Sunday, October 10, 2010

BUREVESTNIK collective

"Burevestnik is a collective situated in Belgrade, Serbia dedicated to creating and helping libertarian, anti-authoritarian initiatives and projects..
we work on organizing benefit concert/parties and offering support to diy/political bands (as well to bands who are willing to cooperate with us on those basis) which has needs to organize concerts in Belgrade and Serbia..
Burevestink works on providing information about new (either our or someone else's) libertarian/anarchist publications/projects and on helping them.. we develop distribution and manufacturing of printed literature.. we collect informations about actions of various libertarian/anarchist collectives and individuals from Belgrade and the region and point to the possibilities of including interested parties into them..
we don't support, in any way, work of political parties, the authoritarian political groups or goverment and their representatives.."

my space


here we have a little bit older fanzine (from 2008) hailing from Wroclaw, Poland but written on English..
it's a really great 'zine with strong personal note.. author of this 'zine is trying to share his ideas and points of view through every part of the 'zine (from the editorial thro' interviews and columns).. he says that the idea of doing a 'zine should be sharing a part of author with the readers..
it's a big shame 'cause all that stops after this 1st issue (I think there wasn't any new numbers)..
so, in it you can read great interviews with some cool bands like FxPxOx, Pavilionul 32, Hit Me Back, Voetsek, Fall Of Efrafa and with Fuck for Forest (porn project from which all profits goes to some ecological projects), few interesting columns (on the themes like science vs primitivism, culture vs nature or veganism, etc) and some book reviews..
really cool and quality fanzine, so I'm sure that you won't regret if you read it..
read it at zinelibrary as a PDF file here

zine contact:
my space:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

EVIL MINDED #4, #5 fanzine

I was just up to write something about 4th number of this 'zine coming from USA when I noticed link on punks is hippies blog! for 5th number as well, so here are both of them.. and when I saw that in 5th is interview with U.B.R., there wasn't any doubts..

in 4th number you can read nice article with author's thoughts on punk zines and role that internet has on punk (wich, btw, I don't agree completely, but it's interesting for reading), demo reviews of some underated bands, good interviews with Hellkontroll, Kriegshog, Morpheme and Boteilon De Castigo plus some other reviews.. all that on 28 pages..
it's published in July 2009 and it is completely sold out so there is nothing to do then read it online or download it from issuu link..

in 5th number besides above mentioned interview with U.B.R. (acctually two of them, one is translated from Swedish to English from Upset Dischord from 1985 and other is from M.R.R. #20) there are 'views with Svdor, Aghast and The Assassinators, L.A. scene report and zines and records reviews..
also on 28 pages, partly typing with typewriter, and partly with computer.. this number is published in April 2010..
I really like the style and conception of this 'zine..

the 6th number is also out and available at:
for more info and to read older numbers go visit zine web page

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival & 5th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 29. - 31.10.2010

This year Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival will be organized together with the 5th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair from 29. to 31. of October in Cultural Center of Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin, Serbia. BAB is a manifestation which is organized at the regional level, and the main idea that guides the manifestation is Balkan of solidarity in struggle, as opposed to Balkan of nationalism and exploitation. BAB was so far held in Ljubljana in 2003., Zagreb in 2005., Sofia in 2008. and Athens and Thessaloníki in 2009.
As ZAF is a manifestation that from its beginning promotes the struggle against all forms of exploitation and domination we are convinced that joining these two events together is a move in the right direction which will enable better networking at the Balkan level and further development of common initiatives and struggles.
For all questions and suggestions you can contact us at

Date: Friday, October 29th, 21h

Friday, October 1, 2010


here is english version of this great fanzine, coming from Brno, Czech Republic, published one year after the original Czech version, precisely somewhere at the beginning of 2010..
zine is dedicated to east euro diy hc/punk scene so all interviews, bands, reviews, scene and gig reports are from this (forgotten) part of the world..
on 68 pages you can find great and extensive report from 1st Balkanika Core festival (this one brings some nice memories to me) when there were bands like Agathocles, Visions of War, E.N.T., Wolfbrigade, Mob-47, etc, then scene reports from Latvia and Ukraine, article about Czech punk history, bunch of reviews and interviews with Sanych from Death in Industry zine, Human Error, Critica Radicala and Grazhdanskaya Oborona..
everything is very interesting to read, I like author's way of expression and writing.. here is just a little part of intruduction in report from balkanika core festival: "A herd of weird looking and even weirder behaving people sits round the table in a dark corner of on Prague's Žižkov district bar and chat about a piece of paper that came to their filthy hands from some far away southern countries. The table is bending  under the weight of beer, powerful words are being said and are coming together in even more powerful sentences and decisions. A crusade to transalpine regions has been made a deal..."
I'm sure you won't regret it if you read this zine.. to me this is definitely the best zine I have read lately!..
yes and that's not all.. zine goes along with CD compilation with bands mentioned in zine.. so try to get a copy of it or download PDF, play the compilation and enjoy in reading of this great piece!..
I found those download links at Drunk Nach Osten zine my space page, and zine contact is at

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

squatting prohibition in Netherlands

We are squatters from the Netherlands. We are asking you to join us in our struggle against the squatting prohibition. We will have two demonstrations this week, on 1st October in Amsterdam and 2nd October in Nijmegen. This week mayor of Amsterdam said that in coming months 200 squats will be evicted in the city!!! If you can not come to the Netherlands please organize a protests or action in your place against the squatting prohibition that starts on 1st October 2010.

