Bulgar Wheat Pilaf Recipe | Bulgur Recipe | Wheat with Tomatoes | Healthy Rice Recipe
Bulgur Wheat Pilaf With Tomatoes Ingredients -2 cup of bulgur wheat -2 tomatoes -3 Italian peppers -1 tbsp. of tomato paste -1 tbsp. of butter -4 tbsp. of co...
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı. www.mucizelezzetler.com.
Bulgur Wheat 101 | Everything You Need To Know
Learn everything you need to know about bulgur wheat in this video PLUS 2 easy and delicious recipes highlighting bulgur wheat!
SUBSCRIBE: http://tinyurl.com/o9kgp5j
GET MORE BULGUR WHEAT RECIPES HERE: http://cleananddelicious.com
MORE C&D; 101's:
Quinoa 101: https://youtu.be/F7uvygMiwfo
Oatmeal 101: https://youtu.be/Ezqi-2fnmJM
Farro 101: https://youtu.be/eZoYQGNPwR8
Beet 101: https://youtu.be/
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/mercimekli-bulgur-pilavi/ Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Malzemeler 2 çay bardağı pilavlık bulgur 2 ade...
Bulgur Salad Recipe | Sim's Kitchenette Episode 109
I made a really easy and a delicious bulgur salad as a side dish today, and decided to share that for Weight Loss Wednesday. Hope you enjoy and we'll see you tomorrow! www.simskitchenette.com
1 cup bulgur
2 cups water
1 tbsp tomato paste
3 med tomatoes
1/2 British cucumber
1/2 red onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp pink Himalayan salt or sea salt
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbs
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Er wird hauptsächlich aus Hartweizen hergestellt und ist ein Hauptnahrungsmittel in der Türkei und im Vorderen Orient. Bulgur kann z. B. wie Reis mit verschiedenen Zutaten (Gemüse und/oder Fleisch) gekocht werden. Auch kann er ähnlich wie der Couscous in Nordafrika, gedämpft oder nach Einweichen ohne Kochen, als Taboulé oder als Kısır (Bulgursalat
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - Le Ricette di Alice
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/bulgur-vegetariano.html Ingredienti Ricetta 150 g...
- How To Cook Bulgar - As A Side Dish- Healthy and Delicious
Healthy bulgar recipe serve instead of rice or pasta - even kids love it!!
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Yapılışı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/sebzeli-bulgur-pilavi-yapilisi/ Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyt.com/vid...
Rezept: Bulgur mit Bohnen - Ahmet Kocht - Folge 20
Vegetarisches Bulgur mit Bohnen :) Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit! :D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahmet-Kocht/168289763327327 Deutsche Un...
Sade Bulgur Pilavı nasıl yapılır
2 su bardağı bulgur
1 adet ortaboy soğan
4 çorba kaşığı (tereyağ,zeytinyağ karışımı)
3 su bardağı su
2 tatlı kaşığı tuz
Yağı tencereye koyun, ufak küpler halinde kestiğiniz soğanı biraz renk alana kadar yağda kavurun, tuzu ekleyin, yıkayıp süzdürdüğünüz bulguru da ekleyin ve orta ateşte 3-4 dakika kavurun. Sıcak et suyunu ilave edin, karıştırın ve kapağını kapatın. Suyunu
Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Tarif detayı için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/bulgur-pilavi-tarifi/
Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/video/
Nefis Yemek Tariflerini takip etmek için;
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NefisYT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NefisYT
Google Plus: http://gplus.to/NefisYT
Kaç Kişilik: 4-6 kişilik
Hazırlama: 15dk
Pişirme: 25dk
Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi
Tabulè: un'insalata di bulgur leggerissima
Questa ricetta estiva è perfetta per l'estate perché richiede pochissima cottura e prevede l'utilizzo di tanti prodotti freschi!
250g bulgur + 375ml acqua (secondo le indicazioni sulla confezione di quello che ho comprato)
1 carota grattugiata
1 peperone rosso
8-10 pomodorini maturi
1 limone (scorza e succo)
1 mazzo di prezzemolo
6-8 foglie di basilico
sale, pepe, olio extra vergine
Best easy healthy & delicious Bulgur and tomato pilaf w/chick peas!
Easy & healthy bulgurl wheat & tomato recipe served as main dish or side dish http://themediterraneanchef.com/
Bean & Bulgur Salad
Bulgur and beans make a healthy combination. Red pepper gives this salad punch of colour and flavour. Watch our video for Bean & Bulgur Salad and then give this Healthy Living recipe a try!
Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/tPMkgO
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/19OUlhn
Follow us on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19TDIFl
Bulgur Wheat Pancake (Calcium & Protein Rich Recipe for Pregnancy) by Tarla Dalal
Bulgur Wheat Pancake, a healthy breakfast for pregnant women.
Recipe Link : http://www.tarladalal.com/Bulgur-Wheat-Pancakes-2935r
Subscribe : http://goo.gl/omhUio
Tarla Dalal App: http://www.tarladalal.com/free-recipe-app.aspx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TarlaDalal/207464147348
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TarlaDalalsKitchen/featured
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.co
Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
300 g de bulgur
4 tomates
200 g de garbanzos cocidos
1 pimiento rojo
1 cebolla
1 limón
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Pimienta negra molida
O puedes ver otra receta vegana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXD84jvW0Ws
O suscribirte: https://www.youtube.com/user/ELCOCINEROFIEL?sub_confirmation=1
Puedes seguirme en:
Orientalischer Bulgur - Reis / Bulgur pilav - passt super zu Fleischgerichten
Eine sehr leckere Beilage zu Fleischgerichten - türkischer Bulgur-Reis - ganz schnell und einfach zubereitet!
