""1944" Estonian World War 2 film - few combat scenes Waffen SS vs. RKKA
https://www.facebook.com/WWIIphotos ."1944" - Estonian WWII film - homemade trailer-spoiler . https://www.facebook.com/PzKpfwTigers
1944 (2015) Battle of Tannenberg Line
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 (1944 Treiler)
1944 Sinimägede lahing
ESTONIAN WORLD WAR II ''1944'' battle scene!
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fellow brothers. Choices have to be made, not only by the soldiers, but also by their loved ones.
Soon comes the film to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan and Korea. Other countries will be added soon!
Trailer of Estonian World War II Movie "1944" (2015)
Movie premieres in 20th February 2015
This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the Sõrve Peninsula fell into the hands of the Red Army in November. The film focuses on the individual within the context of war, rather than war itself, and shows the war from both perspectives - those of the Red Army and the German Army.
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
военные фильмы, военные сериалы, военные фильмы онлайн, война на украине, война в чечне, фильмы 2015, фильмы про войну, снайпер, россия сша, война в афганистане, афган, вов, день победы, сериал, сериалы про войну, документальные, мировая война, великая отечественная война, гражданская война, танки, сталинград, смерш, нквд, гестапо, ре
Bandenkampf 1944 full movie
Il 1° settembre 1944, alle prime luci del mattino, un reparto tedesco si lascia alle spalle il piccolo paese di Marziai (BL), nella valle del Piave, per salire le pendici del Monte Garda. L'attacco fa parte di una operazione più ampia volta a raggiungere la cresta prealpina salendo dal versante bellunese per colpire in più punti, alle spalle, il sottile velo di copertura che il comando della briga
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II. The beach is located on the coast of Normandy, France, facing the English Channel, and is 5 miles (8 km) long, from east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Viervil
Parade of 60 000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow Under escort 1944
Parade of 60.000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow. Under escort. 1944. Parade von 60.000 deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in den Straßen von Moskau...
Die Deutsche Wochenschau 7 September 1944
"Coke 1944"
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Panavision Optics: Panavision Film: Kodak 5279.
Menestyselokuva 1944 elokuvateattereissa Suomessa 25. syyskuuta 2015.
[1944년]사이판 전투 - Battle of Saipan(サイパンの戦い) 태평양 전쟁
사이판 전투(영어: Battle of Saipan, 일본어: サイパンの戦 たたかい)는 1944년 태평양 전쟁 당시 미국과 일본이 태평양 사이판 섬에서 치열하게 벌인 전투로 양측 모두 많은 사상자가 발생했고 특히 일본군은 이 전투에서 최초로 전원 옥쇄를 감행해 사이판에 살던 일본 민간인들까지 모두 자살했다.
설명 출쳐:위키백과
자세한 설명(http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8C%90_%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC)
Sherlock Holmes - Pearl of Death (1944) Stars: Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce
When a valuable pearl with a sinister reputation is stolen, Sherlock Holmes must investigate its link to a series of brutal murders.
Обзор танка ИС-2 обр.1944 "Мечта Алёши" War Thunder
#alconafter #warthunder #обзор #самолёт #танк #наземка
РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ в War Thunder - https://ad.admitad.com/goto/2ffef4e31f5400314f87084379854e/
Надоели Танки? ПОРВИ всех на Орках в Panzar! - http://ad.admitad.com/goto/65a436aee35400314f87b6e1cc6b09/
Приятного просмотра, друзья! =)
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Автора благодарим лайками, комментами.
И да...хотите влиять на будущее?
Тогда вам сюда
Die Deutsche Wochenschau 24 August 1944
D-DAY: NORMANDY 1944 (Official Trailer)
Narrated by Tom Brokaw
Written and directed by Pascal Vuong
Produced by N3D LAND Films
Distributed by 3D Entertainment Distribution Ltd.
