Brno, the Czech Republic's second largest city, has a population of nearly 370000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-k...
Tohle je Brno - Tommy Haze & Mária Bikárová, Prod. by Prigl.cz
Režie a produkce: Prigl.cz Kamera: Jan Látal Střih: Marek Partyš Zvláštní poděkování: Milan Havelka z masny na Hlaváku Mojmír Ryška ze SOŠ A SOU Strojírenské...
Brno, Czech Republic
City and Sights of Brno (Brünn), Czech Republic. Brno is a wonderful, beautiful town in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic. It is the second largest...
Pharrell Williams - Happy (We are from BRNO, Czech republic)
Because we're HAPPY in Brno! Thanks to everyone for making this city HAPPY! We are from BRNO, Czech republic. Special thanks to Pharrell Williams for his ins...
01.05.2015 Skinheads DSSS vs Antifa Brno blokuje 2015
Brno - Asi 1500 až 2000 lidí se v Brně postavilo proti prvomájovému pochodu dvou set příznivců extremistické organizace Dělnická mládež. Zablokovali přístupové cesty na Malinovského náměstí, skandovali "Náckové ven z Brna" a další podobná hesla. Policie nejdříve oba tábory oddělila, nasadila stovky těžkooděnců, jezdce na koních i vrtulník. Uskutečnilo se několik dalších pokusů o blokádu, které nak
Parková dráha Olympia Brno 2014
S.M.P.D. prezentuje provozní den na Parkové dráze Olympia Brno / S.M.P.D. presents operating day at the Park Railway Olympia Brno
Vůdce vs. rozkopané Brno
Adolf se rozčiluje, protože nemůže odjet z Brna
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno.
Models Brno 2013
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20130319_ModelyBrno/index.html.
Models Brno 2014
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20140312_Brno2014/index.html.
Models Brno 2015
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic.
Horrible crash Brno Crash FIA GT Brno Lamborghini Gallardo Super Trofeo LP 560-4 crash .mpg
Moje první závody v GT v Brně.
Erasmus VUT Brno 2014 Happy Project is a symbolization of happy times of all the students who came to VUT Brno for Erasmus and had the most amazing experienc...
Visit Brno - What to See & Do in Brno, Czech Republic
http://www.woltersworld.com What to see and do in Brno in the Czech Republic. From cool churches and architecture to actual mummies Brno has some fun stuff a...
Bitka opilců Hlavní nadraží Brno
Brno timelapse by EM production
The beauties of Brno in one video.
Created by: http://emproduction.cz/
Lovci zážitků - Brno
Čtyřčlenný tým seriálu Lovci zážitků objevuje tajemství sedmi koutů České republiky. V Brně se pokusí najít tu nejlepší kávu v celé zemi, vydají se bát do kostnice, budou obdivovat brněnskou architekturu a skvosty funkcionalismu, uvaří si vlastní pivo, vychutnají si jedinečnou atmosféru brněnského nočního života a projedou se na závodním okruhu. Více o seriálu a Brně se dozvíte na http://www.lovci
Brno timelapse
Toto krátké timelapse video vzniklo jako projekt do školy, nicméně díky pozitivním ohlasům jsem se rozhodl video sdílet dál.
BEST VIEWED IN 1080p | FULL SCREEN | WITH SOUND camera / edit: Jan Minol http://www.samadhiproduction.cz. BRNO HDR...
MotoGP™ Brno 2014 – Biggest crashes
A selection of spectacular crash footage from the bwin Grand Prix České republiky. See more: http://bit.ly/MotoGPVideoPass.
Grand Prix Brno 1958 - 1973
Remember MotoGP™ Brno 2012
A memorable day for Dani Pedrosa at the 2012 Czech Republic Grand Prix at the historic Brno circuit.
Ryanair Boeing 737-8AS | Brno to London Stansted *Full Flight*
This video is property of Train_PlaneHub, "RachaelMatt"
1080p HD!
Onboard my first Ryanair flight in over a year taking me back to London Stansted. The flight was very "typically" Ryanair. Lots of people talking very loudly and of course screaming kids... The flight itself though was very good no complaints, left on time beautiful views of the sunset during our descent and while holding for arr
Brno, the Czech Republic's second largest city, has a population of nearly 370000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-k......
Brno, the Czech Republic's second largest city, has a population of nearly 370000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-k...
wn.com/Brno Oficial Presentation
Brno, the Czech Republic's second largest city, has a population of nearly 370000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-k...
- published: 29 Feb 2008
- views: 115825
author: vlastousek
Tohle je Brno - Tommy Haze & Mária Bikárová, Prod. by Prigl.cz
Režie a produkce: Prigl.cz Kamera: Jan Látal Střih: Marek Partyš Zvláštní poděkování: Milan Havelka z masny na Hlaváku Mojmír Ryška ze SOŠ A SOU Strojírenské......
