Kahve Hakkında Az Bilinenler
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Dünya Kahve Günü’nü kutladık. Biz de bu vesileyle Nescafe sponsorluğunda kahve ile ilgili az bilinenleri derledik. Videomuza sponsor olan Nescafe’ye çok teşekkür ederiz. Sponsorlarımız sayesinde size sürekli ve daha kaliteli içerikler üretebiliyoruz.
Her gün içtiğimiz kahve, tam 11 asırdır hayatımızda. Dünyada sudan sonra en fazla içilen içeceklerden biri.
İnanmayacaksınız am
AZ - The Come Up (Prod. By DJ Premier)
From 2005 Album: "A.W.O.L."...[Artist info below]..... Get AZ's Music: http://www.amazon.com/Az-%28Rap%29/e/B000AQ0QVW/ref=ntt_mus_dp_pel & http://itunes.app...
DESTINY A-Z - ACE OF SPADES (The Taken King Live Commentary)
Destiny A-Z is back! and this time we will be covering year 2, The Taken King weapons ONLY. Our mission? to find out which weapons from The Taken King are going to be the best in the crucible.
Make sure to keep up to date! =D
♥ Stream - http://www.twitch.tv/ms5000watts
♥ Instagram - http://instagram.com/ms5ooowatts
♥ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Mrs5oooWatts
♥ Facebook - https://www.facebook
Broadcasters Rip Sorority Girls Taking Selfies at AZ Diamondbacks Game - The Drop Presented by ADD
Subscribe today! http://www.youtube.com/user/alldefdigital?sub_confirmation=1
The Alpha Chi sorority from Arizona State University decided to head to a Diamondbacks game yesterday, and of course the night wouldn't be complete without a hardcore selfie sesh. Cameras and the broadcasters caught the group, and they couldn't help but tease. Tell us in the comments, where's the most embarrassing plac
Milyen LEGYEN az új Star Wars?
Instagram: szirmai_gergely
Ezitten tökmindegy:
trailer, kritika, review, hollywood, news, agency, hírügynökség, előzetes, 2015, star wars, ébredő erő, force awakens, h
Felfogtátok, hogy mit tettetek? – Putyin beszéde az ENSZ gyűlésen
A 2015. szeptember 28-i ENSZ gyűlésen Putyin szókimondón beszél a jelenlegi válság hátteréről, az Iszlám Államról, a nemzetállamok lerombolásáról, egy szűk csoport geostratégiai törekvéseiről, az ukrán helyzetről, a menekültkérdésről és az éghajlatváltozásról. Burkoltan pedig beszél a szabadkereskedelmi egyezségekről.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q13yzl6k6w0
AZ - Red Magic
For the single, "Red Magic". Available Now! iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/lvgzceq Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/mlszoz7 Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/mwyze...
EMERGENCY AZ #14: Blizzard Silence Community about In-Game Store Changes !!
The In-Game store is expanding and Blizzard DON'T want to hear what you have to say about it.
http://www.twitch.tv/heelvsbabyface (Live Streaming)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heel-vs-Babyface/439979786044998 (Facebook)
https://twitter.com/HeelvsBabyface (Twitter)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/magtheridon/Azbats/advanced (Armory)
https://www.facebook.com/workingmagicfilm (Title Seq
"Mi az afrodiziákum?"
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
az - the format (prod. dj premier)
az - the format (prod. dj premier)
Cowsep's A-Z Jungle: Viktor (Full Game)
A, B, V. Yeah about that.
► Win a free headset!
► Watch the live stream on Twitch!
► Keep connected with Cowsep on social media
Facebook: http://facebook.com/cowsep
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cowsep
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► Music at the end
Stickerbrush Symphony Remix (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Doni - Button Masher
Ez lenne az? :O | Acer XR341CK monitor teszt
Kipróbáltuk az Acer jelenlegi csúcs kategóriájú monitorát, és nem igazán találtunk hibákat...
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Gameplay csatornánk ► http://youtube.com/thevrhu
"Mi az Antarktisz fővárosa?"
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
AZ- Sugar Hill
Sugar Hill Doe or Die this classic album went Gold in 1995 LYRICS: Chorus (Miss Jones): i wanna chill (Chill) on Sugar Hill (its so lovely, so lovely) AZ's f...
The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years | #HappyBirthdayYouTube
Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta.
From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a decade of your creativity and self-expression. And, we’re doing it from A to Z.
With over 75 references and 18 filmmaking styles, we've tried to capture some of the richness and variety of YouTube from the last decade.
Featured from A-Z:
AZ - Problems
Music video by AZ performing Problems. (C) 2001 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
GameDay Iroda pólók:
Gergő - http://ask.fm/HollywoodNewsAgency
Imi - http://ask.fm/Kiss_Imi
Imi - https://instagram.com/kiss_imi/
Gergő - https://instagram.com/szirmai_gergely/
GameDay Iroda TF2 Official Server
Marihuána az alsóneműben
Feltételezett kábítószer-kereskedőket fogtak el Nyíregyházán és Budapesten.
Már a törökök is méltatlankodnak az oroszok szíriai hadműveletei miatt
Törökország csatlakozott a szíriai orosz légicsapásokat kritizáló országokhoz. Az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia, Franciaország, Németország és az Öböl-menti arab országok után Törökország szerint is mélyen aggasztó az, amit Oroszország Szíriában művel. A török külügyminisztérium közleményében az áll: értetlenül állnak amellett, hogy az Iszlám Állam állásai helyett az oroszok csak olyan városoka
Méltatta az orosz segítséget a szíriai külügyminiszter
Felszólította Oroszországot az Iszlám Állam nevű terrorista csoport ellen küzdő, amerikaiak vezette koalíció, hogy hagyjon fel a szíriai célpontok elleni légitámadásokkal. Moszkva azonban bejelentette, hogy akár 3-4 hónapon át is tarthatnak a műveletek.
A szíriai külügyminiszter az ENSZ közgyűlése előtt New Yorkban méltatta az Aszad-rezsimnek nyújtott orosz segítséget:
- Miközben egyre jobban me
Mentőexpedíció (The Martian) - Kérdezz-felelek - A film készítői és az asztronauták (12)
A Marson hatalmas homokvihar készül. A NASA űrhajósai biztonsági okokból azonnal elhagyják a bolygót: halott társuk testét sincs már idejük megkeresni.
Nem is találnák. Mark Watney (Matt Damon) ugyanis nem halt meg; csak a szkafanderébe épített adó meghibásodása miatt hiszik a többiek, hogy nem élte túl az első szélrohamokat.
A mérnök-botanikus mindent elkövet a t
Harmadszor is bevetették az orosz bombázókat Szíriában
Moszkva közölte, a szíriai hadsereggel egyeztetve az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezet négy állása ellen hajtottak végre légicsapásokat Idlib, Homsz és Hama közelében csütörtök este. Megsemmisítettek egy lőszerraktárat, egy parancsnoki központot, valamint öngyilkos merényletek előkészítésére szolgáló létesítményt.
Az Amerika által támogatott szíriai lázadók szerint viszont az oroszok nem a dszihadist
Halálbüntetés - csökken vagy nő az állami kivégzések száma? - utalk
Október 10-én immár tizenharmadszor rendezik meg a halálbüntetés elleni világnapot. Mi most ezzel a helyzet a világon? - kérdezi Ben Londonból.
Válaszol Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, az Együtt a Halálbüntetés Ellen szervezet alelnöke.
- 40 éve, 30 éve a világ országainak 2/3-ában rendszeresen alkalmazták a halálbüntetést. Ma éppen fordított a helyzet: az ENSZ tagállamainak 2/3-a eltörölte a halálbün
Kahve Hakkında Az Bilinenler
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Dünya Kahve Günü’nü kutladık. Biz de bu vesileyle Nescafe sponsorluğunda kahve ile ilgili az bilinenleri derledik. Videomuza sponsor olan Ne...
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Dünya Kahve Günü’nü kutladık. Biz de bu vesileyle Nescafe sponsorluğunda kahve ile ilgili az bilinenleri derledik. Videomuza sponsor olan Nescafe’ye çok teşekkür ederiz. Sponsorlarımız sayesinde size sürekli ve daha kaliteli içerikler üretebiliyoruz.
Her gün içtiğimiz kahve, tam 11 asırdır hayatımızda. Dünyada sudan sonra en fazla içilen içeceklerden biri.
İnanmayacaksınız ama efsanenin en başı meraklı bir keçiye dayanıyor. Kaldi adlı çobanın keçisi kırmızı bir meyveyi yer ve zıplamaya başlar. İşte kahve, hayatımıza böyle girer. Türkler ise 1517’de Yemen Valisi sayesinde kahveyle tanışır ve o kadar sever ki tüm dünyaya yayılmasına vesile olur.
Kahvenin bu kadar yaygın tüketilmesinde önemli rol oynayan bir diğer şey de, 1938’de Nescafe’nin ilk kez çözünür kahveyi icat etmesidir. Nescafé’nin hazır kahve için bulduğu çözüm aslında basittir. Tek tek elle toplanan doğal kahve çekirdekleri önce kavrulur, sonra sadece su kullanılarak kahvenin özü çıkarılır. Sonra bu öz kurutularak çözünebilir kahve elde edilir. Bu süreçlerde kahve, sudan başka hiçbirşeye temas etmez.
İşte hazır kahvenin uzmanı Nescafe’nin en iyi yaptığı iş budur. Nescafe, özenle seçtiği çekirdekleri harmanlayarak en uygun derecede kavurup ağaçtan fincana dek hiçbir katkı maddesi eklemeden size doğal kahve lezzetini sunar. Yani çözünebilir kahve katkısızdır. Doğal kahve çekirdeklerinden yüzde yüz kahvedir.
Ayrıca Nescafe, kahve keyfinin torunlarınıza, torunlarınızın torunlarına ulaşması için de uğraşır. 75 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle, şimdiye kadar 170 bin çiftçiyi eğitip 60 milyon kahve ağacı dikmiştir.
Şimdi gelelim kahvenin yararlarına… Orta düzeyde tüketilen kafeinin, sağlıklı yetişkinlerde sağlık açısından güvenli olduğu açıklanmıştır. Günde 4 fincana kadar hazır kahve rahatlıkla tüketilebilir. Aynı zamanda vücudun su alımına da katkıda bulunur. Kahve ayrıca duyularınızı harekete geçirir, sizi kendinize getirir.
Bütün bunların yanısıra aslında kahve en çok neye yarar? Tabii ki sosyalleşmeye. Düşünsenize, hayatınızdaki en keyifli anlarda ve güzel başlangıçlarda hep bir fincan Nescafe oradadır.
Dünyanın her yerinde farklılık gösterse de Nescafe’nin de yakın arkadaşları vardır. Türkiye’de süt ve kahve kreması, Meksika’da tarçın, Belçika’da çikolata, Nijerya’da limon, Senegal’de karabiber.
OHA Diyorum kanalında ilginç, komik, faydalı, eğlenceli videolar
yayınlıyoruz. İlginç bilgiler veriyoruz, eğlenceli oyunlar oynuyoruz, rekor denemeleri yapıyoruz, komik fotoğrafları derliyoruz, enteresan sorulara cevap veriyoruz, göz yanılmaları ile şaşırtıyoruz, oha diyeceğiniz deneyler yapıyoruz. Videolarımızı çekerken önce biz eğleniyoruz, ardından elbette sizi eğlendirmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
Faydalı ipuçları ve hayatınızı kolaylaştıran pratik bilgiler için diğer kanalımız YAPYAP'ı ziyaret edin:
wn.com/Kahve Hakkında Az Bilinenler
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Dünya Kahve Günü’nü kutladık. Biz de bu vesileyle Nescafe sponsorluğunda kahve ile ilgili az bilinenleri derledik. Videomuza sponsor olan Nescafe’ye çok teşekkür ederiz. Sponsorlarımız sayesinde size sürekli ve daha kaliteli içerikler üretebiliyoruz.
Her gün içtiğimiz kahve, tam 11 asırdır hayatımızda. Dünyada sudan sonra en fazla içilen içeceklerden biri.
İnanmayacaksınız ama efsanenin en başı meraklı bir keçiye dayanıyor. Kaldi adlı çobanın keçisi kırmızı bir meyveyi yer ve zıplamaya başlar. İşte kahve, hayatımıza böyle girer. Türkler ise 1517’de Yemen Valisi sayesinde kahveyle tanışır ve o kadar sever ki tüm dünyaya yayılmasına vesile olur.
Kahvenin bu kadar yaygın tüketilmesinde önemli rol oynayan bir diğer şey de, 1938’de Nescafe’nin ilk kez çözünür kahveyi icat etmesidir. Nescafé’nin hazır kahve için bulduğu çözüm aslında basittir. Tek tek elle toplanan doğal kahve çekirdekleri önce kavrulur, sonra sadece su kullanılarak kahvenin özü çıkarılır. Sonra bu öz kurutularak çözünebilir kahve elde edilir. Bu süreçlerde kahve, sudan başka hiçbirşeye temas etmez.
İşte hazır kahvenin uzmanı Nescafe’nin en iyi yaptığı iş budur. Nescafe, özenle seçtiği çekirdekleri harmanlayarak en uygun derecede kavurup ağaçtan fincana dek hiçbir katkı maddesi eklemeden size doğal kahve lezzetini sunar. Yani çözünebilir kahve katkısızdır. Doğal kahve çekirdeklerinden yüzde yüz kahvedir.
Ayrıca Nescafe, kahve keyfinin torunlarınıza, torunlarınızın torunlarına ulaşması için de uğraşır. 75 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle, şimdiye kadar 170 bin çiftçiyi eğitip 60 milyon kahve ağacı dikmiştir.
Şimdi gelelim kahvenin yararlarına… Orta düzeyde tüketilen kafeinin, sağlıklı yetişkinlerde sağlık açısından güvenli olduğu açıklanmıştır. Günde 4 fincana kadar hazır kahve rahatlıkla tüketilebilir. Aynı zamanda vücudun su alımına da katkıda bulunur. Kahve ayrıca duyularınızı harekete geçirir, sizi kendinize getirir.
Bütün bunların yanısıra aslında kahve en çok neye yarar? Tabii ki sosyalleşmeye. Düşünsenize, hayatınızdaki en keyifli anlarda ve güzel başlangıçlarda hep bir fincan Nescafe oradadır.
Dünyanın her yerinde farklılık gösterse de Nescafe’nin de yakın arkadaşları vardır. Türkiye’de süt ve kahve kreması, Meksika’da tarçın, Belçika’da çikolata, Nijerya’da limon, Senegal’de karabiber.
OHA Diyorum kanalında ilginç, komik, faydalı, eğlenceli videolar
yayınlıyoruz. İlginç bilgiler veriyoruz, eğlenceli oyunlar oynuyoruz, rekor denemeleri yapıyoruz, komik fotoğrafları derliyoruz, enteresan sorulara cevap veriyoruz, göz yanılmaları ile şaşırtıyoruz, oha diyeceğiniz deneyler yapıyoruz. Videolarımızı çekerken önce biz eğleniyoruz, ardından elbette sizi eğlendirmeyi amaçlıyoruz.
Faydalı ipuçları ve hayatınızı kolaylaştıran pratik bilgiler için diğer kanalımız YAPYAP'ı ziyaret edin:
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 58670
AZ - The Come Up (Prod. By DJ Premier)
From 2005 Album: "A.W.O.L."...[Artist info below]..... Get AZ's Music: http://www.amazon.com/Az-%28Rap%29/e/B000AQ0QVW/ref=ntt_mus_dp_pel & http://itunes.app......
From 2005 Album: "A.W.O.L."...[Artist info below]..... Get AZ's Music: http://www.amazon.com/Az-%28Rap%29/e/B000AQ0QVW/ref=ntt_mus_dp_pel & http://itunes.app...
wn.com/Az The Come Up (Prod. By Dj Premier)
From 2005 Album: "A.W.O.L."...[Artist info below]..... Get AZ's Music: http://www.amazon.com/Az-%28Rap%29/e/B000AQ0QVW/ref=ntt_mus_dp_pel & http://itunes.app...
DESTINY A-Z - ACE OF SPADES (The Taken King Live Commentary)
Destiny A-Z is back! and this time we will be covering year 2, The Taken King weapons ONLY. Our mission? to find out which weapons from The Taken King are going...
Destiny A-Z is back! and this time we will be covering year 2, The Taken King weapons ONLY. Our mission? to find out which weapons from The Taken King are going to be the best in the crucible.
Make sure to keep up to date! =D
♥ Stream - http://www.twitch.tv/ms5000watts
♥ Instagram - http://instagram.com/ms5ooowatts
♥ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Mrs5oooWatts
♥ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mrs-5ooo-Watts/493485610702697
wn.com/Destiny A Z Ace Of Spades (The Taken King Live Commentary)
Destiny A-Z is back! and this time we will be covering year 2, The Taken King weapons ONLY. Our mission? to find out which weapons from The Taken King are going to be the best in the crucible.
