EU Eurobarometer - a definition
A section of the European Commission that carries out surveys of EU citizens to find out what the public think of the EU and its policies.
ECHO Eurobarometer 2012
http://ec.europa.eu/echo/eurobarometer/index_en.htm Public support for humanitarian aid has strengthened in the European Union despite the economic crisis. T...
ECHO Eurobarometer 2015
This animated video shows the key findings of the latest Eurobarometer surveys on humanitarian aid and civil protection conducted in the 28 EU Member States in March 2015. For each of the surveys some 28 082 respondents from a spectrum of social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home in their mother tongue.
The Eurobarometer results confirm an overwhelming support and indic
Richard Kühnel: Das neue #Eurobarometer ist da!
Ja, es ist da! Das neue Eurobarometer - die europaweite Meinungsumfrage die wir seit 1973 (!) zweimal im Jahr erheben. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse stellt Euch Richard Kühnel, Vertreter der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland, im folgenden Video persönlich vor! Mehr Zahlen aus dem aktuellen Eurobarometer gibt es @ http://europa.eu/!rr49FU und im Laufe der nächsten Tage auf unserer Seite!
Wir freu
Statistics from the European Commission's Eurobarometer
The stats contained within are from the EU Commission's own authorised survey organisation - Eurobarometer The questions and responses posed depict Britain's...
Ian Barber, European Commission - Eurobarometer
How to Pronounce Eurobarometer
This video shows you how to pronounce Eurobarometer
How to Pronounce Eurobarometer
Learn how to say Eurobarometer correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1
Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying
Results of EU-wide EUROBAROMETER Public Opinion survey on rare diseases
EURORDIS CEO Yann le Cam summarizes the results of an EU-wide (EUROBAROMETER) survey published on the 4th World Rare Disease Day, which reveal that Europeans...
Eurobarometer 80 presentation
Eurobarometer 78 presentation - ANT1 Main Evening News
Eurobarometer: Turks seem ambivalent on EU membership
Most of Turks regard the country’s undulant integration with the European Union as a “negative” process and seemed ambivalent towards the EU membership, an EU sponsored public poll, which was carried out by the Union’s official statistic department, Eurobarometer, revealed on Sunday.
Participants to the Eurobarometer survey, which was carried out between May 16 and 27, were asked whether Turkey’s
27 Countries,1 Single Market: What do people think?
26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this video.
The full results of the survey are available at:
Il-Maltin huma kburin li mhux biss huma Maltin izda anke Ewropej, stharrig Eurobarometer
Ahna l-Maltin inhossuna kburin li ahna Ewropej. Haddiehor, mhux daqshekk. Fil-fatt, stharrig tal-Eurobarometer li sar f'Gunju li ghadda juri li tnejn minn ku...
Vape fact checking 2: current issues ENG
Special Euro barometer and vape: already 6 million ex-smokers in Europe?
Speaker : Doctor Konstantinos Farsalinos, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, Kallithea (Greece)
Introducing speaker: Ghyslain Armand, Editor-in-chief Ma-cigarette.fr
EU survey: Turks have negative view of future, government
Turkish citizens’ expectations from the coming year are negative, according to a new Eurobarometer survey, which also revealed that 48 percent of Turks “distrust” the government and more than two-thirds “distrust” the European Union.
The survey, titled “Public Opinion in The European Union – November 2014” conducted by the European Commission’s Eurobarometer branch, painted a deteriorating pictu
Għadu jwissi dwar bailout.
Filwaqt li l-Eurostat u l-Eurobarometer qegħdin ikomplu jikkonfermaw is-suċċess tal-Gvern fil-qasam ekonomiku, il-Viċi Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Mario De Marco qal li rridu nibqgħu attenti minn bailout.
Survey reveals ambivalence of Turks to EU membership
Turkish citizens have ambivalent feelings about their country’s possible accession to the European Union, an EU sponsored public opinion poll has revealed.
Results of the survey, which was carried out by Eurobarometer, were published on Sunday.
Participants were asked whether Turkey’s EU membership would be “a good thing”, a “bad thing” or “neither good nor bad” thing.