Zutaten (Menge einer großen Tasse reicht für ca 2-3 Personen:
1 große Tasse Bulgur (grob) - gibt's in jedem türkischen Supermarkt, aber auch im Großhandel
1 Zwiebel
1 Paprika
1 EL Paprikamark
1 TL Tomatenmark
1 TL Paprikapulver
1 TL Salz
Prise Pfeffer
Mit der gleichen Tasse 2x kochendes W
Bulgur İle Tarhana - Ankaralı Namık (Resmi Video)
Bulgur İle Tarhana (2014) - CİNAN MUSİC PRODUCTİON
Parçayı iTunes'tan indirin:
Bulgur Pilavı - Neşet Ertaş
Her gün sabah akşam bulgur pilavı Yemesem olmuyor yesem olmuyor Can boğazından gelir ata sözleri Demesem olmuyor desem olmuyor Boğazımda açmaz ekmeğim yaman ...
How to Make Bulgur Salad
Common in European, Middle Easter and Indian cuisine, Bulgur is derived from wheat and makes a great base for mains or appetizers.
Place the bulgur wheat in a large bowl, fill with hot water until the wheat grains are covered. Make sure to drain excess water or the Kisir will be soaked through in an instant. If needs be, just add some more wheat grains after the mixture has soaked. Season with pl
Bulgur Çorbası Nasıl Yapılır?
Bulgur Çorbası
8 kişilik
Pişirme süresi:
Orta ateşte 10-15 dakika.
1 yemek kaşığı tereyağı,
1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağı,
1 adet orta boy soğan,
2 adet orta boy yeşil sivribiber,
1 adet orta boy domates,
1/3 su bardağı bulgur,
2 yemek kaşığı domates salçası,
1 tatlı kaşığı nane,
1 tatlı kaşığı kekik,
1 tatlı kaşığı pul biber,
1 tatlı kaşığı tuz,
5 su bardağı sıcak su.
Itch (Bulgur Salad) - Armenian Recipe
Today we are making a healthy and yummy Armenian Bulgur salad! WRITTEN RECIPE: http://goo.gl/w0gwsc INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups bulgur (coarse if possible) 1 1/2...
Bulgar Wheat Pilaf Recipe | Bulgur Recipe | Wheat with Tomatoes | Healthy Rice Recipe
Bulgur Wheat Pilaf With Tomatoes Ingredients -2 cup of bulgur wheat -2 tomatoes -3 Italian peppers -1 tbsp. of tomato paste -1 tbsp. of butter -4 tbsp. of co......
Bulgur Wheat Pilaf With Tomatoes Ingredients -2 cup of bulgur wheat -2 tomatoes -3 Italian peppers -1 tbsp. of tomato paste -1 tbsp. of butter -4 tbsp. of co...
wn.com/Bulgar Wheat Pilaf Recipe | Bulgur Recipe | Wheat With Tomatoes | Healthy Rice Recipe
Bulgur Wheat Pilaf With Tomatoes Ingredients -2 cup of bulgur wheat -2 tomatoes -3 Italian peppers -1 tbsp. of tomato paste -1 tbsp. of butter -4 tbsp. of co...
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı. www.mucizelezzetler.com....
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı. www.mucizelezzetler.com.
wn.com/Refika'Dan Videolu Bir Tarif Bulgur Pilavı
Refika'dan videolu bir tarif: Bulgur Pilavı. www.mucizelezzetler.com.
Bulgur Wheat 101 | Everything You Need To Know
Learn everything you need to know about bulgur wheat in this video PLUS 2 easy and delicious recipes highlighting bulgur wheat!
SUBSCRIBE: http://tinyurl.com/o...
Learn everything you need to know about bulgur wheat in this video PLUS 2 easy and delicious recipes highlighting bulgur wheat!
SUBSCRIBE: http://tinyurl.com/o9kgp5j
GET MORE BULGUR WHEAT RECIPES HERE: http://cleananddelicious.com
MORE C&D; 101's:
Quinoa 101: https://youtu.be/F7uvygMiwfo
Oatmeal 101: https://youtu.be/Ezqi-2fnmJM
Farro 101: https://youtu.be/eZoYQGNPwR8
Beet 101: https://youtu.be/zEta7oc865E
Rhubarb 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsVM5wSB-CA
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger: https://youtu.be/ac0zcI8XTSo
Vulnerability + Over Eating: https://youtu.be/ac0zcI8XTSo
How-To Avoid Self Sabotage: https://youtu.be/GuZK7Y2l2xY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CleanAndDeliciousWithDaniSpies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaniSpies
Instagram: https://instagram.com/clean_and_delicious/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/danispies/
wn.com/Bulgur Wheat 101 | Everything You Need To Know
Learn everything you need to know about bulgur wheat in this video PLUS 2 easy and delicious recipes highlighting bulgur wheat!
SUBSCRIBE: http://tinyurl.com/o9kgp5j
GET MORE BULGUR WHEAT RECIPES HERE: http://cleananddelicious.com
MORE C&D; 101's:
Quinoa 101: https://youtu.be/F7uvygMiwfo
Oatmeal 101: https://youtu.be/Ezqi-2fnmJM
Farro 101: https://youtu.be/eZoYQGNPwR8
Beet 101: https://youtu.be/zEta7oc865E
Rhubarb 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsVM5wSB-CA
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger: https://youtu.be/ac0zcI8XTSo
Vulnerability + Over Eating: https://youtu.be/ac0zcI8XTSo
How-To Avoid Self Sabotage: https://youtu.be/GuZK7Y2l2xY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CleanAndDeliciousWithDaniSpies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaniSpies
Instagram: https://instagram.com/clean_and_delicious/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/danispies/
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 1546
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/mercimekli-bulgur-pilavi/ Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Malzemeler 2 çay bardağı pilavlık bulgur 2 ade......