Make sure to keep up to date! =D
♥ Stream - http://www.twitch.tv/ms5000watts
♥ Instagram - http://instagram.com/ms5ooowatts
♥ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Mrs5oooWatts
♥ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mrs-5ooo-Watts/493485610702697
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 19330
Broadcasters Rip Sorority Girls Taking Selfies at AZ Diamondbacks Game - The Drop Presented by ADD
Subscribe today! http://www.youtube.com/user/alldefdigital?sub_confirmation=1
The Alpha Chi sorority from Arizona State University decided to head to a Diamond...
Subscribe today! http://www.youtube.com/user/alldefdigital?sub_confirmation=1
The Alpha Chi sorority from Arizona State University decided to head to a Diamondbacks game yesterday, and of course the night wouldn't be complete without a hardcore selfie sesh. Cameras and the broadcasters caught the group, and they couldn't help but tease. Tell us in the comments, where's the most embarrassing place you've been caught taking a selfie? #ADD #TheDrop
Edited By: Bruce Myers
Post Supervisor: Rich Song
wn.com/Broadcasters Rip Sorority Girls Taking Selfies At Az Diamondbacks Game The Drop Presented By Add
Subscribe today! http://www.youtube.com/user/alldefdigital?sub_confirmation=1
The Alpha Chi sorority from Arizona State University decided to head to a Diamondbacks game yesterday, and of course the night wouldn't be complete without a hardcore selfie sesh. Cameras and the broadcasters caught the group, and they couldn't help but tease. Tell us in the comments, where's the most embarrassing place you've been caught taking a selfie? #ADD #TheDrop
Edited By: Bruce Myers
Post Supervisor: Rich Song
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 6125
Milyen LEGYEN az új Star Wars?
Instagram: sz...
Instagram: szirmai_gergely
Ezitten tökmindegy:
trailer, kritika, review, hollywood, news, agency, hírügynökség, előzetes, 2015, star wars, ébredő erő, force awakens, han solo, die, death,
wn.com/Milyen Legyen Az Új Star Wars
Instagram: szirmai_gergely
Ezitten tökmindegy:
trailer, kritika, review, hollywood, news, agency, hírügynökség, előzetes, 2015, star wars, ébredő erő, force awakens, han solo, die, death,
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 39190
Felfogtátok, hogy mit tettetek? – Putyin beszéde az ENSZ gyűlésen
A 2015. szeptember 28-i ENSZ gyűlésen Putyin szókimondón beszél a jelenlegi válság hátteréről, az Iszlám Államról, a nemzetállamok lerombolásáról, egy szűk csop...
A 2015. szeptember 28-i ENSZ gyűlésen Putyin szókimondón beszél a jelenlegi válság hátteréről, az Iszlám Államról, a nemzetállamok lerombolásáról, egy szűk csoport geostratégiai törekvéseiről, az ukrán helyzetről, a menekültkérdésről és az éghajlatváltozásról. Burkoltan pedig beszél a szabadkereskedelmi egyezségekről.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q13yzl6k6w0
wn.com/Felfogtátok, Hogy Mit Tettetek – Putyin Beszéde Az Ensz Gyűlésen
A 2015. szeptember 28-i ENSZ gyűlésen Putyin szókimondón beszél a jelenlegi válság hátteréről, az Iszlám Államról, a nemzetállamok lerombolásáról, egy szűk csoport geostratégiai törekvéseiről, az ukrán helyzetről, a menekültkérdésről és az éghajlatváltozásról. Burkoltan pedig beszél a szabadkereskedelmi egyezségekről.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q13yzl6k6w0
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 29464
AZ - Red Magic
For the single, "Red Magic". Available Now! iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/lvgzceq Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/mlszoz7 Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/mwyze......
For the single, "Red Magic". Available Now! iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/lvgzceq Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/mlszoz7 Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/mwyze...
wn.com/Az Red Magic
For the single, "Red Magic". Available Now! iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/lvgzceq Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/mlszoz7 Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/mwyze...
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 30557
author: AZVEVO
EMERGENCY AZ #14: Blizzard Silence Community about In-Game Store Changes !!
The In-Game store is expanding and Blizzard DON'T want to hear what you have to say about it.
http://www.twitch.tv/heelvsbabyface (Live Streaming)
The In-Game store is expanding and Blizzard DON'T want to hear what you have to say about it.
http://www.twitch.tv/heelvsbabyface (Live Streaming)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heel-vs-Babyface/439979786044998 (Facebook)
https://twitter.com/HeelvsBabyface (Twitter)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/magtheridon/Azbats/advanced (Armory)
https://www.facebook.com/workingmagicfilm (Title Sequence and Branding)
wn.com/Emergency Az 14 Blizzard Silence Community About In Game Store Changes
The In-Game store is expanding and Blizzard DON'T want to hear what you have to say about it.
http://www.twitch.tv/heelvsbabyface (Live Streaming)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Heel-vs-Babyface/439979786044998 (Facebook)
https://twitter.com/HeelvsBabyface (Twitter)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/magtheridon/Azbats/advanced (Armory)
https://www.facebook.com/workingmagicfilm (Title Sequence and Branding)
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 2114
"Mi az afrodiziákum?"
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!...
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
wn.com/Mi Az Afrodiziákum
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 64837
az - the format (prod. dj premier)
az - the format (prod. dj premier)...
az - the format (prod. dj premier)
wn.com/Az The Format (Prod. Dj Premier)
az - the format (prod. dj premier)
- published: 13 Nov 2007
- views: 1177013
author: suezjk
Cowsep's A-Z Jungle: Viktor (Full Game)
A, B, V. Yeah about that.
► Win a free headset!
► Watch the live stream on Twitch!
► Keep connected with C...
A, B, V. Yeah about that.
► Win a free headset!
► Watch the live stream on Twitch!
► Keep connected with Cowsep on social media
Facebook: http://facebook.com/cowsep
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cowsep
► Interact with the website!
► Music at the end
Stickerbrush Symphony Remix (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Doni - Button Masher - Try Hard - GameChops
wn.com/Cowsep's A Z Jungle Viktor (Full Game)
A, B, V. Yeah about that.
► Win a free headset!
► Watch the live stream on Twitch!
► Keep connected with Cowsep on social media
Facebook: http://facebook.com/cowsep
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cowsep
► Interact with the website!
► Music at the end
Stickerbrush Symphony Remix (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Doni - Button Masher - Try Hard - GameChops
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 12815
Ez lenne az? :O | Acer XR341CK monitor teszt
Kipróbáltuk az Acer jelenlegi csúcs kategóriájú monitorát, és nem igazán találtunk hibákat...
Kövess minket Periscope-on, hogy kulisszák mögötti Livestreameket...
Kipróbáltuk az Acer jelenlegi csúcs kategóriájú monitorát, és nem igazán találtunk hibákat...
Kövess minket Periscope-on, hogy kulisszák mögötti Livestreameket láss! @wearethevr
GYAKRAN ISMÉTELT KÉRDÉSEK ► http://tinyurl.com/thevrgyik
Itt tudsz minket támogatni ► http://tinyurl.com/patreonvr
Itt tudsz TheVR Tech pólót venni ► http://thevr.hu/shop
Gameplay csatornánk ► http://youtube.com/thevrhu
Honlapunk ► http://thevr.hu
Facebook ► http://fb.com/thevrtech
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wn.com/Ez Lenne Az O | Acer Xr341Ck Monitor Teszt
Kipróbáltuk az Acer jelenlegi csúcs kategóriájú monitorát, és nem igazán találtunk hibákat...
Kövess minket Periscope-on, hogy kulisszák mögötti Livestreameket láss! @wearethevr
GYAKRAN ISMÉTELT KÉRDÉSEK ► http://tinyurl.com/thevrgyik
Itt tudsz minket támogatni ► http://tinyurl.com/patreonvr
Itt tudsz TheVR Tech pólót venni ► http://thevr.hu/shop
Gameplay csatornánk ► http://youtube.com/thevrhu
Honlapunk ► http://thevr.hu
Facebook ► http://fb.com/thevrtech
Twitter ► http://twitter.com/wearethevr
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 18938
"Mi az Antarktisz fővárosa?"
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!...
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
wn.com/Mi Az Antarktisz Fővárosa
Észbontók - 2. évad október 15-től a VIASAT3 műsorán!
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 49445
AZ- Sugar Hill
Sugar Hill Doe or Die this classic album went Gold in 1995 LYRICS: Chorus (Miss Jones): i wanna chill (Chill) on Sugar Hill (its so lovely, so lovely) AZ's f......
Sugar Hill Doe or Die this classic album went Gold in 1995 LYRICS: Chorus (Miss Jones): i wanna chill (Chill) on Sugar Hill (its so lovely, so lovely) AZ's f...
wn.com/Az Sugar Hill
Sugar Hill Doe or Die this classic album went Gold in 1995 LYRICS: Chorus (Miss Jones): i wanna chill (Chill) on Sugar Hill (its so lovely, so lovely) AZ's f...
- published: 18 May 2008
- views: 1299263
author: ccspence8
The A-Z of YouTube: Celebrating 10 Years | #HappyBirthdayYouTube
Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta.
From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a ...
Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta.
From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a decade of your creativity and self-expression. And, we’re doing it from A to Z.
With over 75 references and 18 filmmaking styles, we've tried to capture some of the richness and variety of YouTube from the last decade.
Featured from A-Z:
Screaming Goats
Grumpy cat - https://www.youtube.com/SevereAvoidance
Keyboard cat - https://www.youtube.com/chuckieart
Maru - https://www.youtube.com/mugumogu
Battle at the Kruger - https://www.youtube.com/Jason275
Michelle Phan - https://www.youtube.com/MichellePhan
Camila Coelho - https://www.youtube.com/MakeUpByCamila
Zoella - https://www.youtube.com/Zoella
Lauren Luke - https://www.youtube.com/panacea81
Ssin - https://www.youtube.com/Hines382
Sasakiasahi - https://www.youtube.com/sasakiasahi
daaruum - https://www.youtube.com/daaruum
Bethany Mota - https://www.youtube.com/Macbarbie07
Tanya Burr - https://www.youtube.com/pixi2woo
Megabloks - https://www.youtube.com/user/megablokstv
Walk off the Earth - https://www.youtube.com/user/walkofftheearth
Chris Hadfield - https://www.youtube.com/ColChrisHadfield
Evolution of Dance - https://www.youtube.com/judsonlaipply
Thriller in Prison - https://www.youtube.com/byronfgarcia
Red Bull Stratos - https://www.youtube.com/redbull
Epic Meal Time - https://www.youtube.com/EpicMealTime
Kicked in the head by a train - https://www.youtube.com/kickedindahead
Gangnam Style:
PSY - https://www.youtube.com/officialpsy
Freddie Wong - https://www.youtube.com/freddiew
Smosh - https://www.youtube.com/smosh
Caspar Lee - https://www.youtube.com/dicasp
iiSuperwomanii - https://www.youtube.com/IISuperwomanII
Ryan Higa - https://www.youtube.com/nigahiga
It Gets Better:
Dan & Terry - https://www.youtube.com/itgetsbetterproject
Hannah Hart - https://www.youtube.com/MyHarto
Telling my dad I'm gay live - https://www.youtube.com/user/AreYouSuprised
The Rhodes Brothers (Twins come out to dad) - https://www.youtube.com/TheRhodesBros
Tyler Oakley - https://www.youtube.com/tyleroakley
Jimmy Kimmel - https://www.youtube.com/JimmyKimmelLive
Kidding around:
David After the Dentist - https://www.youtube.com/booba1234
Sophia Grace - https://www.youtube.com/SophiaGraceBrownlee
Let’s play:
PewDiePie - https://www.youtube.com/PewDiePie
Stampylonghead - https://www.youtube.com/stampylonghead
Captain Sparklez - https://www.youtube.com/CaptainSparklez
Leeroy Jenkins - https://www.youtube.com/pj007101
Nyan Cat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4
Numa Numa - https://www.youtube.com/garybrolsma
Al Jazeera - https://www.youtube.com/user/aljazeerachannel
Meteor Hits Russia - https://www.youtube.com/RuptlyTV
Old Spice:
Old Spice - https://www.youtube.com/OldSpice
Antoine Dodson - https://www.youtube.com/user/antoinedodson24
Joanna Rohrback - https://www.youtube.com/Prancercise
Overly Attached Girlfriend- https://www.youtube.com/laina
Tay Zonday - https://www.youtube.com/TayZonday
V Sauce - https://www.youtube.com/vsauce
ASAP Science - https://www.youtube.com/AsapSCIENCE
Kids React - https://www.youtube.com/TheFineBros
Mutant Spider Dog - https://www.youtube.com/wardegasa
Rick Astley, "Never Gonna Give You Up” - https://www.youtube.com/RickAstleyVEVO
Susan Boyle - https://www.youtube.com/BritainsGotTalent09
Justin Bieber - https://www.youtube.com/kidrauhl
Noah Takes a Photo a Day - https://www.youtube.com/NK5000
Double Rainbow - https://www.youtube.com/Hungrybear9562
Kid President - https://www.youtube.com/soulpancake
Hearing for the first time - https://www.youtube.com/sloanchurman
Vlogbrothers - https://www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers
Jenna Marbles - https://www.youtube.com/JennaMarbles
Holasoygerman - https://www.youtube.com/HolaSoyGerman
Hajime - https://www.youtube.com/0214mex
Danisnotonfire - https://www.youtube.com/danisnotonfire
AmazingPhil - https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingPhil
Charlieissocoollike - https://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike
Shaytards - https://www.youtube.com/SHAYTARDS
Weird and wonderful:
Salad fingers - https://www.youtube.com/Doki66
Dramatic chipmunk
Charlie the Unicorn - https://www.youtube.com/SecretAgentBob
Annoying Orange - https://www.youtube.com/realannoyingorange
Diet Coke and Mentos - https://www.youtube.com/EepyBird
The Slow Mo Guys - https://www.youtube.com/theslowmoguys
The YouTube Community - Too many links!
Me at the Zoo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw
Alphabet Aerobics by Blackalicious - https://www.youtube.com/BlackaliciousVEVO
This video was created by YouTube, Flying Object (www.weareflyingobject.com), Partizan (www.partizan.com) and directed by Hoku & Adam.
wn.com/The A Z Of Youtube Celebrating 10 Years | Happybirthdayyoutube
Ten years ago in May, YouTube launched in beta.
From the silly to the profound, from the personal to the political, we’re celebrating a decade of your creativity and self-expression. And, we’re doing it from A to Z.
With over 75 references and 18 filmmaking styles, we've tried to capture some of the richness and variety of YouTube from the last decade.