While 40 percent of the r
Pospeši ritem, Coca-Cola Slovenija (Wake Your Body)
Obesity: What's tipping the balance? HIGHLIGHTS
The lack of physical activity and unbalanced diets can lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseas...
Raise Your Awareness
According to Eurobarometer, two percent of the people surveyed said that they're still thinking about what the world's biggest problem is.
They don't know that 12 percent of people could be lifted out of poverty if all students in poor countries had basic reading skills (over 170 million)
Don't know that nearly half of the world's population (more than 3 billion people) live on less than $2.50
Ottimiżmu fuq kull livell
L-istħarrig tal-eurobarometer ippubblikat ilbieraħ ma jitkellimx biss fuq il-ħsieb tal-Maltin dwar l-ekonomija. Iħares ukoll lejn il-qagħda finanzjarja tagħhom u l-livell ta’ kuntentizza. Fuq kollox meta wieħed iqabbel dan l-istħarriġ mal-aħħar wieħed fi żmien amministrazzjoni nazzjonalista jinnota li żdied bil-kbir il-livell ta’ ottimiżmu.
Il-Maltin jgħidu li l-ekonomija sejra tajjeb.
Stħarriġ tal-Eurobarometer juri kif ħafna Ewropej huma mħassba bl-ekonomija u l-qgħad. Iżda, mhux il-Maltin. Wieħed u tmenin fil-mija tal-Maltin jemmnu li l-ekonomija sejra tajjeb. Minflok il-Maltin jinkwetaw l-iktar bl-immigrazzjoni.
EU Eurobarometer - a definition
A section of the European Commission that carries out surveys of EU citizens to find out what the public think of the EU and its policies....
A section of the European Commission that carries out surveys of EU citizens to find out what the public think of the EU and its policies.
wn.com/Eu Eurobarometer A Definition
A section of the European Commission that carries out surveys of EU citizens to find out what the public think of the EU and its policies.
- published: 12 Oct 2010
- views: 144
author: easyeu
ECHO Eurobarometer 2012
http://ec.europa.eu/echo/eurobarometer/index_en.htm Public support for humanitarian aid has strengthened in the European Union despite the economic crisis. T......
http://ec.europa.eu/echo/eurobarometer/index_en.htm Public support for humanitarian aid has strengthened in the European Union despite the economic crisis. T...
wn.com/Echo Eurobarometer 2012
http://ec.europa.eu/echo/eurobarometer/index_en.htm Public support for humanitarian aid has strengthened in the European Union despite the economic crisis. T...
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 987
author: eutube
ECHO Eurobarometer 2015
This animated video shows the key findings of the latest Eurobarometer surveys on humanitarian aid and civil protection conducted in the 28 EU Member States in ...
This animated video shows the key findings of the latest Eurobarometer surveys on humanitarian aid and civil protection conducted in the 28 EU Member States in March 2015. For each of the surveys some 28 082 respondents from a spectrum of social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home in their mother tongue.
The Eurobarometer results confirm an overwhelming support and indicate increasing backing of Europeans for EU's humanitarian aid as well as civil protection actions.
Read more about the results http://bit.ly/1PMOxAe
Animation by European Commission
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
wn.com/Echo Eurobarometer 2015
This animated video shows the key findings of the latest Eurobarometer surveys on humanitarian aid and civil protection conducted in the 28 EU Member States in March 2015. For each of the surveys some 28 082 respondents from a spectrum of social and demographic groups were interviewed face-to-face at home in their mother tongue.
The Eurobarometer results confirm an overwhelming support and indicate increasing backing of Europeans for EU's humanitarian aid as well as civil protection actions.
Read more about the results http://bit.ly/1PMOxAe
Animation by European Commission
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 72
Richard Kühnel: Das neue #Eurobarometer ist da!
Ja, es ist da! Das neue Eurobarometer - die europaweite Meinungsumfrage die wir seit 1973 (!) zweimal im Jahr erheben. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse stellt Euch Ri...
Ja, es ist da! Das neue Eurobarometer - die europaweite Meinungsumfrage die wir seit 1973 (!) zweimal im Jahr erheben. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse stellt Euch Richard Kühnel, Vertreter der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland, im folgenden Video persönlich vor! Mehr Zahlen aus dem aktuellen Eurobarometer gibt es @ http://europa.eu/!rr49FU und im Laufe der nächsten Tage auf unserer Seite!
