- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 154068
Lara Veronin (born May 2, 1988), more frequently known as Lara Liang (traditional Chinese: 梁心頤; simplified Chinese: 梁心颐; pinyin: Liáng Xīnyí), is a Russian-Taiwanese-American musician. She is the youngest of 3 sisters, and moved frequently during her childhood between Taiwan and California. She graduated from Taipei American School in 2006.
Veronin was the lead female vocalist in the Taiwanese band Nan Quan Mama (simplified Chinese: 南拳妈妈; traditional Chinese: 南拳媽媽; pinyin: nán quán māma) from 2005 to 2010. With the band, she released three albums ("Combo No. 2", "Color Palette", "Treasure Map") and a best-of compilation album ("Difficult Kids"). The single "Rainy Day" from "Difficult Kids" topped the charts and soon became an all-time KTV favorite.
Veronin is known for appearing as a featured vocalist in the songs "Coral Sea", "Snake Dance", and "A Larger Cello" with Jay Chou. She also performed another duet with Jay Chou in the song Snake Dance which appeared on his album Capricorn. She has also appeared in Chou's music videos for "Piano Sorrow" and "Big Ben" and is a frequent guest performer in his world tours.
媽媽說我個性太急 有點像只螞蟻 習慣忙到 喘不過氣才覺得安心 你就像只喜歡曬太陽的烏龜 整天哪裡都不去也無所謂 遇見你那天 我開始改變 我開始發現要多微笑一點 你是否也有 奇妙的變動 偷偷的學我 多了一些執著 我們就像胡椒與鹽 不同的理論 卻能夠互相平衡 能不能 像胡椒與鹽 那樣的緣分 你一直陪在我的身邊 姐姐說我想的太多 總以為在演的小說 容易掉進自己設定的情緒旋窩 你卻總能把腦袋放的空空 你說這樣好像能活得比較久 我們就像胡椒與鹽 不同的理論 卻能夠互相平衡 能不能 像胡椒與鹽 那樣的緣分 你一直陪在我的身邊 像胡椒與鹽 不同的理論 一種完美的平衡 能不能 像胡椒與鹽 那樣的緣分 你一直 陪在我的身邊 就像 胡椒與鹽 不同的理論 卻能夠互相平衡 能不能 像胡椒與鹽 那樣的緣分 你一直陪在我的身邊 就像胡椒與鹽 不同的理論 卻能夠互相平衡 能不能 像胡椒與鹽 那樣的緣分 你一直陪在我的身邊
喬斑 │ 台中老虎城表演 喜歡的話歡迎到粉絲頁按讚支持 ↓↓ https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%96%AC%E6%96%91/298493373523455
Lara推薦『Hello 梁心頤』專輯:Everything/我不再怕/胡椒與鹽/John/Crescent City http://www1.iwant-radio.com/a-c0006/?sn=a-c0006_20101231_01 張傑譜曲、Lara梁心頤作詞的「胡椒與鹽」,把在感情中完全不同的兩個人做了天馬行空的比喻,就像胡椒與鹽這兩種截然不同的調味料,非常不同的風格卻互相吸引,但能透過互相學習、調適互補,來達到一種完美的平衡狀態。曲風輕快可愛,在歌曲中Lara還刻意把聲音音質壓扁,用比較酷的方式來演唱,再結合一點龐克編曲,玩味十足! 《相關專輯》Lara梁心頤『Hello 梁心頤』 http://www1.iwant-song.com/d-a0001/?sn=d-a0001_20101206_01 《歌手資料》Lara梁心頤 http://www1.iwant-song.com/d-d0001/cf110307/index.html 梁心頤「胡椒與鹽」官方完整MV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCtdRAt2vgo
Dịch: Dragon Rider Vietsub by Dragon Rider 🎵 Download: http://goo.gl/eVs8lr ●-------------------------------------● ღ http://drjvn.blogspot.com/ ღ https://www.facebook.com/drjvn
梁心颐 Lara Veronin performing 下雨天 "Rainy Day" (unfortunately the audio is ambience, will have noise and echo)
Taiwan Artist Live Music Festival ( Kota Kinabalu,Malaysia ) Venue : UMS Chancellor Hall Date : 30 August 2013 Concert Hotline : 010 942 5068 Official Ticket Reseller Venue ( All Party Play Outlet/Suria Sabah Concierge/GSC Suria Sabah[Booth]/Hot Rod Bar )
珊瑚海 (feat.梁心頤) 詞:方文山 曲:周杰倫 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/shan-hu-hai-feat.-lara/id536009641?i=536009751 已經很久沒有男女對唱的國民K歌了!這首「珊瑚海」即將攻佔全省各大KTV點唱排行榜!杰倫+梁心頤(Lara)清新的組合,是杰倫繼「屋頂」跟溫嵐合唱之後,第二次有男女對唱的作品出現,因此顯得格外珍貴!「海鳥跟魚相愛,只是一場意外...就讓愛深埋珊瑚海」,這首擁有浪漫情懷的情歌,會讓人嚐到像淚一樣鹹鹹的味道... 【飄移】http://youtu.be/X2njc8is50o 【藍色風暴】http://youtu.be/P7ItYKdY0WU 【髮如雪】http://youtu.be/aaM7qG2ycjk 【楓】http://youtu.be/qzwsQTY-99o 【黑色毛衣】http://youtu.be/bX33UI9ZPLk 【麥芽糖】http://youtu.be/Hq47d-ouX_Y 【逆鱗】http://youtu.be/jD0c4QY7L8s 【浪漫手機】http://youtu.be/Kbvu9Vt5_eE 【珊瑚海】http://youtu.be/kYhh1PpsOg4 【夜曲】http://youtu.be/6Q0Pd53mojY 【四面楚歌】http://youtu.be/JljURsMOLmc 【一路向北】http://youtu.be/L229QDxDakU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Connection with Jay Chou 周杰倫相關網頁】 ◎ J...
❖ MR.JC's Music Cafe Playlist: http://bit.ly/1nX6Vo5 ✔ Background Photo: Dilraba Dilmurat 迪麗熱巴 (http://bit.ly/1YeeVUy) ✔ Facebook: Lara Veronin 梁心頤 (https://www.facebook.com/hellolaraliang) ✔ SinaWeibo: Dilraba Dilmurat 迪麗熱巴 (http://weibo.com/u/1669879400) ❖ This video is strictly for entertainment purposes only, there is no profit being made on this track in any way or form. All vocals belong to the Artists and their record label of what those songs ware released on. ❖ ********No Copyright Infringement Intended. If you like the song, please support the artist and affiliated label by purchasing the original recording. ❖ Any racist/political/hostile comments will be removed. ❖ Lyrics: 惡作劇之吻片頭曲 (Jason) Say that you love me Say that you care ~ Say that you love me Say that you care ~ ...
120605 - 120602
performance featuring Lara "Liang Xin Yi" Veronin @ Acer Arena, Sydney wish i was a pro-dancer =) Enjoy~!
A sermon by Kara Dale entitled "Esther" preached at Springwood Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Brisbane, Australia
For those of you who weren't able to catch our exciting performance in #Sabah, #Malaysia, kick back and relive the entire performance with us this relaxing Friday! Watch Lara and Esther sing a selection of original hits such as #下雨天 & #珊瑚海 as well as Jolin's #倒帶 and Rachel Platten's #Fightsong, with a couple of collaborations thrown in for good measure. Let's watch together! 那些沒來聽沙巴演唱會的朋友別急,妹娃已貼心的準備演唱會的影片給我們的妹娃星星了!看兩姐妹為大家演唱了哪些經典歌吧~週末愉快! Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos 每週創作新影片,請訂閱 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVNUjsLN4sbQHIfFclaK6qQ Official Website: www.meiwamedia.com Like us on Facebook 請按讚~! 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia https://www.facebook.com/meiwamedia Twitter http://twitter.com/meiwamedia Instagram https://www.instagram.com/meiwasisters/ 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Weibo微博 http://wei...
