Kết quả tìm kiếm
  1. We shall storm the barricades!

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  2. One of the top stories in the news this morning... There's a tim tam shortage!

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  3. Good... Violence against anyone and especially women is unacceptable

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  4. The only negative for tonight . NO ONE PLAYED KHE SANH!!

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  5. Anyone know why Steve Smith and David Warner ditched the for the daggy blue?

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  6. Is really stabbing the oldies and their carers in the back?

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  8. 27 thg 11

    I had no idea that John Farnham was in Little River Band

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  9. Scot Cam should return his Gold Logie. Anyone mistreating it as a bottle opener/door stop clearly doesn't deserve or want one !

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  10. Terrible sportsmanship from David Warner - running off the field without giving Josh Hazlewood and his teammates a high 5

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  11. Australians should not be banned from walking or talking or praying on open public land.

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  12. senior medical officer so called DR I Fevre CMO you would think someone who is classed as smart would have logic

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  13. ILLEGAL to collect food, clothes, toys for Bushfire victims?? Man, you need to change this, Pronto.

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  14. Do Victorian MPs not care about our freedoms? What next? Ban prayer in all public space?

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  15. Sorry, neither

  16. Just .... @ Costco Casula

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  17. Halloween is

  18. Fact fans? Fact - ReclaimAustralia is .

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