Landing Soon in Giant Screen & IMAX theaters
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Captured German War Film
National Archives and Records Administration
War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/26/1918 - 04/19/1947)
ARC Identifier 43889 / Local Identifier 242-MID-3149. Reel 1 shows styles of Ger. architecture. Part 2, Ger. soldiers visit coal mines in the Ruhr. Part 3, Ger. seamen load cargo on to ships. Part 4, Adm. Doenitz speak
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм Выпуск от 12.04.2014 В Крыму в декабре 1943 года группировка вермахта на...
Ист. Хроники: 1944 - Маршал Рокоссовский
Исторические Хроники с Николаем Сванидзе.
Battle of Arnhem - British Gliders Shot at by SS (1944) [HD]
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnhem". Video footage of the famous World War 2 British-led military operat...
Battle of the Bulge 1944/1945
MUSIC = Thomas Bergersen - Rada
Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes.
United States forces bore the brunt of the attack and incurred the highest casualties for any operation during the war.
Revolucion Guatemala 1944
Documental historico de los sucesos de la revolucion del 20 de octubre de 1944 en Guatemala.
""1944" Estonian World War 2 film - few combat scenes Waffen SS vs. RKKA
https://www.facebook.com/WWIIphotos ."1944" - Estonian WWII film - homemade trailer-spoiler . https://www.facebook.com/PzKpfwTigers...
https://www.facebook.com/WWIIphotos ."1944" - Estonian WWII film - homemade trailer-spoiler . https://www.facebook.com/PzKpfwTigers
wn.com/1944 Estonian World War 2 Film Few Combat Scenes Waffen Ss Vs. Rkka
https://www.facebook.com/WWIIphotos ."1944" - Estonian WWII film - homemade trailer-spoiler . https://www.facebook.com/PzKpfwTigers
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 1665
1944 (2015) Battle of Tannenberg Line
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 (1944 Treiler)
1944 Sinimägede lahing...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 (1944 Treiler)
1944 Sinimägede lahing
wn.com/1944 (2015) Battle Of Tannenberg Line
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ImJm1J1K98 (1944 Treiler)
1944 Sinimägede lahing
- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 3957
ESTONIAN WORLD WAR II ''1944'' battle scene!
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fello...
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fellow brothers. Choices have to be made, not only by the soldiers, but also by their loved ones.
Soon comes the film to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan and Korea. Other countries will be added soon!
wn.com/Estonian World War Ii ''1944'' Battle Scene
The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fellow brothers. Choices have to be made, not only by the soldiers, but also by their loved ones.
Soon comes the film to Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan and Korea. Other countries will be added soon!
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Trailer of Estonian World War II Movie "1944" (2015)
Movie premieres in 20th February 2015
This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the Sõrve P...
Movie premieres in 20th February 2015
This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the Sõrve Peninsula fell into the hands of the Red Army in November. The film focuses on the individual within the context of war, rather than war itself, and shows the war from both perspectives - those of the Red Army and the German Army.
Director: Elmo Nüganen
Cast: Gert Raudsep, Priit Pius, Märt Pius, Kristjan Üksküla, Kaspar Velberg, Priit Strandberg, Hendrik Kalmet, Hendrik Toompere Jr Jr, Mait Malmsten, Ain Mäeots, Ivo Uukkivi
Production Company: Taska Film OÜ Distributor: Taska Film OÜ
This trailer is not made by me and I do not own any rights for it. I downloaded the video from "1944" Facebook site and uploaded it here, because there was no version of it in Youtube.
wn.com/Trailer Of Estonian World War Ii Movie 1944 (2015)
Movie premieres in 20th February 2015
This motion picture deals with the events of 1944 in Estonia, from the Battle of Tannenberg Line in July until the Sõrve Peninsula fell into the hands of the Red Army in November. The film focuses on the individual within the context of war, rather than war itself, and shows the war from both perspectives - those of the Red Army and the German Army.
