Wednesday, November 11, 2015

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?............14.11.2015., Saturday
where?...........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..............BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk, Zd
                      SICK CRAP hc punk, Pu
                      RED TAPE hc punk, Pu
                      MAKSIMALNI ROKENROL punk rock, Zg
entrance?.......25 kn

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO / LEFT TO STARVE / PAKT - live @ Gromka, Ljubljana (Slovenia) 03.10.2015. - video

tapes are still cool..

the other day I got a few tapes from Olden Sonorities distro for which I was sure they aren't available anywhere still today.. some really nice older pieces: Nonsense - Always Against, Inhumate / Gorgonized Dorks / Asyntax / Nonsense – 4 way split, Praia De Vomito / Nonsense - split, Bloodsucking Freaks / Disorganized - split, and two more recent: Dažd - Demo trake EP and GutterSkull - Crawling in Disgust..
not bad, I have a lot of great stuff to listen in next few days/months and, who knows, maybe I'll be willing to write some reviews here soon..

also have 2 extra tapes of GutterSkull, so if anyone is interested get in touch (20 kn, Croatia only)..

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

upcoming gig in Našice, Croatia

when?.................30.10.2015., Friday
where?................caffe bar Bacardi, Našice
who?...................HELLBACK hc punk crust, Pž
                           PROSLOV melodic hc, Žu

upcoming gigs in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..........29.10.2015., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?............P.R.S.O.! hc punk, Ser
                    PESTARZT hc punk, Ser
entrance?.....5 euros

when?...........5.11.2015., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.............GERK hc crust, Arg
                     DROBOVINA crust, Slo
entrance?......5 euros

Monday, October 26, 2015

GUTTERSKULL - Crawling in Disgust - tape

GutterSkull is a brand new project from Požega, run by Kktz.. it's actually a one-man band playing mix of classic d-beat and black metal in just typical of him, primitive and raw style with great short lyrics full of pessimism, anguish and darkness.. this is published as a tape on Olden Sonorities and it's cost is 20 kn..

here's nice review from Crust Demos blog:

"GutterSkull come from Požega-Slavonia County, Croatia and its the one man project of kktz, member of Nuclear Altar (who's Blessed Ruins was a great shit of D-Beat) and author of the now defunt Wasted Potentials and Corpus Delicti blogs. Crawling in Disgust is the first recorded material for GutterSkull and delivers a blending of D-beat and metal: The drumming is D-beat and runs in the typical for a D-beat band paces, the guitar is raw and primitive and delivers the usual three chord riffs and these are omens of another Dis band walking in the room but here enter new elements: The guitar sound has a rough (black) metal edged feeling while the vocals are totally black metal morbid shrieks instead of the usual shouts or screams, they create a sinister feeling and reminiscent the Warmaggedon era of Disflesh, even the lyrics are dark and pessimistic ("March of the wounded Fate worse than death "). If there is a term to coin here and describe Crawling in Disgust, then is the Blackened D-beat. There are eleven tracks here incl. the Thermonuclear Devastation cover of Onlaught. All and all this is a honest and nice effort and manages to mix D-beat and extreme metal in a cool way. This came out as cassette by Olden Sonorities limited to 50 hand numbered copies and is also available in bandcamp."


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia

when?...............18.10.2015., Sunday
where?..............Tom klub, Požega
who?.................POPPY SEED GRINDER grindcore, Cz
                         DISLIKE grindcore, Cro
entrance?..........20 kn

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..........16.10.2015., Friday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?............ATOMSKI RAT raw hc noise, Srb
                    KALO hc punk, Srb
                    POPPY SEED GRINDER grindcore, Cz
entrance?.....5 euros

Saturday, October 10, 2015

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?..............14.10.2015., Wednesday
where?.............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?................OI POLLOI anarcho punk, Sco
                        AK-47 anarcho crust punk, Cro
                        KRIVA ISTINA melodic hc punk, Cro
entrance?.........40 kn

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia

when?.............13.10.2015., Tuesday
where?............Prostor, Čakovec
who?...............OI POLLOI anarcho punk, Sco
                       LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
                       ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Cro
entrance?........30 kn

Mentalna Smrt, Centar za mlade Čakovec - Prostor i Udruga mladih "3FF" Čakovec vam predstavljaju:

OI POLLOI (Edinburgh, Škotska) - Anarchoi
Pank lektira! Bend koji je generacije panxa doslovno odgajao dolazi nam u Čakovec da svi zajedno zapjevamo protiv nacista, homobofa, zagađenja i drugih svima nam poznatih tema. Dugogodišnji staž na sceni nije ih ni malo smekšao te očekujte intenzivnu pankčinu od prve do zadnje sekunde.

LEFT TO STARVE (Karlovac) - Hardcore/crust
Mladi i nabrijani Karlovački panxi koji se s razlogom i treći put vračaju na stage u Prostoru. Ovaj put s jednom odrađenom europskom turnejom na kontu i novim materijalom koji je naprosto fantastičan.

ILL WIND (Zagreb) - Punk/rock
Još jedni povratnici u Prostor kojima se jako veselimo. Zasad još nemaju snimljenih materijala, ali ekipa koja ih je imala prilike čekirati uživo ili na probama priča o fantastičnoj nabrijanoj i catchy pankčini.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia

when?............10.10.2015., Saturday
where?...........Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?..............MAŠINKO punk rock, Zg
                      ONE STEP AWAY punk rock, Vž
                      LURCH punk rock, Đu
                      M.T.O.D.A.E. stoner rock, Zg
entrance?.......20 kn

Thursday, October 1, 2015

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.........4.10.2015., Sunday
where?.......Močvara, Zagreb
who?..........B. DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk stoner, Cro
                  LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
                  ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Cro
                  TYPESETTER indie rock, USA
entrance?...30 kn

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


punk de Mexico at it's best, jajajaja!!.. I remember this band was pretty popular here, almost every distro had their tapes.. those live footage were made at 10th anniversary gig in 2004.. it seems like they are active still today but don't sound at all that good as back then.. found those videos at this channel, on which you can also find some more recent stuff by them..

mucha gente sin ningun motivo
derrama sangre a lo pendejo y bien
sabe que su destino
es la pinche muerte!!

estupidas guerras, tu crees en ellas
mentiras y lujurias, viven con ella
estupidas guerras, no saben que hacer
sabes que es tu destino y mueres en ellas!!



Friday, September 25, 2015

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?...............29.09.2015., Tuesday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................KYREST neocrust, Ger
                         NAMET crust, Cro
entrance?...........25 kn