Was The Eurozone A Bad Idea?
What's Life Really Like In An Economic Panic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58s_bp93trE
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In June, Greece defaulted on its loan payment, sending doubts on the future of the Euro. So, we wanted to know, was the Eurozone a bad idea?
Learn More:
Why the Euro Is Doomed in 4 Steps
Eurozone Crisis Explained
Should Greece leave the eurozone?
Counting the Cost examines how a Greek exit could impact the eurozone.
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Europe’s Political Cohesion after the Eurozone Crisis with Professor Francois Heisbourg
Eurozone vs. EU: What's the difference?
There's a continent, a currency, and committee of leaders. Nina dos Santos explains how the members of the European Union interact and what happens when a group of nations decides to share a currency, the euro.
What's ahead for the Eurozone?
European leaders have called a summit for Tuesday, to discuss how to move forward after Greeks overwhelmingly rejected terms of a deal that would have imposed more austerity measures on their economy.
Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras says he is ready to resume talks with his country's lenders on a new bailout deal.
But many are warning that the NO vote could deepen Greece's standoff with those credi
History of the Euro Currency and the Eurozone
This is Europe's most significant monetary reform since the Roman Empire. http://www.WatchMojo.com tracks the history of the euro. Help us caption & translat...
"Democratising the Eurozone" - Yanis Varoufakis (Evento Finalizado)
GREECE COLLAPSE: The Eurozone Crisis Explained
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the Greece bailout.
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Greece Votes: What Happens If It Leaves Eurozone?
Greece’s referendum on creditors’ demands could decide the country’s future, as top European officials warn that Greece doesn’t belong in the eurozone if it isn’t willing to take up reforms. What does Sunday’s vote mean for the Euro? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer.
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Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse
Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse. Chris Bailey - an Economist and Ex-fund manager comments The prevailing theory at the moment on financial websites and forums is that Greece (most probably) or another country from the PIIGS group (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) will at some point leave the Euro. What is your opinion? What would be the effects/repercussions of Greece returning to the Dr
Eurozone QE explained
The European Central Bank has unleashed a landmark quantitative easing package to rid the eurozone of the threat of economic stagnation. The package could help the EU economy turn a corner, but some of the region's national central banks could pay a high price as they try to buy €850bn-worth of government bonds.
For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video
Temporary Grexit from eurozone an option in case of no deal - EU summit document
Pressure is mounting on Europe to reach a deal on Greece’s debt crisis. Among the options that potentially will be discussed by eurozone leaders is a temporary Greek exit from the euro in case of no bailout deal.
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[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can’t reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout funds. Both the Greek government and its creditors have said they need to reach an outline agreement, at the very least, at their next meeting on April 24. But Greece has yet to produce a plan for reforms deemed acceptable. Boom Bust guest host
Portfolio: Poland Stalls on Eurozone Entry
Analyst Marko Papic discusses Poland's reluctance to enter the Eurozone and Warsaw's skepticism that the European Monetary Union fulfills its national economic interests.
Fixing the Eurozone
As the following interview with Hans Werner-Sinn illustrates, there is no monolithic "German perspective". Of course, there are common "cultural" perspectives - the belief in fiscal probity, sound finances, and debt sustainability. Sinn is no different in this regard, but he is certainly not a simple-minded German nationalist. He believes in a "United States of Europe" with a fully functional s
Shine 2009 - Eurozone
From the upcoming album, Our Nation, on Cascine & Expo this fall. Buy this track here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eurozone-single/id626291449.
EU Threatens To Kick Greece Out Of Eurozone
The EU has given Greece an ultimatum: Come up with a plan this week, or you could get kicked out of the eurozone.
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Greek voters on Eurozone crisis referendum: 'We're not afraid of fear any more'
Greece's prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has called a referendum this Sunday in which Greeks have been asked to vote whether to accept or refuse a bailout deal from their international creditors.
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But the deal has already been taken off the table. What they're really voting on this weekend is whether Greece should become the first country t
Can and Should the Eurozone Survive?
Speaker(s): Lionel Barber Chair: Professor Wouter den Haan Recorded on 7 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. After four successive crisis years, an e...
[389] Greece faces off with creditors at non-existent Eurozone summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a resounding “NO” vote on the part of the Greek people who said the bailout terms set by international creditors were too austere. Prime Minister Tsipras was expected to unveil a new proposal for talks, but multiple reports indicate no such proposal was pres
Nigel Farage on Greek election and Eurozone (29Jan15)
UKIP party leader Nigel Farage comments on the Greek election result, people voting for the left, and the effect of the result on the Eurozone economy and Euro political project.
Recorded from BBC2 HD, Daily Politics, 29 January 2015.
Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash
http://www.facebook.com/NSOTD http://www.twitter.com/NSOTD In a scary and painfully frank interview BBC interviewer Maxine Croxall, is visibly shaken when ma...
Was The Eurozone A Bad Idea?
What's Life Really Like In An Economic Panic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58s_bp93trE
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In June, Greece defaulted ...
What's Life Really Like In An Economic Panic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58s_bp93trE
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
In June, Greece defaulted on its loan payment, sending doubts on the future of the Euro. So, we wanted to know, was the Eurozone a bad idea?
Learn More:
Why the Euro Is Doomed in 4 Steps
"We're going to need a bigger acronym."
The Euro
"The euro is the single currency shared by 19 of the European Union's Member States, which together make up the euro area."
European Central Bank (ECB)
"Role: To manage the euro, keep prices stable and conduct EU economic & monetary policy"
The Debt Crisis and the European Central Bank's Role of Lender of Last Resort
"The debate on the role of the central bank in the European debt crisis reveals the increasing difficulty of the authorities to apply sensible solutions."
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wn.com/Was The Eurozone A Bad Idea
What's Life Really Like In An Economic Panic? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58s_bp93trE
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
In June, Greece defaulted on its loan payment, sending doubts on the future of the Euro. So, we wanted to know, was the Eurozone a bad idea?
Learn More:
Why the Euro Is Doomed in 4 Steps
"We're going to need a bigger acronym."
The Euro
"The euro is the single currency shared by 19 of the European Union's Member States, which together make up the euro area."
European Central Bank (ECB)
"Role: To manage the euro, keep prices stable and conduct EU economic & monetary policy"
The Debt Crisis and the European Central Bank's Role of Lender of Last Resort
"The debate on the role of the central bank in the European debt crisis reveals the increasing difficulty of the authorities to apply sensible solutions."
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TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
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- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 57625
Should Greece leave the eurozone?
Counting the Cost examines how a Greek exit could impact the eurozone.
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Counting the Cost examines how a Greek exit could impact the eurozone.
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wn.com/Should Greece Leave The Eurozone
Counting the Cost examines how a Greek exit could impact the eurozone.
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- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 15968
Eurozone vs. EU: What's the difference?
There's a continent, a currency, and committee of leaders. Nina dos Santos explains how the members of the European Union interact and what happens when a group...
There's a continent, a currency, and committee of leaders. Nina dos Santos explains how the members of the European Union interact and what happens when a group of nations decides to share a currency, the euro.
wn.com/Eurozone Vs. Eu What's The Difference
There's a continent, a currency, and committee of leaders. Nina dos Santos explains how the members of the European Union interact and what happens when a group of nations decides to share a currency, the euro.
- published: 23 Apr 2015
- views: 398
What's ahead for the Eurozone?
European leaders have called a summit for Tuesday, to discuss how to move forward after Greeks overwhelmingly rejected terms of a deal that would have imposed m...
European leaders have called a summit for Tuesday, to discuss how to move forward after Greeks overwhelmingly rejected terms of a deal that would have imposed more austerity measures on their economy.
Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras says he is ready to resume talks with his country's lenders on a new bailout deal.
But many are warning that the NO vote could deepen Greece's standoff with those creditors and throw the future of the country's membership in the Eurozone into further doubt.
So, will Greece be forced to give up the Euro? and what does this mean for the Eurozone?
Presenter: Dareen Abughaida
Ferdinando Giugliano, Economic Correspondent, Financial Times.
Stephen Keen, School of Economics, History & Politics, Kingston University London.
George Kratsas, Corporate Lawyer and Specialist on EU laws and Financial Reguations.
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wn.com/What's Ahead For The Eurozone
European leaders have called a summit for Tuesday, to discuss how to move forward after Greeks overwhelmingly rejected terms of a deal that would have imposed more austerity measures on their economy.
Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras says he is ready to resume talks with his country's lenders on a new bailout deal.
But many are warning that the NO vote could deepen Greece's standoff with those creditors and throw the future of the country's membership in the Eurozone into further doubt.
So, will Greece be forced to give up the Euro? and what does this mean for the Eurozone?
Presenter: Dareen Abughaida
Ferdinando Giugliano, Economic Correspondent, Financial Times.
Stephen Keen, School of Economics, History & Politics, Kingston University London.
George Kratsas, Corporate Lawyer and Specialist on EU laws and Financial Reguations.
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
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- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 162
History of the Euro Currency and the Eurozone
This is Europe's most significant monetary reform since the Roman Empire. http://www.WatchMojo.com tracks the history of the euro. Help us caption & translat......