Director: Elmo Nüganen
Cast: Gert Raudsep, Priit Pius, Märt Pius, Kristjan Üksküla, Kaspar Velberg, Priit Strandberg, Hendrik Kalmet, Hendrik Toompere Jr Jr, Mait Malmsten, Ain Mäeots, Ivo Uukkivi
Production Company: Taska Film OÜ Distributor: Taska Film OÜ
This trailer is not made by me and I do not own any rights for it. I downloaded the video from "1944" Facebook site and uploaded it here, because there was no version of it in Youtube.
- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 35
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
военные фильмы, военные сериалы, военные фильмы онлайн, война на украине, война в чечне, фильмы ...
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
военные фильмы, военные сериалы, военные фильмы онлайн, война на украине, война в чечне, фильмы 2015, фильмы про войну, снайпер, россия сша, война в афганистане, афган, вов, день победы, сериал, сериалы про войну, документальные, мировая война, великая отечественная война, гражданская война, танки, сталинград, смерш, нквд, гестапо, рейх, партизаны, диверсанты, смерш, онлайн в хорошем качестве, исторические фильмы,
wn.com/Новинка 2015 Военные Фильмы 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
НОВИНКА 2015! Военные Фильмы! 1944 Русские Военные Фильмы 2015
военные фильмы, военные сериалы, военные фильмы онлайн, война на украине, война в чечне, фильмы 2015, фильмы про войну, снайпер, россия сша, война в афганистане, афган, вов, день победы, сериал, сериалы про войну, документальные, мировая война, великая отечественная война, гражданская война, танки, сталинград, смерш, нквд, гестапо, рейх, партизаны, диверсанты, смерш, онлайн в хорошем качестве, исторические фильмы,
- published: 21 Aug 2015
- views: 270
Bandenkampf 1944 full movie
Il 1° settembre 1944, alle prime luci del mattino, un reparto tedesco si lascia alle spalle il piccolo paese di Marziai (BL), nella valle del Piave, per salire ...
Il 1° settembre 1944, alle prime luci del mattino, un reparto tedesco si lascia alle spalle il piccolo paese di Marziai (BL), nella valle del Piave, per salire le pendici del Monte Garda. L'attacco fa parte di una operazione più ampia volta a raggiungere la cresta prealpina salendo dal versante bellunese per colpire in più punti, alle spalle, il sottile velo di copertura che il comando della brigata garibaldina d'assalto "Mazzini" ha lasciato in montagna, essendo la gran parte dei suoi effettivi sbilanciata giù in pianura per difendere il perimetro difensivo della zona libera. Durante la salita i tedeschi raggiungono la malga condotta dal sessantenne valdobbiadenese Pietro Spada - detto Pet - nei pressi del Pecol, una altura poco distante. Alla vista dei tedeschi il suo giovane sguattero, Vittorio Bezza, di Segusino, se la da a gambe levate; il vecchio malgaro, invece, che potrebbe ancora salvarsi, decide di rimanere nella sua malga con quel poco che gli resta. E qui inizia la nostra storia ....
wn.com/Bandenkampf 1944 Full Movie
Il 1° settembre 1944, alle prime luci del mattino, un reparto tedesco si lascia alle spalle il piccolo paese di Marziai (BL), nella valle del Piave, per salire le pendici del Monte Garda. L'attacco fa parte di una operazione più ampia volta a raggiungere la cresta prealpina salendo dal versante bellunese per colpire in più punti, alle spalle, il sottile velo di copertura che il comando della brigata garibaldina d'assalto "Mazzini" ha lasciato in montagna, essendo la gran parte dei suoi effettivi sbilanciata giù in pianura per difendere il perimetro difensivo della zona libera. Durante la salita i tedeschi raggiungono la malga condotta dal sessantenne valdobbiadenese Pietro Spada - detto Pet - nei pressi del Pecol, una altura poco distante. Alla vista dei tedeschi il suo giovane sguattero, Vittorio Bezza, di Segusino, se la da a gambe levate; il vecchio malgaro, invece, che potrebbe ancora salvarsi, decide di rimanere nella sua malga con quel poco che gli resta. E qui inizia la nostra storia ....
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 15
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupie...
