Introduction to the new Mexican edition of Lenin’s Imperialism

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 04 December 2015

free-tradeThe publication of the Mexican edition of Lenin’s Imperialism, could scarcely come at a more appropriate time. No book has ever explained the phenomena of modern capitalism better that this. All of Lenin’s predictions concerning the concentration of capital, the dominance of the banks and finance capital, the growing antagonism between nation states and the inevitability of war arising out of the contradictions of imperialism have been shown to be true by the entire history of the last 100 years.


[Video]: Alan Woods on the Venezuelan elections on 6 December

Written by In Defence of Marxism Friday, 04 December 2015

HOV2010 AlanWoods2Alan Woods speaks on the national assembley elections which are due to take place in Venezuela on Monday (English subtitles)


Britain: Tories and Blairites vote for bombing in Syria - what are the implications?

Written by Rob Sewell Thursday, 03 December 2015

DontBombSyriaNov2015 thFollowing nearly eleven hours of heated parliamentary debate, Cameron secured a big parliamentary majority for the bombing of Syria. All kinds of arguments were dug up and used to justify this action. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury declared his support for this “just war”, as the Church had done on all previous occasions.


Is Pakistan turning into China’s colony?

Written by Lal Khan Thursday, 03 December 2015

pakistan chinaIn the sixty-eight years of Pakistan’s existence the most significant feature of its socio-economic development has been the contradiction of its economic growth having an inverse effect on the living conditions of its ordinary people. The present economic slowdown that was the result of a crashing economic downfall since 2008 is now unravelling into another decline.


Brazil: Why has Cunha accepted the request for Dilma's impeachment?

Written by Esquerda Marxista Thursday, 03 December 2015

The President [Speaker] of the Brazilian parliament, Eduardo Cunha is manoeuvring in an attempt to save his own skin. [Cunha has been charged with taking millions in bribes in connection with a kickbacks scheme that has embroiled state-run oil company Petrobras.] What does his acceptance of the request to initiate impeachment against Dilma mean? And what position should the working class adopt?


[Video]: Say NO to bombing! - Cameron, Corbyn, and the War in Syria

Written by Alan Woods Wednesday, 02 December 2015

corbyn-warAs David Cameron beats the war drum and Members of Parliament debate whether to commence airstrikes in Syria, Alan Woods - editor of - discusses the Tory lies about the war, and looks at the scandalous behaviour of the Blairites towards Corbyn and their support for Cameron on the question of bombing.


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Elecciones parlamentarias del 6 de diciembre, el desafío más difícil para la revolución bolivariana

Written by Jorge Martín Friday, 04 December 2015

venezuela-electionsLos venezolanos acudirán a las urnas el 6 de diciembre para elegir a los diputados a la Asamblea Nacional. Una combinación de factores han hecho de este evento uno de los retos más difíciles a los que se ha enfrentado la Revolución Bolivariana en los últimos 17 años, desde que el presidente Chávez fuera elegido por primera vez en 1998. Aparte de los problemas habituales de una oposición profundamente antidemocrática y de las provocaciones imperialistas beligerantes, tenemos que añadir una combinación de  factores económicos nacionales e internacionales que han puesto a Venezuela contra las cuerdas, y que nos llevan a sacar una conclusión: o se completa la revolución, o será derrotada.


[VIDEO] Manos Fuera de Venezuela ante las elecciones del 6D - mensaje de Alan Woods

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 04 December 2015

AlanWoods highlightMensaje de la campaña Manos Fuera de Venezuela ante las elecciones del 6 de diciembre, por parte de Alan Woods.


La guerra económica, las elecciones parlamentarias y el futuro de la revolución - Manifiesto de la Corriente Marxista del PSUV ante las elecciones del 6 de Diciembre

Written by Corriente Marxista del PSUV Friday, 04 December 2015

maduro-electionsLas elecciones parlamentarias del 6 de Diciembre, serán decisivas para el futuro de la Revolución Bolivariana. Por primera vez, la revolución se medirá en un proceso electoral en condiciones tan adversas. En efecto, el período actual es el más difícil que se ha vivido en quince años de historia.