Wir freuen uns über Euer Feedback zu den Zahlen!
wn.com/Richard KüHnel Das Neue Eurobarometer Ist Da
Ja, es ist da! Das neue Eurobarometer - die europaweite Meinungsumfrage die wir seit 1973 (!) zweimal im Jahr erheben. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse stellt Euch Richard Kühnel, Vertreter der Europäischen Kommission in Deutschland, im folgenden Video persönlich vor! Mehr Zahlen aus dem aktuellen Eurobarometer gibt es @ http://europa.eu/!rr49FU und im Laufe der nächsten Tage auf unserer Seite!
Wir freuen uns über Euer Feedback zu den Zahlen!
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 4
Statistics from the European Commission's Eurobarometer
The stats contained within are from the EU Commission's own authorised survey organisation - Eurobarometer The questions and responses posed depict Britain's......
The stats contained within are from the EU Commission's own authorised survey organisation - Eurobarometer The questions and responses posed depict Britain's...
wn.com/Statistics From The European Commission's Eurobarometer
The stats contained within are from the EU Commission's own authorised survey organisation - Eurobarometer The questions and responses posed depict Britain's...
How to Pronounce Eurobarometer
This video shows you how to pronounce Eurobarometer...
This video shows you how to pronounce Eurobarometer
wn.com/How To Pronounce Eurobarometer
This video shows you how to pronounce Eurobarometer
- published: 24 Feb 2015
- views: 0
How to Pronounce Eurobarometer
Learn how to say Eurobarometer correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Take a look at my comparison tuto...
Learn how to say Eurobarometer correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1
Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying
wn.com/How To Pronounce Eurobarometer
Learn how to say Eurobarometer correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials.
Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1
Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying
- published: 10 Dec 2013
- views: 5
Results of EU-wide EUROBAROMETER Public Opinion survey on rare diseases
EURORDIS CEO Yann le Cam summarizes the results of an EU-wide (EUROBAROMETER) survey published on the 4th World Rare Disease Day, which reveal that Europeans......
EURORDIS CEO Yann le Cam summarizes the results of an EU-wide (EUROBAROMETER) survey published on the 4th World Rare Disease Day, which reveal that Europeans...
wn.com/Results Of Eu Wide Eurobarometer Public Opinion Survey On Rare Diseases
EURORDIS CEO Yann le Cam summarizes the results of an EU-wide (EUROBAROMETER) survey published on the 4th World Rare Disease Day, which reveal that Europeans...
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 132
author: eurordis
Eurobarometer: Turks seem ambivalent on EU membership
Most of Turks regard the country’s undulant integration with the European Union as a “negative” process and seemed ambivalent towards the EU membership, an EU s...
Most of Turks regard the country’s undulant integration with the European Union as a “negative” process and seemed ambivalent towards the EU membership, an EU sponsored public poll, which was carried out by the Union’s official statistic department, Eurobarometer, revealed on Sunday.
Participants to the Eurobarometer survey, which was carried out between May 16 and 27, were asked whether Turkey’s EU membership would be “a good thing,” a “bad thing” or “neither good nor bad” thing.
Eurobarometer survey revealed that almost 40 percent of Turks perceive the EU membership as a “bad” thing for the country’s political and economic future whereas 33 percent said it would be good for Turkey, a proportion that indicated 5 percent increase in Turks’ support for Ankara’s bid to join to the 28-nation bloc in comparison with a six months ago survey results.
However, the same survey also unrolled that 55 percent of the respondents believed Turkey would benefit from being a member in the EU, while 36 percent responded negatively, as saying the country would not benefit from being a member in Europe.
Turkey and the EU have been negotiating since 1963 Ankara Agreement, but Ankara was given a membership perspective in 1999 and the EU opened negotiation chapters in 2005.
So far, the EU and Turkey have fulfilled the negotiation of 14 chapters out of 35 and 17 others remain blocked, including the ones on economic and monetary policy as well as on education and culture.