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II. The beach is located on the coast of Normandy, France, facing the English Channel, and is 5 miles (8 km) long, from east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Vierville-sur-Mer on the right bank of the Douve River estuary. Landings here were necessary in order to link up the British landings to the east at Gold Beach with the American landing to the west at Utah Beach, thus providing a continuous lodgement on the Normandy coast of the Bay of the Seine. Taking Omaha was to be the responsibility of United States Army troops, with sea transport and naval artillery support provided by the U.S. Navy and elements of the British Royal Navy.
On D-Day, the untested 29th Infantry Division, joined by the veteran 1st Infantry Division and nine companies of U.S. Army Rangers redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach. The battle-hardened 1st Infantry Division was given the eastern half. The initial assault waves, consisting of tanks, infantry, and combat engineer forces, were carefully planned to reduce the coastal defenses and allow the larger ships of the follow-up waves to land.
The primary objective at Omaha was to secure a beachhead of some five miles (eight kilometres) depth, between Port-en-Bessin and the Vire River, linking with the British landings at Gold Beach to the east, and reaching the area of Isigny to the west to link up with VII Corps landing at Utah Beach. Opposing the landings was the German 352nd Infantry Division, a large portion of whom were teenagers, though they were supplemented by veterans who had fought on the Eastern Front. The 352nd had never had any battalion or regimental training. Of the 12,020 men of the division, only 6,800 were experienced combat troops, detailed to defend a 53-kilometre-long (33-mile) front. The Germans were largely deployed in strongpoints along the coast—the German strategy was based on defeating any seaborne assault at the water line. Nevertheless, Allied calculations indicated that Omaha's defenses were three times as strong as those they had encountered during the Battle of Kwajalein, and its defenders were four times as many.
Very little went as planned during the landing at Omaha Beach. Difficulties in navigation caused the majority of landing craft to miss their targets throughout the day. The defenses were unexpectedly strong, and inflicted heavy casualties on landing US troops. Under heavy fire, the engineers struggled to clear the beach obstacles; later landings bunched up around the few channels that were cleared. Weakened by the casualties taken just in landing, the surviving assault troops could not clear the heavily defended exits off the beach. This caused further problems and consequent delays for later landings. Small penetrations were eventually achieved by groups of survivors making improvised assaults, scaling the bluffs between the most heavily defended points. By the end of the day, two small isolated footholds had been won, which were subsequently exploited against weaker defenses further inland, thus achieving the original D-Day objectives over the following days.
wn.com/Surviving D Day Omaha Beach 1944 Full Documentary Hd (720P)
Surviving D-Day Omaha Beach 1944 - Full Documentary HD (720p)
Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the five sectors of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on 6 June 1944, during World War II. The beach is located on the coast of Normandy, France, facing the English Channel, and is 5 miles (8 km) long, from east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Vierville-sur-Mer on the right bank of the Douve River estuary. Landings here were necessary in order to link up the British landings to the east at Gold Beach with the American landing to the west at Utah Beach, thus providing a continuous lodgement on the Normandy coast of the Bay of the Seine. Taking Omaha was to be the responsibility of United States Army troops, with sea transport and naval artillery support provided by the U.S. Navy and elements of the British Royal Navy.
On D-Day, the untested 29th Infantry Division, joined by the veteran 1st Infantry Division and nine companies of U.S. Army Rangers redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach. The battle-hardened 1st Infantry Division was given the eastern half. The initial assault waves, consisting of tanks, infantry, and combat engineer forces, were carefully planned to reduce the coastal defenses and allow the larger ships of the follow-up waves to land.
