Tuesday, September 29, 2015


punk de Mexico at it's best, jajajaja!!.. I remember this band was pretty popular here, almost every distro had their tapes.. those live footage were made at 10th anniversary gig in 2004.. it seems like they are active still today but don't sound at all that good as back then.. found those videos at this channel, on which you can also find some more recent stuff by them..

mucha gente sin ningun motivo
derrama sangre a lo pendejo y bien
sabe que su destino
es la pinche muerte!!

estupidas guerras, tu crees en ellas
mentiras y lujurias, viven con ella
estupidas guerras, no saben que hacer
sabes que es tu destino y mueres en ellas!!



Friday, September 25, 2015

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?...............29.09.2015., Tuesday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................KYREST neocrust, Ger
                         NAMET crust, Cro
entrance?...........25 kn

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?...............03.10.2015., Saturday
where?..............club Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.................B. DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk stoner, Cro
                         LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
                         PAKT raw hc, Slo
entrance?...........5 euros

Thursday, September 24, 2015

NULLA OSTA "Kad Utihnu Psi​.​.​.​Dolazi Doba Vukova" LP is out now!!

hell yeah, the newest material by this d-beat hc punk monster on 12" LP is out, as co-release between Fucking Kill records, DHP & AK-47, FFud records, Neanderthal Stench, Blackout Brigade and Gestalt records.. it comes with really nice artwork and it's available from above mentioned records/distribution for 8 euros..

also there's limited version on Fucking Kill rec which includes CD-R with all songs that they recorded since 2009 'till today..and when it's about the noise you can check it at FKR bandcamp

more info: http://fucking-kill-records.blogspot.hr/2015/09/fkr37-fkr375-nulla-osta-kad-utihnu.html

Friday, September 18, 2015

DISBAJA - Fog of Lies - live @ Attack, Zagreb 15.09.2015.

fresh raw dbeat punk band from Zagreb/Požega performing at last week's gig in club Attack, feat Gera (Hellback, Dislike, No Name, etc.) as guest on vocals.. simply great!..

Thursday, September 10, 2015

upcoming gig in Zadar, Croatia

when?...........12.09.2015., Saturday
where?..........AKC Nigdjezemska, Zadar
who?.............SPLIT VEINS hc punk d beat, UK
                     CULT SYNDROME hc punk, UK
entrance?......20 kn

the gig will be held as a closure of  Balkan Anarchist Bookfair about which you can get more info here: https://bask2015.wordpress.com/

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

DISKOBRA - A Diskobra visszatér 7" EP out now!!

"DISKOBRA - Dirty raw d-beat crust punk from Hungary with lyrics in their mother language about social issues and with ex members of HUMAN ERROR, inspired by the scandinavian 80´s bands like MOB 47, PROTES BENGT or DISCARD with a pinch of finnish punk, reminiscent vocal of old classic bands like KAAOS or TERVEET KADET. A little bit special band with their own style. Total hailstorm! The material was taken from their demo tape including two songs from their split CD with DISPLEASE. Coming out on Aback Distribution in this time eight toxic songs, on black vinyl with milk splatter in edition to 500 pieces with the inlay and cover printed on hard paper. Price for one copy 5 Euro without shipping. For the postal order added button with sticker band!! TRADES ARE WELCOME for sure! I love to trade so much!! Or i can also offer a wholesale price, but i always prefer to trade."

LEFT TO STARVE / BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO euro tour September/October 2015

"Slowly but surely we are filling up the missing gaps! We are still missing two dates to finish our booking so any ideas where to make some noise would be more than welcome!
Dates we need are: september 24th and 28th!!!

15.09. - Zagreb (HR) @ Attack 
16.09. - Vienna (A) @ EKH
17.09. - Bratislava (SK) @ TBA
18.09. - Praha (CZ) @ Klinika
19.09. - Berlin (D) @ Kastanienkeller
20.09. - Hamburg (D) @ TBA
21.09. - Kopenhagen (DK) @ TBA
22.09. - Malmø (S) @ TBA 
23.09. - Bremen (D) @ Altes Sportamt
24.09. - any ideas??? HELP HELP!!!
25.09. - Leipzig (D) @ Zoro ???
26.09. - Leipzig (D) @ Zoro ???
27.09. - Berlin (D) @ Koma F
28.09. - any ideas??? MORE HELP!!!
29.09. - Schwabish Gmund (D) @ Esperanza 
30.09. - Tubingen (D) @ TBA
01.10. - Kremsmünster (A) @ TBA
02.10. - Graz (A) @ Sub
03.10. - Ljubljana (SLO) @ Gromka
04.10. - Zagreb (HR) ???

Saturday, September 5, 2015


I remember, back then when I was a kid, 1st or 2nd tape ever bought from some distro was Mrtvá Budoucnost/Dislike split tape.. at that time I was just discovering the whole hc punk thing and only listen to few punk or hc punk bands.. I remember when this came with post my 1st thought was that there's something wrong with the cassette, that tape is fcked up or something and put it aside.. but my curiosity didn't let me calm so I give it a few more tries.. and with every new listening this enormous noise get more and more sense and such music (extreme hc, crust...) slowly become, and still is actually my favorite genre.. and of course Mrtvá Budoucnost, since then have special place in my heart..

so, Mrtvá Budoucnost was extreme hc band from Czech R., active in 90's and early 00's.. some members were/are later in also well known See You in Hell.. they were pretty much active with couple of euro tours, bunch of gigs and numerous releases..

recently I found this live footage from their gig at Obscene Society back then in 2000, and I knew that this is a must have post for my blog, so here it is.. sound quality is excellent (heheh) so don't be afraid to put your speakers/headphones to maximum and enjoy this madness..

also there is interesting interview with Filip (guitar) at Knives&Forks so go check it here: http://k-and-f.chat.ru/mrtva_e.html

and for the end here are some lyrics sheets, from their split EP with Pangs of Remorse and split tape with Dislike, for die hard fans.. (click on the picture for larger size..)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..............05.09.2015, Saturday
where?.............club Gromka, Ljubljana
who?................FATUM stench crust, Rus
                        AK-47 @ hc punk crust, Cro
entrance?..........5 euros