Demo in Amsterdam on 1st October:
Demo in Nijmegen on 2nd October (english text in the second comment):

Call out of "Spirit Of The Unity" Collective:

To all the people who are against squatting prohibition, to all the squatters, to all ex-squatters, to all young people who would like to become squatters in the future, to all the friends and supporters of the squatters, to all political activists, to all antifascist activists, to all artists who create art and/or perform in the squats, to all band members and DJ's that play in the squats, to all people who enjoy parties and concerts in the squats, to all travelers who visit and stay in the squats, to all of you who are not mentioned above.
As you probably might know dark days are coming for the squatting movement in the Netherlands. The Dutch parliament voted for a squatting prohibition. From 1st October 2010 squatting will be illegal in the Netherlands. It means that people who try to occupy an empty building, will be considered a criminal and will be punished by dutch authorities. Penalties are very high and range from one year up to two years and eight months of prison! Please remember this would not have happened without the support of racist and xenophobic politician Geert Wilders.
This is very serious threat! Don't let politicians destroy squatting movement in the Netherlands! We can't wait! We must act now! The future of the dutch squatting movement is in our hands. It is a big responsibility as well. We should show respect to those previous squatting generations who made squatting possible in the Netherlands. They sacrified a lot of time and energy for us. We should think about all the youth who would like to have the possibility to live in squats in the future. Mass media and politicians say that we are few, but our spirit is stronger then this rotten and unhumane law that politicians have created! We are willing to show politicians and police forces our determination in the defence of our rights for housing.
There is lack of cheap houses in the Netherlands. For example in Amsterdam price of renting one small room range from 300 till 550 euros a month! Mass media and politicians say that we are violent, but those christians from CDU (Christian Democratic Party), CU (Christian Union) and SGP (Orthodox Protestant Party) are violent. For them empty buildings are more important than human beings searching for a house. Those christians decided that police will come to arrest us, if we try to occupy a house after 1st October 2010. We are proud of who we are and we are willing to defend our rights to occupy empty buildings.
We won't give up without struggle! Some of you remember those proud and angry youth from Kopenhagen who were fighting for Ungdomshuset and dignity. Some of you probably have joined the struggle. If will be necessary, we are willing to bring the spirit of youth from Denmark and Greece to our streets! Politicians did not leave us another choice! From 1st October 2010 we have to choose between being homeless or criminals. This choice is not suitable for us! We won't live on the streets or in the prison! We are human beings and we deserve respect! We will fight for our dignity!
There is few hundreds squats in the Netherlands. We can't afford to lose this enormous infrastructure! There are houses, autonomous centers, places for cultural activities. In all those buildings we live and/or practice and promote our political ideas. We use that space to promote independent art and underground counter culture in opposition to mainstream pop culture and art. Let us be a bit sentimental. For many of us to be a squatter is way of life. A lot of us spent the best times living in the squats. We had unforgettable adventures together. We have plenty of invaluable experiences, like living in self-organized communities or housing collectives. Many of us met their best friends in the squats. Yet another reasons to struggle against the squatting prohibition. Don't ignore serious threats for squatting movement in the Netherlands! Use your imagination, open your eyes, stand up and act! Our struggle is for a world without capitalism, race and gender differences, poverty and war! We are going to be very thankful for all your support. Solidarity is our weapon!

"Spirit Of The Unity" Collective.

KAWAII #1 fanzine

here we have first number of this Australian 'zine, a little bit older dated, it was published in 2009.. the main reason why I post this one here is great interview with great band Lebenden Toten! I had never heard about this band before but when I've had read the interview I found some their tracks and videos and I like them very much..
besides this view there are also views with Conquest For Death and Lotus Fucker and that's pretty much it..
yes and I would just point up nice black layout of this zine..
issuu link is from mighty punks is hippies blog and 'zine contact is:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nonsense - Tv Teror

yes, it's been a while from when we get download link for great new album Propast of Nonsense, hardcore veterans from Požega, Croatia, but we still wait for the official release on CD by Beyond The Sun records which was announced for August..
almost all songs from this album can be find on you tube already, so here is one more, uploaded by me..real old school,hehe!..

NO EXIT #3 fanzine

"scull crushing d-beat holocaust zine"
this 3th number of No Exit zine was out in February 2010, but now when it is out of print (there were 50 copies made) here we have download link for its PDF version..
this time on 44 pages you can read few columns, Food Not Bombs report from Russia, scene reports from Ottawa and Belarus (which I consider very interesting because of political situation there), some record reviews and inevitable interviews, this time with Livstid, Protestant, DSB, Hellstorm and Perdition..
about it's look, classic crust d-beat, black and white cut'n'paste style.. you already know what you can expect here..
it's nice to see that paper zines still lives and that they are published, more or less, regularly.. 4th number is in preparation and it will be out soon..

Monday, September 20, 2010

call out for action in Amsterdam against squatting ban

The law against squatting in the Netherlands goes in effect on October 1, so there will be actions going on in Amsterdam from Sept 25 - October 1st (and beyond). Any and all people concerned with housing issues and autonomous spaces are encouraged to come join us at this important time.
The squatting ban is not a threat - it’s an opportunity and a tool. …and we like tools.
As of the 1st of October, squatting will be illegal in the Netherlands. These are our last days of 'legal' squatting and the first days of our new lives as criminals. Unlike what's been claimed, the new law provides no solution for vacant houses but instead just gives more protection to house owners that love to speculate with their properties. In theory squatting, or simply being in a squatted house, can very soon lead to up to two years in prison.
It is time to revolt against the squatting ban and the State with its repressive politics against everything that is not mainstream and commercial. We will take to the streets - we will show them our anger and our strength. We need to make clear that this law will not scare us and stop us from squatting. With all our actions, with keeping up living the way we do let's show that we are not afraid of their laws and their bans. This time they should really expect resistance. The time for action is now!
From the 25th of September and onwards several actions will happen throughout Amsterdam.
The actions will start on the 25th of September with the Dam sleeping action. There we will show the general public all the things we do in squats: people's kitchens, give-away shops, music, dance and theatre performances, crusty punk bands and everything in between.
That day will be a kick-off for a week of different actions in the city. During the week three days full of activities, workshops and discussions will take place in a social center. There will be food and music, but besides that it is also an opportunity for everyone to get together and to think of different kinds of actions that can be taken against those behind the creation and implementation of the new law. Let's pick our targets and let them know we're pissed off!
On the 1st of October there will be a demonstration against the kraakverbod. Come to the Spui square in Amsterdam at 17:00!
These days are for us all, the variety of people that form the squatting movements of this and every other country. All different approaches and tactics should be used in the coming struggle. These days should be an inspiration for all the things to come. October is just the beginning.
Get involved! Come from near or far!