The primary objective at Omaha was to secure a beachhead of some five miles (eight kilometres) depth, between Port-en-Bessin and the Vire River, linking with the British landings at Gold Beach to the east, and reaching the area of Isigny to the west to link up with VII Corps landing at Utah Beach. Opposing the landings was the German 352nd Infantry Division, a large portion of whom were teenagers, though they were supplemented by veterans who had fought on the Eastern Front. The 352nd had never had any battalion or regimental training. Of the 12,020 men of the division, only 6,800 were experienced combat troops, detailed to defend a 53-kilometre-long (33-mile) front. The Germans were largely deployed in strongpoints along the coast—the German strategy was based on defeating any seaborne assault at the water line. Nevertheless, Allied calculations indicated that Omaha's defenses were three times as strong as those they had encountered during the Battle of Kwajalein, and its defenders were four times as many.
Very little went as planned during the landing at Omaha Beach. Difficulties in navigation caused the majority of landing craft to miss their targets throughout the day. The defenses were unexpectedly strong, and inflicted heavy casualties on landing US troops. Under heavy fire, the engineers struggled to clear the beach obstacles; later landings bunched up around the few channels that were cleared. Weakened by the casualties taken just in landing, the surviving assault troops could not clear the heavily defended exits off the beach. This caused further problems and consequent delays for later landings. Small penetrations were eventually achieved by groups of survivors making improvised assaults, scaling the bluffs between the most heavily defended points. By the end of the day, two small isolated footholds had been won, which were subsequently exploited against weaker defenses further inland, thus achieving the original D-Day objectives over the following days.
- published: 14 Oct 2014
- views: 3
Parade of 60 000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow Under escort 1944
Parade of 60.000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow. Under escort. 1944. Parade von 60.000 deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in den Straßen von Moskau......
Parade of 60.000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow. Under escort. 1944. Parade von 60.000 deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in den Straßen von Moskau...
wn.com/Parade Of 60 000 German Prisoners Of War In The Streets Of Moscow Under Escort 1944
Parade of 60.000 German prisoners of war in the streets of Moscow. Under escort. 1944. Parade von 60.000 deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in den Straßen von Moskau...
- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 41848
author: Maanna Joro
Die Deutsche Wochenschau 7 September 1944
wn.com/Die Deutsche Wochenschau 7 September 1944
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 3
"Coke 1944"
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Panavision Optics: Panavision Film: Kodak 5279....
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Panavision Optics: Panavision Film: Kodak 5279.
wn.com/Coke 1944
"Coke 1944" Directed by: Jeff Jingle www.archenemyfilms.com Camera: Arri by Panavision Optics: Panavision Film: Kodak 5279.
Menestyselokuva 1944 elokuvateattereissa Suomessa 25. syyskuuta 2015....
Menestyselokuva 1944 elokuvateattereissa Suomessa 25. syyskuuta 2015.
wn.com/1944 Trailer
Menestyselokuva 1944 elokuvateattereissa Suomessa 25. syyskuuta 2015.
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 3
[1944년]사이판 전투 - Battle of Saipan(サイパンの戦い) 태평양 전쟁
사이판 전투(영어: Battle of Saipan, 일본어: サイパンの戦 たたかい)는 1944년 태평양 전쟁 당시 미국과 일본이 태평양 사이판 섬에서 치열하게 벌인 전투로 양측 모두 많은 사상자가 발생했고 특히 일본군은 이 전투에서 최초로 전원 옥쇄를 감행해 사이판에 살던 일본 민간인들...
사이판 전투(영어: Battle of Saipan, 일본어: サイパンの戦 たたかい)는 1944년 태평양 전쟁 당시 미국과 일본이 태평양 사이판 섬에서 치열하게 벌인 전투로 양측 모두 많은 사상자가 발생했고 특히 일본군은 이 전투에서 최초로 전원 옥쇄를 감행해 사이판에 살던 일본 민간인들까지 모두 자살했다.
설명 출쳐:위키백과
자세한 설명(http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8C%90_%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC)
wn.com/1944년 사이판 전투 Battle Of Saipan(サイパンの戦い) 태평양 전쟁
사이판 전투(영어: Battle of Saipan, 일본어: サイパンの戦 たたかい)는 1944년 태평양 전쟁 당시 미국과 일본이 태평양 사이판 섬에서 치열하게 벌인 전투로 양측 모두 많은 사상자가 발생했고 특히 일본군은 이 전투에서 최초로 전원 옥쇄를 감행해 사이판에 살던 일본 민간인들까지 모두 자살했다.