This is Europe's most significant monetary reform since the Roman Empire. http://www.WatchMojo.com tracks the history of the euro. Help us caption & translat...
wn.com/History Of The Euro Currency And The Eurozone
This is Europe's most significant monetary reform since the Roman Empire. http://www.WatchMojo.com tracks the history of the euro. Help us caption & translat...
GREECE COLLAPSE: The Eurozone Crisis Explained
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the Greece bailout.
AMTV Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com
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In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the Greece bailout.
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wn.com/Greece Collapse The Eurozone Crisis Explained
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the Greece bailout.
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Welcome to C.H. Kadels Camping & Survival Gear warehouse. Whether you're searching for all the gear for roughing it in the wilderness, or a year supply of survival food, we've got it.
Check out the Lifestraw Personal Water Filter!
Copyright © 2015 AMTV. All rights reserved.
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 100178
Greece Votes: What Happens If It Leaves Eurozone?
Greece’s referendum on creditors’ demands could decide the country’s future, as top European officials warn that Greece doesn’t belong in the eurozone if it isn...
Greece’s referendum on creditors’ demands could decide the country’s future, as top European officials warn that Greece doesn’t belong in the eurozone if it isn’t willing to take up reforms. What does Sunday’s vote mean for the Euro? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer.
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wn.com/Greece Votes What Happens If It Leaves Eurozone
Greece’s referendum on creditors’ demands could decide the country’s future, as top European officials warn that Greece doesn’t belong in the eurozone if it isn’t willing to take up reforms. What does Sunday’s vote mean for the Euro? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer.
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- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 291
Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse
Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse. Chris Bailey - an Economist and Ex-fund manager comments The prevailing theory at the moment on financial websites and forums ...
Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse. Chris Bailey - an Economist and Ex-fund manager comments The prevailing theory at the moment on financial websites and forums is that Greece (most probably) or another country from the PIIGS group (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) will at some point leave the Euro. What is your opinion? What would be the effects/repercussions of Greece returning to the Drachma? Europe as a project in the last 30 or 40 years is an overly political project and monetary union is a stepping stone of unified political outlook. What is the one thing that could stop a unified political outlook? That would be countries leaving the single currency and doing their own thing again so at the presence time the preference is for countries to stay within and that would include Greece. The financial reality is that when you bring such diverse countries under one group there are problems and anomalies because countries are different. We have seen this before in the USA; there are huge differences between the North of the USA and the South. There have been lots of differences and you need time to iron out those differences. The European Commission has to spend out to even the differences and solve some of the problem areas such as Greece, Portugal..etc and that would be funded by some of the richer areas like Germany and Netherlands..etc People talk of a political union but when the financial reality is come, are they willing to put their hands sufficiently in their pocket to continue it and actually fund it? If that cannot be setup, than the Eurozone in its present form will not persist. I think ultimately there will be a writedown and a reset and Greece will stay in the Eurozone and the Eurozone will stay as it is. I think a Greece exit and it getting back the Drachma would be too painful.
As a strong exporter Germany actually profited greatly by selling goods goods that the PIIGS acquired with money borrowed at low rates from German banks. And if the DEM (Deutsche Mark) was still in circulation, it would most probably act like another CHF...
If you've found this video useful, please click the like button and share it with your friends and remember to SUBSCRIBE to remain up-to-date!
wn.com/Greece Exit, Eurozone Collapse
Greece Exit, EuroZone Collapse. Chris Bailey - an Economist and Ex-fund manager comments The prevailing theory at the moment on financial websites and forums is that Greece (most probably) or another country from the PIIGS group (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) will at some point leave the Euro. What is your opinion? What would be the effects/repercussions of Greece returning to the Drachma? Europe as a project in the last 30 or 40 years is an overly political project and monetary union is a stepping stone of unified political outlook. What is the one thing that could stop a unified political outlook? That would be countries leaving the single currency and doing their own thing again so at the presence time the preference is for countries to stay within and that would include Greece. The financial reality is that when you bring such diverse countries under one group there are problems and anomalies because countries are different. We have seen this before in the USA; there are huge differences between the North of the USA and the South. There have been lots of differences and you need time to iron out those differences. The European Commission has to spend out to even the differences and solve some of the problem areas such as Greece, Portugal..etc and that would be funded by some of the richer areas like Germany and Netherlands..etc People talk of a political union but when the financial reality is come, are they willing to put their hands sufficiently in their pocket to continue it and actually fund it? If that cannot be setup, than the Eurozone in its present form will not persist. I think ultimately there will be a writedown and a reset and Greece will stay in the Eurozone and the Eurozone will stay as it is. I think a Greece exit and it getting back the Drachma would be too painful.
As a strong exporter Germany actually profited greatly by selling goods goods that the PIIGS acquired with money borrowed at low rates from German banks. And if the DEM (Deutsche Mark) was still in circulation, it would most probably act like another CHF...
If you've found this video useful, please click the like button and share it with your friends and remember to SUBSCRIBE to remain up-to-date!
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 5442
Eurozone QE explained
The European Central Bank has unleashed a landmark quantitative easing package to rid the eurozone of the threat of economic stagnation. The package could help ...
The European Central Bank has unleashed a landmark quantitative easing package to rid the eurozone of the threat of economic stagnation. The package could help the EU economy turn a corner, but some of the region's national central banks could pay a high price as they try to buy €850bn-worth of government bonds.
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wn.com/Eurozone Qe Explained
The European Central Bank has unleashed a landmark quantitative easing package to rid the eurozone of the threat of economic stagnation. The package could help the EU economy turn a corner, but some of the region's national central banks could pay a high price as they try to buy €850bn-worth of government bonds.
For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video
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- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 51
Temporary Grexit from eurozone an option in case of no deal - EU summit document
Pressure is mounting on Europe to reach a deal on Greece’s debt crisis. Among the options that potentially will be discussed by eurozone leaders is a temporary ...
Pressure is mounting on Europe to reach a deal on Greece’s debt crisis. Among the options that potentially will be discussed by eurozone leaders is a temporary Greek exit from the euro in case of no bailout deal.
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wn.com/Temporary Grexit From Eurozone An Option In Case Of No Deal Eu Summit Document
Pressure is mounting on Europe to reach a deal on Greece’s debt crisis. Among the options that potentially will be discussed by eurozone leaders is a temporary Greek exit from the euro in case of no bailout deal.
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- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 6542
[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can’t reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout fund...
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can’t reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout funds. Both the Greek government and its creditors have said they need to reach an outline agreement, at the very least, at their next meeting on April 24. But Greece has yet to produce a plan for reforms deemed acceptable. Boom Bust guest host Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Edward joins us after his attendance at a special Brookings Institution event where the finance ministers from Greece and Germany spoke, following the annual spring meetings for both The World Bank and International Monetary Fund. He tells us what Wolfgang Schaeuble and Yanis Varoufakis had to say and what this means for Greece and likely outcomes to that nation’s crisis.
Then, Ameera sits down with John Brynjolfsson – CIO of Armored Wolf. John tells us if Europe can sustain the triple digit debt loads in Spain, Italy, Belgium, and Portugal, given its anemic growth and he gives us his take on how the Greek government will decide between its domestic constituency and its international creditors.
After the break, Bianca gives us a daily news roundup on other headlines including a report on earnings, Ben Bernanke’s new job, and a glitter-filled ECB protest by young but veteran German activist protester Josephine Witt.
Afterwards, Erin is joined by Rick Rule – CEO of Sprott US Holdings, Inc. Rick gives us his take on the future of the oil market and tells us if he thinks volatility in the oil market is likely to spike now that prices have relatively stabilized.
And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Erin discuss Delta’s decision to cut back on international flights.
Take a look!
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wn.com/335 Grexit Or Default Within The Eurozone And Rick Rule On Oil
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can’t reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout funds. Both the Greek government and its creditors have said they need to reach an outline agreement, at the very least, at their next meeting on April 24. But Greece has yet to produce a plan for reforms deemed acceptable. Boom Bust guest host Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Edward joins us after his attendance at a special Brookings Institution event where the finance ministers from Greece and Germany spoke, following the annual spring meetings for both The World Bank and International Monetary Fund. He tells us what Wolfgang Schaeuble and Yanis Varoufakis had to say and what this means for Greece and likely outcomes to that nation’s crisis.
Then, Ameera sits down with John Brynjolfsson – CIO of Armored Wolf. John tells us if Europe can sustain the triple digit debt loads in Spain, Italy, Belgium, and Portugal, given its anemic growth and he gives us his take on how the Greek government will decide between its domestic constituency and its international creditors.
After the break, Bianca gives us a daily news roundup on other headlines including a report on earnings, Ben Bernanke’s new job, and a glitter-filled ECB protest by young but veteran German activist protester Josephine Witt.
Afterwards, Erin is joined by Rick Rule – CEO of Sprott US Holdings, Inc. Rick gives us his take on the future of the oil market and tells us if he thinks volatility in the oil market is likely to spike now that prices have relatively stabilized.
And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Erin discuss Delta’s decision to cut back on international flights.
Take a look!
Check us out on Facebook -- and feel free to ask us questions:
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- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 301
Portfolio: Poland Stalls on Eurozone Entry
Analyst Marko Papic discusses Poland's reluctance to enter the Eurozone and Warsaw's skepticism that the European Monetary Union fulfills its national economic ...