https://www.facebook.com/POLYMERIMAGE 《下流社會》City of Irony 台灣Taiwan│2014│HD│Color│45min 故事大綱Synopsis│ 馬沙老大是個在台灣呼風喚雨的黑道角頭,長期投注地下賭盤,有天,在國外的馬沙發現自己中了一千萬,但始終聯絡不上台灣的仲介土豆,於是下令小弟林炮與阿清去尋找土豆的下落。 林炮與阿清好不容易找到了土豆的兩個小弟,但不小心被剛入黑道的阿清給誤殺了,讓林炮與阿清的找人之路越來越難行,氣憤的馬沙從國外回台灣處理此事,不料馬沙就在路上巧遇了土豆,馬沙與土豆開始展開追逐,土豆被馬沙追到了,但是馬沙卻不要土豆的命與錢,他們究竟發生了什麼事呢? 主演 Starring│ 蔡明修Tsai-Ming Xiu 王自強Tzu-Chiang Wang 梁心頤Lara Veronin 梁妍熙Esther Veronin 羅申Shen-Luo 勁宥Gino 王柏人Po-Ren Wang 尤傑恩Jie-En Yu 製作團隊Production│聚合物影音創作團隊 Polymer Image Production 協助製作Assistant Production│ 熱點子影業 Hot Spot Ltd., 妹妹娃娃多媒體Meimei Wawa Multimedia 監製 Executive Producer │張世儫 Shieh-Haw Chang 余雋江Jiang-Jun Yu 製片Producer│李溶姿Jung-Tzu Lee 導演Director│馮于倫Yu-Lun Feng 故事 Original Story│馮于倫Yu-Lun Feng 編劇 Screenplay│ 馮于倫Yu-Lun Feng 陳唯緒Wei-Hsu Chen 姚君翰 Chun-Han Yao 詹鈺祥Yu-Xiang Z...
Welcome to the first episode of Asian Pop Weekly Radio with myself, DJ Jo! I've always loved sharing my musical experiences with others, and doing radio podcasts has been a little aim of mine that's been in the making for a while now. Treat this episode as musical introduction of myself and my story to you guys all in under 40 minutes. I'm really excited to share my thoughts and my favourite music in such a personal medium with everyone, so show us some love! Track list: 01.Fahrenheit-不会爱 Don't know how to love 02.Gary Chaw-背叛 Betrayal 03.Wang Leehom-改变自己 Change me 04.Lara Veronin-滴答Dida 05.Yen-J-我喜欢(不,我爱) I like(no, I love) 05.Kimberley Chen-爱你 Love you 06.Bai An-是什么让我遇见这样的你 What is it that let me meet this you 07.Dawen Wang-你好Ni Hao (How are you) 08.Anthony Neely-第一课Lesson one...
Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos 每週創作新影片,請訂閱 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVNUjsLN4sbQHIfFclaK6qQ Official Website: www.meiwamedia.com Like us on Facebook 請按讚~! 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia https://www.facebook.com/meiwamedia Twitter http://twitter.com/meiwamedia Instagram https://www.instagram.com/meiwasisters/ 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Weibo微博 http://weibo.com/meiwamedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/meiwamedia/ Lara梁心頤 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hellolaraliang Lara梁心頤 微博 Weibo http://weibo.com/lianglara Esther梁妍熙 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/esther.veronin/ Esther梁妍熙 微博 Weibo http://weibo.com/u/liangesther
(uploaded by www.dearaaronyan.tumblr.com) english translation of highlights: http://dearaaronyan.tumblr.com/post/151486091205/translation-of-jesse-tang-x-aaron-yan-facebook
Just You EP 17 English Subtitles - Taiwan Dramas - Dramas-TV ✔ SUBCRIBE to updates: https://goo.gl/sa0yVe ✔ FULL PLAYLIST: https://goo.gl/dYWkN8 ❖ Click the 'CC' button above to enable subtitles ❖ Leave with your comments, don't forget share with your friends --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just You (就是要你愛上我) ► Profile ☞ Drama: Just You ☞ Alternate titles: 就是要你爱上我 ☞ Starring Guo Xue Fu (Puff) and Aaron Yan ☞ Episodes: 21 ☞ Duration: 1 hr. 24 min ☞ Language: Chinese, Korean ☞ Subtitled In: English ☞ Country: Taiwan ► Plot After paying her rent 6 months in advance, Liang Liang Chen (Guo Xue Fu) receives a court notification that her home will be seized. New owner Yi Chi (Aaron Yan) doesn't make it any easier when he ho...