Režie a produkce: Prigl.cz Kamera: Jan Látal Střih: Marek Partyš Zvláštní poděkování: Milan Havelka z masny na Hlaváku Mojmír Ryška ze SOŠ A SOU Strojírenské...
wn.com/Tohle Je Brno Tommy Haze Mária Bikárová, Prod. By Prigl.Cz
Režie a produkce: Prigl.cz Kamera: Jan Látal Střih: Marek Partyš Zvláštní poděkování: Milan Havelka z masny na Hlaváku Mojmír Ryška ze SOŠ A SOU Strojírenské...
- published: 07 Jul 2013
- views: 294868
author: Prigl.cz
Brno, Czech Republic
City and Sights of Brno (Brünn), Czech Republic. Brno is a wonderful, beautiful town in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic. It is the second largest......
City and Sights of Brno (Brünn), Czech Republic. Brno is a wonderful, beautiful town in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic. It is the second largest...
wn.com/Brno, Czech Republic
City and Sights of Brno (Brünn), Czech Republic. Brno is a wonderful, beautiful town in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic. It is the second largest...
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 21538
author: norbert982
Pharrell Williams - Happy (We are from BRNO, Czech republic)
Because we're HAPPY in Brno! Thanks to everyone for making this city HAPPY! We are from BRNO, Czech republic. Special thanks to Pharrell Williams for his ins......
Because we're HAPPY in Brno! Thanks to everyone for making this city HAPPY! We are from BRNO, Czech republic. Special thanks to Pharrell Williams for his ins...
wn.com/Pharrell Williams Happy (We Are From Brno, Czech Republic)
Because we're HAPPY in Brno! Thanks to everyone for making this city HAPPY! We are from BRNO, Czech republic. Special thanks to Pharrell Williams for his ins...
01.05.2015 Skinheads DSSS vs Antifa Brno blokuje 2015
Brno - Asi 1500 až 2000 lidí se v Brně postavilo proti prvomájovému pochodu dvou set příznivců extremistické organizace Dělnická mládež. Zablokovali přístupové ...
Brno - Asi 1500 až 2000 lidí se v Brně postavilo proti prvomájovému pochodu dvou set příznivců extremistické organizace Dělnická mládež. Zablokovali přístupové cesty na Malinovského náměstí, skandovali "Náckové ven z Brna" a další podobná hesla. Policie nejdříve oba tábory oddělila, nasadila stovky těžkooděnců, jezdce na koních i vrtulník. Uskutečnilo se několik dalších pokusů o blokádu, které nakonec vyústily v Lidické ulici v tvrdou potyčku mezi policií a čelem blokády. Policie zadržela 57 lidí.
Podle organizátorů blokády policie opakovaně použila slzný plyn a gumové projektily bez předchozí výzvy. Zároveň ale připustili, že se dav zvláště v závěru akce vymknul kontrole. "Dav získal trochu vlastní dynamiku, dle našeho názoru to nezvládl antikonfliktní tým ani samotná policie," uvedl jeden z organizátorů blokády Václav Pecl. Domnívá se, že policie měla spíše rozpustit pochod Dělnické mládeže, protože mu nedokázala zajistit bezpečný průchod městem.
Pořadatelé akce Dělnické mládeže nazvané Evropo povstaň počítali s účastí asi 500 lidí, přišlo jich ale méně. Na náměstí Svobody, kde pochod začal, vystoupil předseda spřízněné Dělnické strany sociální spravedlnosti (DSSS) Tomáš Vandas, mluvil o hordách imigrantů zaplavujících Evropu, kteří v ní zapalují obchody a škodí jejím obyvatelům. Podle svolavatelů blokády má Dělnická mládež evidentní napojení na neonacistické kruhy.
text source:
wn.com/01.05.2015 Skinheads Dsss Vs Antifa Brno Blokuje 2015
Brno - Asi 1500 až 2000 lidí se v Brně postavilo proti prvomájovému pochodu dvou set příznivců extremistické organizace Dělnická mládež. Zablokovali přístupové cesty na Malinovského náměstí, skandovali "Náckové ven z Brna" a další podobná hesla. Policie nejdříve oba tábory oddělila, nasadila stovky těžkooděnců, jezdce na koních i vrtulník. Uskutečnilo se několik dalších pokusů o blokádu, které nakonec vyústily v Lidické ulici v tvrdou potyčku mezi policií a čelem blokády. Policie zadržela 57 lidí.
Podle organizátorů blokády policie opakovaně použila slzný plyn a gumové projektily bez předchozí výzvy. Zároveň ale připustili, že se dav zvláště v závěru akce vymknul kontrole. "Dav získal trochu vlastní dynamiku, dle našeho názoru to nezvládl antikonfliktní tým ani samotná policie," uvedl jeden z organizátorů blokády Václav Pecl. Domnívá se, že policie měla spíše rozpustit pochod Dělnické mládeže, protože mu nedokázala zajistit bezpečný průchod městem.