re-posted from hcmorethanmusic

Saturday, September 18, 2010


 BIOLOGICA is a collective, whose activity revolves around the autonomous (squatted) space in the department of biology, in the University campus, in Thessaloniki. As a collective, based on common beliefs around a D.I.Y. ideology, we engage upon concerts and relevant to the D.I.Y. music scene activities, in order to express our opposition to the commercialisation of music and creativity in general.
We regard music as a communication tool, to share common beliefs and feelings and therefore we stand against all profit making forms of music industry and stereotyped entertainment.
What BIOLOGICA tries to do (and has been doing for almost 18 years), is to raise consciousness against the "star system" society and deconstruct the idea of the "show", the audience and the producer. We aim at creating an interactive enviroment during concerts, where people can freely participate, with no constrains. That's why we find it important for everyone to understand that, concert organising has expenses and that we ask for the minimum compensation (2 euro-non obligatory entry fee), in order to cover the concert and maintenance expenses, as well as the traveling fees for the bands from abroad.
Last but not least, BIOLOGICA, aims through its activity, to contribute to the formation of the local D.I.Y music identity and initiate co-operation towards a common goal.

On Tuesdays, at Biologica squat, we hold a bar, which features film and documentary screenings, music nights and plenty of booze! Through this bar we are trying to propound an alternative way of entertainment, which is not based on profit making. Through this bar we try to initiate closer contact between people, that share a common interest in the D.I.Y. culture, and exchange perspectives around the subject.

Contact Biologica at:


Friday, September 17, 2010

AK - 47 / PAVILIONUL 32 / CSIHAS BENO 10.09.2010. Jedinstvo, Zagreb

and here we are, back again with posting here and with new concert season, as well.. after all those summer festivals it's time to get back in reality and be satisfied with occasional „ordinary“ gigs..
this one was first such gig on which I was after some longer period.. the concert was held in the hall Jedinstvo..that was 1st time I was in there..nice space..
first band playing that night were Ak-47, well known anarcho punk crust band from Zagreb.. they are actually one of the best Cro bands to me, so it was nice to see them live again, 'cause they don't have live shows so often after they started to play again after some longer hiatus.. they were already playing when we entered the place but we have heard almost all their great old stuff.. for the end they played legendary song Teroristi, which is as a matter of fact cover of song of one old band Z.R.M., but I think that Ak-47 are those who made that song so „popular“..
after them band from Romania Pavilionul 32.. I have seen them before, at first Balkanika Core fest , 3 years ago, and was happy to see them again 'cause they are great band to me.. they play punk fastcore powerviolence with engaged anarchist lyrics.. this gig was one piece of puzzle of their euro tour on which they were playing, besides Croatia, in Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic and Romania.. they are quite active band with myriad gigs behind them and I will recommend them to you if you have chance to see them live!..
last band on the stage were Csihas Beno, hardcore powerviolence band from Sombor, Serbia.. I must admit that I didn't listen them something closely, 'cause I was occupied with browsing the distribution, I even surprisingly founded and bought split EP Senseless/S.Z.I. which is very precious release to me.. but that little I heard from them was good also..
as I had said before, just one „ordinary“ gig but again great bands,and good fun in Zagreb..
expecting a new gigs.. until then stay well and cheers!..

P.S. - heheheh, what a mess! I was 100% sure that Csihas Beno played at this gig until yesterday when Jurica convinced me that they were not played at all!.. I was a little bit drunk and my concentration was week at the end of a gig,hehe, so I was probably a little confused.. crazy drunk bastard .. sorry for the wrong information..


Thursday, August 26, 2010

just few words about...

I'm not something overactive with new posts here lately (last post here was almost a month ago), but you know how it is.. last days of summer are here and I want to use them as more and as better as I can!..
3 weeks ago I was at Monte Paradiso festival in Pula and it was awsome!.. I've been there just last 2 days but I really enjoyed much.. I've never seen so much people on some underground festival before.. have seen some really great bands, meet some cool people, swiming in the sea, drink tons of vine and beer... what do you need more?!..
btw this was already 18th Monte Paradiso festival and that makes it already legendary in this area.. all bands which have been playing there you can find here..
big thanks goes to friends who had offered me a ride and ask me to go with them only two days before the fest when I was already quite sure that I won't go there..
tomorrow I will go at Balkanika Core meets Krastival festival in Slovenia.. hope there will be at least half good as it was at Monte Paradiso!..
when I come back (and if I come back in one piece,heheh) I will devote more time to this blog.. so soon I'm back with writtings and posting stuffs here..
hope you all had a great summer!.. cheers!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