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/mercimekli-bulgur-pilavi/ Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Malzemeler 2 çay bardağı pilavlık bulgur 2 ade...
wn.com/Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/mercimekli-bulgur-pilavi/ Mercimekli Bulgur Pilavı Malzemeler 2 çay bardağı pilavlık bulgur 2 ade...
Bulgur Salad Recipe | Sim's Kitchenette Episode 109
I made a really easy and a delicious bulgur salad as a side dish today, and decided to share that for Weight Loss Wednesday. Hope you enjoy and we'll see you to...
I made a really easy and a delicious bulgur salad as a side dish today, and decided to share that for Weight Loss Wednesday. Hope you enjoy and we'll see you tomorrow! www.simskitchenette.com
1 cup bulgur
2 cups water
1 tbsp tomato paste
3 med tomatoes
1/2 British cucumber
1/2 red onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp pink Himalayan salt or sea salt
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1. Bring the bulgur to the boil. Turn the heat down low and let the bulgur absorb all the water for about 20 min.
2. Chop up the veggies and the herbs finely.
3. Once the bulgur has absorbed all the water, add the tomato paste in, mix well, and set it aside to let it cool for about 15-20 min.
4. Mix everything together, and chill the mixture in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving for best results!
Where to find us:
Blog: www.simskitchenette.com
Instagram: instagram.com/simskitchenette
Twitter: twitter.com/simskitchenette
Email: simskitchenette@gmail.com
wn.com/Bulgur Salad Recipe | Sim's Kitchenette Episode 109
I made a really easy and a delicious bulgur salad as a side dish today, and decided to share that for Weight Loss Wednesday. Hope you enjoy and we'll see you tomorrow! www.simskitchenette.com
1 cup bulgur
2 cups water
1 tbsp tomato paste
3 med tomatoes
1/2 British cucumber
1/2 red onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp pink Himalayan salt or sea salt
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1. Bring the bulgur to the boil. Turn the heat down low and let the bulgur absorb all the water for about 20 min.
2. Chop up the veggies and the herbs finely.
3. Once the bulgur has absorbed all the water, add the tomato paste in, mix well, and set it aside to let it cool for about 15-20 min.
4. Mix everything together, and chill the mixture in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving for best results!
Where to find us:
Blog: www.simskitchenette.com
Instagram: instagram.com/simskitchenette
Twitter: twitter.com/simskitchenette
Email: simskitchenette@gmail.com
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 28
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Er wird hauptsächlich aus Hartweizen hergestellt und ist ein Hauptnahrungsmittel in der Türkei und im Vordere...
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Er wird hauptsächlich aus Hartweizen hergestellt und ist ein Hauptnahrungsmittel in der Türkei und im Vorderen Orient. Bulgur kann z. B. wie Reis mit verschiedenen Zutaten (Gemüse und/oder Fleisch) gekocht werden. Auch kann er ähnlich wie der Couscous in Nordafrika, gedämpft oder nach Einweichen ohne Kochen, als Taboulé oder als Kısır (Bulgursalat) verzehrt werden. Bulgur ist ebenfalls eine wichtige Zutat für das Gericht Çiğ Köfte, das insbesondere im Südosten der Türkei verbreitet ist.
Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit und viel Spaß beim nachkochen! :)
Zutaten / Ingredients:
300g Bulgur
1 Zwiebel / onion
30g Tomatenpaprikamark / tomato paste
4 Paprika
30g Butter
30ml Sonnenblumenöl / sunflower oil
4 Cocktailtomaten / cocktail tomatoes
400ml Wasser / water
Salz / salt
Thymian / thymen
Brühe / broth
Knoblauch / garlic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AhmetKocht
Deutsche Untertitel hinzugefügt! :)
Kamera: http://amzn.to/1jCXXO0
Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1gPnP6V
Messer: http://amzn.to/1czqzmJ
Stopfengläser: http://amzn.to/1eEQnuD
wn.com/Rezept Bulgur Mit Paprika Ahmetkocht Folge 97
Rezept: Bulgur mit Paprika - AhmetKocht - Folge 97
Er wird hauptsächlich aus Hartweizen hergestellt und ist ein Hauptnahrungsmittel in der Türkei und im Vorderen Orient. Bulgur kann z. B. wie Reis mit verschiedenen Zutaten (Gemüse und/oder Fleisch) gekocht werden. Auch kann er ähnlich wie der Couscous in Nordafrika, gedämpft oder nach Einweichen ohne Kochen, als Taboulé oder als Kısır (Bulgursalat) verzehrt werden. Bulgur ist ebenfalls eine wichtige Zutat für das Gericht Çiğ Köfte, das insbesondere im Südosten der Türkei verbreitet ist.
Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit und viel Spaß beim nachkochen! :)
Zutaten / Ingredients:
300g Bulgur
1 Zwiebel / onion
30g Tomatenpaprikamark / tomato paste
4 Paprika
30g Butter
30ml Sonnenblumenöl / sunflower oil
4 Cocktailtomaten / cocktail tomatoes
400ml Wasser / water
Salz / salt
Thymian / thymen
Brühe / broth
Knoblauch / garlic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AhmetKocht
Deutsche Untertitel hinzugefügt! :)
Kamera: http://amzn.to/1jCXXO0
Mikrofon: http://amzn.to/1gPnP6V
Messer: http://amzn.to/1czqzmJ
Stopfengläser: http://amzn.to/1eEQnuD
- published: 29 Aug 2014
- views: 1431
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - Le Ricette di Alice
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/bulgur-vegetariano.html Ingredienti Ricetta 150 g......
