GreensCuenta verificada


The Australian Greens Authorised by Giz Watson & Penny Allman-Payne, 23/85 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra

Se unió en agosto de 2007

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  1. ha retwitteado

    At Sydney event UN Intern Day Solidarity Palestinian People. Ambassador Abdulhadi 138 nations recognise Palestine.

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    Well? :) (Image courtesy of )

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  3. ha retwitteado

    After 25 hours in transit, we've arrived! Now on train to conference venue... Hoping for good global outcome!

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  4. ha retwitteado

    Dumping nuclear on Aboriginal lands, supporting expansion of coal is not climate justice

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  5. ha retwitteado

    action from Beyond Nuclear Initiative. "Don't nuke the climate."

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  6. ha retwitteado

    11-Year-Old Indigenous Girl Handcuffed At School By Police And Put In A Jail Cell

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    "If it's melted, it's ruined" - the march is heading off!

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  8. ha retwitteado

    Dr Sanrda Bayley, Greens candidate for Ryan, at the for the climate

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  9. ha retwitteado

    Invest in clean energy. No new coal.

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  10. ha retwitteado

    fills Sydney Domain. Biggest shout out for climate action.

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    "Cop cop-out!"

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  12. ha retwitteado

    Many here at Sydney. Fantastic turnout. I hope they're listening in Paris.

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  13. ha retwitteado

    "If coal is the answer you are asking the wrong question"

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  14. ha retwitteado

    Huge turnout for !! Rally starting now.

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  15. ha retwitteado

    IT'S ABOUT TIME: As promised a year ago, QLD's controversial land clearing laws to be overturned.

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    From the on climate

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  17. ha retwitteado

    State election, 12 months on, my take:

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  18. ha retwitteado

    Drug use should be treated as a issue, not a criminal one

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  19. ha retwitteado

    The whole world has a wish list for - all we want for Xmas is meaningful action on global warming

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  20. ha retwitteado

    Is Turnbull going to stick with Abbott's nasty budget cuts or will he ditch the Christmas Grinch?

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