Featured from A-Z:
Screaming Goats
Grumpy cat - https://www.youtube.com/SevereAvoidance
Keyboard cat - https://www.youtube.com/chuckieart
Maru - https://www.youtube.com/mugumogu
Battle at the Kruger - https://www.youtube.com/Jason275
Michelle Phan - https://www.youtube.com/MichellePhan
Camila Coelho - https://www.youtube.com/MakeUpByCamila
Zoella - https://www.youtube.com/Zoella
Lauren Luke - https://www.youtube.com/panacea81
Ssin - https://www.youtube.com/Hines382
Sasakiasahi - https://www.youtube.com/sasakiasahi
daaruum - https://www.youtube.com/daaruum
Bethany Mota - https://www.youtube.com/Macbarbie07
Tanya Burr - https://www.youtube.com/pixi2woo
Megabloks - https://www.youtube.com/user/megablokstv
Walk off the Earth - https://www.youtube.com/user/walkofftheearth
Chris Hadfield - https://www.youtube.com/ColChrisHadfield
Evolution of Dance - https://www.youtube.com/judsonlaipply
Thriller in Prison - https://www.youtube.com/byronfgarcia
Red Bull Stratos - https://www.youtube.com/redbull
Epic Meal Time - https://www.youtube.com/EpicMealTime
Kicked in the head by a train - https://www.youtube.com/kickedindahead
Gangnam Style:
PSY - https://www.youtube.com/officialpsy
Freddie Wong - https://www.youtube.com/freddiew
Smosh - https://www.youtube.com/smosh
Caspar Lee - https://www.youtube.com/dicasp
iiSuperwomanii - https://www.youtube.com/IISuperwomanII
Ryan Higa - https://www.youtube.com/nigahiga
It Gets Better:
Dan & Terry - https://www.youtube.com/itgetsbetterproject
Hannah Hart - https://www.youtube.com/MyHarto
Telling my dad I'm gay live - https://www.youtube.com/user/AreYouSuprised
The Rhodes Brothers (Twins come out to dad) - https://www.youtube.com/TheRhodesBros
Tyler Oakley - https://www.youtube.com/tyleroakley
Jimmy Kimmel - https://www.youtube.com/JimmyKimmelLive
Kidding around:
David After the Dentist - https://www.youtube.com/booba1234
Sophia Grace - https://www.youtube.com/SophiaGraceBrownlee
Let’s play:
PewDiePie - https://www.youtube.com/PewDiePie
Stampylonghead - https://www.youtube.com/stampylonghead
Captain Sparklez - https://www.youtube.com/CaptainSparklez
Leeroy Jenkins - https://www.youtube.com/pj007101
Nyan Cat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4
Numa Numa - https://www.youtube.com/garybrolsma
Al Jazeera - https://www.youtube.com/user/aljazeerachannel
Meteor Hits Russia - https://www.youtube.com/RuptlyTV
Old Spice:
Old Spice - https://www.youtube.com/OldSpice
Antoine Dodson - https://www.youtube.com/user/antoinedodson24
Joanna Rohrback - https://www.youtube.com/Prancercise
Overly Attached Girlfriend- https://www.youtube.com/laina
Tay Zonday - https://www.youtube.com/TayZonday
V Sauce - https://www.youtube.com/vsauce
ASAP Science - https://www.youtube.com/AsapSCIENCE
Kids React - https://www.youtube.com/TheFineBros
Mutant Spider Dog - https://www.youtube.com/wardegasa
Rick Astley, "Never Gonna Give You Up” - https://www.youtube.com/RickAstleyVEVO
Susan Boyle - https://www.youtube.com/BritainsGotTalent09
Justin Bieber - https://www.youtube.com/kidrauhl
Noah Takes a Photo a Day - https://www.youtube.com/NK5000
Double Rainbow - https://www.youtube.com/Hungrybear9562
Kid President - https://www.youtube.com/soulpancake
Hearing for the first time - https://www.youtube.com/sloanchurman
Vlogbrothers - https://www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers
Jenna Marbles - https://www.youtube.com/JennaMarbles
Holasoygerman - https://www.youtube.com/HolaSoyGerman
Hajime - https://www.youtube.com/0214mex
Danisnotonfire - https://www.youtube.com/danisnotonfire
AmazingPhil - https://www.youtube.com/user/AmazingPhil
Charlieissocoollike - https://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike
Shaytards - https://www.youtube.com/SHAYTARDS
Weird and wonderful:
Salad fingers - https://www.youtube.com/Doki66
Dramatic chipmunk
Charlie the Unicorn - https://www.youtube.com/SecretAgentBob
Annoying Orange - https://www.youtube.com/realannoyingorange
Diet Coke and Mentos - https://www.youtube.com/EepyBird
The Slow Mo Guys - https://www.youtube.com/theslowmoguys
The YouTube Community - Too many links!
Me at the Zoo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw
Alphabet Aerobics by Blackalicious - https://www.youtube.com/BlackaliciousVEVO
This video was created by YouTube, Flying Object (www.weareflyingobject.com), Partizan (www.partizan.com) and directed by Hoku & Adam.
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 1208056
AZ - Problems
Music video by AZ performing Problems. (C) 2001 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc....
Music video by AZ performing Problems. (C) 2001 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
wn.com/Az Problems
Music video by AZ performing Problems. (C) 2001 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 16 Jun 2009
- views: 1173111
author: AZVEVO
GameDay Iroda pólók:
Gergő - http...
GameDay Iroda pólók:
Gergő - http://ask.fm/HollywoodNewsAgency
Imi - http://ask.fm/Kiss_Imi
Imi - https://instagram.com/kiss_imi/
Gergő - https://instagram.com/szirmai_gergely/
GameDay Iroda TF2 Official Server
Ezitten tökmindegy:
GameDay Iroda, játék, történet, gameplay, elemzés, bemutató, kiss imre, szirmai gergely, magyar, magyarul, hearthstone, control warrior, kártyajáték, meccs
wn.com/Az A Rohadék Control Warrior
GameDay Iroda pólók:
Gergő - http://ask.fm/HollywoodNewsAgency
Imi - http://ask.fm/Kiss_Imi
Imi - https://instagram.com/kiss_imi/
Gergő - https://instagram.com/szirmai_gergely/
GameDay Iroda TF2 Official Server
Ezitten tökmindegy:
GameDay Iroda, játék, történet, gameplay, elemzés, bemutató, kiss imre, szirmai gergely, magyar, magyarul, hearthstone, control warrior, kártyajáték, meccs
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 15655
Marihuána az alsóneműben
Feltételezett kábítószer-kereskedőket fogtak el Nyíregyházán és Budapesten....
Feltételezett kábítószer-kereskedőket fogtak el Nyíregyházán és Budapesten.
wn.com/Marihuána Az Alsóneműben
Feltételezett kábítószer-kereskedőket fogtak el Nyíregyházán és Budapesten.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 614
Már a törökök is méltatlankodnak az oroszok szíriai hadműveletei miatt
Törökország csatlakozott a szíriai orosz légicsapásokat kritizáló országokhoz. Az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia, Franciaország, Németország és az Öböl-menti ...
Törökország csatlakozott a szíriai orosz légicsapásokat kritizáló országokhoz. Az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia, Franciaország, Németország és az Öböl-menti arab országok után Törökország szerint is mélyen aggasztó az, amit Oroszország Szíriában művel. A török külügyminisztérium közleményében az áll: értetlenül állnak amellett, hogy az Iszlám Állam állásai helyett az oroszok csak olyan városokat bombáznak, amit a szíriai ellenzék ellenőriz. A törökök szerint az oroszok szerepe szítja a feszül…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/mar-a-torokok-is-meltatlankodnak-az-oroszok-sziriai-hadmuveletei-miatt
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
wn.com/Már A Törökök Is Méltatlankodnak Az Oroszok Szíriai Hadműveletei Miatt
Törökország csatlakozott a szíriai orosz légicsapásokat kritizáló országokhoz. Az Egyesült Államok, Nagy-Britannia, Franciaország, Németország és az Öböl-menti arab országok után Törökország szerint is mélyen aggasztó az, amit Oroszország Szíriában művel. A török külügyminisztérium közleményében az áll: értetlenül állnak amellett, hogy az Iszlám Állam állásai helyett az oroszok csak olyan városokat bombáznak, amit a szíriai ellenzék ellenőriz. A törökök szerint az oroszok szerepe szítja a feszül…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/mar-a-torokok-is-meltatlankodnak-az-oroszok-sziriai-hadmuveletei-miatt
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 23
Méltatta az orosz segítséget a szíriai külügyminiszter
Felszólította Oroszországot az Iszlám Állam nevű terrorista csoport ellen küzdő, amerikaiak vezette koalíció, hogy hagyjon fel a szíriai célpontok elleni légitá...
Felszólította Oroszországot az Iszlám Állam nevű terrorista csoport ellen küzdő, amerikaiak vezette koalíció, hogy hagyjon fel a szíriai célpontok elleni légitámadásokkal. Moszkva azonban bejelentette, hogy akár 3-4 hónapon át is tarthatnak a műveletek.
A szíriai külügyminiszter az ENSZ közgyűlése előtt New Yorkban méltatta az Aszad-rezsimnek nyújtott orosz segítséget:
- Miközben egyre jobban megerősödnek a terrorista csoportok Szíriában, és ártatlan civilek halnak meg az erőszakban, képtelens…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/meltatta-az-orosz-segitseget-a-sziriai-kulugyminiszter
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
wn.com/Méltatta Az Orosz Segítséget A Szíriai Külügyminiszter
Felszólította Oroszországot az Iszlám Állam nevű terrorista csoport ellen küzdő, amerikaiak vezette koalíció, hogy hagyjon fel a szíriai célpontok elleni légitámadásokkal. Moszkva azonban bejelentette, hogy akár 3-4 hónapon át is tarthatnak a műveletek.
A szíriai külügyminiszter az ENSZ közgyűlése előtt New Yorkban méltatta az Aszad-rezsimnek nyújtott orosz segítséget:
- Miközben egyre jobban megerősödnek a terrorista csoportok Szíriában, és ártatlan civilek halnak meg az erőszakban, képtelens…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/meltatta-az-orosz-segitseget-a-sziriai-kulugyminiszter
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 50
Mentőexpedíció (The Martian) - Kérdezz-felelek - A film készítői és az asztronauták (12)
A Marson hatalmas homokvihar készül. A NASA űrhajósai biztonsági okokból azonnal elhagyják a bolygót: halott társuk testét sincs...
A Marson hatalmas homokvihar készül. A NASA űrhajósai biztonsági okokból azonnal elhagyják a bolygót: halott társuk testét sincs már idejük megkeresni.
Nem is találnák. Mark Watney (Matt Damon) ugyanis nem halt meg; csak a szkafanderébe épített adó meghibásodása miatt hiszik a többiek, hogy nem élte túl az első szélrohamokat.
A mérnök-botanikus mindent elkövet a túlélése érdekében: gépeket szerkeszt, élelmiszert termel, vizet gyárt, és amikor a Földi irányítók felfedezik, hogy él, felkészül a mentőexpedíció fogadására.
De az expedíció négy év múlva érkezik, méghozzá az ellenséges bolygó egy egészen másik pontjára. Neki 3200 kilométert kell utazni, hogy fogadhassa őket: egyedül, megfelelő felszerelés nélkül, végtelen magányban.
Számtalan immár legendássá vált film rendezője, Ridley Scott ismét sci-fit forgat:
ezúttal realista, mégis nagyon izgalmas filmet.
wn.com/Mentőexpedíció (The Martian) Kérdezz Felelek A Film Készítői És Az Asztronauták (12)
A Marson hatalmas homokvihar készül. A NASA űrhajósai biztonsági okokból azonnal elhagyják a bolygót: halott társuk testét sincs már idejük megkeresni.
Nem is találnák. Mark Watney (Matt Damon) ugyanis nem halt meg; csak a szkafanderébe épített adó meghibásodása miatt hiszik a többiek, hogy nem élte túl az első szélrohamokat.
A mérnök-botanikus mindent elkövet a túlélése érdekében: gépeket szerkeszt, élelmiszert termel, vizet gyárt, és amikor a Földi irányítók felfedezik, hogy él, felkészül a mentőexpedíció fogadására.
De az expedíció négy év múlva érkezik, méghozzá az ellenséges bolygó egy egészen másik pontjára. Neki 3200 kilométert kell utazni, hogy fogadhassa őket: egyedül, megfelelő felszerelés nélkül, végtelen magányban.
Számtalan immár legendássá vált film rendezője, Ridley Scott ismét sci-fit forgat:
ezúttal realista, mégis nagyon izgalmas filmet.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 102
Harmadszor is bevetették az orosz bombázókat Szíriában
Moszkva közölte, a szíriai hadsereggel egyeztetve az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezet négy állása ellen hajtottak végre légicsapásokat Idlib, Homsz és Hama közelébe...
Moszkva közölte, a szíriai hadsereggel egyeztetve az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezet négy állása ellen hajtottak végre légicsapásokat Idlib, Homsz és Hama közelében csütörtök este. Megsemmisítettek egy lőszerraktárat, egy parancsnoki központot, valamint öngyilkos merényletek előkészítésére szolgáló létesítményt.
Az Amerika által támogatott szíriai lázadók szerint viszont az oroszok nem a dszihadistákat, hanem a szír kormány ellen harcoló más ellenzéki erőket támadták.
- Az orosz légierő sokat se…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/harmadszor-is-bevetettek-az-orosz-bombazokat-sziriaban
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
wn.com/Harmadszor Is Bevetették Az Orosz Bombázókat Szíriában
Moszkva közölte, a szíriai hadsereggel egyeztetve az Iszlám Állam terrorszervezet négy állása ellen hajtottak végre légicsapásokat Idlib, Homsz és Hama közelében csütörtök este. Megsemmisítettek egy lőszerraktárat, egy parancsnoki központot, valamint öngyilkos merényletek előkészítésére szolgáló létesítményt.
Az Amerika által támogatott szíriai lázadók szerint viszont az oroszok nem a dszihadistákat, hanem a szír kormány ellen harcoló más ellenzéki erőket támadták.
- Az orosz légierő sokat se…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/harmadszor-is-bevetettek-az-orosz-bombazokat-sziriaban
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 135
Halálbüntetés - csökken vagy nő az állami kivégzések száma? - utalk
Október 10-én immár tizenharmadszor rendezik meg a halálbüntetés elleni világnapot. Mi most ezzel a helyzet a világon? - kérdezi Ben Londonból.
Válaszol Raph...
Október 10-én immár tizenharmadszor rendezik meg a halálbüntetés elleni világnapot. Mi most ezzel a helyzet a világon? - kérdezi Ben Londonból.
Válaszol Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, az Együtt a Halálbüntetés Ellen szervezet alelnöke.
- 40 éve, 30 éve a világ országainak 2/3-ában rendszeresen alkalmazták a halálbüntetést. Ma éppen fordított a helyzet: az ENSZ tagállamainak 2/3-a eltörölte a halálbüntetést, vagy törvényileg vagy a gyakorlatban.
Ugyanakkor az utóbbi években azt látjuk, hogy a kivé…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/halalbuntetes-csokken-vagy-no-az-allami-kivegzesek-szama
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
wn.com/Halálbüntetés Csökken Vagy Nő Az Állami Kivégzések Száma Utalk
Október 10-én immár tizenharmadszor rendezik meg a halálbüntetés elleni világnapot. Mi most ezzel a helyzet a világon? - kérdezi Ben Londonból.
Válaszol Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, az Együtt a Halálbüntetés Ellen szervezet alelnöke.
- 40 éve, 30 éve a világ országainak 2/3-ában rendszeresen alkalmazták a halálbüntetést. Ma éppen fordított a helyzet: az ENSZ tagállamainak 2/3-a eltörölte a halálbüntetést, vagy törvényileg vagy a gyakorlatban.
Ugyanakkor az utóbbi években azt látjuk, hogy a kivé…
BŐVEBBEN: http://hu.euronews.com/2015/10/02/halalbuntetes-csokken-vagy-no-az-allami-kivegzesek-szama
euronews: Európa legnézettebb hírcsatornája
Iratkozzon fel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsHungarian
Az Euronews elérhető 13 nyelven: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Website: http://hu.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronewshu
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 20
Az - The Come Up
Dope trak and vid.
Az - The format (Prod Dj-Premier)
Dernier clip video Az prod Dj-premier.
AZ - Street Life
AZ - Street Life.
AZ never change
one of my fav songs.
Ho Happy Jackie - AZ
Ho Happy Jackie AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
AZ - City Of Gods
A.W.O.L. ©2005 Quiet Money.
Pete Rock Instrumental- AZ: Rather Unique -Rare/Classic Beat
Instrumental of my favorite AZ track. Produced by Pete Rock. Original Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PccPy_pTM.
NaS & AZ - How Ya Livin' (complete with lyrics)
Nas: {Verse One} What? Back to back Benzes, wit the wild gremlins Gaudiere style lenses, talents in the 40 cal, this is Life now, let me find out, you want t...
AZ - We Can't Win
One of my favorite AZ tracks, love the message... and again, why wasn't this already up?
AZ-Doe Or Die: 15th Anniversary Edition http://www.amazon.com/Doe-Die-15th-Anniversary-Az/dp/B0048IDR1Y
AZ - Love Me
9 Lives (c)2001 Motown
AZ - I Am The Truth
AZ - Paradise
AZ - I'm Back
AZ - Make Me
AZ - Game Of Life
The Format ©2006 Quiet Money Records.
Az - Seems That Way
az - Superstar - Undeniable
Download this song from http://GET1000FREEDOWNLOADS.INFO az - Superstar - Undeniable.
AZ - Once Again
Uncut Raw - AZ
Uncut Raw AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
AZ - Hustler
Aziatic (c)2002 Motown
Az-Feel My Pain (produced by Frank Dukes)
http://www.themathhattan.com/ AZ-Feel My Pain (Dirty) (produced by Frank Dukes, cuts by Statik Selektah).mp3 http://usershare.net/92ymfn5v94b6.
Az - The Come Up
Dope trak and vid....
Dope trak and vid.
wn.com/Az The Come Up
Dope trak and vid.
- published: 12 Dec 2006
- views: 3515310
author: 80SAFRIKAN
Az - The format (Prod Dj-Premier)
Dernier clip video Az prod Dj-premier....
Dernier clip video Az prod Dj-premier.
wn.com/Az The Format (Prod Dj Premier)
Dernier clip video Az prod Dj-premier.
- published: 17 Feb 2007
- views: 2560206
author: k2cause
AZ - Street Life
AZ - Street Life....
AZ - Street Life.
wn.com/Az Street Life
AZ - Street Life.
- published: 18 Oct 2006
- views: 813282
author: mutjangee
AZ never change
one of my fav songs....
one of my fav songs.
wn.com/Az Never Change
one of my fav songs.
- published: 11 Nov 2007
- views: 484432
Ho Happy Jackie - AZ
Ho Happy Jackie AZ Doe Or Die 1995....
Ho Happy Jackie AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
wn.com/Ho Happy Jackie Az
Ho Happy Jackie AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
- published: 22 Nov 2007
- views: 219156
author: 3Darryl
AZ - City Of Gods
A.W.O.L. ©2005 Quiet Money....