Turkey or any candidate must fulfil political (Copenhagen) and economic (Maastricht) criterias (conditionality) which are the only measures for a country to become a member in the EU.
Turkey’s accession talks had stalled in 2013 when some countries in the EU, most notably Greek Cypriots and France, have blocked Turkey’s negotiation chapters due to the Cyprus problem and 1915 Armenian events, which are not considered as part of the conditionality.
However, the eurozone economic crisis negatively affected Turkish public’s stance towards a prospective EU membership as some social and political issues like Islamophobia, anti-migrant sentiments and refugee problem in Europe also complicated the Union’s eastward enlargements in the recent years.
wn.com/Eurobarometer Turks Seem Ambivalent On Eu Membership
Most of Turks regard the country’s undulant integration with the European Union as a “negative” process and seemed ambivalent towards the EU membership, an EU sponsored public poll, which was carried out by the Union’s official statistic department, Eurobarometer, revealed on Sunday.
Participants to the Eurobarometer survey, which was carried out between May 16 and 27, were asked whether Turkey’s EU membership would be “a good thing,” a “bad thing” or “neither good nor bad” thing.
Eurobarometer survey revealed that almost 40 percent of Turks perceive the EU membership as a “bad” thing for the country’s political and economic future whereas 33 percent said it would be good for Turkey, a proportion that indicated 5 percent increase in Turks’ support for Ankara’s bid to join to the 28-nation bloc in comparison with a six months ago survey results.
However, the same survey also unrolled that 55 percent of the respondents believed Turkey would benefit from being a member in the EU, while 36 percent responded negatively, as saying the country would not benefit from being a member in Europe.
Turkey and the EU have been negotiating since 1963 Ankara Agreement, but Ankara was given a membership perspective in 1999 and the EU opened negotiation chapters in 2005.
So far, the EU and Turkey have fulfilled the negotiation of 14 chapters out of 35 and 17 others remain blocked, including the ones on economic and monetary policy as well as on education and culture.
Turkey or any candidate must fulfil political (Copenhagen) and economic (Maastricht) criterias (conditionality) which are the only measures for a country to become a member in the EU.
Turkey’s accession talks had stalled in 2013 when some countries in the EU, most notably Greek Cypriots and France, have blocked Turkey’s negotiation chapters due to the Cyprus problem and 1915 Armenian events, which are not considered as part of the conditionality.
However, the eurozone economic crisis negatively affected Turkish public’s stance towards a prospective EU membership as some social and political issues like Islamophobia, anti-migrant sentiments and refugee problem in Europe also complicated the Union’s eastward enlargements in the recent years.
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
27 Countries,1 Single Market: What do people think?
26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this video....
26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this video.
The full results of the survey are available at:
wn.com/27 Countries,1 Single Market What Do People Think
26,836 citizens in 27 EU Member States have been interviewed for the latest Eurobarometer survey on the Single Market. Their views are summarized in this video.
The full results of the survey are available at:
- published: 16 Sep 2011
- views: 18988
Il-Maltin huma kburin li mhux biss huma Maltin izda anke Ewropej, stharrig Eurobarometer
Ahna l-Maltin inhossuna kburin li ahna Ewropej. Haddiehor, mhux daqshekk. Fil-fatt, stharrig tal-Eurobarometer li sar f'Gunju li ghadda juri li tnejn minn ku......
Ahna l-Maltin inhossuna kburin li ahna Ewropej. Haddiehor, mhux daqshekk. Fil-fatt, stharrig tal-Eurobarometer li sar f'Gunju li ghadda juri li tnejn minn ku...
wn.com/Il Maltin Huma Kburin Li Mhux Biss Huma Maltin Izda Anke Ewropej, Stharrig Eurobarometer
Ahna l-Maltin inhossuna kburin li ahna Ewropej. Haddiehor, mhux daqshekk. Fil-fatt, stharrig tal-Eurobarometer li sar f'Gunju li ghadda juri li tnejn minn ku...
Vape fact checking 2: current issues ENG
Special Euro barometer and vape: already 6 million ex-smokers in Europe?
Speaker : Doctor Konstantinos Farsalinos, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, Kallithea (G...