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/bulgur-vegetariano.html Ingredienti Ricetta 150 g...
wn.com/Bulgur Con Verdurine Saltate E Crema Di Peperoni Le Ricette Di Alice
Bulgur con verdurine saltate e crema di peperoni - http://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/bulgur-vegetariano.html Ingredienti Ricetta 150 g...
- How To Cook Bulgar - As A Side Dish- Healthy and Delicious
Healthy bulgar recipe serve instead of rice or pasta - even kids love it!!...
Healthy bulgar recipe serve instead of rice or pasta - even kids love it!!
wn.com/How To Cook Bulgar As A Side Dish Healthy And Delicious
Healthy bulgar recipe serve instead of rice or pasta - even kids love it!!
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Yapılışı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/sebzeli-bulgur-pilavi-yapilisi/ Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyt.com/vid......
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Yapılışı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/sebzeli-bulgur-pilavi-yapilisi/ Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyt.com/vid...
wn.com/Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Sebzeli Bulgur Pilavı Yapılışı http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/sebzeli-bulgur-pilavi-yapilisi/ Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyt.com/vid...
Rezept: Bulgur mit Bohnen - Ahmet Kocht - Folge 20
Vegetarisches Bulgur mit Bohnen :) Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit! :D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahmet-Kocht/168289763327327 Deutsche Un......
Vegetarisches Bulgur mit Bohnen :) Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit! :D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahmet-Kocht/168289763327327 Deutsche Un...
wn.com/Rezept Bulgur Mit Bohnen Ahmet Kocht Folge 20
Vegetarisches Bulgur mit Bohnen :) Wir wünschen euch einen guten Appetit! :D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahmet-Kocht/168289763327327 Deutsche Un...
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 3952
author: AhmetKocht
Sade Bulgur Pilavı nasıl yapılır
2 su bardağı bulgur
1 adet ortaboy soğan
4 çorba kaşığı (tereyağ,zeytinyağ karışımı)
3 su bardağı su
2 tatlı kaşığı tuz
Yağı tencereye...
2 su bardağı bulgur
1 adet ortaboy soğan
4 çorba kaşığı (tereyağ,zeytinyağ karışımı)
3 su bardağı su
2 tatlı kaşığı tuz
Yağı tencereye koyun, ufak küpler halinde kestiğiniz soğanı biraz renk alana kadar yağda kavurun, tuzu ekleyin, yıkayıp süzdürdüğünüz bulguru da ekleyin ve orta ateşte 3-4 dakika kavurun. Sıcak et suyunu ilave edin, karıştırın ve kapağını kapatın. Suyunu çekene kadar pişirin,ve ateşten alıp 20 dakika demlendirin.
wn.com/Sade Bulgur Pilavı Nasıl Yapılır
2 su bardağı bulgur
1 adet ortaboy soğan
4 çorba kaşığı (tereyağ,zeytinyağ karışımı)
3 su bardağı su
2 tatlı kaşığı tuz
Yağı tencereye koyun, ufak küpler halinde kestiğiniz soğanı biraz renk alana kadar yağda kavurun, tuzu ekleyin, yıkayıp süzdürdüğünüz bulguru da ekleyin ve orta ateşte 3-4 dakika kavurun. Sıcak et suyunu ilave edin, karıştırın ve kapağını kapatın. Suyunu çekene kadar pişirin,ve ateşten alıp 20 dakika demlendirin.
- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 900
Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Tarif detayı için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/bulgur-pilavi-tarifi/
Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/video/
Nefis Y...
Tarif detayı için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/bulgur-pilavi-tarifi/
Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/video/
Nefis Yemek Tariflerini takip etmek için;
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NefisYT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NefisYT
Google Plus: http://gplus.to/NefisYT
Kaç Kişilik: 4-6 kişilik
Hazırlama: 15dk
Pişirme: 25dk
Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi
1 kase pilavlık bulgur
2 adet domates
1 adet soğan
2 adet sivri biber
1 su bardağı tavuk suyu
1 su bardağı sıcak su (tavuk suyu da kullanabilirsiniz)
2 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ
HAZIRLANIŞI Soğanları ince kıyın, tereyağında hafif kavurun, üzerine doğranmış sivribiberi ekleyin, biraz daha kavurduktan sonra rende domatesi ekleyin, iyice kavurun. Bulguru ekleyerek 1-2 dakika kavurun ve sıcak tavuk suyunu ve sıcak suyu ekleyin. Tuzunu da ilave ederek bir kez karıştırın kapağını kapatın. Kısık ateşte suyu çekene kadar karıştırmadan pişirin. Ocağı kapattıktan sonra kapağın altına havlu kağıt koyarak 10 dakika kadar dinlendirin.
wn.com/Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi | Nefis Yemek Tarifleri
Tarif detayı için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/bulgur-pilavi-tarifi/
Diğer videolu tariflerimiz için: http://www.nefisyemektarifleri.com/video/
Nefis Yemek Tariflerini takip etmek için;
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NefisYT
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NefisYT
Google Plus: http://gplus.to/NefisYT
Kaç Kişilik: 4-6 kişilik
Hazırlama: 15dk
Pişirme: 25dk
Bulgur Pilavı Tarifi
1 kase pilavlık bulgur
2 adet domates
1 adet soğan
2 adet sivri biber
1 su bardağı tavuk suyu
1 su bardağı sıcak su (tavuk suyu da kullanabilirsiniz)
2 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ
HAZIRLANIŞI Soğanları ince kıyın, tereyağında hafif kavurun, üzerine doğranmış sivribiberi ekleyin, biraz daha kavurduktan sonra rende domatesi ekleyin, iyice kavurun. Bulguru ekleyerek 1-2 dakika kavurun ve sıcak tavuk suyunu ve sıcak suyu ekleyin. Tuzunu da ilave ederek bir kez karıştırın kapağını kapatın. Kısık ateşte suyu çekene kadar karıştırmadan pişirin. Ocağı kapattıktan sonra kapağın altına havlu kağıt koyarak 10 dakika kadar dinlendirin.