A.W.O.L. ©2005 Quiet Money.
wn.com/Az City Of Gods
A.W.O.L. ©2005 Quiet Money.
- published: 26 Mar 2008
- views: 273864
author: shamflip
Pete Rock Instrumental- AZ: Rather Unique -Rare/Classic Beat
Instrumental of my favorite AZ track. Produced by Pete Rock. Original Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PccPy_pTM....
Instrumental of my favorite AZ track. Produced by Pete Rock. Original Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PccPy_pTM.
wn.com/Pete Rock Instrumental Az Rather Unique Rare Classic Beat
Instrumental of my favorite AZ track. Produced by Pete Rock. Original Track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PccPy_pTM.
- published: 29 Sep 2008
- views: 152818
author: ot4ym
NaS & AZ - How Ya Livin' (complete with lyrics)
Nas: {Verse One} What? Back to back Benzes, wit the wild gremlins Gaudiere style lenses, talents in the 40 cal, this is Life now, let me find out, you want t......
Nas: {Verse One} What? Back to back Benzes, wit the wild gremlins Gaudiere style lenses, talents in the 40 cal, this is Life now, let me find out, you want t...
wn.com/Nas Az How Ya Livin' (Complete With Lyrics)
Nas: {Verse One} What? Back to back Benzes, wit the wild gremlins Gaudiere style lenses, talents in the 40 cal, this is Life now, let me find out, you want t...
- published: 08 Mar 2008
- views: 250399
author: philbo67
AZ - We Can't Win
One of my favorite AZ tracks, love the message... and again, why wasn't this already up?...
One of my favorite AZ tracks, love the message... and again, why wasn't this already up?
wn.com/Az We Can't Win
One of my favorite AZ tracks, love the message... and again, why wasn't this already up?
AZ-Doe Or Die: 15th Anniversary Edition http://www.amazon.com/Doe-Die-15th-Anniversary-Az/dp/B0048IDR1Y
AZ-Doe Or Die: 15th Anniversary Edition http://www.amazon.com/Doe-Die-15th-Anniversary-Az/dp/B0048IDR1Y
wn.com/Az The Calm (Music Video) Chase Million ,Quiet Money , Blockhustler Films
AZ-Doe Or Die: 15th Anniversary Edition http://www.amazon.com/Doe-Die-15th-Anniversary-Az/dp/B0048IDR1Y
- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 85209
AZ - Love Me
9 Lives (c)2001 Motown...
9 Lives (c)2001 Motown
wn.com/Az Love Me
9 Lives (c)2001 Motown
- published: 15 Jul 2009
- views: 39611
AZ - Game Of Life
The Format ©2006 Quiet Money Records....
The Format ©2006 Quiet Money Records.
wn.com/Az Game Of Life
The Format ©2006 Quiet Money Records.
az - Superstar - Undeniable
Download this song from http://GET1000FREEDOWNLOADS.INFO az - Superstar - Undeniable....
Download this song from http://GET1000FREEDOWNLOADS.INFO az - Superstar - Undeniable.
wn.com/Az Superstar Undeniable
Download this song from http://GET1000FREEDOWNLOADS.INFO az - Superstar - Undeniable.
- published: 29 Jul 2008
- views: 34145
author: WorldNorry
AZ - Once Again
wn.com/Az Once Again
- published: 19 May 2009
- views: 39261
author: 850iStyle
Uncut Raw - AZ
Uncut Raw AZ Doe Or Die 1995....
Uncut Raw AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
wn.com/Uncut Raw Az
Uncut Raw AZ Doe Or Die 1995.
- published: 20 Nov 2007
- views: 139147
author: 3Darryl
AZ - Hustler
Aziatic (c)2002 Motown...
Aziatic (c)2002 Motown
wn.com/Az Hustler
Aziatic (c)2002 Motown
- published: 07 Jul 2009
- views: 23836
Az-Feel My Pain (produced by Frank Dukes)
http://www.themathhattan.com/ AZ-Feel My Pain (Dirty) (produced by Frank Dukes, cuts by Statik Selektah).mp3 http://usershare.net/92ymfn5v94b6....
http://www.themathhattan.com/ AZ-Feel My Pain (Dirty) (produced by Frank Dukes, cuts by Statik Selektah).mp3 http://usershare.net/92ymfn5v94b6.
wn.com/Az Feel My Pain (Produced By Frank Dukes)
http://www.themathhattan.com/ AZ-Feel My Pain (Dirty) (produced by Frank Dukes, cuts by Statik Selektah).mp3 http://usershare.net/92ymfn5v94b6.
- published: 18 May 2010
- views: 18821
author: doc312
DJ Premier Boiler Room x Ballantine's Stay True Russia DJ Set
→ FOR AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1enXEGT
→ SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL
One of hip-hop's most important figures shutdown our Ballantine's Stay True Russia session.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
Dj Premier Live in Luxembourg 2013 [Soulkitchen]
DONATE any amount ➜ FREE DIGITAL ALBUM : https://goo.gl/ZeAKn2
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ijessejames
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/ijessejames
DJ Premier on the 1's and 2's (Part 1 of 3) @ Fat Beats, NYC (The Final Day)
DJ Premier (of Gang Starr) spinning some records on the turntables. This is Part 1 of 3, of his set. At Fat Beats, NYC's final day of being open for business...
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock DJ Battle Live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA
Leedz Edutainment Presents...
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock, a legendary DJ Battle
live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA.
Video created by Isaac Remsen & Nick Pedini
The following video features Jeru The Damaja's "Tha Bullshit" which is under copyright by Universal Music Group....
Leedz Edutainment
Twitter: @MrLeedz
Isaac Remsen
Twitter: IFR
Sneak Peak of DJ Premier's newly formed Live Band.
DJ Premier is now taking suggestions on potential names for his new live band, Tweet your suggestion to him directly on Twitter @REALDJPREMIER with #NamePreemosNewBand hastag, or head to www.premierwuzhere.com and comment below the video posting.
Follow DJ Premier:
Dj Premier - Live In Paris
Dj Premier - Live In Paris.
DJ Premier - Live Set
http://www.therapbuzz.com | http://www.lacantinaproductions.com DJ Premier at Jazz Cafe, London.
DJ Premier Live From HeadQcourterz 7 MAR 2014
DJ Premier "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" scratches LIVE
DJ Premier performs his classic scratches from Gangstarr's "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" ('90) Live 21/11/13 in Toronto, Canada @ UNIUN Nightclub DJ Jazzy Je...
DJ Premier x Wais P. the Pimp on Live from HeadQCourterz
DJ Premier - Live From HeadQCourterz on SiriusXM Hip Hop Nation Special Guest: Wais P. the Pimp, promoting new mixtape: Pussy Rich. Filmed by: Andrew Mohrer ...
Nas - N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012)
Music video by Nas performing N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012).
DJ Premier Live From Headqcourterz 24 JAN 2014
DJ Premier - Braggin' Writes [J-Live]
The DJ Premier Remix of Braggin' Writes by J-Live.
DJ PREMIER with LIVE BAND at @BrooklynBowl
Unbelievable show of DJ PREMIERE with his LUCE BAND !!!
June 2015 in Brooklyn NY
...they'll be in Europe soon so don't miss them for anything!!!
Premiere Premiere P P P P.... Premiere!!!
DJ Premier vs. Pete Rock (LIVE at Tokyo)
05:40 James Brown - Mind Power
07:31 James Brown - Ain't It Funky Now
10:18 James Brown - The Boss
15:20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Th
16:20 The Jackson 5 - 2 4 6 8
17:36 Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me
18:48 Detroit Spinners - It's A Shame
19:37 Al Green - Let's Stay Together
21:25 The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
22:49 The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek P
Dj Premier live band Warszawa Warsaw Proxima
Dj Premier Warszawa
Dj Premier - Classic(feat. Rakim, Nas & Krs One)
Without Kanye's verse.
DJ Premier & The BADDER - "BPATTER"
"DJ Premier & The BADDER"
Song title: "BPATTER"
DJ Premier & Band management- Ian Schwartzman
Video Directed by- Hastings & Santana of Atomicus Films
Daniel Hastings
IG- @Dannyhastings
Mixed by DJ Premier & Parks
Artist socials:
DJ Premier
FB- @DJPremier
IG- @DJPremier
Lenny "The Ox" Re
PRhyme live @ #HipHopKemp2015 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
PRhyme live @ Hip Hop Kemp 2015.08.22 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
Trailer #HipHopKemp2015 @ UGW.ru
#letosnakempu #HipHopKemp #PRHYME #DJPremier #RoyceDa59
Dj Premier Live in Santiago, Chile. 2012/08/05. HD.
Apertura de la presentación de Dj Premier en la cúpula del Parque Ohiggins en Santiago de Chile 2012/08/05. No soy camarografo así que no webeen. HD. Visita ...
*EXCLUSIVE* DJ Premier Live In London
http://www.thehiphopchronicle.com/2011/05/31/dj-premier-live-in-london-video/ Last night DJ Premier played a gig in London. The event was presented by Spread...
DJ Premier Boiler Room x Ballantine's Stay True Russia DJ Set
→ FOR AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1enXEGT
→ SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL
One of hip-hop's most important figures shutdown our Ballantine's Stay Tru...
→ FOR AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1enXEGT
→ SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL
One of hip-hop's most important figures shutdown our Ballantine's Stay True Russia session.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
wn.com/Dj Premier Boiler Room X Ballantine's Stay True Russia Dj Set
→ FOR AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1enXEGT
→ SUBSCRIBE TO BOILER ROOM: http://bit.ly/1bkrHWL
One of hip-hop's most important figures shutdown our Ballantine's Stay True Russia session.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boilerroom.tv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boilerroomtv
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/platform
- published: 24 May 2015
- views: 2957
Dj Premier Live in Luxembourg 2013 [Soulkitchen]
DONATE any amount ➜ FREE DIGITAL ALBUM : https://goo.gl/ZeAKn2
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ijessejames
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/ijessejames
Livestream : http://www.twitch.tv/ijessejames
Bandcamp : http://ijessejames.bandcamp.com/
wn.com/Dj Premier Live In Luxembourg 2013 Soulkitchen
DONATE any amount ➜ FREE DIGITAL ALBUM : https://goo.gl/ZeAKn2
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ijessejames
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/ijessejames
Livestream : http://www.twitch.tv/ijessejames
Bandcamp : http://ijessejames.bandcamp.com/
- published: 28 Oct 2013
- views: 24571
wn.com/Dj Premier Spins Live On 93.9 Wkys Ezstreetshow 2 15
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 47
DJ Premier on the 1's and 2's (Part 1 of 3) @ Fat Beats, NYC (The Final Day)
DJ Premier (of Gang Starr) spinning some records on the turntables. This is Part 1 of 3, of his set. At Fat Beats, NYC's final day of being open for business......
DJ Premier (of Gang Starr) spinning some records on the turntables. This is Part 1 of 3, of his set. At Fat Beats, NYC's final day of being open for business...
wn.com/Dj Premier On The 1's And 2's (Part 1 Of 3) Fat Beats, NYC (The Final Day)
DJ Premier (of Gang Starr) spinning some records on the turntables. This is Part 1 of 3, of his set. At Fat Beats, NYC's final day of being open for business...
- published: 05 Sep 2010
- views: 304448
author: Tone Riggz
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock DJ Battle Live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA
Leedz Edutainment Presents...
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock, a legendary DJ Battle
live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA.
Video created by Isaac Remsen & Nick P...
Leedz Edutainment Presents...
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock, a legendary DJ Battle
live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA.
Video created by Isaac Remsen & Nick Pedini
The following video features Jeru The Damaja's "Tha Bullshit" which is under copyright by Universal Music Group....
Leedz Edutainment
Twitter: @MrLeedz
Isaac Remsen
Twitter: IFRPhoto
Instagram: IsaacRemsenPhoto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isaac-Remsen-Photography/155093231221953
Nick Pedini
Twitter: npedini
Instagram: npedini
https://vimeo.com/pedinivisuals (You can view it on mobile devices through this link)
wn.com/Dj Premier Vs Pete Rock Dj Battle Live At The Middle East In Cambridge, Ma
Leedz Edutainment Presents...
DJ Premier Vs Pete Rock, a legendary DJ Battle
live at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA.
Video created by Isaac Remsen & Nick Pedini
The following video features Jeru The Damaja's "Tha Bullshit" which is under copyright by Universal Music Group....
Leedz Edutainment
Twitter: @MrLeedz
Isaac Remsen
Twitter: IFRPhoto
Instagram: IsaacRemsenPhoto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isaac-Remsen-Photography/155093231221953
Nick Pedini
Twitter: npedini
Instagram: npedini
https://vimeo.com/pedinivisuals (You can view it on mobile devices through this link)
- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 24730
Sneak Peak of DJ Premier's newly formed Live Band.
DJ Premier is now taking suggestions on potential names for his new live band, Tweet your suggestion to him d...
Sneak Peak of DJ Premier's newly formed Live Band.
DJ Premier is now taking suggestions on potential names for his new live band, Tweet your suggestion to him directly on Twitter @REALDJPREMIER with #NamePreemosNewBand hastag, or head to www.premierwuzhere.com and comment below the video posting.
Follow DJ Premier:
The Band:
Brady Watt - Bass @nyceonthebass
Lenny "The Ox" Reece - Drums @genteikaijolive
Takuya Kuroda - Trumpet @takutrumpet
Corey King - Trombone @CMATIKOI
Filmed and Edited by Ryosuke Tanzawa
DJ Premier Live Band Management: Ian Schwartzman
Road Management: Keeblr
wn.com/Dj Premier Live Band Sneak Peak
Sneak Peak of DJ Premier's newly formed Live Band.
DJ Premier is now taking suggestions on potential names for his new live band, Tweet your suggestion to him directly on Twitter @REALDJPREMIER with #NamePreemosNewBand hastag, or head to www.premierwuzhere.com and comment below the video posting.
Follow DJ Premier:
The Band:
Brady Watt - Bass @nyceonthebass
Lenny "The Ox" Reece - Drums @genteikaijolive
Takuya Kuroda - Trumpet @takutrumpet
Corey King - Trombone @CMATIKOI
Filmed and Edited by Ryosuke Tanzawa
DJ Premier Live Band Management: Ian Schwartzman
Road Management: Keeblr
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 2424
Dj Premier - Live In Paris
Dj Premier - Live In Paris....
Dj Premier - Live In Paris.
wn.com/Dj Premier Live In Paris
Dj Premier - Live In Paris.
- published: 16 Aug 2007
- views: 143999
author: mike7743
DJ Premier - Live Set
http://www.therapbuzz.com | http://www.lacantinaproductions.com DJ Premier at Jazz Cafe, London....
http://www.therapbuzz.com | http://www.lacantinaproductions.com DJ Premier at Jazz Cafe, London.
wn.com/Dj Premier Live Set
http://www.therapbuzz.com | http://www.lacantinaproductions.com DJ Premier at Jazz Cafe, London.
DJ Premier "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" scratches LIVE
DJ Premier performs his classic scratches from Gangstarr's "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" ('90) Live 21/11/13 in Toronto, Canada @ UNIUN Nightclub DJ Jazzy Je......
DJ Premier performs his classic scratches from Gangstarr's "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" ('90) Live 21/11/13 in Toronto, Canada @ UNIUN Nightclub DJ Jazzy Je...
wn.com/Dj Premier Who's Gonna Take The Weight Scratches Live
DJ Premier performs his classic scratches from Gangstarr's "Who's Gonna Take The Weight" ('90) Live 21/11/13 in Toronto, Canada @ UNIUN Nightclub DJ Jazzy Je...
DJ Premier x Wais P. the Pimp on Live from HeadQCourterz
DJ Premier - Live From HeadQCourterz on SiriusXM Hip Hop Nation Special Guest: Wais P. the Pimp, promoting new mixtape: Pussy Rich. Filmed by: Andrew Mohrer ......
DJ Premier - Live From HeadQCourterz on SiriusXM Hip Hop Nation Special Guest: Wais P. the Pimp, promoting new mixtape: Pussy Rich. Filmed by: Andrew Mohrer ...
wn.com/Dj Premier X Wais P. The Pimp On Live From Headqcourterz
DJ Premier - Live From HeadQCourterz on SiriusXM Hip Hop Nation Special Guest: Wais P. the Pimp, promoting new mixtape: Pussy Rich. Filmed by: Andrew Mohrer ...
Nas - N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012)
Music video by Nas performing N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012)....
Music video by Nas performing N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012).
wn.com/Nas N.Y. State Of Mind (Live At Vevosxsw 2012)
Music video by Nas performing N.Y. State of Mind (Live at #VEVOSXSW 2012).
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 1191780
DJ Premier - Braggin' Writes [J-Live]
The DJ Premier Remix of Braggin' Writes by J-Live....