Analyst Marko Papic discusses Poland's reluctance to enter the Eurozone and Warsaw's skepticism that the European Monetary Union fulfills its national economic interests.
wn.com/Portfolio Poland Stalls On Eurozone Entry
Analyst Marko Papic discusses Poland's reluctance to enter the Eurozone and Warsaw's skepticism that the European Monetary Union fulfills its national economic interests.
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 156
Fixing the Eurozone
As the following interview with Hans Werner-Sinn illustrates, there is no monolithic "German perspective". Of course, there are common "cultural" perspectives ...
As the following interview with Hans Werner-Sinn illustrates, there is no monolithic "German perspective". Of course, there are common "cultural" perspectives - the belief in fiscal probity, sound finances, and debt sustainability. Sinn is no different in this regard, but he is certainly not a simple-minded German nationalist. He believes in a "United States of Europe" with a fully functional supranational fiscal authority (along with a common army and common foreign policy, which goes beyond what many other ardent federalists are prepared to contemplate). But he very much wants a United States of Europe with a strong German accent.
What does that mean for countries like Greece? Well, Sinn is of the view that you can't have a currency union without a common fiscal authority, and that the whole structure of the monetary union was wrong conceived. In his words, it was like granting a dowry to the collective European Union countries without consummating a marriage. In his view, Eurozone leaders must ask themselves tough questions about the sustainability of the current system for managing debt in the EMU. They should begin by considering the two possible models for ensuring stability and debt sustainability in a monetary union: the mutualization model and the liability model.
Europe has so far stuck to the mutualisation model, in which individual states’ debts are underwritten by a common central bank or fiscal bailout system, ensuring security for investors and largely eliminating interest-rate spreads among countries, regardless of their level of indebtedness. In order to prevent the artificial reduction of interest rates from encouraging countries to borrow excessively, political debt brakes are instituted. In the Eurozone, according to Sinn, mutualisation has been realised through generous ESM bailouts and ongoing intervention by the European Central Bank . Moreover, the European Central Bank pledged to protect these countries from default free of charge through its “outright monetary transactions” (OMT) scheme – that is, by promising to purchase their sovereign debt on secondary markets – which functions roughly as Eurobonds would. The supposed hardening of the debt ceiling in 2012 adhered to this model.
Sinn advocates an alternative – the liability model – which requires that each state take responsibility for its own debts, with its creditors bearing the costs of a default. Faced with that risk, creditors demand higher interest rates from the outset or refuse to grant additional credit, thereby imposing a measure of discipline on debtors. The best example of the liability model is the United States. When US states like California, Illinois, or Minnesota get into fiscal trouble, no one expects the other states or the federal government to bail them out, let alone that the Federal Reserve will guarantee or purchase their bonds. Indeed, the Fed, unlike the ECB, does not buy any bonds from individual states; investors must bear the costs of any state insolvency. In 1975, New York had to pledge its future tax revenues to its creditors in order to remain solvent.
And what should be done with Greece today, which appears to be on the verge of a "Grexit" from the common currency? Sinn, for one, does not think this is a disaster. He feels that Greece (and other uncompetitive Mediterranean nations) should use the opportunity afforded by an exit from the euro to restructure its economy to become more competitive before resuming membership. In effect, embrace the French notion of "reculer pour mieux sauter" (step back before leaping forward). In practice, it's difficult to see how this can work, especially given the oft-expressed views that the euro is inviolable and eternal, but Sinn does distinguish this from the old European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), by noting that there is no "snake" with a variety of national currencies linked together, but a common euro, which he feels adds more permanence to the proposal.
But it is clear that Sinn is not a simple-minded German nationalist, in the manner in which he is often caricatured. He has many controversial views, which have not been embraced by the German mainstream, but he is thoughtful, unconventional, and challenging to those who wish to safeguard the status quo, as the interview below illustrates.
wn.com/Fixing The Eurozone
As the following interview with Hans Werner-Sinn illustrates, there is no monolithic "German perspective". Of course, there are common "cultural" perspectives - the belief in fiscal probity, sound finances, and debt sustainability. Sinn is no different in this regard, but he is certainly not a simple-minded German nationalist. He believes in a "United States of Europe" with a fully functional supranational fiscal authority (along with a common army and common foreign policy, which goes beyond what many other ardent federalists are prepared to contemplate). But he very much wants a United States of Europe with a strong German accent.
What does that mean for countries like Greece? Well, Sinn is of the view that you can't have a currency union without a common fiscal authority, and that the whole structure of the monetary union was wrong conceived. In his words, it was like granting a dowry to the collective European Union countries without consummating a marriage. In his view, Eurozone leaders must ask themselves tough questions about the sustainability of the current system for managing debt in the EMU. They should begin by considering the two possible models for ensuring stability and debt sustainability in a monetary union: the mutualization model and the liability model.
Europe has so far stuck to the mutualisation model, in which individual states’ debts are underwritten by a common central bank or fiscal bailout system, ensuring security for investors and largely eliminating interest-rate spreads among countries, regardless of their level of indebtedness. In order to prevent the artificial reduction of interest rates from encouraging countries to borrow excessively, political debt brakes are instituted. In the Eurozone, according to Sinn, mutualisation has been realised through generous ESM bailouts and ongoing intervention by the European Central Bank . Moreover, the European Central Bank pledged to protect these countries from default free of charge through its “outright monetary transactions” (OMT) scheme – that is, by promising to purchase their sovereign debt on secondary markets – which functions roughly as Eurobonds would. The supposed hardening of the debt ceiling in 2012 adhered to this model.
Sinn advocates an alternative – the liability model – which requires that each state take responsibility for its own debts, with its creditors bearing the costs of a default. Faced with that risk, creditors demand higher interest rates from the outset or refuse to grant additional credit, thereby imposing a measure of discipline on debtors. The best example of the liability model is the United States. When US states like California, Illinois, or Minnesota get into fiscal trouble, no one expects the other states or the federal government to bail them out, let alone that the Federal Reserve will guarantee or purchase their bonds. Indeed, the Fed, unlike the ECB, does not buy any bonds from individual states; investors must bear the costs of any state insolvency. In 1975, New York had to pledge its future tax revenues to its creditors in order to remain solvent.
And what should be done with Greece today, which appears to be on the verge of a "Grexit" from the common currency? Sinn, for one, does not think this is a disaster. He feels that Greece (and other uncompetitive Mediterranean nations) should use the opportunity afforded by an exit from the euro to restructure its economy to become more competitive before resuming membership. In effect, embrace the French notion of "reculer pour mieux sauter" (step back before leaping forward). In practice, it's difficult to see how this can work, especially given the oft-expressed views that the euro is inviolable and eternal, but Sinn does distinguish this from the old European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), by noting that there is no "snake" with a variety of national currencies linked together, but a common euro, which he feels adds more permanence to the proposal.
But it is clear that Sinn is not a simple-minded German nationalist, in the manner in which he is often caricatured. He has many controversial views, which have not been embraced by the German mainstream, but he is thoughtful, unconventional, and challenging to those who wish to safeguard the status quo, as the interview below illustrates.
- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 26
Shine 2009 - Eurozone
From the upcoming album, Our Nation, on Cascine & Expo this fall. Buy this track here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eurozone-single/id626291449....
From the upcoming album, Our Nation, on Cascine & Expo this fall. Buy this track here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eurozone-single/id626291449.
wn.com/Shine 2009 Eurozone
From the upcoming album, Our Nation, on Cascine & Expo this fall. Buy this track here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/eurozone-single/id626291449.
EU Threatens To Kick Greece Out Of Eurozone
The EU has given Greece an ultimatum: Come up with a plan this week, or you could get kicked out of the eurozone.
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The EU has given Greece an ultimatum: Come up with a plan this week, or you could get kicked out of the eurozone.
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wn.com/Eu Threatens To Kick Greece Out Of Eurozone
The EU has given Greece an ultimatum: Come up with a plan this week, or you could get kicked out of the eurozone.
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- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 301
Greek voters on Eurozone crisis referendum: 'We're not afraid of fear any more'
Greece's prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has called a referendum this Sunday in which Greeks have been asked to vote whether to accept or refuse a bailout deal ...
Greece's prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has called a referendum this Sunday in which Greeks have been asked to vote whether to accept or refuse a bailout deal from their international creditors.
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But the deal has already been taken off the table. What they're really voting on this weekend is whether Greece should become the first country to leave the eurozone. Phoebe Greenwood meets the no and yes voters in Athens charged with deciding their country's – and Europe's – future.
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wn.com/Greek Voters On Eurozone Crisis Referendum 'We're Not Afraid Of Fear Any More'
Greece's prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has called a referendum this Sunday in which Greeks have been asked to vote whether to accept or refuse a bailout deal from their international creditors.
Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://is.gd/subscribeguardian
But the deal has already been taken off the table. What they're really voting on this weekend is whether Greece should become the first country to leave the eurozone. Phoebe Greenwood meets the no and yes voters in Athens charged with deciding their country's – and Europe's – future.
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- published: 02 Jul 2015
- views: 121
Can and Should the Eurozone Survive?
Speaker(s): Lionel Barber Chair: Professor Wouter den Haan Recorded on 7 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. After four successive crisis years, an e......
Speaker(s): Lionel Barber Chair: Professor Wouter den Haan Recorded on 7 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. After four successive crisis years, an e...
wn.com/Can And Should The Eurozone Survive
Speaker(s): Lionel Barber Chair: Professor Wouter den Haan Recorded on 7 November 2013 in Old Theatre, Old Building. After four successive crisis years, an e...