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 2148
Tabulè: un'insalata di bulgur leggerissima
Questa ricetta estiva è perfetta per l'estate perché richiede pochissima cottura e prevede l'utilizzo di tanti prodotti freschi!
250g bulgur + 375...
Questa ricetta estiva è perfetta per l'estate perché richiede pochissima cottura e prevede l'utilizzo di tanti prodotti freschi!
250g bulgur + 375ml acqua (secondo le indicazioni sulla confezione di quello che ho comprato)
1 carota grattugiata
1 peperone rosso
8-10 pomodorini maturi
1 limone (scorza e succo)
1 mazzo di prezzemolo
6-8 foglie di basilico
sale, pepe, olio extra vergine di oliva q.b.
LINK ALLA RICETTA: http://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com/2015/06/tabule-uninsalata-estiva-versatile-e.html
250g bulgur + 375ml water (according to the instructions on the packaging)
1 grated carrot
1 red pepper
8-10 ripe cherry tomatoes
1 lemon (zest and juice)
1 bunch of fresh parsley
6-8 basil leaves
salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil to taste
LINK TO THE ENGLISH RECIPE: http://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com/2015/06/tabule-uninsalata-estiva-versatile-e.html
Per iscriverti al canale clicca qui https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=stefanocavada e condividi il video con i tuoi amici e se ti è piaciuto mettigli un bel "thumbs up"! 👍
🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺 This video and all the upcoming videos have English subtitles. Make sure you turn them on. Enjoy!
‼️ email per contatti privati o commerciali: stefanocavadablog@gmail.com
🔶 YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/stefanocavada
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🔶 BLOG https://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com
wn.com/Tabulè Un'Insalata Di Bulgur Leggerissima
Questa ricetta estiva è perfetta per l'estate perché richiede pochissima cottura e prevede l'utilizzo di tanti prodotti freschi!
250g bulgur + 375ml acqua (secondo le indicazioni sulla confezione di quello che ho comprato)
1 carota grattugiata
1 peperone rosso
8-10 pomodorini maturi
1 limone (scorza e succo)
1 mazzo di prezzemolo
6-8 foglie di basilico
sale, pepe, olio extra vergine di oliva q.b.
LINK ALLA RICETTA: http://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com/2015/06/tabule-uninsalata-estiva-versatile-e.html
250g bulgur + 375ml water (according to the instructions on the packaging)
1 grated carrot
1 red pepper
8-10 ripe cherry tomatoes
1 lemon (zest and juice)
1 bunch of fresh parsley
6-8 basil leaves
salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil to taste
LINK TO THE ENGLISH RECIPE: http://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com/2015/06/tabule-uninsalata-estiva-versatile-e.html
Per iscriverti al canale clicca qui https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=stefanocavada e condividi il video con i tuoi amici e se ti è piaciuto mettigli un bel "thumbs up"! 👍
🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺 This video and all the upcoming videos have English subtitles. Make sure you turn them on. Enjoy!
‼️ email per contatti privati o commerciali: stefanocavadablog@gmail.com
🔶 YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/stefanocavada
🔶 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/beyondsouthtyrol
🔶 TWITTER https://www.twitter.com/stefanocavada
🔶 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/stefanocavada
🔶 BLOG https://beyondsouthtyrol.blogspot.com
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 371
Best easy healthy & delicious Bulgur and tomato pilaf w/chick peas!
Easy & healthy bulgurl wheat & tomato recipe served as main dish or side dish http://themediterraneanchef.com/...
Easy & healthy bulgurl wheat & tomato recipe served as main dish or side dish http://themediterraneanchef.com/
wn.com/Best Easy Healthy Delicious Bulgur And Tomato Pilaf W Chick Peas
Easy & healthy bulgurl wheat & tomato recipe served as main dish or side dish http://themediterraneanchef.com/
Bean & Bulgur Salad
Bulgur and beans make a healthy combination. Red pepper gives this salad punch of colour and flavour. Watch our video for Bean & Bulgur Salad and then give th...
Bulgur and beans make a healthy combination. Red pepper gives this salad punch of colour and flavour. Watch our video for Bean & Bulgur Salad and then give this Healthy Living recipe a try!
Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/tPMkgO
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/19OUlhn
Follow us on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19TDIFl
wn.com/Bean Bulgur Salad
Bulgur and beans make a healthy combination. Red pepper gives this salad punch of colour and flavour. Watch our video for Bean & Bulgur Salad and then give this Healthy Living recipe a try!
Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/tPMkgO
Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/19OUlhn
Follow us on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/19TDIFl
- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 3
Bulgur Wheat Pancake (Calcium & Protein Rich Recipe for Pregnancy) by Tarla Dalal
Bulgur Wheat Pancake, a healthy breakfast for pregnant women.
Recipe Link : http://www.tarladalal.com/Bulgur-Wheat-Pancakes-2935r
Subscribe : http://goo.gl/omh...