in this time of so many summer festivals which btw I mainly can't afforded (mostly because of luck of money, but also because I will hardly survive 3-day intoxication ,heheh, I'm old,heh), let's remind on this great concert which had took place in Italy few months ago..
this was the strangest gig I've ever been on, that's for sure.. first of all I decide to go on it just two days before and the gig was in Italy, "just" 314 km from here.. second, for every 1st May for the last 8 years I'm at one local mountain camping for few days, that's already tradition for me, and now I will missed it (actually I missed it only once in last 8 years, because of the military service).. and some other funny things happened there, but something about that I will talk later..
we set to go at 4:00PM when we finished our jobs.. 5 of us in a friend's car.. I was in some strange, sad mood ('cause I didn't go on previously mentioned camping) but few beers cheers me up, and when we passed the Slovenian border everything was fine.. the drive lasted for about 5 hours (not even close like when we go in Italy, Modena for the first time, when we were driving for some 12 hours through big snow storm just to see Agathocles and then in the end they didn't play at all).. we find the place with help of first two guys we were asking, and we were surprised 'cause we think that is hard to find someone who speak English in Italy..
when we arrived there strange things continue to happened.. there were just few people in front of the place and they all were from Croatia.. strange, considering that in this already mentioned past gig in Italy we were only strangers there and now all Croats,hehe.. later when some more people has come we realize that there are about 20 Croats, 20 Slovenians and only few Italians.. all that was probably 'cause all bands supposed to play that night (except Koromač, but with Diskelma) were playing one day later in Modena at Rovina Hardcore festival, so probably all the other Italians went there..
the gig was taking place at Pieffe Factory, really nice place, maybe a little to nice,heheh.. the entrance was 9 Euros (I think, but not sure) which isn't a little, I'm sure that in Modena was less, but isn't to much either when you know which great bands were playing that night.. also I was pretty shocked with very expensive beers there so I spend the night half sober..
the time before concert  was started we spend in front of the place drinkin' and talking with rest of the crew..
I don't remember exact time when gig was started but first band was Koromač from Slovenia.. I've never heard about them before.. some young crew playing crust punk with some metal or I would say, hardcore influences.. they even play cover of Doom's Police Bastard on my great pleasure.. yes,and funny was how they were trying to communicate with the people in Italian.. at the end they was very good and I'm glad to see this, until then, unknown band to me..
second on the stage was Czech madmens See You In Hell.. when I decide to go on this gig, that was mostly because of them 'cause I like this band for a long time and I was happy to see them live.. great show by them!
fast and angry crust core with great vokills.. their singer was crazy, he looks like he will kill someone every second,hehe..
after them one more legends Instinct Of Survival from Germany.. I'm sure that you all knows them so I think it's not necessary to spend many words on that how they sounds.. some people compares them with sex, hehe so everything more is superfluous.. stench core at its best!.. perfect sound, only maybe too loud sound system, but that is not about the band.. and very long performance by them..
last on the stage were Deviated Instinct.. I was very skeptic about them, you know how is with this reunion things usually.. and I must admit that I didn't listen something closely them before (I know, many of you are now calling the punk police because of that,hehee).. but they blow me away!.. great, energetic performance, excellent vocals, only words of praise for them.. great crazy changing tempos, with some faster parts and then again slow, powerful metallic crust or stench core, really great band!.. I was really positive surprised by them, but I think the rest of the crowd wasn't expect anything other by them..
as I said before, many strange things happened that night, so in this tone we continues and after the gig.. the DJ let on the speakers hymn of former Yugoslavia on general enthusiasm of most of the presented who was singing it loud.. and that is how this "Balkan invasion" on Italy finished..
we go home soon as gig finished.. one more exhausting drive home, but it definitely worthed!.. even the other day when we arrived home I and one friend go on this mountain from the beginning and drink almost the whole day without of sleep with rest of the friends..


here are some videos from that gig which I founded HERE

Friday, July 30, 2010

SCHIZO #5 fanzine

"Yes, at least it's out. A month delayed, but I had some problems with my computer and the weather have made me lazy. But now... You will as usual have a few different ways to read, download, print, trade, sell... and it's FREE to download. If you wanna print it for your distro or trading, don't sell it too expensive. And it's no copyrights, but it would be nice if you inform me just for my own knowledge."

it's nice to see that not all zine makers give up after 2 or 3 numbers.. so here is already 5th number of Schizo fanzine (this time with shorted name, not more Schizofrehn but only Schizo)..
48 pages with predominantly white lay out for cheaper printing..
the main cause of this 'zine is to introduce readers with as many bands as space is allowing and I think that it succeeds in that..
pretty much material for reading is squeezed on those 48 pages, so you can read interviews with: Dead Subvert, Under Al Kritik, Iszonyat, A.U.K., Wages Of Fear, Atomic Pollution, Screaming From The Gutter collective and with Radical Roots 'zine, then there are Filthy Charity tour reports from Sweeden written by Micke who was organizing this tour to them and one written by band, also scene infos from Ukraine and Hungary and something new in Schizo fanzine: 3 quick questions to band or a person, this time to: Plevok, O.O.T.L., Insomnia Isterica, Down to Kill, Meinhof, Pipes and Pints and to City Rat records.. also there are few author's personal short articles, and that is only thing missing in this 'zine, hope in next numbers will be more of them!..
all numbers of this 'zine, including this one were in online and pdf form, but next will be in paper form also which is very commendable today when paper 'zines are in such rarity..
support this 'zine at: or

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

upcoming Intersquat festival in Berlin

here is an invitation to get involved in, or just to come at intersquat festival in Berlin which will be held from 10th to 19th of September 2010, taken from their blog page..

Dear all!
A little advice before reading our concept:
Setting a festival‘s frame is not an easy job. However, we would like to take this challenge. Except from the creation of a frame, we won‘t set up a strict program for you. This is neither manageable for us nor it carries out our principles. Intersquat is not some kind of a festival to be consumed. It is a D.I.Y.-festival and it lives from all our ideas and initiatives!

As well as a picture frame does not make sense without a picture, the festival cannot exist without your commitment. Therefore it is very important that you help us with the organization of some workshops, discussion groups, actions, performances and whatever you want. If you already have some ideas what you want to do, please send a mail to by the 13th of August, so we can already include your ideas to the planning. Of course you can also act spontaneously at the festival.