Pořadatelé akce Dělnické mládeže nazvané Evropo povstaň počítali s účastí asi 500 lidí, přišlo jich ale méně. Na náměstí Svobody, kde pochod začal, vystoupil předseda spřízněné Dělnické strany sociální spravedlnosti (DSSS) Tomáš Vandas, mluvil o hordách imigrantů zaplavujících Evropu, kteří v ní zapalují obchody a škodí jejím obyvatelům. Podle svolavatelů blokády má Dělnická mládež evidentní napojení na neonacistické kruhy.
text source:
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 316
Parková dráha Olympia Brno 2014
S.M.P.D. prezentuje provozní den na Parkové dráze Olympia Brno / S.M.P.D. presents operating day at the Park Railway Olympia Brno...
S.M.P.D. prezentuje provozní den na Parkové dráze Olympia Brno / S.M.P.D. presents operating day at the Park Railway Olympia Brno
wn.com/Parková Dráha Olympia Brno 2014
S.M.P.D. prezentuje provozní den na Parkové dráze Olympia Brno / S.M.P.D. presents operating day at the Park Railway Olympia Brno
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 74
Vůdce vs. rozkopané Brno
Adolf se rozčiluje, protože nemůže odjet z Brna...
Adolf se rozčiluje, protože nemůže odjet z Brna
wn.com/Vůdce Vs. Rozkopané Brno
Adolf se rozčiluje, protože nemůže odjet z Brna
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 7
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno....
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno.
wn.com/Motogp™ Rewind From Brno
MotoGP™ Rewind from Brno.
- published: 22 Aug 2014
- views: 44761
author: MotoGP
Models Brno 2013
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20130319_ModelyBrno/index.html....
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20130319_ModelyBrno/index.html.
wn.com/Models Brno 2013
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20130319_ModelyBrno/index.html.
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 4572249
author: cwx37
Models Brno 2014
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20140312_Brno2014/index.html....
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20140312_Brno2014/index.html.
wn.com/Models Brno 2014
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. http://www.drracer.eu/t130/20140312_Brno2014/index.html.
- published: 15 Mar 2014
- views: 319916
author: cwx37
Models Brno 2015
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic.
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic.
wn.com/Models Brno 2015
Traditional RC-models exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic.
- published: 22 Mar 2015
- views: 20
Erasmus VUT Brno 2014 Happy Project is a symbolization of happy times of all the students who came to VUT Brno for Erasmus and had the most amazing experienc......
Erasmus VUT Brno 2014 Happy Project is a symbolization of happy times of all the students who came to VUT Brno for Erasmus and had the most amazing experienc...
wn.com/Erasmus Vut Brno 2014 Happy
Erasmus VUT Brno 2014 Happy Project is a symbolization of happy times of all the students who came to VUT Brno for Erasmus and had the most amazing experienc...
Visit Brno - What to See & Do in Brno, Czech Republic
http://www.woltersworld.com What to see and do in Brno in the Czech Republic. From cool churches and architecture to actual mummies Brno has some fun stuff a......
http://www.woltersworld.com What to see and do in Brno in the Czech Republic. From cool churches and architecture to actual mummies Brno has some fun stuff a...
wn.com/Visit Brno What To See Do In Brno, Czech Republic
http://www.woltersworld.com What to see and do in Brno in the Czech Republic. From cool churches and architecture to actual mummies Brno has some fun stuff a...
Brno timelapse by EM production
The beauties of Brno in one video.
Created by: http://emproduction.cz/...
The beauties of Brno in one video.
Created by: http://emproduction.cz/
wn.com/Brno Timelapse By Em Production
The beauties of Brno in one video.
Created by: http://emproduction.cz/
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 101
Lovci zážitků - Brno
Čtyřčlenný tým seriálu Lovci zážitků objevuje tajemství sedmi koutů České republiky. V Brně se pokusí najít tu nejlepší kávu v celé zemi, vydají se bát do kostn...
Čtyřčlenný tým seriálu Lovci zážitků objevuje tajemství sedmi koutů České republiky. V Brně se pokusí najít tu nejlepší kávu v celé zemi, vydají se bát do kostnice, budou obdivovat brněnskou architekturu a skvosty funkcionalismu, uvaří si vlastní pivo, vychutnají si jedinečnou atmosféru brněnského nočního života a projedou se na závodním okruhu. Více o seriálu a Brně se dozvíte na http://www.lovci-zazitku.cz
wn.com/Lovci Zážitků Brno
Čtyřčlenný tým seriálu Lovci zážitků objevuje tajemství sedmi koutů České republiky. V Brně se pokusí najít tu nejlepší kávu v celé zemi, vydají se bát do kostnice, budou obdivovat brněnskou architekturu a skvosty funkcionalismu, uvaří si vlastní pivo, vychutnají si jedinečnou atmosféru brněnského nočního života a projedou se na závodním okruhu. Více o seriálu a Brně se dozvíte na http://www.lovci-zazitku.cz
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 36
Brno timelapse
Toto krátké timelapse video vzniklo jako projekt do školy, nicméně díky pozitivním ohlasům jsem se rozhodl video sdílet dál....
