonesia is, except that its higher latitude and its South-East exposure offers cooler and less hardcore surfing. The recent O’Neil Deep Blue Contests held in the Maldives has placed Maldives firmly on the world’s surf map. While most of the recognized surf breaks are in Male’ Atoll, there is certainly more to be discovered.
Specialized companies organize tailored multi-day boat trips in the region, allowing surfers to move easily from one point to another and maximizing the surfing time.
Things to do
Euro Divers at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@eurodivers.com, fax: +960 6643885), [8]. Friendly and professional staff offering over 40 dive sites with full facilities. Dive Courses, dive packages, single dive options available.
Veli Spa at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (veli.spa@kurumba.com, fax: +960 6643885), A truly unique and indigenous experience. Our indigenous rituals are derived from the essence of the ocean and abundant marine life and culture extending waves of energy translated into a captivating and inspiring experience that lingers in the memory long after your footprints in the sand wash away....
Extreme Water Sports at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@extememaldives.com, fax: +960 6643885), [10]. offering jet ski safaris, surf tours, learn to surf, sailing, wind surfing, kite surfing, water skiing, tube rides, para-sailing, sea kayaking and day trips.
Excursions at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@kurumba.com, fax: +960 6643885), offering sunset and dolphin cruises, snorkeling safaris, fishing,sports fishing, Male'tours,cultural island experience, castaway picnics and day charter boats .
wn.com/Tourist Attractions In Maldives (Hd)
Tourist Attractions in Maldives (HD) - Maldives tourism, Maldives trip, Maldives vacations
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Maldives are an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands grouped into 26 coral atolls (200 inhabited islands, plus 80 islands with tourist resorts) in the Indian Ocean. They lie south-southwest of India and are considered part of Southern Asia.
Maldives was for the most part unknown to tourists until the early 1970s. Just 185 of the islands are home to its 300,000 inhabitants. The other islands are used entirely for economic functions, of that tourism and agriculture are dominant. Tourism accounts for 28% of the GDP. Over 90% of the state government income comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes.
Do in Maldives
Diving and snorkelling
Aside from making the water bungalow rock on your honeymoon, the primary activity on the Maldives is scuba diving. The atolls are all coral reefs hundreds of kilometres away from any major landmass, meaning that water clarity is excellent and underwater life is abundant. Manta rays, sharks, even a few wrecks, you name it, you can find it in the Maldives.
While diving is very good by world standards even in the immediate vicinity of Male, visibility and the chance of encountering large pelagics increases as you head to the outer atolls. Many divers opt for liveaboards, which can actually work out much cheaper than paying high resort fees. Currents vary considerably, with generally little inside the atolls but some powerful streams to be found on the sides facing the open sea. Water in the Maldives is warm throughout the year and a 3mm shorty or Lycra diveskin is plenty. Diving is possible throughout the year, but rain, wind and waves are most common during the season of the southwest monsoon (June-August). The best time for scuba diving is from January to April, when the sea is calm, the sun is shining and the visibility can reach 30m. Decompression chambers can be found on Bandos in Kaafu (15min from Male), Kuredu in Lhaviyani Atoll and at Kuramathi on Alifu.
The one downside to diving in the Maldives is that it's quite expensive by Asian standards. Prices vary considerably from resort to resort, with specialist dive resorts offering better prices, but in general, you'll be looking at around US$50 for a single boat dive with your own gear and closer to USD75 without. Beware of surcharges: you may be charged extra for boat use, guided dives, larger tanks, etc. On the upside, safety standards are usually very high, with well-maintained gear and strict adherence to protocol (check dives, maximum depth, computer use, etc) being the rule rather than the exception.
Surfing in Maldives
The Maldives is becoming an increasingly popular surfing destination. Turquoise water and perfect waves makes it an ideal and uncrowded destination for surfers looking for smooth surfing conditions.
The best period for surfing in the Maldives is between March and October; the biggest waves occurring in June, July and August. This paradise is exposed to the same swells as Indonesia is, except that its higher latitude and its South-East exposure offers cooler and less hardcore surfing. The recent O’Neil Deep Blue Contests held in the Maldives has placed Maldives firmly on the world’s surf map. While most of the recognized surf breaks are in Male’ Atoll, there is certainly more to be discovered.
Specialized companies organize tailored multi-day boat trips in the region, allowing surfers to move easily from one point to another and maximizing the surfing time.
Things to do
Euro Divers at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@eurodivers.com, fax: +960 6643885), [8]. Friendly and professional staff offering over 40 dive sites with full facilities. Dive Courses, dive packages, single dive options available.
Veli Spa at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (veli.spa@kurumba.com, fax: +960 6643885), A truly unique and indigenous experience. Our indigenous rituals are derived from the essence of the ocean and abundant marine life and culture extending waves of energy translated into a captivating and inspiring experience that lingers in the memory long after your footprints in the sand wash away....
Extreme Water Sports at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@extememaldives.com, fax: +960 6643885), [10]. offering jet ski safaris, surf tours, learn to surf, sailing, wind surfing, kite surfing, water skiing, tube rides, para-sailing, sea kayaking and day trips.
Excursions at Kurumba Maldives, Vihamanafushi North Male, ☎ +960 6642324 (kurumba@kurumba.com, fax: +960 6643885), offering sunset and dolphin cruises, snorkeling safaris, fishing,sports fishing, Male'tours,cultural island experience, castaway picnics and day charter boats .
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Maldives - A trip to Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
My website: www.travip.me
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/travel.w.travip
Yume: www.yume.vn/travip
wn.com/Maldives A Trip To Paradise
A trip to Conrad Maldives Rangali Island resort with Ithaa Restaurant, the first undersea restaurant in the world, and Nemo N100 Tourist submarine.
See more:
My website: www.travip.me
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/travel.w.travip
Yume: www.yume.vn/travip
- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 317669
Travel Series - Malediven
Turquoise, crystal-clear water, powdery-soft white sand, coconut palms swaying gently in the wind and an unrivalled under water world thats the Maldives. Apa......
Turquoise, crystal-clear water, powdery-soft white sand, coconut palms swaying gently in the wind and an unrivalled under water world thats the Maldives. Apa...
wn.com/Travel Series Malediven
Turquoise, crystal-clear water, powdery-soft white sand, coconut palms swaying gently in the wind and an unrivalled under water world thats the Maldives. Apa...