May 23

Thus solving the problem of the child breathing in spa... no wait, sorry!Click for full image

Joachim Comments: A boy with a weird pseudo-beard in turtleneck gyroscoping in space…
Published 1980

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 8.11 out of 10)

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25 Responses to “The Revolving Boy”

  1. A.R.Yngve Says:

    The only boy in the world who could use a hula-hoop? Come on, it’s not THAT difficult.

  2. Phil Says:

    I remember when I got trapped in MY first gyroscope.

    If he has a unique talent, he obviously needs to go on BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT. Revolving to the tune of ‘You Spin Me Right Round’, naturally.

    BZZZ. BZZZ. BZZZ. That’s three NOs, I’m afraid.

  3. Pat Says:

    Impossible with the normal hula hoops but one that size? This boy couldn’t.

  4. Tom Noir Says:

    I’m waiting for someone to explain to us that this accurately depicts something that happens in the book.

  5. Scott Marlowe Says:

    That’s not even stupid. It’s just weird.

  6. Adam Roberts Says:

    “For the world is hollow, and I have touched the “Y.”” Jane wins the thread.

  7. Adam Roberts Says:

    Without my glasses I thought it was “The Revolting Boy”, and that that title had something to do with a nine year old with six-o’clock shadow. Now I see how foolish that idea was.

  8. Zycrow Says:

    I knew it.

    Super Monkey Ball was plagiarized.

  9. A.R.Yngve Says:

    If he has a unique talent but no place to use it, there’s always YouTube…

  10. Phil Says:

    Tom Noir wrote “I’m waiting for someone to explain to us that this accurately depicts something that happens in the book.”

    Well, funnily enough… it seems that the book is about a boy with a gyroscopically accurate sense of direction. I found a review here:

  11. Adam Roberts Says:

    “With my new design of surf-board, this giant wave will be a doddle …”

  12. THX 1138 Says:

    Already they’re planning next Planet of the Apes movie, with a fresh new direction!

  13. NGpm Says:

    Yes, because earth is no place for people with a sense of direction!

  14. Infoqueen Says:

    He may have a perfect sense of direction, but he needs to work on his fashion sense: Revolving Boy needs new pants.

  15. Prudynce Says:

    He looks like a werewolf.

  16. A.R.Yngve Says:

    If he has a perfect sense of direction, he will never become a taxi driver. Poor kid!

  17. arch9enius Says:

    “a boy with a gyroscopically accurate sense of direction.”? Surely you could just nail him to a turntable on the top of a 2-wheel wagon with a set of gearing to each wheel? you really don’t need Satnav, just a brain.

  18. Stevie T Says:

    @ Kira November: That actually happened in the story. Although I think (very hazy memory here, I read it over 20 years ago) he lived in Toronto, his teacher asked him where Beijing was, and he did, indeed, point directly through the earth.

  19. anon Says:

    Hevy Revolting B.O.

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