[389] Greece faces off with creditors at non-existent Eurozone summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a resounding “NO” ...
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a resounding “NO” vote on the part of the Greek people who said the bailout terms set by international creditors were too austere. Prime Minister Tsipras was expected to unveil a new proposal for talks, but multiple reports indicate no such proposal was presented. Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Ameera is joined by Edward Harrison, on the ground in Athens covering the latest on the debt crisis. Edward gives us his take on the emergency summit and how much the humanitarian crisis in Greece has developed.
After the break, Bianca Facchinei takes a look Bitcoin’s role in the Greek debt crisis. Though Bitcoin is far from its value peak of $979, it is trading around its highest rate since March and Bitcoin bulls expect the demand to increase.
Afterwards, Erin Ade sits down with Daniel Alpert – managing partner at Westwood Capital. Daniel tells us what would happen to Greece if they implemented a new drachma and if he expects other countries, like China or Russia, to supply funding.
And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Erin talk about the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which announced this week that Saudi Arabia has signed a commitment to invest up to $10 billion in Russia.
Take a look!
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wn.com/389 Greece Faces Off With Creditors At Non Existent Eurozone Summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a resounding “NO” vote on the part of the Greek people who said the bailout terms set by international creditors were too austere. Prime Minister Tsipras was expected to unveil a new proposal for talks, but multiple reports indicate no such proposal was presented. Ameera David weighs in.
Then, Ameera is joined by Edward Harrison, on the ground in Athens covering the latest on the debt crisis. Edward gives us his take on the emergency summit and how much the humanitarian crisis in Greece has developed.
After the break, Bianca Facchinei takes a look Bitcoin’s role in the Greek debt crisis. Though Bitcoin is far from its value peak of $979, it is trading around its highest rate since March and Bitcoin bulls expect the demand to increase.
Afterwards, Erin Ade sits down with Daniel Alpert – managing partner at Westwood Capital. Daniel tells us what would happen to Greece if they implemented a new drachma and if he expects other countries, like China or Russia, to supply funding.
And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Erin talk about the Russian Direct Investment Fund, which announced this week that Saudi Arabia has signed a commitment to invest up to $10 billion in Russia.
Take a look!
Check us out on Facebook -- and feel free to ask us questions:
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- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 150
Nigel Farage on Greek election and Eurozone (29Jan15)
UKIP party leader Nigel Farage comments on the Greek election result, people voting for the left, and the effect of the result on the Eurozone economy and Euro ...
UKIP party leader Nigel Farage comments on the Greek election result, people voting for the left, and the effect of the result on the Eurozone economy and Euro political project.
Recorded from BBC2 HD, Daily Politics, 29 January 2015.
wn.com/Nigel Farage On Greek Election And Eurozone (29Jan15)
UKIP party leader Nigel Farage comments on the Greek election result, people voting for the left, and the effect of the result on the Eurozone economy and Euro political project.
Recorded from BBC2 HD, Daily Politics, 29 January 2015.
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 34639
Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash
http://www.facebook.com/NSOTD http://www.twitter.com/NSOTD In a scary and painfully frank interview BBC interviewer Maxine Croxall, is visibly shaken when ma......
http://www.facebook.com/NSOTD http://www.twitter.com/NSOTD In a scary and painfully frank interview BBC interviewer Maxine Croxall, is visibly shaken when ma...
wn.com/Trader On The BBC Says Eurozone Market Will Crash
http://www.facebook.com/NSOTD http://www.twitter.com/NSOTD In a scary and painfully frank interview BBC interviewer Maxine Croxall, is visibly shaken when ma...
- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 2398815
author: nsotd4
Die erste islamische Bank in der Eurozone | KT Bank AG
Die KT Bank ist die erste Bank Deutschlands und in der Eurozone, die umfassende und kundenorientierte Finanzprodukte und Dienstleistungen nach den wertebewussten und transparenten Prinzipien des islamischen Bankwesens anbietet.
Privat- und Geschäftskunden gleich welcher Weltanschauung haben damit in Deutschland Zugriff auf gesellschaftlich verantwortungsbewusste Kapitalanlagen im Wertekanon des I
Jim Mellon - Eurozone Growth - 2015
Jim Mellons views on Eurozone growth
Jim Mellon - Low interest rates/Zero productivity growth in the Eurozone - 2015
Jim Mellons views on Low interest rates, and zero productivity growth in the Eurozone
Reforms pay off! - Western Macro 16.11.2015
Eurozone 3Q growth stood at 0.3% q/q (previously 0.4% q/q) based on flash data from last Friday. While Italy disappointed slightly, Spain remains the star-performer among the bigger Eurozone countries delivering growth of 3.4% y/y. The foundation of the Spanish success story are thorough reforms implemented during the financial crisis. Which shows that reforms are paying off. For FY15, we continue
UK, US and Eurozone central banks face a dilemma
Inflation data across the developed world form the key data releases this week. One of the key questions the market is trying to answer is whether central banks will look through temporary factors depressing inflation, as they did when consumer price index data was overshooting target, or wait to see a positive trend emerge before looking to raise interest rates.
Across the Eurozone, the UK and
Eurozone countries extend deadline to dispense further loans to Greece
Greece’s international creditors have extended a deadline to give further rescue loans to the debt-stricken country.
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[476] DiMartino Booth on housing and weak Eurozone numbers
Eurozone Q3 GDP numbers are out and they came in weaker than expected and luxury department stores suffering from low retail sales. Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Danielle DiMartino Booth – chief market strategist at The Liscio Report – to talk about the housing market.
Afterwards, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the impact automation will have on jobs in the US and UK.
The eurozone economy slowed in the three months to September as exports to large developing economies weakened, a development that makes it more likely the European Central Bank will expand its stimulus programs in December.
The slowdown was led by Germany, the currency area's exporting powerhouse, while Italian economic growth also eased. There were fresh contractions in Greece and Finland, whi
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Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone ist im dritten Quartal schwächer gewachsen, als erhofft. "Das teilte die Statistikbehörde Eurostat jetzt mit.":http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/7075220/2-13112015-BP-DE.pdf/f913ad51-2f75-44d1-b43a-88d662f12d10 In Frankreich, der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Eurozone, ging es wie erwartet um 0,3 Prozent nach oben, verglichen mit dem Vorquartal. Auch
Greece, Europe hid Athens’ debt to keep it in Eurozone: corruption expert
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The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook
The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook check out here http://bitly.com/1ShsMp6
Authors Jens Nordvig
"What does the crisis in the Eurozone mean for our markets--and how can you protect your portfolio against a breakup of the Euro? A leading currency expert explainsLittle has been written about the instability of the Euro, but it's a very real thre
[389] Greece faces off with creditors at non-existent Eurozone summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the
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JRCPPF 2012 Conference: "How Will the Eurozone Emerge," Franklin Allen
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[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil.
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
WATCH Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government cant reach a deal with the Euro
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06 November 2015 - Heiner Flassbeck - Future of the Eurozone Seminar
About the Speech:
According to Professor Galbraith, events in Greece have ended a brief moment of hope for a pragmatic turn in the policies of the Eurozone. The question, “What Now?” is thus urgently posed, and not only for Greece. Professor Galbraith spoke from his five months of close association with the Finance Ministry in Athens. Heiner Flassbeck examined the necessary elements required for
Christmas songs (Piosenki świąteczne) [50 minutes]
Album: Christmas Zone
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EUROZONE MUSIC is an independent project created to promote polish music. Our catalogue consists of compositions of various genres and styles made by both recognized and talented artists as well as those of the younger generation. The music produced exclus
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Weak eurozone demand hits 'Made in Germany' goods
German industrial orders fell for the third consecutive month in September - in particular due to weak demand from other eurozone countries.
The surprise news "from the Federal Statistical Office":https://www.destatis.de/EN/PressServices/Press/pr/2015/11/PE15_406_421.html has led to warnings about the outlook for Europe's largest economy.
Orders for 'Made in Germany' goods fell by 1.7 percent o
Die erste islamische Bank in der Eurozone | KT Bank AG
Die KT Bank ist die erste Bank Deutschlands und in der Eurozone, die umfassende und kundenorientierte Finanzprodukte und Dienstleistungen nach den wertebewusste...
Die KT Bank ist die erste Bank Deutschlands und in der Eurozone, die umfassende und kundenorientierte Finanzprodukte und Dienstleistungen nach den wertebewussten und transparenten Prinzipien des islamischen Bankwesens anbietet.
Privat- und Geschäftskunden gleich welcher Weltanschauung haben damit in Deutschland Zugriff auf gesellschaftlich verantwortungsbewusste Kapitalanlagen im Wertekanon des Islam.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: http://www.kt-bank.de/
wn.com/Die Erste Islamische Bank In Der Eurozone | Kt Bank Ag
Die KT Bank ist die erste Bank Deutschlands und in der Eurozone, die umfassende und kundenorientierte Finanzprodukte und Dienstleistungen nach den wertebewussten und transparenten Prinzipien des islamischen Bankwesens anbietet.