Toto krátké timelapse video vzniklo jako projekt do školy, nicméně díky pozitivním ohlasům jsem se rozhodl video sdílet dál.
wn.com/Brno Timelapse
Toto krátké timelapse video vzniklo jako projekt do školy, nicméně díky pozitivním ohlasům jsem se rozhodl video sdílet dál.
- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 637
BEST VIEWED IN 1080p | FULL SCREEN | WITH SOUND camera / edit: Jan Minol http://www.samadhiproduction.cz. BRNO HDR......
BEST VIEWED IN 1080p | FULL SCREEN | WITH SOUND camera / edit: Jan Minol http://www.samadhiproduction.cz. BRNO HDR...
wn.com/Brno Hdr
BEST VIEWED IN 1080p | FULL SCREEN | WITH SOUND camera / edit: Jan Minol http://www.samadhiproduction.cz. BRNO HDR...
MotoGP™ Brno 2014 – Biggest crashes
A selection of spectacular crash footage from the bwin Grand Prix České republiky. See more: http://bit.ly/MotoGPVideoPass....
A selection of spectacular crash footage from the bwin Grand Prix České republiky. See more: http://bit.ly/MotoGPVideoPass.
wn.com/Motogp™ Brno 2014 – Biggest Crashes
A selection of spectacular crash footage from the bwin Grand Prix České republiky. See more: http://bit.ly/MotoGPVideoPass.
- published: 18 Aug 2014
- views: 115533
author: MotoGP
Remember MotoGP™ Brno 2012
A memorable day for Dani Pedrosa at the 2012 Czech Republic Grand Prix at the historic Brno circuit....
A memorable day for Dani Pedrosa at the 2012 Czech Republic Grand Prix at the historic Brno circuit.
wn.com/Remember Motogp™ Brno 2012
A memorable day for Dani Pedrosa at the 2012 Czech Republic Grand Prix at the historic Brno circuit.
- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 39735
author: MotoGP
Ryanair Boeing 737-8AS | Brno to London Stansted *Full Flight*
This video is property of Train_PlaneHub, "RachaelMatt"
1080p HD!
Onboard my first Ryanair flight in over a year taking me back to London Stansted. The fligh...
This video is property of Train_PlaneHub, "RachaelMatt"
1080p HD!
Onboard my first Ryanair flight in over a year taking me back to London Stansted. The flight was very "typically" Ryanair. Lots of people talking very loudly and of course screaming kids... The flight itself though was very good no complaints, left on time beautiful views of the sunset during our descent and while holding for arrival at Stansted.
A few things to look & listen out for...
Listen out for the safety demonstration tape cut out then the crew continue to do it manually and it restarted again which caused a few laughs. Quite interesting aswell at Brno the aircraft are parked facing away from the terminal so only start one engine while on stand in order for it to not cause too much blast behind it, then we move onto the taxiway and started the second one. Also a fair few bumps of turbulence not long into the flight, tried my best to get the wingflex on camera but its quite difficult when you're actually bouncing around aswell.
And finally, something I find common with Ryanair but I've never noticed on other airlines the taxiing speed. Both after arrival at Stansted and taxiing for departure at Brno we were bouncing along at one hell of pace down those narrow taxiways, what do you think?
Flight Number: FR8404
Aircraft: Boeing 737-8AS
Registration: EI-EKC
Seat: 8A
Engine Type: CFM56-7B24
Departure Time: 17:25
Date: 7th October 2015
Cruising Alt: 36,000ft (FL360)
Departure Runway: RWY09
Arrival Runway: RWY23
Route: BRQ-STN
Anyway quite a nice change to be on a 737 instead of an Airbus its been a while since my last Boeing flight.
Thanks for watching!
wn.com/Ryanair Boeing 737 8As | Brno To London Stansted Full Flight
This video is property of Train_PlaneHub, "RachaelMatt"
1080p HD!
Onboard my first Ryanair flight in over a year taking me back to London Stansted. The flight was very "typically" Ryanair. Lots of people talking very loudly and of course screaming kids... The flight itself though was very good no complaints, left on time beautiful views of the sunset during our descent and while holding for arrival at Stansted.
A few things to look & listen out for...