Bulgur Wheat Pancake, a healthy breakfast for pregnant women.
Recipe Link : http://www.tarladalal.com/Bulgur-Wheat-Pancakes-2935r
Subscribe : http://goo.gl/omhUio
Tarla Dalal App: http://www.tarladalal.com/free-recipe-app.aspx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TarlaDalal/207464147348
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TarlaDalalsKitchen/featured
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tarladalal/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/107883620848727803776
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tarla_Dalal
Tarla Dalal Blogspot: http://tarladalal.blogspot.in/
Bulgur Wheat Pancake
Bulgur wheat proves to be a good breakfast food, as it provides an adequate amount of energy (calories) and protein. Since your body requires calcium, the addition of curds improves the calcium content of the recipe. These pancakes are ideal for your second trimester as they are rich in fibre and will ease your digestive problems too.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes.
Cooking Time: 15 minutes.
Soaking Time: 15 minutes.
Makes 14 mini pancakes.
¾ cup fine broken wheat (dalia / bulgur wheat)
¼ cup curds (dahi)
½ cup finely chopped cabbage
1 tbsp whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tbsp besan (Bengal gram flour)
1 tsp green chilli paste
A pinch asafoetida (hing)
Salt to taste
2 tbsp finely chopped coriander (dhania)
2 tsp oil for greasing and cooking
For serving
Green chutney
1. Soak the bulgur wheat in enough hot water in a bowl for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain well.
2. Combine the bulgur wheat, curds and ¼ cup of water and blend in a mixer till smooth.
3. Transfer the bulgur wheat mixture into a bowl, add the cabbage, wheat flour, besan¸ green chilli paste, asafoetida, salt, coriander and ¼ cup of water and mix well.
4. Heat a mini uttapa pan and grease it using ¼ tsp of oil.
5. Pour a spoonful of the batter in each uttapa mould to make a 75 mm. (3") diameter round. You can make 7 pancakes at a time.
6. Cook each pancake, using ⅛ tsp of oil, till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to make 7 more pancakes in one more batch.
Serve hot with green chutney.
Nutritive values per pancake
Energy: 42 kcal
Protein: 1.0 gm
Carbohydrate: 6.9 gm
Fat: 1.1 gm
Fibre: 0.5 gm
Calcium: 12.6 mg
wn.com/Bulgur Wheat Pancake (Calcium Protein Rich Recipe For Pregnancy) By Tarla Dalal
Bulgur Wheat Pancake, a healthy breakfast for pregnant women.
Recipe Link : http://www.tarladalal.com/Bulgur-Wheat-Pancakes-2935r
Subscribe : http://goo.gl/omhUio
Tarla Dalal App: http://www.tarladalal.com/free-recipe-app.aspx
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TarlaDalal/207464147348
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TarlaDalalsKitchen/featured
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/tarladalal/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/107883620848727803776
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tarla_Dalal
Tarla Dalal Blogspot: http://tarladalal.blogspot.in/
Bulgur Wheat Pancake
Bulgur wheat proves to be a good breakfast food, as it provides an adequate amount of energy (calories) and protein. Since your body requires calcium, the addition of curds improves the calcium content of the recipe. These pancakes are ideal for your second trimester as they are rich in fibre and will ease your digestive problems too.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes.
Cooking Time: 15 minutes.
Soaking Time: 15 minutes.
Makes 14 mini pancakes.
¾ cup fine broken wheat (dalia / bulgur wheat)
¼ cup curds (dahi)
½ cup finely chopped cabbage
1 tbsp whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tbsp besan (Bengal gram flour)
1 tsp green chilli paste
A pinch asafoetida (hing)
Salt to taste
2 tbsp finely chopped coriander (dhania)
2 tsp oil for greasing and cooking
For serving
Green chutney
1. Soak the bulgur wheat in enough hot water in a bowl for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain well.
2. Combine the bulgur wheat, curds and ¼ cup of water and blend in a mixer till smooth.
3. Transfer the bulgur wheat mixture into a bowl, add the cabbage, wheat flour, besan¸ green chilli paste, asafoetida, salt, coriander and ¼ cup of water and mix well.
4. Heat a mini uttapa pan and grease it using ¼ tsp of oil.
5. Pour a spoonful of the batter in each uttapa mould to make a 75 mm. (3") diameter round. You can make 7 pancakes at a time.
6. Cook each pancake, using ⅛ tsp of oil, till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to make 7 more pancakes in one more batch.
Serve hot with green chutney.
Nutritive values per pancake
Energy: 42 kcal
Protein: 1.0 gm
Carbohydrate: 6.9 gm
Fat: 1.1 gm
Fibre: 0.5 gm
Calcium: 12.6 mg
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 12
Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
300 g de bulgur
4 tomates
200 g de garbanzos cocidos
1 pimiento rojo
1 cebolla
1 limón
Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
300 g de bulgur
4 tomates
200 g de garbanzos cocidos
1 pimiento rojo
1 cebolla
1 limón
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Pimienta negra molida
O puedes ver otra receta vegana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXD84jvW0Ws
O suscribirte: https://www.youtube.com/user/ELCOCINEROFIEL?sub_confirmation=1
Puedes seguirme en:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elcocinerofiel
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elcocinerofielfb
Gplus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+elcocinerofiel
wn.com/Ensalada De Bulgur
Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
300 g de bulgur
4 tomates
200 g de garbanzos cocidos
1 pimiento rojo
1 cebolla
1 limón
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Pimienta negra molida
O puedes ver otra receta vegana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXD84jvW0Ws
O suscribirte: https://www.youtube.com/user/ELCOCINEROFIEL?sub_confirmation=1
Puedes seguirme en:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elcocinerofiel
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elcocinerofielfb
Gplus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+elcocinerofiel
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 4886
Orientalischer Bulgur - Reis / Bulgur pilav - passt super zu Fleischgerichten
Eine sehr leckere Beilage zu Fleischgerichten - türkischer Bulgur-Reis - ganz schnell und einfach zubereitet!