Privat- und Geschäftskunden gleich welcher Weltanschauung haben damit in Deutschland Zugriff auf gesellschaftlich verantwortungsbewusste Kapitalanlagen im Wertekanon des Islam.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: http://www.kt-bank.de/
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 12
Jim Mellon - Eurozone Growth - 2015
Jim Mellons views on Eurozone growth...
Jim Mellons views on Eurozone growth
wn.com/Jim Mellon Eurozone Growth 2015
Jim Mellons views on Eurozone growth
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Jim Mellon - Low interest rates/Zero productivity growth in the Eurozone - 2015
Jim Mellons views on Low interest rates, and zero productivity growth in the Eurozone...
Jim Mellons views on Low interest rates, and zero productivity growth in the Eurozone
wn.com/Jim Mellon Low Interest Rates Zero Productivity Growth In The Eurozone 2015
Jim Mellons views on Low interest rates, and zero productivity growth in the Eurozone
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 0
Reforms pay off! - Western Macro 16.11.2015
Eurozone 3Q growth stood at 0.3% q/q (previously 0.4% q/q) based on flash data from last Friday. While Italy disappointed slightly, Spain remains the star-perfo...
Eurozone 3Q growth stood at 0.3% q/q (previously 0.4% q/q) based on flash data from last Friday. While Italy disappointed slightly, Spain remains the star-performer among the bigger Eurozone countries delivering growth of 3.4% y/y. The foundation of the Spanish success story are thorough reforms implemented during the financial crisis. Which shows that reforms are paying off. For FY15, we continue to expect growth of 1.5% y/y for the entire Eurozone economy.
ID_35903 research
wn.com/Reforms Pay Off Western Macro 16.11.2015
Eurozone 3Q growth stood at 0.3% q/q (previously 0.4% q/q) based on flash data from last Friday. While Italy disappointed slightly, Spain remains the star-performer among the bigger Eurozone countries delivering growth of 3.4% y/y. The foundation of the Spanish success story are thorough reforms implemented during the financial crisis. Which shows that reforms are paying off. For FY15, we continue to expect growth of 1.5% y/y for the entire Eurozone economy.
ID_35903 research
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 3
UK, US and Eurozone central banks face a dilemma
Inflation data across the developed world form the key data releases this week. One of the key questions the market is trying to answer is whether central banks...
Inflation data across the developed world form the key data releases this week. One of the key questions the market is trying to answer is whether central banks will look through temporary factors depressing inflation, as they did when consumer price index data was overshooting target, or wait to see a positive trend emerge before looking to raise interest rates.
Across the Eurozone, the UK and the US price increases last month are expected to be broadly flat, ranging between -0.1% for the UK to 0.1% in the US and Eurozone. The core measure of inflation, which strips out the volatile energy and food sectors and is supposed to show the underlying trend, puts the yearly figure at 1% in the UK and Eurozone and 1.9% in the US.
Excluding the European Central Bank, which is not going to raise interest rates any time soon, the central banks in the US and UK face a dilemma: Will recent falls in commodity prices prove transitory and inflation move back towards target, or is something more fundamental going on with inflation? US Federal Reserve officials seem to be indicating the former, judging by recent comments from Bill Dudley, but the market seems to be filing the question under “too hard” and remains firmly on the fence.
We will get more information from the Fed when it releases the minutes from the October meeting on Wednesday evening. Before that, industrial and manufacturing production data is released and both are expected to bounce back into positive territory after falling slightly in September.
Other data of note out this week is UK retail sales and public sector net borrowing, but neither will have a material impact on the pound. The German ZEW economic survey is due out tomorrow, and is expected to stay firmly in positive territory.
Have a good week.
wn.com/Uk, US And Eurozone Central Banks Face A Dilemma
Inflation data across the developed world form the key data releases this week. One of the key questions the market is trying to answer is whether central banks will look through temporary factors depressing inflation, as they did when consumer price index data was overshooting target, or wait to see a positive trend emerge before looking to raise interest rates.
Across the Eurozone, the UK and the US price increases last month are expected to be broadly flat, ranging between -0.1% for the UK to 0.1% in the US and Eurozone. The core measure of inflation, which strips out the volatile energy and food sectors and is supposed to show the underlying trend, puts the yearly figure at 1% in the UK and Eurozone and 1.9% in the US.
Excluding the European Central Bank, which is not going to raise interest rates any time soon, the central banks in the US and UK face a dilemma: Will recent falls in commodity prices prove transitory and inflation move back towards target, or is something more fundamental going on with inflation? US Federal Reserve officials seem to be indicating the former, judging by recent comments from Bill Dudley, but the market seems to be filing the question under “too hard” and remains firmly on the fence.
We will get more information from the Fed when it releases the minutes from the October meeting on Wednesday evening. Before that, industrial and manufacturing production data is released and both are expected to bounce back into positive territory after falling slightly in September.
Other data of note out this week is UK retail sales and public sector net borrowing, but neither will have a material impact on the pound. The German ZEW economic survey is due out tomorrow, and is expected to stay firmly in positive territory.
Have a good week.
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 14
Eurozone countries extend deadline to dispense further loans to Greece
Greece’s international creditors have extended a deadline to give further rescue loans to the debt-stricken country.
Talks still drag on between Greece and th...
Greece’s international creditors have extended a deadline to give further rescue loans to the debt-stricken country.
Talks still drag on between Greece and the creditors over a new foreclosure law. A critical Eurogroup Working Group meeting has been postponed until Tuesday. The meeting would be a final assessment of the reform progress Athens has made since it signed up to a third bailout in July. It is crucial to unlocking 2 billion euros in rescue loans and 10 billion euros for the recapitalization of Greek banks. So far, Athens has met many of the reform conditions. But many Eurogroup members say the country still needs to push through some financial measures, notably how to deal with local home-owners who default on mortgages.
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wn.com/Eurozone Countries Extend Deadline To Dispense Further Loans To Greece
Greece’s international creditors have extended a deadline to give further rescue loans to the debt-stricken country.
Talks still drag on between Greece and the creditors over a new foreclosure law. A critical Eurogroup Working Group meeting has been postponed until Tuesday. The meeting would be a final assessment of the reform progress Athens has made since it signed up to a third bailout in July. It is crucial to unlocking 2 billion euros in rescue loans and 10 billion euros for the recapitalization of Greek banks. So far, Athens has met many of the reform conditions. But many Eurogroup members say the country still needs to push through some financial measures, notably how to deal with local home-owners who default on mortgages.
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- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 97
[476] DiMartino Booth on housing and weak Eurozone numbers
Eurozone Q3 GDP numbers are out and they came in weaker than expected and luxury department stores suffering from low retail sales. Ameera David weighs in. Then...
Eurozone Q3 GDP numbers are out and they came in weaker than expected and luxury department stores suffering from low retail sales. Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Danielle DiMartino Booth – chief market strategist at The Liscio Report – to talk about the housing market.
Afterwards, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the impact automation will have on jobs in the US and UK.
After the break, Ameera is joined by Ben Schlappig – blogger at One Mile at a Time – to talk about the latest in the travel industry. And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison continue the discussion on Eurozone GDP and retail sales.
Take a look!
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wn.com/476 Dimartino Booth On Housing And Weak Eurozone Numbers
Eurozone Q3 GDP numbers are out and they came in weaker than expected and luxury department stores suffering from low retail sales. Ameera David weighs in. Then, Ameera sits down with Danielle DiMartino Booth – chief market strategist at The Liscio Report – to talk about the housing market.
Afterwards, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the impact automation will have on jobs in the US and UK.
After the break, Ameera is joined by Ben Schlappig – blogger at One Mile at a Time – to talk about the latest in the travel industry. And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison continue the discussion on Eurozone GDP and retail sales.
Take a look!
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- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 264
The eurozone economy slowed in the three months to September as exports to large developing economies weakened, a development that makes it more likely the Euro...
The eurozone economy slowed in the three months to September as exports to large developing economies weakened, a development that makes it more likely the European Central Bank will expand its stimulus programs in December.
The slowdown was led by Germany, the currency area's exporting powerhouse, while Italian economic growth also eased. There were fresh contractions in Greece and Finland, while Portugal's economy stagnated. By contrast, France's economy returned to growth, having stagnated in the previous quarter.
The European Union's statistics agency Friday said gross domestic product in the 19 countries that share the euro was 0.3 per cent higher than in the three months to June, and 1.6 per cent higher than in the third quarter of 2014. The quarter-on-quarter growth rate was down from 0.4 per cent in the second quarter, and translates into an annualised growth rate of 1.2 per cent, the weakest since the third quarter of last year.
The slowdown underlines the tepid nature of the eurozone's economic recovery, which began in mid-2013 but has now eased for the second straight quarter. Weak growth has left the economy still 0.5 per cent smaller than it was at its largest in the first three months of 2008, while the US and the UK have long ago exceed their precrisis peaks.
Eurostat didn't provide details that explained the cause of the slowdown, but national data releases from Germany, France and Italy indicate that exports weakened, reflecting slowdowns in China as well as a number of other large, developing economies.
"Our Latin American business has basically broken down entirely," said Martin Kapp, chief executive of machine tool manufacturer KAPP Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH in Coburg. "Our Brazilian subsidiary is suffering and we don't expect a rapid turnaround."
Those declines in exports will concern policy makers at the European Central Bank, who have warned that a slowdown in large developing economies could weaken the eurozone's recovery, and make it more difficult for them to raise the annual rate of inflation to their target of just under 2 per cent.