Listen out for the safety demonstration tape cut out then the crew continue to do it manually and it restarted again which caused a few laughs. Quite interesting aswell at Brno the aircraft are parked facing away from the terminal so only start one engine while on stand in order for it to not cause too much blast behind it, then we move onto the taxiway and started the second one. Also a fair few bumps of turbulence not long into the flight, tried my best to get the wingflex on camera but its quite difficult when you're actually bouncing around aswell.
And finally, something I find common with Ryanair but I've never noticed on other airlines the taxiing speed. Both after arrival at Stansted and taxiing for departure at Brno we were bouncing along at one hell of pace down those narrow taxiways, what do you think?
Flight Number: FR8404
Aircraft: Boeing 737-8AS
Registration: EI-EKC
Seat: 8A
Engine Type: CFM56-7B24
Departure Time: 17:25
Date: 7th October 2015
Cruising Alt: 36,000ft (FL360)
Departure Runway: RWY09
Arrival Runway: RWY23
Route: BRQ-STN
Anyway quite a nice change to be on a 737 instead of an Airbus its been a while since my last Boeing flight.
Thanks for watching!
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 649
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services
Tenerife Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, off North Africa. Each of these volcanic islands are blessed with spectacular beaches, otherworldly beauty, and perfect weather.
Tenerife receives around 5 million visitors each year, many of whom head to the island’s seaside resort
The Brno Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip (2014)
This is the first stuff we have ever made. Take a look at the quick tour around the cafés in Brno in 2014. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Europe. Whilst traveling across Europe we will be taking pictures, shooting videos, and
Brno, city guide (making of)
název mluví za všecko:D:D
BRNO Y MIKULOV - República Checa 5
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes. En este capítulo te lleva a la República Checa. Visita la ciudad de Brno, el centro y la mascota de la ciudad. Por la noch...
Landing in Brno (BRQ), Czech Republic Airbus A320 (Travel Service Airlines)
Airbus A320 from Heraklion (HRK), Greece to Brno (BRQ), Czech Rep. Travel Service Airlines
BRNO - unique travel (Parkour & Freerunning)
trip to Brno #czechpolice #alcohol #brünnfreerunning #carmadness
had a lot of fun with my friend nephron360
camera: canon 650D, gopro hero 4
music: Krizz Kaliko - Kill Shit
Travel vlog: M&K; in Brno
Hello there, just took a trip to Brno and here we bring you some pictures of where we went and what we liked.
You can read more about the trip on our blog.
Please like or give us a thumbs up and we will post more videos ;)
Blog: www.mnkinternational.weebly.com
Instagram: Claire.Hanzlova
Music is from bensound.com
GO a Regiontour 2014, Brno - Travel Channel Slovakia
Mezinárodní veletrh cestovního ruchu Regiontour a GO 2014, Czech Republic, Brno, cestovní kancelář Globtour na veletrhu GO a Regiontour Brno.
Brno Praga Bratislava VLOG
You can find me : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MarijaZmosta/217568751601994
Instangram: marijazmosta
Mikky - trip to Brno
Video z třídního výletu do Brna ze dne 12.6.2015. :-)
6 Biggest Travel Budget Busters & How to Avoid Them
http://www.woltersworld.com The six ways that tourists and travelers can destroy their trip budget without even knowing it. Here are our biggest budget buste...
World Travels with David Price - Brno, CZ - Part 2
An episode of "World Travels with David Price" featuring Brno, Czech Republic - Part 2.
Bulgaria- Country Presentation, Brno, 2014
ISC BRNO, Masaryk University
Brno - the capital of Moravia
Video presented by olomouc-guide.com for travelers who wish to explore the second biggest city in the Czech Republic. Video is short and nicely made.
Sitar Performance At Brno
This is the raw cut of electronic sitar player Claudio Zopfis impressions of Brno and the Jurkovič house. (click "Show more" for index). You hear Claudio Zop...
Muchova Bouda, mini trip around the Brno, Czech Republic
Mini trip around the city of Brno, Czech Republic Mini výlet kolem města Brno. Je to spíše pro ty, kteří tam chodívali a z nějakého důvodu (nemoc, odstěhován...
Things to do in Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel vid
Explore Prague´s nightlife with us! http://www.pragueliveguide.com Take a beer tour or pub crawl tour with us!
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacatio...
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
wn.com/Brno Travel, Vacation And Holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
Brno travel, vacation and holidays
10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions.
9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks.
8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle.
7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles.
6. Tokyo - The city will create a smart town in the suburbs in partnership with major industry. The eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage ba tteries, and energy efficient appliances all connected to a smart grid.
5. London - also scored relatively high across the board. London has been well-recognized for some of its sustainability innovations (i.e. congestion tax) and its robust transit system.
4. New York - New York scored higher than most other cities in the ranking in all of the categories except of quality of life, where it ranked a poor 47th. It has teamed with innovator IBM to help the city prevent fires and protect first responders as well as identify questionable tax refund claims--a move that is expected to save the city about $100 million over a five-year period.