We are planning to host the festival from 10th to 19th of September. It depends on the number of announcements we get before whether the festival will be really that long. That means: The more ideas and initiatives from you, the longer the festival. The fixed duration of the festival will be announced by August 13th on our blog (

We are looking forward to working together with you all.
Have fun with the lecture of our concept and we see each other in Berlin in September!

INTERSQUAT - festival in Berlin from 10th until 19th of September 2010

Let’s come together to provide a base for discussions, introducing different thoughts, initiating meetings, linking each other, developing new perspectives and creating a self-determined and autonomous free space from 10th until 19th of September 2010 at the Berlin INTERSQUAT Festival.

Being inspired by other INTERSQUAT-Festivals, which took place at different locations all over the world, we want to develop our utopian ideas at the INTERSQUAT festival in Berlin with you together. The possibilities to live a self-determined life are gradually being restricted. Many of the existing structures of squats and autonomous spaces are strongly threatened to become extinct. As a result more and more spaces disappear and with them the attached chance to organize ourselves, to discuss, to exchange experiences and to develop alternatives to given structures, go also.

From our point of view, it is necessary to criticise capitalism, leadership and the ruling structures in an all-embracing way. Hence we want to discuss about alternatives, experience the exchange and reflect on counter-structures against discrimination of living beings. Free spaces are spaces where all creatures can live without being discriminated because of gender, skin color, sexuality preferences, money or other inequalities created by society. Since all kinds of repression are present in our daily life, it is important to create and preserve spaces where such constructed inequalitites are not only accepted, but are discussed and reflected. Those spaces should enable us to live and act out our own identity and make it possible to freely evolve our ways of life. We try to live by detaching ourselves from those repressions and social constructions, making people aware of them and sensitive to them.

The so called gentrification will catch up with all of us if we don’t make a stand against it. The process of “upgrading” cities does not just force squats and autonomous spaces all over the world to give way to profit-making projects. New houses are built and old buildings glance in a gleam of light after being profitably refurbished, rents are rising as a consequence. As a result, people with low wages and those who are discriminated by the structure of society are being moved to the outskirts. Movements working against this social injustice are often criminalized. Moreover through repressive measures their possibilities to act is muted. The festival provides space to link and solidarise with each other and to be able to act against repressive measures in a more effective way.

Within a diverse and powerful frame the festival offers enough space for self-organized actions, discussions, workshops, information events, exhibitions, music and art as one way to protest and develop ideas. There will also be a free flea market which is supposed to make a breakthrough the capitalistic understanding of money values and prices.

Topics to be talked about could be:
How does gentrification show up in different cities?
Whats the situation of squats and autonomous spaces all over the world?
How can we network in a more efficient way?
How can we reach stronger solidarity with our forms of protest and actions?

Since the discussion about free spaces is extremely complex and often includes a variety of subtopics, the festival will provide space for discussing these subtopics as a matter of course, e.g. anti-sexism and the negotiation of leadership.

Of course sexism, racism, all other kinds of discrimination, and the
transfiguration of hierarchical structures are neither tolerated nor accepted on the

Let us share our ideas and imagination of a free and wild life. The festival grows with you! If you want to do a workshop or an information meeting, initiate a discussion, show your music, art or if you have some ideas or topics for the festival, write to us at:

Bring your tents, ideas and your unstoppable wild passion!

Free thinking? Free living? Free spaces for all of us!
Frei denken? Frei leben? Frei(T)räume für alle!


Saturday, July 10, 2010


One of the oldest squats in Grece Lelas Karagianni 37 established 1988 has been under attack of the police on the night of July 8th..
more info and statement by the squatters at Occupied London blog or at Molly's blog

Monday, July 5, 2010

notes on the european squat meeting (17-20 june 2010), Barcelona

Translation of an article written in French and originally published on  and I founded it at Act For Freedom Now! blog..

From June 17th to 20th, 2010, an European squat meeting took place in Barcelona... People participating to the discussions were more than one hundred, all the discussions happened in the Laforsa squatted social centre (41 av. de la Fama, in Cornellà de Llobregat, suburbs of Barcelona). This old factory is squatted for a year now, but it's quite famous because it has been occupied during several months by its own workers in the late seventies, becoming a symbol of the workers autonomous class struggle.

The discussions were happening in the huge Laforsa's first floor (with plugged simultaneous translations in Spanish, English, French and Italian) and food was served twice a day in the second floor.

Each day was focused on one topic (Thursday: presentation of the present squats and debate about the controversial question of legalization, Friday: the possibilities of resistance against squats evictions - with the stories of Hamsa, Ateneu Korneya and Kasa de la Muntanya in Barcelona, Maintzer strasse in Berlin, Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen, Casablanca in Madrid, the 400 couverts in Grenoble, etc. Saturday: demonstration in the city, then discussions about squatting as a mean for struggle - with the inspiring example of Cabanyal quarter in Valencia, and against prison - with some ex-prisoners, in particular Amadeu Casellas, Sunday: social control and identification methods, especially DNA - with a Barcelona's lawyer who's near the okupa movement, the presentation of the squat!net website and the tools it offers).

The bigger part of the discussions were focused on the presentation of the situations in the different countries or cities... Actually there were squatters from several countries (Catalunya, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, etc.) and the squat's practices plus the State repression are sometimes quite different from a country to another.
Because of that, we learned a lot, but we had difficulties to go further on the topics.
Other meetings like that could be relevant... Some squatters from Barcelona said they should renew their intersquat dynamics, which are a bit dead for a few years.