Special Euro barometer and vape: already 6 million ex-smokers in Europe?
Speaker : Doctor Konstantinos Farsalinos, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, Kallithea (Greece)
Introducing speaker: Ghyslain Armand, Editor-in-chief Ma-cigarette.fr
wn.com/Vape Fact Checking 2 Current Issues Eng
Special Euro barometer and vape: already 6 million ex-smokers in Europe?
Speaker : Doctor Konstantinos Farsalinos, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, Kallithea (Greece)
Introducing speaker: Ghyslain Armand, Editor-in-chief Ma-cigarette.fr
- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 100
EU survey: Turks have negative view of future, government
Turkish citizens’ expectations from the coming year are negative, according to a new Eurobarometer survey, which also revealed that 48 percent of Turks “distrus...
Turkish citizens’ expectations from the coming year are negative, according to a new Eurobarometer survey, which also revealed that 48 percent of Turks “distrust” the government and more than two-thirds “distrust” the European Union.
The survey, titled “Public Opinion in The European Union – November 2014” conducted by the European Commission’s Eurobarometer branch, painted a deteriorating picture of Turks’ trust in various state institutions.
The study revealed that 48 percent of people living in Turkey do not trust the government, a rise of 4 percent since the previous survey. Some 46 percent of respondents said they trusted the government, a drop of 6 percent.
The number of Turks who believe that the situation in the country is going to worsen in the coming year has risen by 18 points from last year, to 63 percent.
On the other hand, the number of Turkish citizens who believe that the coming year will be better in comparison to the current situation has fallen by 5 points, to 25 percent.
The number people who said they “distrust” the EU in Turkey has increased by 9 points to 66 percent, while those who “trust” the union decreased by 7 points, to 18 percent.
Some 36 percent of respondents said they believe that the economic situation in Turkey will worsen, and 29 percent foresee a worsening of their own financial status. Some 40 percent of respondents say employment will deteriorate, while those who believe they will face a negative situation in their professional lives increased to 26 percent, a 7-point increase from the last survey.
The army remains the institution that is trusted the most by Turkish citizens at 62 percent, although it witnessed an 8 percent decrease. Trust in the police force stands at 53 percent, a 7 percent decrease.
In the lack of confidence list, Turkish political parties top the list at 71 percent, a 6-point increase, followed by the judicial system at 49 percent and the government at 48 percent.
The European Commission has been monitoring the evolution of public opinion in member states since 1973, thus helping the preparation of texts, decision-making and the evaluation of its work through Eurobarometer.
wn.com/Eu Survey Turks Have Negative View Of Future, Government
Turkish citizens’ expectations from the coming year are negative, according to a new Eurobarometer survey, which also revealed that 48 percent of Turks “distrust” the government and more than two-thirds “distrust” the European Union.
The survey, titled “Public Opinion in The European Union – November 2014” conducted by the European Commission’s Eurobarometer branch, painted a deteriorating picture of Turks’ trust in various state institutions.
The study revealed that 48 percent of people living in Turkey do not trust the government, a rise of 4 percent since the previous survey. Some 46 percent of respondents said they trusted the government, a drop of 6 percent.
The number of Turks who believe that the situation in the country is going to worsen in the coming year has risen by 18 points from last year, to 63 percent.
On the other hand, the number of Turkish citizens who believe that the coming year will be better in comparison to the current situation has fallen by 5 points, to 25 percent.
The number people who said they “distrust” the EU in Turkey has increased by 9 points to 66 percent, while those who “trust” the union decreased by 7 points, to 18 percent.
Some 36 percent of respondents said they believe that the economic situation in Turkey will worsen, and 29 percent foresee a worsening of their own financial status. Some 40 percent of respondents say employment will deteriorate, while those who believe they will face a negative situation in their professional lives increased to 26 percent, a 7-point increase from the last survey.
The army remains the institution that is trusted the most by Turkish citizens at 62 percent, although it witnessed an 8 percent decrease. Trust in the police force stands at 53 percent, a 7 percent decrease.
In the lack of confidence list, Turkish political parties top the list at 71 percent, a 6-point increase, followed by the judicial system at 49 percent and the government at 48 percent.