The slowdown means it will take longer to reduce the eurozone's very high unemployment rates, and use up other forms of spare capacity in the economy. That will in turn give businesses little reason to raise their prices.
Speaking to European lawmakers Thursday, ECB President Mario Draghi reasserted policy makers' readiness to expand their bond purchase program -- a policy known as quantitative easing -- and perhaps enact other measures to combat weak inflation when the central bank reviews its stance in December.
"The figures support the already very strong case for further monetary stimulus from the ECB at its next meeting in December," said Jonathan Loynes, chief European economist at Capital Economics.
However, there are signs of resistance to further stimulus within the ECB's governing council. Germany's chief central banker, Jens Weidmann, on Thursday cautioned against quantitative easing, saying it should be reserved for exceptional circumstances that aren't currently met and that it blurs the lines between fiscal and monetary policy.
wn.com/Eurozone Growth Slows In Q3
The eurozone economy slowed in the three months to September as exports to large developing economies weakened, a development that makes it more likely the European Central Bank will expand its stimulus programs in December.
The slowdown was led by Germany, the currency area's exporting powerhouse, while Italian economic growth also eased. There were fresh contractions in Greece and Finland, while Portugal's economy stagnated. By contrast, France's economy returned to growth, having stagnated in the previous quarter.
The European Union's statistics agency Friday said gross domestic product in the 19 countries that share the euro was 0.3 per cent higher than in the three months to June, and 1.6 per cent higher than in the third quarter of 2014. The quarter-on-quarter growth rate was down from 0.4 per cent in the second quarter, and translates into an annualised growth rate of 1.2 per cent, the weakest since the third quarter of last year.
The slowdown underlines the tepid nature of the eurozone's economic recovery, which began in mid-2013 but has now eased for the second straight quarter. Weak growth has left the economy still 0.5 per cent smaller than it was at its largest in the first three months of 2008, while the US and the UK have long ago exceed their precrisis peaks.
Eurostat didn't provide details that explained the cause of the slowdown, but national data releases from Germany, France and Italy indicate that exports weakened, reflecting slowdowns in China as well as a number of other large, developing economies.
"Our Latin American business has basically broken down entirely," said Martin Kapp, chief executive of machine tool manufacturer KAPP Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH in Coburg. "Our Brazilian subsidiary is suffering and we don't expect a rapid turnaround."
Those declines in exports will concern policy makers at the European Central Bank, who have warned that a slowdown in large developing economies could weaken the eurozone's recovery, and make it more difficult for them to raise the annual rate of inflation to their target of just under 2 per cent.
The slowdown means it will take longer to reduce the eurozone's very high unemployment rates, and use up other forms of spare capacity in the economy. That will in turn give businesses little reason to raise their prices.
Speaking to European lawmakers Thursday, ECB President Mario Draghi reasserted policy makers' readiness to expand their bond purchase program -- a policy known as quantitative easing -- and perhaps enact other measures to combat weak inflation when the central bank reviews its stance in December.
"The figures support the already very strong case for further monetary stimulus from the ECB at its next meeting in December," said Jonathan Loynes, chief European economist at Capital Economics.
However, there are signs of resistance to further stimulus within the ECB's governing council. Germany's chief central banker, Jens Weidmann, on Thursday cautioned against quantitative easing, saying it should be reserved for exceptional circumstances that aren't currently met and that it blurs the lines between fiscal and monetary policy.
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 91
Eurozone: Wirtschaft wächst schwächer als erwartet - economy
Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone ist im dritten Quartal schwächer gewachsen, als erhofft. "Das teilte die Statistikbehörde Eurostat jetzt mit.":http://ec.europa.e...
Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone ist im dritten Quartal schwächer gewachsen, als erhofft. "Das teilte die Statistikbehörde Eurostat jetzt mit.":http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/7075220/2-13112015-BP-DE.pdf/f913ad51-2f75-44d1-b43a-88d662f12d10 In Frankreich, der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Eurozone, ging es wie erwartet um 0,3 Prozent nach oben, verglichen mit dem Vorquartal. Auch die größte Euro-Wirtschaft, die deutsche, lag mit 0,3 Prozent Wachstum im Bereich der Erwartungen.
LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2015/11/13/eurozone-wirtschaft-waechst-schwaecher-als-erwartet
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wn.com/Eurozone Wirtschaft Wächst Schwächer Als Erwartet Economy
Die Wirtschaft in der Eurozone ist im dritten Quartal schwächer gewachsen, als erhofft. "Das teilte die Statistikbehörde Eurostat jetzt mit.":http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/7075220/2-13112015-BP-DE.pdf/f913ad51-2f75-44d1-b43a-88d662f12d10 In Frankreich, der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Eurozone, ging es wie erwartet um 0,3 Prozent nach oben, verglichen mit dem Vorquartal. Auch die größte Euro-Wirtschaft, die deutsche, lag mit 0,3 Prozent Wachstum im Bereich der Erwartungen.
LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2015/11/13/eurozone-wirtschaft-waechst-schwaecher-als-erwartet
euronews: der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa.
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- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 30
Greece, Europe hid Athens’ debt to keep it in Eurozone: corruption expert
The world is losing the battle against corruption despite a great amount of resources being directed at the problem. And while some countries have tried to tack...
The world is losing the battle against corruption despite a great amount of resources being directed at the problem. And while some countries have tried to tackle it by legalizing it in some form or other, none are immune to its effects. Can we ever rid ourselves of this damaging social problem and how should governments go about achieving that? Oksana is joined by Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, to examine these issues.
wn.com/Greece, Europe Hid Athens’ Debt To Keep It In Eurozone Corruption Expert
The world is losing the battle against corruption despite a great amount of resources being directed at the problem. And while some countries have tried to tackle it by legalizing it in some form or other, none are immune to its effects. Can we ever rid ourselves of this damaging social problem and how should governments go about achieving that? Oksana is joined by Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, to examine these issues.
- published: 13 Nov 2015
- views: 3
The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook
The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook check out here http://bitly.com/1ShsMp6
Authors Jens Nordvig
"What do...
The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook check out here http://bitly.com/1ShsMp6
Authors Jens Nordvig
"What does the crisis in the Eurozone mean for our markets--and how can you protect your portfolio against a breakup of the Euro? A leading currency expert explainsLittle has been written about the instability of the Euro, but it's a very real threat to investors worldwide, as well as to the global economy. In The Fall of the Euro, the Global Head of Currency Strategy at Nomura describes why the breakup of the Eurozone remains a real risk and outlines investment strategies for the most likely scenarios.Over the last two years, swings in global asset markets have been increasingly driven by developments in Europe. This is something new: in the past, Europe was one of the most stable parts of the global economy, and its typically minor economic fluctuations would have little bearing on US equity markets. In the new environment of European turbulence, Europe's economic and political developments will be a persistent source of shocks for global financial markets. If the path ahead involves a disorderly breakup of the Eurozone, the instability to come will be much more intense than what we have seen to date. As an investor, you need a roadmap. This book provides it.Jens Nordvig is Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income Research, Americas and Global Head of Currency Strategy at Nomura, the global investment bank. Previously, Nordvig worked as a Senior Currency Strategist for investment management firm Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world. "--
wn.com/The Fall Of The Euro Reinventing The Eurozone And The Future Of Global Investing Ebook
The Fall of the Euro: Reinventing the Eurozone and the Future of Global Investing ebook check out here http://bitly.com/1ShsMp6
Authors Jens Nordvig
"What does the crisis in the Eurozone mean for our markets--and how can you protect your portfolio against a breakup of the Euro? A leading currency expert explainsLittle has been written about the instability of the Euro, but it's a very real threat to investors worldwide, as well as to the global economy. In The Fall of the Euro, the Global Head of Currency Strategy at Nomura describes why the breakup of the Eurozone remains a real risk and outlines investment strategies for the most likely scenarios.Over the last two years, swings in global asset markets have been increasingly driven by developments in Europe. This is something new: in the past, Europe was one of the most stable parts of the global economy, and its typically minor economic fluctuations would have little bearing on US equity markets. In the new environment of European turbulence, Europe's economic and political developments will be a persistent source of shocks for global financial markets. If the path ahead involves a disorderly breakup of the Eurozone, the instability to come will be much more intense than what we have seen to date. As an investor, you need a roadmap. This book provides it.Jens Nordvig is Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income Research, Americas and Global Head of Currency Strategy at Nomura, the global investment bank. Previously, Nordvig worked as a Senior Currency Strategist for investment management firm Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world. "--
- published: 11 Nov 2015
- views: 0
[389] Greece faces off with creditors at non-existent Eurozone summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozon...
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
wn.com/389 Greece Faces Off With Creditors At Non Existent Eurozone Summit
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
WATCH Eurozone leaders held an emergency summit in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of the Greek referendum. That referendum echoed a .
- published: 10 Nov 2015
- views: 1
[335] Grexit or default within the eurozone and Rick Rule on oil.
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
WATCH Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government cant reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
wn.com/335 Grexit Or Default Within The Eurozone And Rick Rule On Oil.
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
WATCH Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government cant reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
Greece could come up short on cash next week if the government can't reach a deal with the Eurozone on economic reforms that would unlock essential bailout .