In the next days or the next months:
- Monars (Catalunya): Rural squat meeting from July 1st to 4th
- Toulouse (Fr): Pilifest, "Squat and autonomy", from July 3rd to 7th
- Dijon: Summerfest in the autonomous centre "Les Tanneries", from July 16th to 24th
- Berlin: Intersquat festival from September 10th to 19th

Dozens of squats are active in Barcelona, not only the CSO Laforsa, we also could talk about la Rimaia, la Otra Carboner? and Barrilonia who are situated down town and make a lot of activities (library, cyber-cafe, restaurant, parties, etc.) with big banners and paintings on their outside walls. And tons of other squats are active too, Barcelona stays the most important city in Europe talking about "political" squats.

On Saturday June 19th, a breakfast-gathering under the sun was called for 10am in Vallcarca, a quarter where several old houses are squatted and where squats opening and closing are quite often these last years... Gentrification in the quarter sounds "normal" because of the touristy Güell park and so on... But in the same quarter you can find big squats like Kasa de la Muntanya and Blokes Fantasma.

Around 12:30am, the demonstration begins (250-300 people), accross Vallcarca, then in direction of Gracia, to end in Joanic place. During the demo, very numerous direct actions happened. A great collective energy was going on, and the cops were only a few, quite timid (before the beginning, people were quite unsure about the situation, because in May 2007, during the last intersquat demo in Barcelona, the cops closed the demo and fights between cops and squatters were severe, with some injured people... Alfonso, who hurt a cop that was beating up squatters, has been judged only a few weeks ago and has been condemned for three years in prison!).

First, a re-opening of a squat is made in Vallcarca, (the fifth re-opening in Vallcarca in only a few months), some masked people destroyed a wall with sledgehammers and immediately re-occupied the house!

During most of the actions that needed to make stop the demo for a few minutes, someone was taking in a megaphone to explain what's the idea of the action. Quite a lot of people in the streets listened...

In the front of the demonstration, banners were arranged in a U shape to protect the demo from possible police assaults. Slogans we shouted very often, in Catalan and in Spanish (for example "okupa tu tambien", "okupa y resiste", "policia torturadors i asesinos", which mean "you can squat too", "squat and resist", "police tortures and kills"). Some slogans also have been shouted in English and in French.

Dozens and dozens of graffiti have been made, some posters have been glued as well. Several banks have attacked by painted stuff (paint-bombs, graffiti and paint throws), some surveillance video-cameras have been damaged (broken or spray-painted), some banners have been put on different buildings (in particular ex-squats). The advertisment boards of a building site for the new metro line have been spray-painted and/or taken off, one part of the boards has been used as a symbolic barricade just behind the demo. Plaça de les dones del 1936 (1936 women's place), an institutional building has a window smashed (against gentrification).

On the Gracia's town hall place, the official building is protected by some police trucks, which are protected by more or less twenty anti-riot cops. Those cops are attacked by paint throws and by some projectiles. In the place, a huge squat' symbol is painted on the ground.

The demonstration ends in a cool mood on Joanic place, that is spray-painted as well.

This intersquat' demonstration makes an echo to the ones that happened in March in Toulouse, in Grenoble and in Poznan.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


"Kamun fest is a hardcore-punk/crust festival in village Zarečje near town Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia. This year(2010) it will be on 9., 10.7. You will be able to see twelve bands from many different countries so we hope to see you there!"

Friday, 9.7.2010 at 20.00:
BRIVIDO (Croatia)
TRIFOR60 (Slovenija)
BOREDOM (Austria)
+ one more

Saturday, 10.7.2010 at 20.00:
DISLIKE (Croatia)
ANAEROBA (Slovenia)
MARADONA (Austria)
+ DJ

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Social Chaos is band formed 2001 in Sao Paolo, Brazil influenced with bands from 80's such as Anti Cimex, Heresy, Rattus, Concrete Sox...
after their last year euro tour they are back again.. they have some free dates, so if you could arrange something to them, I'm sure they will be appreciated for that..
among others, this year they will play at Monte Paradiso festival here in Croatia, Obscene Extreme festival, and so on..

tour dates:

Friday, June 25, 2010


this one is a little bit older 'zine from Croatia edited by one my's published in September 2007.. it's written mainly on Croatian except some interviews.. Rotting Misery is oriented mainly on old school underground metal music.. on 34 pages you can read interviews with Devastation (Cro), Crypt of Kerberos, Revenant and Insision, also a lot of gig reports, few reviews and nice article about elitism on metal scene here in Croatia..
it's maybe not my type of music represented here but I like the style of author's writing.. everything is interesting to read, from introduction through gig reports, even interviews..
as I said before this number is something older but author is working on new issue which will be out soon.. until then, all you Croatian speaking bastards (and others, as well) can read it online or download as pdf file HERE..

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Project Hopeless was crust/d-beat band from Sweden.. it was supposed to have interview with them here.. I've sended them some questions but in meantime they broke up as a band because some problems with line up, so here is some story about them copied from their my space page.. after all, this blog is named after one of their songs..

PROJECT HOPELESS. An A//E political hardcore raw punk act, doing d-beat hardcore punk for the masses.
We started the beginning of 2001 and ended in the beginning of 2010 and we managed to release three full 7"s, one split 7" and two LPs. Our debut LP was released in 2005 entitled "Kalla Jävla Samhälle" and the follow-up, "Välkommen till vår Sopfyllda Fabrik", were recorded in 2006 in Malmo and Bradford at the 1in12 Club and released in 2007 through a collaboration of friends labels including our own. Our last release were the "Av hela mitt hjärta" 7" released 2009 by another great collaboration of friends helping out! That's it! No more to come! From now on you can check out the new band that came out of our ashes CRUTCHES

We believe in fighting and opposing fascism and sexism within our daily lives, including in the punk scene, and believe that these issues are all too often given lip-service but very often action is not followed up by the words (or patches) people wear. We believe that we have to challenge and question those who exhibit racist/sexist behaviour. We are not perfect in any way, and these issues become really hard to address when it is our friends who say or do things that we believe to be wrong. How we learn as individuals, as friends, as groups, to try and alter and learn from our own and others behaviour is a battle that we think is often shied away from. It is a lot easier to keep quiet and say nothing. Divisions occur. Friendships are broken. Sides are taken. But where within the mess that is created is the learning, the responsibility, the awareness to consider our, and others actions and the willingness to try and change? We cannot expect to change the world if we do not make the effort to change our own thoughts, ideas and beliefs that have been instilled in us throughout our childhood and schooling. Not to mention societies larger value system influenced by various media with agendas to sell. As long as we accept or distance ourselves from people who demonstrate racist/sexist behaviour then we are not any nearer to realising a society based upon equality.