The European Commission has been monitoring the evolution of public opinion in member states since 1973, thus helping the preparation of texts, decision-making and the evaluation of its work through Eurobarometer.
- published: 19 Dec 2014
- views: 0
Għadu jwissi dwar bailout.
Filwaqt li l-Eurostat u l-Eurobarometer qegħdin ikomplu jikkonfermaw is-suċċess tal-Gvern fil-qasam ekonomiku, il-Viċi Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Mario De Mar...
Filwaqt li l-Eurostat u l-Eurobarometer qegħdin ikomplu jikkonfermaw is-suċċess tal-Gvern fil-qasam ekonomiku, il-Viċi Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Mario De Marco qal li rridu nibqgħu attenti minn bailout.
wn.com/Għadu Jwissi Dwar Bailout.
Filwaqt li l-Eurostat u l-Eurobarometer qegħdin ikomplu jikkonfermaw is-suċċess tal-Gvern fil-qasam ekonomiku, il-Viċi Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista Mario De Marco qal li rridu nibqgħu attenti minn bailout.
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 88
Survey reveals ambivalence of Turks to EU membership
Turkish citizens have ambivalent feelings about their country’s possible accession to the European Union, an EU sponsored public opinion poll has revealed.
Turkish citizens have ambivalent feelings about their country’s possible accession to the European Union, an EU sponsored public opinion poll has revealed.
Results of the survey, which was carried out by Eurobarometer, were published on Sunday.
Participants were asked whether Turkey’s EU membership would be “a good thing”, a “bad thing” or “neither good nor bad” thing.
While 40 percent of the respondents said Turkey’s EU membership would be “bad”, 33 percent said that the membership would be “good”, which was a five percent increase compared to the previous Eurobarometer results released six months ago.
However, 55 percent of the respondents also said that Turkey would benefit from being an EU member, with a 19 percent rise compared to the previous opinion survey, whereas 36 percent of respondents said that the country would not benefit from being a member in the 28-nation bloc.
The survey was carried out between May 16 and 27.
Turkey’s EU accession talks began in 2005 and out of 35 policy chapters, 14 chapters have been opened and 17 remain blocked, including chapter 17 on economic and monetary policy and chapter 26 on education and culture, Turkey’s Minister of European Affairs and Chief Negotiator Volkan Bozkir said on November 11, 2014.
But the Cyprus issue remains a major political obstacle to Turkey's EU accession.
Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akinci and Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades resumed talks on reunifying the island following Akinci’s election in April. Negotiations were resumed following a two-year hiatus in February 2013 but stalled in October last year after a row over mineral exploration around in the island.
wn.com/Survey Reveals Ambivalence Of Turks To Eu Membership
Turkish citizens have ambivalent feelings about their country’s possible accession to the European Union, an EU sponsored public opinion poll has revealed.
Results of the survey, which was carried out by Eurobarometer, were published on Sunday.
Participants were asked whether Turkey’s EU membership would be “a good thing”, a “bad thing” or “neither good nor bad” thing.
While 40 percent of the respondents said Turkey’s EU membership would be “bad”, 33 percent said that the membership would be “good”, which was a five percent increase compared to the previous Eurobarometer results released six months ago.
However, 55 percent of the respondents also said that Turkey would benefit from being an EU member, with a 19 percent rise compared to the previous opinion survey, whereas 36 percent of respondents said that the country would not benefit from being a member in the 28-nation bloc.
The survey was carried out between May 16 and 27.
Turkey’s EU accession talks began in 2005 and out of 35 policy chapters, 14 chapters have been opened and 17 remain blocked, including chapter 17 on economic and monetary policy and chapter 26 on education and culture, Turkey’s Minister of European Affairs and Chief Negotiator Volkan Bozkir said on November 11, 2014.
But the Cyprus issue remains a major political obstacle to Turkey's EU accession.
Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akinci and Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades resumed talks on reunifying the island following Akinci’s election in April. Negotiations were resumed following a two-year hiatus in February 2013 but stalled in October last year after a row over mineral exploration around in the island.
