Darren Gray


Rural Affairs Reporter for The Age. Phone (03) 8667 2250. Views my own. Retweets not endorsements. dgray@fairfaxmedia.com.au


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  1. Rural residents urge Telstra to re-think proposed location for a mobile phone tower at Glenlyon.

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  2. "They're holding a gun to every fisherman's head.'' Pro fisherman slams Vic Govt over commercial netting ban in bay.

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  3. 已轉推

    Framing the receives the 's tick of approval:

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  4. 已轉推

    Vic crews head out in Sth Aust. Hope to contain fire today. Now confirmed 35 homes destroyed.

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  5. Lisa Neville: "If not appropriately managed, roadside vegetation can act as a wick."

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  6. 已轉推

    One of the more attractive crops - a Qld canegrower is turning to sunflowers.

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  7. Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley calls for a serious discussion about the management of road verges

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  8. ''Road verge management policies currently pose a threat to lives,'' fire report warns.

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  9. Planned burns explainer.

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  10. 已轉推

    90,000t of Australian wheat just arrived @ the Bogasari mill in Jakarta from WA

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    • @Kirst_linton

      Go Dees!! Midwife, The Age newspaper employee and mother of two!

    • @kellazzaro

      ABC Regional, Lead News Reporter, Gippsland

  11. ''They're a necessary evil.'' His property was burnt by fire, but man believes in planned burns.

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  12. Lisa Neville on the Lancefield burn: "It probably should not have been lit, given the broader circumstances."

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  13. ''We've got babies crawling around in soot every day.'' Father talks about ongoing impact of fire.

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  14. Jane Garrett says fire report was "very full and frank."

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  15. Lisa Neville says planned burning is "an absolutely critical part of bushfire risk reduction."

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  16. Vic environment department accepts all 22 recommendations from independent fire report

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  17. Adam Fennessy, secretary of vic environment department, apologises repeatedly to residents re: Lancefield fire

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  18. "I am sorry and we are sorry," secretary of Vic environment department tells Lancefield residents re: Lancefield fire

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