Within the 'civilised' system that we live it is a struggle to live a life without "masters", without a government controlling our future with statistics. We try to fight for a life in unity where we all work together and not against each other. A life where we don't have any "masters" attempting to subjugate us. This may sound cliched but lets be realistic and demand the impossible!!! Thinking and creating new ways to live our lives! Not just for now but in a sustainable way. Not just whilst we are young and energetic but for when we are older or sick. Where we, the people, can feel free and have a say. A society where we no longer have to think about the word "oppression".

We believe that if you are not trying to say what you have in your mind then you are missing one of the best opportunities that we still have here in this world. Yes, we are being increasingly controlled and monitored every day, our freedoms and civil liberties slowly becoming eroded but we can still exist and resist to create an alternative, to mange some kind of change. Even if this change is not as big a change as you want it to be, YOUR voice, YOUR actions are still relevant to the never ending resistance that those who govern us try to impose through law, the State and the increasing power of multi-national companies that are bit-by-bit branding and cleansing our world of individuality, of human beings uniqueness, in their desire to forever increase PROFIT! These companies that have so much power in dominating the economic climate of our towns and cities are smothering us. Money talks.

Sometimes it seems that our individual actions are pointless, that what we try to achieve in our own individual lives or within our social ones, that our squats, social centres, places to meet, organise, share, have a good time in, are extinguished bit by bit as the corporate world spreads farther and farther afield to clone and monopolise the masses. Our voice exists as a protest against the selfish, individualised and plastic world that we see that is poisoning and destroying nature as well as the humans that are PART of nature. If we cannot try to change the wrongs that we have been trained to know to be right then we are never ever going to be able to achieve any larger changes either. So don't keep quiet. Agitate. Organise. Create. Do-It-Yourself.

To say that the earth is dying is nothing new. To be able to give a future for our children and theirs we have to be more concerned about the earth. Still we have to try to live our lives so that we can enjoy ourselves. To be able to live our lives as though everyday was our last but to also to realise our impact on the environment as if you would live forever. This would be the ultimate but to be realistic, this is not always a possibility. We all need lighter moments in these sad times. Where the threat of everything comes over us all the time. Up the fucking punk life! Have fun! And don't just think about yourself. Be a loving person. As long as it is possible. Love, Peace and Equality.

This is the END!
After 9 years of struggling and existence we had to come to the point of putting down the name to the grave! We've been touring and playing more than we ever expected and are so extremely thankful to all who has supported us in any kind of way that you've done. IT feels extremely sad to call a quits but the situation made us incapable of trying to make this still worthwhile of the sudden changes in the bands in such a short time. Willy had to leave his position after just a couple of months in the band, this was something that lead to the end of our existence! We did feel really bumbed about the fact of Linus's department of the band, but since Willy wanted to take the part we decided to keep it rolling.
Now we feel that it's time for something new and that the name as Project Hopeless couldn't keep on with the impersonality of to many changes just to keep the ship floating, we are true to our D.I.Y. spirit and feel that this band and music is more than a band just to keep on forever. Me (Oskar) and Tom are to keep on playing as a new constellation, but that needs to be done under a new name. We will keep the updates going, that will most likely be more or less the same kind of stuff that we managed to do the last couple of years, guess we're not being able to do anything else together after so many years of hardcore punk madness!

Thanx a million to all of you's who's supported us, come to our shows, bought and supported our records, read our lyrics, spread the word around, booked our shows and tours, made all the great feelings of this punk community actually worth the struggle! You all know who you are and you all know that your part has been a part of a change!
Matte P is to be fully respected for handling our shit in the studio. Steve of war for putting the ink on paper for the great artwork of ours. Erik ApA for the super shit of madness and hyper activity, tour support and paintings. Pää our first drummer for getting the shit together as we did. Stefan for handling the drums for the years you did, and making the recording and shows of ours together such a great feeling. Linus fr being the one of learning some people to beat the shit out of a drum kit until you puke a sight worth all of the madness. Willy for putting the effort to the band in the last months. Steve Hyland for your great parts of the band, has been something of a mad change to the shit we did.
Thanx to all our great friends who helped us out releasing our records, wouldn't be as great as it turned out without your help!
We have a mile long list of people that we wanna thank through over the years, just not possible to get it all to print! We do appreciate you all, you know that!
Project Hopeless

