Battling the Bulge

Weight-loss drugs that target newly characterized obesity-related receptors and pathways could finally offer truly effective fat control.

Weight's the Matter?

The causes and consequences of obesity are more complicated than we thought.

Fat Saps Muscle

The accumulation of fat within skeletal muscle, as happens with obesity, diminishes muscle performance.

Remote Mind Control

Using chemogenetic tools to spur the brain into action

News & Opinion

Covering the life sciences inside and out

image: Cortical Census

Cortical Census


Scientists document the characteristics and connections of mouse neocortical neurons to establish the most detailed microcircuit map to date.

Genetic engineering—once a trigger for federal oversight—is now ushering some modified crops around scrutiny.

Molecular markers could aid researchers’ assessment of patient response to the drug.  

image: Channeling Animals

Channeling Animals


Artists reinterpret structures built by birds, insects, and corals in a new exhibit.

The Nutshell

Daily News Roundup

The cancer-related protein BRCA1 is important for learning and memory in mice and is depleted in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, according to a study.

A look at the technologies now helping researchers edit human genes and discussions of the controversy that has ensued.

A study of black widow spiders suggests that the arachnids leave traces of their own genetic material and DNA from prey in their sticky webs.

A second doctor shows symptoms of ocular disease after recovering from Ebola infection.

Current Issue

November 2015

Issue Cover: The Obesity Issue

This year’s survey highlights dramatic regional, sector, and gender variations.

Obese people are at higher risk for developing cancer, have worse prognoses once diagnosed, and are often resistant to chemotherapy regimens. The question is, Why?

Low doses of environmental chemicals can make animals gain weight. Whether they do the same to humans is a thorny issue.

Why do some obese people actually experience health benefits?


Video, Slideshows, Infographics

Meet some of the products that nearly cracked the Top 10 Innovations of 2015.

Go behind the scenes at labs where researchers are finding ways of switching from meat-based to plant-based feeds.

The Marketplace

New Product Press Releases

Optimized CRISPR/CAS9 Delivery for Disease Model Generation

Start securely sealing and storing up to 4,000 samples

Porvair Sciences MiniVap™ Gemini

Universal Controlled Laboratory Reactor Simplifies Synthesis Scale-up

DNA-In® CRISPR Transfection Reagent

PluriQ™ G9 Feeder-Free Media Kits

Popular Now

  1. Antidepressant Exerts Epigenetic Changes
  2. Inside a Lab Mouse’s High-Fat Diet
  3. Remote Mind Control
  4. Image of the Day: Mother’s Love

Featured Comment

But not all diagnostics can be made to have high reliability, specificity, etc. The cure for that ... is not to get rid of the diagnostics, but to require that ... the inherent problems are clearly stated with the test and its results.

- Brian Hanley, FDA: Lab Tests Can Cause Harm
Life Technologies