At this point I am awaiting the arrival of someone who has read Technical Difficulties and claims it’s a really good book and we should stop making fun of it like a bunch of cretins.
@ B. Chiclitz, I don’t think anyone would be foolish enough to call “We Are Experiencing Technical Issues†a really good book by any stretch of the imagination, but you do have to admit that the illustrator did a fine job of showing the terrible angst inherent in the task facing the Cray technician. And the intensity of Professor Lewis’ eyes—it moves one to tears. I certainly hope no one seeing this fine work of art has the nerve to speak of it other than deep respect and admiration!
@ Bibliomancer, I believe you have found an advertisement for a completely different book. I does however well illustrate the need for caution when servicing the plugboard of an IBM 407® Punchcard Tabulator. We were ALWAYS sternly instructed never to place both hands into the Control Panel Area without first ascertaining that the plugboard was firmly engaged.
Additionally, we worked for a rather conservative company and so we were required to wear both a shirt and a “safety†tie at all times when we were making an on-sight service call.
How times have changed. I understand that recently many large international companies have begun trading-in their venerable tabulators for newer digital computers. If you ask me this digital craze is just a passing fancy. Give me good old Oak Tag.
One thing our Technical Difficulties has in common with the “erotic office tale” of the kindle version is that both will leave you “sore and begging for more.”
Maybe a slightly different sort of sore and a slightly different form of begging.
@NGpm—I think they want to annex all of Eastern Ukraine. Will diplomacy prevail, or will it eventually have to be boots on the ground?
@Kripslod—yes, I have been haunted, even in my very dreams, by the angst-ridden visage of the good Professor.
@Biblio—that Kindle book is touted as “an erotic office tale,” one that will leave us “sore and begging for more,” which sounds a lot like the situation here, though I think it’s a different sort of sore and a different form of begging.
OK… so the site is still down. A month later… I am so sorry for all 10 of us that care! Maybe that’s being generous.
@Dead Stuff – Though it has given us plenty of time to support the latest Dr. J. R. Asmiov book 😉
The depressing thing is people are still sending in covers, and there is still enough Tom Noir sent in covers to last a life time.
At least comments seem to be working again. But most of the backend is completely broken.
I’ll calling up the server admin now and going to shout at him till he does something!
Just keeping you all updated. We here at Good Show Sir care about the community, especially if the community wants to gang on the server admin, possibly kidnapping him to make something happen!
There… are? 😉 Yeah we’re looking at who to move to! Unfortunately work has been exceedingly busy for the web monkey and myself so we have a pub meeting soon to discuss our migration plans!
I’ll be paying top dollar, so I intend on placing some well placed adverts and DVD rentals stolen from chinese GSS.
@ fearoftechnicaldifficulties: I don’t think Admin’s new lady friend cares about sci-fi covers–good or bad. She just hangs around because he has tuna and salmon.
Of course I shouldn’t talk. All I have to talk to is a plush thylacine perched on volume two (N-Z) of The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.
Are we down again? Or is it just a bank holiday? I can’t tell the difference. There should be some sort of status update on the main page or something.
As ever… the site is broken. So here’s the news. I have found my new hosting, I am now trying to get the web site transferred which will take a little bit because I am going on holiday. WOOO! I’ll bring you back plenty of foreign covers, to join the AMAZING ones Tat Wood has sent in! And for those that want it I’ll get some sweets too.
Sorry, everyone will still see the comments awaiting moderation error for a little bit longer.
The famous Max von Plunk Indeterminacy Principle states that it is impossible to specify simultaneously the position of a new server (e.g.: USA, GB, N. Korea, or Papua New Guinea) and the speed of destruction of your irreplaceable data (e.g.: In 9 months, hard drive with data on it will be melted down by small children in fourth-world country. Or in 2 weeks, platters in hard drive (holding your data) will be destroyed by IT professionals “Hey, Dude! If you take out a hard drive while it’s still running it’s like a gyroscope or something!â€
Please please please PLEASE make no adjustments to the lovely resurrected GSS. I am very much loving the randomness of letters, symbols, and numbers which have taken the place of my moniker in older posts (many of the combinations which I’ve apparently trademarked) Plus I am really enjoying the occasional closed loop in the random awful cover generator which will take me back to the cover I was just perusing.