Zutaten (Menge einer großen Tasse reicht für ca 2...
Eine sehr leckere Beilage zu Fleischgerichten - türkischer Bulgur-Reis - ganz schnell und einfach zubereitet!
Zutaten (Menge einer großen Tasse reicht für ca 2-3 Personen:
1 große Tasse Bulgur (grob) - gibt's in jedem türkischen Supermarkt, aber auch im Großhandel
1 Zwiebel
1 Paprika
1 EL Paprikamark
1 TL Tomatenmark
1 TL Paprikapulver
1 TL Salz
Prise Pfeffer
Mit der gleichen Tasse 2x kochendes Wasser zufügen
Ich verwende für diesen Reis gerne scharfes Paprikamark/Paprikapulver, weil wir ihn gerne scharf mögen, dies ist aber Geschmacksache!
Musik: Kostenlose lizenzfreie Musik (Afrika_Arabien)
wn.com/Orientalischer Bulgur Reis Bulgur Pilav Passt Super Zu Fleischgerichten
Eine sehr leckere Beilage zu Fleischgerichten - türkischer Bulgur-Reis - ganz schnell und einfach zubereitet!
Zutaten (Menge einer großen Tasse reicht für ca 2-3 Personen:
1 große Tasse Bulgur (grob) - gibt's in jedem türkischen Supermarkt, aber auch im Großhandel
1 Zwiebel
1 Paprika
1 EL Paprikamark
1 TL Tomatenmark
1 TL Paprikapulver
1 TL Salz
Prise Pfeffer
Mit der gleichen Tasse 2x kochendes Wasser zufügen
Ich verwende für diesen Reis gerne scharfes Paprikamark/Paprikapulver, weil wir ihn gerne scharf mögen, dies ist aber Geschmacksache!
Musik: Kostenlose lizenzfreie Musik (Afrika_Arabien)
- published: 03 Jan 2015
- views: 62
Bulgur İle Tarhana - Ankaralı Namık (Resmi Video)
Bulgur İle Tarhana (2014) - CİNAN MUSİC PRODUCTİON
Parçayı iTunes'tan indirin:...
Bulgur İle Tarhana (2014) - CİNAN MUSİC PRODUCTİON
Parçayı iTunes'tan indirin:
wn.com/Bulgur İle Tarhana Ankaralı Namık (Resmi Video)
Bulgur İle Tarhana (2014) - CİNAN MUSİC PRODUCTİON
Parçayı iTunes'tan indirin:
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 38
Bulgur Pilavı - Neşet Ertaş
Her gün sabah akşam bulgur pilavı Yemesem olmuyor yesem olmuyor Can boğazından gelir ata sözleri Demesem olmuyor desem olmuyor Boğazımda açmaz ekmeğim yaman ......
Her gün sabah akşam bulgur pilavı Yemesem olmuyor yesem olmuyor Can boğazından gelir ata sözleri Demesem olmuyor desem olmuyor Boğazımda açmaz ekmeğim yaman ...
wn.com/Bulgur Pilavı Neşet Ertaş
Her gün sabah akşam bulgur pilavı Yemesem olmuyor yesem olmuyor Can boğazından gelir ata sözleri Demesem olmuyor desem olmuyor Boğazımda açmaz ekmeğim yaman ...
- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 576
author: Selardis
How to Make Bulgur Salad
Common in European, Middle Easter and Indian cuisine, Bulgur is derived from wheat and makes a great base for mains or appetizers.
Place the bulgur wheat in a ...
Common in European, Middle Easter and Indian cuisine, Bulgur is derived from wheat and makes a great base for mains or appetizers.
Place the bulgur wheat in a large bowl, fill with hot water until the wheat grains are covered. Make sure to drain excess water or the Kisir will be soaked through in an instant. If needs be, just add some more wheat grains after the mixture has soaked. Season with plenty of salt and leave to stand for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut up peppers and onions, cut spring onions into thin rings and chop the parsley. Add the oil and tomato paste and stir.
Season with salt if necessary. Mix the remaining ingredients.
Tastes great as a side dish or as a salad to go with a barbecue. If you’re throwing a party, you can serve smaller portions on iceberg lettuce leaves with 1/8 lemon slices. It also tastes great on its own.
Preparation time: About 20 minutes.
Difficulty: Easy
Calories per serving: Unspecified
Ingredients for 4 people:
250g of bulgur (cracked wheat)
3 peppers (red, Turkish, pointed)
1 bunch of parsley, smooth
½ bunch of spring onions
1 medium red onion
½ a tube of tomato paste
4 tablespoons of mild oil (e.g. sunflower)
Author: FrlM
ChefTube: Your #1 destination for delicious and easy to follow recipes.
Subscribe to ChefTube and be inspired by our range of recipes to suit any occasion.
wn.com/How To Make Bulgur Salad
Common in European, Middle Easter and Indian cuisine, Bulgur is derived from wheat and makes a great base for mains or appetizers.
Place the bulgur wheat in a large bowl, fill with hot water until the wheat grains are covered. Make sure to drain excess water or the Kisir will be soaked through in an instant. If needs be, just add some more wheat grains after the mixture has soaked. Season with plenty of salt and leave to stand for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut up peppers and onions, cut spring onions into thin rings and chop the parsley. Add the oil and tomato paste and stir.