3. Paris - Paris already has a highly successful bike sharing program, Velib, and just last month, its mayor launched a similar model for small EVs called Autolib.
2. Toronto - smartest city in NA, scored well across the board, it is an active member of the Clinton 40 (C40) megacities, which seek to transition to the low-carbon economy. The private sector is getting in on the action too, setting up a Smart Commute Toronto initiative to increase the city's transit efficiency.
1. The smartest city in the world is Vienna - Vienna was the only city that ranked in the top 10 in every category. It is establishing bold smart-city targets and tracking their progress to reach these goals with programs like Smart Energy Vision 2050, Roadmap 2020, and Action Plan 2012-2015.
A smart city is defined as using information and communication technologies to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint--all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy.
The rankings were determined by the cities scores on 4 global categories: Innovation, Green ranking, Quality of life and digital city.
- published: 21 Oct 2014
- views: 301
Tenerife Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic ...
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, off North Africa. Each of these volcanic islands are blessed with spectacular beaches, otherworldly beauty, and perfect weather.
Tenerife receives around 5 million visitors each year, many of whom head to the island’s seaside resorts to enjoy the year-round sunshine and spectacular beaches.
Enjoy golden sands and almost any watersport you can imagine at Las Americas Beach, one of the island’s most popular beaches. Or, take a dip in the crystal waters at Del Duque Beach - just 10 minutes’ drive to the north.
Los Cristianos, once a sleepy fishing village is now a beachside town where you can step straight off the boardwalk onto the soft sand.
For a seaside experience with a difference, head to the north or west to discover sultry black sand beaches. Visit Jardìn Beach…… or drive to Los Gigantes, which nestles against the bottom of magnificent cliffs.
For those who can tear themselves away from the island’s glorious beaches, Tenerife offers generous rewards. Some of the island’s most picturesque villages are only minutes away from the large resorts.
Ever since the golden age of discovery, explorers and thinkers have been drawn to Tenerife’s beautiful shores. In olden times, the trip was a perilous adventure but today, Tenerife is an easy plane ride away.
So, whether you are seeking ancient mysteries sunset over chair or escaping the modern stresses of daily life, come and discover all that Tenerife has to offer.
wn.com/Tenerife Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, off North Africa. Each of these volcanic islands are blessed with spectacular beaches, otherworldly beauty, and perfect weather.
Tenerife receives around 5 million visitors each year, many of whom head to the island’s seaside resorts to enjoy the year-round sunshine and spectacular beaches.
Enjoy golden sands and almost any watersport you can imagine at Las Americas Beach, one of the island’s most popular beaches. Or, take a dip in the crystal waters at Del Duque Beach - just 10 minutes’ drive to the north.
Los Cristianos, once a sleepy fishing village is now a beachside town where you can step straight off the boardwalk onto the soft sand.
For a seaside experience with a difference, head to the north or west to discover sultry black sand beaches. Visit Jardìn Beach…… or drive to Los Gigantes, which nestles against the bottom of magnificent cliffs.
For those who can tear themselves away from the island’s glorious beaches, Tenerife offers generous rewards. Some of the island’s most picturesque villages are only minutes away from the large resorts.
Ever since the golden age of discovery, explorers and thinkers have been drawn to Tenerife’s beautiful shores. In olden times, the trip was a perilous adventure but today, Tenerife is an easy plane ride away.
So, whether you are seeking ancient mysteries sunset over chair or escaping the modern stresses of daily life, come and discover all that Tenerife has to offer.
- published: 05 Jun 2015
- views: 30
The Brno Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip (2014)
This is the first stuff we have ever made. Take a look at the quick tour around the cafés in Brno in 2014. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
This is the first stuff we have ever made. Take a look at the quick tour around the cafés in Brno in 2014. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Europe. Whilst traveling across Europe we will be taking pictures, shooting videos, and interviewing people in order to share our journey with as many of you as possible. You’ll get a chance to experience the essence of every single city's coffee scene we visit..
Our ultimate goal is to create a community of like-minded people who want to keep learning and discovering the culture of specialty coffee.
Find out more at:
wn.com/The Brno Coffee Guide | European Coffee Trip (2014)
This is the first stuff we have ever made. Take a look at the quick tour around the cafés in Brno in 2014. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/EuropeanCoffeeTrip
About European Coffee Trip:
European Coffee Trip is a project that wants to understand and explore the current state of the specialty coffee scene in Europe. Whilst traveling across Europe we will be taking pictures, shooting videos, and interviewing people in order to share our journey with as many of you as possible. You’ll get a chance to experience the essence of every single city's coffee scene we visit..
Our ultimate goal is to create a community of like-minded people who want to keep learning and discovering the culture of specialty coffee.