The DJ Premier Remix of Braggin' Writes by J-Live.
wn.com/Dj Premier Braggin' Writes J Live
The DJ Premier Remix of Braggin' Writes by J-Live.
DJ PREMIER with LIVE BAND at @BrooklynBowl
Unbelievable show of DJ PREMIERE with his LUCE BAND !!!
June 2015 in Brooklyn NY
...they'll be in Europe soon so don't miss them for anything!!!
Premiere Prem...
Unbelievable show of DJ PREMIERE with his LUCE BAND !!!
June 2015 in Brooklyn NY
...they'll be in Europe soon so don't miss them for anything!!!
Premiere Premiere P P P P.... Premiere!!!
wn.com/Dj Premier With Live Band At Brooklynbowl
Unbelievable show of DJ PREMIERE with his LUCE BAND !!!
June 2015 in Brooklyn NY
...they'll be in Europe soon so don't miss them for anything!!!
Premiere Premiere P P P P.... Premiere!!!
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 820
DJ Premier vs. Pete Rock (LIVE at Tokyo)
05:40 James Brown - Mind Power
07:31 James Brown - Ain't It Funky Now
10:18 James Brown - The Boss
15:20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing L...
05:40 James Brown - Mind Power
07:31 James Brown - Ain't It Funky Now
10:18 James Brown - The Boss
15:20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Th
16:20 The Jackson 5 - 2 4 6 8
17:36 Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me
18:48 Detroit Spinners - It's A Shame
19:37 Al Green - Let's Stay Together
21:25 The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
22:49 The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
23:54 Junior Walker & The All Stars - Shotgun!
24:57 The Jackson 5 - The Love You Save
26:00 Stevie Wonder - Too High
26:50 The Jackson 5 - ABC
27:45 Michael Jackson - I Wanna Be Where You Are
30:07 The Jackson 5 - I Want You Back
31:15 The Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine
33:05 Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
34:10 Stevie Wonder - Superstitious
36:00 Smokey Robinson - Tears of a Clown
37:29 Brick - Dazz
41:59 ESG - U.F.O.
45:11 The Mohawks - The Champ
46:27 Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
47:52 Run DMC & Aerosmith - Walk This Way
50:04 Marvin Gaye - „T" plays it Cool
52:01 Kurtis Blow - AJ Scratch
53:00 Whodini - Freaks Come Out At Night
54:08 MC Lyte - Cha Cha Cha
54:58 Biz Markie - Nobody Beats The Biz
56:27 Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh - La-Di Da-Di
57:19 Eric B & Rakim - Eric B is President
58:47 Boogie Down Productions - Doc Mix
01:00:04 Big Daddy Kane - Ain't No Half Steppin
01:01:31 Jimmy Spicer - The Bubble Bunch
01:03:18 Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message
01:04:22 Slick Rick - Children's Story
01:05:45 Slick Rick - Mona Lisa
01:06:31 Malcolm McLaren - Buffalo Gals
01:08:39 Brand Nubian - All For One
01:09:38 A Tribe Called Quest - Scenario
01:11:30 Blahzay Blahzay - Danger
01:12:40 Craig Mack - Flava in Ya Ear (remix)
01:13:34 D.I.T.C. - Day One
01:15:29 Mobb Deep - Shook Ones pt. 2
01:17:18 Naughty by Nature - Hip Hop Hooray
01:18:28 The Notorious B.I.G. - One More Chance (Remix)
01:20:21 Biz Markie - Just a Friend
01:20:58 M.O.P. - Ante Up
01:23:19 Nas - Nas is like
01:24:50 Ahmad Jamal - I Love Music
01:25:00 Nas - The World is Yours
01:26:20 Dilated Peoples - Clockwork
01:27:36 Dorothy Ashby - Cause I Need It
01:28:13 Inl - Fakin' Jax
01:29:38 Jaco Pastorious - Come on, come over
01:31:45 KRS-One - Rappaz R N Danja
01:32:35 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Mecca & the Soul Brother
01:34:00 D'Angelo - Devils Pie
01:36:00 Natural Four - Try Love Again
01:36:35 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - It's a Love Thing
01:38:10 Gang Starr - Jazz Music
01:39:35 Ernie Hines - Our Generation
01:40:16 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Straighten It Out
01:42:43 Royce Da 5'9'' - Boom
01:44:25 Busta Rhymes - Shut em Down
01:44:34 Public Enemy - Shut em Down (Remix)
01:46:47 The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments
01:48:11 Pete Rock - Tru Master (feat. Inspectah Deck & Kurupt)
01:49:50 Vic Juris - Horizon Drive
01:50:19 Gang Starr - Mass Appeal
01:51:17 Jeru the Damaja - You Can't Stop The Prophet (Remix)
01:52:29 Gang Starr - You Know My Steez
01:53:57 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - I Got a Love
01:55:27 Gang Starr - Work
01:56:36 Jay-Z - A Million and One Questions
01:57:54 A.D.O.R. - Let It All Hang Out
01:59:04 Pitch Black - It's All Real
01:59:40 House of Pain - Jump Around (Pete Rock Remix)
02:00:50 Jeru the Damaja - Come Clean
02:02:50 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - The Creator
02:03:38 Gang Starr - Eulogy
02:04:29 Gang Starr - Full Clip
02:08:15 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - They Reminisce Over You
thx to dxjgparko
wn.com/Dj Premier Vs. Pete Rock (Live At Tokyo)
05:40 James Brown - Mind Power
07:31 James Brown - Ain't It Funky Now
10:18 James Brown - The Boss
15:20 Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Th
16:20 The Jackson 5 - 2 4 6 8
17:36 Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me
18:48 Detroit Spinners - It's A Shame
19:37 Al Green - Let's Stay Together
21:25 The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
22:49 The Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
23:54 Junior Walker & The All Stars - Shotgun!
24:57 The Jackson 5 - The Love You Save
26:00 Stevie Wonder - Too High
26:50 The Jackson 5 - ABC
27:45 Michael Jackson - I Wanna Be Where You Are
30:07 The Jackson 5 - I Want You Back
31:15 The Jackson 5 - Dancing Machine
33:05 Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
34:10 Stevie Wonder - Superstitious
36:00 Smokey Robinson - Tears of a Clown
37:29 Brick - Dazz
41:59 ESG - U.F.O.
45:11 The Mohawks - The Champ
46:27 Bobby Byrd - I Know You Got Soul
47:52 Run DMC & Aerosmith - Walk This Way
50:04 Marvin Gaye - „T" plays it Cool
52:01 Kurtis Blow - AJ Scratch
53:00 Whodini - Freaks Come Out At Night
54:08 MC Lyte - Cha Cha Cha
54:58 Biz Markie - Nobody Beats The Biz
56:27 Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh - La-Di Da-Di
57:19 Eric B & Rakim - Eric B is President
58:47 Boogie Down Productions - Doc Mix
01:00:04 Big Daddy Kane - Ain't No Half Steppin
01:01:31 Jimmy Spicer - The Bubble Bunch
01:03:18 Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message
01:04:22 Slick Rick - Children's Story
01:05:45 Slick Rick - Mona Lisa
01:06:31 Malcolm McLaren - Buffalo Gals
01:08:39 Brand Nubian - All For One
01:09:38 A Tribe Called Quest - Scenario
01:11:30 Blahzay Blahzay - Danger
01:12:40 Craig Mack - Flava in Ya Ear (remix)
01:13:34 D.I.T.C. - Day One
01:15:29 Mobb Deep - Shook Ones pt. 2
01:17:18 Naughty by Nature - Hip Hop Hooray
01:18:28 The Notorious B.I.G. - One More Chance (Remix)
01:20:21 Biz Markie - Just a Friend
01:20:58 M.O.P. - Ante Up
01:23:19 Nas - Nas is like
01:24:50 Ahmad Jamal - I Love Music
01:25:00 Nas - The World is Yours
01:26:20 Dilated Peoples - Clockwork
01:27:36 Dorothy Ashby - Cause I Need It
01:28:13 Inl - Fakin' Jax
01:29:38 Jaco Pastorious - Come on, come over
01:31:45 KRS-One - Rappaz R N Danja
01:32:35 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Mecca & the Soul Brother
01:34:00 D'Angelo - Devils Pie
01:36:00 Natural Four - Try Love Again
01:36:35 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - It's a Love Thing
01:38:10 Gang Starr - Jazz Music
01:39:35 Ernie Hines - Our Generation
01:40:16 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Straighten It Out
01:42:43 Royce Da 5'9'' - Boom
01:44:25 Busta Rhymes - Shut em Down
01:44:34 Public Enemy - Shut em Down (Remix)
01:46:47 The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments
01:48:11 Pete Rock - Tru Master (feat. Inspectah Deck & Kurupt)
01:49:50 Vic Juris - Horizon Drive
01:50:19 Gang Starr - Mass Appeal
01:51:17 Jeru the Damaja - You Can't Stop The Prophet (Remix)
01:52:29 Gang Starr - You Know My Steez
01:53:57 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - I Got a Love
01:55:27 Gang Starr - Work
01:56:36 Jay-Z - A Million and One Questions
01:57:54 A.D.O.R. - Let It All Hang Out
01:59:04 Pitch Black - It's All Real
01:59:40 House of Pain - Jump Around (Pete Rock Remix)
02:00:50 Jeru the Damaja - Come Clean
02:02:50 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - The Creator
02:03:38 Gang Starr - Eulogy
02:04:29 Gang Starr - Full Clip
02:08:15 Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - They Reminisce Over You
thx to dxjgparko
- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 60306
DJ Premier & The BADDER - "BPATTER"
"DJ Premier & The BADDER"
Song title: "BPATTER"
DJ Premier & Band management- Ian Schwartzman
Video Directed by- Hastings & Santana ...
"DJ Premier & The BADDER"
Song title: "BPATTER"
DJ Premier & Band management- Ian Schwartzman
Video Directed by- Hastings & Santana of Atomicus Films
Daniel Hastings
IG- @Dannyhastings
Mixed by DJ Premier & Parks
Artist socials:
DJ Premier
FB- @DJPremier
IG- @DJPremier
Lenny "The Ox" Reece
FB: Lenny Theox Reece
IG: the_oxx
Brady Watt
Twitter: @nyceonthebass
IG: @nyceonthebass
Mark Williams
Twitter: @MarkplaysTbone
IG: @Markplaystrombone
Takuya Kuroda
Twitter: @TakuTrumpet
IG: @TakuTrumpet
SUBSCRIBE to DJ Premier's official Premier Wuz Here Channel for more original material, music video premieres, and more: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Preem
More Preemo:
https://fb.com/DJPremierOfficial (Like)
http://shop.premierwuzhere.com (Shop)
http://instagram.com/DJPremier (Photos)
https://twitter.com/RealDJPremier (Follow)
https://soundcloud.com/premier-wuz-here (Listen)
wn.com/Dj Premier The Badder Bpatter
"DJ Premier & The BADDER"
Song title: "BPATTER"
DJ Premier & Band management- Ian Schwartzman
Video Directed by- Hastings & Santana of Atomicus Films
Daniel Hastings
IG- @Dannyhastings
Mixed by DJ Premier & Parks
Artist socials:
DJ Premier
FB- @DJPremier
IG- @DJPremier
Lenny "The Ox" Reece
FB: Lenny Theox Reece
IG: the_oxx
Brady Watt
Twitter: @nyceonthebass
IG: @nyceonthebass
Mark Williams
Twitter: @MarkplaysTbone
IG: @Markplaystrombone
Takuya Kuroda
Twitter: @TakuTrumpet
IG: @TakuTrumpet
SUBSCRIBE to DJ Premier's official Premier Wuz Here Channel for more original material, music video premieres, and more: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Preem
More Preemo:
https://fb.com/DJPremierOfficial (Like)
http://shop.premierwuzhere.com (Shop)
http://instagram.com/DJPremier (Photos)
https://twitter.com/RealDJPremier (Follow)
https://soundcloud.com/premier-wuz-here (Listen)
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 13758
PRhyme live @ #HipHopKemp2015 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
PRhyme live @ Hip Hop Kemp 2015.08.22 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
Trailer #HipHopKemp2015 @ UGW.ru
#letosnakempu #H...
PRhyme live @ Hip Hop Kemp 2015.08.22 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
Trailer #HipHopKemp2015 @ UGW.ru
#letosnakempu #HipHopKemp #PRHYME #DJPremier #RoyceDa59
wn.com/Prhyme Live Hiphopkemp2015 Dj Premier Royce Da 5'9
PRhyme live @ Hip Hop Kemp 2015.08.22 [DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9"]
Trailer #HipHopKemp2015 @ UGW.ru
#letosnakempu #HipHopKemp #PRHYME #DJPremier #RoyceDa59
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 127
Dj Premier Live in Santiago, Chile. 2012/08/05. HD.
Apertura de la presentación de Dj Premier en la cúpula del Parque Ohiggins en Santiago de Chile 2012/08/05. No soy camarografo así que no webeen. HD. Visita ......
Apertura de la presentación de Dj Premier en la cúpula del Parque Ohiggins en Santiago de Chile 2012/08/05. No soy camarografo así que no webeen. HD. Visita ...
wn.com/Dj Premier Live In Santiago, Chile. 2012 08 05. Hd.
Apertura de la presentación de Dj Premier en la cúpula del Parque Ohiggins en Santiago de Chile 2012/08/05. No soy camarografo así que no webeen. HD. Visita ...
- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 13041
author: zncking
wn.com/Dj Premier Lord Finesse (The Official Toronto Tour)
*EXCLUSIVE* DJ Premier Live In London
http://www.thehiphopchronicle.com/2011/05/31/dj-premier-live-in-london-video/ Last night DJ Premier played a gig in London. The event was presented by Spread......
http://www.thehiphopchronicle.com/2011/05/31/dj-premier-live-in-london-video/ Last night DJ Premier played a gig in London. The event was presented by Spread...
wn.com/Exclusive Dj Premier Live In London
http://www.thehiphopchronicle.com/2011/05/31/dj-premier-live-in-london-video/ Last night DJ Premier played a gig in London. The event was presented by Spread...
DJ Premier Rare Play Vol. 1 - Full Album
Release Date: June 2, 2008
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUeYSunNHo
1 DJ Premier - Rare Play Intro
2 Rass Kass - Goldyn Child
3 Da Ranjahz - Insp-her-ation
4 Tef - Comin At Cha
5 Sonja Blade - Look 4 The Name
6 AG - Weed Scented
7 M.O.P. - Bloody Murdah
8 Blaq Poet - We Gon Ill
9 All City - The Actual
10 Screwball - Seen It All
11 Group Home - Up Against Th
DJ Premier Rare Play Vol. 2 - Full Album
Release Date: May 19, 2009
Vol. 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gETmFPotGus
DJ Premier Beats That Collected Dust Vol. 1 - Full Album
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2gg8g2ONBo
DJ Premier - Guru 1 Year Anniversary Tribute - Full
R.I.P. Keith Edward Elam 1961-2010
Dj Premier Selection 2012-2013
Avec : Joey Badass, Lil' Fame & Termanology ft. Busta Rhymes, Chirsco ft. Jon Connor & Elzhi, Nore & Bumpy Knuckles, Mask ft. Rhymefest, Big Shug ft. Fat Joe & MOP, ill Bill, et 38 Spesh.
New Selection Dj Premier 2013-2014 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZojloFB2q4
Mix réalisé par FL.How et diffusé dans l'émission Contre-Chok du 22 mars 2013.
Toutes les émissions sont dispo sur le Bandcamp :
Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape A complete very rare ripped by stellar
Side A
DJ Premier -- Intro
M.O.P. -- Anticipation
Royal Flush -- Worldwide
Busta Rhymes -- Live To Regret
Hillfiguz -- Too Many Suckas
Ghostface*, Cappadonna & Raekwon -- Camay
East Flatbush Project & DeS -- Tried By 12
All City -- Who Dat
PMD -- Leave Your Style Cramped
Natural Resource -- Bum Deal
Mr. Voodoo -- Shine
Side B
Nine -- Every Man 4 Himself
Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape B complete very rare ripped by stellar
Side A:
Greg Tate - What Is HipHop?
G-Depp - Head Over Wheels
Jay-Z - Regrets
Children Of The Corn - American Dream
Trybal Men - Money To Make
Adagio - The Obvious Joint
J-Force - For All Those La
The Darkman - I Want It All
The Roots - ? vs. Scratch
Side B:
Common - The Bitch In You
Outkast - Elevators
Lord Finesse - Check The Method
DJ Premier's Top 40 Tracks
In no particular order:
00:00:00 - Vinnie Paz - The Oracle
00:01:43 - Gang Starr - The Militia
00:03:25 - Gang Starr - Capture (The Militia Pt. 3)
00:04:48 - Gang Starr - Speak Ya Clout
00:08:21 - M.O.P - Salute (Pt. II)
00:10:03 - Gang Starr - Full Clip
00:11:25 - La Coka Nostra - Mind Your Business
00:13:28 - Group Home - Livin' Proof
00:15:44 - AZ - The Format
DJ PREMIER / Crooklyn Cuts (Volume Ⅲ TAPE A) : Side A
Sway Takeover SXSW: DJ Premiere Freestyles Live & Royce Da 5'9 Is Candid About Premiere on the Road
Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC
Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freesty
Sean Price Tribute with DJ Eclipse, DJ Premier, Torae, Tek, 9th Wonder, Rockness, Ruste Juxx, & more
DJ Premier - Penalty Recordings Mixtape
B.I.G. over Premier - presented by DJ Finesse NYC
This month marks the passing of the lauded rapper Notorious B.I.G. and to honor his legacy, New York resident DJ Finesse debuted a special tribute during DJ ...