Friday, June 11, 2010


uffffff this one is killer!!..
Senseless was legendary band from Požega, Croatia..they were active in late 90's when underground scene in Požega was the strongest one on this area, I think.. there was so many awsome bands right then (Senseless, Dislike, Helldis, Nonsense, Loš Primjer, Sprovod, Fight Back, Gruuthaagy and some others) with mostly the same crew of people circulating through those bands.. even today I can't decide which one is the best to me, but Senseless is definitely somewhere at the top..
their music was always hard to define.. they even called themselves power violence.. that was the first time I heard for that term, but I wouldn't say that they have much in common with what today is called power violence..
someone says that they play crust influenced with metal, and someone that this is metal influenced with crust.. funny, but that is totally irrelevant in this case, when it's about such a great band, you know, one of those when you listen them and you can't sitting still.. you must rise your hand or even jump few time in the air across your room (it's not recommended to listen them in the car while you drive, heheh..)..
I'm not one of those music theorist but I would describe them like raw and aggressive crust core with a little of metal influence..but you can judge yourself!..
they were very active and they had many releases, split tapes with some well known bands, also many gigs in Croatia and Slovenia..
here are some releases for which I know:
Senseless/Mastic Scum - split tape
Senseless/Twisted Truth - split tape
Senseless/Dickles Tracy - split tape
Senseless/Seguimos Aqui - split tape
Senseless/Nonsense/Brutal addition - 3-way split tape
Senseless/S.Z.I. - split 7" EP
Senseless/Pro Masa - split CD

nice discography, isn't it!?.. and I'm sure that there was more of that, probably some demo + songs on many compilations..
line up was, at first Goco - vocal, Kktz - bass, Dena - guitar and Suli - drums but then Goco left the band and Dena and Kktz take the microphone and terror continues..

I don't have any more info about them but below are some scans of an interview with them (Kktz actually) published in one old  'zine Bastard Of The Week #1 but it's on Croatian and it's totally not serious but it's interesting and fun for reading..(just click on the picture for the larger size)
also here are few download links for their releases so download and enjoy the noise!.. thanx to Kktz who send those links to me..

P.S. - as Kktz informed me there were some other members active in Senseless before those two line ups I had wrote about - Zebec (guitar), Kero (bass) and Vera (vocal) and Smole was guest vocal, besides on split EP with S.Z.I., also at their last live show..

 SENSELESS / S.Z.I. - split 7" EP
this is Senseless first and only one non-cassette release, I think (besides split CD with Pro Masa).. split with Slovenian crust band S.Z.I. (Sirup Za Iskašljevanje)..
on Senseless side 4 tracks recorded in their rehearsal room by their original (first one) line up with Smole (Dislike, Drob) as a guest on back vocals.. decent sound and great songs but not any fancy production here..
on S.Z.I. side 5 tracks of fast and raging crust with some engaged anti-state lyrics..
this EP is released by Slovenian label Abnormal Beer Terrorism in cooperation with bands and there were 530 copys pressed..

Senseless is represented here with live recordings from gig that took place atAKC Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slo, 20.04.1999.. nice raw sound and 14 their songs played by "new" line up with Dena and Kktz on vocals..
on the other side of a tape Mexicans Seguimos Aqui with their demo recordings from 1998.. S.A. are anarcho punk crust band with a little unusuall sound, but they are okay too..
tape is released by Ei Kiitos Tapes from U.K.

another one split tape.. this one is with legendary Slovenian grind band Dickless Tracy which are active still today.. both are represented with their live recordings from gig that took place in MKC Koper,Slovenia, 25 12.1999. which was part of their common mini-tour..  
11 tracks from Senseless in a little bit more drunk condition, if I may notice, heheh, but again great!
and on Dickless Tracy side 12 crazy grind core songs..
tape is released by bands, at their own..

Monday, June 7, 2010

MORE NOIZE #4 fanzine

here is the latest number of More Noize 'zine.. it's music-oriented 'zine from UK.. on 32 A5 pages you can find interview with Giftgasattack, See You In Heel Brazilian tour report, tons of fanzine, tapes and other records reviews (about 10 pages of them), pictures of Last Sentence and Vaccuum, some author's thoughts about music.. anyway a lot of interesting text to read!..
you can read it online, download PDF file of it or you can buy a copy.. for more info how to do all that visit Punks is Hippies - the blog!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

videos from some past gigs..

here are some videos from gigs I had wrote about before here and here..  I've founded them on the net few days ago and thought that will be okay to post them here.. thanks goes to Njec who gave me permission for using them..

first one is from gig that was happened in Medika squat, Zagreb on 15.03.2010.. there were playing Stigma, I Hope You Suffer and Last Legion Alive.. only thing that suck here is that there isn't recorded the whole performance by Last Legion Alive, only part of it, and they were so great.. especially when you know that their last song was cover of Amebix's Axeman.. hmmm.. it's a shame, but fuck it.. better something than nothing..

second two videos are also from Medika, Zagreb from gig on which were played,beside Dispro and Nulla Osta which are represented here at videos, Dažd and Bolesno Grinje on 20.03.2010..

info about ..crucified freedom..

there is an info about ..crucified freedom.. at hcmorethanmusic blog..
also you can find there a lot of other blogs and 'zines infos, scene reports from all over the world (mainly hardcore and straight edge), etc..
ok.. thank you Brian for asking me this..

ROT - Fuck You All (Patareni cover)

this one puts smile on my face every time I  listen to it! just like author of this video had wrote: "Cult Brasilian Grind/Hardcore Punk band covered cult song from Patareni."
 I found this video here.. check out this channel with bunch of great stuffs from 80's and 90's..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

PUNK//PING/PONK #4 fanzine

this 'zine is hailing from Selangor, Malaysia.. one of the rare on English from southeast Asia that I 've opportunity to found..
it's published in 2009.. good old diy cut'n'paste style here on 44 black/white pages.. this is pdf version of it, but it was printed/photocopied in 200 piaces..
in it you can read interviews with Extinction of Mankind, Hellbastard, Wardogs, Diskontroll and Sacrilege, some kind of questionnaire on the theme about audio cassetes (if they are forgotten or not), and some reviews..
editor of this 'zine is also active in bands Apparatus and Atomicdeath and with the diy label Disarmament so check those out, too..
the download link I've found at Koleksi Zine Punk Rock blog and 'zine contact is at: