Thursday, March 31, 2011

Come to Cologne! - For the Autnomous Center (Koln, Germany)

Demo für ein AZ! Samstag nach Tag X
Callout: For an autonomous Center! - Everything has to be done by ourselfs!
The Autonomous Center in Cologne-Kalk exists nearly since a year. During this time thousands of guests used and created this special place in more than 250 events. The first cinema of the neighborhood was founded, in many workshops skills were being developed, the weekly unemployed-consultation helped many people in their problems with the Unemployment-agency, concerts gave the opportunity to local bands to make free appearances, exhibitions met their public, political groups used the house for their work – everything self-organized and uncomercial, without a cent from the city. The idea of a place, where people can enjoy and create culture without depending of their walle, found many new friends.

The squatted ex-cantine of the company KHD had been left empty from the mucinipal savings bank (Sparkasse) and abandoned to its expiration. Without the squatting the result would be more years without use. The squatters were seeking from the beginning the discussion with responsible political persons. In many conversations not only the idea of the Autonomous Center was presented, but also a plan of use and financing opened the way for a cultural center in Cologne.

The mayor named Roters and the municipal savings bank are against a meaningful utilisation of Wiesbergstreet 44. Under flimsy excuses and through desinformation of the public the Autonomous Center is to be evicted and the building to be demolished, without that further plans exist. As allready with the Barmer-quarter in Deutz, the next "most-expensive-parking place-Germanys" is being prepared.

We, friends of the Autonomous Center, Leftists, Syndicalists call out for the demonstration "For an autonomous center! - Everything has to be done by ourselfs" on Saturday 2nd of April 2011. The houses can be evicted, the buildings can be replaced by parking-places – the idea for a self-organized life and culture can not be demolished!

Saturday 2n of April, 18:00, Cologne, in front of the Dome of Cologne (near the central station, station Köln Hbf)


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

7th Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb

The 7th Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on April 1st to April 3rd, 2011.

Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK - Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) is annual anarchist event that aims to become a long-term, developing project. First six bookfairs went well, and we hope to bring in more and more people every year as participants, publishers, groups, projects - whoever is interested in what the bookfair has to offer. This year we decided to send out call for photo exhibition titled "Anarchism in practice"..

for more info and a program of bookfair check their web site..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

upcoming benefit gig in Novi Marof..

udruga mladih Alternativa, u suradnji sa udrugom mladih Low Distance, vam predstavlja povratak koncerata benefit karaktera u Novi Marof!
razlog? sakupljanje sredstava za daljnji rad i više nego važan projekt uređenja stare sportske dvorane. planovi su veliki, proljetni koncert postao je svojevrsna tradicija pa zašto ne jednim takvim projektom pomoći ostvarivanje drugoga?

youth association Alternativa, in cooperation with youth association Low Distance, presents return of benefit-character concerts in Novi Marof!
reason? raising funds necessary for following work and for more than important project - arrangement of old sports hall..
plans are big, spring concert became kind of tradition, so why not with one such project help to accomplish other?

Bendovi koji će nam pomoći u toj namjeri su: / bands which will help in that purpose are:

D.J. and The Wootchyak (hardcore/punk, Pula)
Nulla Osta (hardcore, Pula)
Godlike (thrash metal/hardcore, Zagreb)
Decomposing Entity (death/experimental metal, Zagreb)
Sentence (hardcore, Zagreb)
Apfuken (hardcore/punk, Varaždin)

where?.............sports hall Novi Marof

Monday, March 14, 2011

sumrak iluzija

                       "pogledaj dobro svoju obećanu zemlju
                       od zemlje obećanja nastala je zemlja iluzija...

                       gdje su nestala sva tvoja obećanja
                       stalno se množe ista stara sranja
                       tvoj san te je vodio sad ga ima jako malo
                       netko ga je jeftino prodao
                       policija- u službi građana
                       vlast- u ime naroda
                       sve to zvući kao jako loša šala
                       ali je nažalost i predobro uspjela

                       uče te da stojiš poslušno u redu
                       da nevidiš jad ,da nevidiš bijedu
                       da i dalje vjeruješ u obečanja
                       i živiš od davno umrlog sna
                       ali san je san, a san je iluzija
                       iluzija je obmana, obmana i prevara
                       ti više ne možeš živjeti od obećanja
                       jer ti sada gledaš sumrak iluzija
                       on polako te obavija, u sebe te uvija
                       iznutra te ispunjava i nikada ne napušta
                       i sada sebe gledaš kao potpunog stranca
                       gledaš se odnekud izdaleka

                      i dok stojim sam na nepoznatom mjestu
                      ukoćeno promatram sumrak iluzija
                      nebo je tamno kao budućnost
                      što više gledam naprijed sve više vidim prošlost
                      u buci ratnih strojeva i propagandnih slogana
                      izgubilo se moje srce nestalo je moje ja
                      u buci ratnih strojeva i propagandnih slogana
                      izgubilo se moje srce nestalo je moje JA"


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


few days ago I've got an e-mail from this 'till now unknown band to me, with link to their bandcamp page and demo.. was positively surprised with their mix of d-beat crust with hc and metal.. here is some info about them written by Jason..

"We are Life Erased from Dallas, Texas. We formed in mid-2009 and have played somewhere around 60-70 gigs since our first show September 11, 2009. We've been lucky to share the stage with some amazing bands, so far... to name a few: Nux Vomica, Phobia, Coche Bomba, Giuda, Caulfield, Kontatto, Hellbastard, Hatred Surge, Vile Intent, Man The Conveyors, Kill The Client, Book of Black Earth, Mutilation Rtes, The Skuds, Varix, Paranoid Freakout, Javelina. We help run a DIY venue called The Phoenix Project and work to further promote the underground scene here. Life Erased is Jason Barnett (vocals), Wyatt Burton (guitar & vocals), Tyler Wolfe (bass) & Matt Preston (drums)."

LIFE ERASED - Atop The Mountain Of Your Dead Selves (demo)
Life Erased delivers here 6 songs in very good mixture of modern d-beat crust with strong hc and metal influences,it means a lot of fast beats and riffs combined with some heavy guitar parts, furious solos here and there, and with great dual vocals.. all together, something more than 17 min of metal punk madness.. 
as music itself, lyrics are also full of darkness and misery, as it is commonly for such bands, but written interesting and good.. Jason told me that this is their demo, but considering on great production and band drill this could be one proper album..
anyhow, worth to checking band, that's for sure..
they offer those recordings for free download at the best qualities from their bandcamp page, which is commendable, of course..

upcoming benefit gig for anarchist bookfair in Zagreb

Saturday, 5.03.2011., Jedinstvo, Zagreb

benefit gig for 7th Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb

LOŠ PRIMJER (melodic hc punk, Požega)
LJUBIŠA SAMARDŽIĆ (metal punk, Zagreb)
KRIVA ISTINA (melodic hc punk, Sl. Brod)

entrance: 30kn

more info about the bookfair check here:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


one more band from Požega, Croatia, active in '90s.. in short, raw hc punk on old fashioned balkan style with m/f vocals.. thanx to kktz on some info and on forwarding download link for their discography to me..
besides this CD-R I know that they released the demo "Vlast Stvara Mržnju" and they appeared on numerous compilations all over the globe, from which I would single out legendary "Bullshit Detector vol. 4"..

"anarcho punk in old Požega's style, formed in '92 in next line up: Edita - vox, Dinko - bass & vox, Kktz - guitar & vox, Želja - drums.. then the sound was mostly peace punk.. then line up changes in: Edita - vox, Kktz - vox, Gera - guitar, Dinko - bass, Robi drums and it comes to more hc and crust influences..
in the last line up Lolić from Našice changes Gera on guitar, also the sound is changing a little, but still remains real underground punk..
after that Dinko and Edita went to study and then live in Zagreb and the band stops with work..."

ANTITUDE - discography CD-R
"...this is ripped from CD-R released for Australian label Smell The Stench, published a way after the band stopped working, somewhere at the beginnings of '00s.. songs and its versions are scattered from all of  the band's stages, it means recordings from some rehearsals, live from Monte Paradiso fest '93.. something of those recordings we released back then in the '90s at our own, but here we have all that on one place..
all is very raw, but that's the way like old diy was.. about some studio demo there weren't any thoughts.."

the link is originally published at descargandorabia.blogspot and you can download it here