DJ PREMIER Hip Hop al parque 2014
XVIII Festival Hip Hop al parque
Uno de los Exponentes mas importantes en el hip hop.
Dj Premier en VIVO
Ghostface Killah & DJ Premier "Duel of the Iron Fists" (Hevehitta & DJ Unexpected) –2012 full EP
1. The Iron Fist Intro
2. Shaolin Vs. Lama (DJ Unexpected Remix) feat. Raekwon, Jadakiss & Styles P.
3. Masked Avengers (DJ Unexpected Remix) Feat. Raekwon
4. The 100 Pace Palm (DJ Unexpected Remix)
5. Eastern Evil (DJ Unexpected Remix)
6. Ghostface Killah- Duel Of Ultimate Weapon
Cornerstone Mixtape Volume 9 - DJ Premier
DJ_Premier-Cornerstone_Mixtape_Volume_9-1999 Tracklist: DJ Soul - Volume 9 Intro Steph Lova - On The Mic Teflon - FU DITC (Fat Joe and Big L) - Way Of Life G...
Gang Starr - Best Of Gang Starr (Guru & DJ Premier)
DJ Premier Presents Get Used To Us - Full Album
dj premier + new york reality check mixtape (complete) (ripped by stellar)
DJ Premier Rare Play Vol. 1 - Full Album
Release Date: June 2, 2008
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUeYSunNHo
1 DJ Premier - Rare Play Intro
2 Rass Kass - Goldyn Child
3 Da ...
Release Date: June 2, 2008
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUeYSunNHo
1 DJ Premier - Rare Play Intro
2 Rass Kass - Goldyn Child
3 Da Ranjahz - Insp-her-ation
4 Tef - Comin At Cha
5 Sonja Blade - Look 4 The Name
6 AG - Weed Scented
7 M.O.P. - Bloody Murdah
8 Blaq Poet - We Gon Ill
9 All City - The Actual
10 Screwball - Seen It All
11 Group Home - Up Against The Wall (Getaway Car Remix)
12 Crooklyn Dodgers - Return Of The Crooklyn Dodgers
13 Big Shug - The Jig Is Up
14 Blahzay Blahzay - Danger (Premier Remix)
15 Charli Baltimore - Everybody Wanna Know
16 Krumb Snatcha - Closer To God
17 Sauce Money -- Against The Grain
18 D&D; All-Stars -- 1,2 Pass It (Original Remix)
wn.com/Dj Premier Rare Play Vol. 1 Full Album
Release Date: June 2, 2008
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUeYSunNHo
1 DJ Premier - Rare Play Intro
2 Rass Kass - Goldyn Child
3 Da Ranjahz - Insp-her-ation
4 Tef - Comin At Cha
5 Sonja Blade - Look 4 The Name
6 AG - Weed Scented
7 M.O.P. - Bloody Murdah
8 Blaq Poet - We Gon Ill
9 All City - The Actual
10 Screwball - Seen It All
11 Group Home - Up Against The Wall (Getaway Car Remix)
12 Crooklyn Dodgers - Return Of The Crooklyn Dodgers
13 Big Shug - The Jig Is Up
14 Blahzay Blahzay - Danger (Premier Remix)
15 Charli Baltimore - Everybody Wanna Know
16 Krumb Snatcha - Closer To God
17 Sauce Money -- Against The Grain
18 D&D; All-Stars -- 1,2 Pass It (Original Remix)
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 194861
DJ Premier Rare Play Vol. 2 - Full Album
Release Date: May 19, 2009
Vol. 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gETmFPotGus...
Release Date: May 19, 2009
Vol. 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gETmFPotGus
wn.com/Dj Premier Rare Play Vol. 2 Full Album
Release Date: May 19, 2009
Vol. 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gETmFPotGus
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 102504
DJ Premier Beats That Collected Dust Vol. 1 - Full Album
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2gg8g2ONBo...
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2gg8g2ONBo
wn.com/Dj Premier Beats That Collected Dust Vol. 1 Full Album
Vol. 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2gg8g2ONBo
- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 134856
DJ Premier - Guru 1 Year Anniversary Tribute - Full
R.I.P. Keith Edward Elam 1961-2010
R.I.P. Keith Edward Elam 1961-2010
wn.com/Dj Premier Guru 1 Year Anniversary Tribute Full
R.I.P. Keith Edward Elam 1961-2010
- published: 11 Jul 2013
- views: 50847
Dj Premier Selection 2012-2013
Avec : Joey Badass, Lil' Fame & Termanology ft. Busta Rhymes, Chirsco ft. Jon Connor & Elzhi, Nore & Bumpy Knuckles, Mask ft. Rhymefest, Big Shug ft. Fat Joe & ...
Avec : Joey Badass, Lil' Fame & Termanology ft. Busta Rhymes, Chirsco ft. Jon Connor & Elzhi, Nore & Bumpy Knuckles, Mask ft. Rhymefest, Big Shug ft. Fat Joe & MOP, ill Bill, et 38 Spesh.
New Selection Dj Premier 2013-2014 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZojloFB2q4
Mix réalisé par FL.How et diffusé dans l'émission Contre-Chok du 22 mars 2013.
Toutes les émissions sont dispo sur le Bandcamp :
wn.com/Dj Premier Selection 2012 2013
Avec : Joey Badass, Lil' Fame & Termanology ft. Busta Rhymes, Chirsco ft. Jon Connor & Elzhi, Nore & Bumpy Knuckles, Mask ft. Rhymefest, Big Shug ft. Fat Joe & MOP, ill Bill, et 38 Spesh.
New Selection Dj Premier 2013-2014 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZojloFB2q4
Mix réalisé par FL.How et diffusé dans l'émission Contre-Chok du 22 mars 2013.
Toutes les émissions sont dispo sur le Bandcamp :
- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 64062
Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape A complete very rare ripped by stellar
Side A
DJ Premier -- Intro
M.O.P. -- Anticipation
Royal Flush -- Worldwide
Busta Rhymes -- Live To Regret
Hillfiguz -- Too Many Suckas
Side A
DJ Premier -- Intro
M.O.P. -- Anticipation
Royal Flush -- Worldwide
Busta Rhymes -- Live To Regret
Hillfiguz -- Too Many Suckas
Ghostface*, Cappadonna & Raekwon -- Camay
East Flatbush Project & DeS -- Tried By 12
All City -- Who Dat
PMD -- Leave Your Style Cramped
Natural Resource -- Bum Deal
Mr. Voodoo -- Shine
Side B
Nine -- Every Man 4 Himself
Gauge (2) -- Cranium
Al Tariq* -- Think Not
Sadat X -- The Interview
De La Soul, Mos Def & Enoll* -- Stakes Is High (Remix)
Money Boss Players -- Walk With A Limp
Mobb Deep -- Hell On Earth
Nas -- Freestyle
Nonchalant & Krs One* -- People Time
Diggin' in the crate . . .
ripped by stellar
wn.com/Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape A Complete Very Rare Ripped By Stellar
Side A
DJ Premier -- Intro
M.O.P. -- Anticipation
Royal Flush -- Worldwide
Busta Rhymes -- Live To Regret
Hillfiguz -- Too Many Suckas
Ghostface*, Cappadonna & Raekwon -- Camay
East Flatbush Project & DeS -- Tried By 12
All City -- Who Dat
PMD -- Leave Your Style Cramped
Natural Resource -- Bum Deal
Mr. Voodoo -- Shine
Side B
Nine -- Every Man 4 Himself
Gauge (2) -- Cranium
Al Tariq* -- Think Not
Sadat X -- The Interview
De La Soul, Mos Def & Enoll* -- Stakes Is High (Remix)
Money Boss Players -- Walk With A Limp
Mobb Deep -- Hell On Earth
Nas -- Freestyle
Nonchalant & Krs One* -- People Time
Diggin' in the crate . . .
ripped by stellar
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 80730
Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape B complete very rare ripped by stellar
Side A:
Greg Tate - What Is HipHop?
G-Depp - Head Over Wheels
Jay-Z - Regrets
Children Of The Corn - American Dre...
Side A:
Greg Tate - What Is HipHop?
G-Depp - Head Over Wheels
Jay-Z - Regrets
Children Of The Corn - American Dream
Trybal Men - Money To Make
Adagio - The Obvious Joint
J-Force - For All Those La
The Darkman - I Want It All
The Roots - ? vs. Scratch
Side B:
Common - The Bitch In You
Outkast - Elevators
Lord Finesse - Check The Method
Jeru The Dmaja - How I'm Livin
Dead Poets Society - Lick A Shot
Heltah Skeltah - Therapy
Dutchmin - Get Ya Swerve On
Heather B & MOP - My Kinda Nigga
Paula Perry & Que 45 - Get A Grip Mutha...
MOP - New Jack City
wn.com/Dj Premier Crooklyn Cuts Tape B Complete Very Rare Ripped By Stellar
Side A:
Greg Tate - What Is HipHop?
G-Depp - Head Over Wheels
Jay-Z - Regrets
Children Of The Corn - American Dream
Trybal Men - Money To Make
Adagio - The Obvious Joint
J-Force - For All Those La
The Darkman - I Want It All
The Roots - ? vs. Scratch
Side B:
Common - The Bitch In You
Outkast - Elevators
Lord Finesse - Check The Method
Jeru The Dmaja - How I'm Livin
Dead Poets Society - Lick A Shot
Heltah Skeltah - Therapy
Dutchmin - Get Ya Swerve On
Heather B & MOP - My Kinda Nigga
Paula Perry & Que 45 - Get A Grip Mutha...
MOP - New Jack City
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 20588
DJ Premier's Top 40 Tracks
In no particular order:
00:00:00 - Vinnie Paz - The Oracle
00:01:43 - Gang Starr - The Militia
00:03:25 - Gang Starr - Capture (The...
In no particular order:
00:00:00 - Vinnie Paz - The Oracle
00:01:43 - Gang Starr - The Militia
00:03:25 - Gang Starr - Capture (The Militia Pt. 3)
00:04:48 - Gang Starr - Speak Ya Clout
00:08:21 - M.O.P - Salute (Pt. II)
00:10:03 - Gang Starr - Full Clip
00:11:25 - La Coka Nostra - Mind Your Business
00:13:28 - Group Home - Livin' Proof
00:15:44 - AZ - The Format
00:17:27 - Jay-Z - A Million & One Questions
00:20:14 - Nas - Nas Is Like
00:21:46 - Xzibit - What A Mess
00:23:24 - Ludacris - MVP
00:25:01 - Gang Starr - Brainstorm
00:26:18 - Rakim - When I B On Tha Mic
00:27:38 - Gang Starr - Who Got Gunz
00:29:47 - Blaq Poet - Ain't Nuttin' Changed (Remix)
00:31:10 - Bumpy Knuckles & DJ Premier - Greatness
00:32:14 - Snoop Dogg - The One and Only
00:33:40 - Limp Bizkit - N 2 Gether Now
00:35:32 - Pitch Black - It's All Real
00:37:07 - M.O.P - Follow Instructions
00:38:47 - Jeru The Damaja - You Can't Stop The Prophet
00:40:03 - Showbiz & A.G. - The Next Level (Remix)
00:42:26 - Jeru The Damaja - Too Perverted
00:43:43 - Notorious B.I.G - Unbelievable
00:45:07 - Gang Starr - Royalty
00:46:57 - Group Home - Suspended In Time
00:48:19 - Nas - N.Y. State of Mind
00:50:47 - Gang Starr - Mass Appeal
00:51:51 - Tony Touch - The Piece Maker
00:53:10 - Bumpy Knuckles & DJ Premier - More Levels
00:54:43 - Jeru The Damaja - Da Bitchez
00:56:16 - Ras Kass - Goldyn Child
00:57:40 - Gang Starr - Peace of Mine
00:58:51 - Gang Starr - Discipline
01:00:33 - Gang Starr - You Know My Steez
01:01:55 - Kanye West, Nas, KRS-One & Rakim - Classic (Remix)
01:03:16 - Notorious B.I.G - Kick In The Door
01:04:56 - Group Home - Supa Star
wn.com/Dj Premier's Top 40 Tracks
In no particular order:
00:00:00 - Vinnie Paz - The Oracle
00:01:43 - Gang Starr - The Militia
00:03:25 - Gang Starr - Capture (The Militia Pt. 3)
00:04:48 - Gang Starr - Speak Ya Clout
00:08:21 - M.O.P - Salute (Pt. II)
00:10:03 - Gang Starr - Full Clip
00:11:25 - La Coka Nostra - Mind Your Business
00:13:28 - Group Home - Livin' Proof
00:15:44 - AZ - The Format
00:17:27 - Jay-Z - A Million & One Questions
00:20:14 - Nas - Nas Is Like
00:21:46 - Xzibit - What A Mess
00:23:24 - Ludacris - MVP
00:25:01 - Gang Starr - Brainstorm
00:26:18 - Rakim - When I B On Tha Mic
00:27:38 - Gang Starr - Who Got Gunz
00:29:47 - Blaq Poet - Ain't Nuttin' Changed (Remix)
00:31:10 - Bumpy Knuckles & DJ Premier - Greatness
00:32:14 - Snoop Dogg - The One and Only
00:33:40 - Limp Bizkit - N 2 Gether Now
00:35:32 - Pitch Black - It's All Real
00:37:07 - M.O.P - Follow Instructions
00:38:47 - Jeru The Damaja - You Can't Stop The Prophet
00:40:03 - Showbiz & A.G. - The Next Level (Remix)
00:42:26 - Jeru The Damaja - Too Perverted
00:43:43 - Notorious B.I.G - Unbelievable
00:45:07 - Gang Starr - Royalty
00:46:57 - Group Home - Suspended In Time
00:48:19 - Nas - N.Y. State of Mind
00:50:47 - Gang Starr - Mass Appeal
00:51:51 - Tony Touch - The Piece Maker
00:53:10 - Bumpy Knuckles & DJ Premier - More Levels
00:54:43 - Jeru The Damaja - Da Bitchez
00:56:16 - Ras Kass - Goldyn Child
00:57:40 - Gang Starr - Peace of Mine
00:58:51 - Gang Starr - Discipline
01:00:33 - Gang Starr - You Know My Steez
01:01:55 - Kanye West, Nas, KRS-One & Rakim - Classic (Remix)
01:03:16 - Notorious B.I.G - Kick In The Door
01:04:56 - Group Home - Supa Star
- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 26495
Sway Takeover SXSW: DJ Premiere Freestyles Live & Royce Da 5'9 Is Candid About Premiere on the Road
Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC
Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC
Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc
wn.com/Sway Takeover Sxsw Dj Premiere Freestyles Live Royce Da 5'9 Is Candid About Premiere On The Road
Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC
Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 301
Sean Price Tribute with DJ Eclipse, DJ Premier, Torae, Tek, 9th Wonder, Rockness, Ruste Juxx, & more
wn.com/Sean Price Tribute With Dj Eclipse, Dj Premier, Torae, Tek, 9Th Wonder, Rockness, Ruste Juxx, More
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 301
B.I.G. over Premier - presented by DJ Finesse NYC
This month marks the passing of the lauded rapper Notorious B.I.G. and to honor his legacy, New York resident DJ Finesse debuted a special tribute during DJ ......
This month marks the passing of the lauded rapper Notorious B.I.G. and to honor his legacy, New York resident DJ Finesse debuted a special tribute during DJ ...
wn.com/B.I.G. Over Premier Presented By Dj Finesse NYC
This month marks the passing of the lauded rapper Notorious B.I.G. and to honor his legacy, New York resident DJ Finesse debuted a special tribute during DJ ...
DJ PREMIER Hip Hop al parque 2014
XVIII Festival Hip Hop al parque
Uno de los Exponentes mas importantes en el hip hop.
Dj Premier en VIVO...
XVIII Festival Hip Hop al parque
Uno de los Exponentes mas importantes en el hip hop.
Dj Premier en VIVO
wn.com/Dj Premier Hip Hop Al Parque 2014
XVIII Festival Hip Hop al parque
Uno de los Exponentes mas importantes en el hip hop.