Really, please don’t change any of it. Just the right touch of chaos to be charming!
Um, still down, I guess. Pity, I greatly enjoy this site. Even though I’ve never submitted a cover. I’ve recognized a good many covers, though.
edit: Oh, we are live, there are new covers, just no message saying we’re no longer technical difficulties. I feel so stupid. Go look at the new postings, it’s all good stuff.
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April 26th, 2014 at 5:25 am
At this point I am awaiting the arrival of someone who has read Technical Difficulties and claims it’s a really good book and we should stop making fun of it like a bunch of cretins.
April 26th, 2014 at 3:01 pm
The Kindle version of Technical Difficulties has very different cover art than shown here.
April 27th, 2014 at 3:15 am
@ B. Chiclitz, I don’t think anyone would be foolish enough to call “We Are Experiencing Technical Issues†a really good book by any stretch of the imagination, but you do have to admit that the illustrator did a fine job of showing the terrible angst inherent in the task facing the Cray technician. And the intensity of Professor Lewis’ eyes—it moves one to tears. I certainly hope no one seeing this fine work of art has the nerve to speak of it other than deep respect and admiration!
@ Bibliomancer, I believe you have found an advertisement for a completely different book. I does however well illustrate the need for caution when servicing the plugboard of an IBM 407® Punchcard Tabulator. We were ALWAYS sternly instructed never to place both hands into the Control Panel Area without first ascertaining that the plugboard was firmly engaged.
Additionally, we worked for a rather conservative company and so we were required to wear both a shirt and a “safety†tie at all times when we were making an on-sight service call.
How times have changed. I understand that recently many large international companies have begun trading-in their venerable tabulators for newer digital computers. If you ask me this digital craze is just a passing fancy. Give me good old Oak Tag.
April 27th, 2014 at 5:54 pm
One thing our Technical Difficulties has in common with the “erotic office tale” of the kindle version is that both will leave you “sore and begging for more.”
Maybe a slightly different sort of sore and a slightly different form of begging.
April 29th, 2014 at 3:12 pm
As we enter day 116 of the hostage situation, the gremlins who are holed up in the system have yet to make their demands known ….
April 29th, 2014 at 10:23 pm
@Bibliomancer #117 – Aha, so THAT’S what’s underneath Space Sheep and C.S. Lewis:
Fifty Shades of Cray!
May 2nd, 2014 at 12:54 pm
Just checking in. Will the site be up and running by May 4th? Great time to run a bad Star Wars book cover. Well, I can hope, can’t I?
May 2nd, 2014 at 1:27 pm
Is this a bad time to mention that I’m working on an American version of this site?
It’s going to be called
May 4th, 2014 at 2:57 pm
@NGpm—I think they want to annex all of Eastern Ukraine. Will diplomacy prevail, or will it eventually have to be boots on the ground?
@Kripslod—yes, I have been haunted, even in my very dreams, by the angst-ridden visage of the good Professor.
@Biblio—that Kindle book is touted as “an erotic office tale,” one that will leave us “sore and begging for more,” which sounds a lot like the situation here, though I think it’s a different sort of sore and a different form of begging.
May 7th, 2014 at 12:20 am
@Tom Noir #123. You’re a bit late, though yours has a catchier title.
May 8th, 2014 at 12:49 pm
OK… so the site is still down. A month later… I am so sorry for all 10 of us that care! Maybe that’s being generous.
@Dead Stuff – Though it has given us plenty of time to support the latest Dr. J. R. Asmiov book 😉
The depressing thing is people are still sending in covers, and there is still enough Tom Noir sent in covers to last a life time.
At least comments seem to be working again. But most of the backend is completely broken.
I’ll calling up the server admin now and going to shout at him till he does something!
Just keeping you all updated. We here at Good Show Sir care about the community, especially if the community wants to gang on the server admin, possibly kidnapping him to make something happen!
May 8th, 2014 at 2:26 pm
Whoever gave him a swift kick in the giblets! Thank you! 😀
May 8th, 2014 at 4:51 pm
May 9th, 2014 at 3:21 am
Can we sic Christopher Lee on yer evil server-guy? He will prove incredibly effective, I imagine.