- published: 09 Nov 2015
- views: 0
06 November 2015 - Heiner Flassbeck - Future of the Eurozone Seminar
About the Speech:
According to Professor Galbraith, events in Greece have ended a brief moment of hope for a pragmatic turn in the policies of the Eurozone. T...
About the Speech:
According to Professor Galbraith, events in Greece have ended a brief moment of hope for a pragmatic turn in the policies of the Eurozone. The question, “What Now?” is thus urgently posed, and not only for Greece. Professor Galbraith spoke from his five months of close association with the Finance Ministry in Athens. Heiner Flassbeck examined the necessary elements required for a successful economic and monetary union. Brendan Halligan address the political implications of the Greek crisis and Brexit, for continued economic integration in Europe.
About the Speaker:
Speakers at this event will include James K. Galbraith, Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Heiner Flassbeck, former State Secretary in the German Ministry of Finance, and Brendan Halligan, Chairman of the IIEA. The seminar will be chaired by former Irish Minister for Finance, Ruairí Quinn T.D.
wn.com/06 November 2015 Heiner Flassbeck Future Of The Eurozone Seminar
About the Speech:
According to Professor Galbraith, events in Greece have ended a brief moment of hope for a pragmatic turn in the policies of the Eurozone. The question, “What Now?” is thus urgently posed, and not only for Greece. Professor Galbraith spoke from his five months of close association with the Finance Ministry in Athens. Heiner Flassbeck examined the necessary elements required for a successful economic and monetary union. Brendan Halligan address the political implications of the Greek crisis and Brexit, for continued economic integration in Europe.
About the Speaker:
Speakers at this event will include James K. Galbraith, Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Heiner Flassbeck, former State Secretary in the German Ministry of Finance, and Brendan Halligan, Chairman of the IIEA. The seminar will be chaired by former Irish Minister for Finance, Ruairí Quinn T.D.
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 83
Christmas songs (Piosenki świąteczne) [50 minutes]
Album: Christmas Zone
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmxaPvDQSC4z2FVDHalaDQ
Like us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/eurozonemusic
Album: Christmas Zone
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmxaPvDQSC4z2FVDHalaDQ
Like us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/eurozonemusic
EUROZONE MUSIC is an independent project created to promote polish music. Our catalogue consists of compositions of various genres and styles made by both recognized and talented artists as well as those of the younger generation. The music produced exclusively for EUROZONE is available to purchase for commercial use e.g. TV, film, theatre, ads etc. For more information about the licence visit:
EUROZONE MUSIC to niezależny projekt nastawiony na promowanie polskiej muzyki. Nasz katalog składa się z kompozycji o różnorodnym przekroju stylistycznym, tworzonej zarówno przez rozpoznawalnych jak i początkujących artystów. Wszystkie produkcje powstały na wyłączność naszego wydawnictwa i po podpisaniu licencji są dostępne do użytku komercyjnego w filmie, telewizji, teatrze, reklamach itd. Więcej informacji na stronie: http://www.eurozonemusic.com/
wn.com/Christmas Songs (Piosenki Świąteczne) 50 Minutes
Album: Christmas Zone
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmxaPvDQSC4z2FVDHalaDQ
Like us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/eurozonemusic
EUROZONE MUSIC is an independent project created to promote polish music. Our catalogue consists of compositions of various genres and styles made by both recognized and talented artists as well as those of the younger generation. The music produced exclusively for EUROZONE is available to purchase for commercial use e.g. TV, film, theatre, ads etc. For more information about the licence visit:
EUROZONE MUSIC to niezależny projekt nastawiony na promowanie polskiej muzyki. Nasz katalog składa się z kompozycji o różnorodnym przekroju stylistycznym, tworzonej zarówno przez rozpoznawalnych jak i początkujących artystów. Wszystkie produkcje powstały na wyłączność naszego wydawnictwa i po podpisaniu licencji są dostępne do użytku komercyjnego w filmie, telewizji, teatrze, reklamach itd. Więcej informacji na stronie: http://www.eurozonemusic.com/
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 55
Weak eurozone demand hits 'Made in Germany' goods
German industrial orders fell for the third consecutive month in September - in particular due to weak demand from other eurozone countries.
The surprise news...
German industrial orders fell for the third consecutive month in September - in particular due to weak demand from other eurozone countries.
The surprise news "from the Federal Statistical Office":https://www.destatis.de/EN/PressServices/Press/pr/2015/11/PE15_406_421.html has led to warnings about the outlook for Europe's largest economy.
Orders for 'Made in Germany' goods fell by 1.7 percent on the month. Bookings from abroad were down by 2.5 percent; from other eurozone countries they fell …
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/11/05/weak-eurozone-demand-hits-made-in-germany-goods
euronews business brings you latest updates from the world of finance and economy, in-depth analysis, interviews, infographics and more
Subscribe for daily dose of business news: http://bit.ly/1pcHCzj
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
wn.com/Weak Eurozone Demand Hits 'Made In Germany' Goods
German industrial orders fell for the third consecutive month in September - in particular due to weak demand from other eurozone countries.
The surprise news "from the Federal Statistical Office":https://www.destatis.de/EN/PressServices/Press/pr/2015/11/PE15_406_421.html has led to warnings about the outlook for Europe's largest economy.
Orders for 'Made in Germany' goods fell by 1.7 percent on the month. Bookings from abroad were down by 2.5 percent; from other eurozone countries they fell …
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/11/05/weak-eurozone-demand-hits-made-in-germany-goods
euronews business brings you latest updates from the world of finance and economy, in-depth analysis, interviews, infographics and more
Subscribe for daily dose of business news: http://bit.ly/1pcHCzj
Made by euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe.
- published: 05 Nov 2015
- views: 11
Heiner Flassbeck: Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland der Eurozone? 2015
Heiner Flassbeck, einer der bekanntesten deutschen Vertreter einer “keynesianischen” Perspektive, referiert zu dem Thema "Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland der Eurozone?" im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Leben in Zeiten der Multiplen Krise?!" an der Universität Kassel im Wintersemester 2015/16.
Vortragsbeginn Flassbeck: 7:47
Aufgenommen am 27.10.2015
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Anchor: Girish Nikam
Where Now For Greece And The Eurozone?
In this first episode of Social Europe Talk (SET) economists James K. Galbraith and David Lizoain as well as Maria Joao Rodrigues, the Vice-President of the S&D; Group in the European Parliament, join Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer to discuss 'Where now for Greece and the Eurozone?'
Democratising the Eurozone
In this presentation, Yanis Varoufakis (University of Athens) lectured on democracy in the Eurozone and the urgency in reinventing mechanisms of participation, accountability and transparency that will ensure a solidary and cohesive Europe capable of facing the problems and challenges with which it is confronted.
CGEG: Is the Eurozone Crisis Over?
The Center on Global Economic Governance hosts a talk by Martin Wolf, CBE, a Columbia Global Fellow, and chief economics commentator for the Financial Times.
Following Wolf’s remarks he will take part in a discussion with Dean Merit E. Janow of SIPA, CGEG Director Jan Svejnar, and Columbia history professor Adam Tooze.
Richard Wolff: Eurozone Woes Created By Mating "Dysfunctional" Political & Economic Systems
DemocracyNow.org - European leaders are preparing to unveil their plans for addressing the sovereign debt crisis that's threatened to tear apart the Eurozone. Both France and Germany are expected to push for changes to the Eurozone treaty, including centralized oversight of national budgets and tighter reins on debt. In a speech on Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said radical changes ar
Heiner Flassbeck: Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland der Eurozone? 2015
Heiner Flassbeck, einer der bekanntesten deutschen Vertreter einer “keynesianischen” Perspektive, referiert zu dem Thema "Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlan...
Heiner Flassbeck, einer der bekanntesten deutschen Vertreter einer “keynesianischen” Perspektive, referiert zu dem Thema "Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland der Eurozone?" im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Leben in Zeiten der Multiplen Krise?!" an der Universität Kassel im Wintersemester 2015/16.
Vortragsbeginn Flassbeck: 7:47
Aufgenommen am 27.10.2015
Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung:
wn.com/Heiner Flassbeck Die Eurokrise Und Die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland Der Eurozone 2015
Heiner Flassbeck, einer der bekanntesten deutschen Vertreter einer “keynesianischen” Perspektive, referiert zu dem Thema "Die Eurokrise und die Rolle Deutschlands – Musterland der Eurozone?" im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Leben in Zeiten der Multiplen Krise?!" an der Universität Kassel im Wintersemester 2015/16.
Vortragsbeginn Flassbeck: 7:47
Aufgenommen am 27.10.2015
Weitere Informationen zur Ringvorlesung:
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 1690
The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective
The Money Series: The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective Yanis Varoufakis & Justin Fox; Chair: Mark Mazowe......
The Money Series: The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective Yanis Varoufakis & Justin Fox; Chair: Mark Mazowe...
wn.com/The Global Minotaur The Crash Of 2008 And The Euro Zone Crisis In Historical Perspective
The Money Series: The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective Yanis Varoufakis & Justin Fox; Chair: Mark Mazowe...
The ECB and the Eurozone: A Conversation with Mario Draghi
On October 9, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings hosted a presentation by the ECB President Mario Draghi on the latest developments ...
On October 9, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings hosted a presentation by the ECB President Mario Draghi on the latest developments in Europe and in global central banking.