Dj Premier en VIVO
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 9835
Ghostface Killah & DJ Premier "Duel of the Iron Fists" (Hevehitta & DJ Unexpected) –2012 full EP
1. The Iron Fist Intro
2. Shaolin Vs. Lam...
1. The Iron Fist Intro
2. Shaolin Vs. Lama (DJ Unexpected Remix) feat. Raekwon, Jadakiss & Styles P.
3. Masked Avengers (DJ Unexpected Remix) Feat. Raekwon
4. The 100 Pace Palm (DJ Unexpected Remix)
5. Eastern Evil (DJ Unexpected Remix)
6. Ghostface Killah- Duel Of Ultimate Weapons (Breaks)
7. DJ Premier- Magnificent Natural Fist (Breaks)
Best of both worlds: mit dem Projekt “Duel of the Iron Fist” bringen Hevehitta & DJ Unexpected zwei Legenden zusammen, die Vocals von Ghostface Killah auf ein paar der bangereskesten Beats von DJ Premier, das Ganze garniert mit ein paar Kung-Fu-Samples, schon habt Ihr Euren Soundtrack für jede Twomilesanhour-Soeverybodyseesyou-Session. Sieben Tracks, die in jede Mediathek gehören, weitere Features kommen von Raekwon, Jadakiss und Styles P. – Soundcloud, Tracklist und DL-Mirror nach dem Jump:
“For the first entry, they present “Duel Of The Iron Fists”, starring Ghostface Killah of the Wu-Tang Clan and DJ Premier, legendary producer and 1/2 of Gangstarr. Continuing with their already infamous “Martial Arts Mixtape” series, this one features Ghostface Killah vocals over DJ Premier beats, with various kung-fu movie samples mixed in. Keeping a firm grip on their motto, “Enjoy And Be Educated”, there are also breakbeat sections for said artists, with original samples presented which would be the foundation for their respective hits.”
wn.com/Ghostface Killah Dj Premier Duel Of The Iron Fists (Hevehitta Dj Unexpected) –2012 Full Ep
1. The Iron Fist Intro
2. Shaolin Vs. Lama (DJ Unexpected Remix) feat. Raekwon, Jadakiss & Styles P.
3. Masked Avengers (DJ Unexpected Remix) Feat. Raekwon
4. The 100 Pace Palm (DJ Unexpected Remix)
5. Eastern Evil (DJ Unexpected Remix)
6. Ghostface Killah- Duel Of Ultimate Weapons (Breaks)
7. DJ Premier- Magnificent Natural Fist (Breaks)
Best of both worlds: mit dem Projekt “Duel of the Iron Fist” bringen Hevehitta & DJ Unexpected zwei Legenden zusammen, die Vocals von Ghostface Killah auf ein paar der bangereskesten Beats von DJ Premier, das Ganze garniert mit ein paar Kung-Fu-Samples, schon habt Ihr Euren Soundtrack für jede Twomilesanhour-Soeverybodyseesyou-Session. Sieben Tracks, die in jede Mediathek gehören, weitere Features kommen von Raekwon, Jadakiss und Styles P. – Soundcloud, Tracklist und DL-Mirror nach dem Jump:
“For the first entry, they present “Duel Of The Iron Fists”, starring Ghostface Killah of the Wu-Tang Clan and DJ Premier, legendary producer and 1/2 of Gangstarr. Continuing with their already infamous “Martial Arts Mixtape” series, this one features Ghostface Killah vocals over DJ Premier beats, with various kung-fu movie samples mixed in. Keeping a firm grip on their motto, “Enjoy And Be Educated”, there are also breakbeat sections for said artists, with original samples presented which would be the foundation for their respective hits.”
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 53
Cornerstone Mixtape Volume 9 - DJ Premier
DJ_Premier-Cornerstone_Mixtape_Volume_9-1999 Tracklist: DJ Soul - Volume 9 Intro Steph Lova - On The Mic Teflon - FU DITC (Fat Joe and Big L) - Way Of Life G......
DJ_Premier-Cornerstone_Mixtape_Volume_9-1999 Tracklist: DJ Soul - Volume 9 Intro Steph Lova - On The Mic Teflon - FU DITC (Fat Joe and Big L) - Way Of Life G...
wn.com/Cornerstone Mixtape Volume 9 Dj Premier
DJ_Premier-Cornerstone_Mixtape_Volume_9-1999 Tracklist: DJ Soul - Volume 9 Intro Steph Lova - On The Mic Teflon - FU DITC (Fat Joe and Big L) - Way Of Life G...
- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 3010
author: imoldskul
DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show Ep. 1 (Origins of Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Commandments")
In the the first part of our three part interview with DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show, Premo explains the origins of The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Co...
Legendary producer/DJ Premier finally sits down at the GGN news desk.
Check out DJ Premier & Royce da 5'9" New Group Album project "PRhyme" here:
Follow Snoop online!
Dont Forget To Subscribe!
ONLYHIPHOPFACTS Meets DJ PREMIER. Interview #1 - DJ PREMIER delivers unknown and rare Hip Hop facts, about working with Nas,Big L, Jay-Z, Guru, Large Profess...
DJ Premier Interview by Hip-Hop 4 Life
Exclusive interview of DJ Premier by Hip-Hop 4 Life
09/07/15 : after his show in Paris for the Jazz Festival at La Villette.
DJ Premier reminisces about Gang Star and a possible biopic, how it was to work with Dr. Dre, who is the best between Jay, Nas and Biggie, the funny character of Big L, his love for Prince, his opinion on the current state of hip-hop and he also gave us some exclusive info
DJ Premier on Tyler the Creator, Bushido, adult movies and Pete Rock [splash!-Mag Interview]
An new episode of our interview rubric CHANNEL ZERO with DJ Premier. We run through video material from Tyler the Creator, eLZhi, the early Gang Starr days, ...
PRhyme (DJ Premier, Royce da 5'9″) talk New Album, Eminem, Guru, Creative Process + More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 1, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the formation of their new group PRhyme, their collaboration album coming out Dec 9th, their creative process, Eminem, Guru, Adrian Younge, and much more. We are just getting started. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for
Pete Rock & DJ Premier Interview
1 hour of the bonus interview released on DJ Premier vs Pete Rock DVD in Japan
DJ Premier: I'm Not Rushing Upcoming Nas Album, It Will Happen
http://www.vladtv.com - DJ Premier, Royce Da 5'9, and Adrian Younge sat down for an exclusive VladTV interview, and Premier spoke up about his upcoming project with Nas. He revealed that Nas still has one album promised on his Def Jam contract, and the famed DJ said the Queens emcee wants to do their project once he's independent, but promises that it's coming.
During the conversation Royce talk
DJ Premier On The History Of D&D; Studios
DJ Premier takes us through the history of D&D; Studios.
VISIT OUR SITE: http://bit.ly/KqqpwR
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Interview with DJ Premier talking about Jay Z, Nas, History of his studio & more. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
MPC Minute featuring DJ Premier & Pete Rock
http://www.akaiprompc.com Join the conversation! http://community.akaipro.com http://www.facebook.com/akaipro http://www.twitter.com/akai_pro DJ Premier and ...
DJ Premier's Favorite Production on an Album
http://VladTV.com - What's your favorite DJ Premier production? Videographer: Obatala Masusi Video Editor: Obatala Masusi.
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" on Juan Ep!
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" talk with Cipha Sounds and Peter Rosenberg talk Beats + Working Together!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
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DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" aka PRhyme über Kendrick Lamar uvm. - Interview (Openair Frauenfeld)
✔ Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/HiphopdeAbo
✚ Alle Folgen: http://bit.ly/InternationalHHDE
► "PRhyme" Standard Edition: http://amzn.to/1h3y8I8
► MP3-Download: http://amzn.to/1Mta2m3
► Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1KvLSYI
► Instrumentals Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1D6Fpkq
► iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/prhyme/id927056584?at=11lKVC
Royce Da 5'9" ist nicht nur Mitglied der Shady Records-Supergrou
DJ Premier Details "The Breaks" on VH1, "Last Session @ 320", PRhyme Deluxe Edition & More
We caught up with DJ Premier before Big Shug's "Triple OGzus" album release party to talk about his work past and present in the industry. We started by going over his relation to Big Shug and how Shug was one of the founding members of Gang Starr. Moving on Premo lets us know more on his history with Boston and how the city embraced him and Gang Starr in the beginning.
We go on to get into his
Exclusive: DJ Premier Speaks On The Guru & Solar Situation
http://VladTV.com - R.I.P. to Guru. Premier talks about his passing.
Busta Rhymes crasht Interview mit DJ Premier
DJ Premier ist einer der einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Produzenten des Hip Hop der amerikanischen Ostküste. Im joiz-Interview wird er urplötzlich von Busta Rhymes unterbrochen.
Weitere Interviews mit Non Phixion, DJ Premier und Jurassic 5 direkt vom Royal Arena Festival 2015 findest du jederzeit auf http://bit.ly/royal_2015.
joiz kann im Schweizer Free-TV über Kabel und Satellit
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
HOT97: http://www.hot97.com
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FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HOT97OFFICIAL
PRhyme (DJ Premier, Royce da 5'9″) talk Lack of Balance on Radio, Why No Eminem on Album + More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 2, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the current state of hip hop. "I don't see as much of a balance as I would like to see" states Royce. "You always got your programed artists and there is nothing against that cause I was at one point programmed. You get in a position, you don
DJ Premier talks Nas album, Slick Rick, Guru, Solar, Re:Generations project
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive interview with DJ Premier. Premo starts off the interview by talking to Nick Huff Barili about the Re:Generation project, w...
MONTREALITY x DJ PREMIER speaks on Jobs he's had as a Teenager + Premo Scratch Skills
In this interview with Montreality, DJ PREMIER speaks about a few of the Jobs he's had during his teenage years. Following the interview is some footage of P...
DJ Premier - Interview! OFIVE
La légende du Hip Hop a accordé une interview à OFIVE à l'occasion d'un set parisien exceptionnel. De Guru à NAS en passant par M.O.P., Primo a collaboré ave...
Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, DJ Premier Talk 'PRhyme'
Stay tuned for part 2!
Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge and DJ Premier for an exclusive interview!
Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, DJ Premier Talk 'PRhyme' album & much more!
DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show Ep. 1 (Origins of Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Commandments")
In the the first part of our three part interview with DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show, Premo explains the origins of The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Co......
In the the first part of our three part interview with DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show, Premo explains the origins of The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Co...
wn.com/Dj Premier On The Combat Jack Show Ep. 1 (Origins Of Notorious B.I.G.'s Ten Crack Commandments )
In the the first part of our three part interview with DJ Premier on The Combat Jack Show, Premo explains the origins of The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Ten Crack Co...
- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 11101
author: Complex
Legendary producer/DJ Premier finally sits down at the GGN news desk.
Check out DJ Premier & Royce da 5'9" New Group Album project "PRhyme" here:
Legendary producer/DJ Premier finally sits down at the GGN news desk.
Check out DJ Premier & Royce da 5'9" New Group Album project "PRhyme" here:
Follow Snoop online!
Dont Forget To Subscribe!
wn.com/Dj Premier On Ggn
Legendary producer/DJ Premier finally sits down at the GGN news desk.
Check out DJ Premier & Royce da 5'9" New Group Album project "PRhyme" here:
Follow Snoop online!
Dont Forget To Subscribe!
- published: 28 Oct 2014
- views: 301
ONLYHIPHOPFACTS Meets DJ PREMIER. Interview #1 - DJ PREMIER delivers unknown and rare Hip Hop facts, about working with Nas,Big L, Jay-Z, Guru, Large Profess......
ONLYHIPHOPFACTS Meets DJ PREMIER. Interview #1 - DJ PREMIER delivers unknown and rare Hip Hop facts, about working with Nas,Big L, Jay-Z, Guru, Large Profess...
wn.com/Interview 1 Only Hip Hop Facts X Dj Premier
ONLYHIPHOPFACTS Meets DJ PREMIER. Interview #1 - DJ PREMIER delivers unknown and rare Hip Hop facts, about working with Nas,Big L, Jay-Z, Guru, Large Profess...
DJ Premier Interview by Hip-Hop 4 Life
Exclusive interview of DJ Premier by Hip-Hop 4 Life
09/07/15 : after his show in Paris for the Jazz Festival at La Villette.
DJ Premier reminisces about Gang ...
Exclusive interview of DJ Premier by Hip-Hop 4 Life
09/07/15 : after his show in Paris for the Jazz Festival at La Villette.
DJ Premier reminisces about Gang Star and a possible biopic, how it was to work with Dr. Dre, who is the best between Jay, Nas and Biggie, the funny character of Big L, his love for Prince, his opinion on the current state of hip-hop and he also gave us some exclusive infos about his solo album (the title and the featurings) as well as his future projects.
Check it out on hiphop4life.fr.
wn.com/Dj Premier Interview By Hip Hop 4 Life
Exclusive interview of DJ Premier by Hip-Hop 4 Life
09/07/15 : after his show in Paris for the Jazz Festival at La Villette.
DJ Premier reminisces about Gang Star and a possible biopic, how it was to work with Dr. Dre, who is the best between Jay, Nas and Biggie, the funny character of Big L, his love for Prince, his opinion on the current state of hip-hop and he also gave us some exclusive infos about his solo album (the title and the featurings) as well as his future projects.
Check it out on hiphop4life.fr.
- published: 07 Sep 2015
- views: 148
DJ Premier on Tyler the Creator, Bushido, adult movies and Pete Rock [splash!-Mag Interview]
An new episode of our interview rubric CHANNEL ZERO with DJ Premier. We run through video material from Tyler the Creator, eLZhi, the early Gang Starr days, ......
An new episode of our interview rubric CHANNEL ZERO with DJ Premier. We run through video material from Tyler the Creator, eLZhi, the early Gang Starr days, ...
wn.com/Dj Premier On Tyler The Creator, Bushido, Adult Movies And Pete Rock Splash Mag Interview
An new episode of our interview rubric CHANNEL ZERO with DJ Premier. We run through video material from Tyler the Creator, eLZhi, the early Gang Starr days, ...
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 17871
author: SPLASH! MAG
PRhyme (DJ Premier, Royce da 5'9″) talk New Album, Eminem, Guru, Creative Process + More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 1, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about th...
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 1, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the formation of their new group PRhyme, their collaboration album coming out Dec 9th, their creative process, Eminem, Guru, Adrian Younge, and much more. We are just getting started. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for our latest videos, including more from our interview with PRhyme next week. You can also follow us at www.facebook.com/hardknocktv and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.
wn.com/Prhyme (Dj Premier, Royce Da 5'9″) Talk New Album, Eminem, Guru, Creative Process More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 1, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the formation of their new group PRhyme, their collaboration album coming out Dec 9th, their creative process, Eminem, Guru, Adrian Younge, and much more. We are just getting started. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for our latest videos, including more from our interview with PRhyme next week. You can also follow us at www.facebook.com/hardknocktv and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.
- published: 14 Nov 2014
- views: 27811
Pete Rock & DJ Premier Interview
1 hour of the bonus interview released on DJ Premier vs Pete Rock DVD in Japan...
1 hour of the bonus interview released on DJ Premier vs Pete Rock DVD in Japan
wn.com/Pete Rock Dj Premier Interview
1 hour of the bonus interview released on DJ Premier vs Pete Rock DVD in Japan
- published: 03 Jan 2011
- views: 115055
DJ Premier: I'm Not Rushing Upcoming Nas Album, It Will Happen
http://www.vladtv.com - DJ Premier, Royce Da 5'9, and Adrian Younge sat down for an exclusive VladTV interview, and Premier spoke up about his upcoming project ...
http://www.vladtv.com - DJ Premier, Royce Da 5'9, and Adrian Younge sat down for an exclusive VladTV interview, and Premier spoke up about his upcoming project with Nas. He revealed that Nas still has one album promised on his Def Jam contract, and the famed DJ said the Queens emcee wants to do their project once he's independent, but promises that it's coming.
During the conversation Royce talked about a similar situation that Slaughterhouse has with TDE, as fans have also been anticipating a collaboration between the two camps. The Slaughterhouse emcee revealed that both groups sat down with Eminem to hash out the album, but they are still working out the concept of the project since there are so many artists involved.
Regardless of the due date on both projects, they'll surely be something epic once they drop.
Check out the full interview above.
wn.com/Dj Premier I'm Not Rushing Upcoming Nas Album, It Will Happen
http://www.vladtv.com - DJ Premier, Royce Da 5'9, and Adrian Younge sat down for an exclusive VladTV interview, and Premier spoke up about his upcoming project with Nas. He revealed that Nas still has one album promised on his Def Jam contract, and the famed DJ said the Queens emcee wants to do their project once he's independent, but promises that it's coming.
During the conversation Royce talked about a similar situation that Slaughterhouse has with TDE, as fans have also been anticipating a collaboration between the two camps. The Slaughterhouse emcee revealed that both groups sat down with Eminem to hash out the album, but they are still working out the concept of the project since there are so many artists involved.
Regardless of the due date on both projects, they'll surely be something epic once they drop.
Check out the full interview above.
- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 16945
DJ Premier On The History Of D&D; Studios
DJ Premier takes us through the history of D&D; Studios.
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DJ Premier takes us through the history of D&D; Studios.
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Interview with DJ Premier talking about Jay Z, Nas, History of his studio & more. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
wn.com/Dj Premier On The History Of D D Studios
DJ Premier takes us through the history of D&D; Studios.
VISIT OUR SITE: http://bit.ly/KqqpwR
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WATCH MORE: http://bit.ly/KzGLHz
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Interview with DJ Premier talking about Jay Z, Nas, History of his studio & more. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 32920
MPC Minute featuring DJ Premier & Pete Rock
http://www.akaiprompc.com Join the conversation! http://community.akaipro.com http://www.facebook.com/akaipro http://www.twitter.com/akai_pro DJ Premier and ......
http://www.akaiprompc.com Join the conversation! http://community.akaipro.com http://www.facebook.com/akaipro http://www.twitter.com/akai_pro DJ Premier and ...
wn.com/Mpc Minute Featuring Dj Premier Pete Rock
http://www.akaiprompc.com Join the conversation! http://community.akaipro.com http://www.facebook.com/akaipro http://www.twitter.com/akai_pro DJ Premier and ...
DJ Premier's Favorite Production on an Album
http://VladTV.com - What's your favorite DJ Premier production? Videographer: Obatala Masusi Video Editor: Obatala Masusi....
http://VladTV.com - What's your favorite DJ Premier production? Videographer: Obatala Masusi Video Editor: Obatala Masusi.
wn.com/Dj Premier's Favorite Production On An Album
http://VladTV.com - What's your favorite DJ Premier production? Videographer: Obatala Masusi Video Editor: Obatala Masusi.
- published: 17 Nov 2011
- views: 21424
author: djvlad
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" on Juan Ep!
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" talk with Cipha Sounds and Peter Rosenberg talk Beats + Working Together!
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" talk with Cipha Sounds and Peter Rosenberg talk Beats + Working Together!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
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wn.com/Dj Premier Royce Da 5'9 On Juan Ep
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" talk with Cipha Sounds and Peter Rosenberg talk Beats + Working Together!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
HOT97: http://www.hot97.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HOT97
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HOT97OFFICIAL
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 1728
DJ Premier & Royce Da 5'9" aka PRhyme über Kendrick Lamar uvm. - Interview (Openair Frauenfeld)
✔ Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/HiphopdeAbo
✚ Alle Folgen: http://bit.ly/InternationalHHDE
► "PRhyme" Standard Edition: http://amzn.to/1h3y8I8
► MP3-Download: http:...
✔ Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/HiphopdeAbo
✚ Alle Folgen: http://bit.ly/InternationalHHDE
► "PRhyme" Standard Edition: http://amzn.to/1h3y8I8
► MP3-Download: http://amzn.to/1Mta2m3
► Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1KvLSYI
► Instrumentals Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1D6Fpkq
► iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/prhyme/id927056584?at=11lKVC
Royce Da 5'9" ist nicht nur Mitglied der Shady Records-Supergroup Slaughterhouse, nein, er ist auch ein Weltklasse-Rapper. DJ Premier ist eine DJ-Legende. Zusammen sind sie PRhyme und sitzen bei Aria auf der Interview-Couch.
Themen sind unter anderem Kendrick Lamars neues Album "To Pimp A Butterfly", ihre Arbeit als Duo und die Musik, die daraus entsteht, das Openair Frauenfeld, Rapmucke, die Gehirnzellen absterben lässt, die Entwicklung von Rap zu Young Thug oder Rich Homie Quan, das Royce-Soloalbum und vieles mehr.
Neue Infos über das kommende Slaughterhouse-Album gibt's auch. Royce nennt sowohl die Produzenten als auch das ungefähre Release-Datum.
Auch was kommerziellen Rap angeht, hat Royce eine ganz klare Meinung: "Commercial rap is great! When it's done by a lyricist, it's the best thing for hiphop. Cause when you're talking about commercial, you're talking about the music reachin' as many people as possible. [...] When it's commercial [on that level], at least let's have it be someone who CAN RAP."
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wn.com/Dj Premier Royce Da 5'9 Aka Prhyme Über Kendrick Lamar Uvm. Interview (Openair Frauenfeld)
✔ Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/HiphopdeAbo
✚ Alle Folgen: http://bit.ly/InternationalHHDE
► "PRhyme" Standard Edition: http://amzn.to/1h3y8I8
► MP3-Download: http://amzn.to/1Mta2m3
► Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1KvLSYI
► Instrumentals Vinyl LP: http://amzn.to/1D6Fpkq
► iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/prhyme/id927056584?at=11lKVC
Royce Da 5'9" ist nicht nur Mitglied der Shady Records-Supergroup Slaughterhouse, nein, er ist auch ein Weltklasse-Rapper. DJ Premier ist eine DJ-Legende. Zusammen sind sie PRhyme und sitzen bei Aria auf der Interview-Couch.
Themen sind unter anderem Kendrick Lamars neues Album "To Pimp A Butterfly", ihre Arbeit als Duo und die Musik, die daraus entsteht, das Openair Frauenfeld, Rapmucke, die Gehirnzellen absterben lässt, die Entwicklung von Rap zu Young Thug oder Rich Homie Quan, das Royce-Soloalbum und vieles mehr.
Neue Infos über das kommende Slaughterhouse-Album gibt's auch. Royce nennt sowohl die Produzenten als auch das ungefähre Release-Datum.
Auch was kommerziellen Rap angeht, hat Royce eine ganz klare Meinung: "Commercial rap is great! When it's done by a lyricist, it's the best thing for hiphop. Cause when you're talking about commercial, you're talking about the music reachin' as many people as possible. [...] When it's commercial [on that level], at least let's have it be someone who CAN RAP."
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- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 3587
DJ Premier Details "The Breaks" on VH1, "Last Session @ 320", PRhyme Deluxe Edition & More
We caught up with DJ Premier before Big Shug's "Triple OGzus" album release party to talk about his work past and present in the industry. We started by going ...
We caught up with DJ Premier before Big Shug's "Triple OGzus" album release party to talk about his work past and present in the industry. We started by going over his relation to Big Shug and how Shug was one of the founding members of Gang Starr. Moving on Premo lets us know more on his history with Boston and how the city embraced him and Gang Starr in the beginning.
We go on to get into his production style and why he keeps with what he has been doing despite what the current trend is. Despite trends Premier has the ability to do whats popular but at this stage of his career he wants to do what he loves and continuously makes him happy. Next up he lets us know more information about his upcoming work scoring a VH1 film about 90's hiphop called "The Breaks" and how he wants to do more work in that particular field.
Speaking on his release with Royce da 5'9" (PRhyme) he tells us how a 5 track Slaughterhouse project turned into the PRhyme album that went on to be released and why it didn't work out in its original form. While on the subject of collaborations, Premo tells us more details on his often talked about collaboration album with NAS, the upcoming NYG'z album, an MC Eiht Collaboration album, a new album from Khaleel, an up an coming artists A-F-R-O from LA and more. To close out his upcoming projects he updates us his upcoming documentary regarding the closure of D&D; Studios which will be accompanied by his first DJ Premier solo album titled "Last Session @ 320" and let us know that there will be "A LOT OF BIG NAMES" but he wouldn't let us know anyone in particular.
To close the interview out he lets us know what we can expect to hear on the PRhyme deluxe edition of the their album and some thoughtful words of wisdom that both he and Guru lived by throughout their career.
wn.com/Dj Premier Details The Breaks On Vh1, Last Session 320 , Prhyme Deluxe Edition More
We caught up with DJ Premier before Big Shug's "Triple OGzus" album release party to talk about his work past and present in the industry. We started by going over his relation to Big Shug and how Shug was one of the founding members of Gang Starr. Moving on Premo lets us know more on his history with Boston and how the city embraced him and Gang Starr in the beginning.
We go on to get into his production style and why he keeps with what he has been doing despite what the current trend is. Despite trends Premier has the ability to do whats popular but at this stage of his career he wants to do what he loves and continuously makes him happy. Next up he lets us know more information about his upcoming work scoring a VH1 film about 90's hiphop called "The Breaks" and how he wants to do more work in that particular field.
Speaking on his release with Royce da 5'9" (PRhyme) he tells us how a 5 track Slaughterhouse project turned into the PRhyme album that went on to be released and why it didn't work out in its original form. While on the subject of collaborations, Premo tells us more details on his often talked about collaboration album with NAS, the upcoming NYG'z album, an MC Eiht Collaboration album, a new album from Khaleel, an up an coming artists A-F-R-O from LA and more. To close out his upcoming projects he updates us his upcoming documentary regarding the closure of D&D; Studios which will be accompanied by his first DJ Premier solo album titled "Last Session @ 320" and let us know that there will be "A LOT OF BIG NAMES" but he wouldn't let us know anyone in particular.
To close the interview out he lets us know what we can expect to hear on the PRhyme deluxe edition of the their album and some thoughtful words of wisdom that both he and Guru lived by throughout their career.
- published: 04 Jun 2015
- views: 129
Exclusive: DJ Premier Speaks On The Guru & Solar Situation
http://VladTV.com - R.I.P. to Guru. Premier talks about his passing....
http://VladTV.com - R.I.P. to Guru. Premier talks about his passing.
wn.com/Exclusive Dj Premier Speaks On The Guru Solar Situation
http://VladTV.com - R.I.P. to Guru. Premier talks about his passing.
- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 60803
author: djvlad
Busta Rhymes crasht Interview mit DJ Premier
DJ Premier ist einer der einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Produzenten des Hip Hop der amerikanischen Ostküste. Im joiz-Interview wird er urplötzlich von Busta ...
DJ Premier ist einer der einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Produzenten des Hip Hop der amerikanischen Ostküste. Im joiz-Interview wird er urplötzlich von Busta Rhymes unterbrochen.
Weitere Interviews mit Non Phixion, DJ Premier und Jurassic 5 direkt vom Royal Arena Festival 2015 findest du jederzeit auf http://bit.ly/royal_2015.
joiz kann im Schweizer Free-TV über Kabel und Satellit, im Live-Stream auf www.joiz.ch und hier auf YouTube empfangen werden.
Du kannst jederzeit chatten, einchecken, abstimmen, Badges und Punkte für Interaktionen sammeln und coole Produkte absahnen.
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wn.com/Busta Rhymes Crasht Interview Mit Dj Premier
DJ Premier ist einer der einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Produzenten des Hip Hop der amerikanischen Ostküste. Im joiz-Interview wird er urplötzlich von Busta Rhymes unterbrochen.
Weitere Interviews mit Non Phixion, DJ Premier und Jurassic 5 direkt vom Royal Arena Festival 2015 findest du jederzeit auf http://bit.ly/royal_2015.
joiz kann im Schweizer Free-TV über Kabel und Satellit, im Live-Stream auf www.joiz.ch und hier auf YouTube empfangen werden.
Du kannst jederzeit chatten, einchecken, abstimmen, Badges und Punkte für Interaktionen sammeln und coole Produkte absahnen.
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joiz @ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/joiztv
joiz @ Google+: http://plus.google.com/+joiz/posts
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 78
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
HOT97: http://www.hot97.com
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
HOT97: http://www.hot97.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HOT97
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HOT97OFFICIAL
wn.com/Dj Snake Shares Exclusive Dj Premier Remix Why He Gives Music For Free
DJ Snake shares Exclusive DJ Premier Remix + why he gives music for free!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/12lN6vb
HOT97: http://www.hot97.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HOT97
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/HOT97OFFICIAL
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 16790
PRhyme (DJ Premier, Royce da 5'9″) talk Lack of Balance on Radio, Why No Eminem on Album + More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 2, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about th...
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 2, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the current state of hip hop. "I don't see as much of a balance as I would like to see" states Royce. "You always got your programed artists and there is nothing against that cause I was at one point programmed. You get in a position, you don't want to let people down. You start making records and you start making decisions for the wrong reasons. Its almost like desperate, a desperate thing. Or you get to a point where you start feeling like I got to do this because I have to make this amount of money. And what artists don't realize is that shit is a distraction. If you are thinking about anything other than making good music, you being distracted." Royce elaborates saying "I never want to be one of those people that sits around and complain about the state of Hip Hop and not be doing something to help change it. And really all we need is balance...I have a 16 year old son I would like for him to hear everything. I would like for him to get a fair shot at being an evolve listener. Instead of being programed to hear one thing." DJ Premier adds to the conversation by stating "I don't like when the older artists from my age or older than me are like that's them young dudes, fuck all this shit. But yeah you should still do the research on what's happening with them so that you know what is going on in the culture." Watch the video for the full conversation including more on the current state of Hip Hop, Premier talking about the greatest challenge in working on PRhyme album, Royce talking about why Eminem is not one of the collaborations on the album and much more.
We are just getting started. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for our latest videos, including more from our interview with PRhyme next week. You can also follow us at www.facebook.com/hardknocktv and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.
wn.com/Prhyme (Dj Premier, Royce Da 5'9″) Talk Lack Of Balance On Radio, Why No Eminem On Album More
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive in-depth interview with DJ Premier and Royce da 5'9″. In part 2, Nick Huff Barili sits down with both artists to talk about the current state of hip hop. "I don't see as much of a balance as I would like to see" states Royce. "You always got your programed artists and there is nothing against that cause I was at one point programmed. You get in a position, you don't want to let people down. You start making records and you start making decisions for the wrong reasons. Its almost like desperate, a desperate thing. Or you get to a point where you start feeling like I got to do this because I have to make this amount of money. And what artists don't realize is that shit is a distraction. If you are thinking about anything other than making good music, you being distracted." Royce elaborates saying "I never want to be one of those people that sits around and complain about the state of Hip Hop and not be doing something to help change it. And really all we need is balance...I have a 16 year old son I would like for him to hear everything. I would like for him to get a fair shot at being an evolve listener. Instead of being programed to hear one thing." DJ Premier adds to the conversation by stating "I don't like when the older artists from my age or older than me are like that's them young dudes, fuck all this shit. But yeah you should still do the research on what's happening with them so that you know what is going on in the culture." Watch the video for the full conversation including more on the current state of Hip Hop, Premier talking about the greatest challenge in working on PRhyme album, Royce talking about why Eminem is not one of the collaborations on the album and much more.
We are just getting started. Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com/hardknocktv for our latest videos, including more from our interview with PRhyme next week. You can also follow us at www.facebook.com/hardknocktv and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.
- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 1147
DJ Premier talks Nas album, Slick Rick, Guru, Solar, Re:Generations project
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive interview with DJ Premier. Premo starts off the interview by talking to Nick Huff Barili about the Re:Generation project, w......
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive interview with DJ Premier. Premo starts off the interview by talking to Nick Huff Barili about the Re:Generation project, w...
wn.com/Dj Premier Talks Nas Album, Slick Rick, Guru, Solar, Re Generations Project
http://www.hardknock.tv Exclusive interview with DJ Premier. Premo starts off the interview by talking to Nick Huff Barili about the Re:Generation project, w...
- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 62943
author: hardknocktv
MONTREALITY x DJ PREMIER speaks on Jobs he's had as a Teenager + Premo Scratch Skills
In this interview with Montreality, DJ PREMIER speaks about a few of the Jobs he's had during his teenage years. Following the interview is some footage of P......
In this interview with Montreality, DJ PREMIER speaks about a few of the Jobs he's had during his teenage years. Following the interview is some footage of P...
wn.com/Montreality X Dj Premier Speaks On Jobs He's Had As A Teenager Premo Scratch Skills
In this interview with Montreality, DJ PREMIER speaks about a few of the Jobs he's had during his teenage years. Following the interview is some footage of P...
DJ Premier - Interview! OFIVE
La légende du Hip Hop a accordé une interview à OFIVE à l'occasion d'un set parisien exceptionnel. De Guru à NAS en passant par M.O.P., Primo a collaboré ave......
La légende du Hip Hop a accordé une interview à OFIVE à l'occasion d'un set parisien exceptionnel. De Guru à NAS en passant par M.O.P., Primo a collaboré ave...
wn.com/Dj Premier Interview Ofive
La légende du Hip Hop a accordé une interview à OFIVE à l'occasion d'un set parisien exceptionnel. De Guru à NAS en passant par M.O.P., Primo a collaboré ave...
Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, DJ Premier Talk 'PRhyme'
Stay tuned for part 2!
Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge and DJ Premier for an exclusive interview!
Royce Da 5'9,...
Stay tuned for part 2!
Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge and DJ Premier for an exclusive interview!
Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, DJ Premier Talk 'PRhyme' album & much more!
wn.com/Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, Dj Premier Talk 'PRhyme'
Stay tuned for part 2!
Thisis50 & Young Jack Thriller recently spoke with Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge and DJ Premier for an exclusive interview!
Royce Da 5'9, Adrian Younge, DJ Premier Talk 'PRhyme' album & much more!
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 1836