We got the honor of interviewing Lara and Esther about their story and their new multimedia company, MeiMeiWaWa! In this segment, Lara and Esther share a little bit about their pasts, and also talk about going to Taipei American School! Make sure you check out Parts 2 and 3! Part 2: http://youtu.be/xP_8ISzLtzA Part 3: http://youtu.be/uw5tOz8DKJA Check out more about MMWW here: http://fb.com/meiwamedia Visit and follow us at: http://TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://facebook.com/TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://twitter.com/TaiwaneseAm_org
We got the honor of interviewing Lara and Esther about their story and their new multimedia company, MeiMeiWaWa! In this segment, Lara and Esther talk about breaking into the Taiwanese entertainment industry and their own new projects! Make sure you check out Parts 1 and 3! Part 1: http://youtu.be/44b3qjM_n4E Part 3: http://youtu.be/uw5tOz8DKJA Check out more about MMWW here: http://fb.com/meiwamedia Visit and follow us at: http://TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://facebook.com/TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://twitter.com/TaiwaneseAm_org
We got the honor of interviewing Lara and Esther about their story and their new multimedia company, MeiMeiWaWa! In this segment, Lara and Esther offer their advice on breaking into the Taiwanese entertainment market, and also about the identity crisis that comes with being Taiwanese American! Make sure you check out Parts 1 and 2! Part 1: http://youtu.be/44b3qjM_n4E Part 2: http://youtu.be/xP_8ISzLtzA Check out more about MMWW here: http://fb.com/meiwamedia Visit and follow us at: http://TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://facebook.com/TaiwaneseAmerican.org http://twitter.com/TaiwaneseAm_org
週五終於來了!但這次的週五影片跟其他妹妹娃娃週五影片有些不一樣喔!說好的新一代台灣韓國女子團體mixxxUP! 來了!首波單曲「HOT 嚕啦啦」是團員 Lara A.K.A ‘Single Lady V’, Esther A.K.A E-Z-E和 Erica A.K.A ‘Mizz Jones’的第一首原創作品。負責發行單曲的公司妹妹娃娃多媒體表示三位藝人因為都是混血兒的關係而在製作的過程中很談得來。在訪問中mixxxUP! 團隊的主唱 Lara梁心頤 分享了對這次的合作的心得:「這次能完成這首歌真的是謝天謝地。寫詞已經不是一件容易的事,還叫我寫韓文歌詞,都不知道公司到底在想什麼。然後Erica錄音一直NG, Esther兇巴巴的樣子差點把所有的backup dancers嚇死,在過程當中,我一直都在想:’我們到底適不適合組韓國女子團體?’但到最後還是想通了,粉絲一直鬧著要聽新歌,別說我Lara梁心頤不講道理喔!」 上當了嗎?妹妹娃娃這次打扮像K-POP女團體是不是有點太適合了呢?誰有被我們整到了呢?趕快來舉手報到!但誠實說,妹妹娃娃團隊這次真的費很多心思把這次的影片製作出來,也與所有幫助我們的工作夥伴合作地很愉快!所以這次當作妹妹娃娃與Erica為了萬聖節打扮成K-POP女團體都大家開心吧~一起開心聽歌,笑一笑吧! 在此祝所有妹娃星星們萬聖節愉快! P.S.以上的訪問內容都是假的,Lara從來沒說過這種話!也在這提醒大家,Lara的正式單曲年底就要發了喔,可以期待一下。 Just like we promised, presenting the first single from the all-new K-Pop girl group mixxxUP!, ‘HOT (Lu La La)’. The song is the debut original single ...