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Site Meter

Site Meter Counter
For Site Meter Basic Accounts the logo or counter must be displayed on all the web pages you are tracking. For Premium Accounts there is an option for an Invisible counter.
Visitor details are tracked
Each page a visitor viewed is displayed in the visit detail report along with how many pages they viewed and how long they remained on your site.
Location Mapping
This shows the locations of your site’s recent visitors on a live push-pin map of the world.
Referring URL
This report lists the referring URLs of the most recent visits to the site. This allows you to see how people are finding the site. These could be links from other sites, e-mail messages (read in a browser), search engines, banner ads, or news groups. *This feature requires the use of our Java Script code.
Referral Search Words
This report lists the search engine keywords and the domain name of the site that referred the most recent 4,000 visitors to your site. *This feature requires the use of our Java Script code
Location Report
This report lists the locations of the most recent visits to the site. The country flag and country name is listed for each visitor. If it can be determined, the state/region and city of the visitor is also shown.
Entry Page
This report lists the first page viewed by the most recent visitors of the site. This list will most likely contain the home page and the other main pages of the site.
This report lists the out clicks of the most recent visitors to your site. When someone clicks a link on your site taking them to another site, that click is recorded as the out click of the visit. It tells you where the visitor went when they clicked a link to leave your site. The link they clicked on and the text of the link are displayed on this report. *This feature requires the use of our Java Script code.
Exit Page
This report lists the last page viewed by the most recent visitors of the site.
These graphs show the number of visitors to the site during each hour of the current day, day of the week, day of the month, and months of the year. All these graphs are based on rolling data, showing stats for the last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 365 respectively.
Visits and Page Views
These graphs show both the number of pages viewed and the number of visitors during each hour of the current day, day of the week, day of the month, and months of the year. All these graphs are based on rolling data, showing stats for the last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 365 respectively.
Visitor Path
By clicking on "Detail" icon in the "By Details" report you can view detailed information for one particular visitor including "Visit Path". Near the bottom of this report you can view all the pages viewed by the visitor on your site. It also shows the page that referred the visitor (if there was one), any out clicks and context clicks. Displayed next to each of the pages is how long they viewed the page. The page view time is in seconds. If there were no out clicks on the last page viewed, the view time of that page will be 0 because it is unknown how long the page was actually viewed.
Recent visitors export
Export the visit details of the last 4,000 visitors to a CSV (comma separated variable) file or a tab separated variable file. The file can be easily imported into Microsoft Excel and other programs for further analysis.
Ad free Stats Page
The premium account offers ad-free statistics pages.
Full IP address of each visitor is available
This report ranks the web pages that generate the most visitors to your site.
Ranked Reporting for Referring Pages
This report ranks the web pages that generate the most visitors to your site.
Ranked Reporting for Referring Web Sites
This report ranks the web sites that generate the most visitors to your site.
Ranked Reporting for Referring Search Engines
This report ranks the search engines that generate the most visitors to your site.
Ranked Reporting for Referring Search Words
This report ranks the search words used on search engines that generate the most visitors to your site.
Previous year's traffic records are available
The monthly site traffic charts will display a site's traffic for any of the last six years.
Moving Average Charts
It is sometimes hard to tell if the traffic to a site is increasing or decreasing because of the day-to-day fluxuations and from the differences in weekend and weekday traffic. A moving average chart helps smooths out those differences to see if the trend is moving up or down for a site. Six moving average charts are available:
  • 7-day Moving Average of Visits
  • 7-day Moving Average of Page Views
  • 30-day Moving Average of Visits
  • 30-day Moving Average of Page Views
  • Combination 7 and 30 day Moving Average of Visits
  • Combination 7 and 30 day Moving Average of Page Views

YES - Visible Always
YES - Last 100 visitors
Only the current year is available
YES - Invisible Option Available
YES - Last 4000 Visitors
*Note - Many of the Premium Features are dependant upon use of Java Script which is not compatible with all weblog templates. If in doubt please check with your weblog provider before signing up for our Premium service to determine if it is compatible with 3rd party Java Script.
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