Find out more at:
- published: 16 Sep 2015
- views: 36
Brno, city guide (making of)
název mluví za všecko:D:D...
název mluví za všecko:D:D
wn.com/Brno, City Guide (Making Of)
název mluví za všecko:D:D
- published: 30 Nov 2008
- views: 611
BRNO Y MIKULOV - República Checa 5
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes. En este capítulo te lleva a la República Checa. Visita la ciudad de Brno, el centro y la mascota de la ciudad. Por la noch......
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes. En este capítulo te lleva a la República Checa. Visita la ciudad de Brno, el centro y la mascota de la ciudad. Por la noch...
wn.com/Brno Y Mikulov República Checa 5
Alan Estrada es tu guía de viajes. En este capítulo te lleva a la República Checa. Visita la ciudad de Brno, el centro y la mascota de la ciudad. Por la noch...
Landing in Brno (BRQ), Czech Republic Airbus A320 (Travel Service Airlines)
Airbus A320 from Heraklion (HRK), Greece to Brno (BRQ), Czech Rep. Travel Service Airlines...
Airbus A320 from Heraklion (HRK), Greece to Brno (BRQ), Czech Rep. Travel Service Airlines
wn.com/Landing In Brno (Brq), Czech Republic Airbus A320 (Travel Service Airlines)
Airbus A320 from Heraklion (HRK), Greece to Brno (BRQ), Czech Rep. Travel Service Airlines
- published: 06 Jul 2015
- views: 10
BRNO - unique travel (Parkour & Freerunning)
trip to Brno #czechpolice #alcohol #brünnfreerunning #carmadness
had a lot of fun with my friend nephron360
camera: canon 650D, gopro hero 4
music: Krizz Ka...
trip to Brno #czechpolice #alcohol #brünnfreerunning #carmadness
had a lot of fun with my friend nephron360
camera: canon 650D, gopro hero 4
music: Krizz Kaliko - Kill Shit
wn.com/Brno Unique Travel (Parkour Freerunning)
trip to Brno #czechpolice #alcohol #brünnfreerunning #carmadness
had a lot of fun with my friend nephron360
camera: canon 650D, gopro hero 4
music: Krizz Kaliko - Kill Shit
- published: 05 Apr 2015
- views: 9
Travel vlog: M&K; in Brno
Hello there, just took a trip to Brno and here we bring you some pictures of where we went and what we liked.
You can read more about the trip on our blog.
Hello there, just took a trip to Brno and here we bring you some pictures of where we went and what we liked.
You can read more about the trip on our blog.
Please like or give us a thumbs up and we will post more videos ;)
Blog: www.mnkinternational.weebly.com
Instagram: Claire.Hanzlova
Music is from bensound.com
wn.com/Travel Vlog M K In Brno
Hello there, just took a trip to Brno and here we bring you some pictures of where we went and what we liked.
You can read more about the trip on our blog.
Please like or give us a thumbs up and we will post more videos ;)
Blog: www.mnkinternational.weebly.com
Instagram: Claire.Hanzlova
Music is from bensound.com
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 92
GO a Regiontour 2014, Brno - Travel Channel Slovakia
Mezinárodní veletrh cestovního ruchu Regiontour a GO 2014, Czech Republic, Brno, cestovní kancelář Globtour na veletrhu GO a Regiontour Brno....
Mezinárodní veletrh cestovního ruchu Regiontour a GO 2014, Czech Republic, Brno, cestovní kancelář Globtour na veletrhu GO a Regiontour Brno.
wn.com/Go A Regiontour 2014, Brno Travel Channel Slovakia
Mezinárodní veletrh cestovního ruchu Regiontour a GO 2014, Czech Republic, Brno, cestovní kancelář Globtour na veletrhu GO a Regiontour Brno.
Brno Praga Bratislava VLOG
You can find me : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MarijaZmosta/217568751601994
Instangram: marijazmosta...
You can find me : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MarijaZmosta/217568751601994
Instangram: marijazmosta
wn.com/Brno Praga Bratislava Vlog
You can find me : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MarijaZmosta/217568751601994
Instangram: marijazmosta
- published: 16 May 2015
- views: 107
Mikky - trip to Brno
Video z třídního výletu do Brna ze dne 12.6.2015. :-)
Video z třídního výletu do Brna ze dne 12.6.2015. :-)
wn.com/Mikky Trip To Brno
Video z třídního výletu do Brna ze dne 12.6.2015. :-)
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 198
6 Biggest Travel Budget Busters & How to Avoid Them
http://www.woltersworld.com The six ways that tourists and travelers can destroy their trip budget without even knowing it. Here are our biggest budget buste......
http://www.woltersworld.com The six ways that tourists and travelers can destroy their trip budget without even knowing it. Here are our biggest budget buste...
wn.com/6 Biggest Travel Budget Busters How To Avoid Them
http://www.woltersworld.com The six ways that tourists and travelers can destroy their trip budget without even knowing it. Here are our biggest budget buste...
