Waste Management System in Singapore of Asia
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Sorting waste is a collection of different types of waste ( paper, glass, plastics, biowaste
...) separately from the others. This therefore means properly categorized municipal waste according to its material substance, which can subsequently be re- recycled and re-integrate into production.
Waste collection is carried out in special containers properly labeled specific collecting raw material (plastic, paper, glass...). The waste is sorted so it could be recycled and thus cut down natural resources, waste management is therefore especially great ecological importance. Do biowaste residues include fruits, vegetables, peelings, tea and coffee waste; garden waste - grass, leaves, branches and withered flowers.
Integrated Solid Waste Management is a set of methodologies aimed at reducing not only the generation and disposal of waste, as the best monitoring throughout its production cycle. It aims to reduce the production of waste at source, managing the producing them towards achieving a balance between the need to waste production and its environmental impact.
It's a cross the entire management cycle, which analyzes the Holistic Way.
Recycling is a waste treatment process that allows their reintroduction into the production cycle, thus reducing the amount of raw materials needed, such as the volume of waste to be deposited in landfills.
Waste Management, also known as waste management, education refers to the collection, transport, treatment, recycling and disposal. Usually, the term refers to materials resulting from human activities and reduce their effect on health of people, the environment, or the appearance of a habitat.
Waste management aims and saving natural resources by reusing of returnable. The waste can be managed both solid and liquid or gaseous as well as the various properties (such as radioactive ) RESPECTIVE requiring specific treatment method. This first stage of waste refers to their assembly into different containers: trash cans, bins (household waste) and containers (waste and street traders products). To enable recycling, waste collection containing recyclable material is separated into different colored containers.
Waste transportation may be on road, rail and shipping. Due to problems arising in transhipment, rail or boat is only justified for large quantities transported over very long distances of hundreds or thousands of miles.
Once collected, the next stage of waste treatment. The methods of treatment of the waste is varying, so that the waste self their place of origin. In principle, the waste can be removed from the economic circuit or returned.
The organic waste landfill facilities for the recovery of the landfill gas. The thickness of the clay must be greater than 1 m for inert waste or hazardous and more than 5 m for hazardous waste. Incineration is a method of waste disposal by burning them. It is one method of thermal waste treatment. Obtained from the incineration heat, gas, steam and ash. Incineration may be practiced in small, individual, or industrial scale. As solid waste can be incinerated and the liquid and gas.
Lately discussing incineration of waste. In this case the waste is burnt in large furnaces or kilns energy boilers cement, mixed with fuel their usual. The weight of the waste fuel mixture is approx. 10%. The term "co" applies where the burning fuel mixture that contains no waste combustion plant diverts from its usual use. If in such a system the main goal becomes waste incineration incineration process will be considered, no co-operation and permit conditions in this case will be more stringent that those for incinerators.
By recovering waste means extracting resources that can be reused.
Recovery can be done through recycling, reuse, reclamation or any other process of extracting secondary raw materials. So the material can be recovered and the energy. The materials can be reused to produce new goods and energy can be converted into electrical energy. If mixed waste containing organic components, they can be processed biological however, must be separated before the other reusable materials as much as possible.
The recovery of waste is one of the activities of waste management which are not part of the three R contributes to the end of product life. Recovery of waste is separated from other waste before they reach their final treatment. A large quantity of municipal waste is generated in
Singapore daily. A total of 2.63 million tonnes of waste was generated in 2008. The root solution to the problem of waste management is simply to minimize the amount of waste we generate.
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