  1. 人們 查看所有

  2. 18 小時前

    Turnbull- "It's all about results" - I wouldn't be saying that if I was him

  3. 2月4日

    The will destroy medicare given the opportunity!

  4. 5 小時前

    Cory Bernardi and myself would like to thank the following traitors for mess.

  5. 2月5日

    TAFE BUGGERED... made sure of it for her own gain. dud diplomas, rubbish training and fraudulent job access

  6. 2月5日


  7. 2 小時前

    So Turnbull has sold out pretty much everything he believes in to appease the crazed right wing, and they're leaving anyway.

  8. 2 小時前

    Does understand that for her to become PM, would need to win 76 lower house seats?? She has zero now.

  9. 3 小時前

    Sickening that Liberals screamed blue murder all the way through bogus Trade Union RC but silent through Child Abuse RC. Sickening!

  10. 5 小時前

    The face of the Angry Blokes Party

  11. 5 小時前

    Cory Bernardi's "Australian Majority" Pauline Hanson's "One Nation" These people love an oxymoron

  12. 5 小時前

    FFS. , Putin was implicated in the killing of 38 Australians on . Do you condone that?

  13. 5 小時前

    BREAKING; Cory Bernardi confirms Liberals hate Liberals too!

  14. 6 小時前

    Not just insensitive but dangerous - a man implicated in the deaths of 38 Australians on board MH17

  15. 6 小時前

    Cory Bernardi's conservative movement already has a pretty rad promo video.

  16. No more excuses. It's time for Parliament to do its job & hold a free vote on . Let's get it done.

  17. 6 小時前

    hahaha So now right wing nut jobs have a choice between Hanson's One Racists party & Cory Bernardi/Chris Kenny's Two Dogs F*cking

  18. 7 小時前

    Cory Bernardi to split from the racist Coalition to start his own even new more racist party

  19. 7 小時前

    STORY: Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is set to split from the Coalition

  20. 7 小時前

    MSM working really hard to give Pauline Hanson the maximum exposure, just like US media did with Trump. Who needs advertising money?

  21. 7 小時前


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