World Travels with David Price - Brno, CZ - Part 2
An episode of "World Travels with David Price" featuring Brno, Czech Republic - Part 2....
An episode of "World Travels with David Price" featuring Brno, Czech Republic - Part 2.
wn.com/World Travels With David Price Brno, Cz Part 2
An episode of "World Travels with David Price" featuring Brno, Czech Republic - Part 2.
Brno - the capital of Moravia
Video presented by olomouc-guide.com for travelers who wish to explore the second biggest city in the Czech Republic. Video is short and nicely made....
Video presented by olomouc-guide.com for travelers who wish to explore the second biggest city in the Czech Republic. Video is short and nicely made.
wn.com/Brno The Capital Of Moravia
Video presented by olomouc-guide.com for travelers who wish to explore the second biggest city in the Czech Republic. Video is short and nicely made.
Sitar Performance At Brno
This is the raw cut of electronic sitar player Claudio Zopfis impressions of Brno and the Jurkovič house. (click "Show more" for index). You hear Claudio Zop......
This is the raw cut of electronic sitar player Claudio Zopfis impressions of Brno and the Jurkovič house. (click "Show more" for index). You hear Claudio Zop...
wn.com/Sitar Performance At Brno
This is the raw cut of electronic sitar player Claudio Zopfis impressions of Brno and the Jurkovič house. (click "Show more" for index). You hear Claudio Zop...
Muchova Bouda, mini trip around the Brno, Czech Republic
Mini trip around the city of Brno, Czech Republic Mini výlet kolem města Brno. Je to spíše pro ty, kteří tam chodívali a z nějakého důvodu (nemoc, odstěhován......
Mini trip around the city of Brno, Czech Republic Mini výlet kolem města Brno. Je to spíše pro ty, kteří tam chodívali a z nějakého důvodu (nemoc, odstěhován...
wn.com/Muchova Bouda, Mini Trip Around The Brno, Czech Republic
Mini trip around the city of Brno, Czech Republic Mini výlet kolem města Brno. Je to spíše pro ty, kteří tam chodívali a z nějakého důvodu (nemoc, odstěhován...
Things to do in Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For...
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel video we've put together highlighting the top attractions and things to do in Sofia, Bulgaria:
1) Our first day in Sofia we hit the ground taking in many street performances, getting caught up in a football mob / rally, visiting major landmarks and eating street food. These are our first impressions of Sofia.
2) Already impressed by Bulgarian street food, we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down meal to further sample Bulgarian cuisine. At Lubimoto we feasted on Chushki Burek (stuffed red peppers with feta cheese) and Bulgarian pork loin with potatoes, cheese and gravy. Both were delicious!
3) Wanting to indulge our taste buds further we visited the ever popular Made In Home restaurant where we sampled Rakia and goat cheese salad.
4) On our last day in Sofia we tried to cover parts of the city we didn't get to visit on previous days. Some of the highlights included checking out Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and witnessing more street performances. Those Bulgarian break dancers really do have all the moves!
This is part of our Travel in Bulgaria series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Bulgarian culture, Bulgarian arts, Bulgarian foods, Bulgarian religion and Bulgarian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
wn.com/Things To Do In Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel video we've put together highlighting the top attractions and things to do in Sofia, Bulgaria:
1) Our first day in Sofia we hit the ground taking in many street performances, getting caught up in a football mob / rally, visiting major landmarks and eating street food. These are our first impressions of Sofia.
2) Already impressed by Bulgarian street food, we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down meal to further sample Bulgarian cuisine. At Lubimoto we feasted on Chushki Burek (stuffed red peppers with feta cheese) and Bulgarian pork loin with potatoes, cheese and gravy. Both were delicious!
3) Wanting to indulge our taste buds further we visited the ever popular Made In Home restaurant where we sampled Rakia and goat cheese salad.
4) On our last day in Sofia we tried to cover parts of the city we didn't get to visit on previous days. Some of the highlights included checking out Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and witnessing more street performances. Those Bulgarian break dancers really do have all the moves!
This is part of our Travel in Bulgaria series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Bulgarian culture, Bulgarian arts, Bulgarian foods, Bulgarian religion and Bulgarian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
- published: 28 Sep 2014
- views: 43
Explore Prague´s nightlife with us! http://www.pragueliveguide.com Take a beer tour or pub crawl tour with us!...
Explore Prague´s nightlife with us! http://www.pragueliveguide.com Take a beer tour or pub crawl tour with us!
wn.com/Prague Nightlife Video Guide
Explore Prague´s nightlife with us! http://www.pragueliveguide.com Take a beer tour or pub crawl tour with us!