설명 출쳐:위키백과
자세한 설명(http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8C%90_%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC)
- published: 31 Dec 2014
- views: 556
Sherlock Holmes - Pearl of Death (1944) Stars: Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce
When a valuable pearl with a sinister reputation is stolen, Sherlock Holmes must investigate its link to a series of brutal murders....
When a valuable pearl with a sinister reputation is stolen, Sherlock Holmes must investigate its link to a series of brutal murders.
wn.com/Sherlock Holmes Pearl Of Death (1944) Stars Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce
When a valuable pearl with a sinister reputation is stolen, Sherlock Holmes must investigate its link to a series of brutal murders.
Обзор танка ИС-2 обр.1944 "Мечта Алёши" War Thunder
#alconafter #warthunder #обзор #самолёт #танк #наземка
РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ в War Thunder - https://ad.admitad.com/goto/2ffef4e31f5400314f87084379854e/
Надоели Танки? П...
#alconafter #warthunder #обзор #самолёт #танк #наземка
РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ в War Thunder - https://ad.admitad.com/goto/2ffef4e31f5400314f87084379854e/
Надоели Танки? ПОРВИ всех на Орках в Panzar! - http://ad.admitad.com/goto/65a436aee35400314f87b6e1cc6b09/
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37129782785 - Qiwi
Yandex деньги: 410012072628202
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wn.com/Обзор Танка Ис 2 Обр.1944 Мечта Алёши War Thunder
#alconafter #warthunder #обзор #самолёт #танк #наземка
РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ в War Thunder - https://ad.admitad.com/goto/2ffef4e31f5400314f87084379854e/
Надоели Танки? ПОРВИ всех на Орках в Panzar! - http://ad.admitad.com/goto/65a436aee35400314f87b6e1cc6b09/
Приятного просмотра, друзья! =)
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И да...хотите влиять на будущее?
Тогда вам сюда: http://vk.com/warthunderru
Кто хочет помочь с новыми рубриками и качеством:
Paypal - kirfed@inbox.lv
37129782785 - Qiwi
Yandex деньги: 410012072628202
Доллары- Z178005183579
Рубли- R346680415429
Евро- E2478183807986
- published: 10 Jun 2015
- views: 39544
Die Deutsche Wochenschau 24 August 1944
wn.com/Die Deutsche Wochenschau 24 August 1944
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 27
D-DAY: NORMANDY 1944 (Official Trailer)
Narrated by Tom Brokaw
Written and directed by Pascal Vuong
Produced by N3D LAND Films
Distributed by 3D Entertainment Distribution Ltd.
Landing Soon in Giant...
Narrated by Tom Brokaw
Written and directed by Pascal Vuong
Produced by N3D LAND Films
Distributed by 3D Entertainment Distribution Ltd.
Landing Soon in Giant Screen & IMAX theaters
wn.com/D Day Normandy 1944 (Official Trailer)
Narrated by Tom Brokaw
Written and directed by Pascal Vuong
Produced by N3D LAND Films
Distributed by 3D Entertainment Distribution Ltd.
Landing Soon in Giant Screen & IMAX theaters
- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 136108
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Captured German War Film
National Archives and Records Administration
War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/2...
