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PSP User Blog

Life after Vita

264d ago ... I really want another handheld from Sony – from the looks of things, I’m in the minority (a very small minority at that). The dedicated gaming handheld space has taken quite a step plunge since their lofty heights since the last generation. The culprit is most likely the growing handheld and tablet market. Nintendo seems fine despite all this thanks to their software lineup and the variety of p...

Why So Successful? - How Sony and the Playstation Platform Have Evolved

312d ago ... Last generation, I was able to purchase every major console and handheld, basically fulfilling a childhood dream – to own them all. It was an awesome dream to fulfill as a gamer. The sad part was that most of them became paperweights or dust collectors. As you get older, the time just isn’t there anymore….so enjoy and appreciate that free time while it lasts. I predominantly played Xbox and PS...

Sony, We Need To Talk

672d ago ... I was just reading the article here on N4G where Sony said they don't expect the Vita to sell as much as the PSP and I was pretty disgusted. It's the inspiration for this blog and I will cover a few things I am either disappointed about with Sony, or what I would like to see them do. Sony, you need to stop half-a$$ing your handhelds. If you don't intend to throw your full weight behind a han...

My Kickstarter Nightmare: Soul Saga Edition

675d ago ... UPDATE: created a thread on NeoGAF earlier this evening it's gotten quite a few responses, both sides of the fence, but still quite a civil discussion going on: ----- So today I was banned from the Soul Saga (DisasterCake) forum ; This came as a surprise since I'm generally a quiet and fair memb...

Playstation Vita's troubles and where to go next

678d ago ... It's no secret the Vita isn't doing so well. Chances are if you're reading this blog you'll have read around 15 articles and blogs about the death of the Vita and various ways to save it. This blog isn't entirely different, but I'm going to write about the ways the Vita is failing and the ways it's succeeding, and how the road to recovery doesn't really seem that complicated. Price: Price...

PS Vita TV - Initial Impressions

690d ago ... My first attempt at a Blog post, so go easy on me please :) I've been a handheld gamer ever since I got a Nintendo Game & Watch 'Juggler' as a gift from my grandparents back in the early 80s. Since then I've owned most of the popular devices; Gameboy, GBA, GBA Micro, DS, PSP, PSP Go, and Vita. This is the first time I got a handheld that's actually a console! So here are my impressions...

Opinion = Publishers get what they deserve on Vita and Wii U

833d ago ... Here we go again. Catch 22 rears it's head up. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising given the poor sales of Vita but EA have decided to pull the same trick on Vita this year that they did last year. That is whip up last year's edition and slap this year's title on it. And then they wonder why things flop? Take a look back at EA's stance on Wii and PSP years ago and you begin to think they ar...

Sony, You Disappoint Me

839d ago ... You have to admit that Sony have been on a roll lately. The PlayStation 4 seems to be getting better all the time, and the PlayStation 3 has been completely turned around from the overpriced game-less mess that was it's launch. The PS3 has the most exclusives out of all the consoles and PlayStation Plus seems like a complete steal because of its free games. Sony are really committed to their...

Vita and Wii U; Same Problem, Different Solutions

880d ago ... In all fairness, I do not yet own a Vita. I still intend to get one (most likely after I get a PS4); a platform of its nature will undoubtedly have the potential for great content. So far, the games I wish to get for mine include Persona 4, Tearaway, Gravity Rush, Muramasa: Rebirth and any of the transferable Playstation 1 and digital PSP/Vita games sitting in my PSN account. For me, this will...

8th Generation - The Generation of Blood

912d ago ... Looking back, the 7th Gen of gaming was fairly tame. No one actually "lost". Wii, PS3, 360, DS, and PSP each carved out a respectable market, and a few of these (like the PS3 and 360) are still getting big-name releases. Sure, there were times of drought. Sure, there were moments when a console got bruised (like RRoD, or the PSN hack), but no one failed outright. It was the first time that had...