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Obesity: What's tipping the balance? HIGHLIGHTS
The lack of physical activity and unbalanced diets can lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseas......
The lack of physical activity and unbalanced diets can lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseas...
wn.com/Obesity What's Tipping The Balance Highlights
The lack of physical activity and unbalanced diets can lead to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseas...
- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 7697
author: EurActiv
Raise Your Awareness
According to Eurobarometer, two percent of the people surveyed said that they're still thinking about what the world's biggest problem is.
They don't know tha...
According to Eurobarometer, two percent of the people surveyed said that they're still thinking about what the world's biggest problem is.
They don't know that 12 percent of people could be lifted out of poverty if all students in poor countries had basic reading skills (over 170 million)
Don't know that nearly half of the world's population (more than 3 billion people) live on less than $2.50 a day and suffer from hunger extreme hunger
They don't know that plastic bags or plastic garbages that thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year
And they wouldn't know that approximately 35,3 million people are living with HIV in 2012.
Make yourself aware with the world issues and you'll indirectly change the world to be a better place to live.
wn.com/Raise Your Awareness
According to Eurobarometer, two percent of the people surveyed said that they're still thinking about what the world's biggest problem is.
They don't know that 12 percent of people could be lifted out of poverty if all students in poor countries had basic reading skills (over 170 million)
Don't know that nearly half of the world's population (more than 3 billion people) live on less than $2.50 a day and suffer from hunger extreme hunger
They don't know that plastic bags or plastic garbages that thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year
And they wouldn't know that approximately 35,3 million people are living with HIV in 2012.
Make yourself aware with the world issues and you'll indirectly change the world to be a better place to live.
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 9
Ottimiżmu fuq kull livell
L-istħarrig tal-eurobarometer ippubblikat ilbieraħ ma jitkellimx biss fuq il-ħsieb tal-Maltin dwar l-ekonomija. Iħares ukoll lejn il-qagħda finanzjarja tagħhom ...
L-istħarrig tal-eurobarometer ippubblikat ilbieraħ ma jitkellimx biss fuq il-ħsieb tal-Maltin dwar l-ekonomija. Iħares ukoll lejn il-qagħda finanzjarja tagħhom u l-livell ta’ kuntentizza. Fuq kollox meta wieħed iqabbel dan l-istħarriġ mal-aħħar wieħed fi żmien amministrazzjoni nazzjonalista jinnota li żdied bil-kbir il-livell ta’ ottimiżmu.
wn.com/Ottimiżmu Fuq Kull Livell
L-istħarrig tal-eurobarometer ippubblikat ilbieraħ ma jitkellimx biss fuq il-ħsieb tal-Maltin dwar l-ekonomija. Iħares ukoll lejn il-qagħda finanzjarja tagħhom u l-livell ta’ kuntentizza. Fuq kollox meta wieħed iqabbel dan l-istħarriġ mal-aħħar wieħed fi żmien amministrazzjoni nazzjonalista jinnota li żdied bil-kbir il-livell ta’ ottimiżmu.
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 29
Il-Maltin jgħidu li l-ekonomija sejra tajjeb.
Stħarriġ tal-Eurobarometer juri kif ħafna Ewropej huma mħassba bl-ekonomija u l-qgħad. Iżda, mhux il-Maltin. Wieħed u tmenin fil-mija tal-Maltin jemmnu li l-eko...
Stħarriġ tal-Eurobarometer juri kif ħafna Ewropej huma mħassba bl-ekonomija u l-qgħad. Iżda, mhux il-Maltin. Wieħed u tmenin fil-mija tal-Maltin jemmnu li l-ekonomija sejra tajjeb. Minflok il-Maltin jinkwetaw l-iktar bl-immigrazzjoni.
wn.com/Il Maltin Jgħidu Li L Ekonomija Sejra Tajjeb.
Stħarriġ tal-Eurobarometer juri kif ħafna Ewropej huma mħassba bl-ekonomija u l-qgħad. Iżda, mhux il-Maltin. Wieħed u tmenin fil-mija tal-Maltin jemmnu li l-ekonomija sejra tajjeb. Minflok il-Maltin jinkwetaw l-iktar bl-immigrazzjoni.
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 23