Captured German War Film
National Archives and Records Administration
War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/26/1918 - 04/19/1947)
ARC Identifier 43889 / Local Identifier 242-MID-3149. Reel 1 shows styles of Ger. architecture. Part 2, Ger. soldiers visit coal mines in the Ruhr. Part 3, Ger. seamen load cargo on to ships. Part 4, Adm. Doenitz speaks at a rally of Ger. seamen. Part 5, Nazi motor corps volunteers are examined by doctors, issued uniforms, and entrain for the Russ. front. Part 6, Gens. Rommel and Jodi confer with officers and inspect the coastal defenses in N. France. Part 7, Ger. fighter pilots return from patrol, eat, exercise, receive ultra-violet ray treatments, and play billiards and checkers. Reel 2, Part 1, truckloads of supplies roll up to the Ital. front. Labor troops construct coastal fortifications. Antiaircraft guns shoot down an allied plane attacking Ger. lines in Italy. Ger. fighter planes return to their base. Part 2, shows ski troops in the Abruzzi Mts., a field radio in operation, and pack animals bringing in supplies. Part 3, troops clear snow from trenches in the Vitebsk area of the Russ. front. Russ. prisoners are marched to the rear and tanks move up. An artillery barrage repels a Russ. attack. Tanks armed with rocket launchers move through a burning village.
wn.com/Die Deutsche Wochenschau (1944)
Captured German War Film
National Archives and Records Administration
War Department. Military Intelligence Division. (08/26/1918 - 04/19/1947)
ARC Identifier 43889 / Local Identifier 242-MID-3149. Reel 1 shows styles of Ger. architecture. Part 2, Ger. soldiers visit coal mines in the Ruhr. Part 3, Ger. seamen load cargo on to ships. Part 4, Adm. Doenitz speaks at a rally of Ger. seamen. Part 5, Nazi motor corps volunteers are examined by doctors, issued uniforms, and entrain for the Russ. front. Part 6, Gens. Rommel and Jodi confer with officers and inspect the coastal defenses in N. France. Part 7, Ger. fighter pilots return from patrol, eat, exercise, receive ultra-violet ray treatments, and play billiards and checkers. Reel 2, Part 1, truckloads of supplies roll up to the Ital. front. Labor troops construct coastal fortifications. Antiaircraft guns shoot down an allied plane attacking Ger. lines in Italy. Ger. fighter planes return to their base. Part 2, shows ski troops in the Abruzzi Mts., a field radio in operation, and pack animals bringing in supplies. Part 3, troops clear snow from trenches in the Vitebsk area of the Russ. front. Russ. prisoners are marched to the rear and tanks move up. An artillery barrage repels a Russ. attack. Tanks armed with rocket launchers move through a burning village.
- published: 11 Sep 2010
- views: 329241
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм Выпуск от 12.04.2014 В Крыму в декабре 1943 года группировка вермахта на......
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм Выпуск от 12.04.2014 В Крыму в декабре 1943 года группировка вермахта на...
wn.com/1944. Битва За Крым. Документальный Фильм
1944. Битва за Крым. Документальный фильм Выпуск от 12.04.2014 В Крыму в декабре 1943 года группировка вермахта на...
- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 4969
author: Россия 24
Battle of Arnhem - British Gliders Shot at by SS (1944) [HD]
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnhem". Video footage of the famous World War 2 British-led military operat......
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnhem". Video footage of the famous World War 2 British-led military operat...
wn.com/Battle Of Arnhem British Gliders Shot At By Ss (1944) Hd
The Battle of Arnhem, 1944, taken from the British Pathe newsreel "Red Devils of Arnhem". Video footage of the famous World War 2 British-led military operat...
- published: 06 Sep 2011
- views: 183776
author: WarArchives
Battle of the Bulge 1944/1945
MUSIC = Thomas Bergersen - Rada
Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely fo...
MUSIC = Thomas Bergersen - Rada
Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes.
United States forces bore the brunt of the attack and incurred the highest casualties for any operation during the war.
wn.com/Battle Of The Bulge 1944 1945
MUSIC = Thomas Bergersen - Rada
Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes.
United States forces bore the brunt of the attack and incurred the highest casualties for any operation during the war.
- published: 16 Dec 2014
- views: 1849
Revolucion Guatemala 1944
Documental historico de los sucesos de la revolucion del 20 de octubre de 1944 en Guatemala....
Documental historico de los sucesos de la revolucion del 20 de octubre de 1944 en Guatemala.
wn.com/Revolucion Guatemala 1944
Documental historico de los sucesos de la revolucion del 20 de octubre de 1944 en Guatemala.