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wn.com/The Ecb And The Eurozone A Conversation With Mario Draghi
On October 9, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings hosted a presentation by the ECB President Mario Draghi on the latest developments in Europe and in global central banking.
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- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 470
The Eurozone Crisis And Its Solution : British MP Jo Johnson at TEDxGateway
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED......
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
wn.com/The Eurozone Crisis And Its Solution British Mp Jo Johnson At Tedxgateway
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 1134
author: TEDx Talks
Modern Money & Public Purpose 3: The Eurozone
Note: a corrected version of this video is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuU32WLMjl8 The Columbia Pre-Law Society Proudly Presents: DESIGN D......
Note: a corrected version of this video is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuU32WLMjl8 The Columbia Pre-Law Society Proudly Presents: DESIGN D...
wn.com/Modern Money Public Purpose 3 The Eurozone
Note: a corrected version of this video is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuU32WLMjl8 The Columbia Pre-Law Society Proudly Presents: DESIGN D...
Greece and the Eurozone Crisis
Professor Cameron teaches courses on European politics and the European Union. Over the past several weeks, the European Union has been caught up in a crisis ov...
Professor Cameron teaches courses on European politics and the European Union. Over the past several weeks, the European Union has been caught up in a crisis over the size of the budget deficit in Greece. Some think the crisis could spread to other countries in southern Europe - Spain, Portugal, Italy - that, like Greece, participate in the eurozone but have large budget deficits and high levels of debt. Professor Cameron discusses the current eurozone crisis - why it has arisen and what's likely to happen in the near future and the longer-term.
wn.com/Greece And The Eurozone Crisis
Professor Cameron teaches courses on European politics and the European Union. Over the past several weeks, the European Union has been caught up in a crisis over the size of the budget deficit in Greece. Some think the crisis could spread to other countries in southern Europe - Spain, Portugal, Italy - that, like Greece, participate in the eurozone but have large budget deficits and high levels of debt. Professor Cameron discusses the current eurozone crisis - why it has arisen and what's likely to happen in the near future and the longer-term.
- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 9203
Exit Greece? Eurozone Ministers meet as time runs out (part 2)
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
DEBATE : With an end-of-month deadline to come up with 1.6 billion Euros, it looks like time is fin...
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
DEBATE : With an end-of-month deadline to come up with 1.6 billion Euros, it looks like time is finally running out for Greece. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras dispatched his finance minister without a plan and penned a defiant editorial in the German press. Could this be the time Angela Merkel's forced to decide between letting Greece off the hook for debts it can't repay, and letting Greece default - sending a nation and a continent into uncharted territory that could come back to haunt all the players?
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wn.com/Exit Greece Eurozone Ministers Meet As Time Runs Out (Part 2)
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://bit.ly/France24Subscribe
DEBATE : With an end-of-month deadline to come up with 1.6 billion Euros, it looks like time is finally running out for Greece. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras dispatched his finance minister without a plan and penned a defiant editorial in the German press. Could this be the time Angela Merkel's forced to decide between letting Greece off the hook for debts it can't repay, and letting Greece default - sending a nation and a continent into uncharted territory that could come back to haunt all the players?
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- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 68
The Big Picture - Euro-zone crisis and its impact on India
Guests: Prof.Gulshan Sachdeva, Associate Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Economic Analyst and Columnist, Amitabh Mukhopadya...
Guests: Prof.Gulshan Sachdeva, Associate Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Economic Analyst and Columnist, Amitabh Mukhopadyay, Former Deputy CAG, Dr.S.P.Sharma, Chief Economist, PHD Chamber of Commerce
Anchor: Girish Nikam
wn.com/The Big Picture Euro Zone Crisis And Its Impact On India
Guests: Prof.Gulshan Sachdeva, Associate Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Economic Analyst and Columnist, Amitabh Mukhopadyay, Former Deputy CAG, Dr.S.P.Sharma, Chief Economist, PHD Chamber of Commerce
Anchor: Girish Nikam
- published: 13 Jun 2012
- views: 4078
Where Now For Greece And The Eurozone?
In this first episode of Social Europe Talk (SET) economists James K. Galbraith and David Lizoain as well as Maria Joao Rodrigues, the Vice-President of the S&D...;
In this first episode of Social Europe Talk (SET) economists James K. Galbraith and David Lizoain as well as Maria Joao Rodrigues, the Vice-President of the S&D; Group in the European Parliament, join Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer to discuss 'Where now for Greece and the Eurozone?'
wn.com/Where Now For Greece And The Eurozone
In this first episode of Social Europe Talk (SET) economists James K. Galbraith and David Lizoain as well as Maria Joao Rodrigues, the Vice-President of the S&D; Group in the European Parliament, join Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer to discuss 'Where now for Greece and the Eurozone?'
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 750
Democratising the Eurozone
In this presentation, Yanis Varoufakis (University of Athens) lectured on democracy in the Eurozone and the urgency in reinventing mechanisms of participation, ...
In this presentation, Yanis Varoufakis (University of Athens) lectured on democracy in the Eurozone and the urgency in reinventing mechanisms of participation, accountability and transparency that will ensure a solidary and cohesive Europe capable of facing the problems and challenges with which it is confronted.
wn.com/Democratising The Eurozone
In this presentation, Yanis Varoufakis (University of Athens) lectured on democracy in the Eurozone and the urgency in reinventing mechanisms of participation, accountability and transparency that will ensure a solidary and cohesive Europe capable of facing the problems and challenges with which it is confronted.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 55
CGEG: Is the Eurozone Crisis Over?
The Center on Global Economic Governance hosts a talk by Martin Wolf, CBE, a Columbia Global Fellow, and chief economics commentator for the Financial Times.
The Center on Global Economic Governance hosts a talk by Martin Wolf, CBE, a Columbia Global Fellow, and chief economics commentator for the Financial Times.
Following Wolf’s remarks he will take part in a discussion with Dean Merit E. Janow of SIPA, CGEG Director Jan Svejnar, and Columbia history professor Adam Tooze.
wn.com/Cgeg Is The Eurozone Crisis Over
The Center on Global Economic Governance hosts a talk by Martin Wolf, CBE, a Columbia Global Fellow, and chief economics commentator for the Financial Times.
Following Wolf’s remarks he will take part in a discussion with Dean Merit E. Janow of SIPA, CGEG Director Jan Svejnar, and Columbia history professor Adam Tooze.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 16
Richard Wolff: Eurozone Woes Created By Mating "Dysfunctional" Political & Economic Systems
DemocracyNow.org - European leaders are preparing to unveil their plans for addressing the sovereign debt crisis that's threatened to tear apart the Eurozone. B...
DemocracyNow.org - European leaders are preparing to unveil their plans for addressing the sovereign debt crisis that's threatened to tear apart the Eurozone. Both France and Germany are expected to push for changes to the Eurozone treaty, including centralized oversight of national budgets and tighter reins on debt. In a speech on Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said radical changes are needed in order to save the Euro. Sarkozy's address came after central banks -- including the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank -- took coordinated action to prevent a credit crunch among European banks. For more on the developing crisis in Europe and its implications worldwide, Democracy Now! speaks with economist and professor Richard Wolff. He is the author of several books including "Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It." "The Fed is recognizing that another bailout is needed," Wolff says. "All the steps taken over the last two years to try to cope with this crisis of our capitalist system haven't worked, and so we're now we are again on the brink of a crisis, and again, public money and public institutions are bailing out a private banking system and a private enterprise system that is not working and is not solving its own problems." Wolff continues, "The fundamental question is you've gotta deal with an economic system that is not working. ... You've gotta take big steps to change the way this economic system works, or find a new system. ... It's as though we have a dysfunctional economic system coupled to a now dysfunctional political system and instead of fixing each other, these two systems are making each other in a kind of spiral downturn..."
To watch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, or watch Democracy Now!'s other reports on the European financial crisis, visit http://www.democracynow.org
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wn.com/Richard Wolff Eurozone Woes Created By Mating Dysfunctional Political Economic Systems
DemocracyNow.org - European leaders are preparing to unveil their plans for addressing the sovereign debt crisis that's threatened to tear apart the Eurozone. Both France and Germany are expected to push for changes to the Eurozone treaty, including centralized oversight of national budgets and tighter reins on debt. In a speech on Thursday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said radical changes are needed in order to save the Euro. Sarkozy's address came after central banks -- including the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank -- took coordinated action to prevent a credit crunch among European banks. For more on the developing crisis in Europe and its implications worldwide, Democracy Now! speaks with economist and professor Richard Wolff. He is the author of several books including "Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It." "The Fed is recognizing that another bailout is needed," Wolff says. "All the steps taken over the last two years to try to cope with this crisis of our capitalist system haven't worked, and so we're now we are again on the brink of a crisis, and again, public money and public institutions are bailing out a private banking system and a private enterprise system that is not working and is not solving its own problems." Wolff continues, "The fundamental question is you've gotta deal with an economic system that is not working. ... You've gotta take big steps to change the way this economic system works, or find a new system. ... It's as though we have a dysfunctional economic system coupled to a now dysfunctional political system and instead of fixing each other, these two systems are making each other in a kind of spiral downturn..."
To watch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, or watch Democracy Now!'s other reports on the European financial crisis, visit http://www.democracynow.org
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- published: 02 Dec 2011
- views: 7118