Season with salt if necessary. Mix the remaining ingredients.
Tastes great as a side dish or as a salad to go with a barbecue. If you’re throwing a party, you can serve smaller portions on iceberg lettuce leaves with 1/8 lemon slices. It also tastes great on its own.
Preparation time: About 20 minutes.
Difficulty: Easy
Calories per serving: Unspecified
Ingredients for 4 people:
250g of bulgur (cracked wheat)
3 peppers (red, Turkish, pointed)
1 bunch of parsley, smooth
½ bunch of spring onions
1 medium red onion
½ a tube of tomato paste
4 tablespoons of mild oil (e.g. sunflower)
Author: FrlM
ChefTube: Your #1 destination for delicious and easy to follow recipes.
Subscribe to ChefTube and be inspired by our range of recipes to suit any occasion.
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 7
Bulgur Çorbası Nasıl Yapılır?
Bulgur Çorbası
8 kişilik
Pişirme süresi:
Orta ateşte 10-15 dakika.
1 yemek kaşığı tereyağı,
1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağı,
1 adet orta boy soğa...
Bulgur Çorbası
8 kişilik
Pişirme süresi:
Orta ateşte 10-15 dakika.
1 yemek kaşığı tereyağı,
1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağı,
1 adet orta boy soğan,
2 adet orta boy yeşil sivribiber,
1 adet orta boy domates,
1/3 su bardağı bulgur,
2 yemek kaşığı domates salçası,
1 tatlı kaşığı nane,
1 tatlı kaşığı kekik,
1 tatlı kaşığı pul biber,
1 tatlı kaşığı tuz,
5 su bardağı sıcak su.
Yemeğin yapımı:
2 adet orta boy yeşil sivribiberi, ince ince dilimleyin. Kabuğunu soyduğunuz 1 adet orta boy domatesi küçük kuşbaşı büyüklüğünde doğrayın.
Bir tencerede; 1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağını ve 1 yemek kaşığı tereyağını kızdırın. Küçük küpler halinde yemeklik doğradığınız 1 adet orta boy soğanı, renk alana kadar soteleyin.
Soğanlar pembeleşince içine 1/3 su bardağı bulguru ve dilimlediğiniz yeşil biberleri ekleyin. Bu şekilde 4-5 dakika kavurun. Kavrulan bulgurların üzerine 2 yemek kaşığı domates salçasını ekleyin ve 1-2 dakika daha kavurun.
Üzerine; 1 tatlı kaşığı pul biberi, 1 tatlı kaşığı kekiği, 1 tatlı kaşığı naneyi, 1 tatlı kaşığı tuzu ve önceden dilimlediğiniz domatesleri ekledikten sonra karıştırın.
5 su bardağı sıcak suyu ilave edin ve tencerenin kapağını kapatarak 10 dakika kaynatın. Kaynayan çorbanızı sıcak olarak servis edin.
wn.com/Bulgur Çorbası Nasıl Yapılır
Bulgur Çorbası
8 kişilik
Pişirme süresi:
Orta ateşte 10-15 dakika.
1 yemek kaşığı tereyağı,
1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağı,
1 adet orta boy soğan,
2 adet orta boy yeşil sivribiber,
1 adet orta boy domates,
1/3 su bardağı bulgur,
2 yemek kaşığı domates salçası,
1 tatlı kaşığı nane,
1 tatlı kaşığı kekik,
1 tatlı kaşığı pul biber,
1 tatlı kaşığı tuz,
5 su bardağı sıcak su.
Yemeğin yapımı:
2 adet orta boy yeşil sivribiberi, ince ince dilimleyin. Kabuğunu soyduğunuz 1 adet orta boy domatesi küçük kuşbaşı büyüklüğünde doğrayın.
Bir tencerede; 1 yemek kaşığı ayçiçek yağını ve 1 yemek kaşığı tereyağını kızdırın. Küçük küpler halinde yemeklik doğradığınız 1 adet orta boy soğanı, renk alana kadar soteleyin.
Soğanlar pembeleşince içine 1/3 su bardağı bulguru ve dilimlediğiniz yeşil biberleri ekleyin. Bu şekilde 4-5 dakika kavurun. Kavrulan bulgurların üzerine 2 yemek kaşığı domates salçasını ekleyin ve 1-2 dakika daha kavurun.
Üzerine; 1 tatlı kaşığı pul biberi, 1 tatlı kaşığı kekiği, 1 tatlı kaşığı naneyi, 1 tatlı kaşığı tuzu ve önceden dilimlediğiniz domatesleri ekledikten sonra karıştırın.
5 su bardağı sıcak suyu ilave edin ve tencerenin kapağını kapatarak 10 dakika kaynatın. Kaynayan çorbanızı sıcak olarak servis edin.
- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 10
Itch (Bulgur Salad) - Armenian Recipe
Today we are making a healthy and yummy Armenian Bulgur salad! WRITTEN RECIPE: http://goo.gl/w0gwsc INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups bulgur (coarse if possible) 1 1/2......
Today we are making a healthy and yummy Armenian Bulgur salad! WRITTEN RECIPE: http://goo.gl/w0gwsc INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups bulgur (coarse if possible) 1 1/2...
wn.com/Itch (Bulgur Salad) Armenian Recipe
Today we are making a healthy and yummy Armenian Bulgur salad! WRITTEN RECIPE: http://goo.gl/w0gwsc INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups bulgur (coarse if possible) 1 1/2...