May 19th, 2014 at 1:10 pm
Are you dead yet?
May 19th, 2014 at 1:19 pm
It was a good run! We got four posts…before the site died again. We’ll start tomorrow and see if we can break that record!
May 19th, 2014 at 2:45 pm
You guys know that there are other companies that host servers, right?
May 19th, 2014 at 4:43 pm
There… are? 😉 Yeah we’re looking at who to move to! Unfortunately work has been exceedingly busy for the web monkey and myself so we have a pub meeting soon to discuss our migration plans!
I’ll be paying top dollar, so I intend on placing some well placed adverts and DVD rentals stolen from chinese GSS.
May 20th, 2014 at 1:41 pm
I just read this tweet:
@GoodShowSir We are happy to host your website on our servers. Your new domain will be
and nearly splurted coffee all over the screen. Funniest thing I have read in weeks. Good show Sir!
May 20th, 2014 at 3:50 pm
@Rev—I’m guessing that was an enlarged coffee you nearly splurted.
May 29th, 2014 at 2:04 pm
YEP – You guessed it more problems.
Comments aren’t working so I am afraid you will get an “awaiting moderation” message. Sorry!
I want to move, I really do, but the server guy is in America… working or something.. BAH!
Here’s a picture of a sad cat:
June 2nd, 2014 at 6:57 am
@ fearoftechnicaldifficulties: I don’t think Admin’s new lady friend cares about sci-fi covers–good or bad. She just hangs around because he has tuna and salmon.
Of course I shouldn’t talk. All I have to talk to is a plush thylacine perched on volume two (N-Z) of The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary.
June 9th, 2014 at 5:49 pm
Are we down again? Or is it just a bank holiday? I can’t tell the difference. There should be some sort of status update on the main page or something.
June 18th, 2014 at 12:10 pm
As ever… the site is broken. So here’s the news. I have found my new hosting, I am now trying to get the web site transferred which will take a little bit because I am going on holiday. WOOO! I’ll bring you back plenty of foreign covers, to join the AMAZING ones Tat Wood has sent in! And for those that want it I’ll get some sweets too.
Sorry, everyone will still see the comments awaiting moderation error for a little bit longer.
Oh also… have one of these:
( •_•) ( •_•)>âŒâ– -â– (âŒâ– _â– ) YEAAAAAAAHHHHHH
June 18th, 2014 at 5:57 pm
I’ll take Toblerones and Topic bars, please. ^_^;
June 19th, 2014 at 7:56 pm
Testing. Testes … one … two. Are we up yet?
December 5th, 2014 at 6:03 pm
“He’s dead, Jim”
Good Show Sir – 2009-2014 – R.I.P.
December 9th, 2014 at 1:23 pm
Au contraire:
January 23rd, 2015 at 4:07 am
The famous Max von Plunk Indeterminacy Principle states that it is impossible to specify simultaneously the position of a new server (e.g.: USA, GB, N. Korea, or Papua New Guinea) and the speed of destruction of your irreplaceable data (e.g.: In 9 months, hard drive with data on it will be melted down by small children in fourth-world country. Or in 2 weeks, platters in hard drive (holding your data) will be destroyed by IT professionals “Hey, Dude! If you take out a hard drive while it’s still running it’s like a gyroscope or something!â€
April 5th, 2015 at 1:47 am
Please please please PLEASE make no adjustments to the lovely resurrected GSS. I am very much loving the randomness of letters, symbols, and numbers which have taken the place of my moniker in older posts (many of the combinations which I’ve apparently trademarked) Plus I am really enjoying the occasional closed loop in the random awful cover generator which will take me back to the cover I was just perusing.
Really, please don’t change any of it. Just the right touch of chaos to be charming!
December 19th, 2015 at 7:07 pm
Um, still down, I guess. Pity, I greatly enjoy this site. Even though I’ve never submitted a cover. I’ve recognized a good many covers, though.
edit: Oh, we are live, there are new covers, just no message saying we’re no longer technical difficulties. I feel so stupid. Go look at the new postings, it’s all good stuff.