Sony...the vita...the projections

927d ago ... For a while now i've tried to figure out exactly why Sony would project a 5 million console shipment for the psp and vita this year. What strikes me is not the prediction itself, but instead the honesty involved. See, in business, honesty is not usually the best policy. Hence, behind the prediction is probably not a new-found philosophy as much as a strategy. Lets see...if you admit to th...

Why I love Console gaming :)

938d ago ... First of all, I’m a gamer. I don’t play a machine, I play games, all of them, regardless of the platform. Sure I have favourite genres and titles and I don’t play everything (how’s that possible), but the point is, being a gamer is about GAMES, not being a fanboy (fangirl?) of a platform. I have a good gaming PC, I have a PS3, I have an XBOX360, I have a PSVita, I have a 3DS, I have a PSP, I...

5 forgotten promises of the 3DS

961d ago ... Do some digging into Nintendo's own announcements for the system and you'll begin to find that the current state of the 3DS is a far cry from what we were led to expect. Promises were made. Features were implied. Yet, here we are today with a system that isn't all it could have been. 1.An online revolution Oh, Nintendo. When will you learn? The 3DS could have been the start of another gamin...

PS3: Weak Start...Strong Finish

1001d ago ... With the launching of Sony's new Playstation 4 console later in the year, many people feel the era of the Playstation 3 is coming to an end. Now its no secret Sony continues to support their consoles well after the successor is released so by no means does anyone believe the PS3 will be simply retired after November, however beginning in 2014, Sony's main focus will shift over to the PS4....

Marketing For PlayStation Meeting Has Been Superb

1018d ago ... It would be an understatement to say Sony's recent marketing has been poor. From the early PlayStation 3 (PS3) commercials to the lack of any marketing push for certain titles (ex. Sly Cooper Thieves in Time), the company has struggled to get a grasp on how best to market many of its products. As I discussed last week, Sony has a unique opportunity on their hands with this week's Futre of PlayS...

Features the PlayStation 4/Orbis should have

1051d ago ... With the PS4 rumored to be releasing this year, and on the verge of being announced, I thought it would be cool to produce a list of features it should have. Feel free to add/modify, comment, etc... Backwards Compatibility (PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP/PSV?) A problem the PS3 has been struggling with, and a problem it looks like the PS4 will be struggling with as well. It was hard for the PS3 to emul...

My PC Gaming Experience or: How I Learned to Stop Pirating and Love Steam.

1055d ago ... I want to share my experience of coming over to PC Gaming. Simple as that. Before Christmas, while walking through the magazine section of Tesco (Irelands version of Wal-Mart) I decided to take my usual monthly glance thru Edge magazine and when I say glance I mean 'stand-there-for-10-minutes-reading-the-magazine'. I came across an article of a game called "Day Z". The more I read, the more...

Outrage! + Skyrim: Impatience Tips

1162d ago ... First of all, I noticed that the tabs on our own N4G do not include the PS3. Here is the list of the tabs(in order): All, XB360, Wii U, Wii, PC, Vita, PSP, DS, GDC, and then the + at the end. NOWHERE do I see a tab labeled "PS3". Yet I DO see TWO versions of the PSP and two versions of the Wii. How come they have two versions of the PSP, which originated from the PS3, but they don't have the PS...

Have you forgotten the core, Microsoft?

1265d ago ... First of all, sorry for any grammar failes in this blog. I just used Google translate to translate it from Norwegian to English. I've been a PlayStation guy in my entire life. I have a PlayStation 2 that I got for Christmas a few years ago, I have two PSPer, a PS Vita and PlayStation 3 I've always liked Sony for their focus on the game and especially the core players. For about 3 years ag...

E3 2012 Predictions

1292d ago ... In two short weeks, E3 2012 will be upon us and with it a slew of information about the future of the industry. "Innovation Unveiled" is this years slogan for the popular trade show but what can we expect to see out of the show? Many people have posted what they want to see out of E3 but none have posted what will realistically come out of the show. In the first part I will put what will be my...
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